Made In Turkey August

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their country would be better gested , as the economy minister reiterated doubts over whether Greece can stay in the single currency. The Emnid poll

economy would be better outside the

The survey also mans wanted Greeceto leave

Sonntag mass circulation weekly


not live up to its austerity promises. Page 7

STANBUL - Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan says Turkey needs to be cautious. Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said that while Europe an economic crisis, Turkey would have to act in a very cautious “Growth is good, but when we l o o k



planning to construct the country’s largest science center, according to the local mayor. “The science center will introduce nology and will allow visitors to discover and experiment, said Ankara

ccording to a report conducted by the Cen-

with the geographical regions and sectors where exports are predominantly made. According to this end, ing its exports towards

adding that the venue’s planned green Page 5 Page 9


nternational Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde. AFP photo Turkey will serve as the deputy executive direc-

deeper we see that it is based on bormoney. This yearTurkey will grow sustainable, more continuous and grounded growth. Sure, you can achieve rapid growth in the short

we are thinking about both today and tomorrow, we have to be cautious,” Babacan said. Babacan said Turkey was growing, but so too were its citizens’ banking debts. cautions, our banks’ loan volumes Turkish Deputy would have grown Prime Minister Ali Babacan

year. With our precautions we were cent,” Babacan added. He said that this year loan volumes would be in

The Turkish Central Bank has re-

spending more than their monthly


ernment’s dependability, total wealth Babacan also criticized Europe’s

es. “


reasury. The move comes as the monetary


percent, based on the downward assumptions basically on energy and

Managing Director Christine Lagarde.

cits were too large. He also pointed out, “We asked them

designed to give a greater voice to developing countries on quotas and governance. Page 9

revealing the bank’s third report on inkeep spending and they told us ‘we

citizens’ and companies’


ish Statistical Institute data. Page 6


u r k e y ’ s national air carrier Turkish Airlines was ranked

Association (IATA). Turkish Airlines aims to have a Airlines with 696 planes and FederalExpress (FedEx) Headquartered in Istanbul, Turkish Airlines operates

w o r l d airplanes airline rankings compiled by the International Air Transport

uxurious Pullman coaches, whose productions have been carried out by TUVASAS, (Turkish Wagon Industry) were delivered to the Bulgarian Railways with a ceremony held at the Directorate building. Speaking at the ceremony, Ibrahim



urkish-Egyptian trade volume is estimated to in-


news agency. However, Turkish investors in Egypt experience bureaucurity, Ekinci said. Page 9

and vacuumed toilet system make the project single in its class. He noted that along with the exports to Bulgaria their direction


the European Union and then to rican countries and the Turkic Republics. Page 12

Page 13

Americas. Page 6

o-Ro ships will carry Turkish exports to the Middle East bypassing Syria due to the recent border closings. ing its borders with Syria, there could be heightened


TUVASAS, said, they were enjoy-

Bank. Turkish Central Bank predicted year-


placed American Delta Airlines


urkish Central Bank revised the yearend consumer prices index (CPI) down to 6.98 percent in its second term survey. The year-end CPI had been 7.02 percent in the

beds, intercom system which allows passengers communicate tranet camera system at corridors

to Turkish Exporters Union riod last year. Page 13 ro ships would allow Turkish exporters to bypass Syria and get their products to other countries in the region. Turkey’s trade volume with Syria has witnessed an in-



Nail Olpak


he Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s

TIM Chairman

and Addis Ababa. Page 12


NKARA - The debt crisis is producing new opportuni-

sought, according to Bülent Gedikli, and Development Party. Turkey, and Turkish banks in particu-

interview with Anatolia news agency. “As this crisis will last a long time,


ourists walk by the Italian cruise ship Diva in Marmaris on the Aegean coast. The number

sengers who came to the country on those ships has climbed 276 percent in last nine years. Page 8



ompany plants and buildings will be included in Turkey’s new incentive system in the new term, which has supported some

Page 9

the scheme. Page 7

who come to Turkeymake long-term plans.” opportunities, the deputy president said, calling them “the interest rate company or institution name. Page 6

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