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Electrotechnics N5
Electrotechnics N5
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Electrotechnics N5, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca on.co.za to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca on.co.za. For best results, use TVET First Electrotechnics N5!
Changes to the curriculum for 2021:
• Modules 7 to 10 of the previous curriculum have been removed. • The revised curriculum has been broken down into weighted modules with learning content and detailed, numbered Learning Outcomes. • Some of the modules have been reordered.
Modules and weigh ngs:
The new curriculum has been broken down into modules with weigh ngs as follows:
New curriculum (2021):
Module 1 DC machines 20%
Module 2 AC theory 20%
Module 3 Transformers 20%
Module 4 Measurement of power in AC circuits 10%
Module 5 AC machines 20%
Module 6 Genera on and supply of AC power 10%
Summary of changes:
• The curriculum is largely unchanged. • Modules have been weighted and reordered slightly. • Welding machines and methods of reversing are no longer covered in the DC machines module. • Welding machines, cooling methods and tap-changing are no longer covered in the transformer module. • Range changing – shunt resistance and transformers are no longer covered in the module on measuring instruments. • Speed control by pole changing, reversal and circle diagrams are no longer covered under induc on motors in N5.
• Switchgear and protec ve devices (old Module 7) have been removed completely. • Sta c control (old Module 8) has been removed completely. • Installa on, care, opera on, maintenance, supervision and inspec on of transformers, cables, switchgear and protec ve devices (old Module 9) have been removed completely. • Materials used for the design of electrical equipment and types of dielectric (old Module 10) have been removed completely.
Changes in more detail:
Module 1 Weight 20%
Module 2
Weight 20%
Module 3
Weight 20%
DC machines Learning content remaining on:
• DC motor characteris cs and applica ons • Calcula ons of back emf (KVL and emf equa on) and torque induced • Armature reac on (defi ne, diagrams, calcula ons) • Commuta on (defi ne, diagrams, calcula ons, methods to reduce) • Speed control of DC motors (diagrams and calcula ons) • Resistance star ng of DC motors (diagrams and calcula ons) • Characteris cs of DC generators and calcula ons to obtain level compounding
Content removed:
• Methods of reversing • Welding machines
AC theory Learning content remaining on:
• Genera on of an alterna ng EMF, AC waveforms and alterna ng quan es (defi ni ons and calcula ons) including mid-ordinate rule • RLC circuits • Power in AC circuits • Three phase balanced and unbalanced loads (star only for unbalanced)
Transformers Learning content remaining on:
• Opera on of a single phase transformer including useful and leakage fl ux • Circuit and vector diagrams on no-load and full-load plus calcula ons • Equivalent circuit ignoring voltage drops • Equivalent resistance, reactance and impedance • Voltage regula ons (leading and lagging power factor)
Module 4
Weight 10%
Module 5
Weight 20%
Module 6
Weight 10%
• Losses and open and short-circuit tests • Three phase transformers (diagrams and calcula ons) • Parallel opera on of transformers (requirements and calcula ons)
Content removed:
• Welding machines • Cooling methods are no longer covered (covered in N4) • Tap-changing on and off load
Measurement of power in AC circuits (This was previously Module 6) Learning content remaining on:
• Measuring power in balanced and unbalanced systems with wa meters
Content removed:
• Range changing – shunt resistance is no longer covered in N5 • Transformers are no longer covered in this module
AC machines (This was previously Module 4) Learning content remaining on:
• Emf equa on of an alternator • Parallel opera on of alternators (diagrams and calcula ons) • Opera on, star ng, characteris cs and hun ng of synchronous motors • Three phase induc on motors – opera on, slip, energy fl ow (losses) and torque (including calcula ons), current speed rela onship
Content removed:
• Speed control by pole changing (induc on motor) • Reversal (induc on motor) • Circle diagrams are only covered in N6
Genera on and supply of AC power (This was previously Module 5) Learning content remaining on:
• Resistance, inductance and capacitance of overhead transmission lines • Voltage regula ons and effi ciency of short transmission lines