Made in Bursa

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Bursa attracts investors by offering challenging opportunities


cially for market-seeking and efficiency-seeking investors. Domestic market with high growth potential, access to global markets, qualified labor force, developed production and transportation infrastructure and industrial clusters increase the competitiveness of Bursa.

Bursa has: -Advanced infrastructure, dynamic entrepreneurs, the high quality of work and attractive investment climate -Clusters in automotive, textile, machinery, food and furniture. Page 13

ISSN 1300-2260

ursa, which hosts hundreds of multinational companies, is a dynamic market and a global investment destination. Bursa is attracting all kinds of Foreign Direct Investment such as green-field and high-tech investments. It offers great opportunities espe-

Bursa Thermal Springs Keep on Healing B ursa, one of the richest cities of Turkey in terms of natural thermal and spring resources, still keeps on offering health for citizens from these resources. These thermal spring places, which also historically possess an important place, have been used by nations varying from Romans to Ottomans. These natural healing resources, which provide better results by being used along with modern medical methods, have an important place in the development of medical tourism. Bursa Health Care Tourism Association Executive Board President Dr Metin Yurdakoş told us the history, therapeutic methods and outcomes over the health care tourism. Firstly, could you please tell us about yourself? I am Dr. Metin Yurdakoc. I am a physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist. For long years I have served for Turkish Armed Forces. I was retired in 2002. We have been working for the treatment of patients for 24 years in Bursa Cekirge at physical therapy and rehabilitation center by implementing thermal spring

History of Bursa, a city that harbors a variety of landmarks of different cultures

cures in conjunction with a team challenging for patient therapies. What is the significance of thermal spring waters in Bursa? As per their historical past, when were thermal spring waters firstly discovered? The thing we call thermal or spring water is one of the naturally originated health care elements. Entire world turned its attention to natural cure resources. As one of the most important one in terms of thermal and spring waters, Turkey possesses considerably abundant resources. Bursa on the other hand, is one of the predominant cities possessing these abundant sources. People have been taking advantage of those thermal spring waters for centuries. Page 15


s the first capital of the Ottoman Empire with a history dating back to 4000BC at the heart of the silk and spice trade and Turkey’s fourth largest and advanced city, Bursa is the hub of many monuments and historical works nowadays. It has been the capital of many civilizations and religions for centuries, as well. The city’s skyline is comprised of historical landmarks varying from mosques to madrasas and from churches to baths. Attracting attention for its natural beauty as well as its rich cultural heritage Bursa is also a much preferred holiday resort for winter sports. Both winter and outdoor sports enthusiasts frequently go to Uludag in Bursa. Page 10

Health Care Tourism Association Executive Board President Dr Metin Yurdakoş

Meeting of thermal and health


he Governor Karaloglu: “The health tourism has become a state policy. Our country targets to gain $10 billion of income from the health tourism by 2018.” The Bursa Governorship and Special Province Administration held a panel entitled “Geothermal Resources in Bursa” in the scope of increasing service quality in g e o ther-

Governor of Bursa Munir Karaloglu

mal tourism. Speaking at the panel, Governor of Bursa Munir Karaloglu said: “The health tourism has become a state policy. Our country targets to gain $10 billion of income from the health tourism by 2018. The Ministry of Health has proclaimed three provinces as targeted provinces across Turkey. One of them is Bursa.” Stating that the sector should accelerate the investments, the Governor Karaloglu said: “Currently one of the three provinces is our city, the government of the Turkish Republic which expects an income through the health tourism worth $10 billion by 2018. The existing geothermal resources, capacity in the medical health facilities and quality and other tourism potential in the city is the biggest reason in being chosen of Bursa. Today, Bursa is rediscovering a very important value that we do not use wholly, but we comprehend newly, omitting it for a long time. You know my colleague before me has laid the line of 18 kilometers with the great efforts by setting up Geothermal Inc. there is possibility to supply hot water to all hotels, all health organizations whenever they want. Page 10

Health Tourism Gumtop promotes Evaluated in Istanbul health tourism


n Gumtop Gumtop is a regional association and has seven other member cities, namely, Bursa, Balikesir, Bilecik, Kutahya, Eskisehir and Canakkale. We try to promote ties among members, to solve problems and to represent our members in several events, including the fairs. The union also classify our member businesses by visiting them and also participates in the relations with ministry of tourism. Page 15


uthorities from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Ministry

Turkey’s first Archeopark ready for summer


arrying out studies at Archeopark, which encompasses 8500 years long history under its composition, stated that the preparation works in Archeopark had been continuing since the year 2004 and that it would totally be operational in summer months with the its administrative building, exhibition spaces, meeting rooms and central building. Page 10

Uludağ: An attraction center for winter sports and tourism of Economics joined the evaluation meeting held in Istanbul by the Ministry of Health General Directorate of Health Promotion. Page 13

The legend of Iskender Kebab There has been a long dated bloodline between the mother side and the farther side of Yavuz İskenderoğlu.

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Merinos ACCC, a new ideal congress destination in Turkey


he “Congress Culture Centre (Merinos ACCC)” was built by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality and was officially opened in June 2010. Since the opening date 2500 events including international and national congresses, symposiums, seminars, festivals, plays, ceremonies, concerts, art performances and many little meetings with more than 1.700.000 visitors have been hosted in Merinos ACCC in 45 months. 25 of these events were big international congresses. Page 7


ludağ the ancient Mysian Olympus, is a mountain in Bursa Province, Turkey, with an altitude of 2,543 m (8,343 ft). It is a popular center for winter sports such as skiing, and a national park of rich flora and fauna. Summer activities, such as trekking and camping, also are popular. Mt. Uludağ is the highest mountain of the Marmara region. Page 11

Bursa Kamp-Karavan reaches its facilities Bursa Kamp Karavan Association wait foreigner visitors to the northwestern province of Bursa Page 3

Doors open to art at Gölyazı The buildings which have found life again, have been opened to service as Gölyazı Culture Home and Göl Yazıevi after being restored by Nilüfer Municipality.

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SINPAŞ GYO Let Bursa Modern Project Enter Into Force


n addition to safety in terms of construction and life, having also a good impression with the modern style, “Bursa Modern” offers a brand new life area. Page 6

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