28 minute read
Chapter Thr ee - Master Your Health
from Personal Book
Part Two
Chapter Three Master Your Health
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
— Aristotle
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
What is the secret to good health, great energy, a satisfying life, and higher longevity? Is it a healthy nutritious diet, great physical fitness, or is it any medication? How is it some people who have had absolutely no hope from deadly diseases, or crippling accidents, and who were told by doctors that they would not survive beyond a certain length of time, defied all odds, and lived their lives to the fullest? Many doctors just say that such stories are just miracles because it baffles their senses how they could survive, heal, and spring back to life. There are several cases of death-defying recoveries in the world that have simply stupefied the medical fraternity. How do these miracles happen? While a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle with physical fitness will definitely help your body maintain its physiological balance, there have been a staggering number of cases where disease took grip of the most healthy individuals and ruined them. It is not too difficult to believe that it is indeed your mind that decides how healthy you are and whether you heal or deteriorate further. Recovery from a debilitating injury or illness is not a miracle, it is the power of your own mind over your body. You simply have to believe.
Role of Happiness in Human Health
Happiness is the highest form of health — Dalai Lama History has proved that since the dawn of human civilization the greatest creation discovered in the universe, is actually the human mind itself. Its power is so overwhelmingly phenomenal that its true potential is still incalculable, and it can work such wonders for you that in a sense would seemingly be impossible. The most important factor of human happiness is health, and happiness in
turn is the chief aspect of your life that determines your health. As an established clinical psychologist and life coach, I have often seen several incredible stories of people who have been able to conquer every misery, disease and illness and have surpassed their life expectancy by a remarkable degree, just by being happy and satisfied. And I have realised that all of that was simply possible because of their consistent state of positivity and joy. A healthy nation is a happy nation. And it truly is so. For centuries most Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and such others have been found to be the happiest and the healthiest countries, with their average life expectancy being over 82 years, much beyond the present world average of 72 years or so. Scandinavians believe in enjoying their life to the fullest.
Though their healthcare facilities are some of the best in the world, the true nature of their state i.e. their being consistently happy keeps them relatively healthy as opposed to the rest of the world. Happiness keeps them healthy and even wealthy. While the Scandinavian nations testify that their happiness is the cause of their health and wealth, the world’s most unhappy countries such as Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, Botswana, or the Central African Republic and several such others are also among the countries with the most unhealthy people, possessing no prospect of good living or prosperity among them. That is also why they are also among the poorest countries in the world. The misfortune of these countries is that their rulers probably do not comprehend why they have to strive to bring about happiness in their people in order to make them better nations with happier and healthier people. A happy nation has a happy leadership that works for bringing about greater contentment among its people, and happy people would indeed make for a happy nation and a very healthy one at that.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Happiness definitely should not just be a transitory state of mind but should be understood as the one principal aspect of our lives that has a tremendous bearing on our health, and immensely contributes to either strengthening us or weakening us in our pursuits and our lives. Extensive research that has been ongoing for decades, has clearly established that happiness is the principal cause of good health and that the mind has an outstanding power over the body. Happiness is the collective experience of satisfaction, joy, contentment, and such positive emotions. It just doesn't make you feel good but has a range of health benefits to all as well and has a great bearing on the longevity of a human being too. A constant state of happiness has proven to be a successful remedy for a number of illnesses. Happiness promotes a healthier lifestyle, helps to improve one's immune system, protects your heart, lowers blood pressure, helps in lowering pain sensations, makes you feel more energised, makes you sleep better, relieves mental stress, and enhances longevity. Many people find happiness in a variety of things. Some find happiness in wealth, some in education, some in love, some in serving others and some in gaining popularity, and many in gaining success, achievements or accomplishing something. But whatever are the causative factors of happiness, they inevitably bring the same result: a better state of health and increased confidence.
Happiness is responsible for producing such hormones by the human body that together work to enhance the feeling of joy, satisfaction, and contentment. When you are happy, the body reacts positively and releases hormones such as dopamine that makes you feel good, and endorphins that reduce pain and also serotonin that lowers stress and depression. These also work to lower the incidence of sickness in our bodies and help us recover
faster from any underlying medical conditions. Thus, happiness works in myriad ways in keeping us hale, hearty, and healthy and enabling us be more energetic in living our lives. If we are looking for a way to achieve that perfect state of health and longevity, you must remember that it is just you who are responsible. Be happy and you will definitely be healthy.
Why People Become Sick and Unhealthy
If you want to heal the body, you must first heal the mind — Plato It may often sound puzzling that many people who follow stringent diets, have seemingly healthy lifestyles, do not drink, or smoke, or have no unhealthy habits at all, keep falling sick. At the same time, people who are considered to lead unhealthy lifestyles such as eating heavily, drinking, smoking, not exercising and with such generally considered bad habits, rarely fall sick. It may be called the irony of life. But the one thing that people forget is that it is their mind that finally determines how healthy they are or can be and everything else is just secondary. These days with the advancement of technology, we have groups which discuss only ill health or diseases or fitness groups who constantly discuss about healthy food and exercise. Then there are groups which keep discussing only health and happiness. The universe steers you the way you keep driving yourself with your thought process. When you are discussing a sickness, you are afflicted with, by constantly talking about it or keeping on telling everyone about your illness, you are only adding negative energy to your system. Your mind believes that you are actually sicker than you are and delays your recovery or worse, even aggravates your health. The moment you believe you are sick, it is quite likely you will be. And
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the more you talk about it, the less are the chances that you will make a quick recovery. Why do people become sick and unhealthy? While improper diets, unbalanced medication, no physical movement, or bad habits such as drugs, smoking and excessive drinking, excessive stress and lack of sleep do contribute to ill health, people often tend to forget that their minds are the primary forces that determine their actual state of health. Considerable studies have been made over the last half a century by scientists all over the world and it has been indubitably established that stress and negativity actually interfere with the body’s immune system tuning down its responses. It is then that people become more susceptible to disease or infection adding further stress and impairing the body’s ability to protect itself from illness or recover from a sickness.
When an individual happens to become sick, or receives an accidental injury, it is quite natural to keep thinking, worrying, or speaking about it. But in doing so consciously or otherwise, they are stressing themselves out, resulting in their bodies releasing a certain hormone called cortisol which enhances their negative feelings, increasing their blood pressure. This causes them sleep deprivation and even promotes unhealthy weight gain. In the longer duration this contributes to delayed convalescence and lowers the body’s ability to repair itself. Their constant worry and state of unhappiness only makes matter worse and aggravates their ill health.
"Men and women are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. — Franklin D. Roosevelt
Role of the Mind and Consciousness in Health
Your mind is the flag bearer of your health. Research has proved through evidence that the state of mind is a phenomenal factor in determining your health. Health and happiness are truly connected, and your happiness can genuinely impact your state of health. As a matter of fact, the saying that Laughter is the Best Medicine actually works wonders, and a simple survey can tell you that the healthiest people are the happiest people. An upcoming field in psychiatry, termed positive psychology, has been surveying aspects of various people's lives that play a strong role in emotional resilience, contentment, health, happiness, and their satisfaction. It is now unfailingly proven that these factors of our lives can help us live much healthier and meaningful lives while lowering all kinds of stress simultaneously. Your body is the temple that you are housed in, your entire life. You must learn to respect it, since it is the only one you'll ever have, and it is the only one through which you manifest everything. Irrespective of its age, colour, shape, or size, it is your body that is a creation of perfection, and you must take the greatest care of it. It is possible your beautiful body has been overfed or under nourished, under-exercised or too pumped up with medications or drugs. All these could make it sick, and you could forever be feeling overworked, stressed, depressed, or perhaps bloated, and be vulnerable to various illnesses.
But what you must learn to do is to have a sense of selfrespect, which includes your body, and honour it. Perhaps you may not need a diet plan or a fitness trainer, but you must listen to your body when it speaks to you and then give it the royal dignity, love and care it needs. And how does it speak to you? By displaying symptoms of an underlying medical condition. It may be necessary to give it a doctor's therapy too depending on the seriousness of the condition, but alongside, unless you believe that you are healthy
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and constantly happy, it takes a real long time to recover your ideal state of health.
Positive emotions are generally induced by joyful experiences, and these have wondrous powers to cause all negative emotions to vanish. They help through their strengths and virtues against causing any physiological or psychological disorders and help in the building of resilience in the human body. This was stated clearly by Martin Seligman who previously held the Presidentship of the American Psychological Association and is considered the father of Positive Psychology. Continuing and fresh research keeps adding to the findings, affirming the findings of such scientists and psychologists. When you are unhappy, stressed, emotional, even ungrateful, suspicious, doubtful or display such attributes, it is impossible for the mind to help you in any positive way, nor give you a state of good health. The mind and body connection is unquestionable. Our feelings, beliefs, attitudes, actions, thoughts, behaviours etc., can truly impact our biological functions either in a positive or in a negative way. Simply speaking our minds decide how healthy we really are. Also, our treatment of our physical bodies such as feeding them or exercising them and such other actions, can also impact our minds, which are thus interleaved with each other. The mind and the body are inseparable and mutually influence each other in every aspect of our lives. Our mind is the repository and the software that makes up our thoughts, our beliefs, our attitudes, emotions and so on. The brain is simply the organ which functions as the hardware for the mind to work. Our minds can both be conscious and unconscious and our reactions to situations cause our emotions while we may yet be unaware of why we react thus. Each kind of emotion can cause the brain to trigger the release of a certain hormone which in turn can affect the whole
physiology of the body. "The brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all the emotional responses we have, share a common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another."
— Dr. James Gordon (Founder, Center for Mind-Body Medicine)
Stories of People Who Mastered Their Health
“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
There are scores of stories that simply stupefy and baffle doctors and scientists about how patients who they declared to never recover or actually even die, made it back to normalcy. The stories of Louise Hay, Morris Goodman, Stephen Hawking, Norman Cousins, Oprah Winfrey, Nick Vujicic, Anita Moorjani, and dozens of others are sheer testimony to the power of their positive thinking, and how they have been able to live normal lives conquering their sicknesses and their natural handicaps and accidental injuries. Madhu herself is a testament to the power of how the mind could exert sufficient influence over the body and bring it back to a normal state of health. Louis Hay was an American Author and Motivational Speaker who fought some of the most serious and traumatic experiences since her childhood including molestation, abuse, teenage motherhood, and separation and to top it all, a cervical cancer. She was raped when she was just five and survived. By fifteen she had to drop out of school because she became pregnant. She lived
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however, working on small menial jobs and finally became a successful fashion model. After her marriage which lasted just 14 years she was devastated, after her spouse separated from her for another woman. A few years later she developed cervical cancer. By this time she had established herself as a great motivational speaker and had counselled thousands of people about the power of positivity. She refused any medical treatment and believed that she was probably herself to blame for having carried her childhood trauma all the while which finally may have resulted in the debilitating disease. She later revealed that when she began to follow a therapy that consisted of forgiveness, gratitude, reflexology, nutrition, and regular enemas, she could heal herself within just three months. Her experiences with cancer led her to write a book 'You Can Heal Your Life,' which went on to sell over 40 million copies and remains one of the best sellers. She lived to a ripe age of 90 and her Hay Foundation is known across the world. Morris E Goodman is an American Motivational Speaker called the Miracle Man for verily defying death and walking out of the hospital from a completely vegetative state, baffling the best of the doctors. A plane in which he was flying, crashed accidentally, and left him completely immobile, making him paralyzed over the entire body rendering him unable to breathe, talk, swallow or even move, with such debilitating injuries, that doctors declared he would not survive the night. However, he lived through a ninehour surgery that made him only blink. He was on a ventilator to allow him to breathe for several months. But in time he was able to regain control of his arms, legs, speech, and eye movement and within nine months could walk freely of the hospital on his own. Doctors treating him could only gasp in wonder and amazement at this incredible recovery which was nothing short of a miracle. A man who was not expected to survive a few hours, now is living a healthy life even at seventy-
five, and every part of his body fully recovered. Stephen Hawking, the greatest physicist and scientist of the current century was afflicted with a rare degenerative disease called motor neurone disease in his early twenties, which gradually crippled him, completely disabling him from moving or even speaking too. He was condemned to a wheelchair and doctors treating him said he would not last even two years after his diagnosis. But he survived nearly four decades after the crippling condition and today is acknowledged as an individual of the highest scientific learning in the world. His contributions to science are acknowledged the world over and he remains one of the most influential people of our times, and in scientific history. "Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors."
— Norman Cousins
Norman Cousins, a journalist from the west, was struck with a crippling disease called ankylosing spondylitis that also caused him paralysis preventing him from moving even his jaw. He admitted that he went through a heavily stressful journey to Russia that caused his immunity to weaken, making him vulnerable to unhealthy air around the hotel he was staying at, resulting in him becoming a victim to the disease. He believed that in order to restore his health, he had to stimulate the flow of adrenalin which was being suppressed due to the condition. He believed that his faith, confidence, hope and love would be more productive if laughter were added. So, he embarked on the therapy which astonishingly gave successful results. He recovered completely and went on to live to a satisfying seventy-five years. Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me, which was a best seller on New York Times, was struck with Lymphoma, a lifethreatening carcinogenic condition at the age of 43. For several
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months she was treated with conventional medicine, to no avail. Finally, doctors treating her declared that her condition had metastasized, and that her survival was impossible and that it was too late to save her.
She slipped into a deep coma following the condition. However, thirty hours later, she startled her doctors by becoming conscious again. She declared that she had an NDE - Near Death Experience, which she said was however overturned by her father's relentless encouragement to her to fight her condition, and that she had to return to live her life fearlessly. Within four days of her coming out of coma, her tumours were reported to have shrunk by 70% and in the next five weeks she was completely cured of cancer, only spending a few months on extended physiotherapy for her to regain her full strength. Her experience motivated her to author a book called Dying to Be Me, which was a runaway success. Nick Vujicic is an Australian-American evangelist, author, and one of the world's most renowned motivational speakers currently. He is one of the greatest testaments to the fact that every human can conquer any adversity and rise above, and that no disability whatsoever, can actually disable one's heart or mind. He was born with an extraordinary condition known as tetra-amelia syndrome in which a person is born without any limbs. When he was born, his parents were so dismayed by his condition it is said that they ran out of the maternity chamber and vomited outside, refusing to even touch him. But gradually they accepted him and believed that it was god's plan for them and their child. By seventeen he started to give talks to his local prayer group and gradually grew to become a well-known speaker championing the cause of the disabled. He is the author of several inspirational books on motivation and today travels across the globe giving talks and speeches that people throng to listen to, in thousands. He has
awed everyone in the world with his extraordinary abilities and lives a successful married life, having fathered four children. Madhu had herself to fight a relentless fight against the chaotic conditions she had to face day in day out during her life with Venu. As the early months of her marriage progressed, each day brought about a new trauma into her life, and she would suffer with severe migraine which at times made her feel like banging her head against a wall to escape the pain. Her condition was often aggravated by constant neck and body pains depriving her of sleep and lowering her energies. But deep inside her, she never gave up hope that she would see better days. And true to the fact, once she started exploring the outer world, talking to people, reading, writing, and meditating, she found that all her physical pains vanished. When she finally discovered how powerfully the mind influences the body, she became enlightened and regularly practiced a set of tools and techniques aligned with the Law of Attraction. After learning of the many stories of people who mastered their health through their thought processes, she conclusively decided that the pain in one’s body is actually caused by the mind. Remove the thought and the pain is gone! All these stories are true and the people who are quoted here are real people with real experiences who related them to the world either through their books or talks or TV shows. The idea that is clearly conveyed and established is that one’s health or physical condition is purely the result of one’s thinking and that the mind has a tremendous bearing on the body. The body acts as per the thought process of the mind and influences our health and performance to an outstanding degree. While positive thoughts of happiness, satisfaction and gratitude go a long way to give us good health and help us overcome any weakness, negative thinking has several bad aspects on our health causing depression, stress, pain, slow recovery or even aggravating a medical condition. If an individual is seriously sick or injured, or in an
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unconscious state, it would be absolutely unwise not to seek immediate medical intervention. But in the regular course of time, the mind is so powerful that it can actually heal you or accelerate your recovery while your medical treatment is going on. In medical terminology a term ‘placebo’ is often used when a drug or medicine is administered to humans. Actually, a placebo should have no effect on the recipient when he is just told that a certain medicine has been given to him to treat a certain medical condition when in reality, he has not been given the drug and only something as simple as a sugar pill or a vitamin tablet is given. However, the recipient is made to believe that the proper drug has been given to treat his condition and then his mind begins to work in an astonishingly similar manner as if the drug has indeed been given. It has often turned out that the effect of placebo has proven to have either the same or even a greater effect than the actual medication itself, which is designed to produce the effect, resulting in an effective treatment of the condition or an amazingly quick recovery or healing. That is the power of the incredible human mind. It can progress to heal you if you believe, and the placebo example is the best there is to prove that. One might be awestruck how a person could survive a fourth stage cancer and revert to normal life, or how a person who has completely become paralyzed due to an accident could regain normalcy in due course, when medical science cannot fathom how such a thing is even possible. But such examples do exist in reality, where people who have even been declared dead, actually woke up and re-lived normal lives.
Examples such as that of Tony Cicoria, Anita Moorjani, Annabel Beam, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Seymour, Mary C. Neal, NDERF Contributor Laurie, Eben Alexander, Dave Bennett, Zack Clements and such others who were supposedly dead but
came back to life, are a clear testimony that the mind can rule over medicine.
All these people were in some calamity, either an incapacitating disease or an accident and were almost either on the verge of death or already declared so, but miraculously recovered and continued their normal course of lives. The human mind is the most phenomenal force in creation that almost anything is possible when you believe. “Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
— World Health Organization, 1948
How to Heal Yourself – Conquer Sickness and Regain Health
The Law of Attraction helps you in a variety of ways to help you heal yourself if you are sick, to help you recover if you have had any injury, or just to help you maintain a robust state of health purely with the power of your mind and your thoughts. The power, the formula and the secret to your health simply lies in your own hands.
People are desperately searching for quick solutions to accelerate their healing or recovery when their hope is lost, and perhaps yearning to help someone recover too. You might ask, so how does one go about in achieving the perfect state of health? Or is it possible that we can heal someone else too? For that the answer is a complete Yes, you can. You can not only heal yourself but also be able to heal someone! When you put your energies and your intentions to work, we see astounding results that people generally term as miracles.
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
But they are not miracles, and in truth they are simply the laws that govern the universe, and those who live by them find their rewards. The practice of healing yourself and helping heal others is possible with the substantial power that your mind exerts over your body. It is through affirmation and visualisation that your imagination reigns in the law of attraction, enhancing the great power that lies within you that creates magical and miraculous results. It is a multi-layered process that follows each other beginning with building belief, expressing gratitude, affirming your beliefs, and drawing the healing energy to yourself or sending the healing energy to someone you care about. To build the belief the first thing you must do is believe that 'you definitely can!' This is the first step in the Law of Attraction. Your mind and thought power have considerable potential to heal anything. Your inner self is equipped with incredible energy and power to heal itself from all suffering and pain or from any insecurities or emotional bondage. Whether it is a mental or physical condition, or a debility you may have had at birth itself, your mind is the miracle processor that can heal you. You can unleash the power with a simple belief that you can. The power of gratitude is incalculable; when you feel grateful you draw all positive energies and that brings happiness to you, and happiness is just the right medicine for any sickness. Always be thankful 24/7, for everything around and to everyone. Say thank you to everyone you meet either in person or virtually. If you can’t meet someone, thank him or her in your heart. Be happy and grateful for all the things you possess, be it your home, your possessions, or your pets. If you are in a hospital, be thankful to your room and your bed, your nurse and your doctor and your medicine. If you are trying to heal someone, you must remember to be grateful for everything related to him. Also, you must encourage them to follow the same gratitude so that they heal faster. Let them understand that they should genuinely feel
grateful for everything and when they utter a thank you to anyone, they must feel it. The power of intention can channelize all possible energies that heal anyone. Gratitude when expressed genuinely, is the path through which the healing energies flow. The power of affirmations has been discovered centuries ago and it has been a phenomenal force in healing. But what is an affirmation? Affirmations are simply declarations made by us in which we mention something we wish to achieve. In this case good health or quick recovery. Repeating them regularly carves these appeals on our subconscious minds and prompts them to help us realise our oft affirmed goals. They can alter our thoughts and mindsets and gravitate towards the law of attraction. They incredibly help in overcoming any negative emotions or self-talk, considerably improving the health of the body and the mind. Emile Coue was a French psychologist who originally brought the idea to public attention using the phrase autosuggestions. When he told his patients that his medicines were very effective, patients believed him, and he found the results were more positive than he actually expected. So, he realised that the perception of reality can actually be affected by thoughts and beliefs. Louis Hay later changed ‘autosuggestions’ to the word ‘affirmations,’ though with the same principle. We often find sportsmen or competitors in a competition whispering, ‘I can do it, I can do it!’ In saying so they are making an affirmation which in turn tunes the mind to deliver the maximum energy to the task. Positive affirmations improve your concentration, help you to sleep well, make you confident, increase your strength, endurance and performance, lower fear, and negativity, improve relationships, help heal quickly from ill health or injury, and on the whole improve the quality of your lives and contribute to your well-being. Your subconscious is programmed to receive information the
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exact way it is given. Hence it is necessary not to use any negative statements such as 'I hope I won’t fail this test' but rather use a positive statement saying, "I know I will be successful in this test!' When presented specifically, their effectiveness is vastly optimised, and the delivery is appropriate. When using affirmations, it is always good to use the present tense. Instead of saying 'I wish to be healthy' you could say 'I am healthy.' Always choose 'I or I am' when you create your affirmation, such as 'I am happy,' or 'I can do it.' Affirmations must be kept short and clear while being specific. Build them with strong positive emotions. You can use a number of tools such as phones, text reminders, message boards to write your affirmations and repeat them often and with complete faith. Whenever you make a positive affirmation, it resonates with the universe giving you back the energy you need, to put you back on track and give you optimum health both in body and mind.
Examples of Positive Affirmations for Good Health
I love my body I am peaceful I have relaxed sleep I am hale and hearty I am safe and secure
I have perfect vision I am fully recovered I have great energy
My knees are perfect My diabetes is healed My body heals rapidly I am healthy and strong I am happy and healthy I have the perfect body I am at a perfect weight I am healed and restored
Life loves and supports me. I only have positive thoughts I always attract all the help I need My heart is in excellent condition I am willing to move forward with ease I am filled with energy and enthusiasm I love myself unconditionally with complete acceptance When you think, feel, and believe it, it will inevitably happen. The speed at which it happens is based on how intensely you feel about it. Say your affirmations looking at yourself in a mirror. Meditate around them. The more you feel and think them, the quicker you recover and the better you feel. Don’t focus on the sickness, but feel that you are fully healthy, and the results will show.
When you channelize your emotions and thoughts strongly and positively, you are drawing a healing energy to yourself. Likewise, you can send such healing energy to others too and help heal them in the process. This can be practiced by meditation
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where you ask the universe to send its light to heal you or heal someone else. The universe resonates with your thoughts, your visualisations, your affirmations, your beliefs, and your faith, and consequently the result is there for you to personally witness. Health is the most important strength of a human being and one’s greatest asset. However rich or famous one may be, without good health, none of it is going to matter as he would have no happiness to experience or enjoy the state. Happiness is the key to good health. When you are happy, positive, and grateful, the universe in turn gives you more energies to enhance the feeling of joy, success, and great health. Use your mind to always manifest the best and positive feelings and good thoughts about your health, and you will be healthy and recover quickly from any sickness or debility. If you keep worrying and are constantly stressed about your health, it will only aggravate your condition drawing negative energies from the universe which will delay your recovery or constantly keep adding new problems to your health. So be happy and you will be healthy.
The mind, the body, and the spirit, together constitute the harmony of your mind. The gates of your soul are opened only when you are free of mental distractions even in a state of disability. Your mind is the key to your state of health. Any negative beliefs you may have work against the union of your mind and your body. A happy mind makes way for a healthy body and together with your spirit, your mind and your body are the ultimate sources of your happiness. — Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy