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TOBB to bridge Anatolia and Europe for SMBs
on. Therefore we are unable to attain the same success in company growth as we do in company establishment. Our goal is to help the SMBs of today to make the Turkish companies who can compete on a global scale of tomorrow. So that we, as TOBB, devise and enact projects which will enable our companies to succeed and integrate to global economy.” Page 6
TOBB Chairman Rifat Hisarcıklıoglu
ISSN 1300-2260
very year around there is an increase of 10-12% in newly established companies of the total number of active companies. This ratio is almost double that of the EU. We do have one problem though. Our companies have a hard time achieving growth, they stay where they start. Afterwards they either lag behind or get liquidated due to global competiti-
September 2011 Year: 10 No: 108 Ihlas Medya Plaza, 29 Ekim Cad. No: 23 34197 Yenibosna-Istanbul/TURKEY Tel: +90.212. 454 25 00 Fax: +90.212. 454 25 98 http://www.img.com.tr E-mail: turkey@ihlas.net.tr
Erdogan: A renewed economic crisis won't even touch Turkey M Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek
Turkish budget enjoys first half surplus
urkey had a budget surplus of 2.9 billion Turkish Liras in the first half of this year, the largest nominal first-half surplus in the last 41 years, Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek announced. The government’s performance was a “historic success,” Şimşek said at a press conference called to report on the budget performance in the January-June period, adding that robust economic growth had had a positive effect on tax revenues. Debt reconstruction In first half of last year, Turkey’s budget ran a deficit of 15.4 billion liras. “We are talking about an upswing of more than 18 billion liras in six months,” the minister said. Page 3
Turkish Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan
Turkish Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan: Turkey’s economy is as strong as stone
urkey's Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan said that the country's economy is as "strong as stone," as the fast-growing economy's assets remained under heavy selling pressure amid rapidly deteriorating global sentiment. Caglayan's comments were made in Ankara ahead of a ministerial meeting with Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the economy. Page 5
MUSIAD Chairman Vardan: Trade volume can enlarge more between Turkey and Iran
he Chairman of MUSIAD Omer Cihad Vardan said trade volume between Turkey and Iran has reached by worth $10 billion. Vardan said that the trade between the two countries expanded 10 fold in 10 years to $10 billion. He added, if the current barriers in the trade between Turkey and Iran to be solved, the trade would grow 3 fold. The Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association, (MUSIAD) members from all around Turkey paid a courtesy visit to Iran. Page 6
uch like the world economic crisis of 2008 only touched Turkey slightly, any new crisis won't touch it at all, said the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Speaking at the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) provincial chairmen meeting, Erdogan added that Turkish officials have been closely following and taking all necessary measures concerning the recent turmoil on global markets. "We don't and won't allow the crisis to hold us captive," he added. Pointing to growing public debt and budgetary woes in eurozone countries as well as problems in the US, Erdogan said, "The worldwide economic recession now threatens the peace of both governments and societies. Turkey maintains that its development will continue under these negative global conditions." Erdogan dismissed fears of a new economic crisis, saying no one should be worried about the troubles shaking the European and US economies. “This time the crisis in Europe won’t even deal us a glancing blow. We’re stronger this time around,” Erdogan told reporters . “Our feet are planted firmly on the ground. There could be a crisis in Europe, but we’re prepared for everything. Turkey is better and
stronger,” he added. But he reiterated a warning against overspending, saying Turks must avoid “frittering away” their money. “Will we defend an economy of efficiency, or one of extravagance?” he asked. “If we don’t take the latter path, then there’s no reason for worry.” He added that people “can continue spending properly. Holding a meeting with his economic team Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan evaluated the recent developments in markets. Turkey's economy and financial markets were unlikely to suffer a long term impact from developments rocking global markets, the Prime Minister's office said in a statement published after the four hour meeting. Turkey will maintain its fiscal discipline, pursue policies to increase employment, improve investment conditions and follow its privatization programme, the statement said. The statement also said Turkey will focus on the rapid implementation of structural reforms to permanently solve the current account deficit problem. Meanwhile, Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek held several talks in southeastern province of Batman.
Finance Minister Simsek said that stability and confidence in Turkey existed nowhere else. Addressing members of Young Businessmen Association in Batman, he said that Turkey was affected by a fluctuation right now and it was caused by a shrinkage in global economy. "Some European countries have been facing a very serious debt
stock issue. This situation is the source of fragility in the world economy," he said. Page 2
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan urges for sustainable economic growth