Madeira Island Magazine - December/January 2019

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contents destaques

MIM December-January Dezembro-Janeiro 2019

4 600 years of the Discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo 5 Music / Música - Exhibitions / Exposições 6 Events / Eventos 8 Christmas & New Year 9 Michelin Stars Portugal 2019 12 Monte Palace Tropical Garden 17 Christmas Fruitcake / Tangerine Liqueur 18 Madeira fauna & flora 20 Albert Schweitzer 22 Miradouro do Massapez 24 Geocaching 28 Cultural info 30 Special tours / The fantastic history of Madeira (BD)


Jardim das Madalenas


Levada do Alecrim


The Magic of the New Year




Madeira Folk Music and Dance


St. Anthony's Chapel of Mouraria

Special Madeiran 10 A Christmas Feast

For those who want to develop and refine their sense of direction.



Madeira Island magazine

Contacts Subscription General Enquiries & Fax (351) 291 232 904 You Can Reach Mib Through Email Associate Managers Rafael Caldeira Vitor Nunes Director Rafael Caldeira Subdirector Vitor Nunes Owner Vitor Maurício Vieira Nunes Published by Netcriações, Lda


MIM December-January 2019

y r e ov c is D e th of s r a e y 0 60 s d n la Is to n a S to or P d n a a of Madeir


dent of the The archipelago of Madeira took on a role of reference Message from the ProfesiM in the Portuguese Maritime Expansion of the 15th and adeira ent Regional Governm 16th centuries. Its geostrategic position determined the discovery of new worlds to begin on these islands, developing into a globalization movement that left its unquestionable mark on the local, national and global socio-economic paradigm. The industries of sugar, wine, embroideries and even tourism have their genesis in this auspicious period of a History that is alive still today, exactly because we are a people that do not forget their roots. A people who, on the contrary, build from their roots their own opening to the outside world, stating their difference and their capacity to integrate, learn from and to fraternize with different people.

Editorial Editor Tony Kennedy Graphic Designer & Photographer Rafael Caldeira Cover Photo Rafael Caldeira Office Caminho do Poço Barral, Nº 52

To celebrate the 600 Years of the Discovery of our islands is to commemorate a History that is re-written every day, based on a past that helps us project our future. In a join celebration, every inhabitant of Madeira and Porto Santo is called on to make his or her contribution and assert, on this small yet unique territory, the Portuguese character that makes and has always made us greater.

Print & Circulation

Miguel Filipe Machado de Albuquerque

Typographer SIG R. Pêro Escobar 19 2680-186 Camarate

“Saudades do Max”

Circulation 10 000 Licence # 123608 Edition 374

Maximiano de Sousa



No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of MIM (Madeira Island Magazine). Caminho do Poço Barral, Nº 52 9000 – 155 Funchal Tel./Fax (+351) 291 232 904 Email – Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness, and the opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed.

Estatuto Editorial A Revista Madeira Island Magazine é uma revista bimestral bilingue (Português e Inglês), gratuita, em formato impresso. A revista Madeira Island iniciou a sua publicação em Maio de 1978 com o intuito de dar a conhecer a Madeira a todos os seus visitantes, e trata, especialmente, temas relacionados à Cultura, Turismo, História, lazer, eventos, gastronomia e personalidades da Madeira, mantendo a possibilidade de abordar outras temáticas que sejam relevantes para os nossos visitantes bem como todos os Madeirenses. A Madeira Island Magazine é uma revista independente.

Com Produção musical e artística de Maria da Paz Rodrigues, este CD reúne as vozes de Vânia Fernandes, Diana Duarte e Elisa Silva, três jovens e talentosas cantoras madeirenses e conta com Chico Martins (piano), Vitor Sardinha (guitarra), Luis Nunes (baixo) e Aloísio Athouguia (bateria), músicos que ainda recordam o som e o ambiente desses anos de ouro das ‘Noites da Madeira’. Acresce sublinhar a excelente gravação do estúdio Paulo Ferraz.

«Esta é, acima de tudo, uma homenagem afetiva da Região a Max, que simultaneamente valoriza um importante legado, associando a obra que se homenageia e os ambientes que se recordam das tão afamadas “Noites da Madeira” à interpretação e performance dos nossos talentos contemporâneos», afirmou a Secretária Regional do Turismo e Cultura, Paula Cabaço.

600 anos da descoberta do Arquipélago da Madeira Mensagem do Presidente do Governo

Regional da Madeira

O Arquipélago da Madeira assumiu um papel de referência na expansão marítima portuguesa, nos séculos XV e XVI. A sua posição geoestratégica fez com que a conquista de novos mundos se iniciasse nestas ilhas, rumo a uma globalização que marcou, inequivocamente, o paradigma socioeconómico local, do país e do mundo. As indústrias do açúcar, do vinho, do bordado e até a atividade turística, na sua génese, remontam a este período áureo de uma história que ainda hoje se mantém viva, precisamente porque somos uma terra que não esquece as suas origens. Que, pelo contrário, parte delas para afirmar a sua abertura ao exterior. Para fazer valer a sua diferença e a sua capacidade de integração, aprendizagem e fraternidade, entre os diferentes povos. Celebrar os 600 anos do Descobrimento das nossas ilhas é comemorar uma história que diariamente se reescreve, na base de um passado que ajuda a projetar o futuro. Nesta celebração conjunta, cada madeirense e porto-santense é chamado a dar o seu contributo e a realizar, neste pequeno mas único território, a portugalidade que sempre nos fez e faz maiores. Miguel Filipe Machado de Albuquerque

Art / Music

exbitions / exposições

Madeira Classical Orchestra Orquestra de Ponteado

“The Art of Christmas” Until December | Art Center Caravel At the gallery the art is all around. Put on the glasses, switch on the imagination.  Rua D. Carlos I, 19

08.12.2018 - 21h00 Calheta - Pavilhão C.D.R. dos Prazeres Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro, Francisco Loreto Solistas, Cláudia Sardinha [Soprano] e Alberto Sousa [Tenor] 09.12.2018 - 18h00 Centro de Congressos da Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro, Francisco Loreto Solistas, Cláudia Sardinha [Soprano] e Alberto Sousa [Tenor] 12.12.2018 . Quarta-feira . 21h30 Belmond Reid's Palace Orquestra de Cordas . Ensemble XXI 16.12.2018 - 18h00 e 21h00 Centro de Congressos da Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira 28.12.2018 - 18h00 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro, Pablo Urbina

Solista, Rafael Kyrychenko 01.01.2019 - 18h00 / 21h30 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro, Pablo Urbina 12.01.2019 - 18h00 Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Orquestra Clássica da Madeira 16.01.2019 - 21h30 Belmond Reid's Palace MadBrass5 "BRASS IMAGES" 19.01.2019 - 18h00 Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Orquestra de Cordas . Ensemble XXI Direção Musical Yuriy Kyrychenko Solista João Teixeira

December 28 | Funchal  Museu H. e Francisco Franco

VAREJENTA January 19 | Capela de São Sebastião- Ponta de Sol 

MachicArtes December 30th | Forúm Machico 

26.01.2018 - 21h00 Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Orquestra Clássica da Madeira Maestro, Pedro Neves Solista, Daniel Perzhan

Madeira Mandolin Orchestra December, 12,21,30 | Centro de Congressos da Madeira (Casino) December, 19 | Teatro M. Baltazar Dias January, 1,9,16,23,30 | Centro de Congressos da Madeira (Casino)

"A Arte de Pagar as suas Dívidas..." Until December 28th | Balcão Cristal, Rua de Santa Maria, 206 

The Madeira Mandolin Orchestra, the oldest and youngest mandolin orchestra in Europe is rirected by Maestro André Martins, the orchestra is composed by 27 performers between the ages of 12 and 40, and its repertoire consists of classic music by composers such as Kètèlbey, Vivaldi, Ponchieli, Strauss, among others. A Orquestra de Bandolins da Madeira, a orquestra de bandolins mais antiga e jovem da Europa, regressa com os seus concertos semanais no Centro de Congressos da Madeira (Casino). Dirigida pelo Maestro André Martins, a orquestra é composta por 27 executantes com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 40 anos, e o seu reportório é constituído por peças musicais clássicas de compositores como Kètèlbey, Vivaldi, Ponchieli, Strauss, entre outros.

Tristão e Isolda Until January 26th | Cine Teatro Santo António 

“A açucena no culto Mariano” Until 7 December | Madeira Ethnographic Museum With curatorship of Martinho Mendes, this exhibition interconnects anthropology, ethnobotany and contemporary artistic look, trying to acknowledge the specificities of two celebrations of the West of the island, where Azucena (Amaryllis belladonna) is widespread and often used. “Artifac In Palmito” Until 8 December | Madeira Ethnographic Museum The production of artifacts in palm leaves dates back a long way in our region, especially in the island of Porto Santo. “Icon: From beauty to Mystery” Until 18 December | Museum of Sacret Art The exhibition is, given the nature of the museum that hosts it, an exercise in dialogue between Catholicism and the sacred art of Eastern tradition. “Neo Barroque Vertigo” Until January | Atlanticulture Center, Fórum Machico DDiarte private work , the pair of Madeiran photographers Zé Diogo and Diamantino Jesus “Vitivinicultura” Until 3 January | Madeira Theme Park The harvest stands out as the most important moment in the winemaking activity. From the end of August to the beginning of October, the rural environment comes alive with this bustle attracting outsiders and seasonal workers, old, adults, young and children, in an inexhaustible joy combined with the songs allusive to the work.


“The Bridal Cake” Until 3 January | Madeira Theme Park The traditional “wedding cake”, also known as “country cake” or “sweet cake” is known throughout the entire island. Numerous references evidence its presence in different festivities. “Porto Santo in the Photographs of the Priest Eduardo C. N. Pereira” Until 5 January | Porto Santo This event is part of the 600th Anniversary Celebrations of the Island’s Discovery. “Salobros Afetos” Until 2 February | MUDAS Carla Cabral revisits other moments of her work, allowing herself to reflect, regroup and construct a narrative with multiple influences, in a sort of balance of the last years of her artistic journey. “Peaks and hills” Until 3 February | Galeria do Prazeres 'Picos e Lombos' is much more than a simple dot on the map of Prazeres. It is a dazzling spot you must see before you leave the Island. It is a dreamlike landscape which will leave you speechless, if not breathless. “Museum, nature and science: Günther Maul” Until 20 April | Funchal Natural History Museum In celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Museum of Natural History of Funchal, there will be presented a temporary exhibition dedicated to Günther Edmund Maul, dermoplastic, ichthyologist and former director of the Museum. Paulo David "Da continuidade das formas e do modo como pousam" Until 20 April | Porta 33 The exhibition owes its title to Paulo David, architect who was born, lives and works in Madeira Island.  Rua do Quebra Costas, 33


12 Days of Christmas & New Year

MIM December-January 2019



Between the 4th and 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Film Festival | Ponta do Sol | The ancient Cine Sol building, located in the village of Ponta do Sol, will be the stage of the 6th Madeira Micro International Film Festival. This cinematographic festival, held in partnership with other organizations, such as the Estalagem da Ponta do Sol and the European cultural marketing company Digital Berlin, will also include some workshops, between the 4th and 7th of December. A 6ª edição do Madeira Micro International Film Festival, terá lugar entre os dias 4 e 7 de dezembro, no antigo edifício Cine Sol de estilo art deco, localizado no município da Ponta de Sol Este festival cinematográfico irá contemplar a realização de workshops, num evento que conta com a colaboração da Estalagem da Ponta do Sol, e da Digital Berlim.


Between the 15th and 16th day of Christmas my true love gave to me typical Madeiran delicacies | Boaventura The Casa do Povo da Boaventura, located in the village of Fajã do Penedo, in the municipality of São Vicente, will promote the thirteenth edition of the Madeira Traditional delicacies exhibition. This festivity is held with the purpose of promoting Madeira typical Christmas gastronomic delicacies, such as liqueurs, corn bread, and cakes. There will be also musical entertainment with the participation of several folk groups. A Casa do Povo da Boaventura, situada na localidade da Fajã do Penedo, no concelho de São Vicente, levará a cabo mais uma edição da Mostra de Iguarias Tradicionais Madeirenses. Divulgar, promover e reinventar as tradições gastronómicas que são típicas do quotidiano madeirense no período natalício é o principal objetivo desta iniciativa que promete proporcionar grande animação, juntando à gastronomia típica natalícia – onde se incluem, naturalmente, os licores, as broas e os bolos de confeção tradicional – momentos musicais que estarão a cargo de diversos grupos folclóricos.


Between the 8th and 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me Funchal City Race | Funchal Funchal City Race is a foot orienteering event for Discovering the city of Funchal, specially its historical sites and heritage, built over five centuries of history. This first edition in 2018 is part of the calendar for the City Race Euro Tour and Portugal City Race. O Funchal City Race é um evento de orientação pedestre, à descoberta da cidade do Funchal, em particular das suas zonas históricas e do seu património construído em cinco séculos de história. A primeira edição em 2018 faz parte do calendário do City Race Euro Tour e do Portugal City Race.


Between the 16th and 24th day of Christmas my true love gave to me the Nine masses

From the 16th to 24th December, Madeira celebrates one of its main Christmas traditions: the Childbirth Masses. Throughout the Region, these nine Masses announce the Birth of Jesus, accompanied by Catholic hymns sung by local choirs. Na Madeira, celebram-se as Missas do Parto nas paróquias de quase toda a região. São celebrações que anunciam o Nascimento do Menino Jesus. Habitualmente, no adro das igrejas, os fiéis reúnem-se num convívio cheio de muita animação onde não faltam as típicas iguarias caraterísticas desta quadra festiva.


On the 23rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Market Festivity | Funchal

On the 1st day of the New Year my true love gave to me the very first plunge of 2019

Shopping for the final Christmas gifts on the night of the 23rd of December is a tradition that leads thousands of Madeireans to the Market streets in Funchal. In this contagious buzz, which also appeals to many visitors, it is noticeable the true spirit of the “festivity”. The surrounding streets of the Market are closed to traffic and become a gigantic window of local products display: fruits, vegetables, flowers, sweets and typical Christmas drinks. The bars located nearby are open all night, joining forces to turn this into one of the longest and cheerful nights in Madeira.

The event of the year will take place on the 1st of January at noon, at Ponta Gorda Bathing Complex, also known as “Poças do Governador”. The first plunge of the year is a tradition rooted in some cities of the country and the World, but it will take place for the first time in Madeira. The initiative aims to create an event that brings together locals and tourists who wish to be part of the ritual, with the condition of bringing a Christmas hat.

É no dia 23 que, tradicionalmente, os madeirenses fazem as compras das iguarias para o Natal, num ritual que leva milhares de Madeirenses até às ruas do Mercado dos Lavradores, no Funchal. É o dia ideal para visitar o mercado e conhecer e comprar todo o tipo de produtos regionais: frutas, legumes, flores, doces e bebidas típicas de Natal. Os bares circundantes aproveitam a ocasião para se manterem abertos toda a noite, colaborando para que esta seja uma das noites mais longas e animadas da Madeira.


On the 28th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Tour of Funchal Race | Funchal

The Tour of the City of Funchal is an event promoted by the Madeira Athletics Association and considered one of the oldest of its kind in Portugal and Europe. This competition has attracted several national and international athletes to Madeira, bringing lots of adrenaline to the downtown area of the island’s capital.

Cumprindo aquela que é já uma tradição enraizada na população, a Associação de Atletismo da Madeira organiza, no dia 28 de dezembro, uma das mais antigas provas do género em Portugal e na Europa, iniciativa que tem vindo a atrair à região inúmeros atletas do panorama nacional e internacional, enchendo a capital madeirense de muita adrenalina e animação neste dia.

Madeira acolhe a terceira edição do “Madeira Plunge” um certame com tradição enraizada nalgumas cidades do país e do Mundo. Terá lugar às 12 horas do dia 1 de janeiro no Complexo Balnear da Ponta Gorda, também conhecido pelas Poças do Governador. A iniciativa conta com a participação de muitos madeirenses e estrageiros de visita a região numa ação solidária cujos fundos revertem para uma intuição de solidariedade social local.


On the 5th day of the New Year my true love gave to me the Epiphany Sing-Along Ritual This is one of the oldest and most popular traditions in Madeira celebrated all over the island, a ritual that brings together families, friends and neighbours who come out to the streets to "sing the epiphany” or “Janeiras” from door to door. The Association of the Casas do Povo organizes and produces the traditional twelfth night songs show, a concert to be held in the Auditorium of the Municipal Garden, in Funchal, at 8pm, an event which is integrated in Christmas and New Year’s festivities program.

Esta velha tradição popular madeirense celebra-se um pouco por toda a ilha, reunindo famílias, amigos e vizinhos que saem à rua para “Cantar os Reis ou Janeiras”, de porta em porta. Organizado pela Associação de Casas do Povo, este espetáculo decorre no Auditório do Jardim Municipal, no dia 5 de Janeiro, juntando, milhares de espectadores que encerram, em conjunto, estas festividades, celebrando o inicio de mais um ano.

eventos eventos

Madeiran Style 9

Between the 11th and 15th day of the New Year my true love gave to me a Religious Festivity | Santa Cruz The religious festivity of Santo Amaro is the day when families gather to share the remaining delicacies of this festive season, to take down the Christmas decorations and lapinhas (cribs) and to "clean the kitchen cabinets”, a custom deeply rooted in the Madeiran culture. On this day the municipality of Santa Cruz pays tribute to its patron saint in a very lively religious festivity, which marks the end of the Christmas holidays. Esta festividade marca o dia em que as famílias desmancham os presépios, as lapinhas e “varrem os armários” – uma tradição que consiste em visitar familiares e amigos que se juntam para partilhar as últimas iguarias das festas. Nesta data, o município de Santa Cruz presta homenagem ao seu santo padroeiro, numa festa religiosa cheia de muita animação, que marca o encerramento das festividades de Natal.


Between the 18th and 20th day of the New Year my true love gave to me a Wedding Fair | Funchal Organised by the Funchal Trade and Industry Association (ACIF-CCIM), the 11th edition of the Wedding Fair “Funchal Noivos & Festas” will take place at the Pestana Fórum Casino. Several companies specialised in wedding management services will gather together under one roof to promote Madeira as a perfect destination for wedding ceremonies. This event will consist of three consecutive days of fashion shows by regional and national designers, plus thematic workshops. Da responsabilidade da ACIF-CCIM, decorrerá a 11.ª edição da feira “Funchal Noivos & Festas”, no Pestana Fórum Casino. Este evento apresenta-se como uma exposição de empresas que prestam serviços relacionados com a organização de festas, promovendo a Madeira enquanto destino ideal para a realização do cerimonial do casamento.


On the 20th day of the New Year my true love gave to me a Triple Marathon | Funchal

The Madeira Athletics Association (AARAM) promotes this major international sporting event which consists of three main races: the Funchal Marathon (42.195,00 meters), the Funchal Half Marathon (21.097,50 meters) and the Mini marathon (5.900 meters).

A Associação de Atletismo (AARAM) promove anualmente esta competição Desportiva, constituída por três provas, nomeadamente a Maratona do Funchal (42.195,00 metros), a Meia Maratona do Funchal (21.097,50 metros) e a Mini-Maratona do Funchal (5.900 metros). Este evento, decorrerá num percurso em terreno plano, quase na sua totalidade num circuito fechado e com um excelente enquadramento paisagístico, proporcionando um saudável convívio de competição entre atletas de diversas nacionalidades.



On the 27th day of the New Year my true love gave to me a typical Portuguese Stew | Seixal, Porto Moniz

This is a famous old Madeiran tradition which has been enjoyed by the local residents of Seixal. This social gathering takes place early in the morning at Chão da Ribeira, on the first sunday after the religious feast of St. Antão, an occasion where families come together to prepare the "Panelo”, a culinary dish made of vegetables and blood sausage, very similar to “Cozido á Portuguesa” (Portuguese stew). The event features stalls, food and beverages, and plenty of entertainment.

A freguesia do Seixal promove a “Festa do Panelo”, um evento que reúne centenas de famílias em convívio, relembrando tradições madeirenses de outros tempos. A festa iniciase logo de manhã, altura em que as famílias começam a tratar dos preparativos para o almoço – designado por “Panelo” -, uma iguaria gastronómica que consiste na confeção de um prato à base de legumes e enchidos, muito semelhante o cozido à portuguesa.


MIM December-January 2019

Christmas & New Year Christmas has often been referred to as "the most wonderful time of the year", but when visiting Madeira in December one can easily see why it is incomparable to Christmas elswhere in the world.

Here are 6 reasons why Christmas and New Year in Madeira is so unique:

1 Swim n’ Sun

4 Sandman

Sunshine and semi-tropical weather lets the residents of Funchal slip on shorts and bikinis for their post-Christmas morning swim.

Besides Madeira, Porto Santo is the only other inhabited island of the Madeira Archipelago. A golden isle, washed by turquoise sea and where peace and quiet reign supreme, the Island of Porto Santo is all you need for a truly relaxing Christmas holiday. This paradise island boasts 9 km of fine golden sand ideal for sunbathing and, believe it or not, for making the famous ‘sandman’, rather than snowman, during the Christmas season. Health and wellness go hand in hand on this magnificent beach. Its soft, fine and smooth sand consists mainly of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite, which has special thermal qualities. In a nutshell, Madeira's version of a snowman is nothing more, nothing less than a healthy sandman.

2 Slender Santas Street vendors, whose slender bodies could easily be compared to model s on the catwalk, dress up as Santa and roam the streets of Funchal selling multi-coloured foil helium balloons.

3 Bailinho Christmas in Madeira is undeniably a little less Bing Crosby and a little more ‘Bailinho’ - Madeira’s renowned folklore group. The dancers wear the traditional costume and are followed by musicians playing traditional local instruments including the rather unusual instrument called the ‘brinquinho’.

5 Unique Delicacies

When you've got pork meat with marinated fried bread on your plate you know it’s Christmas time in Madeira! And if that’s not enough, there’s more: honey cake, coconut biscuits and liqueurs.

6 Massive Fireworks Dislay Madeira takes pride in its Guiness World Record (GWR) Certificate for the largest foreworks show in the world. It was achieved on the 31st December 2006/07. The tons of fireworks used were spread across 37 stations throughout the region where GWR inspectors visited these locations to analyze its true magnitude. A decision was announced on January 1st 2007 at 1:30 am granting Madeira Island the official winning title. Year after year Madeira still remains the best place in the world for the New Year’s Fireworks display.

6 Razões pelas quais o Natal e o Ano Novo são uma ocasião única na Madeira O Natal tem sido muitas vezes referido como "a época mais maravilhosa do ano", mas quando se visita a Madeira em Dezembro, pode-se ver facilmente porque é incomparável ao Natal em todo o mundo. Mergulho O sol e o clima semitropical permitem que os Madeirenses usem calções e biquínis para o seu mergulho matinal pós-natal. Pai Natal Os vendedores de rua vestem-se de Pai Natal e percorrem as ruas do Funchal vendendo balões multicoloridos de hélio. Bailinho O Natal na Madeira é inegavelmente conhecido pelo "Bailinho" que sai à rua. Os grupos folclóricos vestem trajes tradicionais e os músicos tocam instrumentos tradicionais locais, incluindo o famoso 'brinquinho'. Praia A ilha dourada, banhada pelo mar turquesa e onde a paz e a tranquilidade reinam, é tudo o que precisa para umas férias de Natal verdadeiramente relaxantes. Esta ilha paradisíaca possui 9 km de areias finas e douradas, ideais para banhos de sol. Saúde e bem-estar andam de mãos dadas nesta magnífica praia. Delícias Únicas Ao experimentar uma sandes de carne de vinho-e-alhos, sabe que é Natal na Madeira! E se isso não for suficiente, há mais: bolo de mel, broas e licores. Fogo-de-artifício A Madeira orgulha-se da sua festa de fim de ano. As toneladas de fogos-de-artifício usados são espalhadas por vários postos de lançamento e proporcionam um grandioso espetáculo que é um dos mais importantes cartazes turísticos da Madeira.

List of Michelin starred restaurants / Restaurantes premiados

A Cozinha (Guimarães), Pedro Loureiro Antiqvvm (Porto, chef Vítor Matos) Bon Bon (Carvoeiro, chef Rui Silvestre) Casa de Chá da Boa Nova (Leça da Palmeira, chef Rui Paula) Casa da Calçada (Amarante), André Silva Eleven (Lisboa, chef Joachim Koerper) Feitoria (Lisboa, chef João Rodrigues) Fortaleza do Guincho (Cascais, chef Miguel Rocha Vieira) Gusto by Heinz Beck (Conrad Algarve Hotel, Almancil) G Pousada (Bragança), Óscar Geadas Henrique Leis (Almancil, chef Henrique Leis) LAB by Sergi Arola (Sintra, chefs Sergi Arola e Milton Anes) L’AND (Montemor-o-Novo, chef Miguel Laffan) Largo do Paço (Amarante, chef André Silva) Loco (Lisboa, chef Alexandre Silva) Midori (Penha Longa (Sintra , Pedro Almeida) Pedro Lemos (Porto, chef Pedro Lemos) São Gabriel (Almancil, chef Leonel Pereira) William (Funchal, chefs Luís Pestana e Joachim Koerper) Willie’s (Vilamoura, chef Willie Wurger)


Alma (Lisboa, chef Henrique Sá Pessoa) Belcanto (Lisboa, chef José Avillez) Il Gallo d’Oro (Funchal, chef Benoît Sinthon) Ocean (Alporchinhos, chef Hans Neuner) The Yeatman (Vila Nova de Gaia, chef Ricardo Costa) Vila Joya (Albufeira, chef Dieter Koschina)



Michelin Stars for Portugal 2019


[ Duas estrelas ('uma cozinha excecional, que merece o desvio'), uma estrela ('cozinha de grande requinte, compensa parar')]

The Michelin stars for Portugal 2019 have been handed out at a ceremony in Lisboa (the first time ever that the Michelin Guide to Spain & Portugal has been presented from Portugal), and the big news is that Madeira keeps the one star restaurant William and the two star Il Gallo d’Oro. Executive chef Luís Pestana is at the helm of William, this fine dining restaurant at the iconic and exclusive Reid’s Belmond Palace. Modern European cuisine prepared with innovative flavors and contemporary techniques is provides a “wow factor”. Cannelloni of foie gras with Madeira wine, chocolate and coffee financier, and pear chutney, rivals the lobster with cauliflower textures, beetroot and caviar. French born Benoît Sinthon credits his Italian grandmother for awakening his passion for cooking. Sinthon settled at the Cliff Bay a few years ago and quickly reorganized the kitchen of Il Gallo d’Oro. His efforts paid off with two Michelin stars. Distinguished dishes include: Foie Gras Triolgy with bicolor pear compote and 10 year Blandy’s Madeira Wine verdelho jelly; Langoustine XL, with couscous of cauliflower and mango, granny smith apple and wasabi; and Premium Wagyu Filet, accompanied by veal cheek confit, black truffle juice.

O Guia Michelin de 2019 atribuiu mais quatro estrelas a Portugal, que passou de 23 restaurantes e 28 estrelas — números do ano passado — para 26 restaurantes e 32 estrelas. A Madeira está em destaque com a manutenção das 2 estrelas à cozinha do “Il Galo D’Oro” (situado no hotel The Cliff Bay e liderado pelo chef Benoît Sinthon) que se notabiliza pelas “incríveis notas autorais baseadas nas cozinhas clássica e internacional” refere o guia e de uma estrela do “William” (localizado no hotel Belmond Reid’s Palace e chefiado por Luís Pestana) que prima pela sua elegância.


MIM December-January 2019

A Special Madeiran Christmas Feast Nativity Scenes and “Lapinhas” In Madeira, the nativitity cribs, or nativity scenes, are built in two ways: in the form of a staircase or in a rock-shaped form. In general, both are referred to as “lapinha” by the locals. Lapinha The “Lapinha” in Staircase, or simply “Lapinha”, consists of a small altar of three hauls (the staircase) that is placed on a table or chest of drawers covered with a red and burgundy tablecloth and, on top of it, another lacy white tablecloth. On the top is placed the image of the Baby Jesus, and on the other steps the shepherds and other figures of the crib, fruits such as oranges, pears, nuts and wheat seeds. Rochinha The rock-shaped “Lapinha” is done imitating mountains, valleys and a grotto. The little rock recreates the landscape of the island. Once the rock is made, paths are built, lakes, streams, waterfalls and “levadas”. Then figures are placed: there are houses and churches, fruits, sheep and sheperds. Finally, the Baby Jesus is placed in the nativity crib, together with Mary, Joseph and the three wise men.

Christmas Tree The Traditional Christmas Tree in was traditionally bought at the farmers’ market, to retain the natural smell inside the house. Nowadays, most people already buy their artificial christmas tree. The decoration of the Christmas tree is usually made with balls, christmas lights, snowflakes, bows, wreaths, etc. At the top of the christmas tree stands the star. It is very traditional the Christmas tree to be accompanied by the rock-shaped Lapinha.

The Madeiran Christmas has always been rather special for locals and visitors alike. The “Feast Day” is related in every sense of the word to the island traditions. At this time of the year, Madeirans often use the expressions “for the feast”, “the pork for the feast”, “the feast month”, “after the feast”, taking as reference the date adopted for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It’s a season full of traditions, which have perpetuated themselves in time.

Childbirth Masses The Christmas celebrations in Madeira Island began with the “Novenas”, which are called Childbirth Masses. The first mass occurs on December 16th and the last one on December 24th. All the Masses are celebrated at dawn, usually between 5 and 7 a.m. in the morning. It is an old and documented custom, at least since the eighteenth century. At the end of the Masses, the animation takes place in the churches, where the population meets and offers food, drinks and music to the faithful and visitors.

that takes place at midnight from December 24th to December 25th and is celebrated after the Christmas Eve dinner. It is called the Rooster Mass, due to the legend of a rooster, which is believed to have been the first animal to witness the birth of the baby Jesus, witch caused him to announce the birth of Christ every Christmas through his singing.

Midnight Mass The Midnight Mass or the Rooster Mass is a mass

The Market Night On December 23rd, all the roads will take you to

tradition tradição the Farmers’ Market in Funchal. It is called “The Market Night”. The Market Night tradition dates back to the 1940s when Madeiran people took advantage of one of the last opportunities to buy fresh fruits and vegetables for the holiday season. It is the ideal day to visit the market and get to know and buy all kinds of regional products: fruits, vegetables, flowers, sweets and typical Christmas drinks. In the last twenty years, this night has become one of the trademark images of Madeiran Christmas. Today, the streets surrounding the marketplace are filled with music, entertainment, food and drink stalls, with “carne de vinha d’alhos” sandwiches and the regional “poncha” being the great attractions of the evening. The Christmas Lighting The Christmas lighting in Funchal begins on December 1st and lasts until January 8th. The magnificent Christmas decorations and the Funchal streets animation makes Madeira a popular tourist destination at this time of year. It’s a tradition to see families walking around the main streets of Funchal, such as Rua Fernão de Ornelas, Avenida do Mar, Avenida Arriaga, Rua do Aljube. An authentic spectacle, not to be missed! Food and Drinks At Christmas, it is a tradition to make some typical dishes from Madeira Islands, such as “vinha d’alhos” meat and chicken soup. In addition to these, there


is a variety of drinks and sweets much appreciated at Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

coconut cookies, or sand sticks cookies. Cookies for all tastes!

Madeira Honey Cake The Madeira Island Honey Cake is one of the most traditional delicacies of Madeiran gastronomy. It is made with sugarcane honey and has the particularity of being preserved for a long time. Madeira Honey Cake is traditionally linked to Christmas. Usually it is prepared on December 8th, the day of Our Lady of Conceição, in order to acquire in this period the characteristics that make it unique.

Pork with Garlic n’ Wine Carne vinha D’alhos is a typical Christmas dish in Madeira Island. The pork meat with garlic and wine is a simple, traditional delicacy in the island, which is always present on the tables of the locals in the Christmas season. This gastronomic delicacy is also related to another holiday tradition, the slaughter of the pig. It is made with pork, white wine, vinegar, garlic, bay leaf, savory, salt and pepper, and left to marinate for at least two days. Then it is cooked in the marinade and stored. At the time of eating it is fried with lard of pork and accompanied with bread fried in the same fat of the porka.

Madeira Cookies and Sweets Christmas in Madeira is filled with sweets and the cookies are mandatory. The Honey Cookies, made from sugarcane and honey, are one of the delicacies of Madeiran gastronomy in the Christmas season. There are other cookies also characteristic of this season like the butter cookies, beer cookies,

Liqueurs The liqueur of: “Tangerina”, Tim tam tum, Aniz, Népera, Beer, Peppermint, Passion Fruit, Pitanga, Sugar Cane Honey, Ginja, Banana, among others … are typical liqueurs of the island, usually homemade. They are especially appreciated during the Christmas season, accompanied by the Madeira Honey Cake and Cookies. Chicken Soup Madeiran chicken soup is traditionally consumed on Christmas night, served in small bowls or cups, usually accompanied by traditional “Bolo de Caco” bread.


MIM December-January 2019

Monte Palace Museum

berardo museum

Mother Nature's Secrets Man has always been deeply fascinated by minerals and they have continued to rouse our interest as we have discovered the treasures hidden in the depths of the earth. The attraction that people feel for minerals is so strong that they have constantly searched for their polished forms since time immemorial. Over the ages they have been used as personal adornments in rings, necklaces, monarchs’ crowns, and other decorations. Moved by this fascination and a huge passion for collecting, José Berardo has spent 15 years amassing a magnificent assortment of minerals. Determined to share yet another passion with the public, he has set up this exhibition, which consists of about 1000 mineral specimens, mostly from Brazil, Portugal, South Africa, Zambia, Peru, Argentina and North America. This exhibition boasts a vast mineral collection that excels in its association of colours, lustre and geometrical forms in a wide variety of sizes, giving the items an extraordinary beauty. There are also some excellent specimens of petrified wood.

Minerais Os minerais desde sempre exerceram um enorme fascínio sobre o homem e despertaram o seu interesse pelo conhecimento dos tesouros escondidos nas profundezas da Terra. A atracção que estes minerais exercem sobre o homem é tão grande, que desde a antiguidade a sua procura sob formas polidas tem sido incessante. Desde então, o seu uso tem-se manifestado em objectos de adorno pessoal, como sendo, jóias, coroas de monarcas e objectos decorativos. Movido por este fascínio e uma enorme paixão por coleccionismo, o Comendador José Berardo, vem construindo uma magnífica colecção de minerais ao longo de 15 anos. Determinado a partilhar mais uma paixão com o público, montou a presente exposição da qual constam cerca de 1000 exemplares, provenientes na sua maioria do Brasil, Portugal, África do Sul, Zâmbia, Peru, Argentina e América do Norte. Neste espaço poderá observar um vasto conjunto de minerais que primam pela associação de diversas cores, bri-lho e formas geométricas, aliadas á variada dimensão das mesmas que lhes conferem uma beleza extraordinária e também alguns belíssimos exemplares de Madeira Petrificada.

Monte Palace Tropical Garden Situated in the amphitheatre of Funchal about 5 kilometres from the centre of town you will find one of the most beautiful gardens of Madeira Island, the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. This garden, belonging to the Berardo Foundation, invites you to an unforgettable journey through Monte nature. Palace Museum In 1989 this property was donaTimetable: 10:00 -16:30 ted, by its owner José M. R. daily within the Berardo, to a Monte Palace charitable instituTropical Garden tion created by him, the Jose Berardo Foundation. The Foundation’s aims are mainly charitable but it also dedicates a great and special concern to the safe-keeping and preservation of works of art as well as to the defence and preservation of the environment, with the Monte Palace Tropical Garden constituting undoubtedly the privileged location for realising these objectives.

This peaceful location can be visited daily from 9:30a.m. to 6p.m. The best access to this Garden from the centre of Funchal is to take the cable car up to Monte and go through the entrance at Caminho das Babosas #4A. The other entrance is at Caminho do Monte #174.

foto: Rtp

new year ano novo


The Magic of the New Year in Madeira The arrival of the New Year is one of the most impressive events in Madeira. The spectacular firework display on the night of December 31st was even recognised as the largest in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. But the glamour and the tradition of the New Year celebrations do not boil down to just one night…

Live Music During the last days of the year, the streets of Funchal fill up with live music, performed at Avenida Arriaga. Let yourself be carried away by the rhythm and enjoy the inspiring acts of philharmonic bands, folk groups and choirs. At the gardens of São Lourenço Palace, you can also enjoy concerts of classical music, jazz, bandoleers, guitars and madeiran traditional instruments such as “cordófones”. Do not miss the fabulous festival of Christmas Choirs by “Orfeão Madeirense” at Sé Cathedral. The traditional New Year’s Concert is presented at the Municipal Baltazar Dias Theatre, by the fabulous classical Orchestra of Madeira.

Tour of Funchal If you are looking for adrenaline and excitement, join in the thousands of professional and amateur runners participating in the traditional “Tour of Funchal”. The route is 5,850 meters long and runs along the main streets of the capital. If you prefer a slower pace, the collective walk “Marcha da Saúde” is a good choice. The entrance fees collected by this walk will benefit social solidarity.

New Year’s Eve In Madeira, the new year celebrations begin on December 30. Locals and visitors choose the luxury of certain hotels or restaurants to enjoy these special nights. After dinner, people go partying and dancing until the night of the following day. The dress code for these nights is formal and many men wear a tuxedo or a dark suit. The mild temperatures allow the ladies to show off their gala dresses, filling the streets of Funchal with a

special glamour. Bars and nightclubs of the capital are lively till dawn. Day 31 begins with the arrival of many cruise ships to the bay of Funchal. The streets are full of tourists and locals, in a joyful gathering of several nationalities. When the night breaks, locals light up their houses and the city gains a special charm. Hotels and nightclubs get ready for the New Year’s Eve party. The Madeira Orchestra New Year’s concert is performed in front of an audience of thousands of people, at the city pier. A minute before midnight, the countdown begins, followed by a spectacular fireworks show. Families and friends gather on the balconies of their houses, in hotels, on city squares or on belvederes, to celebrate this festive night with food, drinks and lots of fun. Good resolutions for the new year are made. Tradition says that you should make 12 wishes at midnight (one for each grape eaten), you should climb one step and you should keep some money in your pocket, so that the new year brings you good luck and prosperity. The fireworks show displays a magnificent, synchronised spectacle of colour, shapes and light, which lasts around eight minutes. The cruise ships whistle, the church bells ring…New Years greetings and good wishes fill the air. For many people, the party has just begun and the New Year’s celebrations continue until breakfast on January 1st. The beauty of this charming island, the fireworks, the mild climate, the surrounding countryside, the happiness and euphoria of the New Year are the perfect formula to create unforgettable memories.

Festas de Natal e Fim do Ano "Missas do Parto" O Natal inicia-se com as "Missas do Parto". Depois da missa, no adro da igreja os crentes reúnem-se para ouvirem os cânticos, e segue-se o "mata-bicho" com as aguardentes, licores, broas e bolos. Dia 23 de dezembro A Noite do Mercado realiza-se no dia 23 de dezembro, quando os madeirenses deslocam-se até ao Mercado dos Lavradores onde as ruas circundantes, que se encontram encerradas ao trânsito, são ocupadas por diversos postos de venda abertos durante toda a noite. Ao cair da noite decorre um espetáculo de cânticos tradicionais de Natal. Dia 28 de dezembro Organizado pela Associação de Atletismo da Madeira, a Volta à Cidade do Funchal é uma das mais antigas provas desportivas do género em Portugal e na Europa. Dia 31 de dezembro O espetáculo de fogo-de-artifício tem uma duração de cerca de oito minutos e está distribuído por diversos postos de queima de fogo localizados no anfiteatro do Funchal, na orla marítima e baixa citadina, no mar e um posto na Ilha do Porto Santo. Dia 5 de janeiro Na noite de 5 para 6 de janeiro cantam-se os Reis.


garden jardim

MIM December-January 2019

Jardim das madalenas The central area of the Madalenas garden, in Santo António (13,750 m2) has, in addition to a panoply of tree species, a recreation area, with a senior gymnasium composed of four pieces of equipment (pony, bicycle, waist and steering wheel) and a playground with swings for children plus a slide. There are also seven pieces of equipment distributed throughout the garden to be used for sports. The garden features a bust honoring William Edward Clode, a physician, born on September 13, 1900, in the parish of Santa Luzia and who died in 1980 in the

parish of Santo António in Funchal. About 200 subtropical trees were planted in the area. Of the species the ones which stand out are the Constantinople albízias, tipuanas, jacarandás, eritrinas Gallic crest, bauínias and acácias-rubra. Several shrubs and vines were also planted in large spots (bougainvillea, bagpipe and bignon). On the opposite bank of the Ribeira, a car park with a capacity for 52 light vehicles was built. The Garden is open everyday from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening.

15 A zona central do jardim das Madalenas, em Santo António (com uma área de 13.750 m2) possui, para além de uma grande variedade de espécies arbóreas, uma área de recreio, com um pequeno ginásio composto por quatro equipamentos (pónei, bicicleta, cintura e volante) e um parque infantil que dispõe de baloiços para crianças e bebés e ainda de um escorrega. Estão também distribuídos vários equipamentos pelo jardim para serem usados para a prática desportiva. O jardim apresenta um busto de homenagem a William Edward Clode, médico, nascido a 13 de Setembro de 1900, na freguesia de Santa Luzia e falecido em 1980 na freguesia de Santo António no Funchal. No espaço foram plantadas cerca de 200 árvores subtropicais. Das espécies destacam-se albízias-de-constantinopla, tipuanas, jacarandás, eritrinas crista-degalo, bauínias e acácias-rubra. Foram também plantados diversos arbustos e trepadeiras em grandes manchas (buganvílias, gaitinhas e bignónias). Na margem oposta da Ribeira, foi instalado um parque de estacionamento com capacidade para 52 viaturas ligeiras. O Jardim abre portas, todos os dias, às 9 horas e encerra às 19h.

folklore folclore

MIM December-January 2019

Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova

Grupos Folcloricos da Madeira


instruments, such as viola de arame, machete or braguinha, rajão (types of guitar), rabeca (from the violin family) and ferrinhos (triangle). Another rather unusual instrument is the brinquinho. It consists of seven wooden dolls dressed as dancers with castanets hanging on their backs, placed on a stick. The player moves the brinquinho up and down, thus mimicking the bailinho. There are various types of bailinho: Bailinho das Camacheiras (featuring a lively tempo), Bailinho de Oito (involving four dance couples) and Bailinho Pesado (“Heavy Ball”, a slower style) are probably the most popular ones. Aside from bailinho, other folklore dances exist, such as Chamarrita, Charamba and Mourisca, among others. As you can see, there is a lot of variety when it comes to Madeira dance styles. And each of them is extremely fun to watch (or to dance if you dare to try!). A great opportunity to do that is during the 31st Regional Folklore Festival – 48 Hours of Dancing, which will take place this July in the municipality of Santana. 20 folk groups will show their dancing skills for three days, both in individual performances and collective parades.

Grupo da Casa do Povo da Camacha Email: Página: FUNDAÇÃO: 1 de Novembro de 1948 Grupo da Casa do Povo do Curral das Freiras Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 1 de Novembro de 1987 Grupo Folclórico da Casa do Povo de Gaula Email: FUNDAÇÃO: Setembro de 1978 Grupo de Folclore de Machico Email: Página: FUNDAÇÃO: 5 de outubro de 1982 Grupo de Folclore MonteVerde Email: Página: FUNDAÇÃO: 22 de abril de 1967 (14-02-2002)

Madeira Folk Music and Dance Dancing is a crucial element of the Madeira culture, and there are several traditional dance styles on the island. They all have multinational origins, since a lot of people of different ethnicities travelled to Madeira through its history, due to it being a major port in trade routes of the Atlantic. The black and Moorish slaves from Guinea, Morocco and Mauritania, had a great influence on local culture, bringing some African dance elements, such as jumps and turns, and Arabic melodies. British, Flemish, French and Italian merchants popularized the European dances, like waltzes, contra dances, polkas and quadrilles that had an impact on the Madeira’s “dancing scene” as well. And, of course, it has also roots in Continental Portuguese dances, especially from the Minho and Algarve regions. Despite all the international influences, Madeira people managed to develop their own unique styles that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. The best-known style is the Bailinho da Madeira. It appeared about a century ago, the same time the first folk groups were created. The dancers usually wear the traditional costume, traje da Madeira, and are followed by musicians playing traditional local

Grupo de Folclore da Casa do Povo do Caniçal Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 19 de Janeiro de 1991

Grupo de Folclore de Ponta do Sol Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 2 de Agosto de 1981 Grupo da Casa do Povo do Porto da Cruz Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 1974 Grupo de Folclore do Porto Santo Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 01 de Novembro 1963 Grupo de Folclore do Rochão Email: Página Web: FUNDAÇÃO: 17 de Dezembro de 1986 Grupo de Romarias Antigas do Rochão Email: Grupo da Casa do Povo de Santa Cruz Email: FUNDAÇÃO: Julho de 1982

Grupo da Casa do Povo da Camacha

Grupo de Folclore da Casa do Povo de Santana Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 1978 Grupo de Folclore de São Martinho Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 10 de novembro de 1990 Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova Email: FUNDAÇÃO: 15 de Agosto de 1965 Página: Grupo Folclórico de Santa Rita Email: Página: info

bon appétit!


Tangerine Liqueur Ingredientes:

foto: Rtp

Tangerine Syrup • 2 dozen ripe tangerines, skins • 1 ½ cups water, distilled • ½ pound granulated sugar

Christmas Fruitcake • 6 oz dried pruneschopped • 6 oz dates chopped • 8 oz dark raisins • 6 oz golden raisins • 6 oz currents • ¾ cup butter • 1 cup dark brown sugar • ¾ cup molasses • ½ cup coffee liqueuror ½ cup strong black coffee

• Zest and juice of 2 oranges • 8 oz glace cherries • 8 oz candied citrus peel


• 8 oz toasted pecans roughly chopped • 2 tsp allspice • 2 tsp cinnamon • 2 tsp powdered ginger • 1 tsp cloves • 2 tsp nutmeg • 3 tbsp cocoa • 3 eggs • 1 1/3 cups all purpose flour • ½ cup ground hazelnuts or almonds • ½ tsp baking powder • ½ tsp baking soda

Liqueur • 2 dozen ripe tangerines, seedless segments • 3 cups 80 proof vodka • 1 dozen whole cloves • 1 ½ pounds granulated sugar

Preparação: 1) Peel the tangerines, removing all pith and membrane from the fruit and the inside of the skin. Reserve the segments in a covered bowl. Make sure there is no pith on the skins and cut into thin strips. 2) In a large enameled or non-reactive pot, place julienned strips of skin, half pound of sugar and water. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for five minutes. Cool completely 3) Strain through a fine sieve and measure the liquid to one cup. Pour into a large glass jar. 4) Section tangerines and then cut each section into two or three pieces. Put tangerine pieces and peel into the jar with vodka, cinnamon, and cloves.

Preparation: 1) In a large saucepan melt the butter over medium heat and add the raisins, dates, prunes, currents, brown sugar, molasses, spices, coffee liqueur (or coffee) and the orange zest and juice.

5) Add white sugar and shake vigorously until sugar is dissolved. Cover.

2) Bring to a gentle boil and very slowly simmer for 10 minutes.

7) This usually takes a week or ten days.

6) Let misture set for three weeks, then strain and let the liqueur settle until clear.

8) Bottle, preferably in a dark glass container as light can affect this liqueur.

3) Remove from heat and allow to cool for 30-45 minutes. 4) When cool stir in the beaten eggs. 5) Sift together, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda. 6) Add the ground nuts and fold through the boiled mixture. Fold in cherries, citrus peel and pecans. Pour into prepared baking pan. You can decorate the top with additional pecan halves, cherries etc., if you like. 7) Bake at 300 degrees F for 1 ½ to 2 hours depending upon the size of your pan. Mine took the full two hours in a 10 inch spring form pan.The cake should feel firm to the touch at the center and a wooden toothpick inserted into the center should come out clean. The cake should be cooled completely in the pan on a wire rack before removing.

8) At this point you can poke small holes in the top and bottom of the cake with a fork and pour on 4 ounces of dark rum or your favorite whiskey, half on the top, wait ten minutes, then flip it over and pour the remaining half on the bottom. 9) Soak several layers of cheesecloth in additional rum if you like and wrap completely around the cake, then cover with several layers of plastic wrap and store in a COOL place. 10) When serving, you can add a layer of marzipan or if you have decorated the top with fruit and nuts, brush with a simple glaze of equal parts water and sugar boiled together for about 10-15 minutes.



MIM December-January 2019

Red-Legged Partridge The genus name is from Ancient Greek alektoris a farmyard chicken, and rufa is Latin for red or rufous.

Perdiz-vermelha É uma ave terrestre de aparência arredondada. O cimo da cabeça é de cor cinzenta com uma faixa branca comprida que passa por cima dos olhos e listra ocular que se estende pelo pescoço até à barra peitoral malhada, envolvendo a garganta. Tem os pés e bico vermelho. A garganta, de cor creme, tem uma faixa branca marginada de preto. Os machos apresentam uma coloração mais viva e uma maior propensão a desenvolverem esporões, nas fêmeas quando existem são pontiagudos e têm a base mais estreita.  Distribuição Mundial Espécie europeia, cuja distribuição original incluía fundamentalmente a Península Ibérica e a França. Em Portugal esta espécie nidifica no território continental, bem como nos arquipélagos da Madeira e Açores. Distribuição Regional Espécie introduzida que nidifica nas ilhas da Madeira e Porto Santo (Bannerman & Bannerman, 1965), ao longo das quais se distribui de uma forma dispersa.

Info by Atlas das Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira

Wingspan: 47 - 50 cm (Beaman & Madge, 2011) Total length: 32 - 34 cm (Beaman & Madge, 2011) Info Weight: 400 - 550 g (Hume, 2002) Kingdom: Seasonality in Animalia Madeira: All year Phylum: Breeding: Makes its Chordata nest in holes scrapped Class: on ground beneath Aves low but dense vegetaOrder: tion. Lays 7 to 20 eggs Galliformes in a single early brood Family: between April and Phasianidae June Genus: Diet: Feeds on leaves, Alectoris shoots, seeds and berSpecies: ries. Alectoris rufa

Foto: José Moniz

Description From swans a-swimming and geese a-laying to that partridge in a pear tree, the various feathered gifts from the popular Christmas song deserve a closer look, specially the protagonist of the song – the partridge. The "partridge in a pear tree" is obviously the red-legged partridge, a rotund seed-eater native to continental Europe. It was introduced to England as a game bird in the 1770s, and it's still common in the U.K. today. Shape & Size Medium-sized bulky game bird with straight stiff wings. Colour Pattern Pale brown upperparts with black, brown and blue-grey barred flanks. It has a striped foreneck with a black line around its whitish chin. Its bill and legs are red. Behavior It is typically seen in family groups though it is a quite elusive species. Although its bright colours it easily camouflages on dry or light soils. Habitat This partridge species prefers dry and open areas but also grassy cliffs. Distinction from similar species Red-legged partridge differs from Rock Partridge and Chukar by its extensive black striped neck and spotted upper breast and sides of neck.

Comportamento Espécie gregária, podendo também ser avistada em grandes bandos, especialmente no fim do Inverno, bandos esses que são desfeitos no início do período reprodutivo. Voa rente ao solo, depois de uma pequena corrida para tomar balanço. Habitat Esta ave prefere áreas mais abertas com vegetação arbustiva baixa para escondorijo e áreas com erva rasteira ou sem mato para se alimentar. Contudo, adapta-se a

uma grande variedade de solos e a diferentes habitats tais como agrícolas ou pastagens (Snow & Perrins, 1998). Dieta Alimenta-se preferencialmente de sementes e rebentos de plantas bravias e agrícolas, consumindo também insectos, moluscos e outros invertebrados. Efetivo Populacional O seu efectivo populacional natural não é conhecido, uma vez que anualmente são feitas introduções de aves criadas em cativeiro. Factores de Ameaça Tal como na Europa, no Arquipélago da Madeira esta ave também é ameaçada pela mudança das práticas agrícolas, fundamentalmente com o abandono do cultivo do trigo e de outros cereais. Contudo, a principal ameaça passa por uma sobrexploração devido a pressão exercida pela caça. Medidas de Conservação É uma espécie gerida sob o ponto de vista cinegético sendo alvo de reintroduções anuais. Nas ilhas da Madeira e Porto Santo menos de 50% da sua área de ocorrência estão classificadas como Zona de Protecção Especial e Zonas Especiais de Conservação, integrando desta forma a Rede Natura 2000. Igualmente outras áreas de ocorrência estão protegidas sob o a juridisção do Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira com o estatuto de Reserva Integral ou Parcial. Hot-spots de observação Ilha do Porto Santo, Paúl da Serra (Madeira)



Madeira’s Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Reginae) Strelitzia Reginae Aiton is one the most popular horticultural perennial around the world and commonly found in Madeira. Strelitzia is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa. Strelitzia is named in honour of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III, from the house of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The specific name reginae is Latin and means ‘of the queen'. A common name of the genus is Bird of Paradise flower, because of a supposed resemblance of its flowers to the bird of paradise. In South Africa it is commonly known as a Info Crane flower. The plant produces a mucilaginous Kingdom: substance when in bloom. Plantae Description Phylum: The flowers have orange sepals and blue or purple Magnoliophyta petals (May to December). The fruit is a hard Class: woody capsule that splits from the apex in sumLiliopsida mer (August to February). Order: The seeds are round, black to brown in colour with Zingiberales a yellow aril (a tuft of hairs). Family: Bees are common visitors when the spathe is in Strelitziaceae flower. Sunbirds may be the pollinator, but this has Genus: still to be proven. The role of sunbirds in Strelitzia Strelitzia pollination needs to be investigated, as they have Species: been observed “robbing” the flowers by taking S. reginae nectar but by-passing the pollination mechanism. Scientific Name: Birds eat and disperse the seed. Strelitzia reginae As for its conservation status, fortunately this plant Aiton is not threatened.

Estrelícia Conhecidas como "ave do paraíso", as estrelícias são provenientes do Cabo da Boa Esperança (África do Sul) e foram introduzidas na Europa há cerca de 200 anos. Elegantes e perfumadas, são consideradas como um dos símbolos da Madeira. É uma planta perene, rizomatosa, com raízes carnudas e compridas, e folhas duras e coriáceas que saem diretamente do solo. A inflorescência é composta por sete ou mais flores, cujas sépalas podem ser amarelas ou laranjas e as brácteas azuis, e as flores verdadeiras são pequenas e de cor branca. A estrelícia é uma planta tropical e, por isso, as temperaturas ótimas de crescimento situam-se na ordem dos 25-27ºC durante o dia e 17-18ºC durante a noite. Na Madeira, ela encontra-se até aos 300-500m de altitude na costa sul e até aos 250m na costa norte. As aves do paraíso tem uma grande variedade de cores, incluindo laranja, branco, vermelho, amarelo e rosa. A espécie Strelitzia reginae é a que apresenta maior interesse comercial, embora também se cultive a S. juncifolia, de folhas mais delgadas e flores mais pequenas, e a S. nicolai, espécie de maior porte que pode chegar aos 6m, com flores brancas e brácteas azul-púrpura. Estas duas últimas espécies são mais utilizadas em jardim ou como plantas de interior. Curiosidade - Sabia que o nome científico desta planta é uma homenagem à rainha Sofia Carlota de Mecklenburg-Strelitz, esposa do Rei Jorge III do Reino Unido?


MIM December - January 2019

Albert Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer was a French-German thinker, theologian, musician, and medical doctor, who became famous for his humanitarian activities in West Africa. “Reverence for life” is probably Schweitzer's best-known philosophical concept. Although he wrote on a variety of topics, ethics was at the center of his thought. He was unsatisfied with existing systems of ethics, and felt that a new ethical system was needed to guide our lives and prevent the decay of our civilization. For years he searched for a new basis for ethics, until he came up with the concept of “reverence for life,” which he developed in his writings and followed in his humanitarian activities.

Info Name: Albert Schweitzer Born: 14 January 1875 Kaysersberg, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany (now Haut-Rhin, France) Died: 4 September 1965 (aged 90), Lambaréné, Gabon Known for: Musicology, philanthropy, theology Awards : • Goethe Prize (1928) • Nobel Peace Prize (1952) Scientific career Fields: Medicine, music, philosophy, theology

In the last decades of the eighteenth century, old arguments about what constituted true Christianity resumed with the newly refined tools and methods of linguistics, history, and comparative literature. The most sensitive questions sought to probe through the centuries and discover the original Jesus. Why, scholars asked, is the New Testament silent about most of Jesus's life? Why didn't Paul say more about the life of Jesus?

Albert Schweitzer (January 14, 1875-September 4, 1965) was born into an Alsatian family which for generations had been devoted to religion, music, and education. His father and maternal grandfather were ministers; both of his grandfathers were talented organists; many of his relatives were persons of scholarly attainments. Schweitzer entered into his intensive theological studies in 1893 at the University of Strasbourg where he obtained a doctorate in philosophy in 1899, with a dissertation on the religious philosophy of Kant, and received his licentiate in theology in 1900. He began preaching at St. Nicholas Church in Strasbourg in 1899; he served in various high ranking administrative posts from 1901 to 1912 in the Theological College of St.Thomas, the college he had attended at the University of Strasbourg. In 1906 he published The Quest of the Historical Jesus, a book on which much of his fame as a theological scholar rests. Meanwhile he continued with a distinguished musical career initiated at an early age with piano and organ lessons. Only nine when he first performed in his father’s church, he was, from his young manhood to his middle eighties, recognized as a concert organist, internationally known. From his professional engagements he earned funds for his education, particularly his later medical schooling, and for his African hospital. Musicologist as well as performer, Schweitzer wrote a biography of Bach in 1905 in French, published a book on organ building and playing in 1906, and rewrote the Bach book in German in 1908. Having decided to go to Africa as a medical missionary rather than as a pastor, Schweitzer in 1905 began the study of medicine at the

University of Strasbourg. In 1913, having obtained his M.D. degree, he founded his hospital at Lambaréné in French Equatorial Africa, but in 1917 he and his wife were sent to a French internment camp as prisoners of war. Released in 1918, Schweitzer spent the next six years in Europe, preaching in his old church, giving lectures and concerts, taking medical courses, writing On the Edge of the Primeval Forest, The Decay and Restoration of Civilization, Civilization and Ethics, and Christianity and the Religions of the World. Schweitzer returned to Lambaréné in 1924 and except for relatively short periods of time, spent the remainder of his life there. With the funds earned from his own royalties and personal appearance fees and with those donated from all parts of the world, he expanded the hospital to seventy buildings which by the early 1960’s could take care of over 500 patients in residence at any one time. At Lambaréné, Schweitzer was doctor and surgeon in the hospital, pastor of a congregation, administrator of a village, superintendent of buildings and grounds, writer of scholarly books, commentator on contemporary history, musician, host to countless visitors. The honors he received were numerous, including the Goethe Prize of Frankfurt and honorary doctorates from many universities emphasizing one or another of his achievements. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1952, having been withheld in that year, was given to him on December 10, 1953. With the $33,000 prize money, he started the leprosarium at Lambaréné. Albert Schweitzer died on September 4, 1965, and was buried at Lambaréné.

famous visitors visitantes famosos


Albert Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer OM (Kaysersberg, 14 de janeiro de 1875 — Lambaréné, 4 de setembro de 1965) foi um teólogo, organista, filósofo e médico alemão, nascido na Alsácia, então parte do Império Alemão. Descendente de uma linhagem de importantes políticos locais, Albert Schweitzer foi filho de Louis Schweitzer, cujo pai era Philippe-Chrétien Schweitzer, prefeito de Pfaffenhofen, na Alsácia. Louis era irmão de Charles Schweitzer, pai de Anne-Marie Schweitzer, mãe do filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre.

Biografia Albert Schweitzer nasceu em Kaysersberg, França, na época, parte do Império Alemão, no dia 14 de janeiro de 1875. Filho de um pastor protestante se dedicou aos estudos teológicos. Passou sua infância em Gunsbach, onde iniciou seus estudos. Mudou-se para Mulhouse onde estudou órgão, sob a direção de Eugene Munch. Mais tarde, estudou Teologia e Filosofia na Sorbonne, em Paris e órgão no Conservatório de Música. Em 1899 doutorou-se em Filosofia e em 1900 licenciou-se em Teologia. Em seguida foi nomeado mestre de conferências na Faculdade de Teologia de Estrasburgo. Ao mesmo tempo se destacou como conhecedor e interprete de Bach. Em 1905, interrompeu sua brilhante carreira e ingressou no curso de Medicina. Em 1913, depois de formado, mudou-se para Lambaréné, na colônia francesa de Gabão, na África, com o propósito de fundar um hospital para a população carente. Durante a Primeira Guerra, por ser alemão, foi levado para a França, como prisioneiro de guerra. Nessa época preparou concertos com músicas de Bach, que foram realizados depois de terminar o conflito. Com o lucro obtido, reabriu o hospital de Lambaréné se tornando um reconhecido filantropo. Recebeu o Prêmio Goethe, em 1928, a Legião de Honra, em 1948 e o Prêmio Nobel em 1945. Faleceu em Lambaréné, no dia 4 de setembro de 1965.

Citações de Albert Schweitzer • O mundo tornou-se perigoso, porque os homens aprenderam a dominar a natureza antes de se dominarem a si mesmos.

• A nossa civilização está condenada porque se desenvolveu com mais vigor materialmente do que espiritualmente. O seu equilíbrio foi destruído.

• Só são verdadeiramente felizes aqueles que procuram ser úteis aos outros. • Não há heróis da ação; só heróis da renúncia e do sofrimento. • Para nós os grandes homens não são aqueles que resolveram os problemas, mas aqueles que os descobriram.

• A quem me pergunta se sou pessimista ou otimista, respondo que o meu conhecimento é de pessimista, mas a minha vontade e a minha esperança são de otimista. • Os anos enrugam a pele, mas renunciar ao entusiasmo faz enrugar a alma. • Não devemos contentar-nos em falar do amor para com o próximo, mas praticálo.


Freguesia do Arco da Calheta Área:14.70 km² População: 3168 habitantes (Censos de 2011) Densidade populacional: 215,5 hab/km² Distância à sede do Concelho: 4,1 km O Miradouro do Massapez situado no Arco da Calheta, concelho da Calheta, oferece uma bela perspectiva desta freguesia desde o mar à serra.

Miradouro do Massapez, Calheta On Top of the World Lookin' Down On Paradise

The Massapez viewpoint, located in Arco da Calheta, Calheta municipality, offers a beautiful view of the sea to the mountain. Parish of Arco da Calheta Area: 14.70 km² Population: 3168 inhabitants (Census 2011) Population density: 215,5 hab/km² Distance to the centre of the municipality: 4,1 km

from outside


Forbes magazine has recently released a list entitled 'The top 19

best places to Visit in 2019 ' in which Madeira and Porto Santo were included on the listing.

What’s on your travel wish list for 2019?

Where: Madeira Chosen By: Based in Mexico City, María Pellicer has been working in the travel industry for the past decade.

Why: Portugal has been on travelers' radars for quite some time now, but I'm super excited about the country getting a bit more popular. Madeira is a great nature destination and is still fairly unexplored. Because of its remote location, there's a feeling of something exotic and isolated — but then again, it's Portugal, so food and culture are still there. For those who love nature, this is something to keep an eye on.

A revista Forbes criou uma lista dos ‘19 melhores locais para conhecer em 2019’ baseada nas opniões de alguns dos maiores especialistas em viagens do Mundo. A ilha da Madeira figura entre os lugares escolhidos, numa lista que também contempla dos Açores. De acordo com a Forbes, a “Madeira é um grande destino de Natureza e continua pouco explora-


What’s on your travel wish list for 2019? We tapped into some of the world’s top travel experts to find out where they want to go next, from a colorful beach town in Belize to an unexpected European country with a vibrant new arts scene.

da”. “Devido à sua localização remota, há um sentimento de algo exótico e isolado – mas como se trata de Portugal, a gastronomia e a cultura continuam presentes”, explica a especialista María Pellicer que trabalha há mais de dez anos na área do Turismo. A revista refere que para aqueles que amam a natureza, este é um destino que importa seguir.

Num outro artigo da mesma revista a Madeira é referida como o destino para umas férias e fogo-deartifício soberbos. São referidas as festividades de Natal e Fim do Ano como únicas e que oferecem o melhor espectáculo de fogo-deartifício do Mundo. E porque não visitar o Porto Santo? Essa é outra das propostas sugeridas.

For those with rheumatic, iatric and orthopaedic problems, the island of Porto Santo’s therapeutic qualities make it the ideal destination for a different kind of peaceful holiday. Here, the sands and ocean waters are the main ingredients in the treatments and therapies offered at spas and specialized centres. Let yourself be pampered in one of the many natural treatments of the Porto Santo thalassotherapy center, which means “sea therapy” in Greek. The sea water of Porto Santo is used in treatments, due to the high amounts of strontium, chromium and iodine, elements beneficial to health. Similarly, the spring water of this island is also rich in essential components for the well-being of the human body. The beach of Porto Santo also stands out, for its sand with carbonated properties, composed of sediments of corals, shells and sea urchins. Scientifically recognized for its therapeutic properties, that help in the treatment of rheumatic and bone diseases, this sand is one of the elements that integrates the treatments developed by the Center of Geomedicine of Porto Santo. Come to visit, and relax while you treat yourself. Para aqueles com problemas do foro reumático, fisiátrico e ortopédico, a ilha do Porto Santo por todas as suas caraterísticas e qualidades terapêuticas, é o destino ideal para umas férias diferentes e tranquilas. Aqui, as areias e as águas do mar são os ingredientes principais dos tratamentos e terapias disponibilizados nos spas e centros especializados. Deixe-se mimar num dos muitos tratamentos naturais do centro de talassoterapia do Porto Santo, que significa “terapia do mar” em grego. A praia do Porto Santo destaca-se pela sua areia com propriedades carbonatadas, composta por sedimentos de corais, conchas e ouriços-do-mar. Reconhecida cientificamente pelas suas propriedades terapêuticas que auxiliam no tratamento de enfermidades reumáticas e ósseas, esta areia é um dos elementos que integra os tratamentos desenvolvidos pelo Centro de Geomedicina do Porto Santo. A água do mar do Porto Santo é usada também em tratamentos de talassoterapia, devido às quantidades elevadas de estrôncio, crómio e iodo, elementos benéficos para a saúde. Da mesma forma, a água de nascente desta ilha, é também rica em componentes essenciais para o bem-estar do corpo humano.

activities actividade

MIM December-January 2019

Foto: Sandro Schachner


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Orienteering Orienteering is a sport that combines both a physical and a mental element. The basic idea in orienteering is to proceed from course start to finish by visiting a number of control points in a predetermined order with the help of map and compass. In order to choose the best possible route, orienteers look at the characteristics of the terrain, and the winner is determined by the fastest time to complete the course. What is unique to orienteering is that an orienteer must navigate and make quick decisions while running at high speed. Orienteering in Madeira For those who want to develop and refine their sense of direction, we invite you to do so on the Madeira Islands. Large forest areas and mild temperatures make this archipelago the ideal scenery for the practice of Orienteering. Here you will find a number of associations that promote and organize events throughout the year.

O que é a Orientação? A Orientação é uma das modalidades desportivas que mais tem crescido nos últimos anos em Portugal! A competição concilia-se com o lazer, num espaço que proporciona um permanente contacto com a Natureza. Cada pessoa escolhe o seu ritmo em função dos desafios que determinou, encontrando-se consigo mesma e, simultaneamente, permitindo conhecer novas pessoas, fazer novos amigos. Como praticar? Na partida, cada praticante recebe um mapa onde estão marcados pequenos círculos que correspondem a pontos de controlo, materializados no terreno pelas "balizas" (prismas de cores laranja e branca), que estão acompanhadas de uma estação eletrónica (e/ou um pequeno picotador). Introduzindo o seu identificador (ou picotando o seu cartão de controlo) o praticante comprova a passagem por cada ponto. A escolha do itinerário entre cada ponto de controlo é uma opção do próprio praticante! Cada ponto é uma meta e, simultaneamente, a partida para um novo desafio. Cruzando prados, ribeiros e florestas, o praticante sente-se parte integrante do espaço que percorre... A velocidade de movimento tem que ser acompanhada pela velocidade de raciocínio para ler o mapa e interpretar a relação mapa / terreno, ponderar sobre as várias opções de itinerário, decidir! Equipamento de Orientação Basicamente, para praticar orientação é necessário apenas um mapa. Tradicionalmente, a bússola é o principal auxiliar para se conseguir encontrar o objectivo, mas não é essencial.

Funchal City Race 2018

I Rogaining do Funchal 2018

December, 8 to 9 | Funchal Funchal City Race is an event that combines the discovery of the historical areas and the less explored places of the city of Funchal, with the adventure of an Orienteering race. Everyone, from any age, can enter with the option of competitive participation or simple leisure, along with family or friends.

December, 21st | Funchal The Madeira Adventure Club annually organizes the first edition of the Rogaining do Funchal 2018, an orienteering race also know as Ori-Trail.


What is Rogaining? Rogaining is the sport of long distance cross-country navigation. The championship rogaine is of 24 hours duration but there are several shorter variants. Teamwork, endurance, competition and an appreciation of the natural environment are features of the sport. Rogaining involves both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a variety of map types. Rogaines are generally day and night events in which teams of two to five members travel entirely on foot, navigating by map and com-

pass. Teams select their own order of visiting checkpoints in terrain that varies from open countryside to hilly forest. A central base camp provides hot meals and teams may return at any time to eat, rest or enjoy the fellowship. Teams travel at their own pace, and anyone from children to grandparents can experience the personal satisfaction that comes from crosscountry navigation at individual levels of competition and comfort. Do you enjoy the outdoors? If so rogaining may be for you and your friends and family.

O Clube Aventura da Madeira organiza a 1ª edição do Rogaining do Funchal, evento de orientação também conhecido como Ori-Trail. Esta prova está aberta a todos os interessados com escalões abertos e de competição.

Rogaining ou Ori-Trail

O Funchal City Race é um evento que alia a descoberta das zonas históricas e os locais menos explorados da cidade do Funchal, com a aventura de uma prova de orientação citadina. Qualquer pessoa, de qualquer idade, pode participar com a opção de participação competitiva ou apenas de lazer.

Foto: Joaquim Margarid


Rogaine é uma modalidade onde a Orientação pedestre é complementada pela estratégia de eleger os controlos a visitar, em equipa de 2 a 5 elementos, em grandes espaços e com um tempo limite. A escolha dos itinerários é livre e cada controlo tem uma valorização em pontos, sendo o objetivo de cada equipa conseguir a máxima pontuação no tempo definido. O conjunto de controlos disponíveis deve ser suficientemente alargado para que não seja possível realizá-los todos no tempo da prova obrigando assim à definição de uma estratégia por parte de cada equipa. A nível internacional a modalidade surgiu na Austrália em 1976, depois no Canadá e hoje em dia tornou-se popular em paises como a Nova Zelandia, EUA, Rússia, Irlanda e Suécia. Em 1989 foi criada a International Rogaining Federation que passou a regular a modalidade e a organizar campeonatos do Mundo e da Europa.

walking caminhada



How to get here With Funchal as a reference you can take the regional road (ER. 105) between Encumeada and Rabaçal or the following route: Take the Via Rápida (VR1) towards Ribeira Brava; In Ribeira Brava, follow the Via Expresso (VE3) towards Ponta do Sol and Calheta; Once you reach the village of Arco da Calheta, at the roundabout take the first exit towards E.R. 222; In Loreto follow the signs towards Rabaçal; Once there the walk on the right hand side.

Info by

Points of Interest Levada do Alecrim is part of the network of levadas that start in the Rabaçal area. The starting point of this levada also leads us to Levada das 25 Fontes, Risco and Paul II. To start this Levada, also known as Paul I, follow the paved road a few meters towards the forestry house of Rabaçal. You’ll find a dirt trail visible just to the right, take this route and a few meters

ahead you meet the levada. This is a fairly easy, well-marked walk. During your walk you’ll be traveling through magnificent heather tunnels that almost enclose the path, making this a unique experience. Approximately 500 meters after the starting point you’ll cross Ribeira do Alecrim (Rosemary stream) that feeds the hydroelectric power station of Calheta. Along the way there is a high rate of endemic flora such as the Madeiran orchid and giant sow thistles. In addition to unique flora there are amazing views onto the Rabaçal and Ribeira da Janela valleys. Before arriving at the “Dona Beja” lake, you’ll cross a trail: to the right, you’ll be taken up to Lajeado; to the left down to Lagoa do Vento (this descent difficult and is only recommended for experienced walkers). Tributaries, which you’ll have to cross, flowing into the main streams are fairly frequent, although they do not present too much of a challenge. After more or less 3,4km you’ll arrive at the origin of the levada, where you can enjoy the pretty Dona Beja lake and the serene setting.

More info at

do Alecrim

Detail Distance 3,4 km (+ 3,4 Km return) Difficulty Easy Terrain Regular Time 2.30 hours Itinerary Rabaçal - Ribeira do Alecrim - Lagoa "Dona Beja" Start Rabaçal (E.R. 105) Finish: Rabaçal (E.R. 105) Do not forget that this walk is located in a mountainous region above 1200 m altitude, therefore, it is subject to unpredictable weather conditions (fog is very common)


MIM December-January 2019


Discover Madeira Descobrir

Address / Morada: Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses 9004-506 Funchal Tel: +351 291 210 500 Email: Web: Timetable / Horário: Monday to Friday/ Segunda a Sexta: 10.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m. & 2.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m. Closed at saturday, sunday & Statutory Holidays Encerrado aos sábados, domingos e feriados. Admission tickets / Preços de entrada: Free entrance / Entrada gratuita

St. Anthony's Chapel of Mouraria

St. Anthony was born in Lisbon in 1195, near the Cathedral, registered as Fernando de Bulhões. At 15 he joined the order of St. Augustine Canons in Lisbon, and was later ordained in Coimbra where he would continue his studies. In 1221, after a rough trip in the Mediterranean, he arrived in Sicily, Italy. In Assisi he became an assistant to Saint Francis, teaching theology in Bologna, Montpellier, Toulouse and Padua, where he died at the age of 36, in 1231.

St. Anthony's Chapel of Mouraria was built on the grounds of the old Custom House of Funchal, near Rua da Alfândega. It actually sustains the wall opposite the altar on the old staircase leading to the main floor, dated mid-sixteenth century, as shown by the shape of the stone slabs, represented in the map of João Bartolomeu, dated 17th century. The chapel was built by the will of Judge João Aguiar, who would later be buried there. Even today one can read on his gravestone the inscription: Here lies the miserable sinner João Aguiar. Its actual construction dates 1714, having been completed and opened in 1715. The door, with its upholstered pads and iron rivets reveals its authenticity quite possibly being the same since the foundation of the temple. On the left as you enter, one should mention the holy water basin in white marble imported in mid-18th century as well as, on the wall, an oil painting of St. Anthony from an 18th century Portuguese workshop. Outstanding is the altar with national style baroque carvings, of upholstered wood, with traces of painting and gilding. The altar has three niches that support corbels, the center one being more voluminous. It has spiraled columns and straight entablature on the sides and round bow in the middle. This set should be dated by the late 17th century. In the center, on the corbel, is an image of St. Anthony with Child Jesus, of upholstered clay, painted and gilded, dated mid-eighteenth century, by a popular Portuguese workshop. The set is topped off below by a pediment of altar in painted wood imitating rich brocade, with its valance and borders also from the mid-eighteenth century. Two ceroferary angels were placed along the aisle, made by a Portuguese workshop probably from the northern region, also from the early 18th century. Suspended from the ceiling is a brass chandelier by a Portuguese workshop of mid-century. On the north wall hang a set of canvas paintings representing the Apostles, from a Lisbon workshop from mid to late 18th century. In another show case is a set of sculptures, consisting of a head of Christ from the mid-17th century, a Baby Jesus from a Goan workshop of the late 16th century, beginning of the 17th century, as well as majesty Virgin dated mid 16th century, all in polychrome wood. Beneath the arch of the stairs, on the back wall, an entablature by a Portuguese engraver from the mid-17th century, with its polychrome and gilding original, over a painting of the Baptism of Christ, from the early 18th century.

museum museu


Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma da Madeira (Antiga Alfândega do Funchal)

Capela de Santo António da Mouraria A capela de Santo António da Mouraria foi mandada erguer dentro do recinto da antiga Alfândega do Funchal, junto à rua da Alfândega, antiga rua dos Mercadores. Assenta mesmo a parede oposta ao altar, na antiga escadaria de acesso ao andar nobre, de meados do século XVI, como se pode ver pelo recorte das lajes de pedra, e que estão representadas na planta de Bartolomeu João, já no século XVII. Ao longo dos séculos a antiga Alfândega do Funchal sofreu muitas obras de adaptação e renovação. A capela, de pequenas dimensões, foi mandada construir por testamento do desembargador João Aguiar, juiz da Alfândega do Funchal, em 1710, que lá viria a ser enterrado. Ainda hoje podemos ver na lápide sepulcral, apesar de partida, resultado de uma profanação, a inscrição: Aqui jaz o miserável pecador João de Aguiar desembargador provedor, que foi nesta ilha. A capela de Santo António da Mouraria do Funchal abria-se para a esplanada do reduto militar da Alfândega, hoje uma praça. O portal da entrada rasga-se na parede sul, com suas duplas pilastras e impostas, e chave moldurada no arco de volta perfeita. Apresenta cornija complexa e entablamento de onde partem aletas opostas com terminais espiralados no sentido interior, interrompidas por motivos vegetalistas, onde se abre cartela, com fitas e enrolamentos de óvalos e a inscrição: Ad Salem Sol. Esta inscrição foi interpretada como simplificação da expressão: Ad Salutem Sol Beatus Antonius. Santo António foi considerado após o Concílio de Trento, como a renovação da Igreja: O Sol da Salvação do Ocidente. Este portal pode ser considerado uma das primeiras experiências de efeito barroco na arquitetura, na Ilha da Madeira, pela criação de possibilidades perspécticas, muito típicas das cenografias da época. Curiosa é também a sobrevivência de três fenestrações em ritmo informal, muito próximas de modelos anteriores, como as características do Maneirismo ou estilo Chão. Deve referir-se a presença de um lavabo ou pia de cantaria, de secção retangular, com seu recetáculo escavado para a água. Interessante é também um cunhal, no vértice nascente da capela, que parece ser o reaproveitamento de elementos arquitetónicos mais antigos, como se conhecem na própria Alfândega do Funchal. A porta, com suas almofadas volumosas e rebites de ferro, revela a sua autenticidade, sendo muito possivelmente a mesma desde a fundação do templo. Não sobreviveu nada da decoração interior, sendo o conjunto hoje exposto resultado dos restauros e aquisições da década de oitenta do século XX, por decisão da Assembleia Legislativa da Madeira. À esquerda de quem entra, deve referir-se a pia de água benta em mármore branco de importação de meados do século XVIII, assim como na parede uma pintura a óleo sobre tela de Santo António de uma oficina portuguesa já setecentista. Deve destacar-se o altar em talha barroca de estilo nacional, em madeira estofada, com vestígios de pintura e douramento. O altar tem três nichos que sustentam mísulas, sendo mais volumosa a central. Apresenta colunas espiraladas e entablamento

reto nas laterais e arco de curvatura redonda na central. Este conjunto deve datar-se ainda de finais do século XVII. Ao centro, na mísula, uma imagem de Santo António com o Menino, de barro estofado, pintada e dourada, de meados do século XVIII, de uma oficina popular portuguesa. O conjunto é rematado inferiormente por frontão de altar, em madeira pintada imitando rico brocado, com sua sanefa e sebastos, também de meados do século XVIII. Foram colocados junto ao altar dois anjos ceroferários de uma oficina portuguesa, provavelmente da região norte, também de inícios do século XVIII. Suspenso no teto está um lampadário de latão de uma oficina portuguesa de meados do mesmo século. Na parede norte é visível um conjunto de pinturas sobre tela representando Apóstolos, de uma oficina lisboeta de meados para finais do século XVIII. Na fiada superior, da direita para a esquerda, São Paulo, São Simão, São Filipe, São Mateus, São Judas Tadeu. Na inferior, também da direita para a esquerda, São João, São Pedra, Santo André, São Tiago Menor e São Matias. Foram adquiridos para o serviço litúrgico da capela, a quando da sua recuperação, um conjunto de peças de interesse em latão polido. Refira-se uma Naveta de grande sobriedade formal, para o transporte do incenso, próxima a uma conhecida da igreja da Água de Pena, hoje no Museu de Arte Sacra do Funchal, datada de inícios do século XVII. Ainda um castiçal de mesa, num modelo que sobrevive deste o século XVI e por todo o século XVII na península ibérica, e uma caldeirinha que deve datar de meados do século XVII. Do conjunto destaca-se ainda um turíbulo de metal amarelo de meados do século XVIII. Dentro de outra vitrine observa-se um conjunto de esculturas, constituído por uma cabeça de Cristo de meados do século XVII, um Menino Jesus de uma oficina goesa de finais do século XVI, inícios do século XVII, assim como um Virgem majestade de meados do século XVI, todas em madeira policromada. Na parede ainda um fragmento de talha, com vestígios de estofo e policromia representando um querubim alado, de meados do século XVII. Sob o arco das escadas, na parede de fundo, um entablamento de um entalhador português de meados do século XVII, com sua policromia e douramento original, sobre uma pintura do Batismo de Cristo, de inícios do século XVIII.

museums | museus



MIM December-January 2019

Baden-Powell Museum Centre National Corps of Scouts (CNE) -Portuguese Catholic Scouting Rua do Canadá, Cave A (near the Church of Nazaré) Phone: 291 755 808 Monday to Friday: 2pm - 7pm Colégio dos Jesuítas Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Monday to Friday: 10am 6:30pm | Saturdays: 10am – 2pm Companhia dos Engenhos do Norte - SoRum Casas Próximas, Porto da Cruz Phone: 291 742 935 Monday to Saturday: 9am - 6pm Christopher Columbus House, Porto Santo Museum Travessa da Sacristia, 2/4 - Porto Santo Phone: 291 983 405 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm Sundays: 10am to 1pm CR7 Museum Avenida Sá Carneiro, 9; Praça do Mar Phone: 291 639 880 Monday to Saturday: 10am - 6pm Electricity Museum - Casa da Luz Rua da Casa da Luz, 2 - Funchal Phone: 291 211 480 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm Engenhos da Calheta Avenida D. Manuel I, 29 Calheta Phone: 291 822 264 Tuesday to Sunday: 8am to 7pm Família Teixeira e Caires Museum Fajã da Murta - Faial Tuesday to Sunday: 9am to 7pm Henrique and Francisco Franco Museum Rua João de Deus, 13 - Funchal Phone: 291 230633 Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 6pm

House-Museum Frederico de Freitas Calçada de Santa Clara, 7 Funchal Phone: 291 220570 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5.30pm

Mudas Contemporary Art Museum Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Phone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5pm

Santa Clara Convent Calçada de Santa Clara, 15 Funchal Phone: 291 742 602 / 612 Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 5pm

IVBAM Museum Centre Rua Visconde Anadia, 44 Funchal Phone: 291 211 600 Monday to Friday: 9am 12:30pm; 2pm - 5:30pm

Museological Nucleus - “Arte Popular” Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior Phone: 291 238 185 / 917 235 321 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm (Espólio do Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova)

São Lourenço Palace Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 202530 Monday at 2:30pm; Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am; Thursday at 10am and 2:30pm; Friday at 3pm (Different days and hours require advance booking)

Quinta das Cruzes Museum Calçada do Pico 1 - Funchal Phone: 291 740670 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 12.30pm / 2pm to 5.30pm museuquintadascruzes. com Madeira Ethnographic Museum Rua de São Francisco 24 - Ribeira Brava Phone: 291 952598 Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.30pm Madeira Press Museum Av. da Autonomia, N.º 3 Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910 135 Monday to Fryday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 2pm Madeira Military Museum São Lourenço Palace, Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 204902 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm Saturday: 10pm - 12pm gabrr.palacio@netmadeira. com Madeira Optics Museum Rua das Pretas, 51 - Funchal Phone: 291 220694 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm Saturdays: 10am to 1pm Mary Jane Wilson Museum Rua do Carmo, 61 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 492 Tuesday to Friday: 10am - 12pm and from 3pm - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm Monte Palace Museum Monte Palace Tropical Gardens Caminho das Babosas, 4 Funchal Phone: 291 780 800 Monday to Sunday: 9:30am to 6pm

Museological Nucleus - Rota da Cal Sítio dos Lameiros - São Vicente Phone: 291 842 018 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 2pm Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” Praça Colombo, 5 - Funchal Phone: 291 236 910 Monday to Friday: 9:30 am 5:30pm

Solar do Ribeirinho Museological Nucleus of Machico Rua do Ribeirinho - Machico Phone: 291 964 118 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Toy Museum Armazém do Mercado, Rua Latino Coelho, nº 39 - Funchal Phone: 291 640 640 Monday to Saturday: 10am to 8pm | Sundays: 10am to 6pm www.armazemdomercado. com

Museum of Sacred Art Rua do Bispo 21 - Funchal Phone: 291 228900 Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm

The Old Blandy Wine Lodge Avenida Arriaga, 28 - Funchal Phone: 291 740 110 Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 6.30pm | Saturdays: 10am to 1pm

Natural History Museum of Funchal São Pedro Palace , Rua da Mouraria, 31 Phone: 291 229 761 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am - 6pm

Town Hall Largo do Colégio dos Jesuítas do Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Guided tours from Monday to Friday: 11am and 3pm

Natural History Museum of the Botanical Garden Quinta do Meio / Bom Sucesso - Funchal Phone: 291 211 200 Monday to Sunday: 9am to 6pm

Vineyard and Wine Museum of Arco de São Jorge Sítio da Lagoa - Arco de São Jorge Phone: 291 578105 Tuesday to Sunday: 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. | (Monday torus require advance booking)

Núcleo Museológico do Caniço Rua Dr. Francisco Peres, Ed. Jardins do Caniço, Loja 21 - Caniço Phone: 291 932 508 / 926 887 881 Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm - 2pm to 5pm | Saturday: 10am to 1pm Sundays: 11am to 1pm guided tour Photographia - Museum ‘Vicentes’ Rua da Carreira 43 - 1º - Funchal Phone: 291 225 050 Temporarly closed

Whale Museum Rua da Pedra D’Eira - Caniçal Phone: 291 961 858 Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30am to 6pm Universe of Memories - João Carlos Abreu Calçada do Pico, 2/4 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 122 Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm universodememorias

Consulates Belgium Brazil British France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway South Africa Sweden USA Venezuela

291221833 291227250 291221860 291200750 291220338 291763544 291223890 291703803 291741515 291742825 291233603 291235636 291224050

Police Funchal Machico Santa Cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente Porto Moniz Porto Santo Ponta de Sol

291208400 291965574 291524355 291911040 291952159 291572403 291823820 291846229 291853361 291980010 291972223

Fire Dept. Funchal Funchal (Edifício 2000) Camacha Machico Santa cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente/P. Moniz Porto Santo

291229115 291222122 291922417 291965183 291520112 291911444 291957112 291570112 291827204 291842115 291982115

Emergency National SARS Protecção civil Sea Rescue (socorro no Mar) Police Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha)

112 808211311 291700112 291230112 291208400 219421111

Hospitals Cruz de Carvalho Marmeleiros S. João de Deus S. João de Almada

291705600 291705730 291741036/7 291780300

Information Informations Tourism Office

118 291211900

Airports Funchal Porto Santo

291520700 291980120

archiveseand libraries arquivos bibliotecas Cultural Heritage Library Rua dos Ferreiros, n.º 165 Phone: 291 211 830 Monday to Friday: 9am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 7pm

Foreign Culture’s Library Quinta Magnólia Rua Dr. Pita - Funchal Phone: 291 211830 (ext: 233) Monday to Friday: 9am to 5.30pm

Library/Contemporary Documentation Centre Estr. Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Telephone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Friday: 10am -12:30pm; 2pm – 5pm

Calheta Municipal Library Vale dos Amores - 1º Andar Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, nº 37 Phone: 291 824 301 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 6:30pm

Funchal’s Municipal Library Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 9 - Funchal Phone: 291 720137 Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm

Madeira’s Regional Archives Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291 708 400 Archive Reading Room Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 7:50pm Saturday: 9:30 am – 3:20 pm

Porta 33 - Documentation Centre Porta 33 Associação Quebra Costas Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 - Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Tuesday to Saturday: 4pm to 8pm (Other schedules require advance booking) European Affairs Library CERNE - “Casa da Europa na Madeira” Rua Latino Coelho, 57, 3º - Funchal Phone: 291 235545 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm


art galleries

Fernando Augusto Theatre-theca Theatre and Performative Art’s Library Teatro Experimental do Funchal Rua Latino Coelho, n.º 54 Phone: 291 226747 / 91 3035458 Monday to Friday: 4p.m. to 7p.m. Caravel Art Center Rua Dom Carlos I, 19-20 Phone: 936 227 062 Galeria dos Prazeres Responsável: Hugo Olim Sítio da Igreja - Prazeres, 9370-603 Calheta Phone: 291 783453 INFOART - Galeria da Secretaria Regional do Turismo Responsável: Secretária Regional Avenida Arriaga, n.º 18, 9004-519 Funchal Phone: 291 211900

Cine-Teatro Municipal de Santo António Responsável: Eduardo Luíz Rua Coohafal, 9020-393 Funchal Telefone: 291 226747

John Dos Passos Library Cultural Centre John Dos Passos Rua Príncipe D. Luís, 3 - Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Youth Shop Regional Department for Youth and Sports Rua dos Netos, 48 Funchal Telephone: 291 203 830 Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 8.00pm Saturdays: 9:00am – 12:30pm Multimedia and Arts Education Library Regional Education Department Travessa do Nogueira, 11 – Funchal Phone: 291 225146 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 12:30pm; 2:00pm – 5:30pm The Library is specialized in education, arts and multimedia documentation and part of the PORBASE National Libraries Network.

Porta 33 Responsável: Maurício Reis Rua do Quebra Costas, n.º 33, 9000034 Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Restock Galeria Gallery Armazem do Mercado, Rua do Hospital Velho, 28 | Loja 08 Phone: 933 194 680 Galeria Marca de Água Responsável: Raquel Fraga Rua da Carreira 119 , 9000-042 Funchal Phone: 291 100 149

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Responsável: Sandra Nóbrega Avenida Manuel de Arriaga Funchal Telefone: 291 215130

Madeira’s Parliament Library Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses - Funchal Phone: 291 210500 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm Machico Municipal Library Rua do Ribeirinho, Fórum Machico Phone: 291 969 997 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Ponta do Sol Municipal Library Rua Príncipe D. Luís, nº16 Phone: 291 972 276 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 1pm and from 1:30pm - 5pm Porto Santo Municipal Library Rua Drº Nuno Silvestre Teixeira, nº 13 Phone: 291 980 640 Tuesday to Friday: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 6pm

thematic centres

Câmara de Lobos Municipal Library Avenida da Autonomia, 5, Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910130 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am - 6pm ; Wednesdays: 2pm – 6pm

Regional Public Library Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291708410 Main Reading Room/ Children’s Reading Room: Monday: 2.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am - 8.00pm Saturday: 9.30am - 3.00pm Special reading room for the visually impaired /Reference Room/Study Room Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 12.30pm and from 2.00pm to 5.00pm (It requires advance booking). Ribeira Brava Municipal Library Largo do Herédia Phone: 291 952 548 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Santana Municipal Library Sítio do Barreiro, Santana City Hall Phone: 291 570 140 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm São Vicente Municipal Library Vila de São Vicente Phone: 291 842 135 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm Study Centre of Atlantic History Library Rua das Mercês, n.º 8 Monday to Friday: 9am - 1pm and from 2pm - 6pm Phone: 291 214970

MUDAS.Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 Calheta Phone: 291 820 900 Centro Cultural John dos Passos Rua do Príncipe D. Luís, n.º 3 Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Madeira Aquarium Rua do Forte de São João Baptista Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850 340 Monday to Sunday: 10am to 6pm Madeira Theme Park Estrada Regional 101 Fonte da Pedra - Santana Phone: 291 570410 Thursday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.


Porto Moniz Living Science Centre Rotunda do Ilhéu Mole - Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850300 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 6p.m. Reception and Interpretation Centre of Funchal’s Ecological Park (Temporarly closed) Estrada Regional 103 Ribeira das Cales, 259 - Monte Phone: 291 784700 Monday to Sunday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m. São Vicente Caves and Volcanism Centre Sítio do Pé do Passo - São Vicente Phone: 291 842404 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.



MIM December-January 2019

Tours Madeira Film Experience

History Tellers: 2 circuits

An audio-visual 30 minute journey that runs through the Madeira Archipelago’s 600 years of history and culture.

Guided tours promoted by the “Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira”: West and Historic Areas of the City

Monday to Sunday Marina Shopping, store 223 Tel. 291 222 748

Monday to Friday Pre-registrations: Armazém do Mercado - Rua Latino Coelho, 39 Tours:

Colégio dos Jesuítas

Funchal City Hall

Guided Tours to Colégio dos Jesuítas, founded in 1569 by royal charter of D. Sebastião. Monday to Friday Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Tel. 291 705 060 Guided tours: Edu. Services:

Guided tours to Funchal City Hall Monday to Friday Guided tours: Edu.Services: Org: Associação Académica da UMa


Guided tours to the Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Friday | at 2.30pm and 4.00pm Org: AAUMa & Madeiran Heritage --------------Monday to Friday

“Coronel Nepomuceno de Freitas” Francisco Fernandes




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