Madeira Island Magazine - August/September 2017

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MIM August-September Agosto-Setembro 2017

Your Next Lesson: Madeira Events / Eventos Sports / Desporto History of the Jews in Madeira Pudim de Maracuja / Passion Fruit Pudding Monte Palace Tropical Garden Frente Mar Funchal Flora: Til Manoel Dias Soeiro São Jorge Mother Church / Igreja Matriz de São Jorge Cultural info Special tours / The fantastic history of Madeira (BD)


The Joy of Touring in Madeira



Off to the Beach

The Wine Festival



“A Cidade do Açúcar”

Summer festivites


Zino's Petrel / Freira da Madeira

10 Golf

The perfect recipe for a perfect golf vacation

The museum holds an impressive collection of objects




Contacts Subscription Enquiries (351) 291 232 904

You Can Reach Mib Through Its Email

Editorial Editor Tony Kennedy Graphic Designer & Photographer Rafael Caldeira

A Semana Europeia de Folclore, da pelo Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova, é um festival de folclore que tem por objetivo promover um convívio intercultural e dar a conhecer realidades etnográficas, e conta com a participação de grupos nacionais e estrangeiros.

Commercial & Photographer Amélia Silva

Print & Circulation

Edition 366

l a v i t s e F e n i W The

re Semana Europeia de Folclo iniciativa dinamiza-

Cover Photo Rafael Caldeira

Circulation 10 000

Festa do Vinho da Madeira

0 1 r e b m e t p e S 7 2 t s Augu

Por altura das vindimas, que acontece em finais de agosto e inícios de setembro), este evento procura recriar velhos hábitos da população madeirense associados aos seculares preceitos das lides vitícolas. Os festejos deste evento que se realiza desde o fim dos anos setenta do século passado iniciam-se no Funchal e incluem a Semana Europeia de Folclore, decorações, exposições e quadros vivos alusivos ao vinho e suas lides e espetáculos diversos de música ligeira e tradicional. A encerrar esta Festa realiza-se no Estreito de Câmara de Lobos a Festa das Vindimas.

Associate Managers Rafael Caldeira Vitor Nunes

Licence # 123608

MIM August-September 2017

27 Agosto a 10 Setembro

General Mib Enquiries & Fax (351) 291 232 904

Typographer SIG


Vindima ao Vivo


No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of MIM (Madeira Island Magazine). As every effort is made to provide accurate information in this publication, we would appreciate it if readers would call out attention to any errors that may occur by communicating with: MIM Caminho do Poço Barral Nº 52 9000 – 155 Funchal Tel./Fax (+351) 291 232 904 Email – Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness, and the opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed.

Na manhã de Sábado as atenções viram-se para o Estreito de Câmara de Lobos, onde se realiza a Festa das Vindimas. Ali, numa quinta madeirense, acontece a vindima, seguida de cortejo etnográfico que conta com a participação de um vasto número de grupos de folclore e etnografia. Após o cortejo é recriada a pisa das uvas, de participação livre, num lagar tradicional tudo envolto num ambiente de festa onde não faltam a animação musical e a gastronomia regionais.

Animação de rua

A baixa da cidade do Funchal, mais concretamente o passeio pedonal da Avenida Arriaga, é preenchido com diversas decorações que incluem inúmeras alfaias vitícolas (lagar, pipas, barris, cestos de vindima, meios de transporte tradicionais), quadros vivos e figurantes que recriam as lides do vinho na Madeira (pisa da uva, recriação de usos e costumes regionais por parte de artesãos), gastronomia, mostra e prova de vinhos madeirenses e exposição de artesanato regiona e ainda atuações por parte de grupos de folclore regionais.

Praça do Povo

Provas de Vinho Madeira e Vinhos Madeirenses diretamente dos produtores, harmonizações com gastronomia, concertos, sunset cocktails, histórias de vinho, chef’s dinner e muito mais!

Rota dos Restaurantesdo Vinho da

A rota de restaurantes da Festa Madeira apresenta menus especiais e inesquecíveis! Experimente os Vinhos da Madeira em harmonias com gastronomia regional e não só! Preços especiais para refeições completas acompanhada dos nossos Vinhos!

Madeira Island

Madeira wine is almost as old as Madeira itself. Exports began shortly after the island was discovered in 1419. The enchantment of Madeira wines lies in the fact that, even today, we can still experience its deep ethnographic richness: grape harvests, processions of harvesters, grape pressing and the entire ritual of the street festival are enthusiastically enjoyed by all who take part in the festivities. The Madeira Wine Festival is one of Madeira's many tourist attractions an event that pays tribute to this precious nectar and its undeniable socioeconomic significance. Taking place in the midst of the vintages, this event aims to recreate the old traditions of its locals, which were developed over centuries of labor in viticulture. The Madeira Wine Festival celebrations are a tribute to the effort involved in its production and at the same time serves to promote and to reaffirm Madeira Islands as a tourist destination of excellence overseas. This event has been commemorated since the late seventies. Nowadays these festivities begins in Funchal downtown area, and include the European Folklore Week, ornamentations, exhibitions, displays and live portrays depicting Madeira wine and the craft involved in its production, in addition to a diversity of concerts based on light music and traditional music shows. From August,27th onwards, the city of Funchal, and especially the Avenida Arriaga pedestrian street, is filled with various adornments comprising several tools used in the art of viticulture (presses, casks, barrels, grape picking baskets, traditional means of transportation), Includes displays and re-enactments of the wine-making process in Madeira (grape pressing, reenactment of the regional craftsmen traditional customs), apart from the local gastronomy, the typical Madeira wine tastings and exhibitions on Madeira and regional handicrafts.

European Folklore Week

European Folklore Week, an event organised by the Boa Nova Ethnography and Folk Group, is a folklore festival that aims to promote an intercultural gathering and promote ethnographic realities, with the participation of national and foreign groups.

Live Wine Harvest

On Saturday morning all attention is focused on the Estreito de Câmara de Lobos, where the Wine Harvest Festival takes place. The harvest takes place on a Madeiran farm, followed by an ethnographic parade with the participation of a large number of folklore and ethnography groups. After the parade the treading of the grapes is re-enacted - participation is free - using a traditional press in a festive atmosphere with lots of musical entertainment and regional cuisine.

“Praça do Povo”

Madeira Wine tasting and Madeira wines directly from producers, harmonization with gastronomy, concerts, sunset cocktails, wine stories , chef’s dinner and more!

Restaurants Route

The restaurant route for the Madeira Wine Fest presents some amazing menus! Experience the selection of Madeira Wines in tune with the regional gastronomy! Special prices are offered for full course meals accompanied by special Wines!

Eric Asimov, wine critic, talks about Madeira Wine in the following excerpt:

Your Next Lesson: Madeira by Eric Asimov, The New York Times

“... Even among fortified, sweet wines, Madeira is singular. For one thing, it is virtually indestructible, made in such a way that the usual enemies of fine wine — heat, light and air — are shrugged off like flecks of dust. It was this invulnerability that gave Madeira the strength to withstand the rigors of ocean voyages and become the most popular wine of colonial America. The popularity of Madeira, which comes from the Portuguese island of the same name, plummeted in the late 19th century with the arrival of phylloxera, a ravenous aphid that ravaged vineyards throughout Europe. The vineyards were replanted after a solution was found, but revolution, wars, the Depression and Prohibition in the 20th century prevented Madeira from regaining its former markets. Today, in the United States at least, Madeira has experienced a modest revival. But fortified and sweet wines have largely fallen out of favor, so its popularity remains limited. ... The best bottles tend to come from four principal grapes in ascending order from driest to sweetest: sercial, verdelho, bual and malmsey, which is better known elsewhere as malvasia.

... How to serve Madeira? Please, don’t haul out the brandy snifters, just use ordinary wine glasses. The sercial is dry enough to drink with meals. I remember it as an excellent combination with a grilled skirt steak. The malmsey is quite sweet. It goes wonderfully with cheese and chocolate. The bual is somewhere in between: You can try it with savory and sweet. You may not want to drink as much Madeira as you would table wine. It’s 19 percent to 20 percent alcohol, which makes it more suited to ocean voyages than overindulgence.”


National Geographic Highlights Madeira

Madeira has succeeded in appearing among the 10 best destinations to visit for a summer holiday, according to the list published by National Geographic magazine (NGM). NGM went on to assert that Madeira is renowned for its pleasantly mild temperatures, colourful gardens and delicious wine. It added that Madeira is a subtropical paradise. Moreover, NGM highlighted the island’s famous Levada watercourses, which create beautiful paths that feature stunning views across the lush mountains and valleys of the archipelago. Nonetheless, the magazine reminded tourists that the Levadas present various levels of difficulty and therefore, exercising caution when choosing a route was crucial. Nevertheless, NGM described the open channels carrying water to the population as an unmissable visit for all tourists with a sense of adventure.



events eventos

MIM August-September 2017

exbitions exposições

music música

“Tormentos do linho” Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior  Until 31 August

Concertos L “‘Concertos L’ é um conceito que procura novas tendências e é direccionado para pessoas que gostam realmente de música, sendo que este ano todos os concertos são estreias absolutas na ilha da Madeira e algumas estreias nacionais.  @ Estalagem da Ponta do Sol  05/08 - Sevdaliza She Moves in the world of alternative R & B, abstract soul and trip-hop in a unique, sexy and Sometimes dark way.  12/08 - Anna Meredith Anna Meredith is a genre-crossing composer and producer who’s work straddles the worlds of contemporary classical, art pop, electronica and experimental rock.  16/08 - Sérgio Godinho & Filipe Raposo Sérgio Godinho, one of the greatest genius of Portuguese music & Filipe Raposo, one of the most respected national pianists.  23/08 - Carlos Bica & André Santos Carlos Bica is a reference in the panorama of the European Jazz & André Santos, a Madeiran living in Lisbon, is one of the most active guitarists of Portuguese Jazz.  30/08 - Best Youth 2017 began with the Eurosonic Festival where they were considered by the international Press as one of the 10 bands to watch for.  06/09 - Crsitina Branco With more than 20 years of career and several albums, “Menina” is the title of her most recent work.  16/09 - Wildbirds & Peacedrums Wildbirds & Peacedrums is a Swedish experimental pop duo where per-cussion and vocals are the base. They won the important “Swedish act of the year” award.  23/09 - Señoritas “Acho que é meu dever não gostar “, is the name of the debut album of Señoritas, one of the brand new projects of the new Portuguese music. Señoritas is the project of Mitó Mendes (A NAIFA) and Sandra Bap-tista (A NAIFA / SITIADOS).

By Jaime Andrade. --------------------------------------

"Xiphopagos” Mudas  Until 3 September

In “Xiphopagos”, Fagundes Vasconcelos presents an artistic project of intervention at MUDAS . Museum main circuit, composed by installation and drawing, with texts by Joana Barrios. --------------------------------------

WARped Armazém do Mercado  Until 14 Sptember

Illustrations exhibition by Zé Pereira.


"Enciclopédia dos Relacionamentos Humanos " Galeria dos Prazeres  Until 1 October Curadoria de Mark Fell.


Artifacts (Cane) Museu Etnográfico da Madeira  Until 25 November Cana Vieira - Tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

theater teatro Espectáculo do Recreio Musical União da Mocidade

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias  16 Setembro A Orquestra de Bandolins da Madeira apresenta um concerto que será dirigido pelo actual director artístico André Martins. O evento conta com um repertório de Vivaldi, Ketèlbey, Monti, Waldteufel, Strauss e Ponchielli.

August/Agosto Mercado de Agricultura Biológica Funchal  June/Junho

Every Wednesday at Avenida Arriaga.  Todas as 4ªs feiras, na Avenida Arriaga, em frente à Loja do Cidadão(Funchal). ------------------------------------------------------------

LIX Rali Vinho Madeira Madeira  3-5 August

See pg. 8 / Consulte pg. 8  ------------------------------------------------------------

Festa de Nossa Senhora da Saúde | Lameiros Lameiros, São Vicente  4-6 August

The “Nossa Senhora da Saúde” festivity, is held each year in the parish of Lameiros, São Vicente. Commonly designated by locals as the "Arraial dos Lameiros", this festivity is held between 4th and 6th August. This is a typical regional festivity (“arraial”) that has become one of the largest Summer Festivals on the island of Madeira. The religious ritual includes the typical "novenas" [9 masses] and a religious service held inside the church. Plenty of food and drink stalls will be available as well as entertainment, which includes local performances, DJ´s, folk dancing groups and bands.  A Festa de Nossa Senhora da Saúde, na paróquia dos Lameiros em São Vicente, é também conhecida como Arraial dos Lameiros e é já um dos maiores arraiais do verão madeirense. A parte religiosa deste arraial é composta por novenas e missas dentro da igreja. No exterior existem barracas de comes e bebes, e muita animação proporcionada por DJ’s, grupos folclóricos e outros grupos musicais. ------------------------------------------------------------

August »

Festa do Emigrante e do Turista Atouguia, Calheta  5-6 August

During the second weekend of August a traditional Madeiran festival is held in the municipality of Calheta that attracts many locals and tourists alike. This festival promotes local gastronomy, and presents various entertainment activities and concerts with live music, folklore and performances by local singers.  Esta festividade tem a particularidade de promover a gastronomia regional, oferecendo momentos de muita animação, com música ao vivo, folclore, um evento que irá contar com a presença de vários cantores madeirenses. Outra das particularidades deste evento é a própria igreja matriz, possuidora de uma estrutura arquitetónica sui generis do tipo basílica, coroada com uma pequena cúpula redonda. ------------------------------------------------------------

XXXII Feira Gastronómica de Machico Machico  Until 6 August

Promoted by the Machico Municipal Council this event intends to promote the regional cuisine, particularly the typical delicacies from this municipality, located on the eastern side of the Island. This gastronomic fair features lots of entertainment activities, with live music concerts by local and Portuguese performers, in a week filled with local flavours, snacks and typical seafood.

 Organizada pela Câmara Municipal de Machico este certame tem como objetivo principal a divulgação da gastronomia regional, com especial destaque para as iguarias deste concelho do leste da ilha da Madeira. O evento oferece ainda muita animação, concertos de música ao vivo e atrações musicais a nível regional e nacional, numa semana cheia de sabores, petiscos e comida típica à beira-mar. ------------------------------------------------------------

XXV Festa do Peixe Espada Preto Câmara de Lobos  11-13 August

Câmara de Lobos hosts the Black Scabbard Fish Festival, an event organised by the Parish Council of Câmara de Lobos, dedicated to one of the most typical gastronomic specialties of Madeira – Black Scabbard fish. This event combines the local cuisine with lots of entertainment, which includes a cooking show, dance and music concerts. Plenty of food and drink stalls will be available.  A baía de Câmara de Lobos acolhe anualmente a Festa do Peixe Espada Preto, um evento organizado pela Junta de Freguesia de Câmara de Lobos, dedicado a uma das mais típicas especialidades gastronómicas madeirenses – Peixe Espada Preto. Esta iniciativa associa a gastronomia à diversão, para além de um conjunto de atividades nomeadamente, show cookings, espetáculos de danças e muita animação musical, num evento que pretende dar a conhecer um pouco da atividade piscatória do concelho e evidenciar as potencialidades gastronómicas deste peixe com características muito peculiares. Nesta festa não faltarão as tradicionais barraquinhas de comes e bebes. ------------------------------------------------------------


Festa de Nossa Senhora do Monte Monte, Funchal  14-15 August

This festivity is considered to be one of Madeira's main religious feasts, also celebrated by the numerous immigrants from Madeira that live abroad. During two consecutive days, the picturesque and romantic parish of Monte is transformed into one of the liveliest places on the island, filled with food and beverage stalls and lots of entertainment.  Este arraial é considerado a principal festa de devoção popular da Região, célebre em todas as partes do mundo onde existem emigrantes madeirenses. Durante dois dias, o Monte transforma-se num dos locais mais animados da ilha, com barracas de comes e bebes e muita animação musical. ------------------------------------------------------------

Festa de Nossa Senhora da Graça Monte, Funchal  14-15 August

On the 14th and 15th of August, the Chapel of Our Lady of Grace, which stands on the hillside below the Portela viewpoint, pays tribute to our Lady of Grace in a funfilled festival. This festival includes religious ceremonies and a procession, followed by a festival with traditional food and drink stalls, music and lots of entertainment.  A Capela da Graça, erguida na encosta abaixo do miradouro da Portela, presta homenagem a Nossa Senhora da Graça num arraial cheio de diversão. Esta festa inclui as cerimónias religiosas e procissão, seguidas de arraial

events eventos August/Agosto com as tradicionais barracas de comes e bebes, música e muita animação. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festival Art Camacha

Camacha  15-18 August Promoted by the Casa do Povo da Camacha, this festival is dedicated to the cultural traditions of this parish. During one week the village of Camacha hosts lots of entertainment, including wickerwork and embroidery displays and musical performances by local folk groups.  Organizado pela Casa do Povo da Camacha, este festival é dedicado às tradições culturais desta freguesia. Durante uma semana, a freguesia da Camacha transforma-se num local de concentração e animação, com exposições de vimes e bordados e com atuações musicais dos vários grupos folclóricos. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festas do Concelho

São Vicente  23-26 August See pg. 14 / Consulte pg. 14  -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festival Nacional e Internacional de Folclore Ponta do Sol  26 August

Every year, the Ponta do Sol Folklore Group promotes this important cultural event, in collaboration with the municipality of Ponta do Sol, featuring several regional, national and foreign groups with the purpose to highlight the islands cultural traditions and ethnographic heritage.  O grupo de Folclore da Ponta do Sol, organiza anualmente, este importante festival cultural, iniciativa que conta com a colaboração da Câmara Municipal desta pitoresca localidade da costa oeste da Madeira. O evento conta com a participação de alguns grupos folclóricos regionais, nacionais e estrangeiros, que vêm assim a oportunidade de promoverem a sua música, bem como as tradições culturais e o património etnográfico da região. -------------------------------------------------------------------

XIV Semana Europeia de Folclore Funchal  27-30 August

See pg. 14 / Consulte pg. 14  -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festa do Vinho Madeira

Estreito de C. de Lobos e Funchal  28 Aug/1 Sep See pg. 4 / Consulte pg. 4  -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festa das Vindimas

Porto Santo  End of August Porto Santo hosts this cultural festivity that intends to promote the various types of wine produced in this island. The event takes place at Largo das Palmeiras where a wine presser will be set up, as well as wine tasting and various demonstrations on the wine making process and an exhibition of the equipment used in the wine industry. There is also musical entertainment with traditional singing groups.  A ilha de Porto Santo acolhe anualmente a Festa das Vindimas, uma iniciativa cultural que pretende destacar as diversas castas de uva produzidas na Ilha Dourada.


September/Setembro Realiza-se no Largo das Palmeiras, onde é montado um lagar público com provas de vinho e demonstração do processo da sua feitura, assim como uma exposição de utensílios relacionados com a vinha. Há ainda animação musical com grupos de cantares tradicionais. -------------------------------------------------------------------



Festa do Bom Jesus e do Santíssimo Sacramento Ponta Delgada  2-3 September

Hundreds of pilgrims from all across the island attend the celebration in tribute to the Holy Sacrament. It will be held in the village of Ponta Delgada. It is a religious festivity that emphasises the island's rich religious traditions.  Centenas de romeiros vindos de toda a ilha deslocam-se à freguesia da Ponta Delgada, associando-se a uma das maiores peregrinações religiosas da ilha da Madeira. Trata-se de uma manifestação religiosa verdadeiramente rica em tradições e com forte animação. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festa da Uva e do Agricultor Porto da Cruz  2-3 September

Hosted by the Community Centre of Porto da Cruz, the Grape and Farmer Festival will feature plenty of entertainment.  Iniciativa da responsabilidade da Casa do Povo do Porto da Cruz, esta freguesia com grande tradição vinícola celebra anualmente a Festa da Uva e do Agricultor, servindo de pretexto para uma grande animação popular, na qual sobressai um desfile alegórico que reúne muitos aspetos culturais da freguesia. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Funchal Júnior & Cadet Open e Open Internacional de Ténis de Mesa da Madeira Funchal  8-10 September

The sports hall of the Bartolomeu Perestrelo School will host the Funchal Junior & Cadet Open and the Madeira International Table Tennis Open 2017, an event that is part of the World Junior Circuit of the International Table Tennis Federation.  O pavilhão desportivo da Escola Bartolomeu Perestrelo, no Funchal, será o anfitrião do Funchal Júnior Open 2017, uma iniciativa desportiva integrada no Circuito Mundial de Juniores da Federação Internacional de Ténis de Mesa. No dia 10 decorrerá a 21ª edição do Open Internacional de Ténis de Mesa da Madeira. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festival de Colombo

Porto Santo  14-16 September See pg. 14 / Consulte pg. 14  -------------------------------------------------------------------

Festa de Nossa Senhora da Piedade Caniçal  16-17 September

The village of Caniçal will be the stage of one of the most popular events in honor of the local fishermen's patron saint – Our Lady of Piety. This religious festivity includes a unique maritime procession in which fishermen’s boats are beautifully decorated with flowers and flags, departing from Caniçal´s pier towards the Chapel of Our Lady of Piety.  Esta efeméride é caraterizada por uma procissão no mar,

protagonizada por barcos de pesca, enfeitados com flores e bandeirolas, que partem do Cais Novo do Caniçal, com centenas de romeiros, em direção à Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade, onde a imagem da santa pernoita no dia de sábado. No dia seguinte é realizada uma nova procissão, acompanhada por cânticos dos devotos, para devolver a imagem à igreja matriz de onde saiu. -------------------------------------------------------------------

XXXV Festa do Pêro

Ponta do Pargo  16-17 September This event brings together many farmers from several neighboring regions, which turn the production of the “pêro”, common name for apple, into a widely animated festival of great projection, along with its usual food and drink stalls.  Este certame rural reúne muitos agricultores das localidades vizinhas numa festa muito animada, onde não faltam as habituais barracas de comes e bebes. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Madeira Life Saver

Seixal, Machico  22-24 September The Madeira Regional Canoeing Association, in collaboration with the Municipalities of Porto Moniz and Machico, organizes the Madeira Life Saver, a sports competition held on September 22th and 24th. This competition is open to both male and female athletes who compete in the Absolutes K1 categorie.  | Esta competição está aberta às categorias Absolutos K1 Masculino e Feminino e é composta por duas etapas, sendo que a primeira etapa do evento terá lugar na praia do Seixal, e a segunda na praia de Machico. -------------------------------------------------------------------

XXVII Mostra da Sidra

Santo da Serra  23-24 September The village of Santo da Serra annually hosts a popular festivity whose purpose is to promote one of the island's popular drinks - cider.  Com o intuito de promover a tradição secular que constitui o fabrico da sidra, esta iniciativa conta com algumas atividades lúdicas, nomeadamente um pequeno cortejo etnográfico precedido da pisa do pêro, bem como algumas exposições alusivas ao tema. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Dia Mundial do Turismo Madeira  27 September

This year's World Tourism Day will focus on “Sustainable Tourism" and will be held on September 27th. The program includes free admission to some museums and gardens. In addition, tourists will be greeted with flowers and giveaways upon their arrival at Madeira’s International Airport and also at some official tourist offices.  A Madeira, como destino turístico de excelência, não poderia deixar de se associar às comemorações do Dia Mundial do Turismo, que este ano será dedicado ao tema "Turismo Sustentável - Uma Ferramenta para o Desenvolvimento". No âmbito deste evento, estão programadas algumas atividades socioculturais e iniciativas de animação no centro do Funchal, tais como entradas gratuitas em alguns museus e jardins. No Aeroporto Internacional da Madeira e em alguns postos oficiais de turismo, os turistas serão agraciados com a entrega de flores e brindes.


sports desporto

MIM August-September 2017

Trail Running 5-6 August (Agosto) Madeira Trail Camp Machico Organization: Diário de Notícias da Madeira 12 August (Agosto) Vertical II Km Vertical de Câmara de Lobos The vertical km of Câmara de Lobos is a Skyrunning competition that covers a distance of approximately four thousand three hundred meters.The event will take place in the municipality of Câmara de Lobos, in Curral das Freiras. The event is associated with the National Championship of Km Vertical, Madeira Cup Km Vertical, Youth Trophy and Club Trophy. This event consists of one race with 4300m, 1000m D+.  O Km vertical de Câmara de Lobos é uma prova de Skyrunning que percorre uma distancia aproximada de quatro mil e trezentos metros e com o desnível de mil metros positivos. A prova decorrerá no concelho de Câmara de Lobos nomeadamente no Curral das Freiras. A prova está associado ao Campeonato Nacional de Km Vertical, Taça da Madeira de Km Vertical, Troféu da Juventude e Troféu de Clubes. O skyrunning é uma vertente da corrida técnica de montanha, com desníveis acentuados e de elevado grau técnico, que irá atrair certamente muitos participantes, não somente pelas suas caraterísticas mas também pelos cenários e paisagens naturais e de grande beleza da nossa ilha. 13 August (Agosto) Sky Ronda dos Picos SkyRace® Skyrace® is a competition that combines mountaineering, traversing paths that end at he top of a mountain, a peak or a beautiful landscape. The idea is to reach the top and return in the shortest possible time. This event consists of two races, the Skyrace (32km 2800m D +) and the Mini Skyrace (18km 1400m D +).  A Ronda dos Picos Skyrace® pretende ser uma prova que alia a corrida ao montanhismo, percorrendo caminhos que se encontravam esquecidos no tempo e cujos destinos eram o topo de uma montanha, de um pico ou de uma bela paisagem, assim também se define o skyrunning, atingir o cimo e regressar no menor tempo possível. A Ronda dos Picos Skyrace® tem uma distância aproximada de 32km e um desnível positivo acumulado de 2.800 metros. A Mini Ronda Skyrace® percorre 18km de distância e 1.400 metros de desnível positivo. 3 September (Setembro) Trail de Água de Pena This event consists of two races, the Trail Longo (26km 1300m D+) and the Trail curto (16km 400m D+).

 O Trail de Água de Pena, realiza-se no dia 3 de Setembro de 2017, com partida e chegada marcada para a freguesia de Água de Pena, concelho de Machico. Esta organização tem 2 provas à escolha dos participantes, uma de Trail Longo com 26km e um Trail Curto de 16 km, com 1300D+ e 400D+ respectivamente. 10 September (Setembro) Km vertical do Fanal The Fanal Vertical Km is part of the Skyrunner® National Series - Spain, Andorra & Portugal, and focuses on the internationalization of the event. The "Km Vertical" is a test in which one gains altitude to about 1000m in less than 5km distance.  O Km Vertical do Fanal foi eleito para o calendário de 2017 das Skyrunner® National Series - Spain, Andorra & Portugal, consumando assim um dos grandes desejos da direção do Clube de Montanha do Funchal: a internacionalização da prova. 13 September (Setembro) Sky A.D.N. Race Ponta do Sol - Sky This event consists of three races, of different distances, the Ultra SkyMarathon (55 km / +3300 m / -3300 m), SkyRace (25 km / +1800 m / - 1800 m) e Mini SkyRace (12 km / +300 m / -900 m).  O evento é constituído por três provas de diferentes distâncias: Ultra SkyMarathon (55 km / +3300 m / -3300 m), SkyRace (25 km / +1800 m / - 1800 m) e Mini SkyRace (12 km / +300 m / -900 m). 23 September (Setembro) Ultra Trail - Campeonato Regional There are four distances: 85km / 3600D+, 30km / 1500D+, 17km / 400D+ and 5km / 200D+.  A derradeira prova do circuito "Trail Madeira" engloba 4 distâncias: 85km / 3600D+, 30km / 1500D+, 17km / 400D+ e 5km / 200D+.

Bodyboard 23-24 September (Setembro) Bodyboard Girls Experience The event’s official programme includes a series of fun activities such as free-surf sessions, workshops and bodyboard lessons for all skill levels nad is dedicated to the promotion of female bodyboarding and the island of Madeira as a destination of excellence for this sport. The fifth edition of the Bodyboard Girls Experience in Madeira also constitutes the seventh of ten stages of the 2017 world bodyboarding circuit. A new addition to this competition in 2017 is televised coverage of the event in 22 countries around the world by “Epicentre.TV”.  O programa desta prova contempla um conjunto de atividades lúdico desportivas, tais como sessões de free-surf, workshops e aulas de bodyboard, adaptadas a todos os níveis de aprendizagem. Esta quinta edição, é a sétima etapa das 10 que integram o circuito mundial para 2017, prova que conta com um prize Money de 5.000 euros. A prova pode vai ter cobertura televisiva na “ Epicentre.TV”.


Canoeing Canoagem

3-5 August (Agosto) Rali Vinho Madeira Organized by Club Sports da Madeira, the Rali Vinho da Madeira (RVM) was first run in 1979 as a FIA European Championship Rally, and is one of the top events in the Portuguese Rally Championship. The Rali Vinho da Madeira brings the special qualities of the island to life. Competitors challenge their driving skills on spectacular asphalt stages in a World Heritage setting of sun, sea, and exquisite natural beauty. More than 30 000 local and international motorsport lovers gather in the heart of historical Funchal for the special starting stage, and follow the rally into its demanding sinuous mountain stages and micro-climates over three exciting days of competition. The book of rally memories is filled with many unforgettable RVM moments in the European Championship beloved by crowds. Mythical names of rally motorsport past have demonstrated their skill on the Island’s hot winding asphalt. The stages of Rali Vinho da Madeira, held on the hills and plateaux of the Island, are always spectacular and attract many drivers to the island, as this is a unique way of sharpening their outstanding driving skills. The stages of Chão da Lagoa, Paúl and the breathtaking descent of Encumeada are the highlights of the event route, all of which are “meeting points” for thousands of fans who are at all times orderly and supportive of the event. The 2,8 kms of the 1st SS, held on the capital´s streets, are a primarygathering siteformotorsport lovers, fetching more than 30 thousand spectators. It is a spectacular special stage with the bay of Funchal as its backdrop. 

20 August (Agosto) Regata Dia da Cidade Funchal Funchal 10 September (Setembro) III Grande Prémio Iate Clube de Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 22 September (Setembro) Madeira Surfski Lifesaving I Seixal 23 September (Setembro) V Etapa Circuito Nacional LS Machico


29-30 September (Setembro) Rali Municípios do Funchal e Câmara de Lobos

Athletics Atletismo 11 August (Agosto) Grande Prémio Art’ Camacha Camacha 11 August (Agosto) Corrida Coral na Areia Porto Santo 27 August (Agosto) Ponta do Sol – Madalena do mar – Ponta do Sol Ponta do Sol 9 September (Setembro) Grande Prémio das Vindimas Estreito de Câmara de Lobos 17 September (Setembro) Grande Prémio dos BMF Funchal

Triathlon Triatlo 3 September (Setembro) VII Duatlo BTT do Funchal Parque Ecológico 10 September (Setembro) VIII Aquatlo de Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 24 September (Setembro) Taça de Portugal de Triatlo Funchal

Cycling Ciclismo 17 September (Setembro) "North Coast Enduro" Seixal 23-24 September (Setembro) 6ª Taça de Portugal DHI Cyclin'Portugal Santa Cruz - 4 estradas

history história


History of the Jews in Madeira The history of the Jews in Madeira spans the entire length of the history of Madeira itself, from Crypto-Jews to World War II evacuees. Like the Jews of mainland Portugal, Madeira jews are mainly related to Sephardi history, a Jewish ethnic division that represents communities who have originated in the Iberian Peninsula. Manoel Dias Soeiro better known by his Hebrew name Menasseh ben Israel (‫השנמ‬ ‫לארשי ןב‬‎), was born in Madeira in 1604. Menasseh was a Portuguese rabbi, kabbalist, writer, diplomat, printer, publisher, and founder of the first Hebrew printing press in Amsterdam in 1626. In 1819, Jews from Morocco arrived to Madeira and set themselves up in the cloth and wine trades. The Synagogue of Funchal, called Shaar Hashamain, located at 33 Rua do Carmo, Funchal, is no longer in use and is the only known synagogue that has ever existed in Madeira. The construction period was around 1836, believed to be updated around 1914 by architect Miguel Ventura Terra, as he designed the Lisbon Synagogue around the same time. The Abudarham family from Gibraltar were

involved in the Madeira wine industry from the early 1860s onwards. Rabbi David Zaguri became its spiritual leader in 1857. Another period of immigration followed in the 20th century, with the arrival of refugees from the First and Second World Wars. The Jewish community also grew due to the Evacuation of the Gibraltarian civilian population during World War II to Madeira. Tito Benady, a historian on Gibraltar Jewry, noted that when some 200 Jews of the 2000 evacuees from Gibraltar were evacuated as non combatants to Funchal, at the start of World War II, they found a Jewish cemetery that belonged to the Abudarham family, the same family after whom the Abudarham Synagogue in Gibraltar was named. Some of these evacuees were buried in the Jewish Cemetery of Funchal, a burial ground that was built in 1851. The Jewish Cemetery of Funchal is located in Rua do Lazareto, Funchal. Sephardi Jews as well as Ashkenazi Jews are buried there. Thirty-eight graves in total. The last burial took place in 1976. In 2013, Passover Seder was held in Madeira sponsored by Shavei Israel and was attended by Bnei Anousim or Crypto-jews.

Was Madeira’s Pioneer, João G. Zarco, Jewish? There are discussions as to whether João Gonçalves Zarco, the Portuguese explorer who established settlements and recognition of the Madeira Islands, could have been of Jewish Converso origin. It is believed that Zarco was of a prominent Jewish family from Santarém and Lisbon. Mossé Zarco was King João II's tailor. There was also a Portuguese doctor named Joseph Zarco, whom some authors claim to be Joseph Ibn Sharga, the great kabbalist, and a sixteenth-century poet named Yehuda Zarco. Authors known for making the claim that João Gonçalves Zarco was of Jewish ancestry are Augusto Mascarenhas Barreto and Manuel Luciano da Silva, who also suggest that Christopher Columbus could have been of Jewish descent from Portugal and his real name was Salvador Fernandes Zarco. Isabel Violante Pereira also attributes Jewish ancestry to João Gonçalves Zarco.


MIM August-September 2017

Madeira Tee Time Madeira truly is paradise. A perfect climate, incredible scenery and some of the best course designers in the world is the perfect recipe for a perfect golf vacation. One of the best things about the Madeira Archipelago is that it's not all the same. Each island has its own personality and unique topography. As for the visitor’s ultimate golfing experience, well, let’s just say that it too has its own personality and unique topography.

Palheiro Golf

Start with Palheiro Golf. Set within the magnificent Palheiro Estate and lying adjacent to the five-star Madeira Island Hotel Casa Velha do Palheiro – a Relais & Châteaux property – the 18-hole, par 72 Championship golf course meanders through a pristine environment of maritime pine and botanical woodland embroidered with lush, sub-tropical vegetation. At nearly 500 m (1640 ft) above sea level, the location is blessed with dramatic views of Madeira’s mountainous skyline and the vast Atlantic Ocean. Nestling below just 10 minutes away is Funchal, the island’s capital. Designed by renowned golf architect Cabell B. Robinson, this picturesque layout with year-round appeal takes full advantage of Madeira’s hilly terrain, with abrupt ridges and deep valleys providing a compelling challenge for even the most seasoned golfer. Then, there is the Clube de Golf Santo da Serra, where one can experience Madeira’s breathtaking beauty, renowned history and Robert Trent Jones Senior’s spectacular 27-hole golf course in one of the most beautiful natural landscapes you could imagine. Ranked among the world’s finest courses, Santo da Serra offers a premier golf and country club escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Clube de Golf Santo da Serra offers what is surely one of the most spectacular panoramas in all of The European Tour International Schedule. Keith Waters, the European Tour’s Chief Operating Officer, once said: “The Madeira Islands Open has become an established stop on the Tour Schedule, and provide a welcome opportunity for all of members to play and earn valuable Race to Dubai and World Ranking points."

Clube de Golf Santo da Serra

Porto Santo Golf

Madeira’s neighbouring sister island, Porto Santo, also prides itself of Porto Santo Golf, designed by champion Severiano Ballesteros. Porto Santo Golf crosses the island from the dunes to the dramatic basalt cliffs. It offers a perfect combination - natural beauty and a challenging game. The plan was made so that the field would blend with the landscape, and with great care to minimize the impact to the environment. The field has an 18-hole course, spread over the 6.434 meters, a Par 72. It is characterized by two distinct areas the southern route, traditionally American, dotted with lakes and requiring a long and precise game; the North route developed on top of the fantastic cliffs. There is a 9 hole course every pair 3 'pitch-and-putt' (ideal aim to train for a good shot), and a driving range. The club house is a success of modern design, but blends harmoniously with the landscape, with its limestone walls, natural wood and modern furniture wicker. Facilities include sauna, jacuzzi and a good golf shop. You can also enjoy the fantastic view of the island and the ocean while savouring traditional specialities at the restaurant or simply sipping through an exotic cocktail at the bar.

GOLF Tal como uma Primavera eterna, a Madeira é, por excelência, um destino de golfe para todo o ano. Duas ilhas distintas, apresentam três magníficos campos de golfe e uma oferta de alojamento, de lazer e de bemestar que encantam todos os golfistas. O Arquipelago da Madeira possui uma beleza e um clima que lhe confere características únicas. A tradição da prática de golfe, na ilha da Madeira, remonta a 1937. Nesta ilha poderá treinar num dos dois campos, o Palheiro Golf e o Clube de Golfe do Santo da Serra, com 18 e 27 buracos respetivamente, sendo ambos notáveis pela beleza e envolvência dos seus cenários.Na ilha do Porto Santo, a 40 km da Madeira, experimente o campo de 27 buracos, projetado pelo famoso golfista Severiano Ballesteros. O Madeira Islands Open constitui o mais importante torneio de golfe que, anualmente, se realiza na Madeira e está integrado na PGA Europeia. A Madeira dispõe, neste momento, de todas as facilidades para acolher golfistas de todos os handicaps, nelas se incluindo uma oferta hoteleira de qualidade superior, que posicionam as ilhas num paraíso para os amantes deste desporto e que irão deslumbrar-se com o desafio de cada "hole" e com a paisagem envolvente.

bon apetite


Pudim de Maracuja Ingredientes: • 5 folhas de gelatina • 150 ml de leite • 3 pacotes de natas (600 ml)

• 1 lata de leite condensado • 420 gr de polpa de maracujá


Ingredients • 1 litre cream • 400g passion fruit pulp

• 1 tin condensed milk 397g • 8 leaves of gelatin

(about 8-10 passion fruit)

Preparation: 1) Mix the cream, condensed milk and passion fruit in a bowl. 2) Melt the gelatin in a bowl with a cup of warm water, add each leaf one at a time. 3) Once the gelatin is liquid you can add to the cream mixture stirring it well in. 4) Pour the mixture into a large bowl or 8-10 individual ice cream bowls, and leave in

the fridge for about 4 hours till set. You can also leave some of the passion fruit to the side just to put a little on the top once set. 5) You can use this method with any other fruit pulp, just replace the passion fruit. Raspberries, strawberries, mango all work well, just pulp the fruit down.

The passion fruit is one of the most popular fruits of Madeira, both for its exceptional flavour and for the various uses that it has. The commercial cultivation of passionfruit in the Region uses two distinct forms of Passiflora edulis Sims.: the Passiflora edulis f. sp. edulis (purple passionfruit) and the Passiflora edulis f. sp. flavicarpa (yellow or Brazilian passionfruit) and intraspecific crossbreeding. The passionfruit has a gelatinous pulp with seeds.

• 100 ml de polpa de maracujá

Preparação: 1) Demolhe a gelatina em água fria. 2) Leve o leite a aquecer, quando este estiver quente escorre-se a gelatina e derretesse-a no leite quente. 3) Bata as natas bem firmes e adiciona-se a lata de leite condensado, a polpa de maracujá e a gelatina diluída no leite, misturando tudo muito bem. Preparação cobertura: 1) Desfaça a gelatina mas só com 125 ml de água e depois de fria junte a polpa de maracujá e coloque na forma para ir ao frio até endurecer. 2) Depois de endurecida prepare o pudim e introduza na forma para ir novamente ao frio. Nota: Deve-se fazer a cobertura e só depois desta estar solidificada é que se prepara o pudim para verter na forma. Assim quando for desenformar, a cobertura ficará para cima. Pode optar também por fazer logo em taças individuais e nesse caso, pode verter a cobertura por cima do pudim.


Passion Fruit Pudding

• 1 pacote de gelatina de ananás


MIM August-September 2017

Monte Palace Museum

berardo museum

Oriental Gardens

During a trip to China and Japan José Berardo became enchanted by their history, culture and way of life and by the influence of the Portuguese on the Orient over 200 years. As such, the two oriental gardens are an attempt to recreate that culture, linked to Buddhism, with its respect for Nature and its highly symbolic elements. At the entrance to the Oriental garden in the Northern area, there are two marble Fo dogs, mythical animals from the Orient usually found at the entrance to temples, acting as guards. There is a moveable ball in their halfopen mouths which, according to the Chinese belief, brings good luck to those who give it one complete turn. The decoration is based on the oriental style, and thus various pagodas may be found, originally intended to house relics or to mark a holy places. Apart from these, the visitor may also observe Buddhist sculptures, a dragon in mar-

ble surrounded by children representing fertility, stone seats with oriental decorations, and several lanterns, also in stone. Water is also an important decorative feature in the form of lakes and waterfalls, with miniature islands and ornamental bridges. Next to the lakes containing Koi fish, two bamboo ornaments in the shape of pipes are to be seen. When these become filled with water and it is discharged into the lake, the resulting noise, apart from frightening away the birds, represents the passing of time. From Asia we can find a species of cycad, Cyca revolute and in both the oriental gardens we come across various tree ferns, whose lush green vegetation contrasts with the red and black of the bridges and railings. There are also flowering plants such as the camellia, a shrub with evergreen leaves, highly valued for the number of attractive flowers that bloom, above all, in the winter and spring.

Jardins Orientais Durante uma viagem à China, José Berardo ficou maravilhado com a história, cultura e modo de vida, especialmente, pela influência dos Portugueses no Oriente durante 200 anos. Os dois jardins orientais são uma tentativa de recriar essa cultura, ligada ao Budismo, com o seu respeito pela Natureza e os seus elementos simbólicos bastante demarcados. À entrada do Jardim Oriental, nas áreas a Norte, há dois cães de Fó, em mármore, animais míticos do Oriente geralmente encontrados nas entradas dos templos, actuando como guardiães. Nas suas bocas entreabertas encontra-se uma bola móvel que, de acordo com a crença chinesa, dá boa sorte àqueles que lhe derem uma volta completa. A decoração tem por base o estilo oriental e por isso, podem ver-se vários pagodes, que originalmente tinham por finalidade alojar relíquias ou marcar locais sagrados. Para além destes, o visitante pode também observar esculturas Budistas, tais

como, um dragão em mármore rodeado por crianças representando a fertilidade, bancos de pedra com decorações orientais e várias lanternas também em pedra. Importa ainda referir uma componente fulcral neste tipo de jardins, a água, que abunda nas lagoas e cascatas, com ilhas e pontes ornamentais. Ao lado das lagoas dos peixes Koi, encontram-se dois ornamentos em bambu em forma de cachimbo. Quando estes ficam cheios de água e a descarregam para a lagoa, o ruído que daí resulta, para além de afugentar os pássaros, sugere a passagem tempo. Proveniente da Ásia encontra-se uma espécie de cica, a Cyca revoluta, e em ambos os jardins orientais vêem-se vários fetos arbóreos, cuja vegetação verde luxuriosa contrasta com o vermelho e preto das pontes e varões. Existem ainda plantas como a camélia, Camellia japonica, de folhagem permanente, muito apreciadas pelo número de flores que produz, sobretudo, no Inverno e na Primavera.

Monte Palace Tropical Garden Situated in the amphitheatre of Funchal about 5 kilometres from the centre of town you will find one of the most beautiful gardens of Madeira Island, the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. This garden, belonging to the Berardo Foundation, invites you to an unforgettable journey through Monte nature. Palace Museum In 1989 this property was donaTimetable: 10:00 -16:30 ted, by its owner José M. R. daily within the Berardo, to a Monte Palace charitable instituTropical Garden tion created by him, the Jose Berardo Foundation. The Foundation’s aims are mainly charitable but it also dedicates a great and special concern to the safe-keeping and preservation of works of art as well as to the defence and preservation of the environment, with the Monte Palace Tropical Garden constituting undoubtedly the privileged location for realising these objectives.

This peaceful location can be visited daily from 9:30a.m. to 6p.m. The best access to this Garden from the centre of Funchal is to take the cable car up to Monte and go through the entrance at Caminho das Babosas #4A. The other entrance is at Caminho do Monte #174.


MIM August-September 2017

Summer festivities Festas de Verão

Dia da Cidade

Funchal  19 August

The municipality of Funchal hosts the popular festivities. Performances include the Portuguese singer João Pedro Pais, the popular Virgul , national DJ Diego Miranda and Madeiran DJ Nélio Fabrício.  No dia 19 de agosto, comemora-se com uma grande festa, no Parque de Santa Catarina, o Dia da Cidade do Funchal. O evento irá ter os DJs Nélio Fabrício, Diego Miranda e a actuação de João Pedro Pais e Virgul.

Festival de Colombo The town of Vila Baleira located in Porto Santo Island will promote a festival in tribute to the renowned navigator Christopher Columbus. This event includes numerous performances combining music and theatre, in addition to several exhibitions and parades linked to the Portuguese Age of Discovery. This event intends to recreate the navigator’s experiences during his stay in Madeira Island, in 1478, when Funchal was involved in the sugar trade. Columbus actually lived In Porto Santo Island for a few years, where he met and married the daughter of the island´s Captain Bartolomeu Perestrelo. His son Diego was also born in this island. 

XIV Semana Europeia de Folclore Funchal  27-30 August

São Vicente  23-26 August

For a week, the picturesque town of São Vicente will provide plenty of entertainment including regional and national bands, plus food and beverage stalls. The municipality of São Vicente hosts the popular festivities. This year's edition features famous international singers Calum Scott, Gabriel o Pensador and international DJ's Eddie Ferrer (23), Julian Jordan (24), Dubvision (25) e Juicy M (26)..

The Folklore and Ethnographic group of Boa Nova promotes this cultural event with the purpose of supporting the rich cultural heritage of Madeira. The event will take place at the Auditorium in the Municipal Garden and includes the participation of several regional, national and international folk groups.  Organizado pelo Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova, esta iniciativa cultural tem por objetivo dar a conhecer o rico património cultural madeirense através da etnografia e do folclore, num convívio intercultural cheio de muita animação. A exemplo de anteriores edições, este festival tem por palco central o Auditório do Jardim Municipal e conta com a participação de diversos grupos folclóricos regionais, nacionais e internacionais, num certame que tem contribuído para a criação de um cartaz etnográfico de grande riqueza em estilos musicais.

 As festividades em homenagem ao concelho do mesmo nome já são uma referência a nível regional, integrando um intenso programa de manifestações culturais e sociais, para além de muita gastronomia e animação. À semelhança de anteriores edições, este evento conta todavia com a participação de algumas bandas regionais e nacionais. As festas deSão Vicente trazem à Madeira Calum Scott, Gabriel o Pensador, bem como os Djs internacionais Eddie Ferrer (23), Julian Jordan (24), Dubvision (25) e Juicy M (26).

Arraial do Senhor Bom Jesus

Realiza-se na cidade Vila Baleira, na ilha do Porto Santo, um festival em homenagem ao navegador Cristóvão Colombo, evento que associa um conjunto de múltiplos espetáculos aliados à música e ao teatro, bem como, exposições e desfiles num ambiente alusivo à época dos Descobrimentos Portugueses. Trata-se de um evento que pretende recriar as experiências do navegador pela Madeira, no ano de 1478, época em que o Funchal se dedicava ao comércio do açúcar. Colombo viveu alguns anos na ilha de Porto Santo, onde conheceu e casou com a filha do Capitão Donatário Bartolomeu Perestrelo, e onde mais tarde nasceu o seu filho Diego.

Ponta Delgada  31 August - 1 September The municipality of Ponta Delgada hosts the popular festivitie in honour of "Senhor Bom Jesus".  De 31 de agosto a 03 de setembro de 2017, na Ponta Delgada, realiza-se o Arraial do Senhor Bom Jesus.


Festas do Concelho


Ponta do Sol

Off to the Beach Again Zona Balnear da Ponta do Sol The beach, hidden away in a small cove in the village of Ponta do Sol, is a small pebbled beach with excellent water quality. Praia do Lugar de Baixo A pebble beach with excellent water quality. Praia de Areia da Calheta The man-made yellow sandy beach of Calheta village features a sunbathing area of about 7,300 m2. Praia do Calhau Located near the Saccharum Hotel, Praia do Calhau is a pebbled beach that features a sunbathing area. Portinho, Enseada e Ponta Jardim The beaches of Jardim do Mar parish are pebble beaches and very popular among surfers, who consider the waves, some of the best in Europe.

Praias do porto e Rib. das Galinhas The best known are Porto and Ribeira das Galinhas. Sunny, calm and with clear waters, the beaches of Paul do Mar are pebble beaches. Piscinas Naturais do Porto Moniz The natural swimming pools at Porto Moniz are formed by volcanic lava, naturally filled with crystalclear sea water. Praia do Porto do Seixal The Seixal Port offers a black sandy beach surrounded by an impressive view over Madeira’s north coast. Complexo de São Vicente This Complex has a sunbathing area with direct sea access, restaurant, bar, gym, parking and a 620m long promenade. Complexo do Calhau de São Jorge Located at the mouth of the São Jorge River, in addition to a small Porto Moniz

fresh water lagoon, the Calhau de São Jorge Beach Complex has three swimming pools. Complexo da Foz da Ribeira do Faial Located at Ribeira do Faial, it features a natural swimming pool, a range of recreational areas and supporting infrastructure. Praia da Banda d' Além Located in the bay of Machico, is an artificial golden sandy beach with supporting infrastructure for bathers. Praia da Prainha Prainha, not far away from the tip of São Lourenço (Caniçal), is a black sandy beach of volcanic origin. The Piedade Dunes, which contain limestone fossils of geomorphologic interest, can be found there.

Complexo Balnear da Barreirinha Just next to the São Tiago Fortress, the Barreirinha Bathing Complex offers direct access to the sea. Complexo do Lido The pools of Lido are the most popular pools in Funchal. Complexo Balnear da Ponta Gorda The Complex includes two saltwater pools, one for adults and the other one for children. Complexo Doca do Cavacas Better known as Doca do Cavacas, this is a small beach complex with a natural swimming pool of volcanic origin and direct access to the sea. Complexo da Praia Formosa This beach is the largest public beach in Madeira. Praia de São Tiago Located near the Fort of São Tiago, it is a small public beach which has become a hotspot for diving.

Calhau da Lapa Located in Campanário, just below a cliff, you will find pristine waters. Complexo Balnear do Caniçal Located in the Caniçal village sea front this Complex has two salt water swimming pools, one for adults and the other for children, as well as direct access to the sea. Complexo do Porto da Cruz Located at the seafront promenade of Porto da Cruz, this Complex includes two swimming pools and a range of infrastructure to support bathers.

Calhau de São Jorge

Praia das Palmeiras Located in Santa Cruz, this pebbled beach offers visitors two swimming pools (for adults and children), changing rooms, showers, WC and first aid facilities. Praia dos Reis Magos Located in Caniço de Baixo, the Reis Magos beach has crystal clear sea water and a small pebbled beach. Praia do Garajau Excellent scuba diving conditions can be found at the Garajau beach.


MIM August-September 2017

Zino's Petrel

(Pterodroma madeira) Zino's Petrel Pterodroma madeira, an endemic seabird of Madeira, is regarded as one of the most endangered seabirds of Europe. It only breeds on the island of Madeira and nests in extremely steep ridges of the central mountainous massif. Shape & Size A medium-small seabird with a slim body and a proportionally small and thin bill which is a distinguishing feature when compared to Fea's Petrel. Colour Pattern Zino’s Petrels’ wings and back are dark grey, with white underparts and a grey tail. It has an incomplete grey breast band and normally has a lot of white on its underwings. Behavior It has a rapid flight, sweeping up in the wind and then rapidly down again with a marked “W” angulation of the wings. Habitat This species is only known on and around the breeding area. They come inshore only at night and nest in the high central mountain massif. Where they go in the non-breeding season is not known. Pterodromas can be seen at sea of Madeira, but it is almost impossible to distinguish between Zino's and Fea’s Petrel unless they pass very near when an educated guess can be made. Distinction from similar species Pterodroma madeira is not easily distinguished from Pterodroma feae though Zino’s is in general a smaller bird, more elegant, with whitish underwings and smaller bill. Fea’s Petrels look more bulky bodied and the bill is very heavy when compared to the size of its head. The jizz is a good first impression to try to separate these seabird species with Zino’s flight being more agile, fast and with more aggressive turns than Fea’s Petrel. Though the comparative bill size is the most distinguishing feature.

Freira-da-madeira A freira-da-madeira é uma ave marinha pelágica, endémica da Ilha da Madeira. É uma das aves marinhas mais raras do Mundo, e esteve considerada extinta até aos finais da década de 1960. Apresenta uma população mundial de apenas 65 a 80 casais, com uma área de nidificação restrita ao Maciço Montanhoso Oriental, mais precisamente em pequenos patamares acima dos 1600 metros de altitude, localizados entre o Pico do Areeiro e o Pico Ruivo.

Descrição A Pterodroma madeira é uma pequena ave marinha de asas comparativamente muito longas em relação ao comprimento corporal, com as asas e o dorso de tonalidade escura, quase preta e o ventre esbranquiçado. A cauda é de cor cinzenta, mas escura na face superior. A região ventral é branca com flancos cinzentos. Apresenta-se com 32 a 34 cm de comprimento e 80-86 cm de envergadura. A espécie é morfologicamente muito similar a Pterodroma feae, a freira-do-bugio, que apesar de ser ligeiramente maior tem coloração muito semelhante. Esta semelhança torna muito difícil distinguir estas duas espécies da Macaronésia quando avistadas no mar.

Reprodução A partir do mês de abril, a freira inicia as visitas às suas áreas de nidificação. Numa primeira fase a preparação do ninho, posteriormente o acasalamento, êxodo pré-postura e retorno à colónia. Seguem-se as fases de postura e incubação bem como a eclosão e a partida dos juvenis que decorre até outubro.


Foto: Martin Lofgren

The reason this species was named Freira (which means 'nun' in English) lies in the fact that these birds breeding colony is up on the mountains above Curral das Freiras (Nun's Valley) and as they have white underparts and a grey mantle they look like they wear the same vests of the Nuns from Santa Clara Convent who had taken refuge in that valley from pirate attacks back in 1566. Zino's Petrels, during their nocturnal visits to their nests, emit calls that sound like wails. For many years these sounds were interpreted by the inhabitants of Curral das Freiras as being the calls of the suffering souls of the shepherds who died on those mountains. This species was first described in 1903 by a German naturalist priest, Ernst Schmitz. In 1951 Jerry Maul from the Municipal Museum of Funchal, known now as Natural History Museum of Funchal, collected a specimen which was later considered the last trail of existence of this species for the following 18 years. In the sixties, the ornithologist Paul Alexander Zino made several attempts to find some evidence of the species but only at the end of that decade he managed to re-track Zino's Petrel. In 1987, after observing that several eggs and young birds showed signs of predation, a conservation program was designed aiming to reduce and control the main predators of the species (rats and cats). Info This program was coordinated by the Freira Kingdom: Conservation Project and Animalia assisted by Madeira Phylum: Natural Park and Natural Chordata History Museum of Class: Funchal. Aves Nowadays the Madeira Order: Natural Park is at the Procellariiformes head of the project and Family: the activities which aim Procellariidae to conserve this species Genus: through the recuperaPterodroma tion of its breeding habiSpecies: tat are co-financed by P. madeira the Life-Nature Program.

A espécie é alvo de um programa de conservação que tem atuado sob múltiplas vertentes. No início dos anos 90, foi criada uma área livre de predadores, nomeadamente ratos e gatos, em redor das suas áreas de nidificação, que foi reforçada em 2001, ao abrigo do projeto LIFE, e que tem sido mantida até aos dias de hoje.

Foto: Olli Tenovuo





Ocotea foetens, commonly called til, tilo, stinkwood, or rain tree of Hierro island, is a species of tree in the Lauraceaefamily. It is evergreen and grows up to 40 m tall. It is a common constituent of the laurisilva forests of Madeira and the Canary Islands. It is in danger of becoming threatened due to habitat loss. Description Ocotea foetens is endemic to Macaronesia. Like the other species of the Ocotea genus, it is rich in essential oils, which give an unpleasant odor to the wood when freshly cut (hence the name foetens, Latin for smelly, stinky, disgusting, Info unpleasant). It is rarely used as an Kingdom: ornamental. It is an evergreen Plantae tree generally up to 30 m (33 yd) Phylum: in height, although some speciTracheophyta mens may reach 40 m (44 yd). It Class: commonly grows with multiple Magnoliids trunks branched from the base. Order: The bark is rough and irregular, Laurales and dark in colour; the young Family: branches are angular, with Lauraceae smooth bark, sometimes reddish Genus: in areas of recent growth. The Ocotea wood is dark and hard. The Species: leaves are about 9–12 cm (3.5– O. foetens 4.7 in) long and 3–5 cm (1.2–2.0 Scientific Name: in) wide, oblong-lanceolate to Ocotea foetens almost elliptical, acuminate at

the apex and slightly indented at the base. In adult plants, the leaves are leathery in texture, glossy on both sides, darker green on the upper surface, with 2(-4) small gland-like depressions on the underside near the base. The petioles are short (up to 15 mm (0.59 in) in length). The flowers of both sexes are white, with splashes of green and pale yellow, releasing a slight odor. The perianth has six components, and there are nine stamens. The predominant flowering season is from June to August (northern hemisphere). The fruit is a berry, hard and fleshy and about 3 cm (1.2 in) long, its lower half covered by a dome, giving it a look similar to an acorn. The fruit is dark green, gradually darkening with maturity. The fruit has a single seed wrapped in a hard coat. When the fruits fall they separate from the dome. Germination is favored by moisture and light. Ecology Ocotea foetens is endemic to Madeira and the Canary Islands, appearing in laurel forest habitat, generally between 400 and 1400 m altitude. In the Canary Islands it is not present on Lanzarote or Fuerteventura. In the archipelago of Madeira it is absent from Porto Santo. In Azores Islands it is an introduced species. It is the only Paleoendemic Ocotea species in the wetter relict forest areas of Macaronesia. Its berries are consumed mostly by the endemic Madeiran pigeon Columba trocaz.

Foto: Foto: Steffi Steffi

Til (Ocotea foetens) Til (Ocotea foetens) Ocotea foetens, conhecida popularmente como Til, é uma espécie da família das lauráceas. O til é uma árvore perenifólia que atinge entre os 8 e os 20–30 m de altura, podendo alguns espécimes atingir os 40 m. O tronco é rugoso e irregular, coberto por uma casca escura. A madeira é escura e dura, libertando um odor característico quando recentemente cortada. Os ramos jovens são delgados, angulosos, com tegumento liso, por vezes avermelhado nas zonas de crescimento recente. Os frutos do til fazem parte da dieta do pombo-trocaz, ave endémica da Madeira, sendo esta a responsável pela sua disseminação na Laurissilva. O til é endémico da Macaronésia (Madeira, Açores e Canárias), aparecendo na laurissilva, em geral entre os 400 e os 1400 m de altitude (entre os 200 e os 700 m nos Açores).


MIM August-September 2017

Manoel Dias Soeiro (Menasseh ben Israel)

Portrait of Menasseh Ben Israel by Rembrandt Menasseh ben Israel was the author of many works. His major work Nishmat Hayim is a treatise in Hebrew on the Jewish concept of reincarnation of souls, published by his son Samuel six years before they both died. The Conciliator was, as above, a work written to reconcile the apparent contradictions in numerous passages throughout the Bible. To achieve this aim, Ben Israel "utilized an astounding range of sources"; primarily the Talmud and the classic Jewish commentaries but frequently quotes from the early Christian authorities as well as Greek and Latin authors of antiquity.

Info Name: Manoel Dias Soeiro, "Menasheh ben Yossef ben Yisrael" Born: November 20 , 1604, Madeira Died: November 17, 1657 Middelburg, Netherlands Family: Son of Gaspar Rodrigues Nunes ("Joseph Ben Israel") and Antonia ("Rachel Ben Israel") Occupation: Rabbi, Printer Writings: • The Conciliator • De termino vitae, Latin, 1639 • De Creatione Problemata, Spanish, Amsterdam 1635. • De Resurrectione Mortuorum, Book III 1636 - Spanish/Latin • De la Fragilidad Humana (On Human Frailty), 1642 • Nishmat Hayyim, Hebrew • Thesouros dos dinim • Piedra gloriosa - with four engraved etchings by Rembrandt • Hope of Israel, London 1652 • Vindiciae Judaeorum, 1656

Manoel Dias Soeiro, better known by his Hebrew name Menasseh ben Israel (‫השנמ‬ ‫לארשי ןב‬‎), was born in Madeira in 1604, a year after his parents had left mainland Portugal because of the Inquisition. Menasseh was a distinguished rabbi, kabbalist, writer, diplomat, printer, publisher, and founder of the first Hebrew printing press in Amsterdam in 1626. The family moved to the Netherlands in 1610. The Netherlands was in the middle of a process of religious revolt against Catholic Spanish rule throughout the Eighty Years' War (1568– 1648). Amsterdam was an important center of Jewish life in Europe at this time. The family's arrival in 1610 was during the Twelve Years' Truce mediated by France and England at The Hague. Menasseh rose to eminence not only as a rabbi and an author, but also as a printer. He established the first Hebrew press in Holland. One of his earliest works, El Conciliador, published in 1632, won immediate reputation; it was an attempt to reconcile apparent discrepancies in various parts of the Hebrew Bible. Among his correspondents were Gerardus Vossius, Hugo Grotius, António Vieiraand Pierre Daniel Huet. In 1638, he decided to settle in Brazil, as he still found it difficult to provide for his wife and family in Amsterdam. Menasseh's wife, Rachel, was a granddaughter of the Abarbanel. Menasseh had three children by her. According to family legend, Menasseh's wife was a descendant of King David, and he was proud of his children's Davidic ancestry. Menasseh may have visited the Dutch colony's capital of Recife, but did not move there. One of the reasons his financial situation improved

in Amsterdam was the arrival of two Portuguese Jewish entrepreneurs, the brothers Abraham and Isaac Pereyra. They hired Rabbi Manasseh to direct a small college or academy (a yeshibah in Spanish-Portuguese parlance of the time) they had founded in the city. In 1644, Menasseh met Antonio de Montezinos, a Portuguese traveler and Marrano Sephardic Jew who had been in the New World. Montezinos convinced him of his conclusion that the South America Andes' Indians were the descendants of the lost ten tribes of Israel. This purported discovery gave a new impulse to Menasseh's Messianic hopes, as the settlement of Jews throughout the world was supposed to be a sign that the Messiah would come. Filled with this idea, he turned his attention to England, whence the Jews had been expelled since 1290. He worked to get them permission to settle there again and thus hasten the Messiah's coming. With the start of the Commonwealth, the question of the readmission of the Jews had found increased Protestant support, but it was often mooted under the growing desire for religious liberty. In addition, Messianic and other mystic hopes were then current in England. His book, the Hope of Israel, had first been published in Amsterdam in Hebrew (Mikveh Israel) and in Latin (Spes Israelis). In 1651 he offered to serve Christina, Queen of Sweden as her agent of Hebrew books. In 1652 his book was translated into English and published in London, prefixed with a dedication to the Parliament and the Council of State; his account of descendants of the Lost Tribes being found in the New World deeply impressed public opinion

and stirred up many polemics in English literature. Despite their historic misfortunes and movements, Menasseh characterizes the condition of Jewry at the time by saying: “Hence it may be seen that God hath not left us; for if one persecutes us, another receives us civilly and courteously; and if this prince treats us ill, another treats us well; if one banisheth us out of his country, another invites us with a thousand privileges; as divers princes of Italy have done, the most eminent King of Denmark, and the mighty Duke of Savoy in Nissa. And do we not see that those Republiques do flourish and much increase in trade who admit the Israelites?" Oliver Cromwell was sympathetic to the Jewish cause, partly because of his tolerant leanings but chiefly because he foresaw the importance for English commerce of the participation of the Jewish merchant princes, some of whom had already made their way to London. At this juncture, the English gave Jews full rights in the colony of Surinam, which they had controlled since 1650. There is some debate among historians, particularly Jewish historian Ismar Schorsch, concerning whether or not Menasseh’s personal motives for pursuing the readmission of the Jews by England were primarily political or religious. Schorsch argues that the idea of England being a final place for Jews to inhabit in order to bring about the coming of the Messiah was hardly present in Hope of Israel, but rather was developed by Menasseh later in order to appeal to English Christians with Millenarian beliefs. In 1655, Menasseh arrived in London. During his absence from the Netherlands, the Amsterdam rabbis excommunicated his student, Baruch Spinoza.

persons pessoas


Manoel Dias Soeiro (Menasseh ben Israel) Biografia Nasceu cristão novo na ilha da Madeira em 1604 e foi baptizado com o nome de Manuel Dias Soeiro. Seu pai, Gaspar Rodrigues Nunes, incomodado pela Inquisição, fugiu com toda a família por volta de 1613-1614 para a Holanda, onde tomou o nome de Joseph ben Israel e chamou a seus filhos Ephraim e Menasseh. Menasseh revelou-se um estudante brilhante e demonstrou uma aptidão especial para aprender línguas. Em 1622, era já pregador; no mesmo ano, falecem os seus pais. Casou com Raquel Abarbanel, de uma célebre família judia em 1623. Em 1626, fundou a primeira tipografia de caracteres hebraicos em Amsterdão, onde imprimia os livros que escrevia em hebraico e latim ou espanhol e português (ou uma mistura destas duas línguas). Correspondeu-se com figuras importantes do seu tempo, nomeadamente Gerhard Vossius e Hugo Grotius e com Rembrandt, que dele fez um retrato. A partir de 1646, seus filhos encarregam-se da tipografia, primeiro Ephraim (falecido em 1648) e depois (1650) Samuel (falecido em 1652), que assina Semuel ben Israel Soeiro ou Samuel Abarbanel Soeiro. Em 1651, Menasseh escreve uma carta aberta a Cromwell, solicitando autorização para que os judeus se possam estabelecer em Inglaterra. Desde 1290 até 1655, nem um único Judeu pisou a terra de Inglaterra. Mas agora, Menasseh olhava para as Ilhas Britânicas, com a esperança de que os perseguidos judeus ali encontrassem um refúgio. Em 1655, partiu para Inglaterra e teve um acolhimento algo simpático por parte de Cromwell. Foi-lhe dito que não havia obstáculos à vinda de judeus, mas que não teriam um estatuto especial. De facto, vários judeus portugueses e espanhóis estabeleceram-se em Inglaterra. Em 1656, ergueram uma Sinagoga em King Street, Duke’s Place, e prepararam um hospital em Mile End. A partir da Restauração da Monarquia com Carlos II, o número de Judeus em Inglaterra subiu exponencialmente. Menasseh deixou Londres no Outono de 1657, mas veio a falecer em Midleburgo (Holanda) em 20 de Novembro de 1657, quando levava para casa o corpo de seu filho para lhe dar sepultura. O seu túmulo está no Cemitério Beit Haym em Ouderkerk a/d Amstel. Menasseh published  InhisLondon, Humble Addresses to the Lord Protector, but its effect was weakened by William Prynne's publication of Short Demurrer. Cromwell summoned the Whitehall Conference in December of the same year. Some of the most notable statesmen, lawyers, and theologians of the day were summoned to this conference to discuss whether the Jews should be readmitted to England. The chief practical result was the declaration of judges Glynne and Steele that "there was no law which forbade the Jews' return to England" (as they had been expelled by royal decree of King Edward I, and not by formal parliamentary action; Jews remaining in England lived, however, under constant threat

of expulsion). Though nothing was done to regularize the position of the Jews, the door was opened to their gradual return. On December 14, 1655, John Evelyn entered in his Diary, "Now were the Jews admitted." When Prynne and others attacked the Jews, Menasseh wrote his major work, Vindiciae judaeorum (1656), in response. Soon after Menasseh left London, Cromwell granted him a pension, but he died before enjoying it, at Middelburg in the Netherlands in the winter of 1657. He was conveying the body of his son Samuel home for burial. His grave is in the Beth Haim of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, and the graves remain unscathed, with both headstone and gravestone intact.


monuments monumentos

MIM August-September 2017

São Jorge

Mother Church The mother church, built in 1761, is considered the ex-libris of the Santana municipality baroque architectural heritage, and also the biggest baroque church in the island. The fenestration of the main facade of this parish is unusual for the regional typology, since the portal is topped by three apron windows in the middle of which appears another window flanked by pilasters supporting a straight cornice. Besides it’s sumptuous appearance, in its interior there’s a gilded high altar, and a fine set of paintings. The church is, since 1995 classified as Monument of Local Value by the DRAC – Direção Regional de Assuntos Culturais (Regional Bureau for Cultural Affairs). Contacts Rua Cardeal D. Teodósio de Gouveia 9230-143 São Jorge Tel.: +351 291576526

Igreja Matriz de São Jorge A paróquia de S. Jorge foi constituída em capelania-mor autónoma a 8 de Junho de 1509, para depois em 1515, ser reconhecida como sede paroquial independente de Machico e detentora de plenos direitos espirituais. Foi a primeira e mais antiga vigairaria setentrional e a única localidade que, não sendo cidade nem vila, tinha a prerrogativa de celebrar a festa e procissão de Corpus Christi. Ao longo de quase quatro séculos teve primazia e ascendente sobre todas as localidades do Norte da ilha, foi sede de colegiada, curato e arciprestado. Do seu seio emergiram as actuais paróquias de

Santana, Arco de São Jorge e Ilha. Foi, também, uma das primeiras paróquias dedicadas a S. Jorge no espaço do "Novo Mundo". A actual igreja matriz, benzida a 17 de Setembro de 1761, é o quarto templo e quinta sede paroquial a servir esta paróquia, sendo considerada um dos mais belos exemplos de barroco rural português. É sem dúvida o ex-libris do património edificado do concelho, de estilo arquitetónico religioso barroco, albergando no seu interior, particularmente no seu altar-mor, uma belíssima talha barroca, que enquadra nas suas paredes um belo conjunto de pinturas.




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Pico do Areeiro

It is often said that a tour is one of the most pleasant ways to discover and learn more about the destination being visited. In the following MIM issues we will provide you with some touring ideas while discoveing the island of Madeira. In this issue we will go over the Best of the East (Tour 1). We take your vacation personally and our goal is to inspire, entertain and give you an experience you will always remember. Have a safe and happy tour!

The Joy of Touring in Madeira 1

Explore Pico do Arieiro, the second highest summit on Madeira at 1,810 meters high, offering stunning views. Most days, visitors can stand and look down on the clouds. The air is fresh and clear and the sun is very bright. On a clear day it is possible to see the neighbouring island of Porto Santo, 30 miles to the north. The footpath northwards towards Pico Ruivo is an important tourist attraction, with a daily average of 1000 tourists trekking on it. There is easy road access to the summit, with a large car park, a restaurant and souvenir shop. In 2011, an Air Defence Radar Station was built at the top of the mountain near the tourist facilities.


Ribeiro Frio (Cold Stream in English) is a small village situated in the central mass of Madeira. It belongs to the parish of São Roque do Faial, the municipality of Santana , and is located around 15 kilometers from Funchal. Here you can visit a trout hatchery and eat a grilled trout in the nearby restaurant. The little village is greatly visited by tourists as it is a starting point for many Levada walks. It is located 860 meters high, in a location surrounded by tall trees such as the laurel (Laurus novocanariensis) and heather undergrowth (Erica madeirensis). It is also populated by native birds of the island such as the Trocaz pigeon (trocaz pigeon), the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs madeirensis) and Madeira firecrest (Regulus madeirensis).


Ribeiro Frio


Poiso is a stunning area surrounded by pine trees. There is a trail that will take you to a brook and an open area called Chão da Lagoa, which is a popular place for doing picnics and barbeques. After crossing the road, you’ll enter an upward trail that takes you to Pico do Areeiro. From this peak you’ll be able to observe Pico Ruivo, the Paul da Serra and all the central mountain peaks of Madeira. The descent is done through the Chão do Areeiro and the Environmental Education Course of Cabeço da Lenha. The return to your initial point (Poiso) is done by walking along the Levada do Blandy.



MIM August-September 2017




Faial is a civil parish in the Madeiran municipality of Santana located along the northern coast of the island of Madeira. It was founded on February 20, 1550 by settlers who named the area “Faial� due to numerous shrubs called Myrica faya, which are indigenous to the area, and that grew abundantly within the valleys between the mountains.




Porto da Cruz is a civil parish in the municipality of Machico in the northeastern tip of Madeira. The origin of the community's name came from the fact that the original discoverer affixed a steel cross at the port, in order to better identify the location to ocean travelers. During the early settlement of the northern coast, goods destined for the northern communities were offloaded in the harbor. Cultivation and harvesting of sugarcane occupied the activities of early settlers. The aguardente factory, completed after 1858, was part of this industry, converting the grapes and juice into a local spirit, uniquely cultivating the American caste of grape in this territory.

Porto da Cruz

Santana, short form for Santa Ana (meaning Saint Anne) is a municipality situated on the northern coast of Madeira. Santana is best known for its enchanting red and white coloured A-shaped thatched dwellings. These were mainly rural homes, used by local farmers, during the settlement of the island. Today, most of the surviving dwellings are tourist attractions. While visiting Santana you ought to visit the Madeira Theme Park, which covers an area of about 28,000m2 of land. The aim of this park is to take you back to the island's early history. Here, you will also re-discover Madeiran culture in a unique way. This includes exhibits on the island's history, artifacts used in daily life and cultural presentations, in a scenic environment.


Portela, located between Porto da Cruz and Machico, provides one of the most beautiful landscapes of Madeira. At 670 meters, the viewpoint in Portela stands with its impressive rock formations. Here you will find magnificent scenery, with mountains that seem to flow down a valley towards the sea.





Santa Cruz, or Holy Cross, is a municipality, a parish and a city in the eastern part of the island of Madeira. It is the second most populous municipality of the island. It is located southeast of Santana, southwest of Machico and northeast of the capital city of Funchal. Santa Cruz is linked by an expressway to Funchal and Machico, as well as an ancillary road linking it to Santana. Agriculture and fishing are still considered the primary industries in this region, although widespread expansion of tourism in the south, and the development of the international airport has increased the number of commercial and touristrelated activities, primarily in the city of Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz

Machico is a municipality, parish and city in the southeast part of Madeira. The easternmost municipality on the island, it is also the third most populous area. The economy is focused on agriculture, tourism, and fishing, although a small number of businesses and commercial establishments have concentrated in the center of town. The main harbor is a mixture of personal and public uses, that includes a lighted promenade, scenic landscapes of the town, as well as a small harbor that is used as a fishing port and public harbor. Not far away you can dip yourself into the deep blue waters of the manmade sandy beach of Machico. Be sure to visit Pico do Facho before you embark on your next stop.


Camacha is situated in the mountainous interior of the island, 3 km north of Caniço, 7 km northeast of Funchal and 6 km west of Santa Cruz. Achada is the centre of the parish of Camacha, a picturesque place where people who visit it often go to visit the Café Relógio with its tower and famous wicker work factory. There is also a large square, which was built for folklore performances and traditional festivities, as well as a children's playground and a small football field in homage to the place which provided the launch pad for the “king of sports” in our Camacha country. Interestingly, the son of William Hinton, Harry Hinton, was educated in England and as an 18-year-old student, brought the first football to Madeira in 1875. The first game of football in Portugal was played at the Hinton family quinta in Camacha at that time.


MIM August-September 2017


Discover Madeira Descobrir

Address / Morada: Museu A Cidade do Açúcar Praça Colombo 5 9000- 051 Funchal Tel: (+351) 291 236 910 Email: Web:çúcar Opening Hours / Horário: Monday to Friday: 9.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. Closes on Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory holidays. De segunda a sexta-feira das 9:30h às 17:30h. Fechado aos sábados, domingos e feriados nacionais, regionais e municipais. Fee / Preço de entrada: 3.86 € - Individual ticket 1,86 € - Persons over 65 and between 11 and 17 years of age. Free entry: Educational services. 3.86 € - Bilhete individual 1,86 € - Terceira Idade e Jovens dos 11 aos 17 anos. Entrada gratuita: Visitas de Serviço Educativo (com marcação). Accessibility / Acessibilidades: Reference point, near the Funchal’s Cathedral (Sé). Ponto de referência a Praça Colombo, a 50m da Sé do Funchal.

Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” chant João Esmeraldo once existed, havThe Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” (The ing been demolished in 1876. City of Sugar), was established by the City Incredible fortunes were amassed by the Hall of Funchal and opened its doors to early settlers and developers of the island the public on October 12th 1996. It is located at Columbus Square, between the that involved themselves with the sugar trade. The wealth created by streets “Rua do Sabão” and “Rua The museum these merchants helped build João Esmeraldo”, in the city’s hisholds an imthe physical structure of the toric center. pressive collecisland. It is dedicated to the island’s tion of objects One such edifice of Funchal was sugar industry, which was rather including tools, the residence and home of "João active during the “White Gold conical sugar Esmeraldo" - a Flemish settler that Era”, a period between the fifmoulds, sculptraded in sugar between Madeira teenth and nineteenth centuries, ture, jewelry and other parts of Europe. (The and which became known as one and furniture. site of the current museum under of the greatest times of the histodiscussion). The building was demolished ry and culture of Madeira Island. The colin 1877. However, under the auspices of lection at the museum gathers archaeothe city council efforts were made in 1989 logical finds from the excavations carried to uncover the foundations of the buildout at the Columbus Square in 1989, ing still recoverable. where the old houses of the Flemish mer-

museums museus O Museu O Museu a Cidade do Açúcar foi criado pela Câmara Municipal do Funchal, tutelado pela mesma, aberto ao público pela 1º vez a 12 de Outubro de 1996. Está localizado na Praça Colombo, entre as ruas do Sabão e João Esmeraldo, no centro da zona histórica da Cidade. É um espaço dedicado à história da indústria açucareira insular, entre os séculos XV e XIX, uma das fases mais conhecidas e marcantes da história e cultura da Ilha da Madeira, conhecida como o ciclo do “Ouro branco”. O principal núcleo da coleção do museu recolhe os achados arqueológicos das escavações efetuadas nas antigas casas do mercador flamengo João Esmeraldo, realizadas na Praça Colombo em 1989, no local dos imóveis demolidos em 1876. Destaca-se também neste espólio, a coleção de escultura, ourivesaria e mobiliário, património que reflete o poderio económico derivado do ciclo do açúcar. A principal missão deste espaço museológico é dar a conhecer aos visitantes os principais testemunhos históricos da produção e tecnologia açucareira, no período em que esta esteve no seu auge, marcando um dos ciclos económicos mais significativos de toda a história do arquipélago.


museums | museus



MIM August-September 2017

Christopher Columbus House, Porto Santo Museum Travessa da Sacristia, 2/4 - Porto Santo Phone: 291 983 405 Tuesday to Saturday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Sundays: 10a.m. to 1p.m. Contemporary Art Museum Rua do Portão de São Tiago - Funchal Phone: 291 213340 Monday to Saturday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Electricity Museum - Casa da Luz Rua da Casa da Luz, 2 - Funchal Phone: 291 211480 Tuesday to Saturday: 10 a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 6p.m. Família Teixeira e Caires Museum Fajã da Murta - Faial Tuesday to Sunday: 9 a.m. to 7p.m. Henrique and Francisco Franco Museum Rua João de Deus, 13 - Funchal Phone: 291 230633 Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 6p.m. House-Museum Frederico de Freitas Calçada de Santa Clara, 7 - Funchal Phone: 291 220570 Tuesday to Saturday: 10a.m. to 5.30p.m. IVBAM Museum Centre Rua Visconde Anadia, 44 - Funchal Phone: 291 211600 Monday to Friday: 9.30a.m. to 6p.m. Quinta das Cruzes Museum Calçada do Pico 1 - Funchal Phone: 291 740670 Tuesday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Madeira Ethnographic Museum Rua de São Francisco 24 - Ribeira Brava Phone: 291 952598 Tuesday to Friday: 9.30a.m. to 5p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 1.30p.m. to 5.30p.m. Madeira Press Museum Av. da Autonomia, N.º 3 - Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910 135

Tuesday to Saturday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m. Madeira Military Museum São Lourenço Palace Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 204902 Monday to Saturday: 10a.m. to 12p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Mary Jane Wilson Museum Rua do Carmo, 61 - Funchal Phone: 291225492 Monte Palace Museum Monte Palace Tropical Gardens Caminho das Babosas, 4 - Funchal Phone: 291784765 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 4.30p.m. Municipal Museum of Funchal São Pedro Palace Rua da Mouraria, 31- Funchal Phone: 291229761 Tuesday to Friday: 10a.m. to 6p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays from 12p.m. to 6p.m. Museological Nucleus - “Arte Popular” Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior Phone: 291 238 185 / 917 235 321 Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. (Espólio do Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova) Museological Nucleus - Rota da Cal Sítio dos Lameiros - São Vicente Phone: 291 842018 Tuesday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 5p.m. Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” Praça Colombo, 5 - Funchal Phone: 291 236910 Temporarly closed Museum of Sacred Art Rua do Bispo 21 - Funchal Phone: 291 228900 Tuesday to Saturday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2.30p.m. to 6p.m. Sundays: 10a.m. to 1p.m. Natural History Museum Madeira Botanical Garden Quinta do Meio / Bom Sucesso - Funchal Phone: 291 211200 Monday to Sunday: 9a.m. to 6p.m. Núcleo Museológico do Caniço Rua Dr. Francisco Peres, Ed. Jardins do Caniço, Loja 21 - Caniço

Phone: 291 932 508 / 926 887 881 Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 1p.m. 2p.m. to 5p.m. Saturday: 10a.m. to 1p.m. Sundays: 11a.m. to 1p.m. guided tour Santa Clara Convent Calçada de Santa Clara, 15 - Funchal Phone: 291 742602 Monday to Saturday from 10a.m. to 12p.m. and from 3p.m. to 5p.m. Sundays: 10a.m. to 12p.m. São Lourenço Palace Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 202530 Wednesday at 10a.m.; Friday at 3p.m.; Saturday at 11a.m.; (Different days and hours require advance booking) Solar do Ribeirinho Museological Nucleus of Machico Rua do Ribeirinho - Machico Phone: 291964118 Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Saturdays: 10a.m. to 1p.m. Toy Museum Armazém do Mercado, Rua Latino Coelho, nº 39 - Funchal Phone: 291 640 640 Monday to Saturday: 10a.m. to 8p.m. Sundays: 10a.m. to 6p.m. The Old Blandy Wine Lodge Avenida Arriaga, 28 - Funchal Phone: 291 740110 Monday to Friday: 9.30a.m. to 6.30p.m. Saturdays: 10a.m. to 1p.m. Vineyard and Wine Museum of Arco de São Jorge Sítio da Lagoa - Arco de São Jorge Phone: 291 578105 Tuesday to Sunday: 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. (Monday torus require advance booking) Whale Museum Rua da Pedra D’Eira - Caniçal Phone: 291 961861 (New facilities opening soon) Universe of Memories - João Carlos Abreu Calçada do Pico, 2/4 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 122 Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 5p.m.

Consulates Belgium Brazil British France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway South Africa Sweden USA Venezuela

291221833 291227250 291221860 291200750 291220338 291763544 291223890 291703803 291741515 291742825 291233603 291235636 291224050

Police Funchal Machico Santa Cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente Porto Moniz Porto Santo Ponta de Sol

291208400 291965574 291524355 291911040 291952159 291572403 291823820 291846229 291853361 291980010 291972223

Fire Dept. Funchal Funchal (Edifício 2000) Camacha Machico Santa cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente/P. Moniz Porto Santo

291229115 291222122 291922417 291965183 291520112 291911444 291957112 291570112 291827204 291842115 291982115

Emergency National SARS Protecção civil Sea Rescue (socorro no Mar) Police Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha)

112 808211311 291700112 291230112 291208400 219421111

Hospitals Cruz de Carvalho Marmeleiros S. João de Deus S. João de Almada

291705600 291705730 291741036/7 291780300

Information Informations Tourism Office

118 291211900

Airports Funchal Porto Santo

291520700 291980120

archives and libraries arquivos e bibliotecas Calouste Gulbenkian Municipal Library Municipal Theatre Baltazar Dias Avenida Arriaga - Funchal Phone: 291 227251 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 7p.m.

European Affairs Library CERNE - “Casa da Europa na Madeira” Rua Latino Coelho, 57, 3º - Funchal Phone: 291 235545 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 12p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m.

Câmara de Lobos Municipal Library Avenida da Autonomia, 5, Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291910130 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10a.m. - 6p.m. ; Wednesdays: 1p.m. – 6p.m.

Fernando Augusto Theatre-theca Theatre and Performative Art’s Library Teatro Experimental do Funchal Rua do Hospital Velho, 42 - Funchal Phone: 291 226747 / 91 3035458 Monday to Friday: 4p.m. to 7p.m. Foreign Culture’s Library Quinta Magnólia Rua Dr. Pita - Funchal Phone: 291 226414 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m.


art galleries

Documentation Centre Porta 33 Porta 33 Associação Quebra Costas Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 - Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Tuesday to Saturday: 4p.m. to 8p.m. (Other schedules require advance booking)

John Dos Passos Library Cultural Centre John Dos Passos Rua Príncipe D. Luís, 3 - Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5p.m.

Galeria dos Prazeres Responsável: Hugo Olim Sítio da Igreja - Prazeres, 9370-603 Calheta Phone: 291 783453 INFOART - Galeria da Secretaria Regional do Turismo Responsável: Gabinete da Secretária Regional Avenida Arriaga, n.º 18, 9004-519 Funchal Phone: 291 211900 Porta 33 Responsável: Maurício Reis Rua do Quebra Costas, n.º 33, 9000-034 Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Cine-Teatro Municipal de Santo António Responsável: EDUARDO LUIZ Rua Coohafal CRL Funchal Telefone: 291 226747

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Responsável: TERESA BRAZÃO Avenida Manuel de Arriaga Funchal Telefone: 291 215130

Madeira’s Parliament Library Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses - Funchal Phone: 291 210500 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 12p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m.

Investigation and Documentation Centre Madeira’s Department of Artistic Education Travessa do Nogueira, 11 - Funchal Phone: 291 225146 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Documentation Centre specialised in music, education and arts

Machico Municipal Library Rua do Ribeirinho, Fórum Machico Phone: 291 969 997 Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 6p.m.

Library/Documentation Centre - Contemporary Art Museum Rua do Portão de São Tiago - Funchal Phone: 291 213340 Monday to Saturday: 10a.m. to12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. Madeira’s Regional Archives Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291 708 400 Reading Room Monday to Friday: 9.30a.m. to 7.45p.m. Saturdays: 9.30a.m. to 3p.m. Certificate Issuance: Monday to Friday: 10a.m. to 4p.m.

thematic centres

Funchal’s Municipal Library Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 9 - Funchal Phone: 291 720137 Monday to Friday from 10a.m. to 7p.m.

Info and Documentation Centre Regional Directorate of Youth Rua 31 de Janeiro, 79 - Funchal Phone: 291203830 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 7p.m. Saturdays: 9a.m. to 12.30p.m.

Regional Public Library Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291708410 Main Reading Room/ Children’s Reading Room: Monday: 2p.m. to 8p.m. Tuesday to Friday: 9.30a.m. to 8p.m. Saturdays: 9.30a.m. to 3p.m. Special reading room for the visually impaired /Reference Room/Study Room Monday to Friday: 9.30a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 2p.m. to 5p.m. (It requires advance booking) Study Centre of Atlantic History Library Rua das Mercês, n.º 8 Monday to Friday: 9a.m. to 7.45p.m. Phone: 291 214 970

Centro das Artes "Casa das Mudas" Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 Calheta Phone: 291 820 900

Porto Moniz Living Science Centre Rotunda do Ilhéu Mole - Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850300 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 6p.m.

Centro Cultural John dos Passos Rua do Príncipe D. Luís, n.º 3 Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034

Reception and Interpretation Centre of Funchal’s Ecological Park Estrada Regional 103 Ribeira das Cales, 259 - Monte Phone: 291 784700 Monday to Sunday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m.

Madeira Aquarium Rua do Forte de São João Baptista Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850 340 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 6p.m. Madeira Theme Park Estrada Regional 101 Fonte da Pedra - Santana Phone: 291 570410 Thursday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.


São Vicente Caves and Volcanism Centre Sítio do Pé do Passo - São Vicente Phone: 291 842404 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.



MIM August-September 2017

Tours Madeira Film Experience

History Tellers: 2 circuits

An audio-visual 30 minute journey that runs through the Madeira Archipelago’s 600 years of history and culture.

Guided tours promoted by the “Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira”: West and Historic Areas of the City

Monday to Sunday Marina Shopping, store 223 Tel. 291 222 748

Monday to Friday Pre-registrations: Armazém do Mercado - Rua Latino Coelho, 39 Tours:

Colégio dos Jesuítas

Guided Tours to Colégio dos Jesuítas, founded in 1569 by royal charter of D. Sebastião. Monday to Friday Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Tel. 291 705 060 Guided tours: Edu. Services:

Funchal City Hall


Guided tours to Funchal City Hall Monday to Friday Guided tours: Edu.Services: Org: Associação Académica da UMa

Guided tours to the Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Friday | at 2.30pm and 4.00pm Org: AAUMa & Madeiran Heritage --------------Monday to Friday

História do Povo da Madeira no 25 de Abril Raquel Varela e Luísa B. Pereira

Os Herdeiros da Terra Ildefonso Falcones

One More Light Linkin Park




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