New border gates to be opened
TOBB President, Turkey’s transformation example for its neighbors
OBB President M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu met with the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington D.C. Informing Clinton about the “Istanbul Forum for Economic Cooperation” involving Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Meanwhile, Hisarciklioglu invited Clinton to the meeting of the entrepreneur women from Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan that was held on November 2, 2011. Page 6
P Turkey’s Customs and Trade Minister Hayati Yazici
The Big 5 Show Dubai opens its doors
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November 2011 Year: 10 No: 110
ISSN 1300-2260
aralleling the expanded foreign trade volume, State Minister Hayati Yazici has launched a new work with Iraq, Georgia and Iran to open new gates because of insufficient current border gates.
nder the name THE BIG 5 SHOW the largest trade fair for construction will be held in the Middle East emirate Dubai. It is a meeting place for building and civil engineering professionals both international and local.
The Medium-Term Program envisages sustainable growth and development In October exports rise 10.64 pct
T Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan
urkish Assembly’s Exporters (TIM) announced exports figures for October at a meeting attended by Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan in southeastern province of Hakkari. In the first 10 months of 2011, Turkey's exports increased 20.18 percent to $111.3 billion year-onyear. In the last 12 months, exports surged 18.7 percent to $132.5 billion.According to the figures of TIM, exports from the agriculture sector reached $14.3 billion and exports from the industrial sector were $93.1 billion between January and October 2011. Page 6
Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan
eputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan predicts that Turkey's economy will grow by 7.5 percent this year and its
Urban transformation to cost $100 bn
urkey’s Environment and Urbanization Minister Erdogan Bayraktar said that there is need worth $100 billion in order to achieve the assertive announcement of the Prime Minister R. Tayyip Erdogan in the urban transformation. Attending a
meeting, which is held by INTES monthly, the Environment and Urbanization Minister Erdogan Bayraktar said that in order to repair the damaged buildings and demolish the illegal buildings there is need worth over $100 billion in Turkey. Page 2
Master plan of GAP achieved as 80 percent Turkey’s Development Minister Cevdet Yilmaz
urkey’s Development Minister Cevdet Yilmaz said that 80 percent of the GAP Master Plan (Southeastern Anatolian Project) has been achieved. Speaking at the Turkey’s Statistic Institute (TUIK), the minister Yilmaz said Southeastern Anatolian Project was not only a regional program; it is a national program including many factors ranging from education to healthcare, social services to urbanization. Page 2
Urbanization Minister Erdogan Bayraktar
Turkey’s Budget Bill to be discussed at the parliament
urkey’s incredible growth in 2010 as well as in the first half of 2011 was mainly based on private consumption and direct investment, Mehmet Simsek, Minister of Finance said. “The keen increase in the private sector investments in particular shows that the long-term production capacity is increasing.” Page 14
As world passes 7 billion, UN urges action to meet key challenges
op United Nations officials marked the global population reaching 7 billion with a call to action to world leaders to meet the challenges that a growing population poses, from ensuring adequate food and clean water to guaranteeing equal access to security and justice. Page 3
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Ministers of Tourism call on decision-makers to use tourism to stimulate the economy
he Ministers of Tourism of the major economies meeting in Paris for the 3rd G-20 Ministers’ Meeting have called on decision-makers to consider tourism within their strategies to foster the economy and when facing mounting challenges, namely that of job invention (Paris, France, 25 October 2011). The meeting approved a declaration calling on members of the G-20 to “register the importance and impact of tourism as a topic of discussion in the coming years’ summits” considering the “significant economic and social potential of tourism for the global economy, employment and sustainable development”. Page 14
growth rate will decrease in 2012 in parallel to a decline in figures in the world and Europe. Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan and Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek announced Medium Term Program for Turkish economy in Ankara. The Medium-Term Program of the Turkish Government has presented a road map for the next three years of the Turkish economy. The program says the government’s primary focus will be directed toward achieving sustainable growth and producing more jobs. "Sustaining the stable growth process, increasing employment, continuing the fiscal discipline, raising domestic savings, narrowing the current account deficit and as a result, strengthening the economic stability are priorities of the new program," said Babacan speaking at a press conference. He also underlined that Turkey would closely monitor developments in global economy and implement policies in line with its medium-term economic program, adding that the govern-
ment would continue to implement policies to increase private sector's investments, direct international investments and exports. He also focused on the fact that the risk premium of Turkey decreased to below some developed economies and the risk perception of investors regarding Turkey has become lower. “As a result of the measures developed to tackle the crisis and the resilience of the economy, Turkey’s credit rating has been upgraded one grade by three credit agencies and two grades by the fourth in a short period.” He further added. The Medium-Term Program also envisages: In order to ensure stable and sustainable growth environment, controlling current account deficit and financing it by non-debt sources are essential. With the aim of increasing global competitiveness of firms in international trade the production and marketing process of innovation and R&D based, high value added and branded products and services will be supported. Page 6