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Quan ty Surveying N4


Quan ty Surveying N4


This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Quan ty Surveying N4, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. For best results, use TVET First Quan ty Surveying N4.

New in this curriculum Example in TVET First Major changes from the previous curriculum:

The seven sec ons of the previous curriculum have been reorganised into fi ve new modules. The fi rst two modules are theory modules. The prac cal work is in the last three modules and makes up the bulk of the work.

Module 1: Quan ty Surveying in the construc on industry

This module includes aspects of Modules 1 and 2 of the previous curriculum, but the focus has changed to give an overall understanding of what quan ty surveying involves. Module 1 includes discussions of the role and du es of a quan ty surveyor, quan ty surveying documents and the standard system of measuring. There is less emphasis than previously on the construc on team. TVET First provides useful informa on about using the Standard System of Measurement and how the Bill of Quan es should be set out according to these standards – see pages 9–13.

Module 2: Offi ce procedures (Bill of Quan es)

This module incorporates aspects of Modules 3 (terminology) and 7 (bill of quan es) of the previous version. Less weigh ng is given to the BoQ at this level.

Module 3: Recording of measurements

This is a new module, focusing on the correct principles and techniques of measurements and taking off . It corresponds to the previous Module 5. Students also produce free-hand sketches of sec onal drawings, but no longer produce specialised plan drawings. TVET First has detailed explana ons of terminology (for example, page 18), useful explana ons of important concepts such as taking off (for example, pages 21–23).

TVET First provides helpful examples to guide students in this important area of work. (for example, see pages 42–48)


New in this curriculum Example in TVET First Module 4

This module has changed in organisa on and format. Students are required to measure according to the trade for diff erent construc on projects:

4.1: Measuring (Founda on) 4.2: Measuring (Super-structure) 4.3: Measuring of roof-structure 4.4: Measurement (Door) 4.5: Measurement (Window) 4.6: Measuring (Plain opening)

This is a vital sec on which students need to master for the exams. TVET First provides many exam-type examples with detailed dimension sheets to help students follow this process. Each example is followed by a related ac vity. See for example, pages 61–64.

Module 5: Working up

TVET First shows students correct methods compared to incorrect methods for squaring and abstrac ng, for example, pages 99–101.

Module 6: Price analysis and es ma ng

TVET First explains all the terminology and uses examples to teach this sec on in a step-wise manner. See pages 129–133 for examples.

TVET First Quan ty Surveying N4 has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover all requirements of the 2021 curriculum!

●  All learning content and Learning Outcomes correspond to the 2021 curriculum. ●  The book has a new layout and easy-to-read fonts, with screenshots to illustrate func ons. ●  TVET First has summaries and summa ve assessments for exam prac ce at the end of each module. ●  TVET First off ers defi ni on boxes and a full glossary so that language issues don’t get in the way of students’ learning.

TVET First authors:

Sparrow Consul ng

The authors are experienced consultants and content developers.

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