35 minute read
Chapter Seven - Being Bountiful, Wealthy and Prosperous
from Personal Book
Part Two
Chapter Seven Being Bountiful, Wealthy and Prosperous
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced.” — Swami Vivekananda
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
“Prosperity and abundance start in the mind. If you feel and believe that they are part of your life, soon they will be.” – Remez Sasson “Invest first in education. In reality, the only real asset you have is your mind, the most powerful tool we have dominion over.” – Robert Kiyosaki
How do you end up becoming rich and prosperous? Where do we start? How can you reach the stature of moving around with millionaires and celebrities? How can you become one of the most talked about people as a successful person? Is there a way to all these objectives? Before we venture to address these queries, let us first understand how the journey to wealth begins. Why is wealth important to everyone? Joe to Jonah: 'I always wanted to ask you Jonah. How would you like your life to be?' 'Joe, I am just like anyone. I wish to be consistently happy, contented, comfortable and satisfied, with a fulfilling life. Wouldn’t you too? ‘Hmm Jonah, I guess so. But what do you think can actually make us and keep us happy always?' 'That's easy Joe, I am sure we would all be happy, if we can get what we want, buy what we want, wear what we want, eat what we want, go where we can, and live however we want. Don’t you think so?'
'Sounds interesting Jonah. But how can we get everything we want?'
'If we have the Aladdin’s lamp Joe, I guess we can get all that!!’
‘Oh Jonah, if only wishes were horses!’ Welcome to the real world! Here we have neither the legendary Aladdin’s Lamp nor a genie that can grant wishes, but what can actually get you what you want is:
Money! Wealth! Riches! Prosperity! Abundance! Irrespective of whether one agrees or disagrees, the fact is, that money is the most important factor in the world. Money is important for you to get a good quality of life, give you what you desire, take you where you would like to be, and live in a manner that is truly fulfilling for you. If you are wealthy, you are recognised and respected all around and you simply get what you want. Let us be honest, everyone wants to be rich and wealthy; don’t you agree? I know you want to be rich, and so do I, and everyone else too. Wouldn’t you want yourselves to study in a world class college, or put your children in such educational institutions which give them the best education? How can you accomplish your dream of obtaining that rich villa, that beautiful farmhouse and that awesome car? How long will you put off travelling to your dream vacation? How can you fulfil your long-time ambition of owning a successful company? And if you are sick by any chance, wouldn’t you like to be treated in the best hospitals? And I am sure you know that everything that is ‘best’ obviously costs a lot of money? And in the unfortunate instance of an unforeseen crisis, such as a natural or an economic disaster or social strife, isn’t it essential that one should have enough money to rebuild their lives rather than depend on charity?
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Money per se, is the single most essential factor in our lives. It can give you every comfort and luxury you choose, a great home, a quality education, a great business, a good lifestyle, a respectable circle, and social stature, and consequently a good life. When I say money, I mean enough money. Though putting a figure to having enough money is difficult, being rich means, reaching and maintaining a long-term stature of fulfilling all your wants and needs without ever having to even think twice of a quantum of money for spending on something, even in a sudden spell of misfortune. Money and your Mind - What kind of 'wealth' grooming did you have? All of us grew with certain beliefs about money that we received since our childhood. The way our mind is conditioned about wealth and being rich goes back to our very infancy. Your perception of money is influenced by the money beliefs that were deeply imprinted in your mind like patterns. Your mind then attempts to match the external reality with the beliefs imprinted on your brain, your ingrained reality. Your mind makes you interpret things based on your experiences to ensure that they fit within the beliefs you had about money. In truth, you are building your own conceptions based on the money imprint you have and perceive it to be the actual reality.
Now, how many of you have heard these comments before? •Money is the root cause of all evil. •Money is not important. •Money is the least priority in my life. •Rich men are sinners.
•Rich men can never be human.
•The rich have no place in heaven. •There are far greater things in the world than money. •Money means working too hard. •Too much money is needed to do something. •Money is a very scarce commodity, •Happiness can never be bought with money. •Money is never enough. •How can I be rich when there are so many poor people? …. and blah blah blah!
I honestly believe that all such sayings you have heard are highly vicious, are truly uninspiring and demotivating, and derail all ambition to succeed. Sadly, most of us have been conditioned from our childhood to believe that money is a monster, that it is evil, that the rich are wicked and greedy, and that you cannot be good if you are rich. With the way that most people have received this grooming about wealth, the idea of being wealthy becomes sadly weakened. I guess almost everyone who was not born rich would have heard these comments. With such conditioning right since childhood, most people sadly grow up to believe that what they heard since their younger days is actually right. But the bitter truth also is, that this is the general trend of people who actually do not have enough money, to believe these sayings and are therefore in a perpetual state of penury and misery. In order to obtain financial freedom and success and accomplish your life's desires you must have a set of beliefs that are right. Beliefs that are fear based as spoken of above, may take root
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in our conditioning by our parents, neighbours, friends, and probably most things you see around including the internet. The indisputable truth is that our lives are shaped by our beliefs. But the best part is these beliefs that limit people in pursuing wealth and ambition can be changed. These are just beliefs, and you can definitely change your beliefs. Change your beliefs with the ones that work, not ones which shackle you and prevent you from rising high. Money does not create evil, it is honestly only the lack of it that does. “If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non-supportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to
“prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.”
— T. Harv Eker
Many people fail because they limit their beliefs. The fear of failure itself is the greatest cause of failure. This fear is the primary force that prevents us or stops us from doing things that actually can help us move forward to reach our goals. The reasons can be many for this fear. But once you understand the reasons for this fear, you are on the first step to achieve what you always wanted. So, if your mind has been corrupted by such sayings and beliefs, that are holding you back, it is time to replace them with the thoughts of the rich, the powerful and the prosperous. And that is the first part of your journey to wealth and abundance. How can you become rich and wealthy? The starting point of all achievement is Desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat
— Napoleon Hill
Only one in a million ever became rich in a lottery. But as far as life is concerned, in order to achieve the prosperity, you dreamt of, and reach the success you aspired for, you should begin to believe, use your thought and act in that direction.
Remember, thoughts lead to actions, and actions lead to results. And once you do it correctly, wealth, money, richness, success, fame, and everything will simply follow you. Some of the richest people having started from a scratch never actually focused on money. Money came naturally to them. It is the obvious by-product and the clear outcome of what they did and how they rose to their accomplishments. The richest man and the poorest man in the world are biologically no different from each other. However, ordinary people sometimes become extraordinary and stand out from the rest because they realised the potential they possessed and allowed that force to manifest itself taking them on to the path to success. Everyone is born with great potential to do great things. Once you know that you and Elon Musk or Bill Gates are made up of the same matter, you would perhaps understand the underlying factors that made them successful.
The following are some practices of the richest men and which when applied to your own life, can also put you on a similar road to success:
Become the Best of Yourself
What is the one thing that sets you apart from the others? Everyone is uniquely equipped with skills, talents, or abilities that they may or may not be aware of. However, they can prove to be life changers when identified, strengthened, and put to good use. When you are extremely and indisputably good in an area, your skills and talents will be greatly sought for. And it can be the most rewarding experience for you to use your abilities to create wealth for yourself. When you are the best in a certain field, opportunities will find their way to you. If you wish to be successful in such a manner, you should truly excel by constantly focusing on strengthening the skill to even a better degree. Once you wish to excel in a certain area, you should research and endeavour to
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imbibe the qualities of the most successful people in the area. This would better equip you for taking on any prospect that could come across.
Successful people always invest every possible resource on themselves such as time, energy and money and keep improving themselves. The best sportspersons, speakers, singers, artists, writers, or such other professionals, always find time for themselves to be the best in their class. One of the aspects of being rich is hence to be among the best in the arena and be prepared for any challenge, which in turn could turn into a prospective opportunity. Eliminate Beliefs that Limit You
This is the first step on your road to riches. Set aside any beliefs that prevent you from thinking you can't be a millionaire. First decide that you wish to become not just a millionaire but a multimillionaire. Let the idea be embedded deeply into your mind. After you have decided, believe that you are on the path of success. And imagine yourself as having attained the riches you desired to possess. Once you begin to manifest the idea of wealth in your mind, you will automatically begin to charter the course that you need to take, in order to actually achieve it. There is abundant wealth all around, waiting to be picked up. You must begin to understand that your money is with someone else. You just don’t realise it. You just have to strategize to get to it and make it yours. Create unique products, services, or new ideas; the world is just too huge not to render you opportunities. You just have to use your mind’s lenses to explore, discover, get creative, and further yourself. Most importantly do not be around anyone who doubts your capability and keeps questioning your objectives. Naysayers are a notorious set of people who act as major obstacles in your journey to success. Rather look for a mentor who can help you cultivate a greater and a more positive outlook towards wealth and prosperity. Having complete faith in yourself is one of the primary steps in your search for success and prosperity.
Sketch Your Plan
How exactly do you propose to earn those millions? First create a proper plan. Explore the various ways in which money can be earned. Lay out all the opportunities that you can see before yourself. Choose one that fits your competence and capability. Explore the opportunity more closely by shortlisting the challenges and prospects in the opportunity. Do you have the strength to address the challenges? In your plan ensure that each step is realistic and doable, and that you have sufficient capability to do so. Break down the challenges to miniscule components so that it is easier to meet them. For instance, if you plan to make $10,000 in the next one month, first plan to earn the first $100 and then you will begin to see how easy or tough the idea is. Perhaps you have a product or service that you can sell for $10 to ten people, or $50 to just two people. And then you will understand how to work out the strategy to reach larger audiences. If you could successfully target a hundred people for $100 each, you got your 10K already. Just multiply the hundred people into more and you should see money flowing. Always remember, it’s easy to sell less expensive things to a larger number of people than sell expensive things to a fewer number. More expensive things usually may have larger profits but are difficult to sell. However, once you are seasoned enough you will know how to juggle with many ideas.
Stop Focusing on Money The rich do not focus on money, though it is the ultimate objective. Rather, they explore ways of improvising their approach to it. They focus on their strengths, their service, reach and delivery. And these aspects are so powerful that they speak for themselves. Rather than believing that they are in competition with someone else, they believe that what they are doing is a new creation. In doing so,
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they are eliminating competition already, from their minds. The idea of competition can create a perpetual doubt in your mind. So, cast it aside. A free mind works more clearly. Once you begin to deliver to your customers with confidence, your product becomes a self-seller, giving you a word-of-mouth referral which in business terms is the biggest seller. When you have been able to set a goal on how rich you aim to get, you should learn to never lose focus on your target. Do not be put off by slow returns or initial setbacks. Perseverance is the key. In time, the success you visualised will be yours. The richest and most successful enterprises were not built in a day, they are examples of diehard dedication, discipline, and determination. Walt Disney once said, "We don't make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies." Make Money Work for You The rich are intelligent people. They don’t tie up their money in the locker, rather they put every penny to good use, so that it keeps yielding more and more, and multiplies itself, as it is reinvested continuously. The rich continue to buy assets from which they keep getting further returns. Usually financially unwise people buy liabilities thinking they are assets. Money that is not invested in an asset which pays you back regularly, tends to be lost in no time as liquid cash is the easiest thing that can be spent off in unnecessary expenses. Talk to a trustworthy financial consultant who can help you take accurate and worthwhile financial investment decisions, such as investing in stocks or bonds. Interest that is saved is money earned too. Invest in assets and schemes that earn you passive money each month. Passive money is money you earn from an investment that assuredly pays you back regularly. Investing in real estate is a great idea considering the massive and consistent upheaval in the segment. Get rid of any debt that holds you down and makes you
lose money. With growing opportunity each day in the contemporary world, the options of investing in safe avenues are plenty. The rich utilise their money with diligent judiciousness when making an investment, and that inevitably fetches positive returns. Create Connections with the Rich
Rich people are a careful community among themselves. One of the first things for you to get into their group is to create connections to them and use every opportunity to spend with them. In order to do so, you have to have something of value to them. You can perhaps exchange your skills or knowledge that might be of interest to them and let them gradually absorb you into their community. Rich people are usually open to ideas and if your ideas interest them, they could be potential investors in your idea too, which in time can make you rich yourself. Being in groups of wealthy people can get you great connections in time and help create a separate path for your own success. When you spend time with such communities, you learn the art, the science, and the strategy to create wealth. Believe in the Power of Giving When you express gratitude and show the same to someone who has either done some service to you or is in your employment, it speaks volumes of your graciousness. Appreciation and gratitude go miles in getting you closer to your goal. When you show these, the performance of the receiver improves giving you better results. For instance, when you shower your employee or subordinate with your thankfulness for some achievement he had, it acts as a great morale booster encouraging him to perform even better. The succeeding result shows on your overall performance making you more successful. The power of giving is too great. Whether you give to someone who has done some service to you, or you donate to the poor and needy or have helped someone in need, all such deeds will pay you back in volumes.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Money can do a little for you, but it can do a lot through you. And what money can do, money alone can do. So, every good human being has the moral responsibility to be rich
— Mahatria Ra
How to Remain Rich and Wealthy
Develop a Mindset of Financial Growth Getting rich and remaining rich are only possible when you get as creative as possible in discovering more ways of making money. You must nurture a strong mindset of financial growth, investing in multiple streams of income, picking up better and bigger projects in which profitability can be better assessed. Be open to new ideas. The rich always focus on scouting for profitable opportunities. Network with the Rich & Successful
One of the secrets of the rich is to constantly maintain their connections with others in the wealth club. They connect with other successful and rich people who have great drive, talent, and an immense potential to be successful. They thus keep meeting and interacting with them at social gatherings, business events and conferences. They understand that this is an intelligent way of investing their time, since this is the time that they discover the various opportunities that the others are pursuing and prospecting. Also meeting other new people in the circle can often lead you to new ideas and can also establish strong connects with influential people who can be strong sources of help at a later date. Break Free from Your Comfort Zone
One thing that you must learn is that there is no easy way to success. Extricate yourself from the routine of a 9-5 job if you wish to aim bigger. Unless you push yourself beyond your limits, and
out of your comfort zone, you will not reach the wealth that you dream of. If you want to reach there, you must explore every possible opportunity and business idea that sounds promising. Becoming rich is rarely possible when you do not take risks. Every successful person has a story of hard work behind, and if you do not dare, or expand the limits of your own potential, it is difficult for you to join the millionaire club. Explore Multiple Revenue Flows One of the easiest and quickest ways of making good money is to explore multiple income channels such as Stocks, mutual funds, real estate, potential start-ups etc. Always build up more passive income such as property rentals, royalties from patents, copyrights on your works such as your book or an app you may have created, dividend stocks and index funds etc. When money comes in different streams, you always have more to invest in a more promising prospect. Invest with Calculated Risks
The wealthy know how to make their money work for them. Investing is the most appropriate option when aiming for higher results. While saving money is important, too much of money lying idle is not a wise thing. Healthy returns can always be expected from smart investments. However, all investments come with a certain degree of risks. So, never gamble on major financial decisions without proper risk assessment, and conduct your due diligence choosing the best options that match your financial needs and your business objectives. The rich are extremely careful with money, remember. If they were not, they never would have become rich in the first place. I have a problem with too much money. I can't reinvest it fast enough, and because
I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer — Robert Kiyosaki
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The Rich Never Overspend The higher your spending, the lower is your balance. Most people with lesser incomes buy expensive cars, houses, clothes, and such things, but the wealthy spend their money more cautiously, since they know that the lesser, they spend, the more they have to grow their riches.
The Rich Keep Bettering Themselves and Never Retire The rich and famous are usually well read about. They are always ahead in understanding a fresh business opportunity because they tend to understand everything of what they might want to do. They care little for entertainment but spend consistent time on self-improvement. In the wealth club, your lack of knowledge of a certain business you might wish to undertake or are actually doing, can be fatal. You must be the best in what you do and that would add to your wealth undoubtedly. And retirement! What is that? Zero to Millionaire Stories
How these people became really rich from nothing Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey, considered to be one among the most influential women in world history, is a story of a person from real rags to riches. Born in abject poverty to a single mother in Mississippi, she herself was a victim of child abuse having become pregnant at the age of 14 itself and losing her child in infancy itself. At 19 she became a co-anchor for a local news channel and from then on, she never looked back.
Her growth as a speaker, an actress, an author, a talk show host, and television producer, was truly stunning. She won the hearts of the Americans soon and travelled across the world hosting her talks and won millions of fans in every continent. Her endorsement of President Barack Obama was reported to have
fetched him over a million votes, giving him the Presidency of the US. The number of awards she has been given is uncountable including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Till date she is one of the most spoken about influencers of the modern world. Between 2004 and 2006, Oprah was listed in the World's Billionaires by Forbes. She was counted as the richest woman in America who was completely self-made and today stands as an icon of exemplary courage, reach, influence, wealth, and philanthropy. As America's first black 'Multi-Billionaire' she has established the power of the concept of the law of attraction being a great believer and proponent of the same. Tony Robbins Tony Robbins was the third son of a garage attendant, and his mother was a housewife. They used to live in perpetual poverty and money was never enough, with his parents constantly fighting over the same. His mother remarried but he was forced to leave home at 17 itself. His stepdad had put him in a good school before and Tony excelled in his academics. Then he worked as janitor at his uncle's cleaning business but later with help was able to graduate with excellent scores. From working as a salesman, he saved enough to buy an apartment. He later found a job with Jim Rohn who was a self-help expert. He read a tremendous volume of books on psychology, personal improvement and such books which improved his thinking and knowledge. Though he had personal problems for a short period he broke his shackles and began offering his own seminars. He progressed to radio and worked on his books Unlimited Power in 1987 and Awaken the Giant Within in 1991. From then on, he didn't have to look behind. His belief in the law of attraction has helped him immensely and his sense of gratitude has always paid off. Today with a wealth of over 440 Million USD, he's one of the foremost life and performance coaches whose
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sessions are attended by the biggest billionaires of the world and even Presidents of major countries. T Harv Eker
T Harv Eker is one of the most recognised speakers and writers on money matters today. As a child of European immigrants to America who had just 30 dollars to begin their life, he had had severe scarcity in his childhood so much so that he had to work from a tender age of 13 itself. He sold newspapers, suntan lotions, ice creams and small-time souvenirs to people. As he grew, he realised the importance of money and how people related to it. After experimenting with several companies and not tasting success, his venture with a retail fitness stores saw a growth even he couldn't anticipate. Within just two and half years the business grew to ten stores and part of it was sold to a Fortune 500 group. Though he tasted failure even after this, he began to develop theories on the money mindset of people. He promised that if he ever became a millionaire, he would help thousands of them become millionaires too. His book 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind' became a phenomenal success in which he illustrates several concepts that differentiate between how millionaires and the poor think, through their money blueprint. In the book he also gives several suggestions and ideas how people can change that poor mindsets just through the power of thought and action and in turn obtain riches.
To date he has helped over two million people find purpose in their lives through financial freedom and stands tall in the world as a major contributor to how change can be effected simply through the power of the mind. Rhonda Byrne Rhonda Byrne, one of the most prominent advocates of the law of attraction in the world today, was desolate, broken and was in
utter misery at a certain stage in her life in 2004. Her daughter then gave her a book by Wallace Wattles 'The Science of Getting Rich,' which was written in 1910. This book became a major inspiration for her as she read and reread it. It led her to conduct her own surveys and research into the concept and soon she wrote the book 'The Secret.' This book took the world by storm and within no time, millions of copies were sold across the world. Time Magazine featured her as one of the most influential figures in the world in their TIME 100 that year. She is a great advocate of the law of attraction and has touched millions of lives enlightening them about the power of thought and how it can be applied in the most important aspects of life. The Secret was also made into a movie which grossed into over 300 million USD along with the book. Later she also authored The Power, The Magic and Hero, all of which speak of the various ways in which the law can be applied. As one of the most important influencers of the world, Rhonda has brought light into millions of desolate lives and has shown that people have all the power within themselves and that they just have to awaken to it. Dr. Madhurima Reddy Though the author of this book, was born in reasonable prosperity, her marital phase made her life a severe struggle and truly despondent, as she had to experience a tremendous loss of her wealth. In just a few years post her marriage, she was confronted with the harsh reality of life and how it can change the face of destiny. At a certain point of time when she realised that her life was being reduced to utter misery, she decided to fight the adversity that she was being dragged into. She began to create the best version of herself, improving her knowledge, skills, and academic qualifications, and with her profile she was able to get miscellaneous training and counselling
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jobs to start with. In a few years she progressed into a remarkably powerful individual and helped thousands of people with her sessions. Scores of international corporates continue to flock to her for her invaluable sessions. She conducted hundreds of sessions for their employees in various aspects of life in areas such as Clinical Psychology, Life Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming, and such others. The Covid19 pandemic proved to be an opportune time since she could reach out to thousands of employees of corporates online. Her steady dedication to work, her discipline and her beliefs in herself led her to be highly successful. She has already entered the multi-millionaire club and is progressing steadily on the path to becoming a billionaire, as an example of one of the strongest women leaders of India.
Money at its very essence is energy. Treat money the same way you treat energy, and you will attract abundance
— Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
There are hundreds of success stories of people who believed in the power of their thought and the law of attraction, and have made tremendous accomplishments in their lives, while also contributing to world progress. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Lady Gaga, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Andrew Carnegie, Jay Z, Kayne West, Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Lindsey Vonn, Nick Vujicic, Jon Jones, Con McGregor, Russel Brand, Brian Tracy, and multitudes of others to name a few. All these inspirational stories should only help you discover the immense power of this incontrovertible law and learn to apply it to your own life and perhaps in time, add your own name to the accomplished list. How to Develop a Multi-Millionaire Mindset There have been theories and arguments that people's mindsets are each configured to a certain financial figure like a thermostat,
beyond which they cannot comprehend the figures. For example, if a person regularly makes about a hundred thousand dollars in a year, and if by chance makes multiples of it, his mind normally does not know how to deal with it, and it makes him behave and work in such a way that he will soon lose the excess money and reach back to the same figure that has been engraved on his mind through unwise decisions. However, it is all a matter of thought. If people begin to think beyond the said thermostat of the money mind, there is every possibility of achieving millions. This can definitely be achieved when changes are made to your routine. To start with, one should think like a millionaire. The first step is to remove all possible negatively impacting and limiting ideas that derail your growth. Change your thinking. The rich and wealthy constantly think about money, developing ideas and pursuing plans that can fetch more and more money. The poor think of money only to pay bills and their standard expenses and once done, go back to their routine jobs. This act of focusing on more will soon reap decent benefits, enabling you to think, prospect and pursue ideas. People who spend considerable time planning their wealth inevitably make better decisions leading to better results and subsequently, financial independence. Learn the Habits of the Wealthy Keep looking out for opportunity. Buying stocks, real estate or venturing into a business. Millionaires constantly look for opportunities to invest, since that is how money principally grows. Get into the habit of seeking financial advice before you invest. Seek a competent financial advisor who has established credibility so he can guide you appropriately. Survey any investing opportunity carefully, conducting your due diligence, and spend enough time to understand every aspect
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of the avenue. Never take instant financial decisions which could be disastrous. Never get impulsive on any financial decision but allow yourself to study the entire prospect thoroughly and then take a decision.
Always ensure that your investment is insured properly against any risk. You may have seen how many investors suddenly became paupers because they did not insure their hard-earned investment. An insurance may cost a little money, but it is the wisest decision that you will have made. Protect your assets against needless taxation and unexpected lawsuits. Always hire a finance specialised competent legal advisor. It is appropriate to transfer your assets to a family business where you are personally not liable in the event of a lawsuit or taxed for unfair reasons. This can save you enormous amounts of money and protect your wealth. Avoid unnecessary expenditure and develop the habit of successful negotiation in any deal. Sell at higher prices and buy at lowest prices. Plan to achieve your financial freedom gradually. Quick gains usually vanish quickly. Remember, the wiseman built his house upon a rock. Among others, be a visionary, love your work, always remain focused, constantly improve your knowledge and skills, and stay connected with the right circuits. Affirmations to Bring in Wealth & Abundance into your Life These affirmations may be spoken by you either loudly to yourself or silently for a few minutes twice each day, so that the idea of becoming wealthy is reinforced in your mind. These are only to give you an idea. You can create your own affirmations and use them too. But all the affirmations must say that you are actually experiencing the wealth so that all your further actions go towards strengthening your intention in pursuit of the same.
• I feel joyful about money now. • I am always in the flow of money. • Money expands in my management. • I always have an abundance of money. • I believe in the universe and am abiding by its success laws. • I can create anything I want and have everything to help me do it. • I am using my full potential to create limitless wealth. • Whatever I wish to buy I can. • I am helping people create opportunities for themselves. • I have all the abilities to gather all resources and capital to achieve my goals. • I always take actions to increase my wealth. • I find abundance and wealth wherever I look.
• I am a millionaire and getting stronger. • I am grateful to be a millionaire. • I am grateful that I have met all my family needs and wants, and, have plenty to help others. Manifest Wealth through the Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is always in action just like the unseen gravity but which you can feel all the time. It is the most powerful law in existence.
“Like attracts Like.” This means that whatever you are focused upon you draw into your life. When you are focused on what you want, you are attracted to what you want. When you are
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focused on what you do not want, you attract what you do not want.
If you focus on saying 'I want to have money,' you attract a situation, where you only want to have money, but you do not attract money. However, if you focus on a situation in which you feel you already have the money, then you attract a situation wherein you can buy anything of your desire. If you always wanted more money, but still haven’t gotten enough, it’s time for you to analyse how you feel about it. Does it make you happy, frustrated, angry, or jealous? A happy emotion attracts a happy situation. and a negative emotion resists a happy situation. When you focus on pure abundance in your life and let go of any limiting beliefs about money, wealth or prosperity, the law kicks in and starts to take you on the journey of success. Money is no vice, unlike what a general belief that is prevalent. It is what we do with it that can be vice or virtue, and how you earn, is what is evil or good. If you make good use of money for yourself and humanity it is a virtue, if you do unscrupulous things with it, it definitely is a vice, depending on your thoughts about it. If you have earned it by doing things against your conscience, then you would be feeling bad and the same will generate negative energy in and around you. Like everything else, Money is energy too and flows with the same consciousness. If you do not like something, it will not stay with you.
If you hear someone talking bad about you or despising you, you would not like to be with that person. If you tell someone, you do not care about that person, that person would not like to stay with you. Similarly, if you talk such things about money, why would it like to stay with you? Attract Abundance by Redesigning Your Money Blueprint If you desire money and wish to attract abundance, you will have
to redesign your money blueprint. You must change all your negative notions about money, and you should begin appreciating money while asking for it. You should be convinced that if you are asking for money, that is your right, and it has to come to you, and you are not doing any sin by designing money. Most importantly you must understand that everything must constantly be in circulation, or it will get stale. Like a room always needs to have cross ventilation, if you stack up money and hoard it, it will get suffocated, so it should be in circulation. The more it is in circulation, the bigger it grows. Keep using and watch new flows come in.
Lastly, you need to have the purpose for that money. Like what you would do with that money. Say, you want to buy a car, a home, or take a holiday; the moment you have its purpose, you will be able to get money. Energy cannot be left suffocated, so it is with money and so when you seek abundance. Our financial lives are determined in our subconscious mind embedded like a money blueprint. Just like a blueprint for a house, your Money Blueprint is how you relate to money in your mind. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are all part of it. The process of manifestation wealth is essentially through this: Thoughts – Feelings- Actions – Results What kind of thoughts, beliefs and habits do you have? How do you generally feel about yourself? What kind of confidence do you have in yourself? How willing are you to take action despite inconvenience, discomfort, or fear? The truth is that your thinking, your character, and your beliefs are critical to determining the level of your success. So, where do your thoughts and beliefs come from?
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
The level of your success is based on your thinking, your beliefs, and your character. These come essentially from the conditioning you have received since your childhood from parents, siblings, relatives, teachers, leaders, media, culture and so on. You must learn to identify such limiting beliefs which place doubts in your mind about your own ability to succeed and eliminate them from your mind. Practicing a series of positive affirmations can help reinforce your faith in yourself. And place your faith in the universe at all times. The power of your gratitude also can take you a long way in the path of your success. Visualise that you already have achieved the success and the prosperity you have on mind. When you begin to believe that you already are wealthy, your mind begins to create images of financial gain creating a mindset that is receptive to such thoughts, providing you with the necessary motivation to push forward to the path of bountifulness. The wealthy find it easier to get richer because they see the money they do not have as if it is there, and treat the money that is already there, as the means to get it. That is how the rich get richer. The Law of Attraction stipulates all these methods to achieve one’s goal of becoming wealthy and successful. When followed judiciously, you become a genuine money magnet and abundance flows all around.
Wealth, prosperity, abundance, affluence or plentifulness are always around, made available to all of us, by the universe. But the reason for all the poverty and the impoverishment in the world is that a major part of its people, do not believe in themselves. Only the ones who do, are the ones who rule
— Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy