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Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

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Travel Offi ce Procedures N6


This document contains important informa on about the revised curriculum for Travel Offi ce Procedures N6 for implementa on in 2022.

Main changes to the curriculum

1. Module 1: Introduc on to Tourism Law (25% weigh ng) NEW

A new module on the Introduc on to Tourism Law (25% weigh ng) has been added to the N6 syllabus and includes a unit on the introduc on to law and the law of tourism. The outcomes are more comprehensive than the Travel Offi ce Procedures N5 outcomes on the Principles of law (with content on South African law, Law of contracts and Contracts on purchase of sale) that appeared in the 1995 syllabus. These outcomes were removed from the N5 syllabus and now form part of the new 2022 Travel Offi ce Procedures N6 syllabus.

2. Module 2: Marke ng and sales (30% weigh ng) REVISED with some NEW content

The en re 1995 Travel Offi ce Procedures N6 syllabus has been condensed and now comprises 30% of the course weigh ng. The new syllabus s ll includes Business travel, Incen ve travel and Public rela ons, but now also includes a unit on Tourism trends. Refer to the syllabus comparison grid for a detailed comparison of the 1995 vs 2022 syllabus.

3. Module 3: Scope of human resources (35% weigh ng) NEW

Brand new content on the scope of human resource management that includes the design of jobs, recruitment, selec on, appointment, induc on and training, performance evalua on and mo va on.

4. Module 4: Tourism career opportuni es (10% weigh ng) NEW

Brand new content on the career opportuni es in tourism and personal career paths, with reference to SWOT analysis, goals and me frames.

Some content from the previous curriculum has been reduced in this curriculum as follows:

As men oned above, the old Travel Offi ce Procedures N6 content has been reduced slightly and now comprises 30% of the total weigh ng of the course. See Module 2.

Curriculum comparison (1995 and 2022)

The following comparison grid shows the changes to the Travel Offi ce Procedures N6 syllabus, with the 2022 syllabus in the right-hand column and the relevant outcomes from the 1995 syllabus for N5 (where the content moved to N6) and N6 in the le -hand column.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022

Please note that the content on law no longer appears in the N5 syllabus and has moved to N6.

From Travel Offi ce Procedures N5 1995 syllabus

1. South African law: Briefl y explain the origin of

South African law.

Module 1: Introduc on to Tourism Law (25%) Unit 1.1: Introduc on to the law

1.1.1 Background: • Iden fy types of law (interna onal/na onal/ private/public). • Rela ons of laws (branches of private/public).

2. Law of contracts: 2.1 Describe the requirements for a valid contract. 2.2 Explain the defi ni on of a valid contract. 2.3 Discuss off er and acceptance as the basis to a contract. 2.4 Explain the following requirements for an off er: • Deliberate • En rety • Communicated • Off er to the general public • Clear, defi nite and unambiguous • To form a legal bond 2.5 Explain the requirement for acceptance, as well as the eff ects of a counter off er. 2.6 Explain free consent of contrac ng par es. 2.7 Explain contractual capacity of par es.

3. Contracts of purchase and sale (not relevant to

N6) 1.1.2 Law of contracts: Recall laws of contrac ng: • Name the defi ni on and requirements for a valid contract. • Express understanding of off er and acceptance, with reference to requirements. • Describe contractual capacity and par es associated to it.

1.1.3 Terms and condi ons: • Interpret various terms applicable to working environment (essen al/residual/incidental).

1.1.4 Breach of contract: • Dis nguish between various types of breach and highlight their signifi cance.

1.1.5 Remedies of breach: • Discuss the suitable solu ons for par es involved and aff ected.

Unit 1.2: Law of tourism

1.2.1 Introduc on: • Provide an overview of the eff ect of laws on transport, hospitality and a rac ons.

1.2.2 Travel/Transport law: • List and describe laws governing opera ons of various transport modes (land/rail/water/air).

1.2.3 Hospitality: • Interpret industry regula ons evident in this sector.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022

1.2.4 A rac on: • Outline regula ons regarding the diff erent a rac on types (natural/cultural/man-made) and tour guides.

Module 1: Marke ng and sales A. Business travel

1. Nature and importance: 1.1 Explain the nature of business travel with reference to travel objec ve, fl exibility of me schedule, travel arrangements and price. 1.2 Briefl y discuss the importance of business travel as a source of revenue.

2. The client profi le: 2.1 Defi ne the target market, sta ng the types of organisa ons that are good business travel prospects and loca on of the target market. 2.2 Briefl y explain the importance of the manufacturing company as a business travel prospect.

3. Selling business travel: 3.1 Applying exis ng knowledge of selling procedure, discuss the following important aspects in detail: • Prepara on • Projec ng a professional image • Determining the client’s needs • Communica ng with the client • Presenta on • Product knowledge

4. The business/leisure combina on: 4.1 Briefl y explain how business travel can provide an opportunity to sell leisure travel and how to u lise the opportunity.

Module 2: Marke ng and sales (30%) Unit 2.1: Business travel

2.1.1 Nature and importance: • Explain nature of business travel. • Briefl y discuss importance of business travel.

2.1.2 The client profi le: • Defi ne the target market. • Briefl y explain importance of manufacturing company.

2.1.3 Selling business travel: • Apply exis ng knowledge of selling procedure.

2.1.4 The business/leisure combina on: • Briefl y explain how business travel can provide tourism-related opportuni es.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022 B. Incen ve travel

1. Nature and importance: 1.1 Defi ne incen ve travel. 1.2 Referring to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, briefl y discuss the value of incen ve travel. 1.3 Briefl y explain importance of incen ve travel as a source of revenue.

2. The client profi le: 2.1 Iden fy the target market for incen ve travel, naming prospec ve clients for incen ve travel.

3. Selling incen ve travel: 3.1 Explain the procedure for selling incen ve travel under the following headings: • Prospec ng • Prepara on • Mee ng the client

4. Technical aspects: 4.1 Briefl y explain the requirements of an incen ve programme with reference to objec ves, quota, winners and the programme. 4.2 Explain how to determine the budget. 4.3 State what should be included in a good incen ve trip. 4.4 Name factors which will aff ect the fi nal cost of an incen ve trip and the metable. 4.5 Dra an example of a metable for an incen ve programme, showing a breakdown of the programme over 12 months. 4.6 List the aspects on which a travel agent and the client must agree before any fi rm commitments with carriers are made. 4.7 Dra a checklist of items to facilitate administra ve arrangements OR, given one or more headings of such a checklist, list the items that should be checked. 4.8 Briefl y explain what should be contained in the detailed instruc ons sent to the winners.

Unit 2.2: Incen ve travel

2.2.1 Nature and importance: • Defi ne incen ve travel. • Referring to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, briefl y discuss the value of incen ve travel. • Briefl y explain importance of incen ve travel.

2.2.2 Client profi le: • Iden fy the target market for incen ve travel.

2.2.3 Selling incen ve travel: • Explain the procedure for selling incen ve travel.

2.2.4 Technical aspects: • Briefl y explain the requirements of an incen ve programme. • Explain how to determine the budget for an incen ve travel programme. • State what should be included in a good incen ve trip. • Name factors which will aff ect the fi nal cost and metable. • Dra an example of a metable for an incen ve travel programme for a period of 6–12 months. • List the aspects on which a travel agent must agree. • Dra a checklist of items to facilitate. • Briefl y explain what should be contained in detailed instruc ons sent to the winners. • Formulate minimum FIVE ques ons to be directed at client to evaluate the success of the programme. • Briefl y state criteria in which a travel consultant should evaluate the success of the incen ve travel.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022

4.9 Formulate a minimum of FIVE ques ons to be directed at the client to evaluate the success of the programme. 4.10 Briefl y state the criteria on which the travel consultant should evaluate the success of the incen ve travel.

Module 2: Public rela ons

1. Introduc on to public rela ons: 1.1 Defi ne concepts of PR and the ‘publics’. 1.2 Describe the role and responsibili es of PR prac oner in general and with reference to the fi ve dis nct ac vi es associated with the role of the PRO in travel and tourism as a service industry. 1.3 Dra a job specifi ca on for a PR prac oner. 1.4 Briefl y explain the procedure when launching a publicity campaign with reference to the basic steps of the PR process and, given the relevant data, complete a case study on the basic steps of the PR process.

Unit 2.3: Tourism trends

2.3.1 Importance of iden fying core and niche markets in South African Tourism: • Defi ne core market in South African tourism. • Defi ne niche market in South African tourism. • Iden fy the South African core markets according to the diff erent provinces. • Iden fy the South African niche markets according to the diff erent provinces. • Analyse and interpret sta s cs on core and key markets. • Iden fy and analyse the factors determining the future of tourism.

2.3.2 E-marke ng: • Create a theore cal and prac cal viewpoint of this communica on method. • Understand the E-marke ng mix elements and the suppor ng E-marke ng tools for each element.

Unit 2.4: Public rela ons

2.4.1 Introduc on to public rela ons: • Defi ne concepts of PR and the ‘publics’. • Describe the role and responsibili es of PR prac oner/PRO. • Briefl y explain the procedure when launching a publicity campaign.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022

2. Media and publicity (radio and TV): 2.1 Explain how the radio and television can be u lised in travel and tourism publicity, naming types of radio and TV programmes directed at specifi c target markets. 2.2 A er receiving tui on in proper conduct during radio and TV interviews, evaluate performance of panel members a er watching and/or listening to a programme for prac cal evalua on. 3. Communica on with the press: 3.1 Explain what can be done to make an event newsworthy in order to gain media coverage. 3.2 Explain nature and purpose of the press facility visit, naming examples of opportuni es for press facility visits in the travel and tourism trade. 3.3 State, with regard to press enquiries, who may/ may not answer queries, and the responsibili es of the PRO when answering enquiries, including follow-up. 3.4 Given a case study, explain how to deal with incorrect repor ng without harming good rela ons. 3.5 With regard to press releases and press conferences, name examples of events that are suffi ciently newsworthy to merit calling a press conference and briefl y explain how to organise a press conference. 3.6 Explain how to deal with media during emergencies. 4. Adver sing media: 4.1 Defi ne concept of adver sing, poin ng out the main diff erence between PR and adver sing. 4.2 Name the media most commonly u lised for adver sing in the travel and tourism trade. 4.3 Name and briefl y discuss the factors to consider when selec ng media for adver sing. 2.4.2 Media and publicity: • Explain how radio and television can be u lised in travel. • A er receiving tui on in proper conduct, evaluate performance of panel. 2.4.3 Communica on with the press: • Explain what can be done to make an event newsworthy. • Explain nature and purpose of the press facility visit. • State who may/may not answer queries. • Given a case study, explain how to deal with incorrect repor ng. • Press releases and press conferences. • Explain how to deal with media during emergencies. 2.4.4 Adver sing media: • Defi ne concept of adver sing. • Name the media most commonly used. • Name and briefl y discuss factors when selec ng media. • A er studying advantages and disadvantages, select most appropriate media. • Explain how radio and television can be u lised in travel.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022

4.4 A er studying advantages and disadvantages of various media, select the most appropriate media in a case study, briefl y substan a ng the choice with reference to the advantages of the chosen media.

5. Sales promo ons: 5.1 State the primary objec ve of sales promo ons. 5.2 Iden fy the various techniques u lised in sales promo ons, lis ng specifi c examples of techniques appropriate for direc on at each of the following categories – company staff , dealers and retailers, and consumers. 5.3 Name the stages of establishing a promo onal campaign. 5.4 Name three types of exhibi on most common to the travel and tourism trade. 5.5 Name examples of at least three travel workshops sta ng the hos ng country and the month in which they take place. 5.6 Briefl y explain what happens at a travel workshop.

6. PR in hotels: 6.1 Dra a job descrip on and a job specifi ca on of the hotel PRO. • A er receiving tui on in proper conduct, evaluate performance of panel.

2.4.5 Sales promo on: • State primary objec ves of sales promo on. • Iden fy various techniques u lised in sales promo on. • Name the stages of establishing a promo onal campaign. • Name three types of exhibi on. • Name examples of at least three travel workshops (combine 5.4 and 5.5). • Iden fy industry-related examples of workshops and exhibi ons. • Briefl y explain what happens at exhibi ons.

Module 3: Scope of human resources (35%) Unit 3.1: Scope of human resource management

3.1.1 Design of jobs: • Iden fy aspects per nent to the following and compile for relevant job tles – job analysis/job descrip on/job specifi ca on.

3.1.2 Recruitment/selec on/appointment: • Interpret the methods of recrui ng and types used for selec on. • Analyse types of selec on – provisional/intensive/ fi nal. • Iden fy aspects regarding appointment procedures.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

Previous curriculum Curriculum for implementa on in 2022

3.1.3 Induc on and training: • Outline the steps in the induc on process. • Establish types of training evident.

3.1.4 Performance evalua on: • Highlight objec ves of evalua on. • Iden fy advantages of conduc ng evalua on. • Provide examples of evalua on techniques.

3.1.5 Mo va on: • Name and explain factors aff ec ng mo va on.

Module 4: Tourism career opportuni es Unit 4.1: Career opportuni es in tourism and personal career paths

4.1.1 Source and iden fy career op ons in tourism 4.1.2 Compile personal career path with reference to SWOT, goals, and me frames

Important points

• This version of the book contains all of the addi ons and changes to the new syllabus and follows the order of the syllabus. • There is a Lecturer’s Guide with: – background informa on – suggested teaching plan – lesson plan template – comprehensive answers – memorandum to the prac ce exam.

Features of TVET First Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

• The book is fully aligned with the new 2022 curriculum – our book follows the structure of the new syllabus to make it easy for you to follow the syllabus. See the overview of outcomes at the beginning of each module that are linked to the syllabus. • Every module starts with a ‘starter ac vity’ that has been designed so that you can determine what the students’ prior/exis ng knowledge is before star ng the module. The starter ac vity also aims to introduce students to the new content, o en using a case study or prac cal component. • The book has an open and fresh layout, with user-friendly text that is easy to read. See key words boxes in the margins that highlight and defi ne key terms.


Travel Offi ce Procedures N6

• Concepts are clear and easy to follow, with prac cal examples and step-by-step explana ons. • The content and number of ac vi es are also aligned with the prescribed weigh ng of the syllabus. This is outlined in a useful six-month teaching plan. • The book also includes mul ple case studies combined with ac vi es to give students the opportunity to engage with the content in real-life scenarios, and apply their knowledge to fi nding the answers. • Useful summaries appear at the end of every module. The summaries will assist students while studying and give them a good overview of what they should know. • Summa ve assessments at the end of every module are modelled on typical exam-style ques ons to ensure that students get enough prac ce in reading and answering these types of ques ons. • A prac ce exam/trial examina on ques on paper at the end of the Student’s Book, with a memorandum in the Lecturer’s Guide, will give students the opportunity to complete a mock exam based on the new content in the syllabus. • The Lecturer’s Guide includes a useful overview of the learning outcomes and learning content that can be used to compile your own six-month teaching plan.

TVET First author

Didri Spingies

Legal content by Pravania Reddy


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