Travel Office Procedures N6
This document contains important informa on about the revised curriculum for Travel Office Procedures N6 for implementa on in 2022. Main changes to the curriculum 1. Module 1: Introduc on to Tourism Law (25% weigh ng) NEW A new module on the Introduc on to Tourism Law (25% weigh ng) has been added to the N6 syllabus and includes a unit on the introduc on to law and the law of tourism. The outcomes are more comprehensive than the Travel Office Procedures N5 outcomes on the Principles of law (with content on South African law, Law of contracts and Contracts on purchase of sale) that appeared in the 1995 syllabus. These outcomes were removed from the N5 syllabus and now form part of the new 2022 Travel Office Procedures N6 syllabus. 2. Module 2: Marke ng and sales (30% weigh ng) REVISED with some NEW content The en re 1995 Travel Office Procedures N6 syllabus has been condensed and now comprises 30% of the course weigh ng. The new syllabus s ll includes Business travel, Incen ve travel and Public rela ons, but now also includes a unit on Tourism trends. Refer to the syllabus comparison grid for a detailed comparison of the 1995 vs 2022 syllabus. 3. Module 3: Scope of human resources (35% weigh ng) NEW Brand new content on the scope of human resource management that includes the design of jobs, recruitment, selec on, appointment, induc on and training, performance evalua on and mo va on. 4. Module 4: Tourism career opportuni es (10% weigh ng) NEW Brand new content on the career opportuni es in tourism and personal career paths, with reference to SWOT analysis, goals and me frames. Some content from the previous curriculum has been reduced in this curriculum as follows: As men oned above, the old Travel Office Procedures N6 content has been reduced slightly and now comprises 30% of the total weigh ng of the course. See Module 2. Curriculum comparison (1995 and 2022) The following comparison grid shows the changes to the Travel Office Procedures N6 syllabus, with the 2022 syllabus in the right-hand column and the relevant outcomes from the 1995 syllabus for N5 (where the content moved to N6) and N6 in the le -hand column.
Travel Office Procedures N6