good book is the precious life blood of a master spirit, said the great John Milton in his wondrous treatise Areopagitica. In line with the same, through this effort ‘The Awakening,’ I believe I have done my best in presenting an expansive understanding of the concept of the Law of Attraction, from the thousands of experiences I have personally gained all through my life. There is no substitute for experience, and it is experience that brings out the best in you. From the time my conscious had awakened, I can recollect a multitude of the great experiences I have had. And the vast collection of my life’s experiences has given me an uninhibited perspective into the world and has refined my perception of life and defined my purpose, which is, to reach out to the world and endeavour to make it a better place for all. In the immeasurable immensity of the world that we live, there is substantial opportunity for everyone; you just have to see it. You were born for some purpose which the universe has for you. But it is up to you to discover that purpose. You can choose to be either a great leader or just live an average life of a middle-class man or even be a failure. But all of it lies simply in your hands. So, you become what you wish to make of your life. In that way, I am certain this book has been quite helpful for you to understand what meaning you wish to make of your life. Through ‘The Awakening,’ I have endeavoured to illustrate what can motivate you to find your purpose, inspire you with stories of greatness and make you understand how to find success, fame, prosperity, health, and wealth. But in order to achieve all that, you have to work on yourself, relentlessly, determinedly, and uncompromisingly, and chisel yourself to perfection, so that you get everything you truly deserve. 273