Lamy: “Trade generates opportunities for development”
MUSIAD International Fair offers high morality, high technology
Director-General Pascal Lamy, Geneva Graduate Institute
he 14th edition of MUSIAD International Fair is being held in conjunction with International Business
irector-General Pascal Lamy, at the opening of the academic year of the Geneva Graduate Institute with Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen on 3 October 2012, said: “International trade is recognized as a tool for
The Fair, which will be taking place at CNR Expo Center between October 11-14, 2012, will bring businessmen from
not advocate open trade for its own sake, but as a means for ‘raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of Director-General Pascal Lamy said in his speech, “Trade has been a vehicle
in the city of Izmir in 1993 with the purpose of gathering the MUSIAD members to enhance commercial cooperation among them, according to statement of Page 7
Nail Olpak Chairman of MUSIAD
and higher incomes and by offering access to better goods, services, capital,
ISSN 1301-4641
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October 2012 Year: 11 No: 121
The economy deserves more than what the rating agencies tell the world
The Turkish economy is on the right track T
he Turkish economy deserves more than what the leading international rating agencies tell the world, according to Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet
“Turkey would have attracted an additional $32 billion in portfolio and foreign direct investments if Turkey had been granted the rating it deserves,”
International credit rating agencies have failed to inform the world about any of the economic crises to date, Finance
Ratings are determined by looking at a country’s capacity to pay back its loans and whether it has the political will
speaking at an Ankara meeting at which the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) delivered a
that the Turkish economy has cent every year for the last deto continue growing for three
Turkish Minister of Finance Mehmet Simsek
criticizes the leading agencies, agreeing that they have played a role in deepening the eco-
BP to invest in Azeri project
P will have to invest billions of dollars more than previously planned if it is to slow falling output at an Azeri oil project that is also that country’s biggest economic resource, oil executives The investments required to cut the decline at the Azmay not even be commercially viable for the companies to spend the money unless they receive sweeteners from the government, the sources told ReThe problems at ACG will affect international oil supplies and come as BP faces the possibility of paying out $17 billion more Gulf of Mexico oil spill than it has budgeted for, after the
company of gross negligence earlier this page 6
The markets think differently
said, adding that the country has attracted some $120 billion in investments in the last decade, which corresponds with the time period that governments of Prime Minister Recep Development Party have been Turkey’s rating falls below “investable” levels, according to Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch, the three largest international ratings agenare obliged to take their ratings into consideration when These agencies need structural page 5
IMF sees heightened risks sapping slower global recovery
he International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented a gloomier picture of the global economy
overnment support to agriculture in OECD countries fell to 19% of total farm receipts in 2011, a record low driven by developments in international commodity markets, rather than by explicit policy changes, according to the latest version of an annual Support to producers stood at $252 billion (EUR 182 billion) in OECD
points to a generalised move away from support directly linked to propage 6
Turkish exports expand 7.4% in September
over to the same month previous year, Mehmet Buyukeksi, head of Turkish -
As for year on year, Turkey’s exports raised (TIM) Chairman Mehmet The Turkish automotive sector recorded the highest export volume in September with -
In its latest World Economic Outlook, unveiled in Tokyo ahead of the IMF-World Bank 2012
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Number of aircraft passenger exceeds 100 million
umber of passenger of Turkish airports have exceeded 100 million as of the end
General Directorate Airports Authority
of State (DHMI),
passengers increased over 10 percent through 20 domestic airports and as for international airports the increase was 11
percent rise in September over
According to the statement from Turkish
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China’s growth to slow to 7.7% in 2012, recovery of 8.1% next year
Bad signs from euro’s boss
gion may slow down by a full percentage point
Support to agriculture at historic lows, says OECD
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The European Stability Mechanism (ESM) inaugurated
he start of the European Stability Mechanism marks an historic milestone in the shaping of the future of the European Monetary
The ESM is a one of the tools of the crisis resolution mechanism for
page 7
leading economy falls to a 31 month nomists discussing that this might be a signal veloped countries will remain modest, with recovery in the region to be driven mainly by strong domestic depessimism about the future, the survey command in developing countries, according to the release pany notes Germany is heading for recession, economists warned, as the eurozone
the country, Europe’s top economy, to the The Ifo institute said its closely watched survey of the business climate in Germany dropped unexpectedly in September for the Page 7
Greece supports Turkey’s EU visa-free travel initiative
reece will supports Turkey’s bid for visa-free travel across the European Union countries, because tourists from the neighboring country support Greece’s
“We will support the Turks’ right of free movement in the European Union,” Kefalogianni told Union of Chambers and Commodity ExPage 6