28 minute read
Chapter Two - The Magic of Law of Attraction
from Personal Book
Part Two
Chapter Two The Magic of Law of Attraction
Belief is what I have in myself, Trust is what I have with people, and Faith is what I have in that unknown invisible force, which I know is working with me, for me and will carry me through — Mahatria Ra
People always complain that they can't do this, and they can't do that. If we look at our lives and concentrate on things that we don't have or wish to have, that doesn't change the circumstances. The truth is that we have to focus on what we have and make the best out of it — Nick Vujicic
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
The Awakening is a message to everyone. The universe exists for you, since it has created you, and it has the power and positivity to give you everything you ever need, want or desire, such as health, wealth, love, abundance, fame, and success. But at the same time, it also has everything that can bring about ruin, chaos, destruction, devastation, and death. However, what you become in your life is solely dependent on you. The message that The Awakening brings to you is, that you can actually be what you want to be, obtain what you truly want and achieve anything you wish for, with the sheer power of your thoughts and actions, simply by harnessing the power of the universe through yourselves. Empower yourselves with great thoughts and those thoughts will turn to reality. The universe awaits your command, to give you what you desire, and everything guides you through the power of the Law of Attraction. Once you understand it, and employ it appropriately, you will be able to see tremendous changes in your life, through which you not only become happy but share your happiness with everyone around you. We are what our thoughts have made us. So, take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live. They travel far
— Swami Vivekananda
The mind is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power, it finally assumes a tangible outward form
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Thousands of people since the dawn of history have discovered, deployed, and experienced this power in all its profoundness and stand testimony to its indubitable reality. Several of them started off simple in life but most of them had some incident or the other that put them on the path of discovery of themselves. And when they endeavoured to find the truth, they were awakened with enlightenment. It was the power of the Law of Attraction that put them on the road to success, making them great examples in history, for posterity.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve
— Napoleon Hill
Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato, great scientists such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison and Isaac Newton, the universal playwright William Shakespeare, the greatest musician of history Beethoven, and other highly accomplished people such as Victor Hugo, Abraham Lincoln, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey and a great many others have been strong believers of this concept and have demonstrated how successful they have been in their lives. The entire life of Madhu is in itself a testament to the wonders of this magnificent aspect of life: The Law of Attraction!’
“All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. it will show up for you.”
— Rhonda Byrne
Everything is Energy. Your thoughts can build emotions, could result in actions, and can consequently determine results. Your thoughts begin the process, your emotions amplify it, your action increases its momentum
— Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
What is the Law of Attraction?
In simpler terms, the Law of Attraction is a practicable philosophy that has long existed, for tens of centuries or since time immemorial, that suggests that all the positive results in our lives are an outcome of our thoughts, and any negative outcomes are actually resultants of our negative thinking. Thoughts are an intrinsic form of universal energy prevalent in the human mind and have extreme potential to bring about phenomenal success in all aspects of life such as health, money, relationships, and fame.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Rhonda Byrne in her landmark publication The Secret, explains the Law of Attraction clearly:
Everything that comes into our lives and everything that we experience, in fact, the complete order of the Universe is determined, through the magnetic power of our thoughts. Like attracts Like: It is the Law of Attraction. You bring about what you think about. It has been proven in scientific laboratories through cutting edge science that every thought is created of energy possessing its own frequency. When the energy and frequency of a single thought radiates out into the universe it naturally interacts with the material world. Science has time and again proven that matter or physical objects are also just packages of energy at the most infinitesimal level, the quantum level. And so, as our thoughts radiate out, they attract the energy and frequencies of like thoughts, like objects, and even like people, and draw those things back to you. It is thus how our Thoughts Become Things. It’s the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is based on the principal precept that 'Like attracts like' and the universe manifests the same in your life based on what you draw through your thoughts. What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create
— Buddha
This law is one of the most potent forces in humankind; a powerful law that truly exists in the universe. You simply cannot avoid it, for it is perpetual, always with you, just like the air around, and it works for everyone, every moment of their lives. The reality that you visualize in your life is in truth, a manifestation of your thoughts, for it is you who are creating your own reality and are led by it; you are creating it either consciously or subconsciously in a cycle that is unending as part of the creation that never ceases its purpose.
The Law of Attraction is the quintessential key on what your entire life is based on and understanding it and employing it correctly is what will determine your success. If you have a genuine desire to change your life and seek empowerment of yourself to create the beautiful future that you are aiming for, you definitely must seek to understand this universal law and your own role in it. The Law of Attraction is your pivot for limitless possibilities, and however insurmountable a challenge or an obstacle appears, it will provide you the requisite strength and the direction to overcome it. Nothing is difficult for the Law, and it opens up infinite possibilities, joy, and abundance, and has the power to change your life in a way that you would never have considered possible. Be limitless, fearless, and unstoppable.
The only limits in life are the ones you make up in your mind – Dr. Madhurima Reddy
The Law of Attraction – A Brief Background
Way back in history, somewhere around the year 1877, Helena Blavatsky, a Russian author, made a reference of the concept of Law of Attraction in print, in a context where she quoted that an attractive power exists between the elements of spirit. However, the concept was later more accurately discussed by Prentice Mulford who followed the proponent of the 'New Thought' Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, through which he went on to discuss the Law of Attraction in more detail and more clearly in his treatise 'The Law of Success' which was published about ten years later. The New Thought that became the basis for the concept of Law of Attraction, was a movement that began in America in the 19th century as a spiritual movement that drew upon the ancient thought and accumulated wisdom from a long list of beliefs and cultures such as Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Taoist, Vedic, Muslim, and Buddhist and such beliefs, in which a great
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
value was entrusted to the interaction between thought, belief and consciousness and their effects within and beyond the human mind. The twentieth century gave rise to several followers and teachers of the Law of Attraction who in course of time were able to make major contributions to spread the concept. Authors and speakers on the concept such as William Walker Atkinson in early to mid-1900s, Wallace Delois Wattles who became famous for his book The Science of Getting Rich, Napoleon Hill who wrote the monstrously successful Think and Grow Rich in 1937, Norman Vincent Peale who gave the world The Power of Positive Thinking in 1952, Louise Hay who created ripples with her all time success You Can Heal Your Life, and followed by the works of Abraham Hicks in the latter part of the 20th century, all proved invaluable in the movement. Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics
— Albert Einstein
What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create
— Buddha
The early 21st century saw the block buster works of Rhonda Byrne who with her film ‘The Secret’ in 2006, went on to capture a major part of the world audience with the concept. The film was followed by her book ‘The Secret’ in 2007 which quickly became an international best seller. This was followed by The Power, Hero and The Magic by Rhonda which did very well to sustain the momentum of The Secret. However, though the term ‘Law of Attraction’ became more popular only from the 20th Century, the concept and its inner meaning were long existent in the scriptures of the ancient religions since time immemorial. Whether it is the Buddhist, the Hindu or the Christian or any other, with their subtly and powerfully meaningful messages,
they conveyed the concept in various forms, signifying and propagating the strength of prayer, faith, service, and gratitude. The great gurus, saints, sages, prophets, and masters of divinity, who have earned their place in the scriptures of most religions have all understood and employed the Law of Attraction and have thus stood as an example to entire mankind with their accomplishments, achievements, and messages of success. Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand — Bob Proctor The most famous and powerful leaders, inventors, scientists, educationalists, authors, doctors, researchers, philosophers, politicians, spiritual gurus, artists, musicians and several others such as Charles F. Hannel, James Allen, Emile Coue, Wallace D Wattles, Albert Einstein, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Steve Jobs, Louise Hay, Oprah Winfrey, Nick Vujicic, Robin Sharma, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Richard Bandler, Blair Singer, Swami Vivekananda, Parahamsa Yogananda, and Mahatria RA, and hundreds of others have been staunch believers and followers of the Law of Attraction and have all vouched, proclaimed and conclusively proved that, in their works and words. “Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source – you.”
— Rhonda Byrne
“All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. it will show up for you.”
— Rhonda Byrne
Belief is what I have in myself, Trust is what I have with people, and Faith is what I have in that unknown invisible force, which I know is working with me, for me and will carry me through
— Mahatria Ra
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
People always complain that they can't do this, and they can't do that. If we look at our lives and concentrate on things that we don't have or wish to have, that doesn't change the circumstances. The truth is that we have to focus on what we have and make the best out of it — Nick Vujicic
What are the Laws of Attraction?
The universal principles of the Law of Attraction are essentially three: 1. Thoughts Become Things 2. Whatever you focus your attention on, grows stronger. 3. Like Attracts Like
Thoughts Become Things
The first law is that your Thoughts Become things. And most rightly so. Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.
– Mahtma Gandhi
If you constantly keep thinking of a certain idea such as acquiring a car, a new house, starting a new business, having a grand vacation, or even a soulmate, your mind is emitting that signal to the universe which is ever ready to redirect it to your need and guide you to the right direction. In the process you inevitably find yourself on the path of achieving the same. A thought has a certain frequency and can actually be measured. Just like an electronic device receives a signal on a certain frequency and gives us the required image or link to what we want, the human mind is capable of both acting as a transmitter of
thoughts as well as a receiver of guidance or directions from the universe. That is the power of your thought. Thoughts shape the world. If you are reading this book by the light of a bulb, it is because of the thoughts that Edison kept thinking in his mind, due to which the electric bulb became a reality. His thoughts became things. Likewise, if the Wright Brothers did not have thoughts of flying, the aeroplane wouldn’t have materialised. If Sir Ronald Ross did not have thoughts of discovering the Malarial vaccine, probably the world would still be suffering from the deadly disease. If Gutenberg did not think of the printing press, it probably wouldn't have been possible to see anything in print. The best inventions that changed the world were all products of the thoughts of the inventors or discovers. Whether it was Charles Babbage for computers or Galileo for the Telescope, whether it was Steve Jobs for Apple, or Bill Gates for Windows, whether it was James Watt for the Steam Engine, or Graham Bell for the Telephone, whether it was Columbus for America, or James Cook for Australia, or Vasco da gama for India, all the products invented, and all the places discovered, were simply the resultant of the thoughts these great people had. And today each and every one living on this planet is able to witness the advantages these things had brought to the world. Their thoughts simply became things, which you and I can clearly see, feel, and experience. And there are great villains of history too who have harnessed the power of thinking, though in a devastating way. The world’s worst dictators and rulers used their thoughts too, but sadly to annihilate the world. If Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, or Pol Pot did not think of the worst genocides in history, they would never have occurred. Their thoughts were simply guided by the universe in the direction they chose to. Our thoughts can get us things and make us lose things too. It is just what we choose to think that inevitably gets the result of our thinking.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
What is important here is to believe the power of your thoughts. You are the creation of your thoughts yourself. What you have been thinking has led you to where you are. If you have been successful so far, you should be thinking of reaching a higher degree of the same. If you have been unfortunate either financially or academically or are in a poor state of health, it is because you have been entertaining negative thoughts and your position is only due to the thoughts you are allowing in your mind. You should stop your negative thinking and have only positive, happy, healthy, wealthy, and ambitious thoughts for your success and health, and it is imminent that you will find yourself on the path of accomplishing great things very soon.
The Mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can take us to the heights of ecstasy or plunge us into the depths of misery. Learn to use the power wisely — David Cushieri Like all the laws of nature, there is utter perfection in this law. You create your life. Whatever you sow, you reap! Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant — Rhonda Byrne
This is yet another of the three fundamental laws of attraction that can make or break you, since as part of the principal law, it is most powerful and has proven across civilization that it can both achieve absolute wonders and can prove unimaginably destructive. ‘Energy flows where attention goes’ is a popular saying. It is because it is the truth. Focus on positive things such as health, purpose, wealth, success, career, education, growth, recognition, relationships, soulmate, gratitude, appreciation, love, and likewise. Avoid focusing or thinking of negative aspects of life such as fear, criticism, hatred, gossip, crime, poverty, failure, aggression,
cheating, etc. The law of attraction is clear. What you focus on, will only get stronger. When you look at yourself in a mirror, remember to see how beautiful you are rather than how old or ugly you think you are, and that will already make you feel positive. When confidence radiates from you, you are already more attractive to everyone around. Focus can help change your life as your focus is feeding your target and creating a connection with you, bringing it closer. Creating a crystal-clear vision of what you wish to achieve or where you wish to reach is the primary step, followed by focussing your complete attention on accomplishing it. As you learn to focus, you begin to understand either the ease or difficulty in reaching your goal and your mind helps you lay out a map to help you reach it. You must be obsessive about your focus on the target, and believe, and the magic begins. Amazing things happen when you strengthen your focus. You will discover a fresh energy that helps guide you to the set goal. You will discover strategies and pathways to reach there. You strangely begin to connect to people who can help you reach your target, which may seem magical but will be true. The universe is working to allow you identify and capitalise on new resources. You will begin researching the subject, get news on the same and begin to gain more and more knowledge on making the right plans in your endeavour to reach it or achieve it. That is how energy flows to where attention goes. Imagine a tough exam which can get you a great career. How would you achieve passing it? Once you have a clear picture in your mind, won’t you research the preparatory material to help you focus on cracking the exam and the interview? If you have determined your goal, you should be preparing yourself to be better than others. The power and intensity of your preparation is the focus you are putting your attention on. When you know that the roadmap to your goal is clear, your mind will assess all the challenges you will need to face, in conquering it and provide you with the necessary strength and
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
resources and strategies to confront the challenge. However tough a challenge may be, your unwavering focus to the set target will definitely enable you reach it. Whether it is a job you are focusing on, or a house, a car, a business, a thing, or a person, when you pay complete attention to your focus, rest assured, for its just a matter of time before you own it. The law of attraction prevails abundantly in minds that are filled with purpose and resolve and not only facilitates but eases the approach to your objective when you demonstrate your commitment to achieve it. One consistently observable thing across people is how they allow distractions and issues interfere with their focus. People have to be obsessive with a goal and dedicate themselves completely in its pursuit by devoting their entire focus and energy to it in order to accomplish it. Most people never go beyond a certain distance, simply because their focus is dispersed and their energy flow to their target is disturbed. This prevents them from getting what they really want, though they may keep up with minor successes. When you have a clear result in your mind and you believe in a completely positive outcome, it changes your very behaviour and gives you momentum that allows you to take actions that will lead to the appropriate results. When you fully align yourself with the idea that 'energy flows where attention goes' you become attentive to each of your thoughts and behaviour since your vision is now clear and you get to see the bigger picture.
Like Attracts Like
Indeed, and undoubtedly so; and that is how the world is formed. People with similar interests bond together. Clubs, Associations, Societies and Groups and such others, are clear examples of how like attracts like. People who are driven by success bond together. You can hence see Millionaire Clubs, Clubs for CEOs, Societies
for Scientists, Engineers, Writers, Speakers, Artists, Musicians, Chefs, and all such. These are simple examples of how like attracts like. Even when people meet at a place for the first time, they form natural groups based on whom they meet, discover common likes and gel with. This is simply the Law of Attraction at work. You attract like minds, like interests and like tastes and then go ahead to form friendships and perhaps forge more stronger relationships and partnerships in future. In a similar manner, gamblers, drunkards, drug addicts and even criminals are drawn together into groups. Thus, this principle that Like Attracts Like, becomes the fundamental principle of the law of attraction. Why do such things happen? Simply because the universe dictates it and gets like minds to meet each other. It doesn’t decide whether someone is good or bad in their likes, it is just a magnet and makes likes meet. This law is not applicable to just people alone, but to everything you think about. If you keep thinking only of success, wealth, health and fame, the universe steers you into their path, and places manifold opportunities which will inevitably lead you there. When you meet a person for the first time, your mind immediately begins to analyse the individual, asses his or her tastes, and likes and interests, and if you have common interests, the person can eventually become a lifetime’s friend or even your soulmate perhaps. It is commonly observed that most marriages are successful when both the partners share common likes and interests. These common likes keep the bond strong and permanent. It is simply the law of attraction at work. No goal or objective is difficult if you set your mind on the path of whatever you desire. The truth is while positive thinking results in positive actions bringing about successful results, negative thinking will only result in negative actions which subsequently end in negative experiences for anyone. A person is only limited by the thoughts that he chooses
— James Allen
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
You will attract everything that you require. If it's money you need, you will attract it. If it's people you need, you'll attract it. If it's a certain book you need, you'll attract it. You've got to pay attention to what you're attracted to, because as you hold images of what you want, you're going to be attracted to things and they're going to be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you. And it does that by law. — Bob Proctor
The Law of Attraction also works around the following precepts:
Vacuum Has no Place in Nature One's mind is either filled with positive thoughts or negative thoughts and it is impossible for one's mind to have a complete empty space. This principle of the law exhorts that unless you fill your mind with positive thoughts, there is every likelihood that negative thoughts creep in. Hence it is essential for you to always carry yourself with good thoughts, good ideas and great thinking that can inevitably create a path of success for you. The Present is Always Perfect The message here is that one should make the best use of his or her current situation. How best you make of the present is what leads you to your future and by the time you reach there it again becomes your present moment. The future may seem grim or challenging if you look at your present state, with dissatisfaction on any account. However, once you accept that your present is likely to change only with your positive efforts and begin to introspect on what shortcomings your current position has and how to eliminate them, the resultant of your effort will definitely be an improvement of your present. Likewise, if you observe that you are successful in business or happy in a current job, you often find that you get more and better opportunities during the time. People who are already in
gainful employment usually seem to find other jobs and higher prospects more easily when they are already happy in their present position. Success in business usually causes people to diversify into more prospective domains. These are all examples of positive thinking and positive action which in turn yields undeniably successful results. To people who might wonder how a concept like the Law of Attraction can work, the answer is clear. Every atom in existence is a component of the universe; everything that exists is part of it, you, me, everyone else, every animal, bird, tree or living thing, every rock, every sand particle, every water drop and every molecule of air we breathe. They are all manifestations of the power of the universe. The universe gives all and takes all. Its power is beyond our imagination. It exists solely for you and me. Your thoughts are the primary way that connect you to the universe. And it reacts to them just as any living thing. When you feed your mind with beautiful, rich, and positive thoughts, the universe responds accordingly and sends results that in turn make your life beautiful, productive, and successful. The universe is the universal receptacle of all our thoughts, positive, bold, creative, romantic, powerful, or successful and reflects back the same yielding dramatic results which you yourself would be stunned by. The happiest people on the earth are therefore most successful and always spread cheer and positivity everywhere they go. They have established the right connect to the universe and it is what reciprocates the joy and happiness they are constantly in. The power of the universe is unquestionable. It can be felt in everything that lies and exists all around us. It is in you and me and when you look deep into yourself, you will not fail to find it. The simplest way to connect to the universe according to the Law of Attraction is to ask the universe what you want and express your gratitude for what you have. You will find that the entity responds with great certainty and gives you what you deeply desire.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
In the case of Madhu, all the challenges she faced only made her stronger since she never lost faith, faith in herself, faith in the universe. With all the pressures she had in her family life, she stood absolutely firm with great power and determination, believing only in herself, and knowing well that she would be a success, whatsoever may try to interfere with her purpose. Achieving Nine academic qualifications with two PhDs and Five Post Graduation qualifications is no joke for any lady in an Indian household, unless she is driven by an unconquerable passion, grit, and purpose. Most contemporaries of Madhu though having post graduate qualifications and even in medicine, are sadly limited to their social confines, being happy as housewives, while Madhu has ventured out to the open world reaching out to hundreds of thousands to help them improve their own lives. In her most miserable moments, the power of positivity never left her. She would often be reminded of the great Swami Vivekananda, who by thirty-nine had already conquered half the world with his messages of peace, positivity, happiness, and success. His thinking was clear, his purpose determined, and his focus was steady on his objective. He had achieved at such a young age what took ages for other men. Madhu was led by his spirit and discipline and her interest in his philosophy guided her to explore some of the most renowned works on the concept. They opened her mind to the infinite possibilities of the mind and the universe and gave her strength to confront the worst adversities. In the Northeast when her husband Venu was posted there and she was employed outside in a manufacturing industry, one of her employers ordered that certain female staff of the company including her, would get their remuneration only through him. Many of the women fell into his trap or some others quit since they had no other recourse. But Madhu knowing him to be a grave philanderer refused to accept her wages from him and also refused to quit her job. She had been taking several sessions for the employees and she believed that her mission would be incomplete if she gave up just because of him. She believed that if
she had to quit it would be on her choice and not because someone humiliated or disrespected her. She believed work was a prayer and if she had to leave, she would do it gracefully. The director who was a recent entry into the company feeling rejected, ensured that she did not receive her salary through the accounts department which normally would disburse the same. He made sure that she received no support whatsoever, in the case and further went on to increase her work pressure. However, Madhu unfazed, continued to work without her pay and never made any demands or succumbed to any pressure from any source, believing her own sense of dignity and focused purely on her work. This went on for one year and finally when Madhu had to leave, the man utterly ashamed of himself, publicly apologised to her saying that he was yet to meet a woman of such great resolve. When Madhu was offered her entire dues, she still refused to take them and requested that her entire earnings be spent on the welfare of the women employees of the company. The management of the company was simply stupefied, and the employees were very grateful for her unselfish dedication to her duty. Had it not been for her focus, Madhu would not have been able to accomplish this great result. It is impossible to conceive of someone who would work without wages for a year unless they are so driven by purpose. When Madhu went to Darjeeling and Sikkim on a visit, she happened to visit some of the most historically and culturally significant Buddhist monasteries there. In her few days of stay, she was overwhelmed at the peace and tranquillity of the monks. She interacted almost every day with some of the monks who explained how they could achieve such peace in their lives and how they led such simple lives. She witnessed that though they lived such meagre lives with the most basic material things, they were always happy and smiling. Their deep meditation techniques, prayers and chanting of hymns gave them the strength to live such peaceful lives and spread their happiness.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Madhu learnt quite a lot of their culture and began to imbibe them into her own life and in course of time found substantial peace against every adversity that she later had to confront. The Law is simply magical. Everything that exists in this world from a human perception, is the result of the Law of Attraction. It works without bias against gender, age, race, health, social status, or such other attributes. It purely works on our mental faculties. It uses the power of our mind to create things into reality, to make things materialize from thoughts. Anything, career, money, health, relationship, recognition, and fame; all can be accomplished by the law. At the same time, it can also bring about chaos, failure, death, and destruction, if wrongly used. It is the universal law that governs our lives, without creating distinctions between success and failure, happiness and sorrow, health and sickness, fame, and unpopularity. Everything that is, is a product of the Law of Attraction. You and I are all products of it. Now it is time you understood the different ways in which these laws work and how you can understand them better and reign them in to rule your own life, how you can make unhappiness go away and rope in success and joy throughout your life. The Law of Attraction is waiting to be summoned by you. Learn it, understand it, use it and you can win over the world!
Your thoughts are your biggest strength. When you think big and visualize them often, health, love, happiness, fame, money, power, success, health, love, happiness, and everything you ever desired, will be yours. Try it. That is the power of the Law of Attraction. It is all in your mind; take hold of it and you will see for yourself that nothing is too big anymore – Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy