Made In Turkey May 2013

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Sustainable growth set for next three years

Turkey’s installed power doubled in the last decade


urkey doubled its installed power capacity in the energy sector


Turkey’s installed power plant is increasing, while diversifying its

urkey’s Central Bank governor Erdem Basci said that there was a powerful relation be-

In this scope, Turkey has expanded its 31 thousand 845 megawatt installed

At that time, also oil prices were high; regarding as an oil importing country, it would not be Page 6

Within the last ten years, Turkey’s energy power has increased via addiPage 13

ISSN 1300-2260

Turkish Central Bank Governor Erdem Basci

Basci highlighted before Lehman crisis the rate was high and together with crisis the market had made a recovery, a hard slowing happened, as for TL was overvalued at that time

Turkish Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan

Caglayan urges for a fair competition


afer Caglayan met with Eamon Gilmore, Ireland's Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minis-

May 2013 Year: 12 No: 128

Turkey considered as a growing value by many European countries T

urkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said when Turkey started negotiations for EU membership, it was asked when Turkey would be ready but now the question was when the EU would

tunately, Turkey has been facing with the barrier of visa impleFurthermore, Turkey is a member of the Customs Union for 18 years and has taken a crucial distance in the negotiations of the close relation and are not member to the EU, enter the EU withimplementation has no relation with trade, neither with human Page 6

Budget revenues up 21.6 percent in Q1

having the highest voting power and that makes some countries doubtful” noted Babacan adding Turkey

Investment Week”, Babacan met with Federal Reserve Bank Governor and CEO Dennis Lockhart and

said EU was a real big strategic aim for them and they

Babacan said Turkey applied tight policies during the

Meanwhile, Babacan said Turkey and the World Bank had been cooperating in a program involving 20 coun-

reforms Turkey made, the effects of global crisis were

Bank, the countries that need economic reforms will

hard to reach a reconciliation at the Euro zone among

with the results,” he said, adding that the World Bank

that will be signed between the EU and USA, this means an unjust At the meeting with Ireland Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Eamon Gilmore, Turkish Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan highlighted that Turkey had inked the Customs Union agreement with the European Union 18 years ago

was considered as a growing value by many European

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan

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Trade to remain subdued in 2013


orld trade growth fell to 2.0% in 2012 — down from 5.2% in 2011 — and is expected to remain sluggish in 2013 at around 3.3% as the economic slowdown in Europe continues to suppress global import demand, WTO economists reported on 10 April 2013. “The events of 2012 should serve as a reminder that the structural flaws in economies that were revealed by the economic crisis have not been fully addressed, despite important progress in some areas. Repairing these fissures needs to be the priority for 2013,” Director-General Pascal Lamy said.

WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy

Agreement for safe food between Turkey and China

The abrupt deceleration of trade in 2012 was attributed to slow growth in developed economies and recurring bouts of uncertainty over the future of the euro. Flagging output and high unemployment in developed countries reduced imports and fed through to a lower pace of export growth in both developed and developing economies. Page 5

Pegasus rises in trading debut on Turkish Food and Agriculture Minister Mehdi Eker Turkish Minister of Finance Mehmet Simsek


urkey’s budget deficit decelerated by TL897 million in the first quarter of 2013, down 86 percent over the same pecent thanks to the increase in tax revenues and income through


trading in Istanbul on speculation expansion by the

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cent to TL94,1 billion, as for the expenditures became TL95 bilThe budget deficit between January-March 2013 became TL897 million, thereby the budget deficit decreased 86 percent in Q1 Tax incomes increased 20 percent to TL77,4 billion in this period, primary surplus also achieved 35 percent recovery to TL14,3 The interest expenditures decreased by TL15,1 billion diminishPage 6


urkey’s Food and Agriculture Minister Mehdi Eker visited China along with the representatives of Turkish producers, agro-organizations

Pegasus, whose passenger count advanced 20 percent in

Turkey rediscovering its geothermal energy resources


ich in geothermal resources, Turkey increased its drilling activities from 2,000 meters to 28,000 meters; and its utilizable heat capacity to 4,813 MWt by the end of 2012 with an increase by 46 perAccording to Turkey’s Mineral Research and ExploPage 11

Between Turkey and China, an agreement has been inked about safe food, Minister Eker said the visit would provide a great contribution to development of Eker said many of foodstuffs from Turkey to Chinese market could not enter directly, by the outlined agreement, the joint principles have been set in the proceIn the framework of those principles, the inspection to be carried out and via standard union Turkey would be Turkey would sell more prioritized foodstuffs to this region, fresh fruits, vegetables, pistachio nuts, poultry meats, milk and dairy products were the prioritized Page 6

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