Madeira Island Magazine - December/January 2018

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contents destaques

MIM December-January Dezembro-Janeiro 2018

Madeira Classical Orchestra Porto Santo Events / Eventos Sports / Desporto Christmas Fruitcake Monte Palace Tropical Garden Awards / PrĂŠmios Livros / Books Robert Baden-Powell Cultural info Special tours / The fantastic history of Madeira (BD)


The Port of All Ports


A Rainy Day Adventure


Caminho Real da Calheta



Distinguished Madeiran

Madeira Fauna & Flora


Christmas Wonderisland

26 Scouting Museum

Scouting is a movement that aims to support young people

Interview with a Pilot: SimĂŁo Saldanha



Madeira Island magazine


a r t s e h c r O l a ic Madeira Class MIM December-January 2018


Contacts Subscription Enquiries (351) 291 232 904

09.12.2017 . 18h00 . CALHETA

General Mib Enquiries & Fax (351) 291 232 904

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira

Maestro convidado . Francisco Loreto • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [1756 – 1791] • Franz von Suppé [1819-1895] • Giuseppe Verdi [1813-1901] • Mikhail Ivanovich Glinkan [1804 - 1857] • Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky [1840 - 1893]

You Can Reach Mib Through Its Email Associate Managers Rafael Caldeira Vitor Nunes


10.12.2017 . 18h00 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias

Editor Tony Kennedy

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira

Maestro convidado . Francisco Loreto Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [1756 – 1791] • Franz von Suppé [1819-1895] • Jean Sibelius [1865 - 1957] • Giuseppe Verdi [1813-1901] • Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka [1804 - 1857] • Edward Grieg [1843 – 1907] • Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky [1840 - 1893]

Graphic Designer & Photographer Rafael Caldeira Cover Photo Rafael Caldeira Commercial & Photographer Amélia Silva

Print & Circulation Typographer SIG

Licence # 123608

Circulation 10 000

Edition 368

13.12.2017 . 21h30 Belmond Reid's Palace

Orquestra de Cordas / String Orchestra Ensemble XXI


No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of MIM (Madeira Island Magazine). As every effort is made to provide accurate information in this publication, we would appreciate it if readers would call out attention to any errors that may occur by communicating with: MIM Caminho do Poço Barral Nº 52 9000 – 155 Funchal Tel./Fax (+351) 291 232 904 Email – Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness, and the opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed.

• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [1756 – 1791] • Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington [1899-1974] • Scott Joplin [1868-1917]

16.12.2017 . 18h00 & 21h30 Centro de Congressos do Casino da Madeira

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Fantasia Disney Maestro convidado . Nuno De Sá • Star Wars . Theme • Forrest Gump • Superman • Gladiador • E.T • Spiderman • Lista de Schindler • Harry Potter . Hedwig`s theme • Lord of the Rings . Medley • Indiana Jones . Raiders march

28.12.2017 . 18h00 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Concerto de Fim de Ano Maestrina convidada . Beatrice Venezi

01.01.2018 . 18h00 & 21h30 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira

Concerto Ano Novo Maestrina convidada . Beatrice Venezi • Família Strauss • Marchas, Valsas e Polcas 13.01.2018 . 18h00 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira . Ciclo

Grandes Solistas Maestro convidado . Gianluca Marcianò Solista . Mario Stefano DE ROMA A BUENOS AIRES • E. Morricone [1928 - ] • A. Piazzolla [1921 – 1992] • La Muerte del Angel, Jorge Adios, Violentango • R. Di Marino [1856 - ]

19.01.2018 . 21h00 . Câmara de Lobos

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira

Maestro convidado . Rui Pinheiro Solista . Carlos Alberto Moniz

20.01.2018 . 18h00 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Concerto Comemorativo do Centenário do Nascimento do cantor e compositor Maximiano Sousa [Max]

Orquestra Clássica da Madeira

Maestro convidado . Rui Pinheiro Solista . Carlos Alberto Moniz • João Caldeira . Homenagem a Max • Maximiano Sousa . Canções

24.01.2018 . 21h00 Átrio do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Música de Câmara

Quinteto de Sopros "Solistas OCM"

• Carl Nielsen [1865 – 1931] • Ferenc Farkas [1905 – 2000] • Norman Hallam [1945 -]

27.01.2018 . 18h00 Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Música de Câmara

Quinteto de Metais MADBRASS5

• Georg Friedrich Händel [1685 - 1759] • Malcolm Arnold [1921 - 2006] • André Previn [1929 - ] 31.01.2018 . 21h30 Belmond Reid's Palace Música de Câmara

Quinteto de Sopros "Solistas OCM"

• Carl Nielsen [1865 – 1931] • Ferenc Farkas [1905 – 2000] • Norman Hallam [1945 - ]

 



One day Cruise! Discover Porto Santo Island and enjoy an unforgettable cruise!

Porto Santo is the smallest inhabited island of the Madeira Archipelago. It lies in the Atlantic Ocean, at the South-western tip of Europe, about 500 km from the coast of Africa , 1000 km from Continental Europe and 79km from the island of Madeira. The flight from Lisbon to Porto Santo is approximately 1hr 30 minutes. First discovered in 1418, by Portuguese sailors, this archipelago is formed by the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo as well as the uninhabited Selvagens and Desertas Islands. The friendliness and hospitality of its locals, the mild climate all year around, the spectacular unspoilt landscapes and the richness and variety of the natural, historical and cultural resources are just some of the reasons why you should discover this paradise yourself. A golden isle, washed by turquoise sea and where peace and quiet reign supreme, is all you need for a truly relaxing holiday. This Atlantic island boasts 9 km fine golden sands ideal for sunbathing and swimming. Health and wellness go hand in hand on this magnificent beach thanks to its crystalline water and golden sand, which have unique therapeutic properties. The sand is soft, fine and smooth and consists mainly of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite, which has special thermal qualities. The primitive beauty of the landscape enchants anyone walking the paths or cycling the island’s trails. The safety, along with the warm welcome of its locals, the pleasures that nature has to offer, the beautiful beaches of fine sand, and the calm sea currents, turn Porto Santo island into a privileged destination.

Porto Santo The Golden Island


events eventos

MIM December-January 2018

exbitions exposições “Tormentos do linho” Centro Ciência Viva do Porto Moniz  Until 6 December By Jaime Andrade. --------------------------------------

Traditional professions: ‘The cooper’" Madeira International Airport  Until 17 February

Arrivals floor - Exhibition within the Madeira Wine Festival celebrations --------------------------------------

"O Brinquinho" Museu Etnográfico da Madeira  Until 17 February

The so-called ‘brinquinho’ or ‘bailhinho’, popular words used in Madeira to name one of the most popular traditional musical instruments in the Island’s traditional music and folklore. --------------------------------------

"Our Europe" & "History of Funchal" Colégio dos Jesuítas do Funchal  Until 31 December

The exhibition ‘Our Europe’ is a factual and chronological ‘picture’ of the history of the contemporary European project, from the Treaties of Rome to the present. With more than 500 years as a city, Funchal was the first City to be established by the Portuguese Crown in the vast domains of the Portuguese Discoveries. --------------------------------------

"Colmatar o hiato, tapar buracos, ou como adiar um problema eminente" Mudas & Galeria dos Prazeres  Until 7 January

The theme for this mediation exercise oscillates between fiction and reality, resulting from a simulacrum that rehearses the utopian existence of a physical link between the two exhibition spaces, a 3,9 km tunnel of length that unites the Museum Gallery to the Gallery of Prazeres, by Hugo Brazão.

music música "Músic in the Chapels"

Music in the Chapels will once again be entertaining guests visiting the chapel of São Sebastião located in the municipality of Ponta do Sol. There will be fortnightly concerts, ranging from traditional to classical music plus philharmonic performances.

December/Dezembro "German School of Funchal Collection" Arquivo Regional  Until 31 December’ Documentary exhibition, Archive’s Reading Room and Reserved Area Arquivo Regional e Biblioteca Pública da Madeira (ABM) --------------------------------------

"Madeiran Arts & Crafts" Parque Temático da Madeira  Until 9 January

Madeira’s popular art is rich and diverse. In recent years the so-called ‘new craftsmen’ have produced innovative pieces and developed new techniques also worthy of appreciation and promotion. --------------------------------------

"Traditional Professions" Parque Temático da Madeira  Until 9 January

The transmission of traditional knowledge, from parents to hildren, is becoming less and less common among our society. The number of young people in these crafts is increasingly reduced. This collection aims to preserve in our collective memory these activities. --------------------------------------

"Senses & Sensibility" Art Center Caravel  Until 16 December

Carlos Possollo, Marcos Milewski, Wolfgang Kruchem, Alex Gordenkov &Elma Franco --------------------------------------

"Balada do Arpoador" Museu da Baleia da Madeira  Until 7 January

Sculpture and Paintings from Gonçalo Ferreira de Gouveia. --------------------------------------

"500 Anos da Dedicação da Sé do Funchal" Museu de Arte Sacra  Until 25 March

Um olhar sobre a obra do Padre Pita Ferreira e à arte sacra da Sé do Funchal.

Chapel of São Sebastião | Ponta do Sol  01/12 Franco & Cordofones Madeirenses Chapel of São Sebastião | Ponta do Sol  06/12 Musicians: Elisa Silva (voice), Tiago Silva (guitar) Chapel of São Sebastião | Ponta do Sol  28/12 Ancor Più Musicians:Rebeca Oliveira (guitar), Joana Mendes (flute)

Mercado de Agricultura Biológica Funchal  December/Dezembro

Every Wednesday at Avenida Arriaga.  Todas as 4ªs feiras, na Avenida Arriaga, em frente à Loja do Cidadão(Funchal). ------------------------------------------------------------

Christmas and New Year Festivities Funchal  1 December - 7 January

In Madeira, the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations fill Funchal’s city centre with light, colour and music, in addition to an extensive entertainment program, featuring ethnographic, religious and artistic traditions. The New Year´s festivities bring together both locals and visitors alike and consists of a spectacular fireworks show, a show so renowned and exceptional that it was officially recognized in 2006 by the Guinness World Records as the largest fireworks display in the world.  Na Madeira, as celebrações de Natal e de Fim do Ano enchem de cor, luz e música toda a baixa funchalense, que nesta quadra oferece um programa rico e extenso em manifestações de caráter etnográfico, religioso e artístico. No início do mês, começam os preparativos para esta época com a confeção dos doces típicos desta quadra, entre os quais o típico bolo e broas de mel. Por outro lado, as Festas de Fim-do-Ano juntam madeirenses e visitantes num convívio cheio de muita animação, que culmina com o grandioso espetáculo de fogode-artifício da passagem do ano, no anfiteatro da baía do Funchal. ------------------------------------------------------------

August »

Madeira Dig Festival

Ponta do Sol e Calheta  1-4 December The Ponta do Sol Inn and the Casa das Mudas Arts Centre, in Calheta, will be hosting the Madeira Dig Festival, a noteworthy high quality cultural event that highlights Madeira as an attractive tourist destination for a young and active audience. Both internationally and nationally acclaimed artists and DJs will be taking part in this edition. The Ectoplasm Girls (Sweden), Maja S. K. Ratkje (Norway), Carl Stone and Greg Fox (USA), and The Necks (Australia), are just a few of the names that will be performing at the Dig Festival.  A Estalagem da Ponta do Sol e o Centro das Artes Casa das Mudas, na Calheta, serão os anfitriões desta iniciativa cultural de grande referência e qualidade artística. O programa desta edição conta com a participação de alguns artistas e DJs de renome nacional e internacional, designadamente o grupo Ectoplasm Girls (Suécia), Maja S. K. Ratkje (Noruega), Carl Stone, Greg Fox (E.U.A), The Necks (Austrália), entre outros. ------------------------------------------------------------

Harlem Gospel Choir Funchal  3 December

The Madeira Congress Center hosts a Christmas concert on December 3rd, which will include the Harlem Gospel Choir, an American gospel choir based in Harlem, New York. It is one of the United States's most prominent gospel choirs. The group was founded on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, 1986 (January 15, 1986) by Allen Bailey. The group comprises 40 singers and musicians but per-

forms on tour with a formant of between nine singers and two musicians (keyboards and drums). It has toured the world, logging over two million travel miles. They have appeared on national television programs such as Good Morning America, Top Chef: New York and The Colbert Report. They have performed with Diana Ross, Whoopi Goldberg, Lyle Lovett, Lisa Marie Presley, and Bono from U2, to just name a few.  O Harlem Gospel Choir é um coro gospel nova-iorquino, composto por mais de uma dezena de elementos entre instrumentalistas e cantores, fundado em 1986 por Allen Bailey e que desde então tem vindo a conquistar não só os palcos nos Estados Unidos mas também a título internacional. Pela nona vez em Portugal, o Harlem Gospel Choir, estreia-se na Madeira, num concerto em tributo à cantora norte americana Beyoncé, um espetáculo com início pelas 21h30, organizado pela produtora Urugu. ------------------------------------------------------------

6th Madeira Micro International Film Festival Ponta do Sol  5-8 December

The ancient Cine Sol building, located in the village of Ponta do Sol, will be the stage of the sixth Madeira Micro International Film Festival. This cinematographic festival, held in partnership with other organizations, such as the Estalagem da Ponta do Sol and the European cultural marketing company Digital Berlin, will also include some workshops.  O antigo edifício Cine Sol, de estilo art deco, localizado na vila da Ponta do Sol, será palco da 2.ª edição do Madeira Micro International Film Festival. Este festival cinematográfico, que irá contemplar a realização de alguns workshops, conta com a colaboração de diversas entidades, entre as quais a Estalagem da Ponta do Sol e a empresa de marketing cultural europeu Digital Berlim. ------------------------------------------------------------


Cinderella Ballet

Funchal - Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias  15-17 December The Madeira Dance Company and the Carlos Fernandes Dance School present the annual traditional Christmas dance in December. This presentation is based on the tale of Cinderella who, after her father’s death, is tormented by her stepmother and stepsisters, becoming their servant in her own home, but always aspiring for a better life. Her destiny will soon change with the help of a fairy godmother and her forest friends.  O bailado narra a história da jovem Cinderela que após a morte trágica do pai, fica à mercê da sua terrível madrasta e as suas invejosas filhas. Transformada em serviçal na sua própria casa, a jovem bela e bondosa não perde a esperança de uma vida melhor. Para alcançar o seu dese-

sports desporto

January/Janeiro jo será necessário a ajuda de uma fada Madeira Plunge madrinha e dos seus amigos da floresta Funchal  1 January para mudar o seu destino. Madeira hosts the third edition of the -------------------------------------------- “Madeira Plunge”, one of the first events Masses of the Expected taking place on the island in the beginning of 2018, an occasion which is also Birth has a long tradition in other cities worldMadeira  16-24 December wide. This event takes place on the 1st of A Christmas tradition of Madeira, the Missas do Parto (Masses of the expected January at noon, at Ponta Gorda Bathing Complex, also known as “Poças do birth) occur at various churches around Governador”. This occasion, which gaththe island from the 16th to the 24th of December, usually between 6.00 to 7:00 ers many locals and tourists, is a charitable event in which proceeds will be am. After the Masses the locals provide donated to a local charity. refreshments (cocoa, home made licquores, biscuits, chicken soup, etc.) in the  surrounds of the church. Groups of sing- events/516888718478871/ A Madeira, acolhe a terceira edição do “ ers form and play typical instruments Madeira Plunge”, um certame com such as the rajão and braguinha (four tradição enraizada nalgumas cidades do string mini guitars), the castanholas país e do Mundo. Terá lugar às 12 horas (castanets), the pandeiro (tamborine) , do dia 1 de janeiro no Complexo Balnear the gaita(bagpipes) and the accordion. da Ponta Gorda, também conhecido  pelas Poças do Governador. Na Madeira, celebram-se as Missas do A iniciativa conta com a participação de Parto no Centro do Funchal e nas muitos madeirenses e estrageiros de visiparóquias de quase toda a região. São celebrações que anunciam o Nascimento ta a região numa ação solidária cujos do Menino Jesus, com destaque principal fundos revertem para uma intuição de solidariedade social local. para os cânticos católicos entoados por corais. Habitualmente, no adro das igre- -------------------------------------------jas, os fiéis reúnem-se num convívio Cantar os Reis cheio de muita animação onde não fal(Chanting to the Kings) tam as típicas iguarias caraterísticas Funchal M. Garden  5 January desta quadra festiva. This is possibly the oldest and most poEstas missas são celebradas de madrupular event in Madeira. This ritual brings gada, por volta das seis horas da manhã. together families, friends and neighbours -------------------------------------------- who go from door to door singing the

Night at the Farmers’ Market

popular carols called Janeiras. The Casas do Povo Association have organised the traditional event throughFunchal  23 December out the years. Each year, two days prior to Christmas  Day, Madeirans head towards the Esta velha tradição popular madeirense, Farmers Market in Funchal. celebra-se um pouco por toda a ilha, It is the perfect day to visit the market and buy all types of local products: fruits, reunindo famílias, amigos e vizinhos que saem à rua para “Cantar os Reis ou vegetables, flowers, sweets and typical Christmas beverages. The market and the Janeiras”, de porta em porta. O espetáculo “Vamos Cantar os Reis”, a bars around the market stay open all night contributing to what many would cargo da Associação de Casas do Povo da RAM, decorre no Auditório do Jardim refer to as one of the longest and most Municipal, juntando, à semelhança do fun-filled nights of the year in Funchal. que acontece todos os anos, milhares de  espectadores que encerram, em conjunto, É no dia 23 que, tradicionalmente, os estas festividades, celebrando o inicio de madeirenses fazem as compras das mais um ano. iguarias para o Natal, num ritual que leva milhares de Madeirenses até às ruas -------------------------------------------do Mercado dos Lavradores, no Funchal. Santo Amaro Feast É o dia ideal para visitar o mercado e Santa Cruz  15 January conhecer e comprar todo o tipo de produ- This religious festivity marks the occasion tos regionais: frutas, legumes, flores, when families gather to dismantle their doces e bebidas típicas de Natal. Nativity scenes, or “lapinhas”, and clean Os bares circundantes aproveitam a oca- sweep the cupboards. The tradition also sião para se manterem abertos toda a includes visiting family and friends to noite, colaborando para que esta seja mark the end of the Christmas holidays. uma das noites mais longas e animadas “Santo Amaro” is celebrated throughout da Madeira. Madeira, but it’s in the municipality of

Santa Cruz where the festivity honours its patron saint.  O dia de Santo Amaro celebra-se um pouco por toda a ilha da Madeira, de maneira particularmente festiva e cerimoniosa, colocando-se na mesa iguarias idênticas às do dia de Natal. Esta festividade marca o dia em que as famílias desmancham os presépios, as “lapinhas” e “varrem os armários” – uma tradição que consiste em visitar familiares e amigos que se juntam para partilhar as últimas iguarias das festas. --------------------------------------------

Madeira Orienteering Meeting

Santa Cruz  19-21 January The Madeira Adventure Club has once again organized another edition of the Madeira Orienteering Meeting. This year the fun takes place on January 19th, 20rh and 21st, and consists of three routes: an inner-city route and two that will take place amidst the forests of Madeira. The three-day competition is open to all ages.  O Clube Aventura da Madeira, organiza a 10ª edição do Madeira Orienteering Meeting (MOM), que irá decorrer nas serras de Santa Cruz e na zona de Ponta de São Lourenço, Caniçal e Machico. O MOM é uma prova que integra a Taça de Portugal de Orientação Pedestre com percursos de distância média em áreas de montanha e um percurso Sprint na Cidade de Machico. --------------------------------------------

Panelo Feast

Seixal  28 January This social gathering takes place at Chão da Ribeira on the last Sunday morning of the month of January, where families gather together to prepare the "Panelo”, a culinary dish made of vegetables and blood sausage, very similar to “Cozido à Portuguesa” (Portuguese stew). The feast will have plenty of stalls on location where visitors could try out typical local food and beverages.  A Festa do Panelo, é uma das tradições mais antigas do Seixal. Esta iniciativa de cariz popular realiza-se no Chão da Ribeira, logo pela manhã do último domingo do mês de janeiro, altura em que as famílias se reúnem para preparar e degustar o “panelo”, um prato confecionado à base de legumes e enchidos, muito semelhante ao cozido à portuguesa.


Athletics Cycling Atletismo Ciclismo 9 December (Dezembro) Circuito do Porto Moniz Porto Moniz 10 December (Dezembro) Ponta Delgada – São Vicente Ponta Delgada – São Vicente 16 December (Dezembro) Torneio de Natal (pista) Ribeira Brava e Funchal 21 December (Dezembro) Grande Prémio da Arca D’Ajuda Funchal 9 December (Dezembro) 58th São Silvestre Promoted by the Madeira Athletics Association, the São Silvestre Run is considered one of the oldest running events of its kind in Portugal and Europe. It has attracted many national and international athletes to the island, gathering many spectators to the downtown area of the island’s capital.  A Volta à Cidade do Funchal é uma das mais antigas provas desportivas do género em Portugal e na Europa. 6 January (Janeiro) Grande Prémio dos Reis Camacha 13 January (Janeiro) Grande Prémio de Santo Amaro Caniço – Santa Cruz 21 January (Janeiro) Circuito de Água de Pena Machico (Água de Pena) 28 January (Janeiro) Funchal Marathon This competition consists of three main races: the Funchal Marathon (42.195,00 meters), the Funchal Half Marathon (21.097,50 meters) and the Mini marathon (5.900 meters). The race will once again be run on a flat course, almost entirely on a closed, attractively landscaped circuit.  Esta corrida é composta por três provas: a Maratona do Funchal (42.195,00 m), a Meia Maratona do Funchal (21.097,50 m) e a Mini Maratona do Funchal (5.900 m).

16 December (Dezembro) Passeio das Luzes de Natal Funchal 17 December (Dezembro) X Edição da Avalanche Raposeira The X edition of the Avalanche Raposeira 2016 takes place in a fully drawn in soil track with 5.72 kilometers in total timed area/ terrain. It is obligatory that each athlete must meet two descents. There will be one qualifying descent in order to make the grouping for the starting point of the final race descent and another for the X edition of the Avalanche. In total, the journey comprises maximum four descents. It is important to mention that this edition will also be subject to some changes and improvements, especially in the starting point area. Everything will be set so that you may enjoy a real thrill and have a plenty full day with lots of adrenaline.  A X edição da Avalanche Raposeira 2017 decorre num traçado totalmente em terra batida totalizando 5,72 quilômetros de troço cronometrado. Cada atleta terá obrigatoriamente de cumprir duas descidas. Uma descida de qualificação para agrupamento da grelha de partida da descida final. Outra para a X edição da Avalanche. No total a jornada compreende quatro descidas no máximo. Esta edição também será alvo de algumas alterações e melhoramentos, principalmente, na zona do arranque.

Trail Running 9 December (Dezembro) Trail Noturno Pela Vida Organization: Ludens 14 January (Janeiro) Trail Boa Ventura TLBV – 25 KM / 1620 D+ TCBV – 11 KM / 774 D+ 


MIM December-January 2018

The Port of All Ports When we think of cruises, most of us consider the luxury ships themselves as the attraction — not the ports they visit. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, a transport scholar at Hofstra University, says that's an oversight. He's studied cruise itineraries from all over the world and found that companies pay a great deal of attention to port selection as a means of distinguishing themselves. Every year Madeira receives thousands of visitors from around the world, drawn by the Island’s exceptional scenery, climate and the many astounding events all year round. Madeira Island is without a doubt one of the best popular tourist destinations and certainly a popular port attraction for cruise liners around the globe. Besides the existing pier in Funchal, the new liners pier terminal was an exciting addition to Funchal’s city centre, expanding its capacities to berth more and larger, luxury cruise liners, as well as private yachts. The modernization project also included an extension to the existing Yacht marina, a new promenade (Praça do Povo) and gardens. The latest ships to visit Madeira for the very first time include the Norwegian Star (Nov.10th), the AIDAprima (Nov.13th), and the Veendam (Nov.29th).

Norwegian Star


Norwegian Star is a Dawn-class cruise ship operated by Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL). Ordered by and intended for Star Cruises, Norwegian Star is a Panamax cruise ship; its 294-meter-length (965 ft) and 32.2-meter-beam (105.6 ft) nears the limit for ships transiting the Panama Canal. Norwegian Star was built by the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. Construction began on Norwegian Star in 2000 and was completed in mid-2001, with the ship put into service later that year. Originally circumnavigating the Hawaiian Islands since its introduction, Norwegian Star was moved to the Pacific Coast of North America in 2004. Norwegian Star's gross tonnage (GT) is 91,740. She is 294 meters (965 ft) long, with a beam of 32.2 meters (105.6 ft) and a draft of 8.2 meters (27 ft). Norwegian Star is a Panamax ship and was designed at the maximum size that can be accommodated by the locks of the Panama Canal. Four 14,700-kilowatt (19,700 hp) MAN B&W diesel generating sets power the ship, which can run on either diesel fuel or heavy fuel oil. Propulsion is provided by two 19,500-kilowatt (26,100 hp) Azipods built by the ABB Group, and a set of three 2,390-kilowatt (3,210 hp) bow thrusters. Norwegian Star is equipped with a pair of stabilizers with an area of 8 square meters (86 sq ft) each. Norwegian Star has a maximum capacity (assuming double occupancy) of 2,348 passengers. Of Norwegian Star's 1,176 cabins, 70 percent have views of the ocean. Unusual, for a cruise ship, are its twin 220-square-meter (2,370 sq ft), three-bedroom, suites situated atop the ship complete with private garden and sundeck. When built, Norwegian Star was also one of the few cruise ships built without a casino, something that was prohibited by Hawaiian law; a 900-square-meter (10,000 sq ft) casino was added in 2005 when it was repositioned. Because the ship was ordered by Star Cruises and to be based out of Singapore, the decor and layout of Norwegian Star was meant to appeal to Asian and Australian passenger rather than Americans where it was ultimately based. The Norwegian Star has a total of 10 different restaurants on board, which emphasizes NCL's "Freestyle Cruising" concept, allowing passengers to dine where and when they choose.

AIDAprima is the flagship of AIDA Cruises, built by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding at their shipyard in Nagasaki, Japan. The cruise ship entered service on April 25, 2016, after suffering several construction delays. Originally, the vessel was planned for delivery in the first half of 2015, with an inaugural trip to 22 countries, but the shipbuilder was unable to complete the vessel on time and the delivery was postponed to December 2015. The ship was christened on 7 May 2016 in Hamburg, Germany as part of the 827th Hamburg Port Anniversary (Hafengeburtstag). AIDAprima is the largest cruise ship in AIDA cruises fleet, with an overall length of 300.00 m (984.25 ft), moulded beam of 37.60 m (123.4 ft), and maximum draft of 8.00

m (26.25 ft). The vessel has a capacity of 3,300 passengers and 900 crew members. AIDAprima has 18 passenger decks, 15 dining options, indoor and outdoor pools, as well as shops, cafés, and bars. The AIDA Beach Club pool area, which is covered by a transparent UV-permeable membrane dome, allows passengers to relax in a beach setting with natural light despite inclement weather. The Beach Club features the longest indoor water slideon a cruise ship, a rock climbing wall, and a lazy river. At night, the Beach Club serves as a discotheque, with stars or laser shows projected onto the dome. AIDAprima is driven by three MaK 12V M43C diesel engines and one MaK M46DF dual-fuel (LNG/oil) engine, which give 53,150 hp to the propulsion system. The engine has computer-controlled fuel injection to increase fuel economy. The ship is propelled by ABB Azipod XO units, which allows a service speed of 22 kts. The AIDAprima uses Mitsubishi Heavy Industries's proprietary Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System (MALS), which releases small air bubbles to cover the bottom of the vessel, reducing the friction between the hull and the surrounding water. This is predicted to reduce CO2 emissions and fuel consumption by more than 7%.

ships navios

O navio Aida Prima foi construído em Nagasaki, nos estaleiros Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI). Com 300 m de comprimento, 37,6m de boca, 8m de calado, 125.572 TAB e capacidade para 3.300 passageiros e 900 tripulantes, o Aida Prima navega a uma velocidade de serviço de 22 nós. O Aida Prima é um navio tecnologicamente muito avançado, sendo o primeiro navio de cruzeiros a nível mundial equipado com motores dual-fuel, que lhe permite navegar com gás natural liquefeito (GNL), que já pode ser abastecido nalguns portos, incluindo o da Madeira. Entre os aspectos mais destacados encontramos o Aida Prima Beach Club, 4 escorregas de água e o Mini Club de AIDA para o cuidado de crianças a partir de 6 meses. Os camarotes são espaçosos e as piscinas estão desenhadas para a diversão e o relax. A bordo também desfrutará os elevadores de vidro e um Skywalk, entre outras muitas características que o tornam muito especial.

Veendam é o nome dado ao majestoso e elegante navio de cruzeiro da Holland America Line, em serviço desde janeiro de 1996, com capacidade para mais de 1300 passageiros (tripulação de 580) e repleto de encantadoras obras de arte. Enquanto estiver a bordo do Veendam, terá a oportunidade de relaxar à beira da piscina com os tratamentos do luxuoso Greenhouse Spa & Salon, poderá disfrutar dos 7 incríveis restaurantes com cardápios elaborados por cinco chefes renomados. À noite, pode aproveitar para degustar opções de menu italiano, francês, holandês, americano e asiático. O átrio de três andares impressiona qualquer um com as suas esculturas de vidro incríveis, e é também aonde o Show Lounge oferece apresentações todas as noites. Ainda é possível visitar, todas as noites, o Crow's Nest, local de observação panorâmica que se transforma numa animada discoteca.


Inaugurado em Dezembro de 2001, foi construído nos estaleiros Meyer Werft, em Papenburg, na Alemanha, o navio foi cedido à Norwegian Cuise Lines (NCL) que o posicionou para cruzeiros no Alasca e costa oeste dos EUA. Com 294 metros de comprimento, 32 metros de boca, 8,2 metros de calado e 78,309 toneladas de arqueação bruta, o Norwegian Star tem capacidade máxima para 3000 hóspedes com 1300 tripulantes. Possui 12 decks de passageiros com 1150 cabines, das quais 787 têm vista para o exterior e 363 são interiores simples, ou seja, sem qualquer vista para o exterior. O Norwegian Star é um navio apropriado para famílias, oferecendo 14 opções de refeição, 9 bares e lounges, um spa abrangente, casino, além de opções de diversão para as crianças de todas as idades. Destaque também para o grupo de comédia Second City®, um ginásio de última geração, polidesportivo, piscinas, jacuzzis, clubes noturnos para adolescentes, Teatro Stardust (com capacidade para 1150 espectadores), cinema, salas de karaoke.

Aida Prima

MS Veendam is one of Holland America Line's cruise ships and is named for the capital of Northern Netherlands's peat colonies. Features on the vessel include the two-tiered Rotterdam Dining Room, suites with private verandas, multiple lounges, and a wide teak deck. During April 2009, Veendam underwent a refit in Freeport. During the extensive refit, two decks of balcony cabins were added to the rear of the ship, and the rear pool area was restyled with 4 hot tubs set onto a raised platform. Due to the change in weight, a new duck-tail stern was fitted to the ship to provide stability. The refit also included the introduction of some new Lanai cabins on the Promenade deck. The cabins have mirrored glass doors which open onto Promenade deck. Today Veendam sails around South America during the winter based out of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Valparaiso, Chile & Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and during the summer is based in New York City, New York sailing to Bermuda as well as Atlantic Canada & New England. Veendam currently sails out of Boston Harbor alternating with her twin, Maasdam.

Norwegian Star




MIM December-January 2018

a t e h l a c a d l caminho rea The roads, or royal roads, were built by the Portuguese crown from the second half of the 19th century onwards, as a way to improve the Madeiran road network. The initiative came about by the governors and military authorities as an alternative to maritime connections. These 'royal roads' are reminiscent of Madeira’s history and exemplify how difficult it was of building an island from scratch. A small section of the Caminho Real, between the parish of Arco da Calheta (Sítio das Florenças) and the parish of Calheta (Lombo Atouguia), which amounts to approximately 500 meters, has recently been recovered. It is a completely stoned route with easy access which allows one to appreciate the surrounding agricultural land and the beauty of the landscape.

As estradas ou caminhos reais foram construídas pela coroa portuguesa a partir da segunda metade do Séc. XIX, como forma de melhorar a rede viária madeirense no transporte de pessoas e mercadorias, então muito dependente da cabotagem. A maior parte surgiu por iniciativa dos governadores ou dos capitães-generais, funcionando como alternativa e complemento às ligações marítimas. Estas 'estradas reais' fazem parte da nossa memória coletiva da Madeira e, acima de tudo, porque são exemplo da grande dificuldade que foi construir uma ilha do nada. Um pequeno troço do Caminho Real, entre a freguesia do Arco da Calheta (Sítio das Florenças) e a freguesia da Calheta (Lombo Atouguia), com aproximadamente 500 mts foi recentemente recuperado. É um percurso totalmente em pedra de fácil acesso e que permite apreciar os terrenos agrícolas circundantes e a beleza da paisagem.

bon apetite


foto: Olivia


Christmas Fruitcake • 6 oz dried pruneschopped • 6 oz dates chopped • 8 oz dark raisins • 6 oz golden raisins • 6 oz currents • ¾ cup butter • 1 cup dark brown sugar • ¾ cup molasses • ½ cup coffee liqueuror ½

cup strong black coffee • Zest and juice of 2 oranges • 8 oz glace cherries • 8 oz candied citrus peel • 8 oz toasted pecans roughly chopped • 2 tsp allspice • 2 tsp cinnamon • 2 tsp powdered ginger

Ingredients • 1 tsp cloves • 2 tsp nutmeg • 3 tbsp cocoa • 3 eggs • 1 1/3 cups all purpose flour • ½ cup ground hazelnuts or almonds • ½ tsp baking powder • ½ tsp baking soda

• 2 fluid ounces vodka • 1 fluid ounce hazelnut liqueur, such as Frangelico • 1 fluid ounce coconut flavored rum • 1 fluid ounce half-and-half cream • 2 (4 inch) cinnamon sticks • 1 maraschino cherry



Rudolph-Tini Pour the vodka, hazelnut liqueur, rum, and half-and-half into a cocktail shaker over ice. Cover, and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted. Strain into a chilled martini glass; garnish with the cinnamon sticks to look like antlers, and the cherry on the rim to look like a nose.

1) In a large saucepan melt the butter over medium heat and add the raisins, dates, prunes, currents, brown sugar, molasses, spices, coffee liqueur (or coffee) and the orange zest and juice. 2) Bring to a gentle boil and very slowly simmer for 10 minutes. 3) Remove from heat and allow to cool for 30-45 minutes. 4) When cool stir in the beaten eggs. 5) Sift together, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda. 6) Add the ground nuts and fold through the boiled mixture. Fold in cherries, citrus peel and pecans. Pour into prepared baking pan. You can decorate the top with additional pecan halves, cherries etc., if you like. 7) Bake at 300 degrees F for 1 ½ to 2 hours depending upon the size of your pan. Mine took the full two hours in a 10 inch spring form pan. The cake should feel firm to the touch at the center and a

wooden toothpick inserted into the center should come out clean. The cake should be cooled completely in the pan on a wire rack before removing. 8) At this point you can poke small holes in the top and bottom of the cake with a fork and pour on 4 ounces of dark rum or your favorite whiskey, half on the top, wait ten minutes, then flip it over and pour the remaining half on the bottom. 9) Soak several layers of cheesecloth in additional rum if you like and wrap completely around the cake, then cover with several layers of plastic wrap and store in a COOL place. 10) When serving, you can add a layer of marzipan or if you have decorated the top with fruit and nuts, brush with a simple glaze of equal parts water and sugar boiled together for about 10-15 minutes.


MIM December-January 2018

Monte Palace Museum

berardo museum

The Lake

From 1904 to 1943, at the time when the Palace was being used as a Hotel, its clientele was able to enjoy pleasant boat trips on the central lake. There was water shooting out of spouts and jets in which water games could be played. Sometimes, couples that were hoping to take refuge from prying eyes, taking their leisurely trip around the “fortress” would get sprayed. These are still features on the lake today and can be enjoyed by our present visitors. Water is fed into the lake by a large waterfall designed by José Berardo and it is bordered at the rear by an aqueduct that also used to provide water. It is now home to the swans and ducks but visitors may sit and share the peaceful tranquillity of these surroundings with them.

Monte Palace Tropical Garden Situated in the amphitheatre of Funchal about 5 kilometres from the centre of town you will find one of the most beautiful gardens of Madeira Island, the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. This garden, belonging to the Berardo Foundation, invites you to an unforgettable journey through Monte nature. Palace Museum In 1989 this property was donaTimetable: 10:00 -16:30 ted, by its owner José M. R. daily within the Berardo, to a Monte Palace charitable instituTropical Garden tion created by him, the Jose Berardo Foundation. The Foundation’s aims are mainly charitable but it also dedicates a great and special concern to the safe-keeping and preservation of works of art as well as to the defence and preservation of the environment, with the Monte Palace Tropical Garden constituting undoubtedly the privileged location for realising these objectives.

O Lago De 1904 a 1943, quando o Palácio funcionou como Hotel, a lagoa central proporcionava passeios de barco à sua clientela. A existência de canhões e jactos de água permitia fazer certos jogos, algumas vezes molhando os casais que procuravam um refúgio fora dos olhos dos curiosos, dando um passeio em redor da “fortaleza”. Tudo isto ainda existe e pode ser visto pelos visitantes. A lagoa é alimentada por uma cascata artificial desenhada por José Berardo sendo rodeada nas traseiras por um aqueduto que a fornece. Esta lagoa é, agora, o lar de cisnes e patos mas os visitantes podem sentar-se com eles e partilhar uns momentos de tranquilidade nesses recantos.

This peaceful location can be visited daily from 9:30a.m. to 6p.m. The best access to this Garden from the centre of Funchal is to take the cable car up to Monte and go through the entrance at Caminho das Babosas #4A. The other entrance is at Caminho do Monte #174.


MIM December-January 2018

Madeira Government Awards for Merit in Tourism On World Tourism Day, the Regional Government took the opportunity to thank several people, companies and associations, who stood out for their contribution to the development of Tourism, which is one of the main sectors responsible for the economical success of Madeira. Two dozen medals, which include three gold, eleven silver and six bronze, were handed out. The gold went to the Association of Barmen of Madeira and to the Association Geringonça. João Atanázio was also given a gold. As for Silver, these prizes were awarded to the Apolo café restaurant, the owner and manager of the Estalagem da Ponta do Sol, André Diogo, composer and musician Paulo Ferraz and Yasumitsu Kinishita, who is responsible for the promotion of Madeira Wine in Japan. The “Idea Prize” went to the most recent Mill of Madeira and the “Memory Award” was awarded to Dâmaso Jardim Ponte. The “Career Awards” were handed to the hotel director of the Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts group, António Paus, interpreter guide Graça Paula Menezes, food and beverage director José Aurélio Aguiar, restaurant chef José Manuel Rodrigues and to restaurant and bar director Nélio Ferreira. Finally, the bronze medals were awarded to craftsman José Manuel Freitas, gardener José Jesus Fernandes, driver José António Lemos, operating officer António Gramilho Freitas and technical assistant Luís Filipe Câmara, and network chief Manuel Gonçalves Álvaro.

World Travel Awards

Portugal shines with World Tourism 'Oscars' For the first time, Portugal has been nominated as best European destination while Madeira holds Europe's Leading Island Destination awards. In total, Portugal has won 37 Tourism 'Oscars'. Turismo de Portugal (Tourist Board) was awarded, for the fifth time, the Best Official European Tourism Organization award. Lisbon was awarded the prize for Best Cruise Port in Europe and the Pestana Hotel Group received the most prestigious award for three of its hotels. For the fourth consecutive year, the Pestana Porto Santo All Inclusive & Spa Beach Resort received the award for Europe's Leading All Inclusive Resort, while the Pestana Palace Lisbon won the category of Europe's Leading Luxury Business Hotel. As for Portugal's Leading Boutique Hotel, the award was given to the Pestana CR7 Funchal. Created in 1993, the World Travel Awards serves to acknowledge excellence across all sectors of the global and tourism industry. Voting is carried out by the general public and by more than 200 thousand professionals of Tourism across 160 countries. National awards, referred to as "Portugal's Leading", were rewarded to the following Portuguese companies:

Pestana CR7 Funchal - Portugal's Leading Boutique Hotel Galo Resort Madeira - Portugal's Leading Green Hotel Belmond Reid's Palace - Portugal's Leading Hotel Presidential Suite @ Belmond Reid's Palace - Portugal's Leading Hotel Suite

awards prémios Governo Madeirense premia Mérito Turístico No dia Mundial do Turismo, o GR aproveitou a oportunidade para homenagear várias pessoas, empresas e associações, que se destacaram no Mérito Turístico e contribuíram para a evolução do sector que mais faz mexer com a economia da Madeira. Duas dezenas de medalhas, entre as quais três de ouro, 11 de prata e seis de bronze, foram entregues. O ouro foi para a Associação de Barmen da Madeira e para a Associação Geringonça. Também João Atanázio foi contemplado com o ouro nos Prémios Contributo. Já no que concerne À prata, estes Prémios foram entregues ao café/restaurante Apolo, ao sócio e gerente da Estalagem da Ponta do Sol, André Diogo, ao compositor e músico Paulo Ferraz e a Yasumitsu Kinishita, um cidadão nipónico responsável pela promoção do Vinho Madeira no Japão. Já o Prémio Ideia foi para o Engenho Novo da Madeira e o Prémio Memória para Dâmaso Jardim Ponte, a título póstumo. Os Prémios Carreira foram entregues ao director de hotel no grupo Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts, António Paus, à guia intérprete Graça Paula Menezes, ao director de comidas e bebidas José Aurélio Aguiar, ao chefe de restaurante José Manuel Rodrigues e ao director de restaurante e bar Nélio Ferreira. Finalmente, nas medalhas de bronze foi entregue um Prémio Contributo a José Manuel Freitas, artesão, cinco Prémios de Carreira: ao jardineiro José Jesus Fernandes, ao motorista José António Lemos, ao encarregado operacional António Gramilho Freitas e ao assistente técnico Luís Filipe Câmara, além do chefe de rede Manuel Gonçalves Álvaro.

World Travel Awards

Portugal eleito pela primeira vez melhor destino europeu e a Madeira aclamada Europe's Leading Island Destination. No total, o País ganhou 37 'óscares' do Turismo. O Turismo de Portugal foi considerado o Melhor Organismo Oficial de Turismo Europeu (recebe este prémio pela quinta vez e a quarta consecutiva), Lisboa foi distinguida com o prémio de Melhor Porto de Cruzeiros da Europa e o Pestana Hotel Group recebeu o mais alto galardão do turismo mundial para três das suas unidades. O prémio atribuído ao porto de Lisboa deveu-se à qualidade de serviços e infraestruturas disponíveis para turistas que visitam e fazem escala na cidade. Pelo quarto ano consecutivo, o Pestana Porto Santo All Inclusive & Spa Beach Resort, recebeu o galardão para Europe’s Leading All Inclusive Resort, enquanto que o Pestana Palace Lisboa venceu na categoria de Europe’s Leading Luxury Business Hotel e o Pestana CR7 Funchal foi eleito Portugal’s Leading Boutique Hotel. Criados em 1993, os World Travel Awards reconhecem os melhores exemplos de boas práticas no sector do Turismo, à escala global. A votação é realizada pelo público em geral e por mais de 200 mil profissionais de Turismo, oriundos de 160 países. Os prémios a nível nacional, os “Portugal's Leading”, por sua vez distinguiram outras empresas madeirenses: Pestana CR7 Funchal - Portugal's Leading Boutique Hotel Galo Resort Madeira - Portugal's Leading Green Hotel Belmond Reid's Palace - Portugal's Leading Hotel Presidential Suite @ Belmond Reid's Palace - Portugal's Leading Hotel Suite

Livros / Books João Inocêncio Camacho de Freitas João Abel de Freitas A Obra narra a história de João Inocêncio Camacho de Freitas, que foi governador e capitão do Porto do Funchal no tempo da ditadura salazarista. Um homem com ideias próprias, específicas e até discordantes em algumas matérias de interesse para a Madeira, com relevo para os portos. ‘Lourenço Marques - A mais bonita cidade africana do seu tempo’ João Mendes de Almeida Uma obra com cerca de 700 páginas e perto de 1.500 fotografias, que mostra como era e como se vivia em Lourenço Marques, a ‘Pérola do Índico’, antes da independência. ‘Madeira: Edifícios Históricos – Historical Buildings’, (ISBN: 9783981622911) Pablo de la Riestra Ao representar o património histórico da ilha da Madeira, o desenhista e historiador da arquitectura Pablo de la Riestra sugere uma apreciação atenta ao tema. O autor chama a

15 atenção a aspectos arquitectónicos que muitas vezes escapam ao olhar, com desenhos em que expressa rigor cartesiano, mas também profundo encanto. Casa do Bordado Teresa Klut A autora aborda diversas temáticas tendo por base o Bordado Madeira.

Subjectivar Alexandre Nunes (ISBN: 9789895209729)

‘Subjectivar’ convida a uma viagem que versa sobre o tempo, sentimentos, memórias e momentos da vida. Poemas como ‘palavras escritas’, ‘amar é...’ e ‘amor ausente’ apelam à temática geral do livro, a do amor. Fábulas do Sótão (ISBN: 9789898801852) Luísa Antunes Paolinelli E se uma lâmpada se enamorar perdidamente

por um candeeiro, se um pintainho de peluche sonhar crescer e ser um galo, se uma tesoura fizer erros ortográficos e cortar çaias em vez de saias, se o almofadão ficar com ciúmes das histórias que o lençol conta à almofada, e se chegarem um dia umas bolas de Natal muito especiais? A Cestinha Cintilante Sofia Henriques Um conto infantil que, como diz a autora, “convida os leitores a viajarem pelo mundos dos valores’. “Ausência” Eduardo Quina Com 21 poemas nas 36 páginas de “ausência”, que tem como pano de fundo Orpheu, Eduardo Quina escreve sobre temas diversos mas habituais na sua obra; uma busca constante do “eu”; a memória; o vazio; o medo; angústias constantes.

Três actos para um blue ISBN: 9789898828200

Marcela Costa Reúne três peças da Trilogia do jazz, de Marcela Costa: Stormy weather, Summertime e September song, todas baseadas nas próprias composições que evocam, mas cada qual inserida no seu universo particular. Madeira: O Vinho dos Czares (História, vinho e receitas ISBN: 9789896228804

José Milhazes e Siiri Milhazes O autor explora as relações entre a Madeira e a Rússia, através do Vinho da Madeira. Esta bebida teve uma importante influência na sociedade russa desde do século XVII até aos dias de hoje. O Liceu Nacional do Funchal (1837-1900) / Subsídios para a sua história Hélder César Spínola Teixeira Hélder Teixeira expõe a forma como o “todopoderoso império do meio”, expressão usada por Lucien Febvre, se desenvolve na Madeira. É um processo lento, que o autor ilustra com base na análise de um significativo acervo documental.


MIM December-January 2018

A Rainy Day Adventure with Panda 4 X 4 Tours So for a moment, imagine you’re on vacation on Madeira Island and suddenly it begins to rain. What then? More often than not, it just kills the mood, but you might just be lucky enough to realize that there’s adventure and fun waiting for you despite the absence of nice weather. We, at Panda 4x4 Tours, offer you a spectacular way of spending your day with plenty of fun and adventure and possibly, even a bit of sun. Panda 4x4 Tours specializes in providing Private Jeep Safari Tours with Off-Road Driving Experiences. To show our good will, we’ll let you in on a secret: Winter is the best time for

This might come as a shock to you, but it’s quite easy to understand why we use such classic cars. Pandas 4 x 4 are really reliable and easy to drive. To top things off, our guide will always be with you to show you the best Off-Road Driving techniques. In Italy, the Panda 4 x 4 is used a lot and it has been said that the Panda 4 x 4 is as capable as a Land Rover Defender. At least experience has taught us that. We still have another secret to share with you.

off-road driving experiences!

Madeira is known for its micro climates. This means that it can be raining in one place, and be sunny in another.

The best of all is that there is no need of getting wet. You’ll be inside a Panda 4 x 4 warm and dry! We can spend a part of the day or even the full day driving and having a real good time. We use classics Fiat Panda 4 x 4.

There have been many times in which, during our full-day tour Soul & Essence, it was raining in Funchal and by the time we reached Pico do Areeiro, we were above the clouds and could easily sense the sun warming up our souls. What a remarkable feeling. Showers in the

morning, sun in the afternoon. Secret number three: We stop

at local bars where you can try an authentic traditional alcoholic beverage called Poncha.

Secret number four: In full-day's lunch a typical Espetada, or meat-on-a-skewer, is included. We’ll even teach you how to cook it. Simple to prepare and as tasty as it gets, you will want to cook Espetada in your home country. This is our proposal for something different you can do on a rainy day. We, at Panda 4x4 Tours, only do Private Tours. For do-it-yourself tours please get in touch with us. We will try our best to meet you requirements. You can reach us at our website: where you’ll have all the information required to book a tour with us. Hope to meet you soon, Regards, Sérgio Ferreira, Founder of Panda 4x4 Tours

Aventura em dias de chuva com o Panda 4x4 Tours Você está de férias na Ilha da Madeira e está chovendo? Normalmente, isso por si só mata a vontade de fazer algo, mas talvez você perceba que há aventura e diversão esperando por você, apesar da ausência de clima agradável. Nós, no Panda 4x4 Tours, oferecemos uma maneira espetacular de passar o seu dia, com diversão e aventura garantidas e talvez até um pouco de sol. Todos conhecemos o sentimento, estamos de férias e, quando está chovendo, não sentimos vontade de fazer nada, não é verdade? Mas lembre-se, você está na Madeira, tudo é diferente aqui. Há muitas atividades que você pode fazer na Madeira, ainda que chova e ainda pode ter um dia muito interessante, mesmo que o sol não apareça no céu. Nós, no Panda 4x4 Tours, somos especializados no fornecimento de excursões privadas do tipo Jeep Safari, com Experiência de Condução em Todo-O-Terreno. Vamos partilhar um segredo consigo: o Inverno é a melhor altura para fazer Todo-O-Terreno! Se está chovendo, isso significa que você pode ter a melhor experiência de condução Off-Road de sempre! O melhor de tudo é que você nem precisa se molhar. Você estará quente e seco dentro de um Panda 4x4! Podemos passar uma parte do dia ou mesmo o dia inteiro fazendo TT, todos podem dirigir e você decerto que vai juntar bons momentos ao seu álbum de recordações. Usamos clássicos Fiat Panda 4x4. Isso pode ser um choque para você, mas é bastante fácil entender por que razão usamos estes carros clássicos.

Pandas 4x4 são realmente muito capazes off-road e a maior vantagem é que eles são fáceis de conduzir. E são cool também. Muito mais fáceis de dirigir do que um 4x4 grande e pesado. E qualquer um pode dirigi-lo! E nosso guia estará sempre com você para lhe ensinar as melhores técnicas de condução Off-Road. Na Itália eles usam o Panda 4x4 muito e dizem que os 4x4 da Panda são tão capazes quanto um Land Rover Defender (sabemos disso por experiência). Temos ainda outro segredo para compartilhar com você. A Madeira é conhecida por seus micro climas. Isso significa que pode chover num lugar, e estar sol noutro. Muitas vezes na nossa excursão de dia inteiro Soul & Essence está chovendo no Funchal e quando chegamos ao Pico do Areeiro, encontramo-nos acima das nuvens e podemos sentir o sol aquecendo nossos corpos. Que sensação, não é? Chuva de manhã, sol à tarde. Segredo número três: Paramos em bares locais onde você pode beber uma Poncha verdadeira, aquela que fará lágrimas sair de seus olhos e crescer pêlos no seu peito! Segredo Número quatro: em excursões de dia inteiro, o almoço está incluído e é uma típica Espetada, como nós, os locais, fazemos e até vos ensinaremos a cozinhar. Simplesmente Pão de Casa, carne e vinho, tão saborosa, você vai querer cozinhar este prato em casa. Esta é a nossa proposta para um dia chuvoso onde pode fazer algo realmente diferente. Você verá que o seu dia terá logo outra cor. Nós, no Panda 4x4 Tours, além de


excursões privadas, fazemos também passeios sob medida. Portanto, se pretender algo específico, entre em contacto connosco. Daremos o nosso melhor para atender todos os seus requisitos. Pode contactar-nos através do nosso site: www., onde terá todas as informações necessárias e uma forma de reservar um passeio conosco. Esperamos conhecê-lo em breve, Sérgio Ferreira, fundador da Panda 4x4 Tours

MIM December-January 2018

Eurasian Woodcock In the higher areas of Laurisilva forest, where large trees begin to give way to moors, the Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) also appears. This bird is very discreet and often goes unnoticed by visitors.

Description The Eurasian woodcock is a medium-small wading bird found in temperate and subarctic Eurasia. It has cryptic camouflage to suit its woodland habitat, with reddish-brown upperparts and buff-coloured underparts. Its eyes are set far back on its head to give it 360-degree vision and it probes in the ground for food with its long, sensitive bill, making it vulnerable to cold weather when the ground remains frozen. The male performs a courtship flight known as 'roding' at dusk in spring. When threatened, the female can carry chicks between her legs, in her claws or on her back while flying, though this is rarely witnessed. The world population is estimated to be 14 million to 16 million birds. Shape & Size The Eurasian woodcock has cryptic camouflage to suit its woodland habitat, with intricately patterned reddish-brown upperparts and buff underparts. The head is barred with black, not striped like that of its close relatives, the snipe. It has large eyes located high on the sides of its head, giving it 360-degree monocular vision. The wings are rounded and the base of the bill is flesh-coloured with a dark tip. The legs vary from grey to pinkish. The species is sexually dimorphic, with the male much larger than the female, although the sexes cannot be separated in the field. Conservation The most important threat to the population of the Eurasian woodcock in the breeding range is the increased fragmentation of its woodland habitat. At other times of year, a reduction in the amount of permanent grassland and an increase in the intensification of farming are also threats, and the species' susceptibility to avian influenza may have an impact in future. Habitat The Eurasian woodcock's required breeding habitat is large, unfragmented areas of broadleaved deciduous or mixed broadleaved and coniferous forest, with dense undergrowth of plants such as brambles, holly, hazel, gorse,

Male Info Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Charadriiformes Family: Scolopacidae Genus: Scolopax Species: Scolopax rusticola

Behavior An extremely difficult bird to see due to its camouflaged colour and crepuscular habits. Rarely seen on the ground, if disturbed it flies off quite low with loud wing noise. Its flight is quite quick and straight, dashing away in zigzags.

Portuguese: Galinhola German: Waldschnepfe Dutch: Houtsnip Swedish: Morkulla

Danish: Skovsneppe Finish: Lehtokurppa Norwegian: Rugde Spanish: Chocha Perdiz French: Bécasse des

bois Italian: Beccaccia eurasiatica Polish: Słonka Slovak: Sluka hôrna Czech: Sluka lesní

bracken or bilberry. Breeding territories must include a mix of dry, warm resting places, damp areas for feeding, and clearings for flight. In larger woods, wide 'rides' (open tracks through the wood) and small clearings are important. In winter, Eurasian woodcock also use scrubland during the day but in freezing weather they may use intertidal mud. Eurasian woodcock forage in soft soil in thickets, usually well hidden from sight. They mainly eat earthworms, but also insects and their larvae, freshwater molluscs and some plant seeds. In William Shakespeare's play Love's Labours Lost, Berowne describes himself and his friends as 'four woodcocks in a dish', after discovering they have all fallen in love when they have sworn not to.

Galinhola Apelidada de «Dama dos bosques», a galinhola é uma ave misteriosa e, embora relativamente comum, muito difícil de observar, se não for especificamente procurada.

Descrição É uma ave limícola que apresenta uma envergadura muito proxima da perdiz. A sua plumagem, em tons castanhos-arruivados, servelhe de camuflagem. Possui um bico forte e comprido e uma cauda curta, sendo as suas asas compridas e arredondadas.

Distribuição Mundial Distribui-se por toda a Europa Ocidental, Cáucaso, China, Norte da Índia até ao Japão. Em Portugal ocorre no território continental e nos arquipélagos da Madeira e dos Açores. Na Macaronésia ocorre em todos os arquipélagos, excepto em Cabo Verde.

Distribuição Regional Esta ave ocorre exclusivamente na Ilha da Madeira. Apésar da nidificação não estar confirmada para o Porto Santo, uma ave foi caçada em 1997 e outra em 1998.


É uma ave típica de zonas com vegetação arbustiva densa e bem desenvolvida.

Dieta Realiza a prospecção do solo com o seu bico (que funciona como uma pinça) em busca de insectos, larvas e algumas sementes. Igualmente alimenta-se de matéria vegetal.

Efetivo Populacional A sua população está estimada entre os 250 e os 2500 individuos.

Factores de Ameaça Historicamente a perda de habitat poderá ter sido um factor limitante para esta espécie. Hoje em dia os problemas mais graves surgem em virtude da galinhola ser uma espécie cinegética e pelo facto de nidificar no solo o que poderá ser um factor limitante, devido à predação por ratos.

Foto: Jason Thompson

(Scolopax rusticola)

Foto: Jason Thompson



flora It is found in the Azores, Madeira, and Canary Islands in Macaronesia. It is threatened by habitat loss. It is the vegetable symbol of the island of La Gomera. Description The Vinhatico, or Persea indica, is a species of plant in the Lauraceae family. It belongs to the evergreen tree genus Persea of about 150 species, of which the avocado, P. americana, is the best known. The Family Lauraceae was part of Gondwanaland flora. There they spread over most of the continent. The genus Persea died out in increasingly xerophytic Africa, starting with the freezing of Antarctica Info about 20 million years ago and the formation of the Kingdom: Benguela current. The genus is extinct in Africa, save for Plantae P. indica, which survives in the fog shrouded mountains Phylum: of the Canary Islands, which with Madagascar, constitute Magnoliophyta Africa's Laurel forest plant refugia. Class: Fossil evidence indicates that the genus originated in Magnoliids West Africa during the Paleocene, and spread to Asia, to Order: South America, and to Europe and thence to North Laurales America. It is thought that the gradual drying of Africa, Family: west Asia, and the Mediterranean from the Oligocene to Lauraceae the Pleistocene, and the glaciation of Europe during the Genus: Pleistocene, caused the extinction of the genus across Persea these regions, resulting in the present distribution. Species: P. indica is a species exclusive to Laurisilva, since this P. indica habitat is constantly threatened by encroaching agriculScientific Name: ture, the laurel forest animal or vegetal species had Persea indica already become rare in many of its former habitats and are threatened by habitat loss.

Foto: Jardim Botânico J. Canto

The Vinhatico


Vinhatico (Persea indica) Persea indica, espécie conhecida pelos nomes vulgares de vinhático, vinhático-dasilhas, vinhôto ou loureiro-real, é uma árvore do género Persea da família Lauraceae, endémica da Macaronésia, estando presente na Madeira, Açores e Canárias. Características O vinhático é uma árvore perenifólia com até 25 metros de altura (mesofanerófito), de copa ampla e arredondada, folhas lanceoladas, de 10-20 centímetros de comprimento, quase glabras, verde-claras, tornando-se avermelhadas ao envelhecer, com pecíolos geralmente avermelhados. As flores são pequenas, esbranquiçadas, dispostas em panículas com pedúnculos longos e pubescentes. Os frutos são bagas ovóide-elipsóides, negros, facilmente confundíveis com azeitonas. A floração ocorre de Agosto a Novembro. A espécie é endémica das ilhas da Macaronésia, ocorrendo na Madeira, Açores e Canárias. A espécie é característica da "floresta laurissilva do vinhático" (Madeira) e ocorre também na denominada "floresta laurissilva do til" (Madeira e Canárias). Ao longo dos tempos a madeira de vinhático, de cor amarelada ou rosada, foi muito valorizada. Conhecida como mogno da Madeira, foi muito utilizada em marcenaria e caixotaria. A Laurissilva do Vinhático, cientificamente denominada por Diplazio caudati-Perseetum indici é uma comunidade florestal dominada pela Persea indica (vinhático). Esta floresta, característica das margens dos cursos de água permanentes, tem uma distribuição potencial entre os 700 m e 1500 na vertente sul e 300 e 1300 na vertente norte da ilha da Madeira.


MIM December-January 2018

Name: Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell Born: 22 February 1857 Paddington, London, England Died: 8 January 1941 (aged 83) Nyeri, British Kenya Spouse: Charlene Wittstock Occupation: Lieutenant General of the British Army Notable Work: Founder of the international Scouting Movement; writer; artist

After having been educated at Charterhouse School in Surrey, BadenPowell served in the British Army from 1876 until 1910 in India and Africa. In 1899, during the Second Boer War in South Africa, Baden-Powell successfully defended the town in the Siege of Mafeking. Several of his military books, written for military reconnaissance and scout training in his African years, were also read by boys. In 1907, he held a demonstration camp, the Brownsea Island Scout camp, which is now seen as the beginning of Scouting. Based on his earlier books, he wrote Scouting for Boys, published in 1908 by Sir Arthur Pearson, for boy readership. In 1910 Baden-Powell retired from the army and formed The Boy Scouts Association. The first Scout Rally was held at The Crystal Palace in 1909, at which appeared a number of girls dressed in Scout uniform, who told BadenPowell that they were the "Girl Scouts", following which, in 1910, BadenPowell and his sister Agnes Baden-Powell formed the Girl Guides from which the Girl Guides Movement grew. In 1912 he married Olave St Clair Soames. He gave guidance to the Scouting and Girl Guiding Movements until retiring in 1937. Baden-Powell made paintings and drawings almost every day of his life. Most have a humorous or informative character. He published books and other texts during his years of military service both to finance his

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life and to educate his men. Baden-Powell was regarded as an excellent storyteller. During his whole life he told "ripping yarns" to audiences. After having published Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell kept on writing more handbooks and educative materials for all Scouts, as well as directives for Scout Leaders. In his later years, he also wrote about the Scout movement and his ideas for its future. He spent most of the last two years of his life in Africa, and many of his later books had African themes. Currently, many pages of his field diary, complete with drawings, are on display at the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Texas. Baden-Powell was keen on amateur theatricals, from Charterhouse public school where among other roles he played female operatic roles. In the army he made a speciality of female roles and would often make his own dresses. His stage specialty was what he called his skirt dance. Baden-Powell lived his last years in Nyeri, Kenya, where he died and was buried on January 8, 1941. He is buried at St. Peter's Cemetery in Nyeri.His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the centre, which is the trail sign for "Going home", or "I have gone home". His wife Olave moved back to England in 1942, although when she died (in 1977), her ashes were sent to Kenya and interred beside her husband. The Kenyan government has declared BadenPowell's grave a national monument.

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Awards: In 1937 Baden-Powell was appointed to the Order of Merit, one of the most exclusive awards in the British honours system, and he was also awarded 28 decorations by foreign states, including the Grand Officer of the Portuguese Order of Christ. Boy Scouts International Committee Bronze Wolf (1935) Baden-Powell was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize on numerous occasions, including 10 separate nominations in 1928 Wateler Peace Prize (1937)

Lieutenant General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (22 February 1857 – 8 January 1941), also known as Lord Baden-Powell, was a British Army officer, writer, author of Scouting for Boys which was an inspiration for the Scout Movement, founder and first Chief Scout of The Boy Scouts Association and founder of the Girl Guides.



Robert Baden-Powell


Foto: National Portrait Gallery


A bust, sculpted by Ricardo Jorge Abrantes Velosa, was placed at Funchal in1998 to honour Baden-Powell.

famous visitors visitantes famosos


Robert Baden-Powell O fundador do Escutismo Biografia Em 22 de Fevereiro de 1857 nasceu em Londres, Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell, que mais tarde seria famoso como fundador do Escutismo. Baden-Powell fez os seus estudos em escolas públicas, onde era muito popular e querido por todos, colegas e professores. Nas férias, aproveitava para acampar com seus irmãos mais velhos. Quando terminou os estudos secundários, BadenPowell ingressou no exército. Como oficial, viajou muito, conhecendo grande parte do mundo. Durante as suas viagens conheceu tribos de guerreiros da África, os vaqueiros americanos e conviveu com os índios da América e do Canadá. Graças à sua competência, honestidade e exemplo como líder de homens, Baden-Powell, fez uma carreira militar brilhante. Graças aos seus feitos na vida militar, Baden-Powell tornou-se um herói no seu país. Durante uma viagem a Inglaterra, Baden-Powell viu alguns rapazes criarem brincadeiras através de um livro, que ele havia escrito para batedores do exército e que continha explicações sobre como acampar e sobreviver em regiões selvagens. Então, conversando com os amigos, ele entusiasmou-se e resolveu realizar, em 1907, na ilha de Brownsea, um acampamento com vinte rapazes dos 12 aos 16 anos, onde transmitiu conhecimentos técnicos tais como: primeiros socorros, observação, técnicas de segurança para a vida na cidade e na floresta, etc. Devido aos bons resultados deste acampamento, Baden-Powell começou a escrever o livro "Escutismo para Rapazes" que, inicialmente, foi publicado em fascículos e vendido nas bancas de jornais, durante o ano de 1908. Os jovens ingleses entusiasmaram-se tanto com o livro que Baden-Powell organizou e fundou o Movimento Escutista. Rapidamente o Escutismo alastrou-se por vários países do mundo. Em Portugal o Escutismo deu os primeiros passos ainda no território de Macau em 1911, tendo os seus impulsionadores regressado ao nosso país e fundado, em 1913, a Associação dos Escoteiros de Portugal. O Corpo Nacional de Escutas, Escutismo Católico Português, veio a ser fundado 10 anos mais tarde, em 27 de Maio de 1923, na cidade de Braga. O Escutismo, nascido na Inglaterra, não respeitou fronteiras, alastrando-se por outros países, e, já em 1920, em Londres, reuniram-se num grande acampamento Escuteiros de várias nacionalidades. Foi neste primeiro acampamento mundial, denominado Jamboree, que 20 mil jovens aclamaram Baden-Powell como Chefe Mundial. Depois de vários anos de dedicação ao Escutismo, viajando pelo mundo e fundando Associações Escutistas em vários países, Baden-Powell sentiu as suas forças escassearem. Retirou-se então para uma propriedade que possuía próximo da cidade de Nairobi, no Quénia. Ali, na companhia da esposa, dividiu o tempo entre pintura, a numerosa correspondência e as visitas de amigos. Faleceu na madrugada de 8 de Janeiro de 1941 enquanto dormia, deixando para todos os Escuteiros do mundo um enorme exemplo humano.


MIM December-January 2018

Christmas Wonderisland The arrival of the decorative lights in the streets of the city centre of Funchal, during the month of December, sets the beginning of the Madeira Christmas and the end of the Year Festivities programme, taking place between December 1st, 2017 to January 7th, 2018. These festivities culminate with the famous fireworks show, officially recognised in 2006 by the Guinness Book of Records, as the largest fireworks show in the world. These commemorations consist of a rich and extensive programme of cultural, religious, ethnographic and artistic manifestations that take place throughout the entire month of December, an event that culminates on January 8th.

Christmas begins with the "Missas do Parto" ((Masses of the Expected

Birth)) starting December 16th and ending on Christmas Eve, with the midnight mass. The "Missas do Parto" - the novenas are nine in total and are celebrate early in the morning. After the mass, believers gather in the churchyard to hear the chanting, accompanied by groups of strings, accordions and castanets, with no shortage of the “despiques”, which are followed by the snack with spirits, liqueurs and cakes. In some parishes of Madeira such as Câmara de Lobos and Camacha, the tradition of philharmonic bands is maintained, accompanied by other instruments, such as castanets, bass drums, braguinhas or accordions, of going door to door, in a joyful symphony, to awaken its locals and rush them to this typical ritual of our land.

Market Night is held on

Foto: FN

Christmas in Madeira is most eagerly awaited by all for two reasons: it is the most important time of the year, a time to celebrate customs and traditions in a tribute to folklore and legacy of the inhabitants, and because the island is indeed ‘breathtakingly beautiful’ as a tourist once defined Madeira in a nutshell.

December 23rd, when Madeirans do their last-minute Christmas shopping and it is in this hustle and bustle that the spirit of the “Festivity” can best be felt, the nickname given by the Madeirans to identify Christmas. The inhabitants move towards the Farmers' Market where the surrounding streets, which are closed to traffic, are occupied by various points of sale opened throughout the night. They have varied local products such as flowers, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, sweets, wine-and-garlic meat sandwiches and typical drinks, such as poncha. At nightfall the biggest attraction of the day begins, a traditional Christmas carols show, where locals take on the role of true artists. Also the participation of music bands and folklore groups helps to maintain the atmosphere of celebration and fun until dawn. On Christmas Eve it is customary to serve chicken soup and various meat dishes at family gatherings. In addition, home-made tangerine, orange or aniseed liquors or a good glass of Madeira wine are also drunk. On Christmas Day generally people eat pork in wine and garlic or stuffed turkey. Furthermore the most common sweets for this season are

"Bolo de Família" (Family Cake), "Bolo de Mel" (Honey Cake), and popular sweets like "rosquilhas de manteiga" (butter biscuits) "broas de mel" e "broas de manteiga" (honey and butter biscuits) and "palitos de cerveja" (beer finger biscuits). Organised by the Madeira Athletics Association, the Funchal Road Race is one of the oldest sports events of its kind in Portugal and Europe. This race brings lots of adrenaline and excitement to the Madeiran capital. The fireworks show lasts for about eight minutes and is distributed by several fireworks stations in the Funchal amphitheatre, the waterfront, the city centre, the sea and one station on Porto Santo Island. This grand spectacle that is one of Madeira’s most important tourist events, was internationally recognised in 2006 by the Guinness Book of Records as "The largest fireworks show in the World".

On the night from January 5th to the 6th it is customary to sing "Kings' Carols", a tradition kept all around the islands, in which people go to their neighbours houses to sing in small groups, accompanied by musicians playing regional instruments , such as the string guitar and the ukekele. Moreover, the women gather food supplies for the night such as wine, fresh bread, and sweets. Once the band has arrived at the house where they will sing the "Kings' Carols", an improvised musical competition starts between those who remain outdoors and those who are still indoors, until the time the door is opened. On the 6th of January the arrival of the Three Kings is celebrated, an occasion commemorated with the famous "Bolo Rei" (King's Cake), which comes with a hidden bean. Tradition says that whoever is lucky enough to end up with the slice with the bean will have to buy the cake the following year while whoever ends up with the surprise gift will have to buy the drinks.

tradition tradição


Festas de Natal e Fim do Ano É com a inauguração das iluminações decorativas nas ruas da baixa citadina do Funchal, durante o mês de dezembro, que se inicia o programa das Festas de Natal e de Fim de Ano da Madeira, a decorrer entre os dias 1 de dezembro 2017 a 7 de janeiro 2018. Estas comemorações integram um rico e extenso programa de manifestações culturais, religiosas, etnográficas e artísticas que abrange todo o mês de dezembro e que termina no dia 8 de janeiro. "Missas do Parto" O Natal inicia-se com as "Missas do Parto" a partir do dia 16 de dezembro e terminam na véspera do Dia de Natal, com a missa do galo. As "Missas do Parto" (as novenas) são nove, no seu total e celebram-se de madrugada. Depois da missa, no adro da igreja os crentes reúnem-se para ouvirem os cânticos, acompanhados por grupos de cordas, acordeões e castanholas e onde não faltam os "despiques" a que se segue o "mata-bicho" com as aguardentes, licores, broas e bolos. Em algumas freguesias da Madeira, como Câmara de Lobos e Camacha, mantém-se a tradição das bandas filarmónicas, acompanhadas por outros tocadores de instrumentos, como castanholas, bombos, braguinhas ou acordeões, irem de porta em porta, numa sinfonia alegre, despertar os habitantes e apressá-los para este ritual típico da nossa terra.

Dia 28 de dezembro Organizado pela Associação de Atletismo da Madeira, a Volta à Cidade do Funchal é uma das mais antigas provas desportivas do género em Portugal e na Europa.

Dia 31 de dezembro O espetáculo de fogo-de-artifício tem uma duração de cerca de oito minutos e está distribuído por diversos postos de queima de fogo localizados no anfiteatro do Funchal, na orla marítima e baixa citadina, no mar e um posto na Ilha do Porto Santo. Dia 5 de janeiro Na noite de 5 para 6 de janeiro cantam-se os Reis em casa dos vizinhos, e um pouco por toda a parte. É neste espirito que procura recriar a tradição popular dos cantares tradicionais madeirenses que se faziam neste dia, porta à porta, em diversas localidades da RAM que a Associação de Casas do Povo da Região Autónoma da Madeira organiza e produz no auditório do Jardim Municipal do Funchal, o espetáculo musical "Cantar os Reis". Foto: João Figueira

Dia 23 de dezembro A Noite do Mercado realiza-se no dia 23 de dezembro, quando os madeirenses efetuam as últimas compras de Natal e é nesta azáfama que melhor se sente o espírito da "Festa", designação conferida pelo povo madeirense ao Natal. Os habitantes deslocam-se até ao Mercado dos Lavradores onde as ruas circundantes, que se encontram encerradas ao trânsito, são ocupadas por diversos postos de venda abertos durante toda a noite. Estes apresentam variados produtos regionais como flores, arbustos, frutas, legumes, doces, sandes de carne vinhoe-alhos e bebidas típicas, como a poncha. Ao cair da noite decorre a maior atração do dia, um espetáculo de cânticos tradicionais de Natal onde os habitantes locais assumem o papel de verdadeiros artistas. Também a participação de bandas de música e ranchos folclóricos ajudam a manter o ambiente de festa e de muita animação até ao amanhecer.


MIM December-January 2018

Interview with a Pilot: Simão Saldanha Born and raised in Funchal, Madeira, First Officer Simão Saldanha, 28, has been flying for almost nine years. Despite being away from his wife and son for long periods of time, waking up late in the evening for a long haul flight, or experiencing jet lag, especially when crossing more than five time zones, he still loves what he does. A passionate and dedicated pilot, Simão now resides in Istanbul’s western side, Turkey, and flies Airbus A330s to the four corners of the world for renowned Turkish Airlines, which has been rewarded by Skytrax with the title of Europe’s Best Airline for the sixth consecutive time. “As far as I remember, I’ve always wanted to be a pilot,” Simon says. “I remember spending hours on the computer, surfing the internet, searching for the minimum requirements to become a pilot: physics, math, English, age, height, weight, etc.” Now, in an exclusive interview, Simon shares his experience about life in and outside the cockpit.

Distinguished Madeiran MIM: How many hours have you acquired in the cockpit? SS: I’ve acquired roughly 5,000 flight hours: 200 on single-engine and multiengine propeller airplanes, 1,500 hours on the Airbus A320 and 3,300 hours on the Airbus A330. MIM: Have you always wanted to be a pilot, and what was your career path to becoming one? SS: There are some funny stories that my family and I have shared at the dining table, all rather reminiscent of my early days in which I wanted to be an astronaut, a pianist or a dentist. My very first step towards a career path in aviation was back in ninth grade. At that time there was a significant change in the Portuguese education system, a change that would require you to choose a profession there and then. If not, you would end up in the wrong school, studying the wrong subjects. As a result, I attended Escola Secundaria Jaime Moniz, a local high school, where, in my particular case, the key academic fields of study consisted of Science and Technology. Subjects included physics, biology, math, English and many others. Frankly, such subjects were of no help to me in becoming a pilot. Nonetheless, it had to be done. As soon as I completed the twelfth year, I contacted a flight school in order to apply to their upcoming course, which, at that time, was only available eight months after submitting the application form. I was never a brilliant student, but I always had well defined life goals, and I always achieved them. So, as an alternative to going to Bahamas for eight months, I decided to go to university for six as part

of the effort to become more proficient in maths and physics. I wish I had chosen the Bahamas package instead. I also undertook a private English course at a local language school in order to boost my vocabulary. As for the official journey or take-off of my flying career, it took place in Évora, Portugal on January 2nd, 2008. MIM: What do you love about your job? SS: I love to be able to fly one of the most advanced machines ever built by humankind. Additionally, I’ve got the priviledge of visiting new places, meeting different people, conceptualizing different ways of thinking and being exposed to different religions. It really opens up one’s mind. MIM: Are there any other pilots in your family? SS: Yes, my wife is a pilot as well. MIM: Would you like your son to grow up to be a pilot? SS: If he was 17 years old, and wanted to pursue such a path for his life, I would be very pleased. After all, he’d be following his parents’ footsteps. He would certainly make me proud, but I can’t really say whether or not I’d be ecstatic about it. The business is not the same as it was twenty years ago, and it won’t be the same twenty years from now. Luckily, if I’m still flying by that time, I will give him the best guidance I can. MIM: What do you do when you’re not flying? SS: I try to spend as much time as I can with my family. Seeing that we have a two-year-old son and two people flying, there’s not much spare time left these days. MIM: Tell us about your first flight. SS: I was a 12-year-old passenger travelling from Funchal to Porto via Lisbon. Later on in life I flew as a student pilot, on the 15th of December 2008, at the

interview entrevista Aeronautical Academy of Europe, an aerodrome and flight school located in Evora, Portugal. MIM: What was your most memorable flight? SS: I've had many memorable flights, so it’s rather difficult to choose one in particular due to the different types of experiences I’ve had. I vividly recall my first flight as a student pilot, my first solo flight, my first flight on the A320 and my first flight on the A330. Other unforgettable flights involve weather phenomena. These include severe thunderstorms in the Bay of Bengal, severe rain in Africa, low visibility in Northern Europe, severe turbulence in Seoul, and heavy snow in New York. As you see, it's really tough to name only one. MIM: What are your favourite airport approach or landing sites, and why? SS: That's very difficult to answer, as there are many beautiful places worldwide. But, let's start with the three M's: Madeira, Maldives and Mauritius. All three are beautiful islands practically ‘isolated’ from the world. As for large metropolis’ I’d have to mention Chicago, Istanbul, Lisbon, Cape Town, and Kabul due to their distinctive landscape. MIM: What was the best piece of flying advice ever given to you? SS: ‘Don't forget to fly the airplane! Whatever the situation, always remember to fly the airplane!’

MIM: As a pilot what question do you get asked the most? SS: ‘Aren't you scared?’ ‘What do you do in the air for so many hours?’ ‘Can you go to the W/C?’ ‘Can the airplane land by itself?’ ‘Where's gate 212?’ MIM: What’s your favourite aircraft, and why? SS: The Airbus A321. It's the longest, most economical short haul aircraft flying nowadays, with an astonishing performance. It’s easy to fly and very stable during rough weather conditions. MIM: Where was your last flight (to and from)? SS: By the time you’ve read this article, I will have travelled to Istanbul, Turkey to Atlanta, Georgia, USA. MIM: What's the one thing you always pack for before every flight? SS: Seeing that most of the time I fly long haul flights, I pack a lot. Actually, more than I would ever want to. As the years fly by, I always try to go as light as I can, but in this job many things can change out of the blue due to weather conditions or delays. So, I always pack the essentials, like extra undergarments. MIM: What's the one thing you reckon will change private aviation in the next 5 years? SS: The aviation sector is very dynamic and it has a tendency to change according to the global economy. I'm quite sure that there will be changes in the next 5 years, but I really can't predict what and in which order they will happen. As a passenger, you'll be able to spot some of them, while


other changes might not be as obvious. Mind you, it’s not only private aviation that will be affected with such changes, but aviation in general. In my opinion, there will be a major change in fuel as it is bound to be replaced by biofuels in order to reduce the CO2 emissions and consumption. Other changes might affect airports and airspaces as they are increasingly getting jammed in many places worldwide. So, airliners will have to seriously reassess their operating model. Furthermore, adding more seats or switching to bigger planes will certainly influence ticket prices on a positive note. MIM: What was your greatest career change? SS: I began my career working for a very small, unpopular charter company. The greatest career change was when I joined Europe's best Airliner and moved from the short haul to the long haul. MIM: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be an airline pilot? SS: Being a pilot is not what people have in mind, or to be fair, what I had in mind. It's not a glamorous job as many would set it out to be, and life is no bed of roses. You'll constantly have numerous challenges ahead of you. There will be many sleepless nights, and for most of the time, you'll be with your nose on the books in order to stay updated. On the other hand, you'll be able to travel a lot and be paid for it, interact with different people, stay at hotels, and best of all - fly airplanes! In a nutshell, clear your doubts from someone who currently flies, be humble during the process, and enjoy every bit of it.


MIM December-January 2018


Discover Madeira Descobrir

Address / Morada: Bairro da Nazaré, Rua do Canadá Cave A (near the Church of Nazaré) 9000-691 Funchal Tel: (+351) 291 755 808 Email: Web: Opening Hours / Horário: Monday to Friday: 2am - 8pm Satudays, sundays and Public Holidays: Closed Sábados, Domingos e feriados: Fechado. Fee / Preço de entrada: Free entry / Gratuito Accessibility / Acessibilidades: The Scouting Museum is located at the Bairro da Nazaré, in Funchal, near the Church of Nazaré. O museu fica situado no Bairro da Nazaré, perto da Igreja. Casa do Escuteiro / The Scouts’ House The Regional Board of Scouts of the region of Madeira prides itself of a space housed in its headquarters and which includes two rooms with bunk-beds, a fully equipped kitchen, and a sitting room with TV and Internet for 16 scouts who wish to take up activites on the Island.

Scouting Museum CNE-Madeira

Following the emergence of Catholic Scouting in Portugal, the CNE – Corpo Nacional de Escutas (National Scouting Corps) soon emerged throughout the country. Enthusiasm soon spread to Madeira where almost immediately a scout movement surfaced for children and teens between the ages of six and fourteen. The year was 1928. The official ceremony took place on the morning of December 8th in Igreja do Colégio (College Church) with Senior Group nº 5 pleging allegiance to CNE. On July 9, 1931, the World Chief of Scouting Lord Robert BadenPowell visited Madeira. Received by the regional government, he left behind his message to the regional scouts of Madeira – “I am delighted with the appearance and discipline of the scouts of Madeira and I wish them success and blissful camping.” Today, CNE of Madeira has gathered approximately 1000 scouts.

Scouting in Madeira Scouting is a movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills. In 1906 and 1907 Robert Baden-Powell, a lieutenant general in the British Army, wrote a book for boys about reconnaissance and scouting. Baden-Powell wrote Scouting for Boys, based on his earlier books about military scouting. In the summer of 1907 Baden-Powell held a camp on Brownsea Island in England to test ideas for his book. This camp and the publication of Scouting for Boys are generally regarded as the start of the Scout movement. The movement focuses on camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports. The Scout uniform also plays an important role in the movement, with neckerchief and campaign hat or comparable headwear. Distinctive uniform insignia include the fleur-de-lis and the trefoil, as well as badges and other patches. The two largest umbrella organizations are the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), for boysonly and co-educational organizations, and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), primarily for girls-only organizations but also accepting coeducational organizations.

Corpo Nacional de Escutas (CNE) is the catholic Scout association of Portugal, established in May 1923, by archbishop Manuel Vieira de Matos and father Dr. Avelino Gonçalves in the city of Braga. With nearly 70.000 Scouts – boys and girls, men and women, CNE is the largest youth association in the country. Its action is supported by 52 regional and sub-regional structures and one national based in Lisbon. CNE is a founding member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the International Catholic Conference of Scouting, as well as of the Portuguese Scout Federation.

museum museu


Escutismo O CNE (Corpo Nacional de Escutas) é a maior Organização de Juventude de Portugal. O CNE é uma associação de juventude, destinada à formação integral de jovens, com base no método criado por Baden-Powell e no voluntariado dos seus membros. CNE-MADEIRA Após o aparecimento do Escutismo Católico em Portugal que foi fundado em 1923 em Braga pelo saudoso Arcebispo Primaz, D. Manuel Vieira de Matos, o Corpo Nacional de Escutas depressa se desenvolveu espalhando-se pelo país além e a Madeira também se entusiasmou com a iniciativa desse movimento destinado ás crianças e jovens nas idades compreendidas entre os seis e os catorze anos de idade. A primeira equipa da Junta Regional do C.N.E foi constituída em 1927. Assim, o Corpo Nacional de Escutas teve o seu início na Madeira no ano de 1928. Oficialmente tudo começou na manhã de 8 de Dezembro desse longínquo ano, na Igreja do Colégio. Foi lá que se realizaram as promessas dos primeiros elementos desta Associação, pertencentes ao Grupo Sénior nº5.

Facto digno de relevo foi a visita, em 9 de Julho de 1931, do Chefe Mundial do Escutismo Lord Robert Baden-Powell, de passagem pela Madeira. Recebido pela chefia regional, manifestou-lhe as melhores impressões do escutismo local, bem elucidativas na sua mensagem que abaixo se transcreve: "Fiquei hoje encantado com a apresentação e a disciplina dos escuteiros da Madeira e desejo-lhes todos os sucessos e «bom acampamento»". Actualmente o CNE Madeira congrega cerca de 1000 Escuteiros, distribuídos pelos 16 Agrupamentos existentes nos vários Concelhos da Região. Museu do Escutismo O Museu reúne uma imensa variedade de artigos relacionados com o escutismo, que vale a pena ser visitada. Casa do Escuteiro A Junta Regional dos Escuteiros da região da Madeira disponibiliza um espaço, integrado na sede, preparado para acolher escuteiros que “queiram realizar atividades” na ilha. A “Casa do Escuteiro”, situada no Bairro da Nazaré, no Funchal, está preparada para albergar 16 pessoas “em regime de camarata com beliches”, repartidos por um quarto com quatro beliches e mais dois quartos com dois beliches cada. Este espaço na sede da Junta Regional dos Escuteiros da Região da Madeira possui também uma cozinha equipada e uma sala polivalente com televisão por cabo e Internet por wireless.

museums | museus



MIM December-January 2018

Baden-Powell Museum Centre National Corps of Scouts (CNE) -Portuguese Catholic Scouting Rua do Canadá, Cave A (near the Church of Nazaré) Phone: 291 755 808 Monday to Friday: 2pm - 7pm Colégio dos Jesuítas Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Monday to Friday: 10am 6:30pm | Saturdays: 10am – 2pm Companhia dos Engenhos do Norte - SoRum Casas Próximas, Porto da Cruz Phone: 291 742 935 Monday to Saturday: 9am - 6pm Christopher Columbus House, Porto Santo Museum Travessa da Sacristia, 2/4 - Porto Santo Phone: 291 983 405 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm Sundays: 10am to 1pm CR7 Museum Avenida Sá Carneiro, 9; Praça do Mar Phone: 291 639 880 Monday to Saturday: 10am - 6pm Electricity Museum - Casa da Luz Rua da Casa da Luz, 2 - Funchal Phone: 291 211 480 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm Engenhos da Calheta Avenida D. Manuel I, 29 Calheta Phone: 291 822 264 Tuesday to Sunday: 8am to 7pm Família Teixeira e Caires Museum Fajã da Murta - Faial Tuesday to Sunday: 9am to 7pm Henrique and Francisco Franco Museum Rua João de Deus, 13 - Funchal Phone: 291 230633 Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 6pm House-Museum Frederico de Freitas Calçada de Santa Clara, 7 Funchal Phone: 291 220570 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5.30pm

IVBAM Museum Centre Rua Visconde Anadia, 44 Funchal Phone: 291 211 600 Monday to Friday: 9am 12:30pm; 2pm - 5:30pm Quinta das Cruzes Museum Calçada do Pico 1 - Funchal Phone: 291 740670 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 12.30pm / 2pm to 5.30pm museuquintadascruzes. com Madeira Ethnographic Museum Rua de São Francisco 24 - Ribeira Brava Phone: 291 952598 Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.30pm Madeira Press Museum Av. da Autonomia, N.º 3 Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910 135 Tuesday to Saturday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m. Madeira Military Museum São Lourenço Palace, Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 204902 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm Saturday: 10pm - 12pm gabrr.palacio@netmadeira. com Madeira Optics Museum Rua das Pretas, 51 - Funchal Phone: 291 220694 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm Saturdays: 10am to 1pm Mary Jane Wilson Museum Rua do Carmo, 61 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 492 Tuesday to Friday: 10am - 12pm and from 3pm - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm Monte Palace Museum Monte Palace Tropical Gardens Caminho das Babosas, 4 Funchal Phone: 291 780 800 Monday to Sunday: 9:30am to 6pm Mudas Contemporary Art Museum Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Phone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5pm

Museological Nucleus - “Arte Popular” Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior Phone: 291 238 185 / 917 235 321 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm (Espólio do Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova) Museological Nucleus - Rota da Cal Sítio dos Lameiros - São Vicente Phone: 291 842 018 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 2pm Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” Praça Colombo, 5 - Funchal Phone: 291 236 910 Monday to Friday: 9:30 am 5:30pm

Santa Clara Convent Calçada de Santa Clara, 15 Funchal Phone: 291 742 602 Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 5pm Sundays: 10am to 12pm São Lourenço Palace Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 202530 Monday at 2:30pm; Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am; Thursday at 10am and 2:30pm; Friday at 3pm (Different days and hours require advance booking) Solar do Ribeirinho Museological Nucleus of Machico Rua do Ribeirinho - Machico Phone: 291 964 118 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm

Museum of Sacred Art Rua do Bispo 21 - Funchal Phone: 291 228900 Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm

Toy Museum Armazém do Mercado, Rua Latino Coelho, nº 39 - Funchal Phone: 291 640 640 Monday to Saturday: 10am to 8pm | Sundays: 10am to 6pm www.armazemdomercado. com

Natural History Museum of Funchal São Pedro Palace , Rua da Mouraria, 31 Phone: 291 229 761 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am - 6pm

The Old Blandy Wine Lodge Avenida Arriaga, 28 - Funchal Phone: 291 740 110 Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 6.30pm | Saturdays: 10am to 1pm

Natural History Museum of the Botanical Garden Quinta do Meio / Bom Sucesso - Funchal Phone: 291 211 200 Monday to Sunday: 9am to 6pm Núcleo Museológico do Caniço Rua Dr. Francisco Peres, Ed. Jardins do Caniço, Loja 21 - Caniço Phone: 291 932 508 / 926 887 881 Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm - 2pm to 5pm | Saturday: 10am to 1pm Sundays: 11am to 1pm guided tour Photographia - Museum ‘Vicentes’ Rua da Carreira 43 - 1º - Funchal Phone: 291 225 050 Temporarly closed Printing Press Museum Avenida da Autonomia, 3 – Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910 135 Monday to Friday : 10am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 2pm pt

Town Hall Largo do Colégio dos Jesuítas do Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Guided tours from Monday to Friday: 11am and 3pm Vineyard and Wine Museum of Arco de São Jorge Sítio da Lagoa - Arco de São Jorge Phone: 291 578105 Tuesday to Sunday: 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. | (Monday torus require advance booking) Whale Museum Rua da Pedra D’Eira - Caniçal Phone: 291 961 858 Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30am to 6pm Universe of Memories - João Carlos Abreu Calçada do Pico, 2/4 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 122 Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm universodememorias

Consulates Belgium Brazil British France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway South Africa Sweden USA Venezuela

291221833 291227250 291221860 291200750 291220338 291763544 291223890 291703803 291741515 291742825 291233603 291235636 291224050

Police Funchal Machico Santa Cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente Porto Moniz Porto Santo Ponta de Sol

291208400 291965574 291524355 291911040 291952159 291572403 291823820 291846229 291853361 291980010 291972223

Fire Dept. Funchal Funchal (Edifício 2000) Camacha Machico Santa cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente/P. Moniz Porto Santo

291229115 291222122 291922417 291965183 291520112 291911444 291957112 291570112 291827204 291842115 291982115

Emergency National SARS Protecção civil Sea Rescue (socorro no Mar) Police Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha)

112 808211311 291700112 291230112 291208400 219421111

Hospitals Cruz de Carvalho Marmeleiros S. João de Deus S. João de Almada

291705600 291705730 291741036/7 291780300

Information Informations Tourism Office

118 291211900

Airports Funchal Porto Santo

291520700 291980120

archiveseand libraries arquivos bibliotecas Cultural Heritage Library Rua dos Ferreiros, n.º 165 Phone: 291 211 830 Monday to Friday: 9am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 7pm

Foreign Culture’s Library Quinta Magnólia Rua Dr. Pita - Funchal Phone: 291 211830 (ext: 233) Monday to Friday: 9am to 5.30pm

Library/Contemporary Documentation Centre Estr. Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Telephone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Friday: 10am -12:30pm; 2pm – 5pm

Calheta Municipal Library Vale dos Amores - 1º Andar Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, nº 37 Phone: 291 824 301 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 6:30pm

Funchal’s Municipal Library Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 9 - Funchal Phone: 291 720137 Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm

Madeira’s Regional Archives Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291 708 400 Archive Reading Room Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 7:50pm Saturday: 9:30 am – 3:20 pm

Porta 33 - Documentation Centre Porta 33 Associação Quebra Costas Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 - Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Tuesday to Saturday: 4pm to 8pm (Other schedules require advance booking) European Affairs Library CERNE - “Casa da Europa na Madeira” Rua Latino Coelho, 57, 3º - Funchal Phone: 291 235545 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm


art galleries

Fernando Augusto Theatre-theca Theatre and Performative Art’s Library Teatro Experimental do Funchal Rua Latino Coelho, n.º 54 Phone: 291 226747 / 91 3035458 Monday to Friday: 4p.m. to 7p.m. Caravel Art Center Rua Dom Carlos I, 19-20 Phone: 936 227 062 Galeria dos Prazeres Responsável: Hugo Olim Sítio da Igreja - Prazeres, 9370603 Calheta Phone: 291 783453 INFOART - Galeria da Secretaria Regional do Turismo Responsável: Gabinete da Secretária Regional Avenida Arriaga, n.º 18, 9004Cine-Teatro Municipal de Santo António Responsável: Eduardo Luíz Rua Coohafal, 9020-393 Funchal Telefone: 291 226747

John Dos Passos Library Cultural Centre John Dos Passos Rua Príncipe D. Luís, 3 - Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Youth Shop Regional Department for Youth and Sports Rua dos Netos, 48 Funchal Telephone: 291 203 830 Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 8.00pm Saturdays: 9:00am – 12:30pm Multimedia and Arts Education Library Regional Education Department Travessa do Nogueira, 11 – Funchal Phone: 291 225146 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 12:30pm; 2:00pm – 5:30pm The Library is specialized in education, arts and multimedia documentation and part of the PORBASE National Libraries Network.

519 Funchal Phone: 291 211900 Porta 33 Responsável: Maurício Reis Rua do Quebra Costas, n.º 33, 9000-034 Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Restock Galeria Gallery Armazem do Mercado, Rua do Hospital Velho, 28 | Loja 08 Phone: 933 194 680

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Responsável: Sandra Nóbrega Avenida Manuel de Arriaga Funchal Telefone: 291 215130

Madeira’s Parliament Library Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses - Funchal Phone: 291 210500 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm Machico Municipal Library Rua do Ribeirinho, Fórum Machico Phone: 291 969 997 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Ponta do Sol Municipal Library Rua Príncipe D. Luís, nº16 Phone: 291 972 276 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 1pm and from 1:30pm - 5pm Porto Santo Municipal Library Rua Drº Nuno Silvestre Teixeira, nº 13 Phone: 291 980 640 Tuesday to Friday: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 6pm

thematic centres

Câmara de Lobos Municipal Library Avenida da Autonomia, 5, Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910130 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am - 6pm ; Wednesdays: 2pm – 6pm

Regional Public Library Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291708410 Main Reading Room/ Children’s Reading Room: Monday: 2.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am - 8.00pm Saturday: 9.30am - 3.00pm Special reading room for the visually impaired /Reference Room/Study Room Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 12.30pm and from 2.00pm to 5.00pm (It requires advance booking). Ribeira Brava Municipal Library Largo do Herédia Phone: 291 952 548 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Santana Municipal Library Sítio do Barreiro, Santana City Hall Phone: 291 570 140 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm São Vicente Municipal Library Vila de São Vicente Phone: 291 842 135 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm Study Centre of Atlantic History Library Rua das Mercês, n.º 8 Monday to Friday: 9am - 1pm and from 2pm - 6pm Phone: 291 214970

Centro das Artes "Casa das Mudas" Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 Calheta Phone: 291 820 900

Porto Moniz Living Science Centre Rotunda do Ilhéu Mole - Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850300 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 6p.m.

Centro Cultural John dos Passos Rua do Príncipe D. Luís, n.º 3 Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034

Reception and Interpretation Centre of Funchal’s Ecological Park (Temporarly closed) Estrada Regional 103 Ribeira das Cales, 259 - Monte Phone: 291 784700 Monday to Sunday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m.

Madeira Aquarium Rua do Forte de São João Baptista Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850 340 Monday to Sunday: 10am to 6pm Madeira Theme Park Estrada Regional 101 Fonte da Pedra - Santana Phone: 291 570410 Thursday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.


São Vicente Caves and Volcanism Centre Sítio do Pé do Passo - São Vicente Phone: 291 842404 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.



MIM December-January 2018

Tours Madeira Film Experience

History Tellers: 2 circuits

An audio-visual 30 minute journey that runs through the Madeira Archipelago’s 600 years of history and culture.

Guided tours promoted by the “Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira”: West and Historic Areas of the City

Monday to Sunday Marina Shopping, store 223 Tel. 291 222 748

Monday to Friday Pre-registrations: Armazém do Mercado - Rua Latino Coelho, 39 Tours:

Colégio dos Jesuítas

Guided Tours to Colégio dos Jesuítas, founded in 1569 by royal charter of D. Sebastião. Monday to Friday Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Tel. 291 705 060 Guided tours: Edu. Services:

Funchal City Hall

Guided tours to Funchal City Hall Monday to Friday Guided tours: Edu.Services: Org: Associação Académica da UMa


Guided tours to the Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Friday | at 2.30pm and 4.00pm Org: AAUMa & Madeiran Heritage --------------Monday to Friday

Reaccionário com Dois Cês Ricardo A. Pereira

Himalaias Michael Palin

1755 Moonspell




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