6 minute read
from Personal Book
Agood book is the precious life blood of a master spirit, said the great John Milton in his wondrous treatise Areopagitica. In line with the same, through this effort ‘The Awakening,’ I believe I have done my best in presenting an expansive understanding of the concept of the Law of Attraction, from the thousands of experiences I have personally gained all through my life. There is no substitute for experience, and it is experience that brings out the best in you. From the time my conscious had awakened, I can recollect a multitude of the great experiences I have had. And the vast collection of my life’s experiences has given me an uninhibited perspective into the world and has refined my perception of life and defined my purpose, which is, to reach out to the world and endeavour to make it a better place for all. In the immeasurable immensity of the world that we live, there is substantial opportunity for everyone; you just have to see it. You were born for some purpose which the universe has for you. But it is up to you to discover that purpose. You can choose to be either a great leader or just live an average life of a middle-class man or even be a failure. But all of it lies simply in your hands. So, you become what you wish to make of your life. In that way, I am certain this book has been quite helpful for you to understand what meaning you wish to make of your life. Through ‘The Awakening,’ I have endeavoured to illustrate what can motivate you to find your purpose, inspire you with stories of greatness and make you understand how to find success, fame, prosperity, health, and wealth. But in order to achieve all that, you have to work on yourself, relentlessly, determinedly, and uncompromisingly, and chisel yourself to perfection, so that you get everything you truly deserve.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
The greatest of men Abraham Lincoln and the worst villain of history, Adolf Hitler, were both plain men. But one chose to eliminate slavery to benefit mankind and died for it, and the other chose to make slaves of men and rule over mankind and lost his life to it. It is how these men and thousands of others chose to work with their minds. Inevitably it is your mind that is the strongest tool through which you can achieve greatness. The Awakening is a humble endeavour of just one of the several that I have planned to bring forth for you, in the time ahead. Just as this book, each of my forthcoming books would be designed for bringing out the best in you, and should you follow the principles and practices I layout for you, I am certain you will make great accomplishments and undoubtedly be on the path of fame, glory, and success.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy,
MA., M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D, Ph.D, Hon Doct., D.Litt. Dr. P Madhurima Reddy is an Entrepreneur, a Peak Performance International Trainer & Coach for Life, Wealth, & Business, Clinical Psychologist, and an Educationist with an experience of more than 24 years in Teaching, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Healing and Counselling. This humongous experience and a vision to create a positive change in people led her into instituting La Winspire International Training & Solutions LLP, in association with Continental Hospitals. Hailing from a renowned family with a great heritage, she has however, had to be content in the highly orthodox and brutally conservative culture of the Rayalaseema region, where most women, even to this day are compelled to live a life confined to the four walls of a home. With complete lack of support and extended suffering, confinement, and disavowed even after her marriage, she began to divert her focus on studies, and soon realized that books, studies, and motivating people, gave her immense satisfaction and peace. Her persistence, diehard determination and relentless strength made her rediscover her own strength and gradually led her to establish herself as one of the most sought-after trainers and Clinical Psychologists in India. Today her unique programs based on Law of Attraction & Wealth Abundance are famous across the globe along with her TV shows. She obtained international certifications in Personality Development, Leadership, Emotional Mastery, Wealth Coaching and Mastery, Advanced Law of Attraction, Advanced DMIT, Business Coaching, Behavioural Sciences, and Certified and Licensed NLP Master Practitioner (UK). She is a recipient of well over a hundred national and international awards for her excellence in coaching and training. She has attained absolute mastery in conducting Life Skills workshops for thousands today. She has conducted innumerable national and international workshops on various concepts for organizations, professionals, and individuals of all walks of life. She has coached and transformed top CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, Pilots, Advocates, Trainers, HRD Heads, Sports Persons, Actors, Film Producers, Bank Managers, Corporate Clients, Home Makers, Students and individuals across the globe by unleashing their internal spirit that drives them to excellence. She was also the founder and Ex-President of one of the leading Toast Masters clubs in Hyderabad.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
That we all are products of our own thoughts is an interesting thought in itself. Dr. Madhurima’s work makes us introspect ourselves deeply and identify the factors that can either make us or break us. The law of attraction is well explained here and makes the book a great ally for us in our moments of despair.
--- BlaiR singeR, International Trainer, Best Selling Author of Sales Dogs, Little Voice Mastery & Team Code of Honor, Advisor to Rich Dad author Robert Kiyosaki
Knowing Dr. Madhurima Reddy well, I am glad she has ventured to write explicitly on the things that should matter to everyone in their lives. I am very sure The Awakening gives great insights into the concept of Law of Attraction. Wishing the book every success.
--- Manchu laKshMi
PRasanna, Indian Actress, Producer, And Television Presenter
The power of Law of Attraction is phenomenal. Dr. Madhurima has illustratively conveyed its scope in The Awakening, intermingling the concept with her own personal experiences and has thus shown herself as an example of how positivity can change a person’s life.
--- dR. g K ganaPathy Reddy
CMD, Stayfit India
The whats, the whys, and the hows of life’s success are illustratively explained in this book. I was quite impressed with the author’s own story and how she overcame every misery in her life and fought to become a success story. A must read for all.
--- suRendRan.J
Founder & CEO Success Gyan
Pretty aptly named, the book actually causes you to awaken to the realities of life, and how you can steer yourself to success. Be prudent, be realistic, and be focused. These three elements will make what you wish to be. Beautifully conveyed, the Law of Attraction is explicitly and effectively presented and is sure to positively impact everyone who reads The Awakening.
--- Jayesh RanJan, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government Industries and Commerce (Tex) Department(FAC), TS
In a world of uncertainty and chaos, Dr. Madhurima attempts to inspire people to find meaning to their lives by relating them to the way things work as per the laws of the universe, of which the law of attraction is considered an integral part. It makes for an excellent read.
--- R.shoBa, iFs
Principal Conservator of Forests, Govt of Telangana
I’m glad Dr. Madhurima Reddy has ventured to write this wonderful book based on the Law of write this wonderful book based on the Law of Attraction. I am certain the reader will find Attraction. I am certain the reader will find it vastly interesting and that the message it vastly interesting and that the message conveyed in the book will be immensely conveyed in the book will be immensely helpful to all. helpful to all.
--- M.nanda KishoRe,
Managing Director, REFL ---- Ramky Group
