9 minute read

Applied Management N5


Applied Management N5


Main changes to the curriculum

• Introduc on of the latest technological systems used in the hotel and related industries. • Some addi ons or removals in each module.

Changes to the previous curriculum New content Module 1: Introduc on (10%)

• Was 5% • Terminology (LC 1.1) – Added a new learning content sec on on terminology. • Professional behaviour (LC 1.2) – ‘Social skills’ have been changed to ‘interpersonal skills’ and students must now explain the importance of these skills for a front offi ce manager/staff interac ng with clients. – Added three new learning outcome sec ons (LO 1.2.2, LO 1.2.3, LO 1.2.5) covering rapport, professional rela onships and social media presence. – Expanded upon the concepts of ‘Poise and deportment’ and students must now describe how these create a professional impression with clients and improve the image of the establishment. • Suppor ng and ancillary services (LC 1.3) – Was ‘Suppor ng services’. – Used to be one outcome of ‘Name and describe shortly the diff erent suppor ng services in the hospitality industry’. – Now has three full outcomes: two are completely new, one has new content. 1.1.1 Terminology: interpersonal skills, rapport, professional behaviour, poise, deportment, ancillary, revenue genera ng, non-revenue genera ng 1.2.2 Describe ways to establish a rapport with clients. 1.2.3 Explain the importance of maintaining a professional rela onship with clients/ professional behaviour toward clients. 1.2.5 Social media presence 1.3.1 Name and describe the diff erent suppor ng services in the hospitality industry: housekeeping (i.e. room a endant, supervisor), public and service area cleaning, room’s division staff (including: front desk a endant, valet parking, concierge, general maintenance, laundry services). 1.3.2 Name and describe the diff erent ancillary services in the hospitality industry: travel insurance, car hire, transfers to the hotel, currency exchange. 1.3.3 List the revenue-genera ng areas in an accommoda on establishment (guest and func on rooms, food and beverage, bars, laundry) and non-revenue genera ng areas in an accommoda on establishment (front offi ce, marke ng, human resources, fi nance, maintenance, security).

Module 2: Organisa on and grading (10%)

• Terminology (LC 2.1) – Added a new learning content sec on on terminolog. 2.1.1 Terminology: front of house, back of house, banque ng, organisa onal structure, grading


Applied Management N5

Changes to the previous curriculum New content

• Du es are now specifi ed as those performed by recep onists on diff erent shi s. • Diff erent organisa on structures (LC 2.2) – Specifi ed more establishments • Du es for diff erent posi ons within the hospitality

establishment (LC 2.3)

– Now specifi ed that it is for all front and back of house posi ons. • The diff erent departments and responsibili es of

diff erent departments and the type of services they provide (LC 2.5)

– No longer specifi cally for the rooms division. – Now need to explain benefi ts of an establishment being graded (not only list). – Removed the LO: List the condi on of par cipa on to the new na onal grading and classifi ca on scheme. 2.2.1 Newly specifi ed establishments in this learning outcome are: B&Bs, lodges, Airbnb, resorts, apartments and chalets. 2.5.3 Draw up a schedule of work for each employee according to diff erent front of house posi ons. 2.6.5 Explain the Code of Conduct that diff erent management levels should adhere to in an accommoda on establishment.

Module 3: The recep onist (10%)

• Terminology (LC 3.1) – Added a new learning content sec on on terminology • Dealing with enquiries and complaints in the front

offi ce (LC 3.4)

– No longer use reference books, just documents. • Communica on with guests (LC 3.5) – Completely revised all learning outcomes into four new learning outcomes.

Module 4: Recep on – Front offi ce (20%)

• Was 25% • Removed ‘Basic recep on du es performed during various shi s’ from this module and placed it in

Module 2. • Look at recording reserva ons electronically. • Electronic capturing of no fi ca ons and records for check-in/check-out of guests. 4.1.1 Hotel recep on terminology: adjoining room, suite, concierge, tariff , ameni es, check-in, check-out, reserva on, room service, brochures, walk-ins, back-to-back reserva ons, guaranteed arrivals, VIP, overbooking

3.1.1 Terminology: personal a ributes/ quali es, enquiries, confi den al, e que e, complainant, cau ous, communica on

3.5.1 Diff eren ate between verbal and non-verbal communica on. 3.5.2 Explain how to use both communica on methods eff ec vely when dealing with guests. 3.5.3 Explain the use of basic telephone e que e when dealing with guests. 3.5.4 Discuss the importance of confi den ality of a guest’s informa on.


Applied Management N5

Changes to the previous curriculum New content

• Terminology (LC 4.1) – Specifi ed the learning content in the sec on on hotel recep on terminology. • Recep on area layout and du es of staff (LC 4.2) – Specifi c areas have now been listed for illustra on on the diagram layout. – Basic rules of behaviour must now be described for all front of house staff , not only recep on staff . • Brochures and tariff structures (LC 4.3) – Now talk about all-encompassing ‘marke ng material’ as opposed to just ‘brochures’ • Methods of booking a reserva on (LC 4.5) – Split into methods for guests booking and methods for hotels booking. • Recording the reserva on (LC 4.6) – New content added to cover technology and so ware. • Other methods of recording reserva ons (LC 4.7) – Removed: Compare the rack system with the hotel (bookings) diary. • Check-in and check-out of guests (LC 4.10) – Removed content on informa on needed for registering aliens and comple ng aliens’ forms. – Changed ‘chance’ guests to ‘walk-in’ guests.

• Room status (LC 4.11)

– Removed the Whitney system (room board and room status rack). 4.3.1 Describe the use of diff erent marke ng material in the recep on area. 4.6.2 Iden fy diff erent so ware used in hospitality establishments for reserva ons. 4.6.5 Explain direct and indirect online reserva ons.

Module 5: Legal aspects – Front offi ce (10%)

• Registra on of guests (LC 5.3) – Now references the Immigra on Act (13/2002) instead of the Aliens Registra on Act. – Requires the lis ng of informa on for all guests instead of aliens. • The rights of the proprietor/hotelier/innkeeper

(LC 5.5)

– Removed content on explaining the signifi cance and usage of the right of lien.


Applied Management N5

Changes to the previous curriculum New content Module 6: Ancillary services (5%)

• Special requests of guests (LC 6.1) – Examples of special dietary requirements and notable dates have now been listed; allergy-based bedding has been added as a special request; car services has been removed. • First aid (LC 6.2) – Four new LOs have been added. – When applying the concepts of fi rst aid, students must now also know the contents of a fi rst aid box and where to locate it (LO 6.2.7). – Students must now complete a basic fi rst aid programme and obtain a cer fi cate. • Security precau ons (LC 6.3) – Syllabus now lists ways in which guests’ property can be safeguarded (armed response and card entry) and ways in which premises can be safeguarded (CCTV, fi ngerprint access control, guest/staff photos). 6.2.1 Explain the importance of iden fying emergency situa ons quickly and correctly. 6.2.2 Explain why untrained personnel should not administer fi rst aid in an emergency situa on. 6.2.3 Know who the fi rst aider is on site and how to contact the person. 6.2.4 Explain the steps to take when conduc ng a Primary Survey in an emergency situa on. 6.2.5 Iden fy visible vital signs that indicate the physical condi on of a pa ent.

Module 7: Handling money and billing (20%)

• Methods of payment (LC 7.12) – Methods of payment have now been listed by the syllabus and students must be able to explain each, not just list them. – The main change in this LC is the removal of cheque LOs and the addi on of card payment LOs. – Removed: When and how ledger payment facili es are off ered and cashier’s instruc ons for payment by credit ledger accounts. 7.12.7 Briefl y explain how the hotel cashier can quickly establish if a credit/debit card is good for payment. 7.12.8 Summarise the advantages of using a credit/debit card/EFT compared to using cash for payment. 7.12.9 List the guidelines to the cashier when accep ng payment by credit/debit card. 7.12.10 Set out the procedure the cashier has to follow if there is any doubt about the card payment.

Module 8: Selling and the front offi ce (15%)

• Selling methods (LC 8.3) – Added new content. – Removed the LOs on USPs. – Change the focus of the AIDA principle to online SALES. 8.3.4 Explain upselling and cross-selling. 8.3.5 Name typical examples of upselling and cross-selling of hotel products. 8.3.7 Discuss the AIDA principle in sales and marke ng with regard to online sales e.g. websites.


Applied Management N5

Changes to the previous curriculum New content

• Aids of sales (LC 8.6) – Removed LO of iden fying printed material used by hotels. – Included non-fi nancial rewards in successful sales campaigns.

Important points

1. This version of the book contains all of the changes to the curriculum. 2. There is a Lecturer’s Guide with: • background informa on • comprehensive answers • marking guidelines • links to online materials to support teaching • four class tests with marking memoranda • printable resources such as blank conven onal charts, density charts and registra on confi rma on forms.

Features of TVET First Applied Management N5

• Fully updated and aligned with the new 2021 curriculum • Packed with examples and ac vi es to help students • Step-by-step examples to aid explana ons of new syllabus addi ons • Tables and bulleted lists to help with understanding comparisons and explana ons • Images to aid with explana on • Forms with real-life examples to make procedure understandable and easy to remember • Case studies to relate the content to the working world and help students apply their knowledge • Starter ac vi es to help s mulate discussions for learning • Summaries and exam-type summa ve assessments at the end of each module are indispensable tools for revision and exam prepara on • Important terminology clearly explained and highlighted to help students understand diffi cult concepts and overcome language barriers • A three-hour mock examina on set in the same style as a DHET exam • Extensive Lecturer’s Guide with ac vity answers (including marking guidelines) • Lesson and teaching plans now incorporated via the six-month plan

TVET First author

Shawn Green

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