Death Unnaturally

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Written by Madison Alford

FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL - OFFICE - NIGHT HAROLD JONES (58), a healthy, fit looking man with slick salt and pepper hair, sits at his desk. He is filing and marking papers with a red pen. The only light on in the room emits from his desk lamp. THUNDER crashes outside and RAIN beats against the window. Harold’s cellphone rings. He sees the number, sighs, and picks it up. It’s his Wife. HAROLD Hi, Dear. (Beat) Yes... I’ve only got a couple pages left. Be on my way soon. (Beat) I don’t think we have to worry about the storm. (Beat) Alright. Love you. Bye. Harold hangs up and puts the phone down. He grabs the pile of papers and walks over to the filing cabinet. He feels a quick pain in his neck and puts a hand against it. Harold shakes it off and opens a drawer. He puts the papers into the cabinet and walks back to the desk. Harold squints his eyes at the light from the lamp. He coughs and has short, quick breaths. His body shakes uncontrollably and he pushes the lamp off the desk with his arm. Harold clutches his chest before collapsing to the ground, hits his head on the corner of the desk. BLOOD rushes out from his head and onto the floor. The RAIN continues to beat against the window and Harold’s phone BUZZES. INT. R&D LABORATORY - MORNING A white, sterile laboratory -- everything inside of it is white. It is also filled with translucent beakers and tubes of all different shapes and sizes. A pair of WHITE HEELS walk into the room. PAN UP TO REVEAL: DELANEY BURKE (early 30s), pale skin, white lab coat, white dress, black hair pulled tight in a bun. She’s confident and stoic.


"Harold Jones"


Has a beautiful, sleek face, with something to her dark eyes and a resting bitch face. She holds herself up with an air of arrogance. She watches the liquid pass from tube to tube. Delaney smiles, jots something down on her clipboard. She has a large SILVER RING on her left middle finger. The sound of FOOTSTEPS approach the door and stop. A sheet of paper is tossed under the crack. The footsteps continue on down the outside hallway. Delaney look towards the sheet of paper, goes to retrieve it. She bends down with her knees, picks it up, reads it as she walks over to a bunsen burner. Delaney turns the burner on, lights it with a match. She puts the paper into the fire and watches it burn in her hand. All the ash collects on the white counter top. EXT. HOSPITAL LILY DOUGLASS (mid 20s), a short, innocent mortician with light hair takes her time getting up the stairs of the hospital with her boyfriend, HAYDEN FREEMAN (late 20s). He is a suave, disheveled, hardworking police detective wearing a blue windbreaker that has ‘Chicago PD’ on it. His hair has a slight cowlick in the back and his tie is not tied on properly. LILY Thank you for walking me, Hayden. You are just the sweetest! There is a group of POLICE OFFICERS inside the hospital lobby. Lily notices. LILY (CONT’D) (angered) You could have just told me you had work at the hospital. HAYDEN I didn’t want to startle you. LILY (sighs) You always do this.


"Harold Jones"


Lily leaves Hayden behind and she quickly goes into the hospital by herself. Hayden sighs, knowing he’s messed up. Hayden moves into... INT. LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Hayden approaches the group of officers surrounding a chair and pushes his way to the front. Seated in it is NANCY JONES (60), wife of Harold Jones. Her hair is white and she is also in great shape. NANCY I just don’t know who would kill Harold! He just came into the job! HAYDEN Don’t worry, Mrs. Jones. We’re going to find whoever did this. INT. R&D LABORATORY The door to Delaney’s lab swings open. FINN MANCHESTER (47), her chatty, exuberant boss, walks in. He is shorter and has small wrinkles that reflect all the laughs he’s had in his life. FINN Good morning, Delaney! Delaney continues to focus on her work. DELANEY Morning, Finn. FINN How are you on this fine day? I’m fine.


FINN That all you have for me today? “I’m fine”? DELANEY It’s just like any normal day, Finn. Finn looks at the traveling liquid in Delaney’s setup. She subtly brushes the ashes from the paper into a nearby white trashcan.


"Harold Jones"

FINN How are your experiments coming along? DELANEY Going well. Making progress on testing the chemical properties from the samples you gave me yesterday. FINN Well, let’s see what you have so far then! Of course.


Delaney hands Finn the clipboard and he reviews it. FINN Great work! Have to say, you’ve been an excellent addition to the team. Finn hands the clipboard back. DELANEY Thank you. I’m glad you find my work satisfactory. Finn takes a seat on top of one of the free counters. He makes it known he’s not leaving anytime soon. FINN So, you enjoying it here? DELANEY At the hospital? Or in Chicago? FINN Here. Different from Raleigh, huh? DELANEY It’s a little windy here for my tastes, but it’s... unique. FINN Nothing like being down South, huh? DELANEY Raleigh’s a big city. Lots of people from all over. Not really the South.



"Harold Jones"


She tries to go back to work, time for him to move on. He doesn’t take the hint. FINN So, you adjusted to the time difference yet? DELANEY I don’t need to tell you everything, Finn. FINN Alright, alright. I was just checking on you! Seeing how you’re holding up over here. Finn hops off the counter, heads to the door. DELANEY I’ll see you later today. FINN You got it! Finn leaves. Delaney turns back to her experiments. Finn knocks on the door and pokes his head back in. FINN (CONT’D) You get the files I sent? DELANEY (startled) The what? The files?


DELANEY Yes, I got them. FINN Awesome! See ya around. Finn leaves again. INT. HALLWAY - NOON Delaney walks down the hall and waits with a group of other DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS for an elevator. The elevator chimes. The doors open revealing Hayden. Delaney steps into the elevator...


"Harold Jones"


INT. ELEVATOR - CONTINUOUS She gives him a once-over before looking forward again. Hayden’s eyes move as he inspects the inside of the car, but his head always remains facing forward. The next floor chimes and Hayden leaves. Delaney stays on for another floor. INT. MORGUE - LATER Lily performs an autopsy on the recently dead body of Harold Jones. She takes the intestines out of the body and weighs them. Delaney walks in, sees the corpse, and immediately turns around to face the wall. DELANEY Please! Tell me when you’re done with that. LILY That used to Harold Jones, he used to be the chief of the hospital. (laughs) How did you ever make it through dissections in school? DELANEY I skipped and said I was sick. LILY Such a rebel! I hope to be done in just a moment. DELANEY (hesitant) How’d he die? LILY Not sure yet. This is one of the most thorough autopsies I’ve ever done. He sliced his head open, but I’m not satisfied with that being the cause of death. As they talk, Lily continues to remove organs and inspect them.


"Harold Jones"


DELANEY Maybe he just saw a large pile of paperwork and had a heart attack. LILY Funny! His most recent medical records said he was in tip-top shape though. Sad you weren’t there for the office party he threw. It was a real hoot! DELANEY What are you, from the 1920’s? LILY I grew up here. Still got some old lingo in my vocabulary. Lily feels the liver, but nothing seems amiss. DELANEY You want to go to lunch? LILY Really need to finish this autopsy before I break. I’m just so stumped on what killed him! Lily wipes her arm across her forehead and leaves a big smear of blood behind. Delaney looks disgusted. LILY (CONT’D) Usually I can figure it out in no time. I’ve been working on him since this morning. DELANEY Relatively speaking, how close are you to being done? LILY Relatively speaking, should have been done by now. Lily sighs and takes a seat away from the body. DELANEY Maybe lunch’ll clear your mind? LILY I don’t know. How does dinner tonight sound?


"Harold Jones"


DELANEY Sure. See you then. Delaney leaves, Lily looks over the body again. She picks the tongue up out of the tray and smiles. LILY It’d help if you could talk, but dead people can’t do that. Especially you! You don’t have a tongue anymore! INT. LOBBY - LATER Finn rushes after Delaney as she’s leaving. FINN Hey, Delaney! Going to lunch? Yes?


FINN Can I join you? I’d like to get to know my new hire more. Really?


FINN Yeah! I think it would be a great idea! Hayden and the rest of the officers stand by the doors in the lobby. DELANEY What are they here for? FINN Harold Jones. The big boss. He died last night in his office. Lily, your friend from the morgue... Finn points to Hayden. That’s her boyfriend. Best detective in the police force. DELANEY Interesting. I didn’t know that. Never mentioned him.


"Harold Jones"


FINN Yeah, they’re not doing so hot from what I’ve heard. Surprised from all your girl gossip she hasn’t told you about him. The group of Officers trail out. FINN (CONT’D) (smiling) Anyway, lunch? DELANEY I usually go to the Italian restaurant across the street. FINN Perfect! Love that place! Been there for years. Love the owner. Delaney and Finn leave the hospital... EXT. HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS Hayden holds the door open for Delaney. DELANEY Thank you, sir. MAN My pleasure. The man lets go of the door after Delaney walks through. It closes in Finn’s face and he begrudgingly pushes it open. FINN Can’t even hold the door for me? Really? Hayden is already gone. INT. MAMA RUSSO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT - LATER Finn and Delaney sit together at a booth. Finn dives into his large plate of spaghetti and meatballs, while Delaney carefully eats her salad. FINN You in a bad mood today?


"Harold Jones"


DELANEY You ask me this everyday. It’s just who I am. FINN Being a Wednesday Addams? DELANEY I’m not oddly peppy like the rest of the hospital. FINN That’s what makes you a breath of fresh air! All of my hires are so excited for their new job. But you-you’re a mystery to me. Delaney sighs in slight annoyance. Finn shovels in another mouthful and slurps up the noodles. She cringes. DELANEY So what can you tell me about Harold Jones? FINN (shrugs) What about him? He’s dead. DELANEY Thank you Captain Obvious. Did you not like him? Finn sighs, sets his fork down. FINN It’s not that I didn’t like him. He really did not like me. DELANEY Any reason? FINN He called me weird at the office party he threw. Such a lightweight. Lucky you never got to know him or his old man. DELANEY You think his family misses him?


"Harold Jones"


FINN (abruptly) So, Detective Hayden held the door open for you when we left. Wanna talk about that? DELANEY You said he’s dating Lily. FINN They’re on the rocks. They’ve always been on the rocks! DELANEY Saw him in the elevator earlier. Sure, he’s cute, but not my type. Suuuure.


DELANEY Don’t have time to date anyway. Plus, he’s taken. So, I’d say we’re done talking about it. FINN (sighs) Fiiine. An overconfident BUSINESS MAN (30s) walks by the booth on his way to the bar. He whistles at Delaney and winks at her. BUSINESS MAN Hey, Sweet Cheeks! Why don’t you and me go play Doctor? The Business Man laughs and takes a seat at the bar. FINN (under his breath) He must be really popular with the ladies. DELANEY I’ll handle this. Delaney puts on a smile and leaves Finn at the booth. She changes her entire demeanor to match Finn’s personality. Finn leaves to go to the bathroom. DELANEY (CONT’D) If you’re buying!


"Harold Jones"


She puts her hand on the business man’s hand. The BARTENDER (22) brings the man a large pint of beer. DELANEY (CONT’D) Whatd’ya say we get out of here? The Business Man takes a huge swig of the beer and smiles a pearly white smile at her. BUSINESS MAN Pretty girl like you should -He starts to choke and pounds his fists into the bar. DELANEY Oh, my god! She jumps back from the bar. DELANEY (CONT’D) Help! Somebody, help! The Bartender rushes around, performs the Heimlich maneuver, to no avail. She lays the man down and tries CPR. BARTENDER Somebody call an ambulance! EXT. MAMA RUSSO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT - LATER A FORENSIC VAN is outside. Delaney stands off to the side. Hayden and his fellow cops are around the truck. Finn comes out of the restaurant and brushes his hands off. FINN Did I miss anything important? The DEAD BUSINESS MAN is wheeled out of the restaurant and put into the back of the truck. Delaney shudders and turns away. Finn sees Hayden. FINN (CONT’D) Oh, my gosh! This is perfect! Now you have to talk to him. You’re a witness! DELANEY Or a suspect! Hayden leaves the truck and approaches Delaney and Finn.


"Harold Jones"


HAYDEN Detective Hayden, Chicago PD. Need to ask you both a few questions. FINN Of course, Detective. Finn nudges Delaney to talk to him. DELANEY Of course. Happy to help. HAYDEN Miss, I understand you were the last person who talked to the deceased. Did you umm... (bluntly) Did you kill him? DELANEY What? No! Of course not! HAYDEN Did you know him? DELANEY No. He catcalled me and I was just going to tell him off -HAYDEN So, there was some animosity between you? DELANEY Yes, but it was warranted -Was it?


DELANEY Yes! No! I mean, yes! She isn’t sure which answer make her sound guilty. Finn sees that Hayden is completely focused on Delaney. He sneaks away. HAYDEN Don’t get testy with me. DELANEY Listen, I don’t like being catcalled. (MORE)


"Harold Jones"


DELANEY (CONT'D) Any more than the next woman. Yes, I was angry, but not enough to kill him. HAYDEN Did you try saving him? DELANEY I asked if anyone could save him. I don’t know CPR. HAYDEN Thank you, Miss... Burke.


HAYDEN (jokingly) No first name? DELANEY It’s Delaney. HAYDEN Now, your friend -Hayden realizes that Finn has gone. He quickly looks around. HAYDEN (CONT’D) Where’d he go? DELANEY He was just here! HAYDEN Are you two in cahoots? DELANEY I haven’t done anything wrong, Detective! HAYDEN Well, he’s now on a list of suspicious people. Did he know the victim? DELANEY Not that I’m aware of. Hayden sighs and closes his notebook.


"Harold Jones"


HAYDEN Well, that’ll be all for now. You filled out all the paperwork for us to contact you? DELANEY Every line. HAYDEN Good. Do you need a ride back to work? DELANEY No, I can walk. I work at the hospital across the street. HAYDEN Oh! My girlfriend works there. DELANEY I know. My friend told me. HAYDEN So, do you know Lily? DELANEY Yeah. She’s my best friend at the hospital. HAYDEN That’s funny. She’s never mentioned you. DELANEY She’s never mentioned you, either. There is a beat of silence between the two as they lock eyes. HAYDEN Would you like to ride back on the forensics truck? DELANEY No, I can walk. HAYDEN No really. It’ll be much faster. DELANEY I’d rather not.


"Harold Jones"


HAYDEN C’mon! It’s a free ride and we need someone to keep the body company so he doesn’t slide around. DELANEY No, no, I shouldn’t -- fine. Delaney gets into the back of the truck and a driver hops into the front seat. HAYDEN Maybe I’ll see you around. DELANEY I would hope not. Hayden closes the truck doors, leaves Delaney alone with the dead body. INT. FORENSICS TRUCK - CONTINUOUS Delaney sits in silence with the DEAD BODY. The only thing separating their eyes meeting is a thin blue sheet over his face. Delaney shifts in her seat while the truck moves. She stares uncomfortably at the body. The truck bumps over a speed bump. The hand of the thug flies out from the gurney and lands in Delaney’s lap. The HAND touches her knee. Delaney frighteningly stares it. She takes a big gulp, bites her lip, and pinches a dead finger. The truck goes over another speed bump. The hand bounces in Delaney’s grasp. She screams and throws the hand as far away from her as she can get. INT. HOSPITAL - MORGUE - LATER Lily opens the truck doors. Delaney bolts past Lily to get out as fast as possible.



"Harold Jones" LILY

Delaney paces, on the verge of a panic attack. LILY (CONT’D) (laughing) What a surprise! I thought I was only getting a dead body! Didn’t know they were delivering me one that was still breathing, too! Lily goes to unload the body. DELANEY Your boyfriend really wanted me to ride in the back of the truck with that thing! Lily stops short. LILY You met Hayden? DELANEY He’s a peach... Why didn’t you tell me about him? LILY I don’t know... I don’t usually tell people I’m dating a detective. They’re always a little put off by it. DELANEY They think he’s going to snoop around their lives? LILY Yeah... But he would never do that! He’s a good man. Never broken the law in his life. DELANEY That’s because he is the law. LILY We still on for dinner tonight? DELANEY It’s been a really long day. Can we do tomorrow?



"Harold Jones"


LILY I’m having dinner with Hayden tomorrow. Raincheck? DELANEY Sounds great. INT. DELANEY’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - EVENING Delaney enters her apartment and closes the door behind her. She puts her keys into a little bowl on a small table by the door. The living room is barely furnished, like someone hasn’t really lived there in a long time. The walls are painted white and have no decorations on them. The floors are a basic wood pattern, but nothing has personalized it. Hi, Speck!


Delaney walks by an EMPTY FISHBOWL with fresh water filled to the brim. DELANEY (CONT’D) Dinner time! She opens the fish food and shakes a little into the bowl. It just sinks to a pile on the bottom. INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Delaney opens her fridge and looks through it. Nothing inside except a few bottles of wine and carryout boxes. She shrugs and closes the door. Delaney takes a medicine bottle out of her purse and takes out two pills. She turns on the sink and sends the pills down the drain. She moves on to... INT. BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Unlike the rest of the apartment, it is actually furnished with very plush like surfaces. She has a chair filled with pillows. Her bed has multiple pillows and blankets. All the furniture is either black or red.


"Harold Jones"


She walks straight to the bookshelf. There is book after book with titles concerning SERIAL KILLERS, DEATH, TOXIC CHEMICALS, and FAMOUS SERIAL KILLERS. Delaney picks up the book on serial killers and opens it. As she reads through the note-filled pages, she plays with her ring. Opens it to reveal a small needle inside the gem, and then closes it. She walks over to a calendar on her wall and marks the date off (October 1st) with a red check. All the days between the day marked “MOVE IN” are all checked off. Delaney walks over to the window in her room, double checks the lock, and closes the curtains. INT. HOSPITAL - R&D LABORATORY - MORNING Finn peaks in the door with a big smile on his face. FINN Knock, knock! You get my files? Hm?


FINN My files. You get them? DELANEY Yes, I got them. FINN Good. Man, you seem a little off -DELANEY Didn’t get much sleep last night. FINN That’s strange. Because of the guy who died? DELANEY No, from being in a truck with him. FINN (laughs) What!? DELANEY It’s not funny.


"Harold Jones"



Delaney shoves Finn into a counter. She stands over him. DELANEY (CONT’D) Your little push makes you look like a suspect! FINN I’m sure they’re not going to last long. Lily knocks on the door. LILY This a bad time? Delaney takes a deep breath. Finn. I’m going!


Finn squeezes out of Delaney’s trap and rushes out. Lily walks in with a big smile on her face. LILY I have some exciting news! DELANEY Hospital-related or boyfriendrelated? LILY Both and neither at the same time! It’s crime-related! DELANEY You have my attention.



"Harold Jones"

LILY The guy at the Mama Russo’s was murdered! What?


LILY But that’s not the exciting part! He and Harold Jones were murdered the same way! DELANEY You mean they’re connected? LILY Yes! I figured out how they were killed and I HAD to tell you first! DELANEY Why me? Why not Hayden? LILY Because what chemical are you focusing your studies on? Cyanide.


Lily just smiles at Delaney. DELANEY (CONT’D) Lily, I think if they were killed with cyanide, you would have found out sooner. LILY That’s what I thought, too! But upon further investigation, I found out this is a new and improved form of liquid cyanide. Still as deadly as a tablet, but once it punctures a vein -- you’re donezo! DELANEY Wait. How do you know they were punctured? Lily gives Delaney the photos she’s been holding. ANGLE ON: Photos of Harold Jones’ neck and Thug’s hand.



"Harold Jones"


LILY I can’t wait to send these to Hayden! He’s going to be so proud of me! There is a beat of silence between the two. Delaney --


DELANEY Lily, could you leave me alone for a second? LILY Sure. I’ll talk to you later. Lily leaves with the pictures. Delaney looks at all of her work racing through the test tubes and bites her lip. A look of uncertainty on her face. Finn rushes into the lab, shuts the door. FINN She’s figuring it out, isn’t she? Delaney looks over at him. His demeanor is more sinister than usual. DELANEY Definitely. FINN Should you kill her? DELANEY I don’t want to. She’s my only friend here. FINN I’m your friend, too. DELANEY No, you’re my employer. It’s different. Finn has a sudden realization. FINN Hey! If you kill her, you’ll be able to date Hayden!


"Harold Jones"

DELANEY How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t want to date him? Besides, if we killed her now, he’d figure out it pretty quickly. FINN You’re right. Maybe give it a month’s time? DELANEY A month is too long. If she needs to die now, it needs to be natural. FINN And how do you think you’ll manage that? DELANEY I’ll figure it out. You sure she won’t be helpful later on? FINN She figured it out. Cut the cord. Finn opens the door to leave. FINN (CONT’D) You’re good at that, aren’t you? Finn exits. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT Delaney exits the hospital and sees Lily ahead at the crosswalk. Lily!


Lily turns around and waves to Delaney. LILY I’m meeting Hayden for dinner! Talk to you later! A MUGGER rushes by Lily, grabs her bag. She screams and fights for the bag. Delaney bites her lip and runs down the steps. DELANEY Hey! Leave her alone!



"Harold Jones"

The mugger gives up and runs off. LILY Thank you, Delaney. I owe you one. DELANEY It’s no problem. Anything for a friend. INT. MAMA RUSSO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT - LATER Lily enters the restaurant and rushes to join Hayden. LILY Sorry I’m late. Lily slides into the booth. HAYDEN Were the dead bodies talking too much? LILY Um... No. I was almost mugged. Hayden perks up. What?


LILY (flustered) Wanted my purse. I don’t know why. HAYDEN Did he hurt you? LILY No. Delaney saved me. Anyway, I have these for you. Lily gives Hayden the pictures. Thanks.


LILY They both died from cyanide. HAYDEN Interesting.



"Harold Jones"


LILY (abruptly) Hayden. Do you even love me anymore? Hayden is too invested in the pictures. HAYDEN Mrs. Jones will be interested in hearing about this. Hayden. What?


LILY Do you even love me anymore? HAYDEN Of course! Of course I do! LILY Don’t act like it. HAYDEN I’m just swamped with work right now. I’m sorry. Once this case blows over, everything will be back to normal, okay? Hayden kisses Lily’s hand. HAYDEN (CONT’D) I love you. LILY I love you too. INT. R&D DEPARTMENT - MORNING Finn walks into Delaney’s lab with a piece of paper in hand. FINN Knock, knock! I decided to hand deliver the files today! DELANEY Is it my birthday? Finn gives Delaney a sheet of paper.


Have fun!

"Harold Jones"



Finn leaves. Delaney looks at the sheet of paper. SUPER: On it is the face of SALLY NEWTON (19), a young, rebellious girl with green hair that hangs in front of her face. It has her daily schedule on it. Delaney turns on the bunsen burner, lights a match, and burns the piece of paper. CUT TO BLACK.

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