Quan ty Surveying N6
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Quan ty Surveying N6, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Modules and weigh ng Total percentage Module 1
Construc on processes
Module 2
Quan ty surveying theory
Module 3
Module 4
es and cos ng TOTAL
Changes to the previous curriculum
2021 curriculum
• The curriculum has been restructured. The previous curriculum was divided into three sec ons: Analysis of construc on details, Theory of quan ty surveying and Prac cal quan ty surveying. There are four modules in the new curriculum. • The scope of measurement of building work has changed from the previous curriculum. • Analysis of construc on details is no longer covered as a separate sec on in the 2021 curriculum, but interpreta on of drawings and specifica ons forms the basis of the measurement module. • Quan ty surveying prac ces have been updated in line with new industry requirements. Module 1: Construc on processes
Communica on processes [NEW]
The content on varia on orders was prescribed in the Theory sec on of the previous curriculum. Communica on processes and arbitra on are new to this curriculum.
• Describe the communica on process in construc on projects with regards to: – architect’s site mee ng – architect’s instruc ons – distribu on of correspondence, drawing and other informa on – site visit by architect, quan ty surveyor.
Quan ty Surveying N6