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Quan ty Surveying N6

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Quan ty Surveying N6

This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Quan ty Surveying N6, scheduled for implementa on in 2021.

Modules and weigh ng

Total percentage

Module 1 Construc on processes 25%

Module 2 Quan ty surveying theory 25%

Module 3 Measurement 25%

Module 4 Quan es and cos ng 25%

TOTAL 100%

Changes to the previous curriculum 2021 curriculum

• The curriculum has been restructured. The previous curriculum was divided into three sec ons: Analysis of construc on details, Theory of quan ty surveying and Prac cal quan ty surveying.

There are four modules in the new curriculum. • The scope of measurement of building work has changed from the previous curriculum. • Analysis of construc on details is no longer covered as a separate sec on in the 2021 curriculum, but interpreta on of drawings and specifi ca ons forms the basis of the measurement module. • Quan ty surveying prac ces have been updated in line with new industry requirements.

Module 1: Construc on processes

The content on varia on orders was prescribed in the Theory sec on of the previous curriculum. Communica on processes and arbitra on are new to this curriculum. Communica on processes [NEW] • Describe the communica on process in construc on projects with regards to: – architect’s site mee ng – architect’s instruc ons – distribu on of correspondence, drawing and other informa on – site visit by architect, quan ty surveyor.


Quan ty Surveying N6

Changes to the previous curriculum 2021 curriculum

Varia on orders • Describe the diff erence in posi ve and nega ve changes in a given measured structure. • Explain the steps and considera ons taken by a quan ty surveyor for varia on to be paid out. Arbitra on [NEW] • Defi ne arbitra on. • List the types of building disputes that can lead to an arbitra on court.

Module 2: Quan ty surveying theory

Content on methods and forms of bills of quan es from the Theory sec on of the previous curriculum is covered here. Bill of quan es methods such as cut and shuffl e and computer methods are not men oned in the new curriculum. Some of the terminology required is new, for example, con ngency sum and the maintenance period. Quan ty surveying theory • List and explain the diff erent methods of producing bills of quan es. • Explain the diff erence between provisional sums and prime costs. • Describe spot items and give examples. [NEW] Terminology of quan ty surveying Defi ne the following terms used in quan ty surveying: • Day works • Con ngency sum [NEW] • Preambles • Preliminaries • Provisional quan es • Maintenance period [NEW] • Extras • Omissions

Module 3: Measurement

This sec on is divided into sub-modules for each item of measurement. This informa on was previously given under the scope of the previous curriculum. The content has been altered completely. Students are no longer required to measure complete buildings or parts of buildings; three-storey blocks with steel fi re escapes; demoli ons or altera ons. Measuring varia ons is included in this sec on rather than in the theory module. • Sub-module 3.1: Plumbing and drainage • Sub-module 3.2: Basements • Sub-module 3.3: Timber roof construc on • Sub-module 3.4: Reinforced concrete structures


• Sub-module 3.5: Piling • Sub-module 3.6: Measuring varia on (omissions and addi ons) [NEW]


Quan ty Surveying N6

Changes to the previous curriculum 2021 curriculum Module 4: Quan es and cos ng

Calcula ons of the costs of quan es and construc on is new to the 2021 curriculum. Quan es [NEW] • Calculate the amount of cement and sand required for a given area of plastered wall, and also given the following Informa on: – Mortar mix ra o – Plaster thickness (15 mm or 20 mm) – Density of cement is 1 506 kg/m3 – Percentage bulking of sand (between 20% and 30%) • Calculate, from given construc on drawings, the amount of cement, sand and aggregate for the following: – reinforced concrete column (number of columns may vary) – concrete fl oor slab (thickness 75 or 100 mm, length and width may vary).

Informa on to be made available:

– Concrete mix ra o – Drawings – Density of cement (1 506 kg/m3) – Percentage bulking of sand (between 20% and 30%) Construc on cos ng [NEW] • Calculate the total cost of brickwork for building a one-brick garden wall from given plan and sec on (shapes may diff er). The bricklaying rate (includes labour and materials) is R322 per m2 (may vary).

Informa on to be made available:

– Bricklaying rate (labour and materials) is R322 per m2 (may vary) – 30% for overhead and profi t (percentage may vary) • Calculate, from a given plan, the total cost of materials for cas ng a concrete founda on.


Quan ty Surveying N6

Changes to the previous curriculum 2021 curriculum Informa on to be made available:

– Concrete mix ra o – Drawings – Density of cement (1 506 kg/m3) – Percentage bulking of sand (between 20% and 30%) – Price of sand per m3 – Price of cement per bag – Price of bricks per 1 000 bricks

Important points

• TVET First Quan ty Surveying N6 covers all requirements of the 2021 curriculum and is recommended by the

DHET. • The authors are Sparrow Consul ng, who write many engineering textbooks for TVET Colleges. • The Student’s Book has the following features: – Useful forms for correspondence and reports are supplied. – Lists and tables of advantages and disadvantages of diff erent construc on elements are supplied with full explana ons of terminology to help students to learn and revise. – Content is bulleted to make it accessible, and to help students revise for exams. – Module 3 covers taking off and measuring of each building sec on. There is step-by-step guidance on how to measure each item in the take-off list, followed by worked examples and ac vi es for the full measurement process. – The relevant measuring rules per trade are summarised at the beginning of each sub-module. – Diagrams and photographs are used to help students understand parts used in building. – Explana ons of calcula ons are given with construc on diagrams to guide students on how to use these diagrams correctly. – Starter ac vi es are included to help s mulate discussions for learning. – Summaries and exam-type summa ve assessments given at the end of each module are indispensable tools for revision and exam prepara on. – Students are given a full original prac ce exam so that they can familiarise themselves with the exam format. – Important terminology is clearly explained and highlighted to help students understand diffi cult concepts and overcome language barriers.


Quan ty Surveying N6

• The Lecturer’s Guide provides: – lesson and teaching plans now incorporated via the weekly plan – comprehensive answers to all ac vi es – two formal tests with marking memoranda – full mark alloca ons to aid with marking and exam prepara on.

TVET First authors

Sparrow Consul ng

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