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Applied Management N6

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Applied Management N6


This document contains important informa on about the revised curriculum for Applied Management N6 for implementa on in 2021. In the le -hand column we explain how the previous curriculum has been revised, and in the right-hand column we list the new content.

Main changes to the curriculum

• Addi on of content to management concepts in Module 1. • Change in order of content in Module 6.

Modules and weigh ng


1. Introduc on to management concepts 10 5

2. Labour rela ons and regulatory challenges 15 15

3. Job design and job analysis 15 10

4. Produc vity 15 20

5. Performance management and performance appraisal 15 10

6. Marke ng management in the hospitality industry context 10 20

7. Control systems and technology 20 20

TOTAL 100 100

Changes to the previous curriculum New content Module 1: Introduc on to management concepts

• Added content rela ng to management ac vi es, func ons, levels, skills and roles under learning content points 1.1–1.4. • Removed content on produc vity and marke ng management

Module 1

1.1.1 Defi ne the term management. 1.2.1 List management ac vi es within the hospitality context. 1.3.1 Briefl y describe management func ons in rela on to hospitality sector e.g. planning, organising, coordina ng, staffi ng, direc ng and controlling. 1.4.1 Briefl y recap the diff erent levels of management in diff erent company sizes, skills required in each level and roles of personnel in each level.


Applied Management N6

Changes to the previous curriculum New content Module 2: Labour rela ons and legisla on

• Eff ec ve communica on is now covered under

‘healthy employer employee rela onships’. • New content added on legisla on, diversity and collec ve bargaining. • Content removed from Termina on of services – students are now only required to name the forms of termina on.

Module 2

2.1.3 List relevant legisla on in the place of work. 2.1.4 Discuss how to manage diversity in the workplace. 2.2.2 Discuss the importance of collec ve bargaining in the workplace.

Module 3: Job design and job analysis • New content added on Job design.

Module 4: Produc vity

• Sec on on Applied work study in a food service unit removed.

Module 5: Performance management and appraisal

• New content covering: performance management, appraisal, criteria, legal considera ons. • Performance appraisal objec ves have been split into two categories: evalua ve and developmental objec ves. • Evalua on techniques are now referred to as the ‘Appraisal process’. • Content on ra ng scales removed.

Module 5

5.1.1 Discuss the diff erence between performance management and performance appraisal. 5.2.1 Diff eren ate between the three types of performance criteria. 5.3.1 Name and briefl y describe the objec ves of performance appraisal: • Evalua ve objec ves • Developmental objec ves 5.4.1 Discuss general guidelines to develop a performance appraisal system. 5.4.2 Explain legal considera ons when conduc ng a performance appraisa.

Module 6: Marke ng management in the hospitality industry context

• Changed the order of content – all three marke ng concepts are now taught before the 4Ps. • Goal orienta on from the marke ng concepts removed.

Module 3

3.1.1 Defi ne job design. 3.1.2 Discuss issues impac ng on the design of jobs. 3.1.3 Understand the eff ect of job design on employee mo va on and performance.


Applied Management N6

Changes to the previous curriculum New content

• Removed governments from environmental factors.

Features of TVET First Applied Management N6 The Student’s Book

• Fully updated and aligned with the new 2021 curriculum. • Packed with ac vi es to help students understand and apply the content. • Contains the following features: – Tables, bulleted lists and images to aid with explana ons. – Case studies to help students apply concepts to real-life situa ons. – Starter ac vi es to help s mulate discussions for learning. – Summaries and exam-type summa ve assessments at the end of each module for revision and exam prepara on. – Important terminology, clearly explained and highlighted, to help students understand diffi cult concepts and overcome language barriers. – ‘See it online’ links providing access to online resources and research sites to further students’ knowledge of key concepts. – A prac ce exam to help students prepare for exams. This version of the book contains all of the changes to the curriculum.

The Lecturer’s Guide

• Contains comprehensive answers. • Gives full mark alloca ons to aid with marking and exam prepara on. • Has lesson and teaching plans now incorporated via the 17-week plan and overview of learning outcomes. • Contains two class tests with memoranda for lecturers to use as assessments. • Has links to relevant videos and online materials • Provides printable resources.

TVET First author

Tevia Krul

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