Madeira Island Magazine - April/May 2019

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contents destaques

MIM April-May Abril-Maio 2019

4 600 years of the Discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo 5 Music / Música Exhibitions / Exposições 6 Events / Eventos 9 Madeira Classic Car Revival 11 Banana Cake / Bolo de Banana 12 Monte Palace Tropical Garden 13 Did You Know That...? 17 11 quick tips 18 Madeira fauna & flora 23 Geology / Geossítio 24 Fort of São Lourenço 25 Health 28 Cultural info 30 Special tours / The fantastic history of Madeira (BD)


A Walk on the Wild Side


Miradouro da Rocha do Navio


Carnation Revolution April 25



Madeira Toy Museum

Madeiran Speckled Wood


Ernest Hemingway


Madeira Flower Festival

The island’s dazzling annual Festival

The museum has on display 20,000 toys and miniatures



Madeira Island magazine

Contacts Subscription General Enquiries & Fax (351) 291 232 904 You Can Reach Mib Through Email Associate Managers Rafael Caldeira Vitor Nunes Director Rafael Caldeira Subdirector Vitor Nunes Owner Vitor Maurício Vieira Nunes Published by Netcriações, Lda

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Wine Cycle

Madeira wine is almost as old as Madeira itself. Exports began shortly after the island was discovered in 1419. The enchantment of Madeira wines lies in the fact that, even today, we can still experience its deep ethnographic richness: grape harvests, processions of harvesters, grape pressing and the entire ritual of the street festival are enthusiastically enjoyed by all who take part in the festivities. The roots of Madeira's wine industry date back to the Age of Exploration, when Madeira was a regular port of call for ships travelling to the New World and East Indies. By the 16th century, records indicate a well-established wine industry on the island was able to supply these ships with wine for the long voyages across the sea. The earliest examples of Madeira, like Port, were unfortified and had the habit of spoiling at sea. Following the example of Port, a small amount of distilled alcohol made from cane sugar was added to stabilize the wine by boosting the alcohol content.

Editor Tony Kennedy Graphic Designer & Photographer Rafael Caldeira Cover Photo Rafael Caldeira Office Caminho do Poço Barral, Nº 52

Print & Circulation

Circulation 10 000 Licence # 123608 Edition 376


MIM April-May 2019



Typographer SIG R. Pêro Escobar 19 2680-186 Camarate


The Dutch East India Company became a regular customer, picking up large casks of wine known as "pipes" for their voyages to India. The intense heat and constant movement of the ships had a transforming effect on the wine, as discovered by Madeira producers when one shipment was returned to the island after a long trip. Madeira producers found that aging the wine on long sea voyages was very costly, so began to develop methods on the island to produce the same aged and heated style. They began storing the wines on trestles at the winery or in special rooms known as estufas, where the heat of island sun would age the wine. The 18th century was the "golden age" for Madeira, with the wine's popularity extending from the American colonies and Brazil in the New World to Great Britain, Russia and Northern Africa. The American colonies, in particular, were enthusiastic customers, consuming as much as a quarter of all wine produced on the island each year. By the end of the 19th century, most of the island's vineyards had been uprooted, and many were converted to sugar cane production. The majority of the vineyards that did replant chose to use American vine varieties. By the turn of the 20th century, sales started to slowly return to normal, until the industry was rocked again by the Russian Revolution and American Prohibition, which closed off two of Madeira's biggest markets. Today, with modern wine production techniques, transportation, distribution and marketing has regained credibility and acceptance in the international market.

Madeira Flower Collection May, 11 | Funchal Promovido durante a Festa da Flor, destina-se a todos os jovens criadores com idade superior a 16 anos que se inscrevam e ao serem selecionados, comprometem-se a produzir e a apresentar 3 coordenados, no MADEIRA FLOWER COLLECTION. As inscrições estão abertas até dia 5 de abril de 2019.

No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of MIM (Madeira Island Magazine). Caminho do Poço Barral, Nº 52 9000 – 155 Funchal Tel./Fax (+351) 291 232 904 Email – Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness, and the opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed.

Madeira - Uma História de Amor May, 17 | Madeira Congress Cente The musical "MADEIRA, UMA HISTÓRIA DE AMOR” will be taken to the scene at the Madeira Congress Center on May 17 and 18. O texto é um original de Eduardo Gaspar inspirado na "lenda de Machim", com a participação de Micaela e Diogo Garcia. 

Histórias e Lendas com e sem emendas May, 23 | Fórum Machico Um grupo de Atores de Rua chega à Madeira na atualidade, em plena Festa do Vinho. Percebe-se que não vieram por acaso e que procuram o portal que os levará a casa - a Atlântida. Viajam no tempo com a ajuda do livro branco de Salomé e confrontam-se com diversas personagens e lendas que os orientam no caminho... 

Estatuto Editorial A Revista Madeira Island Magazine é uma revista bimestral bilingue (Português e Inglês), gratuita, em formato impresso. A revista Madeira Island iniciou a sua publicação em Maio de 1978 com o intuito de dar a conhecer a Madeira a todos os seus visitantes, e trata, especialmente, temas relacionados à Cultura, Turismo, História, lazer, eventos, gastronomia e personalidades da Madeira, mantendo a possibilidade de abordar outras temáticas que sejam relevantes para os nossos visitantes bem como todos os Madeirenses. A Madeira Island Magazine é uma revista independente.

Ciclo do Vinho

A rainha cana-de-açúcar deu lugar ao rei vinho, licoroso, afamado e apreciado nos quatro cantos do mundo. Até William Shakespeare, em meados século XVI, destacou na sua peça de teatro “Ricardo III” a crescente notoriedade do Vinho Madeira, destacando o Malvasia, num drama em que o Duque de Clarence, irmão do rei Eduardo IV de Inglaterra, morre por afogamento dentro dum tonel de Vinho Madeira. A vinha Malvasia foi feita pelos padres Jesuítas, após o grande saque corsário de 1566. Começa assim um novo ciclo económico , abriram-se novos mercados, em especial o inglês, e com eles a fixação na Ilha da madeira de importantes comerciantes ingleses que, aos poucos e poucos passaram a controlar esta produção. Corria já o século XVII e novos horizontes e mercados abriram-se e consolidaram-se à transação deste néctar dos deuses, nomeadamente América do Norte e Antilhas. Nos séculos XVII e XVIII, o Funchal passou da Cidade do Açúcar à Cidade do Vinho.

Art / Music

exbitions / exposições

Madeira Classical Orchestra “Chapels in the Moonlight”

“Do Traço à Cor” Until 13 April | Galeria Marca de Água Paiting by Guareta Coromoto

Santa Cruz Collective of Fine Arts of Alice Sousa, Evangelina Sirgado, Graça Berimbau, Mafalda Gonçalves and Teresa Jardim.

“Evoa, descubra o lado selvagem do estuário do Tejo” Until 14 April | FNAC – Madeira Shopping Photograph by Jacques Van Wijlick. Located in the heart of Portugal’s most important wetland, the Tejo Estuary hosts more than 120000 birds, belonging to 200 different species.

Luís Godinho Until 13 May | Teatro Baltazar Dias The exhibition owes its title to Luís Godinho and his photos about São Tomé e Príncipe.

27.04.2019 - 18h00 Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro - Benoît Fromanger Solista - Juliette Hurel W. A. Mozart, Beethoven

Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro - Luís Andrade Solista - Emily Beynon António Pereira da Costa, Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven

05.05.2019 - 18h00 Centro de Congressos da Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro - Rui Pinheiro Solista - Sofia Escobar

19.05.2019 - 18h00 Museu Mudas Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro - Luís Andrade Solista - Daniel Cuchi Alessandro Marcello, Antonio Pereyra da Costa , Beethoven

08.05.2019 - 21h00 Átrio do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Quarteto de Cordas Atlântico & Clarinete Franz J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart

22.05.2019 - 21h30 Belmond Reid's Palace Quinteto de Sopros "Atlântida" Joseph Haydn, Jaques Ibert Heinrich Sutermeister, Elliot Carter, Malcolm Arnold

11.05.2019 - 18h00 Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Quinteto de Sopros Solistas OCM Ravel, Debussy, E. Carrapatoso

25.05.2019 - 18h00 Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Orquestra de Cordas - Madeira Camerata António Pereira da Costa

18.05.2019 - 18h00 Assembleia Legislativa da

Baroque music by OCM-ANSA Guided Tour by Rita Rodrigues April 16 | Quinta e Capela Mãe dos Homens, Funchal April 23 | Capela de Nossa Senhora da Graça, Mach ico

“Music In The Chapels” Capela de São Sebastião – Ponta do Sol April 6 | “Fennel Shore” (Musicians: João Freches, keyboard • Pedro Afonso, guitar • Rolando Faria, drums) April 16 | Mariachi México Madeira

Maktub Soundsgood May 4 | Maktub, Paul do Mar  This reggae music festival is held annually in Paúl do Mar, with the artists: Macka B & The Roots Ragga Band, Terra Livre, Zoufris Maracas, Jack and the Weatherman, Bare Jams and the Madeiran Men on The Couch.

Aleste May 24-26 - Complexo B. da Barreirinha  Aleste Festival is one of the latest Madeira cultural events. It will be featuring a line-up of alternative music with Bateu Matou, Black, Conjunto Corona, Kelman Duran, La Flama Blanca, Lena , D'Água + Primeira Dama & Banda Xita, Maria, Norberto Lobo, Selma Uamusse and ZA!.

“Waiting for Godot” April 27 | Teatro Municipal Baltazar  Text by Samuel Beckett Directed: David Pereira Bastos

Festival Aqui Acolá May 30 - June 2 | Ponta do Sol  Benjamin Clementine Mayra Andrade

“Images and memory of Calheta” Until 14 April | Mudas An exhibition of photographic images and various documents alluding to the City of Calheta. “Museum, nature and science: Günther Maul” Until 20 April | Funchal Natural History Museum In celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Museum of Natural History of Funchal, there will be presented a temporary exhibition dedicated to Günther Edmund Maul, dermoplastic, ichthyologist and former director of the Museum. Paulo David "Da continuidade das formas e do modo como pousam" Until 20 April | Porta 33 The exhibition owes its title to Paulo David, architect who was born, lives and works in Madeira Island.  Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 “Journeys with more than a century of History” Until 24 April | Ethnographic Museum of Madeira With more than a century of history, the carts of basket or cars of the Mount, constitute a type of transport unique in the world. “At the level of the look” Until 27 April | Quinta do Revoredo,


Collective “The meat” Until 24 May | Galeria.a, Cine Teatro de Santo António Curatorship: Paulo Sérgio BEJu Guided tours Thursday and Friday | 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | 3:00 p.m. “Este poema” April 27 to June 13 | Mudas Este Poema is the new project of Teresa Jardim. This exhibition, in the words of the author, develops around the poetry materialized in images and objects. "Exhibition by Catarina Branco: Em paisagem" Until 15 June | Mudas In this project Catarina Branco, presents us with a selection of works produced between 2009 and 2018, sculpture and installation. Access to the in-storage Collection “Artefacts in heather” Until 20 July | Madeira Ethnographic Museum The aim is to provide further understanding about the artisans and the processes of confectioning heather’s brooms and baskets. There will also be in exhibition utilitarian objects made of the same raw material, especially agricultural tools. “Neo Barroque Vertigo” Until January 2020 | Fórum Machico DDiarte private work , the pair of Madeiran photographers Zé Diogo and Diamantino Jesus.


events eventos

MIM April-May 2019




Festa de São Tiago Menor

Festival do Rum April 25 - 28 | Funchal th

Flower Festival May 2nd to 26th | Celebrating the arrival of springtime and the exuberant blossoming of flowers typical of this season, Funchal is the setting of a sumptuous and inebriating show filled with colour and fantasy - Flower Festival, which this year pays tribute to the celebrations of the 600th anniversary of the Discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo Islands. Celebrando a Primavera e o exuberante florescer típico da época, a cidade do Funchal é palco de um sumptuoso e inebriante espetáculo pleno de cor e de fantasia – Festa da Flor. Este cartaz turístico, realiza-se este ano, entre os dias 2 e 26 de maio, espetáculo subordinado às celebrações dos 600 anos da Descoberta das ilhas da Madeira e do Porto Santo.



Exposição Regional do Limão Feira Regional da Cana-de-Açúcar April 6th - 7th | Canhas The yearly regional sugarcane production show takes place in the parish of Canhas, at Ponta do Sol municipality. Held at the Canhas Farmers Market located in west coast of the island, this event programm offers lots of music and entertainment, and an exhibition regarding the sugar cane molasses production process. The more active can also partake in the sugarcane harvest which takes place on Saturday morning. Este certame tem, como palco central, o Mercado dos Agricultores dos Canhas, situado na costa oeste da ilha, onde não faltam as típicas barracas de comes e bebes, muita música e animação, para além de exposições sobre a cana-de-açúcar e o processo de produção do mel de cana.


April, 13th-14th | Ilha, Santana The parish of Ilha located in northern part of the island in the municipality of Santana, organizes the Lemon festival, a tribute to one of its main agricultural products. This annual event gathers local producers who present their local gastronomic delicacies made with this citrus fruit, a festivity characterized by its popular and lively ambience. 13 e 14 de abril A freguesia da Ilha, situada no concelho de Santana, organiza anualmente a festa do limão, um certame de cariz popular, no intuito de homenagear um dos produtos agrícolas mais representativos desta localidade. A iniciativa conta com a participação dos produtores locais que apresentam algumas das iguarias típicas feitas com este fruto, num ambiente de grande animação.

6ªF #Santa Volta à ilha em Bicicleta


Held through IVBAM, the Institute for Wine, Embroidery and Crafts in Madeira, it is set to take place at Largo da Restauração. In attendance will be several of the people who produce Madeira Rum and other sugarcanerelated products making this a real opportunity for Madeirans and tourists alike to learn more about a product which has come to be produced in larger quantities and higher quality over the last few years.

A 6ªF #Santa Volta à ilha consiste numa prova de Ciclismo de Estrada de 180km com 5000D+ uma volta completa à ilha , que irá integrar outras distâncias para os atletas com menos preparação física como a estafeta de 2x 90km e a estafeta 4x45km.

Every year, on the 1st of May, Funchal pays tribute to its patron saint, São Tiago Menor (St. James the Less). Funchal´s Old quarters, and in particularly the Santa Maria Street, and Corpo Santo Square depicting a very lively ambience characteristic of the local religious feasts - “arraial”.

Todos os anos, no dia 1 de maio, a cidade do Funchal presta homenagem ao seu padroeiro, São Tiago Menor. A Zona Velha do Funchal, em particular a Rua de Santa Maria e o Largo do Corpo Santo, conhecem uma animação especial, numa festa com a envolvência de um arraial típico madeirense, cujo auge ocorre com a procissão em tributo ao padroeiro da cidade.

Este festival contará com a presença de diversos produtores de Rum da Madeira e será uma oportunidade única para madeirenses e turistas conhecerem e apreciarem este nobre produto que tem vindo a crescer em termos de quantidade e qualidade nos últimos anos. Para além da degustação do Rum Agrícola da Madeira, haverá a realização de Masterclasses de Rum da Madeira, orientados pelo sommelier Américo Pereira e cocktails com Rum, a cargo da Associação de Barmen da Madeira.


MIUT - Madeira Islands Ultra Trail


April 27th | Madeira The Clube de Montanha do Funchal organizes the Trail Running competition which integrates four races: the MIUT115, Ultra85, Marathon42 and Mini16, challenging its participants to partake in a unique experience crossing the island highest peaks. MIUT is a sports competition that crosses the island's best tracks, starting in the municipality of Porto Moniz and ending in the council of Machico, passaging through the central massif area - Encumeada – Pico Ruivo Peak (1861 m) - Areeiro Peak, in a very challenging circuit with a total extension of about 115 km.

April, 19th | Madeira The 1st edition of the full lap trough the island by bicycle consists of a event 180km long with 5000D + a a full lap around the island, a Relay 2x 90km and 4x45km. The biggest and best challenge of the island, do not miss this opportunity ! Come celebrate the 600th anniversary of the discovery of the island and discover the island on wheels.

May 1st - 3rd | Funchal

O Clube de Montanha do Funchal, organiza mais uma edição do Madeira Island Ultra Trail (MIUT), uma prova de corrida de montanha, que integra quatro provas - MIUT115, Ultra85, Marathon42 e Mini16, uma prova que desafia os seus participantes a experienciar uma travessia com passagens pelos cumes mais altos da ilha.

Enduro World Series May 11th - 12th | Machico Madeira hosts the Enduro Mountain Bike World Series (ENDURO) a sports event held in the municipality of Machico. Some of the participating countries were New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, France, the United States, Canada and Italy, where the remaining 8 stages of this championship will take place. This event will bring about 350 people to Madeira, including athletes, coaches, physiotherapists and friends, thus making the Region of Madeira one of the best places in the world for Mountain Bike events. Machico recebe a quinta edição do Campeonato do Mundo de Enduro (Enduro World Series –EWS). A Região juntar-se-á assim a destinos como a Nova Zelândia, Austrália, Irlanda, França, Estados Unidos, Canadá e Itália, locais onde irão decorrer as restantes 8 etapas deste campeonato. A prova de BTT trará à Madeira cerca de 350 pessoas, entre atletas, treinadores, fisioterapeutas, familiares e amigos.

eventos eventos 9


11 18th Onion Festival May 17th-19th | Caniço

Sugarcane Harvest Festival May 10th-12th | Porto da Cruz The Associação Cultural Flores de Maio organizes the 4th edition of the Festival 'Apanha da Cana', an agricultural exhibit held in the parish of Porto da Cruz, in Praça da Alagoa, at the Centro Cívico and Engenhos do Norte, Lda. This event intends to promote both the local sugarcane rotary and the cultural and architectural heritage of this parish presenting a set of activities held in the center of the village, including various artistic and cultural endeavors. A Associação Grupo Cultural Flores de Maio leva a cabo, o 4.º Festival ‘Apanha da Cana’, certame que tem por objetivo a conhecer o roteiro da cana-de-açúcar e divulgar o património cultural e arquitetónico da freguesia do Porto da Cruz, que decorrerá na Praça da Alagoa, no Centro Cívico e na Engenhos do Norte, Lda. Este evento, pretende associar o património imobiliário à vertente cultural, apresentando um conjunto de iniciativas no centro da vila, com diferentes intervenções artísticas e culturais.

‘Fica na Cidade’ Festival May, 17th-23rd | Funchal During the course of eight days, this cultural festival will host a total of 40 concerts, featuring 150 performers/artistis depicting various musical styles such as Rock, Pop, Jazz, apart from other performances and street shows to be held in four different stages located at Funchal downtowns: Praça de Colombo, Largo do Chafariz, Rua da Carreira and the historical Funchal Old Quaters. Durante oito dias, este festival cultural urbano irá contemplar um leque de 40 concertos, protagonizados por 150 artistas ao som de vários estilos musicais, como o Rock, Pop, Jazz, incluindo outras iniciativas lúdicas e ainda espetáculos de animação de rua em quatro palcos definidos para o efeito: Praça de Colombo, Largo do Chafariz, Rua da Carreira e na emblemática Zona Velha do Funchal.

The onion festival is one of the most emblematic festivities of Caniço, whose main attraction is the onion parade, involving several decorated floats and an auction. The event takes place at Largo Padre Lomelino and comprises various exhibitions and musical entertainment performances.

A Festa da Cebola, é uma tradição de cariz popular de longa data e uma das festividades mais representativas da cidade do Caniço, cuja principal atração é o cortejo da cebola com carros muito bem decorados e um leilão. O certame decorre no Largo Padre Lomelino e conta com as típicas exposições alusivas a este produto agrícola, além de espetáculos musicais.


12 International Museum Day May, 18th, | Funchal This year's International Museum Day features the theme "Museums as cultural hubs, the future of tradition”. The entrances on some museums are free, an opportunity that allows visitors to see its exhibits and works of art but also to take part in various activities promoted for this commemorative day. The opening hours are also extended so that more visitors can have the opportunity to visit them.

Este ano, o Dia Internacional dos Museus, que se celebra no dia 18 de maio, apresenta o tema “Os Museus como Centros Culturais: o futuro das tradições”. Os museus são gratuitos neste dia, sendo possível visitar as suas exposições e obras e participar em iniciativas preparadas exclusivamente para este dia comemorativo. Alguns dos museus da Região aderem à “Noite Europeia dos Museus”, uma das iniciativas mais populares e procuradas, que permite ao visitante o usufruto da oferta cultural das instituições num horário original.


MIM April-May 2019

Fotos: Estela Pereira

Madeira Flower Festival Festa da Flor Funchal 2 a 26 de maio

Celebrando a Primavera e o exuberante florescer típico da época, a cidade do Funchal é palco de um sumptuoso e inebriante espetáculo pleno de cor e de fantasia – Festa da Flor. Este cartaz turístico, realiza-se este ano, entre os dias 2 e 26 de maio, espetáculo subordinado às celebrações dos 600 anos da Descoberta das ilhas da Madeira e do Porto Santo. As festividades iniciam-se na quinta-feira, 2 de maio, com a abertura do Mercado das Flores, na Placa Central da Avenida Arriaga, e a inauguração da Exposição da Flor, na Praça do Povo. Paralelamente, realizam-se outras ações lúdicas, nomeadamente, concertos musicais e a construção de delicados tapetes florais, ao longo das principais ruas do Funchal. No Sábado, dia 4, pela manhã, centenas de crianças participam e desfilam no Cortejo Infantil, cada uma empenhando uma flor, entre a Avenida Arriaga e a Praça do Município, com o intuito de depositar uma flor num muro repleto de simbologia, o "Muro da Esperança". A construção do muro termina com uma largada de pombos e um espetáculo infantil. No dia seguinte, domingo dia 5, realiza-se o deslumbrante e espetacular Cortejo Alegórico da Flor, que consiste num desfile em que centenas de figurantes e carros alegóricos alusivos à flor, atravessam sumptuosamente a cidade ao som de músicas em harmonia com a Festa, exibindo conjugações de uma multiplicidade de espécies florais típicas da ilha, deixando no ar suaves e efémeros perfumes. A Festa da Flor é uma das festas mais coloridas da Ilha, para além de homenagear as flores da Madeira, dá também continuidade às genuínas tradições madeirenses e transforma a cidade do Funchal, durante vários dias, num palco maravilhoso, onde ocorrem as mais variadas manifestações artísticas e culturais.

May 2nd - May 26th

+ info There are only a few places on Earth that can welcome spring in such a colourful way as Madeira. Taking place in spring every year (2019 from May 2nd May 26th), the island’s dazzling annual Flower Festival features beautiful displays of tropical flowers. Over the years it has become known for its Sunday parade, when hundreds of dancers accompanied by huge floral floats march through the main streets of the capital city of Funchal. Madeira enjoys an impressive year-round flowering season thanks to its subtropical climate and rich volcanic soil. There’s even a devoted Orchid Garden with over 7,500 species. However, this is not the only reason why thousands of tourists come to Madeira island each year. The mild year-round climate and a 1,350-mile network of levadas together with the impressive scenery form the base for walking trips that will immerse you in the island's lush nature.

Top Iconic Flowers Spring is the perfect time to visit Madeira when a myriad of colourful flowers and trees are in bloom – jasmine, begonias, freesias, magnolia and camellias form just a part of the spectacular flora. There are others, however, that are referred to as Madeira’s iconic flowers. Although not all of them are indigenous, they do capture the romance and tropical beauty of the Island. Below is a list of the ‘Top Iconic Flowers’ you will find here on the Island: 1 - Slipper Orchid Mainly flowering in the winter months, slipper orchids need jungle-like shade. 2 - Strelitzia Is it a bird or is it a plant? These long-lived flowers look like exotic birds of paradise. 3 - Arum Lily Pure white and sweetly scented, these flowers symbolize purity. 4 - Angel's Trumpet White, yellow or amber the

datura's long trumpets both smell and look beautiful. 5 - Jacaranda Funchal's Avenida Arriaga turns into a river of blue when these striking trees flower in spring 6 - Flame of the Forest These trees are descended from seed brought to Madeira by Captain Cook in 1772. 7 - Aloe Fleshy leaves edged with spines produce flower spikes up to one meter high. 8 - Aganpanthus The blue-and-white globe shaped blossoms of the Lily of the Nile line Madeira's roadside banks in the summer. 9 - Protea These South African plants, similar to giant artichokes, are in demand for flower displays. 10 - Poinsettia These festive plants bloom right on cue for Christmas

+ info

Madeira Classic Car Revival + info | May 18th

Part of becoming a fan of car history is to realize that the oldest cars in the world were powered by steam. The oldest gasoline powered car was not built until 1885, when Karl Benz produced the Benz Patent-Motorwagen.

The Benz Patent Motorwagen The Benz Patent Motorwagen is generally acknowledged in car history as the first gasoline powered car. Actually built in 1885, it was not patented until 1886. It was powered by a 954 cubic centimeter single-cylinder engine that created two-thirds of a horsepower. Fuel was supplied to the engine through evaporation initially, but Benz added a rudimentary car-

buretor in later models. He went so far as to add leather brake shoes in 1887.

The First Car in Madeira The first vehicle to set wheels in Madeira was a 1904 Wolseley that belonged to an Englishman by the name of Mr Bernard Harvey Foster. Herbert Austin of the Wolseley Sheep Shearing Machine Co. designed the first Wolseley prototype in 1895 and an improved model in 1897, but it was not until 1899 that the first really successful model was produced, a 3 1/2hp four wheeler. It was such a model that participated in the Thousand Miles Trial of 1900, confirming Wolseley to be a serious player in the infant British motor industry. On that event Wolseley’s entry was driven by their Chief Designer Herbert C. Austin, taking 1st Prize in Class B and winning the French Club Silver Medal. The 6hp Wolseley of 1904 was conventional in most respects, featuring a forward mounted, horizontal, single-cylinder engine with bore and stroke of 4 1/2 in x 5 in. Final drive was provided by central chain and its most popular guise was a two-seater configuration. Cooling was provided by distinctive gilled tubes wrapped around the bonnet – a Wolseley feature.


The "Madeira Classic Car Revival" is an annual automobile event comprised by the most emblematic vintage vehicles that exist in Madeira. Such tresures include automobiles, motorbikes and bicycles manufactured prior to 1980. This event takes place at Praça do Povo and aims to award prizes to the most beautiful vehicles on display. Following this special event is the “Rampa dos Barreiros,” a sports car race in tribute to a historical car race held in 1935.

O “Madeira Classic Car Revival” é um evento automobilístico anual, representativo da história dos veículos antigos e clássicos existentes na Região, designadamente automóveis, motos e bicicletas produzidos até 1980. Organizado pelo Clube de Automoveis Classicos da Madeira, esta mostra automobilística tem por objetivo premiar os melhores e mais belos exemplares existentes na RAM. No Sábado, dia 18 de maio, realizar-se-á a corrida “Rampa dos Barreiros”, uma homenagem comemorativa alusiva a uma antiga prova de carros desportivos realizada em 1935.



eventos eventos

MIM April-May 2019




VI Jardim dos Sabores

May | Funchal

Festival da Truta e Rota da Sidra May 22nd - 26th | Santana Cider and trout are two gastronomical delicacies which are not as common to tourists as, let's say, meat-on-a-skewer or poncha, who will thus have the opportunity to savour these products during this festival, through visits to the Ribeiro Frio aquaculture station; participation in trout fishing contests; presentations and food tastings based around trout and cider; and exhibitions that demonstrate the handmade cider production. Santana acolhe mais uma edição do Festival da Truta/Rota da Sidra, evento que coincide com o Encontro de Grupos Culturais de Santana. A sidra e a truta poderão ser saboreados durante este festival através de visitas ao posto aquícola do Ribeiro Frio; participação em concursos de pesca à truta; apresentações e degustações gastronómicas elaboradas à base de truta e de sidra; e exposições que demonstram o processo artesanal da produção de sidra.


45th edition - Book Fair

Encontro Regional de Bandas May 26th | Ribeira Brava This event takes place on Sunday with a procession of all the regional bands throughout the main streets of this village. Then all bands get together at the coastal avenue and each band presents its individual repertoire, usually for 10 minutes. This meeting ends with a combined anthem composed specifically for the occasion. Organizado pela Direção Regional da Cultural, este evento cultural foi criado para prestar o reconhecimento público às bandas filarmónicas regionais, em prol das iniciativas públicas de animação e, sobretudo, da alegria inconfundível que imprimem aos típicos arraiais madeirenses. Realiza-se no domingo um desfile de todas as bandas através das principais ruas da vila da Ribeira Brava. Segue-se a concentração na avenida marginal, em coretos individuais, onde cada banda apresenta um pequeno repertório.


A joint initiative of São Martinho Parish, Funchal City Hall and the company Frente Mar, the Flavour Garden is a gastronomical and musical event that takes place in the Lido Gardens. It consists of 5 days of entertainment, music and culture where visitors can sample a diverse selection of cuisines from around the world.

Numa iniciativa conjunta da Frente Mar Funchal, da Junta de Freguesia de São Martinho e da Câmara Municipal do Funchal, o Jardim Panorâmico, situado na Estrada Monumental, acolhe a 5ª edição deste festival gastronómico. Este certame convida madeirenses e turistas a degustar experiências gastronómicas ao som de música ambiente e muita animaçã.


May 24th | Funchal Avenida Arriaga will be the centre stage of the annual Book Fair, a cultural event which will involve most of Madeira's bookshops and some Portuguese publishing houses. This initiative is being run by Funchal Municipal Council and includes a diverse range of activities, from conferences, book launches, concerts and exhibitions which will take place in the Auditorium of the Municipal Garden and Baltazar Dias Municipal Theatre.

A Avenida Arriaga é o palco principal da Feira do Livro, importante ação cultural que contou com a participação da maior parte das livrarias madeirenses e algumas editoras nacionais, Esta iniciativa, da responsabilidade da Câmara Municipal do Funchal, inclui um leque diversificado de atividades, desde conferências, lançamentos de livros, concertos e exposições no Auditório do Jardim Municipal e no Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias, que terá lugar entre 24 de maio e 2 de junho.

Festa do Desporto Escolar

Ultra Skymarathon Madeira

May28 - 31 | Funchal This week-long sports event under the theme “Cultural Heritage Ties, features a competition, amid the local’s schools, which is annually held at the Maritimo’s Football Stadium. This colorful gymnastic show integrates over one thousand participants, between the ages of 8 and 90 years old. The event extends to the localities of Achada do Cedro Gordo, Pico do Cedro Gordo and Chão do Cedro Gordo, in the parish of São Roque do Faial, municipality of Santana.

May 31st - June 1st | Santana The race places the island of Madeira into the Skyrunning world, as part of a restricted range of races in the Ultra distance which constitute the World Tour of the modality. The event comprises four races of different distances: Madeira Sky Race (MSR 55.6 km 4121 m D+), Santana Vertical Kilometer® (SVK 4.8Km 1003 D+), Santana Sky Race (SSR 21 km 1672m D+), Furão Sky Race (FSR 13km 655m D+).

A Secretaria Regional da Educação em colaboração com a Direção Regional da Educação, promovem mais uma edição da Festa do Desporto Escolar. Este espetáculo assinala a abertura de uma semana de competição entre as escolas da Região nas mais variadas modalidades desportivas a realizar no Estádio do Marítimo. Este espetáculo gímnico conta com a participação de mais de mil figurantes com faixas etárias entre os 8 e os 90 anos.

Tendo como palco a cidade de Santana e as suas áreas circundantes, a 6.ª edição do Ultra Skymarathon® Madeira integra, pelo quinto ano consecutivo, o calendário Skyrunner® National Series Spain, Andorra & Portugal, e pelo terceiro ano o restrito Skyrunner® World Series, sendo a única prova representante de Portugal. O skyrunning é uma vertente da corrida técnica de montanha, com desníveis acentuados e de elevado grau técnico.



bon appétit!


Bolo de Banana Ingredientes:

• 250 g de farinha • 250 g de açúcar • 100 g de margarina • 5 Ovos • 4 bananas • 1 colher (sobremesa)

Banana Cake

Preparação: • 2 tbsps milk • 2 eggs • 2 ripe bananas (mashed)


Preparation: 1) Lightly grease the loaf tin and line it with nonstick baking parchment. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. 2) Measure all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and beat for about 2 minutes, until well blended; an electric mixer is best for this but of course you

can also beat by hand with a wooden spoon. 3) Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and level the surface. 4) Bake for about 1 hour, until well risen and golden brown. A fine skewer inserted in the centre of the cake should come out clean.

5) Leave the cake to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then loosen with a small palette knife and turn the cake out. Remove the lining paper and leave on a wire rack to cool completely. Slice thickly to serve. Enjoy!

Info: TeleCulinária

• 100g butter (softened) • 175g caster sugar • 225g self-raising flour • 1 tbsp baking powder

bem cheia de fermento em pó • 1 dl de caramelo líquido • bolo de banana

1) Para preparar esta receita, comece por barrar uma forma com o caramelo e reserve. 2) Descasque as bananas, corte-as ao meio no sentido do comprimento e disponha-as no fundo da forma. Reserve. 3) Aqueça o forno a 180 graus. Numa tigela coloque a margarina com os ovos e o açúcar e bata tudo muito bem. Junte depois o fermento e a farinha, aos poucos e batendo sempre. 4) Deite a massa na forma sobre as bananas e leve ao forno durante 45 minutos. Espete um palito para verificar a cozedura, retire do forno e desenforme.


MIM April-May 2019

Monte Palace Museum

berardo museum

Oriental Gardens

During a trip to China and Japan José Berardo became enchanted by their history, culture and way of life and by the influence of the Portuguese on the Orient over 200 years. As such, the two oriental gardens are an attempt to recreate that culture, linked to Buddhism, with its respect for Nature and its highly symbolic elements. At the entrance to the Oriental garden in the Northern area, there are two marble Fo dogs, mythical animals from the Orient usually found at the entrance to temples, acting as guards. There is a moveable ball in their halfopen mouths which, according to the Chinese belief, brings good luck to those who give it one complete turn. The decoration is based on the oriental style, and thus various pagodas may be found, originally intended to house relics or to mark a holy places. Apart from these, the visitor may also observe Buddhist sculptures, a dragon in mar-

ble surrounded by children representing fertility, stone seats with oriental decorations, and several lanterns, also in stone. Water is also an important decorative feature in the form of lakes and waterfalls, with miniature islands and ornamental bridges. Next to the lakes containing Koi fish, two bamboo ornaments in the shape of pipes are to be seen. When these become filled with water and it is discharged into the lake, the resulting noise, apart from frightening away the birds, represents the passing of time. From Asia we can find a species of cycad, Cyca revolute and in both the oriental gardens we come across various tree ferns, whose lush green vegetation contrasts with the red and black of the bridges and railings. There are also flowering plants such as the camellia, a shrub with evergreen leaves, highly valued for the number of attractive flowers that bloom, above all, in the winter and spring.

Jardins Orientais Durante uma viagem à China, José Berardo ficou maravilhado com a história, cultura e modo de vida, especialmente, pela influência dos Portugueses no Oriente durante 200 anos. Os dois jardins orientais são uma tentativa de recriar essa cultura, ligada ao Budismo, com o seu respeito pela Natureza e os seus elementos simbólicos bastante demarcados. À entrada do Jardim Oriental, nas áreas a Norte, há dois cães de Fó, em mármore, animais míticos do Oriente geralmente encontrados nas entradas dos templos, actuando como guardiães. Nas suas bocas entreabertas encontra-se uma bola móvel que, de acordo com a crença chinesa, dá boa sorte àqueles que lhe derem uma volta completa. A decoração tem por base o estilo oriental e por isso, podem ver-se vários pagodes, que originalmente tinham por finalidade alojar relíquias ou marcar locais sagrados. Para além destes, o visitante pode também observar esculturas Budistas, tais

como, um dragão em mármore rodeado por crianças representando a fertilidade, bancos de pedra com decorações orientais e várias lanternas também em pedra. Importa ainda referir uma componente fulcral neste tipo de jardins, a água, que abunda nas lagoas e cascatas, com ilhas e pontes ornamentais. Ao lado das lagoas dos peixes Koi, encontram-se dois ornamentos em bambu em forma de cachimbo. Quando estes ficam cheios de água e a descarregam para a lagoa, o ruído que daí resulta, para além de afugentar os pássaros, sugere a passagem tempo. Proveniente da Ásia encontra-se uma espécie de cica, a Cyca revoluta, e em ambos os jardins orientais vêem-se vários fetos arbóreos, cuja vegetação verde luxuriosa contrasta com o vermelho e preto das pontes e varões. Existem ainda plantas como a camélia, Camellia japonica, de folhagem permanente, muito apreciadas pelo número de flores que produz, sobretudo, no Inverno e na Primavera.

Monte Palace Tropical Garden Situated in the amphitheatre of Funchal about 5 kilometres from the centre of town you will find one of the most beautiful gardens of Madeira Island, the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. This garden, belonging to the Berardo Foundation, invites you to an unforgettable journey through Monte nature. Palace Museum In 1989 this property was donaTimetable: 10:00 -16:30 ted, by its owner José M. R. daily within the Berardo, to a Monte Palace charitable instituTropical Garden tion created by him, the Jose Berardo Foundation. The Foundation’s aims are mainly charitable but it also dedicates a great and special concern to the safe-keeping and preservation of works of art as well as to the defence and preservation of the environment, with the Monte Palace Tropical Garden constituting undoubtedly the privileged location for realising these objectives.

This peaceful location can be visited daily from 9:30a.m. to 6p.m. The best access to this Garden from the centre of Funchal is to take the cable car up to Monte and go through the entrance at Caminho das Babosas #4A. The other entrance is at Caminho do Monte #174.


curiosity curiosidades


Did You Know That...?

Foto: MadeiraQuaseEsquecida

Oxcarts Circulated in Funchal Until the end of the 1970s the traditional oxcarts toured along Avenida do Mar, to the delight of residents and visitors. This cart without wheels, built with wicker and wood, with brightcolored- fabric seats, glided like a sled and was pulled by two oxen led by a herdsman dressed in white, with flat boots and straw hat). The herdsman carried a lamp with him to light the way in the absence of street lighting. The story goes that the first oxcart built in Madeira, in 1477, belonged to the English captain C. Balkey. Until the first quarter of the twentieth century this was the most popular form of transport in Funchal and it was classified into two categories: luxury carts and modest carts. The first was aimed at tourism services, weddings and funerals, and the other was used in all other situations. The oxcarts, however, fell into disuse due to both hygienic and traffic reasons.

The First Portuguese Soccer Match Was Played in Madeira The first football game in Portugal was held on the island of Madeira, more precisely at Largo da Achada, in Camacha. The year was 1875 when the young British citizen Harry Hinton, who was a resident on the island of Madeira, introduced this sport for the entertainment of all.

A Train Used To Transport Passengers in Madeira The Monte “Railway”, on which once ran the Monte Train, linked Rua do Pombal, Funchal, to Terreiro da Luta, Monte, ascending a total extent of 3.911 km. The studies for the Monte “Railway” were drawn up in 1886 by the engineer Raul Mesnier Ponsard, and the first stretch to Levada de Santa Luzia was officially opened on 16th July 1893. In 1894 an imported German steam locomotive started operations, and in 1912 the train went as far as Terreiro da Luta, located at about 850 metres of altitude. On 10th September 1919, when the train was heading towards Monte, its boiler exploded, which put the locomotive out of action until 1st February 1920. An additional accident occurred on 11th January 1932 when the train derailed. From then on the railway operations gradually decayed as it was considered dangerous. This fact combined with the beginning of World War II, and the consequent decrease in the number of visitors to Madeira, the company that exploited the railway services went bankrupt. The train's last journey took place in April 1943.

The Wollen Earflap Knitted Hat From Rihanna’s earflap hat to Bob Marley’s rasta fedora , history has had its fair share of iconic headgear. However, when it comes to hats with a short, plain history, Madeira’s simple wollen earflap knit hat, the Barreto de Orelhas, is in a class of its own. Whether you call it a tuque or just a plain beanie, there’s a straightforward story behind this cold-weather staple. It’s shape protects the head with an appendix that can be pulled up and down to protect the ears. Traditionally, it was made from sheep’s wool, knitted with five needles, and worn by peasants in Madeira Island. Nowadays, it is an iconic accessory appreciated by locals and visitors. The Barreto de Orelhas has it’s origin in England. Two English hats to be exact: one known as the Bentley Cap (used by early twentieth century drivers, so that their hat wouldn’t fly away) and the Deerstalker (popular hat worn by Sherlock Holmes ). So, it’s safe to say that this funny looking wollen hat had its debut in Madeira in the beginning of the twentieth century.


MIM April-May 2019

A Walk on the Wild Side Madeira is place of great dramatic walks with Atlantic views, of mysterious coastal and highland mists, of intricate watercourses known as ‘levadas’ and the innate friendliness of the Madeirans themselves. Walking routes in Madeira follow paths and levadas through the peaceful pastoral countryside and traversing the terraced hillsides.

walks caminhada

What’s more, made out of stone or concrete, they still function, distributing not only water, but also providing hydro-electric power to the island. Below you will find our suggestions for your walking experience in Madeira:

The process of building the levadas had started so that water could be carried to the agricultural regions in the south of the island. Many of the levadas had to be cut into the sides of the mountains and even tunnels were necessary to complete the network. Today, most of the levadas and tunnels that were built between 1461 and 1966 still remain.

Levada do Alecrim Levada do Alecrim is a 6.8 kilometer lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Calheta, which features a waterfall and is rated as moderate.

Levada do Cedros

Levada do Rabaça

l 25 Fontes

Arriving at Caldeirão Verde, immerse yourself by the breathtaking view of the huge waterfall falling on the cold and crystalline lagoon. Make a picnic before you go, while enjoying the relaxing sound of water falling.

Foto: JuananSJ

Foto: Pijlmans

Levada do Caldeirão Verde

Levada do Cedros This is a unique journey where you travel side by side with the levada, surrounded by the lush vegetation and cedar rising out in many areas. There is a lookout, where you can take in the splendour of the mountains that surround the area.

Levada do Rabaçal 25 Fontes This levada is one of the most popular in Madeira. Its name lives up to the number of ‘fontes’ or waterfalls that’s gush toward a magnificent lagoon. Besdies the landscapes and the lush vegetation, the path also features an array of endemic species of both flora and fauna found in the region. If you’re the more audacious type then you may wish to dive into the icy water.

Levada do Rei This is undoubtedly a magnificent trail of the Laurissilva forest of Madeira where you can enjoy the unique grandeur of the UNESCO natural heritage.

Levada do Re




Levada do Ale Levada do Ca

ldeirĂŁo Verde


MIM April-May 2019

Carnation Revolution April 25, 1974

Capitão Salgueiro Maia no Largo do Carmo / Fotografia de Eduardo Gajeiro, 25 de Abril de 1974

The Estado Novo (Second Republic) regime began in 1933 under the leadership of Prime Minister and dictator António Salazar, after a prior coup overthrew the 16-year First Republic. Characterized as an authoritarian government, it was a time of censorship and oppression and maintained by a “secret police” force. After Salazar suffered a stroke, leadership was shifted to Marcello Caetano who ruled for six years until his resignation after the Carnation Revolution.

The first Portuguese revolution of the 20th century was organized by the Portuguese Republican Party and overthrew the monarchy on October 5, 1910. After approximately 16 years of an unstable government, a military coup overthrew the First Republic and replaced it with the Estado Novo. The Carnation Revolution, the third Portuguese coup of the 20th century, took place almost 50 years later. Soldiers placed flowers inside their guns Google the Carnation Revolution and you’re likely to see photos and artwork depicting soldiers covered with carnations. The flowers were offered by civilians who joined the “rebel” soldiers in peaceful civil resistance. Even the officers’ guns had flowers poking out of them.

It ended Portugal’s colonization of Africa

Soldiers placed flowers inside their gun barrels

One of the driving forces that led to the Carnation Revolution was a desire to end colonization in Africa, especially in light of the violent and costly Portuguese Colonial War. Decolonization began shortly after and by the end of 1975, many of Portugal’s (now) excolonies, like Angola, Cape Verde, São Tomé, and Mozambique, gained their independence. The details were planned from the African colonies. Much of the planning for the Carnation Revolution happened by military stationed in African colonies, primarily Angola, Mozambique, and Guinea Bissau.

Google the Carnation Revolution and you’re likely to see photos and artwork depicting soldiers covered with carnations. The flowers were offered by civilians who joined the “rebel” soldiers in peaceful civil resistance. Even the officers’ guns had flowers poking out of the barrels.

One of Lisbon’s two bridges is named after the revolution

The first democratic vote took place a year later

Lisbon’s famous bridge, which heads towards the beaches of Costa da Caparica and Almada, has been nicknamed as Portugal’s Golden Gate Bridge but it is officially called Ponte 25 de Abril (25 of April Bridge), named for the day of the Carnation Revolution. Before this historic day, it was the Ponte Salazar (Salazar Bridge).

Even though Prime Minister Marcelo Caetano resigned shortly after the revolution and the authoritarian government ended, the first democratic election wouldn’t take place until April 25, 1975. This is exactly one year after the Carnation Revolution.

Ao mesmo tempo, uma coluna militar com tanques, comandada pelo capitão Salgueiro Maia, saiu da Escola Prática de Cavalaria, em Santarém, e marchou para Lisboa. Na capital, tomou posições junto dos ministérios e depois cercou o quartel da GNR do Carmo, onde se tinha refugiado Marcelo Caetano, o sucessor de Salazar à frente da ditadura.

There were casulaties Many people don’t know it but there were four casualties on April 25, 1974 – civilians shot by PIDE (Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado), the Estado Novo’s secret police.


The revolution ended the ‘Estado Novo’ regime

25 de Abril de 1974. De madrugada, militares do MFA ocuparam os estúdios do Rádio Clube Português e, através da rádio, explicaram à população que pretendiam que o País fosse de novo uma democracia, com eleições e liberdade. Os sinais de código para dar o arranque das operações – canções de Paulo de Carvalho e Zeca Afonso – foram transmitidos através da rádio nas horas anteriores.

It was Portugal’s third coup in approximately six decades

Info: Visão

One of the more important days in modern Portuguese history was the Carnation Revolution, a military coup that took place on April 25, 1974. Famous for toppling an authoritarian government and ending fascism in Portugal with barely any violence, it also led to a new democracy. Now, April 25 is a national holiday, also known as Freedom Day, when government offices close and many locals have the day off work. Here are some extra facts about Portugal’s Carnation Revolution.

Durante o dia, a população de Lisboa foi-se juntando aos militares. E o que era um golpe de Estado transformou-se numa verdadeira revolução. A certa altura, uma vendedora de flores começou a distribuir cravos. Os soldados enfiavam o pé do seu cravo no cano da espingarda e os civis punham a flor ao peito. Por isso se falava de Revolução dos Cravos. Foram dados alguns tiros para o ar, mas ninguém morreu nem foi ferido. Ao fim da tarde, Marcelo Caetano rendeu-se e entregou o poder ao general Spínola. Um ano depois, a 25 de Abril de 1975, os portugueses votaram pela primeira vez em liberdade desde há muitas décadas.


Ponta do Pargo

Fortim do Faial

Caniçal | Quinta do Lorde

Ponta do Sol | Cais Funchal

11 quick

tips for discovering Madeira Câmara de Lobos | Teleférico do Rancho

São Vicente

Seixal | Chão da Ribeira

Santa Cruz

Porto Santo

Campánario | Capela da Glória



MIM April-May 2019

Madeiran Speckled Wood (Pararge xiphia)

Description A dark brown, medium-large butterfly with orange spots. Compared to Speckled Wood, the Madeiran species has a convex (not concave) outer edge to the forewing, more obvious orange tones to both surfaces of the wing and only two obvious eyespots on the upper side of the hindwing.

Info Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Euarthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera Family: Nymphalidae Genus: Pararge Species: Pararge xiphia

Foto: Martinswarren

Host & Food Plants The larva feeds on several Gramineae, including Agrostis gigantea, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Holcus lanatus and Festuca donax (Aguiar & Karsholt, 2006).

Ariana da Madeira A Ariana da Madeira (Pararge xiphia) é uma espécie endémica da Madeira onde está largamente distribuída, sendo muito abundante acima dos 500m onde é habitual vê-la a voar na companhia da Ariana Europeia (Pararge aegeria aegeria)  Identificação A borboleta adulta pode ter uma envergadura de 42-55mm. O macho tem uma coloração mais escura que a fêmea. Durante a sua vida, as borboletas passam por uma metamorfose completa. Quando a lagarta sai do ovo começa logo a alimentar-se. O acasalamento ocorre logo a seguir da saída da crisálida. Os machos pousam perto do chão à espera da passagem das fêmeas. As plantas alimentares desta espécie são gramíneas variadas incluindo o Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv., Holcus lanatus L. e Poa trivialis L.  Descrição A Ariana da Madeira (Pararge xiphia) está largamente distribuída, sendo muito abun-

dante acima dos 500m onde é habitual vê-la a voar na companhia da Ariana Europeia (Pararge aegeria aegeria). Encontra-se particularmente em clareiras abertas na Laurissilva, onde voa mesmo quando a paisagem está coberta por densos nevoeiros. As borboletas adultas podem ser vistas ao longo de todo o ano.  Curiosidades O macho é territorial e pode ser visto executando voos verticais espiralados com outros machos que se tenham introduzido no seu território.  Estádios juvenis Ovo – verde ou amarelo claro. É posto individualmente na face inferior das folhas ou perto da planta alimentar, muitas vezes em locais sombreados. Lagarta – verde ou castanha clara com risca dorsal e laterais mais escuras. Crisálida – verde ou castanha. Tem uma fila dorsal mediana proeminente de tuberosidades amarelas.

Info by CM Funchal

Habitat & behaviour This woodland butterfly is endemic to Madeira. lt was formerly common and widespread in all wooded habitats from sea level to high into the mountains (1,000 m+) but has retreated to areas of denser laurel and chestnut forest at mid to high elevations in the north and centre ofthe island since Speckled Wood arrived in 1976. Madeiran Speckled Wood flies year-round, with generally higher numbers in summer, and remains common in suitable habitat, although vulnerable to competition from Speckled Wood. The two species can be seen flying together at habitat boundaries at mid elevations.

Foto: Leos Ricánek

Madeiran Speckled Wood caterpillars are longer bodied than its european congeneric, Speckled wood (Gibbs et al, 2004).

Info Império: Eukariota Reino: Animalia Filo: Arthropoda Classe: Inseta Ordem: Lepidoptera Família: Nymphalidae Género: Pararge Espécie: P. xiphia (Fabricius¸ 1775)



Til (Ocotea foetens) Madeira's laurel forest covers an area of about 15,000 hectares which represents about 20% of the island. In December 1999 UNESCO officially listed it as a World Natural Heritage. The til is endemic to Macaronesia (Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands), appearing in laurel forests between 400 and 1,400 meters in altitude. Description and physical features The til is an evergreen tree that reachInfo es from 20-30 meters in height, but occasionally 8 meters or 40 meters. Kingdom: The trunk is irregular, with dark skin. Plantae The leaves are 9-12 cm long, and 3-5 Phylum: cm wide. In adults, the leaves have a Magnoliophyta leathery texture, glossy, and dark Class: green. The petioles only reach up to Magnoliopsida 15 mm. Order: The flowers of both sexes of the plant Laurales are white, often time with green or Family: pale yellow, releasing a slight odor. Lauraceae The time of flowering is June to Genus: August. Ocotea The fruit is a berry that is about 3 cm Species: long, hard and fleshy, and looks simiO. foetens lar to a dark green acorn. It is food to Binomial several birds. The fruit is known to name: favor moisture and light. Ocotea foetens

Til A Laurissilva madeirense ocupa uma superfície aproximada de 15000 hectares (representando 20% do total da ilha), nas encostas viradas a norte, revestindo de forma luxuriante as íngremes vertentes e os profundos vales do remoto interior, representando nos nossos dias a mais extensa e a melhor conservada Laurissilva das ilhas atlânticas. A floresta Laurissilva apresenta um aspecto uniforme, sempre verde, ao longo de todo o ano, dado que a quase totalidade das árvores e dos arbustos que a compõem, nunca perdem a folha. O til é endémico da Macaronésia (Madeira, Açores e Canárias), aparecendo na laurissilva, em geral entre os 400 e os 1400 m de altitude; cresce de 15 a 30 metros de altura e é utilizado na fabricação de móveis. O Til tem o tronco rugoso e irregular, coberto por uma casca escura. A madeira é escura e dura. São frequentes os exemplares com múltiplos troncos ou com troncos fortemente ramificados a partir da base. Os ramos jovens são delgados, angulosos, com tegumento liso, por vezes avermelhado nas zonas de crescimento recente. As folhas, com 9–12 cm de comprimento e 3-5 de largura, são oblongo-lanceoladas a quase elípticas, acuminadas e ligeiramente recortadas na base. Nas plantas adultas, as folhas são de textura coriácea, lustrosas em ambas as faces, de cor verde escura mais intensa na face superior, tendo na face inferior pequenas vesículas nas axilas das nervuras. Os pecíolos são caniculados e curtos (até 15 mm de comprimento). Os frutos do til fazem parte, juntamente com os de outras lauráceas, da dieta do pombo-trocaz (Columba trocaz Heineken, 1829), ave endémica da Madeira, sendo esta a responsável pela sua disseminação na Laurissilva.


MIM April - May 2019

Foto: Yousuf-Karsh

Foto: John F. Kennedy library

Ernest Hemingway


Hemingway’s Novels: (1926) The Torrents of Spring (1926) The Sun Also Rises (1929) A Farewell to Arms (1937) To Have and Have Not (1940) For Whom the Bell Tolls (1950) Across the River and Into the Trees (1952) The Old Man and the Sea (1970) Islands in the Stream (1986) The Garden of Eden (1999) True at First Light

As a young man, he was interested in writing. He wrote for and edited his high school’s newspaper, as well as the high school yearbook. Upon graduating from Oak Park and River Forest High School in 1917, he worked for the Kansas City Star newspaper briefly, but in that short time, he learned the writing style that would shape nearly all of his future work. As an ambulance driver in Italy during World War I, Ernest Hemingway was wounded and spent several months in the hospital. While there, he met and fell in love with a Red Crossnurse named Agnes von Kurowsky. They planned to marry, but she became engaged to an Italian officer instead. This experience devastated Hemingway, and Agnes became the basis for the female characters in his subsequent short stories “A Very Short Story” (1925) and “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (1936), as well as the famous novel “A Farewell To Arms” (1929). This would also start a pattern Ernest would repeat for the rest of his life – leaving women before they had the chance to leave him first.

Hemingway’s Collections: (1923) Three Stories and Ten Poems (1925) In Our Time (1927) Men Without Women (1933) Winner Take Nothing (1936) The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1938) The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories (1969) The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War (1972) The Nick Adams Stories (1987) The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (1995) Everyman’s Library: The Collected Stories

Ernest Hemingway began work as a journalist upon moving to Paris in the early 1920s, but he still found time to write. He was at his most prolific in the 20s and 30s. His first short story collection, aptly titled “Three Stories and Ten Poems,” was published in 1923. His next short story collection, “In Our Time,” published in 1925, was the formal introduction of the vaunted Hemingway style to the rest of the world, and considered one of the most important works of 20th century prose. He would then go on to write some of the most famous works of the 20th century, including “A Farewell to Arms,” “The Sun Also Rises,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” and “The Old Man and the Sea.” He also in.

Name: Ernest Miller Hemingway Born: July 21, 1899, Oak Park, Illinois, U.S. Died: July 2, 1961 (aged 61) Ketchum, Idaho, U.S. Nationality: American Notable awards: Prize for Fiction (1953) Nobel Prize in Literature (1954)

Famous author and journalist, Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in the affluent Chicago suburb of Oak Park, Illinois, on July 21, 1899. His father was a doctor and his mother a musician. Hemingway in the cabin of his boat Pilar, off the coast of Cuba

In 1954, Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature. That summer, on June 15th , the Italian ship Francesco Morosini made a brief stop at Funchal, the capital city of Madeira Island. Among the ship’s passengers were Ernest Hemingway and his wife, Mary Welsh Hemingway. It was the world-famous writer’s first and only visit to the Island dubbed as ‘Pearl of the Atlantic’. Hemingway appears not to have left any record of his visit to Madeira, but his wife did. In her memoir, How It Was (New York: Knopf, 1976), Mary Welsh Hemingway offers a short account of the 1954 visit. Playing for the moment the travel writer, she recalls wine, the porcelain plaques, and the basket-sledding down the mountain on her brief sighseeing tour. It is believed, however, that Ernest Hemingway had never gone ashore. Instead, he chose to remain aboard the Francesco Morosini, which, as scheduled, sailed later in the day. The reason as to why he never escorted his wife ashore still remains a mystery to this day. Ernest Hemingway lived most of his later years in Idaho. He began to suffer from paranoia, believing the FBI was aggressively monitoring him. In November of 1960 he began frequent trips to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, for electroconvulsive therapy – colloquially known as “shock treatments.” He had his final treatment on June 30, 1961. Two days later, on July 2, 1961, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a twelve-gauge shotgun. He was a few weeks short of his 62nd birthday. This wound up being a recurring trend in his family; his father, as well as his brother and sister, also died by committing suicide. The legend of Hemingway looms large, and his writing style is so unique that it left a legacy in literature that will endure forever.

famous visitors visitantes famosos


Ernest Hemingway Visitou a Madeira em 1954 a bordo do navio italiano Francesco Morosini


Biografia Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961), romancista norte-americano, nasceu em Oak Park, Chicago, e foi educado no liceu local. O pai de Hemingway era médico e transmitiu ao filho o entusiasmo pelos desportos. A mãe insistira para que o filho se dedicasse à música, mas Hemingway resolveu tornar-se jornalista e escritor. Trabalhou inicialmente como repórter para o Kansas City Star. Em abril de 1918, durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, alistou-se como voluntário, tendo sido colocado numa unidade de ambulâncias na frente italiana. Pouco depois de ter chegado a Itália, foi ferido numa perna e transportado ao hospital da Cruz Vermelha. Regressou à América e em 1919 voltou a trabalhar como repórter para o jornal de Toronto Star Weekly . O casamento com Hadley Richardson, em 1921, foi o primeiro dos quatro matrimónios do escritor. Em Paris, para onde partiu em 1922 ao serviço de um jornal canadiano, conheceu Gertrude Stein e frequentou os círculos literários da capital francesa. Ali contactou com outros expatriados: Ezra Pound, James Joyce e Scott Fitzgerald. O livro Three Stories and Ten Poems teve uma circulação limitada em Paris (1924) e no ano seguinte foi publicado o livro de contos In Our Time, que recebeu a aprovação dos críticos americanos. As primeiras obras de Hemingway revelavam a influência de Ring Lardner e Sherwood Anderson, mas a carreira literária do autor desenvolveu-se fundamentalmente a partir das experiências pessoais que mais o marcaram, entre as quais se destacam a guerra e o jornalismo. Em 1926 foi publicado o romance Torrents of Spring, uma paródia do livro de Sherwood Anderson, Dark Laughter . No mesmo ano Hemingway publicou The Sun Also Rises. Este romance e o volume de contos que se seguiu (Men Without Women, 1927) confirmaram a reputação do escritor. A ação de The Sun Also Rises desenrola-se em Paris e tem como protagonista um jornalista americano ferido na guerra. O romance desenvolve muitas das questões centrais da obra de Hemingway. Em 1928, divorciado de Hadley e casado com Pauline Pfeiffer, o escritor mudou-se para Key West, na Florida. No final desse ano o pai de Hemingway suicidou-se. No romance de 1929, A Farewell to Arms (Adeus às Armas), foi retomada a temática da guerra. Entretanto as suas viagens a Espanha, África e Cuba revelaram-lhe atividades que considerou símbolos da condição humana: a tourada e a caça. Na primeira inspirou-se para escrever Death in the Afternoon (1932), um dos seus melhores livros. Em The Green Hills of Africa (As Verdes Colinas de África, 1935) descreveu as aventuras de um safari, um tema que retomou em The Snows of Kilimanjaro e The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. A experiência da guerra voltou a marcar Hemingway quando este partiu para Espanha como correspondente durante a guerra civil espanhola (1936-39). Um dos mais conhecidos romances do escritor, For Whom the Bell Tolls (Por Quem os Sinos Dobram, 1940), inspirou-se neste episódio. Hemingway escreveu ainda Across the River and Into the Trees (Na Outra Margem, entre as Árvores, 1950) e The Old Man and The Sea (O Velho e o Mar), um breve romance sobre a luta de um pescador cubano contra um peixe gigante. O livro, considerado uma parábola da humanidade, valeu a Hemingway o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1954. O estilo inovador de Hemingway, que preferiu a economia de linguagem e a palavra depurada aos artifícios literários e à extensa análise psicológica, influenciou as gerações seguintes de escritores americanos. Hemingway, que desejou ser um homem de ação, um artífice em vez de um artista, cultivou um ideal de virilidade, procurando contornar a derrota final da condição humana: a morte. Suicidou-se no dia 2 de julho de 1961.


Miradouro da Rocha do Navio Santana Rocha do Navio Nature Reserve is located in Santana, and was the last park to be created in 1997. It was established in response to demands from the local population and includes a strip of sea, a potential habitat for sea wolf and a small island on which one can see rare plants that inhabit the cliff habitats of Macaronesia. There is open access by boat, but underwater fishing and the use of fishing nets are forbidden. The “Rocha do Navio Nature Reserve” site has total area of 1710 hectares and total length of 6259 meters. It is exclusively marine, including the islets of “Ilhéu da Rocha das Vinhas” and “Ilhéu da Viúva”. This Reserve is integrated in the Natura 2000 Network. It is located on the north coast of Madeira Island, in the Municipality of Santana. The main access is made through the Belvedere of “Rocha do Navio”, along a path sculpted on the rock or by telepheric. The name “Rocha do Navio” comes from the wreckage of a Dutch schooner in the 19th century, as a result of strong winds.

O Miradouro da Rocha do Navio, em Santana, dá acesso à Reserva Natural do Sítio da Rocha do Navio tanto por uma vereda escarpada na rocha, como por teleférico. O nome Rocha do Navio deve-se ao naufrágio holandês que aí ocorreu no século XIX. Este miradouro proporciona uma excelente vista sobre o mar, o Ilhéu da Viúva e sobre a região circundante. Ao visitar o miradouro encontra a pintura de um mural e dos degraus de acesso ao teleférico, obra da artista plástica Olga Drak.

23 Geosite Miradouro Ponta do Rosto

Geology Madeira presents its visitors with extraordinary landscapes and views where the peculiarities of the Macaronesia environment and a wide variety of endemic fauna and flora species can be cherished. In its geomorphological configuration resides one of its main natural attractions. The altitude of the island and the complexity of its terrain contribute to the diversity of micro-climates conducing to the existence of several habitats. The territory of Madeira corresponds to the immersed part of a volcanic edifice which rises from the ocean floor (from depths of about 4000 meters) up to 1861 meters above sea level (Pico Ruivo). The contrasts that occur at coastal level with submerged deltas and volcanic deposits, large cliffs and large deep valleys, all this wealth is the natural and geographical estate of Madeira.

Info: IFCN

Geossítio M01PSL05 - Miradouro Ponta do Rosto Denominação: Miradouro da Ponta do Rosto Freguesia: Caniçal Categoria temática: Estratigrafia, Tectónica e Geomorfologia Coordenadas: 32°44'57.2'' N 16°42'24.3'' W Altitude: 135 m Acessibilidade: fácil Distância à estrada asfaltada mais próxima: 5 m Condições de observação: boas

O arquipélago da Madeira possui uma diversidade natural de excelente valor, rico tanto em geodiversidade como em biodiversidade, e que deve ser conhecida, assim como, conservada e preservada para as gerações atuais e vindouras.

Descrição sumária O miradouro da Ponta do Rosto é um dos locais privilegiados para reconhecer a forma geral da ilha da Madeira, em Vulcão Escudo. Nos cortes das arribas litorais pode observar-se a estrutura interna da ilha antiga, formada durante a primeira etapa de construção vulcânica fissural em ambiente subaéreo (Complexo Vulcânico Intermédio – Formação da Encumeada), onde ocorrem numerosos filões verticais relacionados com uma antiga zona de rift vulcânico de direção E-W. Os filões podem ocorrer descarnados ou em cabo real (destacados da rocha encaixante) por erosão marinha diferencial. A Falha da Pedra Furada, um dos principais acidentes tectónicos que ocorrem na Ponta de São Lourenço, tem também particular relevância neste local. Do ponto de vista geomorfológico, é evidente a relação entre a erosão da linha de costa e as principais estruturas vulcano-tectónicas.

Miradouro da Ponta do Rosto is a special site where one can take in the stunning view of a shield volcano. On the coastal cliffs, ancient fissural volcanic structures stand out. Numerous vertical dykes connected to an old volcanic rift zone in an easterly-westerly direction are visible. The Pedra Furada, one of the main tectonic incidents in Ponta de São Lourenço, is also of particular relevance at this site. From a geomorphological point of view, the connection between coastline erosion and the main volcano-tectonic structures is rather evident.


books livros

MIM April-May 2019

Fort of São Lourenço Funchal’s first fortress was built between 1529 and 1540 on a plea by the population of Funchal after a vessel, moored in the harbour of Funchal, had been pillaged. The fortress served as the official residence for many captains and governors of the island. Unfortunately, the fort failed as a safehold seeing that it was succumbed easily to the attacks of the French pirates in 1566. The years which followed involved further development or advancement on the defensive structure: many improvements, alterations and extensions to the original construction were made. In August 1943, it was classified as a National Monument. In July 1993 an exhibition, which is currently housed in the fortress itself, was opened to the public. The exhibition traces the history and development of the fortress. Today, the Fort of São Lourenço (Palácio de São Lourenço) is one of the best-preserved Portuguese fortifications from the 16th century. It serves as the residence for the head of the Autonomous Region and Military Command.

"Saias de Balão" by Ricardo Jardim Is a novel which dates back to 1946, and winner of a literary prize awarded by the Municipality of Funchal. The story tells of the adventures of Clara, the youngest daughter of Luís da Cunha, owner of the Quinta do Bom Sucesso, who belonged to the high society of Funchal in the middle of the XIX century. --------------------------------------------------------------------------“Saias de Balão”, de Ricardo Nascimento Jardim, (1906–1990), é um romance datado de 1946, que narra as peripécias por que passa Clara, filha mais nova de Luís da Cunha, proprietário da quinta do Bom Sucesso e que pertencia à alta sociedade do Funchal dos meados do séc. XIX. “Retalhos de Uma Vida Virgilio Pereira The former mayor of Funchal City Council, has edited a memoir entitled “Retalhos de Uma Vida – Memórias, Opiniões e Comentários”. -----------------------------------------------O antigo presidente da Câmara Municipal do Funchal editou o livro “Retalhos de Uma Vida – Memórias, Opiniões e Comentários”. Uma obra de cariz memorialista, como facilmente se pode ajuizar pelo título.


Porto Santo – Um Paraíso no Atlântico João Lemos João Lemos has recently presented a book about Porto Santo entitled “Um Paraíso no Atlântico - Produtos e Recursos Turísticos”, which portrays the enormous natural and patrimonial wealth of Porto Santo. -----------------------------------------------O livro Porto Santo – Um Paraíso no Atlântico – Produtos e Recursos Turísticos retrata a enorme riqueza natural e patrimonial como afirma apesar do Porto Santo ter 42 quilómetros quadrados e de ser uma ilha pequena.


In August 1943, it was classified as a National Monument.

'Na Toada da Vida' Gizela Dias da Silva Writer Gizela Dias da Silva has released her 14th book, 'Na Toada da Vida', which she describes as 'a poetic prose' in which she honors 'the women of my land: those of yesterday and today', in a a work in which is also his life project. -----------------------------------------------------A escritora Gizela Dias da Silva lançou o seu 14.º livro, ‘Na Toada da Vida’, que descreve como sendo “uma prosa poética” em que homenageia “as mulheres da minha terra: as de ontem e as de hoje”, numa obra em que também está o seu projeto de vida. "30 anos de fotojornalismo" Lucília Monteiro This book pays homage to the career of Madeiran photojournalist Lucília Monteiro. Born in 1966 in Santa Cruz, on the island of Madeira, Lucilia has placed 30 years of her photographic memoirs in this amazing book. ------------------------------------------------------------Uma volta ao mundo em imagens com histórias ilustra o livro "30 anos de fotojornalismo" de Lucília Monteiro, fotojornalista da Visão, surge como uma homenagem à fotojornalista nascida em 1966 em Santa Cruz, na ilha da Madeira, que em 2019 cumpre 30 anos de carreira.




MIM April-May 2019


Discover Madeira Descobrir

Address / Morada: Rua Latino Coelho, nº 39 – 2º piso 9060-129 Funchal Tel: +351 291 640 640 / 291 640 645 Email: Web: Timetable / Horário: Monday to Saturday/ Segunda a Sábado: 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Closed at Sunday & Statutory Holidays Encerrado aos domingos e feriados. Timetable for Shop / Horário da loja: Monday to Saturday/ Segunda a Sábado: 10.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Admission tickets / Preços de entrada: Adult / Adultos - € 5 Children / Crianças - €3 Family (2 Adults+2 Childrens) / Família (2 Adultos + 2 Crianças) - € 12

Madeira Toy Museum The Madeira Toy Museum is a toy museum located in the heart of Funchal just behind the Farmer’s Market. The museum was founded by a local architect, José Manuel Borges Pereira, in 2003. Currently, the museum has on display 20,000 toys and miniatures from as early as the nineteenth century, which come from Portugal, England, Germany and France. Miniature cars, dolls, airplanes, toy soldiers, and games are among the many collectibles that give life to this unique museum. Previously located in a private house, in Barreiros, the museum now has a new home, located in a building dated from the eighteen century, part of the new “Armazém do Mercado”.

Toys, we have all had that one extra special one we loved and treasured, no matter how bashed and broken it might have become over the years. That lovable doll with tufts of her hair where it’s been styled and styled time and time again, eventually falling out. The toy car that has taken young boys on magical imaginary road trips. The toy soldier that put up a fight with Star Wars creatures as Wampas and Tauntauns. The plastic fighter plane that flew around the living room, but ended up crashing behind couch pillows. According to Wikipedia, the origin of the word "toy" is unknown, but it is believed that it was first used in the fourteenth century. The oldest known doll toy is thought to be 4,000 years old. Playing with toys is considered to be important when it comes to growing up and learning about the world around us. Younger children use toys to discover their identity, help their bodies grow strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice skills they will need as adults. Adults on occasion use toys to form and strengthen social bonds, teach, help in therapy, and to remember and reinforce lessons from their youth.

Traditional Madeiran Toys In Madeira, a wide range of traditional toys can still be seen at the Toy Museum. Traditionally, in Madeira, kids used to build and play with what appeared to be a cane pole wired uniwheeled vehicle which consisted of a wheel connected to a long cane pole which was then fitted with a steering wheel that served to guide the toy. Madeiran kites were another favourite. They were made from split cane poles (cana-vieira), covered with paper or cloth, and stuck together with gum, resin or any other sticky material besides glue, seeing that the latter was quite expensive to buy and not available to the majority of the population at the time. The top was also very popular amongst Madeiran children. The toy which was designed to spin rapidly on the ground entertained kids for hours while they watched it spin to ever increasing precession until it finally toppled in a frequently violent last thrash. Traditionally tops were constructed of wood, sometimes with an iron tip, and would be set in motion by aid of a string or rope coiled around its axis which, when pulled quickly, caused a rapid unwinding that would set the top in motion. Children have always had small imitations of things from the adult world and toy weapons are no exception. Traditionally, youngsters would build and play with wooden toy guns made of a wooden rod fitted with a clothespin which projected elastic bands. Other wooden toys included swords and shields. Bows and arrows made of cane poles and string were also popular.

museum museu


Museu do Brinquedo Descubra uma colecção de 20.000 brinquedos de Portugal, Inglaterra, Alemanha, França entre outros contendo brinquedos da colecção de José Manuel Borges Pereira e de várias colecções privadas como a de Dr Alberto Figueira Jardim e do Escultor Maurício Fernandes. Localizado num edifício datado do século XVIII, que nos anos 50 foi também uma fábrica de bordados, esta tradicional casa madeirense foi recuperada no sentido de manter a sua traça original. Aqui mostram-se os sonhos dos mais pequenos, a réplica de um porsche carrera de 1970, a boneca de porcelana de faces rosadas ou o conjunto de comboios nunca antes visto. Estão expostos milhares de outros brinquedos, como uma colecção de 900 soldadinhos de chumbo, barcos a vapor, aviões e jogos em madeira, datados dos finais do século XIX até aos nossos dias. Esta atmosfera feita a pensar em quem visita, partilha de um charme nostálgico que agrada a crianças e adultos.

Descubra uma colecção de 20.000 brinquedos de Portugal, Inglaterra, Alemanha, França entre outros países.

museums | museus



MIM April-May 2019

Baden-Powell Museum Centre National Corps of Scouts (CNE) Rua do Canadá, Cave A (near the Church of Nazaré) Phone: 291 755 808 Monday to Friday: 2pm - 7pm Colégio dos Jesuítas Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Monday to Friday: 10am 6:30pm | Saturdays: 10am – 2pm Companhia dos Engenhos do Norte - SoRum Casas Próximas, Porto da Cruz Phone: 291 742 935 Monday to Saturday: 9am - 6pm Christopher Columbus House, Porto Santo Museum Travessa da Sacristia, 2/4 - Porto Santo Phone: 291 983 405 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm Sundays: 10am to 1pm CR7 Museum Avenida Sá Carneiro, 9; Praça do Mar Phone: 291 639 880 Monday to Saturday: 10am - 6pm Electricity Museum - Casa da Luz Rua da Casa da Luz, 2 - Funchal Phone: 291 211 480 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm Engenhos da Calheta Avenida D. Manuel I, 29 - Calheta Phone: 291 822 264 Tuesday to Sunday: 8am to 7pm Família Teixeira e Caires Museum Fajã da Murta - Faial Tuesday to Sunday: 9am to 7pm Henrique and Francisco Franco Museum Rua João de Deus, 13 - Funchal Phone: 291 230633 Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 6pm House-Museum Frederico de Freitas Calçada de Santa Clara, 7 Funchal Phone: 291 220570 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5.30pm

IVBAM Museum Centre Rua Visconde Anadia, 44 Funchal Phone: 291 211 600 Monday to Friday: 9am 12:30pm; 2pm - 5:30pm Quinta das Cruzes Museum Calçada do Pico 1 - Funchal Phone: 291 740670 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 12.30pm / 2pm to 5.30pm museuquintadascruzes. com Madeira Ethnographic Museum Rua de São Francisco 24 - Ribeira Brava Phone: 291 952598 Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.30pm Madeira Press Museum Av. da Autonomia, N.º 3 - Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910 135 Monday to Fryday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 2pm Madeira Military Museum São Lourenço Palace, Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 204902 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm Saturday: 10pm - 12pm gabrr.palacio@netmadeira. com Madeira Optics Museum Rua das Pretas, 51 - Funchal Phone: 291 220694 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm Saturdays: 10am to 1pm Mary Jane Wilson Museum Rua do Carmo, 61 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 492 Tuesday to Friday: 10am - 12pm and from 3pm - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm Monte Palace Museum Monte Palace Tropical Gardens Caminho das Babosas, 4 Funchal Phone: 291 780 800 Monday to Sunday: 9:30am to 6pm Mudas Contemporary Art Museum Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Phone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5pm

Museological Nucleus - “Arte Popular” Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior Phone: 291 238 185 / 917 235 321 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm (Espólio do Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova) Museological Nucleus - Rota da Cal Sítio dos Lameiros - São Vicente Phone: 291 842 018 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 2pm Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” Praça Colombo, 5 - Funchal Phone: 291 236 910 Monday to Friday: 9:30 am 5:30pm Museum of Sacred Art Rua do Bispo 21 - Funchal Phone: 291 228900 Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm

São Lourenço Palace Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 202530 Monday at 2:30pm; Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am; Thursday at 10am and 2:30pm; Friday at 3pm (Different days and hours require advance booking) Solar do Aposento Rua Dr. Manuel Escórcio, n.º 22, Ponta Delgada Phone: 291 644 563 Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Solar do Ribeirinho Museological Nucleus of Machico Rua do Ribeirinho - Machico Phone: 291 964 118 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Toy Museum Armazém do Mercado, Rua Latino Coelho, nº 39 - Funchal Phone: 291 640 640 Monday to Saturday: 10am to 6pm www.armazemdomercado. com

Natural History Museum of Funchal São Pedro Palace , Rua da Mouraria, 31 Phone: 291 229 761 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am - 6pm

The Old Blandy Wine Lodge Avenida Arriaga, 28 - Funchal Phone: 291 740 110 Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 6.30pm | Saturdays: 10am to 1pm

Natural History Museum of the Botanical Garden Quinta do Meio / Bom Sucesso - Funchal Phone: 291 211 200 Monday to Sunday: 9am to 6pm

Town Hall Largo do Colégio dos Jesuítas do Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Guided tours from Monday to Friday: 11am and 3pm

Núcleo Museológico do Caniço Rua Dr. Francisco Peres, Ed. Jardins do Caniço, Loja 21 - Caniço Phone: 291 932 508 / 926 887 881 Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm - 2pm to 5pm | Saturday: 10am to 1pm Sundays: 11am to 1pm guided tour

Vineyard and Wine Museum of Arco de São Jorge Sítio da Lagoa - Arco de São Jorge Phone: 291 578105 Tuesday to Sunday: 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. | (Monday torus require advance booking)

Photographia - Museum ‘Vicentes’ Rua da Carreira 43 - 1º - Funchal Phone: 291 225 050 Temporarly closed Santa Clara Convent Calçada de Santa Clara, 15 Funchal Phone: 291 742 602 / 612 Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 5pm

Whale Museum Rua da Pedra D’Eira - Caniçal Phone: 291 961 858 Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30am to 6pm Universe of Memories - João Carlos Abreu Calçada do Pico, 2/4 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 122 Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm universodememorias

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291208400 291965574 291524355 291911040 291952159 291572403 291823820 291846229 291853361 291980010 291972223

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archiveseand libraries arquivos bibliotecas Cultural Heritage Library Rua dos Ferreiros, n.º 165 Phone: 291 211 830 Monday to Friday: 9am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 7pm

Foreign Culture’s Library Quinta Magnólia Rua Dr. Pita - Funchal Phone: 291 211830 (ext: 233) Monday to Friday: 9am to 5.30pm

Library/Contemporary Documentation Centre Estr. Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Telephone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Friday: 10am -12:30pm; 2pm – 5pm

Calheta Municipal Library Vale dos Amores - 1º Andar Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, nº 37 Phone: 291 824 301 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 6:30pm

Funchal’s Municipal Library Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 9 - Funchal Phone: 291 720137 Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm

Madeira’s Regional Archives Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291 708 400 Archive Reading Room Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 7:50pm Saturday: 9:30 am – 3:20 pm

Porta 33 - Documentation Centre Porta 33 Associação Quebra Costas Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 - Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Tuesday to Saturday: 4pm to 8pm (Other schedules require advance booking) European Affairs Library CERNE - “Casa da Europa na Madeira” Rua Latino Coelho, 57, 3º - Funchal Phone: 291 235545 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm


art galleries

Fernando Augusto Theatre-theca Theatre and Performative Art’s Library Teatro Experimental do Funchal Rua Latino Coelho, n.º 54 Phone: 291 226747 / 91 3035458 Monday to Friday: 4p.m. to 7p.m. Caravel Art Center Rua Dom Carlos I, 19-20 Phone: 936 227 062 Galeria dos Prazeres Responsável: Hugo Olim Sítio da Igreja - Prazeres, 9370-603 Calheta Phone: 291 783453 INFOART - Galeria da Secretaria Regional do Turismo Responsável: Secretária Regional Avenida Arriaga, n.º 18, 9004-519 Funchal Phone: 291 211900

Cine-Teatro Municipal de Santo António Responsável: Eduardo Luíz Rua Coohafal, 9020-393 Funchal Telefone: 291 226747

John Dos Passos Library Cultural Centre John Dos Passos Rua Príncipe D. Luís, 3 - Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Youth Shop Regional Department for Youth and Sports Rua dos Netos, 48 Funchal Telephone: 291 203 830 Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 8.00pm Saturdays: 9:00am – 12:30pm Multimedia and Arts Education Library Regional Education Department Travessa do Nogueira, 11 – Funchal Phone: 291 225146 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 12:30pm; 2:00pm – 5:30pm The Library is specialized in education, arts and multimedia documentation and part of the PORBASE National Libraries Network.

Porta 33 Responsável: Maurício Reis Rua do Quebra Costas, n.º 33, 9000034 Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Restock Galeria Gallery Armazem do Mercado, Rua do Hospital Velho, 28 | Loja 08 Phone: 933 194 680 Galeria Marca de Água Responsável: Raquel Fraga Rua da Carreira 119 , 9000-042 Funchal Phone: 291 100 149

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Responsável: Sandra Nóbrega Avenida Manuel de Arriaga Funchal Telefone: 291 215130

Madeira’s Parliament Library Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses - Funchal Phone: 291 210500 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm Machico Municipal Library Rua do Ribeirinho, Fórum Machico Phone: 291 969 997 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Ponta do Sol Municipal Library Rua Príncipe D. Luís, nº16 Phone: 291 972 276 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 1pm and from 1:30pm - 5pm Porto Santo Municipal Library Rua Drº Nuno Silvestre Teixeira, nº 13 Phone: 291 980 640 Tuesday to Friday: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 6pm

thematic centres

Câmara de Lobos Municipal Library Avenida da Autonomia, 5, Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910130 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am - 6pm ; Wednesdays: 2pm – 6pm

Regional Public Library Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291708410 Main Reading Room/ Children’s Reading Room: Monday: 2.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am - 8.00pm Saturday: 9.30am - 3.00pm Special reading room for the visually impaired /Reference Room/Study Room Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 12.30pm and from 2.00pm to 5.00pm (It requires advance booking). Ribeira Brava Municipal Library Largo do Herédia Phone: 291 952 548 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Santana Municipal Library Sítio do Barreiro, Santana City Hall Phone: 291 570 140 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm São Vicente Municipal Library Vila de São Vicente Phone: 291 842 135 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm Study Centre of Atlantic History Library Rua das Mercês, n.º 8 Monday to Friday: 9am - 1pm and from 2pm - 6pm Phone: 291 214970

MUDAS.Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 Calheta Phone: 291 820 900 Centro Cultural John dos Passos Rua do Príncipe D. Luís, n.º 3 Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Madeira Aquarium Rua do Forte de São João Baptista Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850 340 Monday to Sunday: 10am to 6pm Madeira Theme Park Estrada Regional 101 Fonte da Pedra - Santana Phone: 291 570410 Thursday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.


Porto Moniz Living Science Centre Rotunda do Ilhéu Mole - Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850300 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 6p.m. Reception and Interpretation Centre of Funchal’s Ecological Park (Temporarly closed) Estrada Regional 103 Ribeira das Cales, 259 - Monte Phone: 291 784700 Monday to Sunday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m. São Vicente Caves and Volcanism Centre Sítio do Pé do Passo - São Vicente Phone: 291 842404 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.



MIM April-May 2019

Tours Madeira Film Experience

History Tellers: 2 circuits

An audio-visual 30 minute journey that runs through the Madeira Archipelago’s 600 years of history and culture.

Guided tours promoted by the “Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira”: West and Historic Areas of the City

Monday to Sunday Marina Shopping, store 223 Tel. 291 222 748

Monday to Friday Pre-registrations: Armazém do Mercado - Rua Latino Coelho, 39 Tours:

Colégio dos Jesuítas

Guided Tours to Colégio dos Jesuítas, founded in 1569 by royal charter of D. Sebastião. Monday to Friday Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Tel. 291 705 060 Guided tours: Edu. Services:

Funchal City Hall

Guided tours to Funchal City Hall Monday to Friday Guided tours: Edu.Services: Org: Associação Académica da UMa


Guided tours to the Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Friday | at 2.30pm and 4.00pm Org: AAUMa & Madeiran Heritage --------------Monday to Friday

Next Level: 44 Curvas MotoGP Miguel Oliveira




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