Informa on Processing N4
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Informa on Processing N4, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. For best results, use TVET First Informa on Processing N4. Note: The previous curriculum was published in 1995. Changes to the curriculum include: Updated terminology: • Computers only (no typewriters) • Keying in (not typing) • Personal assistant (not secretary or typist) More focus on: • Word processing func ons and skills • Preparing the students for tasks related to a personal assistant • The ability to work independently • Using exis ng knowledge and skills func onally, at an increased tempo and at a more advanced level • Applying word processing skills to other programs. Prerequisite • Students must have passed Computer Applica on Technology (CAT) Grade 12 or Office Data Processing (ODP) L4 or Introductory Informa on Processing N4. Dura on • Remains one semester for full- or part- me students (17 hours), but 7 hours per week (Typing Technique 4 hours and Word Processing 3 hours per week) Evalua on • An Internal Con nuous Assessment (ICASS) mark of at least 40% as well as 80% class a endance. • Exam: The mark for Typing Technique (200) is added to the Word Processing mark (100) to obtain a mark out of 300 which is calculated as a mark out of 100 (percentage). A minimum examina on mark of 40% is required to pass. • To pass the course, a candidate must obtain a final mark of 40% (the ICASS mark and the examina on mark must be calculated together in a ra o of 40:60). Weigh ng changes for Typing technique: • Menus: 4 (instead of 5) • Business le ers: 8 (instead of 9) • Official le ers: 7 (instead of 5) • Assignment using Columns/Tables: 9 (new) • Financial Statements: 12 (instead of 10) • Tabular statements: 12 (instead of 14)
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