
41 minute read
Communica on N6
Communica on N6
76 new learning outcomes; 118 learning outcomes removed
Changes in weigh ng
Recall Comprehension Applica on Analysis Synthesis Evalua on
10–15 20–25 25–30 15–20 10–15 10–15
Paper 1 – Correspondence
Knowledge Applica on/Comprehension Analysis/Synthesis/Evalua on
10–20 30–50 30–40
Paper 2 – Theory
Knowledge Applica on/Comprehension Analysis/Synthesis/Evalua on
20–30 20–40 20–40
Changes in mark alloca ons in the exams
1995 Curriculum: (One paper) Sec on A Précis, core notes, concise communica on, graphic material, cri cal evalua on and edi ng = 25 Le ers, reports and mee ng correspondence = 75 100
2021 Curriculum: (Two papers) Paper 1: Correspondence Theore cal ques ons rela ng to the usage and applica on of correspondence documents = 5 Concise communica on, electronic correspondence, cri cal evalua on and edi ng, press release, programme for an event = 30 Le ers, reports, mee ng correspondence = 65 100
Communica on N6
1995 Curriculum: Sec on B
Mo va on = 20 Problem-solving and decision-making = 15 Coping with confl ict = 30 Stress = 20 Interviewing = 15 100
2021 Curriculum: Paper 2: Theory
Mo va on = 25 Problem-solving and decision-making = 20 Coping with confl ict = 20 Coping with stress = 20 Interviews = 15 100
Changes in learning content (fi rst column of the curriculum)
Module 1: Mo va on
15 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • New sec on: Herzberg’s two-factor theory is introduced in a new sec on on ‘Mo va on theories’. • Idea of ‘Defi ciency and growth in internal mo va on’ has been added. • Nature of mo ves and needs now also includes preconscious mo ves. • ‘Condescending confi dence and trust in employees’ is now ‘Almost no confi dence and trust in employees’. • New: Four leadership styles – autocra c; consulta ve democra c, par cipa ve democra c; laissez-faire or free reign. • Supervision also includes feedback to subordinates; and scheduling, regula ng and monitoring tasks eff ec vely. • Posi ve results of sa sfac on of needs also include improved and be er communica on leading to an environment with more harmony.
Module 2: Problem-solving and decision-making
8 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • Developing alterna ve solu ons also includes standard, obvious solu ons; crea ve solu ons; relying on exper se; drawing on past solu ons and brainstorming sessions. • ‘Deciding on the best solu on’ has become ‘Evaluate alterna ve solu ons’ and ‘Selec on of the best alterna ve’. • Separate sec on: ‘Follow-up, evalua on and control of the implemented decision’.

Communica on N6
Module 3: Coping with confl ict
11 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • The tradi onal view of confl ict has been added. • Working condi ons are spelt out as unfair labour prac ce, unrealis c work expecta ons, workload, etc. • Bullying and harassment have been added as causes of confl ict. • Approaches to coping with confl ict have been grouped into personal lifestyle approach, general workplace approach, and formal third-party resolu on. • Compe ng, compromising and collabora ng have been added. • New subsec on: Informal mechanisms for solving confl ict – nego a on, consulta on and persuasion.
Module 4: Coping with stress
This is a new module, using content that was previously in Module 3. 3 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • Physical eff ects also include sweaty palms. • Emo onal eff ects are listed separately as depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, restlessness, etc. ‘Neuroses’ has been removed. • ‘Personal living condi ons’ has become ‘Life stressors’. • ‘Working environment’ has become ‘Work stressors’. • Ways to cope with stress also include being physically healthy, changing your a tude and elimina ng unhealthy coping mechanisms. • The development of confl ict to stress and vice versa has been added.
Module 5: Interviews (previously Module 4) 12 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • The former ‘Types of interviews’ are now ‘Categories of interviews’. • New sec on: Types of interviews are listed as phone interviews, group interviews, one-on-one interviews, competency-based interviews, case interviews, open job interviews, behavioural interviews, lunch or dinner interviews, online interviews and video interviews. • ‘Hints for the interviewer in the interview situa on’, ‘Guidelines for the interviewee’ and ‘Guidelines for the interviewer’ have been grouped together as the ‘Interview prepara on phases – before, during and a er’ for both the interviewer and the interviewee. • Types of interview ques ons now include refl ec ve ques ons. • Common interview mistakes now also include bias, rushing, the halo eff ect, lack of interview skills and stereotyping. • Criteria for evalua ng applicants have been listed as didac c knowledge, competency skills, communica on skills, and reasoning or judgement, etc. • Radio and television interviews have been removed. • New sec on: Curriculum vitaes and resumés (Impressing the prospec ve employer to make an appointment with the candidate for an interview; How to create an online presence).

Communica on N6
Module 6: Language usage (previously Module 5) 5 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • Extension and reduc on of core notes is now in Module 7 (see comparison there). • Précis wri ng has been removed. • New sec on: Formal and informal communica on styles in fi rst, second and third person. • Proofreading and edi ng of wri en work are included here (previously in Module 10). • Graphic material now also includes emo cons and icons.
Module 7: Concise communica on (previously Module 6) 12 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • Core notes are discussed in this module. • Telegrams have been removed. • New sec on: Forms, including job applica on forms (e.g. Z83), accident/incident feedback forms, waybills, business documents (opening of an account, admission to hospital, etc.) and checklists. • Electronic bulle n boards are new. • Simple display adver sements have been removed. • New sec on: Ques onnaires. • I neraries have been removed. • New sec on: Electronic communica on – emails, text messages, Twi er, social networking (LinkedIn,
Myspace, Facebook), websites, wikis and blogs.
Module 8: Business le ers (previously Module 7: Le ers) 1 new learning outcome, plus the following: • Cards have been removed. • The format of the press release has been removed.
Module 9: Mee ng correspondence (previously Module 8: Mee ng procedure) 3 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • No ces, agendas and minutes of weekly mee ngs have been added. • Minutes of annual general mee ngs have been added. • Cards and the format of the press release have been removed.
Module 10: Reports (previously Module 9) 6 new learning outcomes, plus the following: • Argumenta ve reports have been added. • New sec on: Evalua on reports. • New sec on: Refl ec ve reports.
Module 11: Cri cal evalua on of wri en, visual and oral communica on material (previously Module 10)

Communica on N6
Previous Module 11 (Oral communica on) has been removed. Previous Module 12 (Development of listening skills) has been removed.
Diff erences in learning outcomes (second column of the curriculum)
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
Module 1: Mo va on Module 1: Mo va on
• Defi ne the concept mo va on.
• Discuss the psychological and physiological needs experienced by man. • Give prac cal examples to illustrate the infl uence of the diff erent needs on mo va on. • Iden fy needs from given case studies. • Explain the importance of focusing and maintaining ac on in mo va on. • Discuss the nature of mo ves. • Explain the diff erence between a conscious and a subconscious mo ve. • Recognise and dis nguish between a goal ac vity and a goal-directed ac vity. • Give examples of factors that will infl uence mo va on in the workplace. • Explain the diff erent policies followed by management.
• Iden fy a par cular management policy from a given case study. • Assess the results of a par cular management policy on staff mo va on.
• Describe and recognise supervision which would be conducive to the mo va on of staff . • Evaluate leader behaviour in a given situa on. • Iden fy realis c and a ainable goals. • Evaluate the relevancy of goals described in case studies. • Discuss Herzberg’s theory. • Defi ne the concept mo va on. • Understand and prac cally apply the two theories. (Use case studies.) • Dis nguish between the two theories. • Discuss the psychological and physiological needs experienced. • Give prac cal examples to illustrate the infl uence of the diff erent needs on mo va on. • Iden fy needs from given case studies with reference to the above theories. • Explain the importance of focusing and maintaining ac on in mo va on. • Discuss the nature of mo ves. • Explain the diff erence between a conscious, subconscious and preconscious mo ve. • Recognise a goal ac vity and a goal-directed ac vity. • Give examples of factors that will infl uence mo va on in the workplace. • Explain the diff erent policies followed by management. • Iden fy the leadership style behind the given policy. • Iden fy a par cular management policy from a given case study. • Assess the posi ve or nega ve results of a par cular management policy on staff mo va on. • Iden fy and/or explain in which situa ons a specifi c policy would be benefi cial.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Apply Herzberg’s theory to given case studies.
• Describe the ideal working environment.
• Determine the eff ect a par cular working environment (from a case study) has on staff morale. • Discuss ways and means of addressing the nega ve aspects. • Describe the eff ect/s that the sa sfac on of need/s would have on the mo va on or u lisa on of human resources in a company. • Discuss situa ons and ac ons (case study) that would posi vely or nega vely aff ect working condi ons. • Describe the eff ect the sa sfac on or obstruc on of a need would have on communica on. • Infer from a given verbal or non-verbal communica on situa on a possible reason for the use of certain words, expressions or ac ons. • Defi ne the concept supervision. • Explain why goals must be clearly defi ned, realis c and a ainable. • Iden fy diff erent types of feedback and the infl uence good feedback has on mo va on. • Discuss how to schedule, regulate and monitor tasks. • Describe the infl uence of in/eff ec ve supervision on mo va on in the workplace. • Iden fy profi cient supervision in a case study. • Apply Herzberg’s theory from given case studies. • Explain the diff erence between a pay-off and a reward. • Understand the eff ect of monetary rewards as recogni on (e.g. merit, vouchers, incen ves). • Iden fy diff erent types of recogni on in the workplace that infl uence mo va on. • Iden fy where diff erent types of pay-off and rewards fi t into Herzberg’s theory by pinpoin ng it in a case study. • Describe the ideal working environment which will infl uence mo va on posi vely in the workplace. • Link the lower-level needs of Maslow’s and
Herzberg’s mo va on theories to these basic needs.
• Describe the eff ect/s that the sa sfac on of need/s would have on the mo va on of the individual worker and an organisa on or workplace.
• Describe the eff ect the blockage of needs would have on the individual.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
Module 2: Problem-solving and decision-making Module 2: Problem-solving and decision-making
• Defi ne the concepts decision-making and problemsolving. • Recognise and discuss the interrela onship between the two concepts. • Dis nguish between the two concepts. • Iden fy a problem in a given situa on. • Recognise the symptoms of the problem as manifested in the workplace. • Iden fy factors which play a posi ve or nega ve role in a problem situa on. • Take part in a role-play to illustrate the value or eff ect that verbal and non-verbal communica on (both a nega ve and posi ve communica on) have on the decision-making process. • Draw a model illustra ng the general decisionmaking process and use this to explain the en re process. • List the diff erent stages in the process. • Establish (from a given case study) that a problem exists. • Inves gate the situa on (real or imaginary). • Collect and analyse appropriate data. • Determine the origin of the problem, the people involved and their ac ons, factors contribu ng to the problem and the consequences of the problem. • Defi ne the problem. • Determine the magnitude of the problem in rela on to other problems or situa ons which have to be dealt with. • Provide a wri en substan ated statement of the problem. • Iden fy a number of alterna ve solu ons. • Discuss factors which may help solve the problem. • Analyse alterna ve solu ons and determine the consequences of each should they realise. • Defi ne the concepts problem, problem-solving, decision, and decision-making. • Recognise and discuss the interrela onship between the two concepts. • Iden fy a problem in a given situa on. • Recognise the symptoms caused by the problem by referring to the Iceberg and Pareto principles in case studies. • Iden fy factors which play a posi ve or nega ve role in a problem situa on. • Role-play to illustrate the eff ect that verbal and non-verbal communica on (in a nega ve or posi ve communica on context) may have on the decision-making process. • Draw a model to illustrate the general decisionmaking process and explain how the process works. • Name the diff erent stages in the process. • Acknowledge that a problem exists. • Formulate the exact problem in wri ng. • Describe benefi ts that could be gained from pu ng the problem into wri ng. • Iden fy and formulate a problem in a case study. • Iden fy a number of alterna ve solu ons. • Discuss factors which may help in solving the problem. • Analyse alterna ve solu ons and determine the consequences of each should they realise.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Priori se possible choices and substan ate decision. • Decide on the best possible solu on and substan ate this choice. • Explain implementa on procedure. • Decide on ways to monitor the process con nually. • Adapt decisions or procedure to address minor problems experienced during implementa on phase. • Evaluate fi nal product or situa on.
• Iden fy a variety of criteria that would help one evaluate alterna ve solu ons. • Describe techniques that can be applied during the process of evalua on: experimenta on, simula on and the knowledge, experience and objec ve judgement of a manager. • Iden fy a number of alterna ve solu ons. • List alterna ve solu ons in order of preference. • Understand and iden fy various factors that should be taken into account before choosing the best alterna ve. • Explain the implementa on procedure. • Decide on ways to monitor the process con nually. • Adapt decisions or procedures to address minor problems experienced during the implementa on phase. • Evaluate the fi nal product or situa on. • Determine the success of the fi nal decision by addressing the goals set. • Monitor the eff ect or results. • Qualify the decision made as op mum, sa sfactory or subop mum.
Module 3: Coping with confl ict Module 3: Coping with confl ict
• Defi ne and explain confl ict. • Defi ne and explain stress. • Describe the rela onship between confl ict and stress. • Discuss contemporary views on confl ict in the work situa on. • Explain the diff erences between func onal and dysfunc onal confl ict. • Dis nguish between func onal and dysfunc onal confl ict in the workplace (case study). • Name and discuss the diff erent types of confl ict. • Provide examples to illustrate the diff erent types of confl ict. • Iden fy the type of confl ict from a given situa on. • Defi ne and explain confl ict. • Defi ne and explain stress. • Describe the rela onship between confl ict and stress. • Discuss modern views on confl ict in the work situa on. • Compare the tradi onal view of confl ict with the modern view of confl ict. • Explain the diff erences between func onal and dysfunc onal confl ict. • Use a case study to dis nguish between func onal and dysfunc onal confl ict in the workplace. • Name and discuss the diff erent types of confl ict. • Provide examples to illustrate the diff erent types of confl ict. • Iden fy the type of confl ict from a given situa on.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Iden fy the cause of confl ict in a given situa on. • Explain how the aforemen oned factors may cause confl ict. • Discuss ways and means of preven ng possible confl ict. • Dis nguish between posi ve and nega ve consequences of confl ict. • Describe the result of confl ict in a given situa on. • Discuss the consequences of posi ve/nega ve confl ict on the group or community. • Discuss the manifesta on of unsolved confl ict. • Recommend suitable approaches to handle specifi c confl ict situa ons and provide reasons for choice.
• Discuss ways in which confl ict can formally be resolved. • Give the reason for disciplinary rules and regula ons.
• Relate the advantages of using formal mechanisms to resolve confl ict. • Iden fy the cause of confl ict in a given situa on. • Explain how the aforemen oned factors may cause confl ict. • Discuss ways and means to prevent possible confl ict. • Dis nguish between posi ve and nega ve consequences of confl ict. • Describe the result of confl ict in a given situa on. • Discuss the consequences of posi ve/nega ve confl ict on the workplace. • Discuss the manifesta on of unsolved confl ict. • Recommend suitable approaches to handle specifi c confl ict situa ons. Give a reason for choosing each approach. • State in which situa on each approach is best used. • Defi ne the term media on. • Defi ne the term arbitra on. • Diff eren ate between media on and arbitra on. • Demonstrate the diff erence between voluntary and binding arbitra on from a given case study. • Discuss ways in which confl ict can formally be resolved.
• Defi ne grievance. • Defi ne discipline in the workplace. • Diff eren ate between grievance and disciplinary procedures. • Relate the advantages of using formal mechanisms to resolve confl ict. • Explain from a given case study how to resolve confl ict situa ons in the workplace on an informal level. • Iden fy barriers to confl ict resolu on.
(S ll a part of Module 3) Module 4: Coping with stress
• (Defi ne and explain stress – see earlier.) • Defi ne stressors. • Describe the diff erence between stress and distress. • Defi ne and explain stress. • Defi ne stressors. • Describe the diff erence between stress and distress. • Iden fy and describe the diff erent phases of stress in a case study.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Iden fy and describe the diff erent phases of stress (case study). • Name the physical and emo onal eff ects of stress. • Analyse the behaviour of a par cular person by iden fying these symptoms. • Dis nguish between the diff erent reasons for stress in a given situa on. • Iden fy a probable reason for stress in a specifi c situa on. • Classify the two types of personality. • Point out personality diff erences and similari es (case study).
• Iden fy behavioural pa erns and recommend ac ons to alleviate stress. • Give reasons for the recommenda on.
• Explain how personal stress may lead to interpersonal confl ict. • Select specifi c guidelines which will help a person cope with interpersonal confl ict in a given situa on. • Name the physical, emo onal and behavioural eff ects of stress. • Iden fy the eff ects of all stress-related pa erns. • Analyse the pa ern of stress of a par cular person by iden fying these signs from a given case study. • Name and explain the reasons for stress in the workplace by doing desktop research on stress. • Iden fy a probable reason for stress in a specifi c situa on (case studies). • Classify the two types of personality. • Point out personality diff erences and similari es from a case study. • Iden fy ways to cope with stress in the workplace. • Recommend ac ons for how to alleviate and minimise stress.
• Explain how confl ict results in stress. • Explain how stress can lead to confl ict.
Module 4: Interviews Module 5: Interviews
• Describe the interview procedure and be able to iden fy the various elements.
• Give a diagramma c representa on of the interview situa on. • Describe the employment interview as a classic interpersonal communica on situa on. • Iden fy the two principal par es in the interview situa on. • Explain the objec ves of the interviewer and the interviewee in the interview situa on. • Describe the psychological implica ons of the rela onship between interviewer and interviewee in the interview situa on. • Indicate guidelines to ensure that the appropriate psychological climate is created in the interview situa on. • Defi ne the term interview. • Give a schema c representa on of the interview situa on. • Describe the employment interview as a classical interpersonal communica on situa on. • Iden fy the two principal par es in the interview situa on. • Explain the objec ves of the interviewer and the interviewee in the interview situa on.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Explain the diff erent approaches adopted by interviewers. • Describe the techniques and skills which an interviewer should develop. • Describe the prac cal measures which the interviewer can adopt to ensure a successful interview. • Explain the importance of these measures.
• Recognise the three phases and explain the objec ves of each phase. • Describe the kind of ques ons an interviewer might ask. • Give prac cal examples of common interview ques ons. • Supply acceptable answers in role-play situa ons. • Dis nguish between the period leading up to the interview, the interview itself and the follow-up. • Explain the objec ves of each phase. • Provide prac cal hints to enable the applicant to perform well in all three phases. • Assess the performance of the interviewer and the applicant in a role-play or a case study (video). • Explain the diff erent types of ques ons. • Give prac cal examples of each type of ques on. • Describe some of the more common interviewing mistakes. • Explain the diff erent categories of interviews. • Name and explain the diff erent types of interviews. • List the advantages and disadvantages of each of these types of interviews. • Give hints on how to succeed in an online or phone interview. • Give prac cal hints on how to prepare for a successful interview (the interviewer and interviewee). • Give prac cal hints for the interviewer or interviewee during the conduct of the interview. • Give prac cal hints for the interviewer or interviewee a er the interview. • Facilitate the phases by using role-play, case studies or video clips in the classroom. • Recognise the three phases and explain the objec ves of each phase. • Describe the kind of ques ons an interviewer might ask. • Give prac cal examples of common interview ques ons.
• Assess the performance of the interviewer and the applicant in a role-play or a case study. • Explain the diff erent types of ques ons. • Give prac cal examples of each type of ques on. • Describe some of the more common interviewing mistakes and how to avoid them.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Describe the criteria used in evalua ng applicants. • Iden fy these criteria in a sample of typical assessment forms.
• Describe radio and television interviews as a communica on process. • Draw a schema c representa on of the communica on process of a radio and a television interview. • Describe the diff erent types of interviews. • Decide which type of interview would be appropriate in a given situa on. • Describe ways in which the interviewee can prepare for a television or radio interview. • Give guidelines which will help the interviewee deal with the interview with confi dence. • Analyse the performance of an interviewee in a radio or television interview. • Rate the success of an applicant in a given situa on. • Discuss the importance of thorough prepara on and give prac cal examples. • Describe the approach an interviewer should adopt during the interview. • Explain the importance of a proper close. • Discuss the importance of reviewing a er the interview. • Describe the criteria used in evalua ng applicants. • Iden fy these criteria in a sample of typical assessment forms. • Give ps on how to get an employer to no ce a CV or résumé and ask the applicant for an interview. • Give video or online examples of how to make a good fi rst impression before the interview through electronic media (e.g. LinkedIn). • Give hints on how to fi ll in an applica on form.
Module 5: Language usage Module 6: Language usage
(Extension and reduc on of core notes – Module 7 of the new curriculum) • Revision of language usage concepts in N4 and N5. • Diff eren ate between formal and informal communica on styles. • Write documents in either fi rst, second or third person, as relevant.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Dis nguish between objec ve and subjec ve language and recognise specifi c words or phrases used to convey meaning/atmosphere. • Decide on the correct language and the most eff ec ve way of conveying a given message. • Change the language in a passage from subjec ve to objec ve language. • Choose words to suit the target audience.
• Use direct and indirect speech, and ac ve and passive voice in natural communica on situa ons.
• Read and interpret simple graphic material. • Use graphic material to illustrate or explain certain facts taking the target group into considera on. • Translate graphic presenta on into wri en and oral communica on. • Decide on future ac ons based on facts gleaned from these presenta ons. • Provide suppor ve informa on concisely in simple language. • Dis nguish between objec ve and subjec ve language and recognise specifi c words or phrases used to convey meaning/atmosphere. • Decide on the correct language and the most eff ec ve way of conveying a given message. • Change the language in a passage from subjec ve to objec ve language.
• Recognise objec ve style and eliminate unnecessary emo ve language. • Use direct and indirect speech, and ac ve and passive voice in natural communica on situa ons. • Obviate and rec fy errors regarding style, punctua on, language and content. • Judge the logical and analy cal reasoning of the communicator and iden fy words, phrases and omissions which could lead to unsuccessful communica on.
• Use graphic material to illustrate or explain certain facts taking the target group into considera on. • Translate graphic presenta on into wri en and oral communica on. • Decide on future ac ons based on facts gleaned from these presenta ons. • Provide suppor ve informa on concisely in simple language. • Demonstrate the ability to convert symbolic images into wri en text.
Module 6: Concise communica on Module 7: Concise communica on
• Take down a telephone message correctly in clear, unambiguous language and relay the message to the person concerned. • Take down core notes during mee ngs, on instruc on or at conferences, seminars, etc. • Extend these core notes into meaningful correspondence and communica ons. • Read for specifi c ideas, facts and informa on and write these down. • Take down a telephone message correctly in clear, unambiguous language and deliver the message to the person concerned. • Take core notes during mee ngs, conferences, seminars, etc. • Extend core notes into a meaningful correspondence text.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Use own or given core notes to write a concise and coherent piece of communica on. • Précis wri ng: Read a variety of texts with comprehension. • Iden fy the writer’s inten on. • Iden fy the main ideas and the suppor ve arguments and informa on. • Diff eren ate between facts and opinion. • Summarise the facts logically (orally and in wri ng). • Write a précis in the required number of words. • Orally summarise the content of a wri en or oral piece of communica on. • Complete the cover page for sending a fax. • Compile a short message which includes all the informa on the receiver would require. • Complete a telegram form correctly. • Compile a core message that would elicit the required feedback. • Write a short internal memorandum in which the informa on is presented logically and in clear and unambiguous language. • Formulate an invita on (or reply) according to accepted standards of e que e that comply with the degree of formality required.
• Draw up a no ce for the company bulle n board ensuring that the visual and wri en message is unambiguous and clearly understandable and will elicit the required reac on.
• Design a simple display adver sement that would promote the image of the company and supply the required informa on. • Complete the cover page for sending a fax and compile a short message which includes all the informa on the receiver would need.
• Write a short internal memorandum in which the informa on is presented logically and in clear and unambiguous language. • Formulate an invita on (or reply) for an event according to accepted standards of e que e that comply with the degree of formality required. • Forms: Establish the aim of the form. • Be able to read the instruc ons and/or ques ons with an understanding of popula ng informa on. • Design and complete a checklist for the purpose of evalua on of product/service delivered and completed. • Draw up a no ce for the company bulle n board ensuring that the visual and wri en message is unambiguous and clearly understandable.
• Dis nguish clearly between a no ce on a no ceboard and an adver sement in an external paper or webpage. The AIDA principle applies. • Design and complete a ques onnaire. (Refer to N5.)

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Design a simple display adver sement using the
AIDA principle. • Establish the aim of the func on. • Iden fy the target audience. • Obtain all the necessary informa on, e.g. dates, venue, me schedule, number of people a ending, topics to be discussed, speakers invited, etc. • Decide on the degree of formality and design the programme to fi t the occasion. • Provide concise informa on which covers all the necessary aspects in a logical/chronological order. • Use simple and gramma cally correct language to convey necessary informa on. • Write an i nerary which provides all necessary informa on in a logical/chronological order in clear and unambiguous language. • Establish the aim of the func on. • Iden fy the target audience. • Obtain all the necessary informa on, e.g. dates, venue, me schedule, number of people a ending, topics to be discussed, speakers invited, etc. • Decide on the degree of formality and design the programme to fi t the occasion. • Provide concise informa on which covers all the necessary aspects in a logical/chronological order. • Use simple and gramma cally correct language to convey necessary informa on. • Compile a detailed travelling guide for an individual or a group of individuals.
Electronic communica on:
• Compile a short email adhering to professional standards of e que e, form and clarity of style. • Be able to send short updates, and informa on related to products/events to cellular phones. • Design short messages to interact quickly and share informa on about products and services. • Understand how to stay connected with stakeholders, iden fy new ones and brand products or services. • Comprehend that products, services and informa on are marketed through websites, e.g. video uploads, informa on sharing, etc.
Module 7: Le ers Module 8: Business le ers
• Write all the le ers prescribed in the
Communica on N4 and N5 syllabuses. • Iden fy the target audience. • Determine the degree of formality required to decide on the most appropriate medium to be used. • Choose the correct wording to convey the required message. • Write all the le ers prescribed in the
Communica on N4 and N5 syllabi. • Iden fy the target audience. • Determine the degree of formality required to decide on the most appropriate medium to be used. • Choose the correct wording to convey the required message.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Recognise events which lend themselves to wri ng a press release. • Determine the level of interest of a par cular news item. • Decide on the desirability of publishing informa on on a par cular event or happening. • Recognise photos, illustra ons and graphic material which would meet with the newspaper requirements. • Decide on the embargo date. • Determine the style required by the par cular newspaper. • Adapt the style of his or her wri ng to bring it into line with the style of the newspaper. • Iden fy the ‘what, when, where, who, how and why’ of a news item. • Use direct quotes appropriately. • Provide accurate informa on concisely in clear language. • Understand and use basic press terminology. • Write a press release that meets all the necessary press requirements. • Proofread the release. • Recognise an event which lends itself to the wri ng of a press release. • Determine the level of interest.
• Follow the basic press release rules and apply them to meet the requirements for the layout and formal style of the document: – Newsworthiness of a happening, item or event – Human interest – Fresh and interes ng informa on – Photos, illustra ons and graphic material – Embargo – Basic press terminology
Module 8: Mee ng procedure Module 9: Mee ng correspondence No ces and agendas of general monthly mee ngs, commi ee mee ngs, special mee ngs and annual general mee ngs of clubs and associa ons
• Dra no ces and agendas containing all relevant informa on. • Act as the secretary of a club or commi ee. • Take core notes during mee ngs. • Organise relevant informa on logically. • Write up the minutes of the various types of mee ngs correctly.
No ces and agendas of commi ee, monthly general, weekly, special/urgent/extraordinary and AGMs of clubs and associa ons
• Dra no ces and agendas containing all relevant informa on. • Take responsibility as secretary of a club or commi ee. • Take core notes during mee ngs. • Organise relevant informa on logically. • Write the no ces and agendas of the various types of mee ng in gramma cally correct English. • Dis nguish between special (extraordinary) and general (regular) no ces and agendas. • Write the minutes of the various types of mee ng in gramma cally correct English.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Dis nguish between special (extraordinary) and general (regular) minutes.
Module 9: Reports Module 10: Reports Inves ga onal reports
• Acquire informa on on the subject. • Iden fy the relevant details. • Organise details logically. • Submit clear and accurate informa on objec vely. • Use the appropriate register. • Write the required report in a formal and/or memo format.
Progress and feedback reports
• Priori se informa on. • Organise details logically. • Write a clear, gramma cally correct report. • Use the appropriate register. • Write the required report in a formal and/or memo format.
Inves ga ve, argumenta ve reports
• Acquire informa on on the subject. • Iden fy the relevant details and organise them logically. • Submit clear and accurate informa on objec vely. • Use a suitable register and tone. • Write the required report in a formal or informal (memo) format. • Inves gate an issue from a case study and present the informa on in an argumenta ve report.
Feedback and progress reports
• Priori se informa on and organise details logically. • Write a clear, gramma cally correct report. • Use a suitable register and style. • Write the required report in a formal format. • Write the required report in a memo (informal) format.
Evalua on reports
• Complete forms providing all relevant details. • Priori se informa on and organise details logically. • Write a clear, gramma cally correct report. • Use a suitable register and style.
Refl ec ve reports
• Refl ect in wri ng on informa on acquired that is backed up by your experience.
Module 10: Cri cal evalua on of audi ve, visual and wri en material; edi ng of wri en material Module 11: Cri cal evalua on of wri en, visual and oral communica on material
• Obviate and rec fy errors of style, punctua on, language and content. • Recognise and apply proofreader’s symbols.
• Select the correct layout/material for the specifi c communica on. • Ensure that all necessary informa on is provided. • Avoid and rec fy errors of style, punctua on, language and content. • Recognise proofreader’s symbols. [Note: for enrichment only.] • Select the correct layout/material for the specifi c communica on. • Ensure that all necessary informa on is provided.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Judge the logical and analy cal reasoning of the communicator and iden fy words, phrases and omissions which could lead to ineff ec ve communica on. • Ensure that the receiver would be able to understand the message correctly. • Recognise objec ve style and eliminate unnecessary emo ve language. • Evaluate the sound quality of audi ve material. • Provide his or her own opinion, substan ated by facts, on the suitability/success of an audiovisual communica on taking into account, for example, the clarity of images or design, the atmosphere created through the use of sound and colour, the profi ciency of the speaker/s and the ul mate eff ect created or message conveyed. • Use the applicable reference works with ease. • Judge the reasoning (logic) of the communicator and iden fy words, phrases and omissions which could lead to unsuccessful communica on.
• Ensure that the receiver will be able to understand the message correctly. • Recognise objec ve style and eliminate unnecessary emo ve language.
• Provide your own opinion, substan ated by facts, on the suitability/success of an audiovisual communica on taking into account, for example, the clarity of images or design, the atmosphere created through the use of sound and colour, and the fi nal eff ect created or message conveyed.
• Use the applicable reference works with ease.
Module 11: Oral communica on
• Do exercises to improve his or her voice control. • Apply this knowledge when speaking. • Evaluate the eff ec veness of oral communica on between two par es and substan ate his or her conclusions. • Pronounce words correctly. • Use the correct tone of voice in informal and formal conversa ons. • Prac se the degree of voice projec on necessary to be heard in a small and/or a big room. • Demonstrate the diff erence between asser veness and aggressiveness. • Explain a conten ous ma er calmly, clearly, concisely and objec vely. • Decide on a mode of communica on which would suit the situa on and the audience. • Apply the rules for eff ec ve verbal and non-verbal communica on. • Apply listening and voice control techniques while communica ng in small groups. • Par cipate ac vely in group discussions. N/A

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Apply the rules of e que e and telephone technique when answering the telephone or when making a call or conversing socially. • Prac se all telephone conversa ons he or she might possibly have to deal with in prac ce in his or her fi eld of study. • Become familiar with the situa on, product or service. • Convey the required message coherently in unambiguous language. • Establish rapport with the audience to achieve the desired eff ect. • Act as ini ator/receiver in a variety of communica on situa ons relevant to his or her future voca on. • Give logical feedback in well-constructed, gramma cally correct sentences. • Apply the correct non-verbal behaviour to establish an atmosphere of trust and profi ciency. • Select systema sed factual informa on which has been collected on a specifi c subject through interviews, telephone conversa ons, group discussions, ques onnaires or the consulta on of relevant sources. • Verbally present fi ndings factually and logically. • Apply the principles applicable to the wri ng of a report (chairman’s report, report on fi eld trip, accident report, etc.) to oral communica on. • Apply the theory on non-verbal and oral communica on: state facts with convic on, men on sources of informa on, control tone of voice and gestures, etc. • Use direct and indirect speech/ac ve and passive voice correctly. • Avoid the irrelevant use of adjec ves, adverbs as well as emo ve words and phrases. • Evaluate the situa on and decide on the correct approach to the interviewer/interview situa on. • Apply the rules for eff ec ve verbal and non-verbal communica on.

Communica on N6
Previous curriculum 2021 curriculum
• Conduct an interview with a client, subordinate or prospec ve employee successfully. • Explain mee ng procedure. • Take core notes during a mee ng. • Expand the core notes into minutes of the mee ng. • Conduct him- or herself appropriately at a mee ng.
Module 12: Development of listening skills
• Listen to music, a video, and people socialising with enjoyment. • Listen seriously, e.g. listen to orders/instruc ons and be able to carry them out. • Listen to a lecture and take notes. • Listen cri cally to an example of propaganda or adver sing. • Iden fy a line of thought. • Listen for and evaluate the suppor ve arguments used by the speaker to illustrate or emphasise his point. • Iden fy possible barriers to the listening process. • Overcome possible barriers to the listening process/prevent possible barriers from harming the listening process. • Iden fy ‘missing facts’ in a logical presenta on. • Evaluate the relevancy of content and act accordingly. • Demonstrate empathy while listening to a person who feels dissa sfi ed or unhappy. • Listen a en vely to the correct pronuncia on of words. • Recognise pronuncia on errors (own and those of others). • Prac se the correct pronuncia on of words. N/A

Communica on N6
Features of TVET First Communica on N6 The Student’s Book
• The text is completely new and fresh, and not an update of an old book. • The structure of the book is fully aligned with the 2021 curriculum, with clear headings. • The book is user-friendly – easy to navigate and easy to read, with the language pitched at the level of the student. • The content relates to the workplace, modern society and personal life. • The pictures are relevant to South African society and complement the text. • Each module starts with an overview mind map and an exam p. • Each module has a starter ac vity for the class or individual student. They get students to do the following: – Engage with the new topic. – Interact with one another. – Refl ect personally. – Search and read purposefully online. – Verbalise content by giving feedback, analysing or evalua ng. – Use their imagina on in work-related scenarios. • A variety of interes ng ac vi es are interspersed throughout the text and can be done there and then in class, given as homework, or used as a class test for exam prepara on. • A total of 20 ‘How to’ boxes give step-by-step guidelines. • There are many examples, scenarios and case studies (in the text, in special boxes and in ac vi es). These relate to a variety of work industries and life situa ons. • Clear diagrams and tables make content easily diges ble. • The 15 defi ni ons required by the curriculum are highlighted in special boxes. • Words and terms are explained in the margins. • ‘See it online’ boxes contain search terms and/or links for online ac vi es, if possible. • The sample business le ers are realis c and can be adapted for actual use. • A full set of 32 le er templates appears at the back of the book, with cross-referencing to the sample le ers in the text. • Each module closes with a variety of exam-style summa ve assessments. • Checklists allow students to check their mastery of the learning outcomes of each module. • Several fi ll-in forms are given. • There is a helpful glossary as well as a subject index at the back of the book.

Communica on N6
The Lecturer’s Guide
• The Lecturer’s Guide corresponds fully with the Student’s Book. The text is completely new. • Helpful lecturer guidelines for marking, observing and evalua ng are provided. • There is also a grid with the learning outcomes for use in planning your me, a lesson plan template, a rubric for evalua ng a group role-play and other rubrics for evalua on. • Background and supplementary informa on is given for the Student’s Book. • All ac vi es are covered in detail, with comprehensive answers and sample answers. There are clear mark alloca ons, with full marking rubrics where the CFL method of marking is required. • Self-assessment and peer assessment: Many ac vi es can be marked by the students themselves while you give them guidance from the Lecturer’s Guide. This will make your workload lighter, while showing the students how to no ce details that could cost them points in the exams. There are also addi onal ac vi es at the end of each module. • How to apply the ‘See it online’ boxes in class is explained. • Free, photocopiable resources are included.
TVET First author
Dr Aïda Thorne
