21 minute read

Chapter Four - The Key to Good Education

Part Two

Chapter Four The Key to Good Education


There is only one purpose in the whole of life: education. It is the manifestation of the perfection already in man — Swami Vivekananda

Role of Education in our Lives

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

Why do we need to be educated? What is education that is so paramount that our lives depend on it? In what ways does education help us in our lives? What has the Law of Attraction to do with education in our lives? The following passages will lead you there and reveal how LOA can be a strategic lever to help you obtain the education you desire and thus excel in life. Education is the key factor of our lives that is critical to the growth of either an individual or humanity in its collectiveness. It is the single most essential aspect of human life that broadens our knowledge, and opens our minds to understand the what, why and how of life, develop new perspectives, innovate ideas, understand, and question beliefs and cultures and enables us work as a ‘human’ society. Further, education provides us with the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies and also enhances our innate capacities to find employment or provide us with the means to sustain our livelihoods. Education is the key to our success in our future and obtain better opportunities in our lives. It helps enlighten and illuminate our minds and helps us plan for either employment or pursue a fruitful business or venture. It makes us think, behave, feel, and develop traits that help us to achieve success. It helps us obtain an overall satisfaction in our lives personally and also in the society. It also contributes to developing our personalities holistically, improving our confidence, our strength and giving us a purpose, facilitating us to earn and maintain a certain status in the community, while also helping us to help others to be on the right path. Education is a continuous process, and the human mind begins to learn from its birth and ending with its death. The more educated we are, the better are our chances in living a successful and happier life.

Education is both academic and social. While academic and professional education is essential to give us the requisite knowledge, skills, confidence, and capabilities to find, choose and pursue a profession, social education helps us relate to the society, understand its makeup, its collective personality, its strengths and weaknesses, and helps us gauge opportunity and threat, and also helps us mould ourselves to find our niche in the world. A welleducated individual is not only educated academically but also socially and together they contribute to his or her actual education. Without the appropriate education, we may miserably fail in our lives and experience only pain and agony in living unhappy, hollow, and dissatisfying lives. The advancements we witness in our society today are purely due to the vast amounts of education that is spread across the globe. The richest nations on the earth are the most educated nations and the poorest countries are so only because they do not have sufficient education. Therefore, it is imperative that we all strive to obtain a level of education that can not only help us survive or sustain but also helps us relate successfully to the world and be a happy, strong, and purposeful part of the society. The secret of life is not enjoyment, but education through experience. The ideal of all education, all training, should be this man-making — Swami Vivekananda

Who is a Guru?

A Guru can be anyone who shows us the right direction to our lives, be it a teacher, a coach, a guide, a philosopher, or a mentor. A Guru helps one to understand himself, gives strength to our personalities, builds confidence, teaches skills, and helps us imbibe knowledge, induces wisdom, creates, or develops our perspectives, shows us direction, and helps us prepare for the challenges ahead. He is the dispeller of darkness, an intellectual leader and guide.

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

He is the creator and the transformer of the self. He can be the most phenomenal influence in our lives. The greatest Gurus are the ones who enable our critical thinking abilities and help us develop our own perspectives which may actually vary from what we have learnt from them and surpass them in many ways. A great Guru is one who can help people realise and strengthen themselves and puts them on the road to purpose and success.

Why do we need Gurus in our lives? We are born into a world without any knowledge, skills, or imagination. However, our minds are programmed to learn every moment as we keep growing. We learn from our parents, our relatives, our neighbours, our classmates, friends, teachers, and everyone we meet or from everything we experience. But a Guru becomes a dominant aspect of our lives as he is the one who identifies who we are and determines how well we can be prepared for our lives in our future. Gurus are essential for us to be successful in our lives because they enlighten us, inspire us, improve us, and transform us. They are the true elements of our lives that help us in our transformation. Our breakthroughs in lives are usually achieved when we follow the path that our Gurus have set. Great Gurus can magically transform our lives and be critical factors that determine our progress in our lives. One’s life without a Guru usually may not be as successful as the one who is led by a proper Guru. Hence one should choose the right Guru with virtues, qualities and characteristics that set us on the right and successful path. The greatness of a coach is to show the player how worthy he is. The greatness of a player is to live up to the capability. For example, in the Mahabharata, Acharya Dronacharya made Arjuna realise his own immense personality and his outstanding skills. In the end Arjuna was able to use the very skills and win the battle against the side of his Guru himself. Sachin Tendulkar's coach Ramakant Acharekar was not a greater cricketer

than himself, but he showed him the right direction by which Sachin gained universal acclaim and success. We all need Gurus and Coaches someone outside of us to guide us. They are the right people to rely upon, to unleash our true potential to channelize our emotions for the higher purpose to create legendary possibilities in each and everything.

Madhu’s Greatest Gurus of Education

If you can teacher children, teenagers, and young adults and turn them into responsible, curious, and hardworking individuals when they go into the real world, then you have accomplished what a teacher is supposed to do

— George Orwell

All education is usually sourced to either a set of individuals or a system from whom we all learn. Teachers or educators have phenomenal power that can both make or break our lives. Teachers have the power to illuminate minds, evoke thoughts, elicit ideas, and inspire people which can make a difference to our lives. Teachers are thus the greatest influencers of our lives, giving us a sense of direction and putting us on the path of our future. Today the reach of technology has given a new dimension to education and learning, giving us the ability to search and look for information beyond the classroom and in a way is also influencing learning in a different convention. Still a Guru or a Teacher in whatever form they may be, would be instrumental in allowing us find our direction in life. The present civilization we see today is the resultant of the teachings of the greatest teachers, philosophers, and gurus who with their intellectuality, their wisdom and learning gave the world a direction since the dawn of history. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Confucius, Chanakya, Epicurus, Descartes, Pythagoras, Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, and many teachers from ancient history to latter philosophers such as Nietzsche, Voltaire, Bertrand Russel,

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

Francis Bacon, Rousseau, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Adam Smith, Ayn Rand, Swami Vivekananda, Martin Luther King, and several such others were some of the greatest gurus of education. And almost everyone believed in the power of thought, the power of belief and the power of their own consciousness. Madhu was highly influenced by several teachers both from the past and the present, with Swami Vivekananda being one of the chief influencers of her life. While she studied at institutions of higher learning run by Sri Satya Saibaba where she learnt to respect his philosophy, Swami Vivekananda's teachings inspired her immensely. Swami Vivekananda was one of the greatest teachers of all time. He believed that education is a manifestation of perfection already in men. Just as a sculptor or a painter has a clear idea about how they shape their works, a teacher must have a clear idea of the goal of his teaching, he would say. Through his words and works, Swami Vivekananda endeavoured to establish that man making is the entire purpose of education. We manifest through our thoughts, words and deeds, our higher nature, the truth, our beauty, and goodness. All our thoughts, actions and impulses lead us to this goal which would naturally be noble and harmonizing, and in the truest sense, both moral and ethical. He exhorts that we should combine the dynamism and scientific approach of the west to the spirituality of India. He also said that technical education and the development of industries would enable people to earn better than seeking for service and enable us to save for a rainy day. Swami Vivekananda says that education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot unimplemented and undigested, all your life. He says that our assimilation of ideas must be life building and for man making. We have more education if we have assimilated five ideas which make our life and character, than one who may have an entire library in his mind.

"We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. What can a child do with science if he doesn’t understand the science of life? We teach our children to read and memorize history, but we don’t teach them to create history. Proper education is not just formal education in an institution, but a combination of academics, essential life skills, social skills, soft skills and special skills that help an individual obtain mastery of his or her life.” Swami Vivekananda's scheme of man-making is education through the light of the philosophy of Vedanta. The philosophy of Vedanta emphasizes that the essence of man is in his soul which is his possession alongside his mind and body. The perfection that is manifested in us through education is hence the realization of the immense power that exists in everything and everywhere in consciousness and bliss. Swami Vivekananda’s teachings were a breakthrough across the world, and in a short life of just 39 years he was able to capture the attention of the west with his finest oration and great writings, and till date he remains one of the greatest influencers of the century. Madhu once read about Mahatria Ra in a magazine called Frozen Thoughts, and as she learnt about his philosophy, began to develop a strong desire to listen to his discourses. She finally went ahead and attended his sessions at Chennai and progressed to meet him in person. His teachings and philosophy were inimical. He had a very unconventional way of reaching out to people with his messages. Blending spirituality with materialistic ambition, his philosophy exhorts one to follow a path that can provide breakthroughs in any aspect of human life through ardent desire, which could be spiritual, material, or emotional, just by harnessing the power of the human spirit through faith, in its immeasurably gigantic potential. Tens of thousands of people flock to Mahatria

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

Ra to be audience to his enlightening sermons, and Madhu quickly realised the potential of his great philosophy in making leaders of common people by enabling them realize and maximize their potential. Attending several sessions of Mahatria over a few years, Madhu understood that his path demonstrated a clear direction and easy methods to understand and resolve life's questions and challenges. Today Mahatria Ra’s sessions have proven to be life changers for some of the biggest business leaders, politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, doctors, educationalists, and several others. Madhu’s life also was profoundly impacted with Mahatria’s philosophy, giving her a more holistic and deeper understanding of life and also enhancing her spiritual strength to confront the world. In addition to studying the philosophies of the ancient and latter history, Madhu also studied the works of the greatest teachers such as Rabindranath Tagore, Sarvepalli Radhakrishna, Albert Einstein, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Nelson Mandela, and such others. But the most influential in her life remained Swami Vivekananda, Louise Hay, Mahatria Ra, Nick Vujicic, Oprah Winfrey, Anitha Moorjani, Jay Shetty, Tony Robbins, Steve Jobs, Blair Singer, Robert Kiyosaki, Robin Sharma, Dr. Richard Bandler, John Maxwell, and some others, all of whom believed in the power of the subconscious mind, the power of the universe and the power of human thought.

Madhu’s Experience with Buddhist Monks

Madhu during her tenure at Assam, happened to meet some Buddhist Monks who had come to visit the station, where she was put up. She was introduced to them during a session she was conducting for some of the station personnel. Though their interaction was brief, the monks were very impressed by her proactive approach to people's empowerment. The monks

belonged to a few monasteries in Sikkim, and they requested her to visit them if she happened to visit Sikkim anytime. The brief meeting she had with them intrigued her as to how these monks led a different lifestyle. She began to study about them through whatever literature she could obtain. However, the more she read about them, the more she wanted to know. In a few months after the interaction, she laid out a plan to visit Sikkim, primarily to visit these monks and understand their way of living. And finally, when she visited Sikkim, she was awestruck at the beauty of the place and the cleanliness and discipline that the people of Sikkim observed. She spent about a week exploring the place visiting all the state’s four districts. In Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim, she visited a monastery called Rumtek. Here she was able to speak to a few monks, but she was unable to gather much information, as the management of the monastery was in some conflict. She was suggested to visit Pemayangtse Monastery in Pelling, at West Sikkim, which she learnt was one of the oldest in the region. The monastery was located at Pelling with a scenic backdrop of the majestic Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world. She was dumbfounded with the majesty of the mountain range which occupied almost a third of the horizon, amidst which stood the mighty mountain. Later she proceeded to visit the monastery and was fortunate to meet some of the senior most monks there. She learnt the philosophy of their living, who followed the tenets of Buddhism to the core. They led an austere lifestyle, waking up early in the morning, and spending considerable time in meditation and prayer, complete with Buddhist incantations. Their diet was sparse and absolutely simple, and all of them were celibates. Yet they all were physically and spiritually strong and strictly followed the regimen set by the ancient order of monks centuries ago. Madhu spent an entire day with them, enquiring about their routine, their daily lives and how they managed to follow such stringent living practices. She learnt that their meditation gave

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

them the strength and will power to sustain themselves and the order that was laid cannot be broken. Madhu was invited to partake of their lunch which consisted of a soup, a few vegetarian dishes, and fresh fruits, which she found satiating enough. She also learnt that the food habits of the monks are variable, and their order does not impose upon them to follow any specific diet and that they are more or less established by each monastery for itself. However, many of the monks followed a practice called Bhikku in their eating habits, which forbids them to eat anything after the noon of the day till the next morning. This was quite an austere practice but many of the monks followed the practice as a routine. They would have occasional visits to the neighbourhood of the monastery where they would feed the poor and share with the needy whatever they could. The monasteries themselves functioned with the alms donated by the people of the region but caring and sharing was part and parcel of their life. Madhu learnt that their ascetic way of living only strengthened their minds and gave them more power to be focused. Their life was one of sacrifice and prayer and work. They lived with oneness and amidst a single purpose of working for and being at peace. The whole experience with the monks was very refreshing and calming for Madhu. She learnt from them that we are ourselves responsible for what we are and what we become. When we count our blessings and be thankful for what we have, when we watch our thoughts, actions and emotions and are ever mindful of everything that we do, when we keep our life simple and uncluttered with things that do not matter, and when we discover empathy through compassion and help the others, we would inevitably find peace, contentment, and satisfaction in our lives. Madhu gradually imbibed many of these Buddhist principles into her own lifestyle, which gave her tremendous peace.

Factors that Affect Education & Learning

While it is universally agreed that education is the key to our survival and sustenance in the world, it is imperative to first understand the elements that affect our education. If we can endeavour to minimise the effects of these factors it would be more helpful in obtaining better education when balanced with the power of this law. Some of the factors that influence education are: •Physiological Factors •Psychological Factors •Learning Environment •Instructional Methodology Physiological factors that affect learning either in kids, young adults or older people include Age, Physical Health, Sensory Perception, Fatigue, Type of environment, Time of the day, etc. Psychological factors include aspects such as Motivation, Mental health, Reward and punishment, Praise or Criticism, etc. Environmental factor for learning includes the Working Environment, Level of Comfort, Ambient Temperature etc. The instruction methodology is a factor that covers presentation and organisation of the content, learning through practice, specialised methods of learning reinforcement, and timely testing. How LoA Tools Can be Used to Improve your Education While all these are general factors that determine how much they influence your education and your learning experience, you might nevertheless desire to know how to apply the Law of Attraction to improve your education and get successful in your academics with great scores. The concept works well on studies and examinations as well, howsoever difficult they may be.

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

However, your aim to be successful in your education, getting good grades and to pass any exams vastly depends on your feelings, your vibration, and your thoughts. You must first set your goal and take steps to reach it. Studying well and passing exams are definitely the most important tools to it. You should prepare, prepare, and prepare. However, the pressure of studying intensively can definitely be eased when you know the Law of Attraction's techniques to study. The Law of Attraction works by enabling you take actions that would accelerate and simplify your reaching the set goal. If you don’t study or prepare yourself for your exams with your books, you are not using the tools of the concept correctly and that could cause you to fail. Focus is one of the key factors that can help you achieve success. When you focus on your properly set goal, you will obtain the required motivation too and that would make you happy and it is impossible to go wrong. The right focus will help you achieve vibrational alignment and makes it possible by breaking down any anxiety, fear, and doubt, and you end up doing extremely well. Visualize that you have already achieved your goal. Say if you have a keen desire to get into a certain university or college, you must spend some time every day, thinking and visualising that you are already part of that institution. Think that you already received your admission letter, visualize that you started attending classes and started doing assignments and tests. When you are preparing for an exam, feel that the test paper is easy, and you had effortlessly completed it. Feel that you got the grades you desired, and that friends and family are congratulating you. Use the Mirror Technique which is a fundamental tool of Law of Attraction. Some of the greatest people on the earth such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill have been known to use the mirror technique with success, making them some of the greatest orators in history. Speaking to yourself in front of a mirror is a powerful method through which the mighty power of the

subconscious mind can be summoned to help you prepare for studying comprehensive subjects and tackling the toughest exams with ease. Say to yourself 'You are a great success. You will do extremely well in your exam. You are the best in your class. You are in the best institution. Your results are extraordinary, and you are an outstanding performer.' Once you asked the universe what you wanted openly, clearly and with complete faith, your subconscious mind transforms your reality, aligning it to what you desire and consequently making it happen. To manifest your dreams, positive affirmations can act as powerful tools. They strengthen your ability to learn and master things faster, significantly enhance your confidence, and rise above others in taking up any educational challenges. The greatest teachers, philosophers, public figures, scientists, businessmen and such other important social figures, always believe in their own strength and that gives them the power to take up challenges, making them achievers with their accomplishments and contributions. Coming from a region where education for girls is considered no more important than tutoring their children at home, Madhu went a long way in accomplishing such wondrous achievements with her phenomenal breakthroughs in education, that almost everyone who knew her were simply stunned and stupefied. Back home in her childhood, her parents, her grandmother, her brothers, uncles and cousins, and relatives, neighbours; in fact, almost everyone from the region, considered a girl’s education of little importance. Madhu had to marry even before she finished her postgraduation and her husband, her parents and in-laws convinced her at that situation, to discontinue pursuing higher studies. But once she realised that she faced an identity crisis and disrespect in her marital home, she began to realise that studies alone kept her mind from the trauma.

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

She was an average student at school and even her college, but her marital experiences began to compel her to discover ways to strengthen herself and overcome the personal strife she was challenged with continuously. The trauma actually gave her the strength to outperform everyone in her class in every course she pursued. She thus began to pursue one course after another, finishing her Post Graduation in English, Post-Graduation in Education, Post-Graduation in Psychology, and pursuing her M.Phil. And PhD which she completed successfully. In course of time, unlike anyone she had known in her entire family, social or regional circles, she achieved the unthinkable. She completed a total of nine qualifications including post graduate qualifications and earning her M.Phil., and a phenomenal two doctorates, with a number of international certifications and diplomas. She also did an NLP Masters in London, directly under Dr. Richard Bandler, the very creator of NLP. It is almost impossible to imagine the intensity of focus and strength an individual in her place would need, to accomplish something like that! She believed in herself, and the power of the universe, and that was the secret of her success. At the end she was able to earn a fortune and not just a living. The Law of Attraction has several tools and techniques to allow you obtain success in all your educational pursuits. The chapter on Tools and Techniques discusses the methodology in more detail and the reader is urged to refer to the same.

Real education is when you begin to visualise the power of your mind. Your mind is filled with such vastness that can encompass the entire knowledge of all the books in the world and empower you to act for the greater good of mankind

– Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

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