17 minute read

Chapter Six - Get Name, Fame, and Recognition

Part Two

Chapter Six Get Name, Fame & Recognition


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them — William Shakespeare

“Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

What is your idea of Being famous? What is Fame? How do people become famous?

History has shown us some of the greatest achievers who have become forever famous with either their personal achievements, or their contributions to the world. Most of these accomplished individuals will remain famous throughout history and will be remembered for posterity. However, several people will also be remembered in history for achieving fame or rather infamy, for the most destructive acts against humanity. Fame can be both for short periods of time lasting a few weeks or a few years, or sometimes permanent in history. What kind of fame do you wish to achieve? That of Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi, or that of Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin Laden? You can choose.

Some of History’s Most Famous People

Great Scientists like Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo, or Stephen Hawking, Philosophers like Socrates, Buddha, Aristotle, Jesus Christ, or Swami Vivekananda, Explorers such as Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, James Cook, Writers like Valmiki, Shakespeare, John Milton, or J.K. Rowling, Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Vincent Van Gogh, or Michelangelo, Singers like Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, or Mohammed Rafi, Speakers like Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Adolf Hitler, or Jawaharlal Nehru, Politicians such as Julius Caesar, J.F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela or Indira Gandhi, Sports persons such as Maradona, Usain Bolt, Sachin Tendulkar, or P.V. Sindhu, Actors like Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, or NTR, Business Leaders such as Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Mukesh Ambani, etc., are just a few examples of the greatest accomplishers of history.

So how did they end up becoming famous? What is it that they had that others did not, though they too were normal human beings? What were the factors that contributed to their success that they remain exemplary for their accomplishments and contributions? Name, fame, popularity, success, and recognition are all possible for everyone, everyone indeed! Everyone who stands as a historical or a popular figure has also been just another human being. But they chose to become extraordinary because they did things differently unlike others. It all began with their ability to think and act beyond others. The definition of fame has drastically changed with the advent of internet technologies where anyone can be famous for a short period using social media with something as simple as a short video or a simple tweet, that draws instant attention and goes viral across the world in a matter of minutes. However, if you wish to be famous in a way that your name remains recognised and remembered for a long time you must set upon doing things differently that can showcase you to the world repeatedly and earn you tonnes of money and great waves of popularity, making you recognised, respected, renowned, rich, and ultimately, famous. Fame, however, is too fragile a thing in our world. And in order to achieve a degree of fame, one must be prepared to work both hard and smart for it. How famous do you want to be? Is it in your family, among your friends, at your office or your organisation, in your neighbourhood, in your city, in your country or in the whole world? What attributes do you have that can get you to be famous? Do you have an inborn talent or a cultivated skill or capability? One cannot be famous just by chasing the idea; name and fame are natural consequences to what you do to be successful in your life, and fame just falls in.

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

How can you become famous? Fame and recognition are not too difficult to achieve when you know, understand and work for your goal. The first thing that you should do is to identify a skill or talent or a strong ability you have. Then focus strongly on improving the skill, by practicing or developing it, spending a few hours every day on the same, consistently. Even as you keep improving yourself that way, establish a short-term objective and set it as a goal. After you set your goal, calculate the steps and the time you will need to reach the goal. Break up your targeted goal into the smallest steps possible and figure out how to conquer each step. For instance, if you wish to become a writer, start reading varied content such as newspapers, different genres of books, articles, movie scripts, poetry, literature reviews, watch high quality documentaries, and so on. After you have spent say about six months in religiously following the routine, begin to assess your honed-up skills. Begin by writing atleast three to five pages each day on different themes. Develop your dialogue writing. Develop your scripts. Write articles about varied things, especially ones which interest you. Ask qualified professionals to review your works or take the help of a mentor who can identify your shortcomings and help you overcome them. Practice online tests of your writing skills continuously and never stop reading and writing. Once you believe you have reached the level or the standard of a good writer, start sending small articles to different newspapers, magazines, or online sites. Create a blog of your own and start uploading your works every day. Promote yourself on social media, email your blog link to publishing companies requesting for writing projects or work. In time you will see that your consistency will pay off. You are already on the road to becoming famous. JK Rowling the creator of Harry Potter, sent excerpts of her first book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, to several publishing houses, who never responded. But she continued to

send them repeatedly, hiring literary agents, and finally, she received a response from one who wanted to see the rest of the book. She says it was the best letter she received in her life. The book then was chosen by Bloomsbury Children’s Books in 1997, which was republished in 1998 using the original title. It became so successful with another six titles following. Worldwide the books were a craze and millions of copies were sold out in no time. In 2001 the first movie was made on Harry Potter. With her series of books and movies on the central character Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling reached the stature of being the first billionaire author in the history of literature. And she will forever be as famous as one of the best and most successful writers in history.

Essential Things You Must Do to Be Famous

1. Develop a Valuable Skill If you are lucky to be born with inborn skills, such as drawing, painting, singing, etc., you should further improve them to the strongest degree. If you wish to acquire a certain skill which you do not have innately, you can choose to obtain mastery in the same with the help of the best teachers in the skill. Howsoever you obtain a skill, in order to be the best, you must keep improving and progressing further, strengthening the skill. Spending atleast an hour or two on practicing your skill every day without a break will inevitably make you highly skilled in the area of your choice. 2. Set an Achievable Target One of the first things in the path to obtain fame in what you do, is to set up a realistic goal that you can reach. As stated earlier, ensure that you lay out a roadmap to reach the set target. Keep the steps as small as possible so it is easier for you to cross each step. If you wish to master the guitar or the piano for example, first start learning the principal notes along with their

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

notations and then the basic chords. Later you can get into chord combinations. Gradually you can progress into accompanying songs and singers. If you try to accompany people singing with just knowledge of a few notations or chords, you’ll never be a great guitarist. You have to prepare yourself to be there and take baby steps to achieve the same. Your preparation will one day take you to the centre stage as a worthy performer. 3. Understand Challenges Every set goal will pose certain challenges for everyone. In the path to your target, you must be able to identify those challenges beforehand and expect what hurdles to cross, in order to reach your goal. Once you know your challenges, it will be easier for you to understand how to beat them and allow you to develop the necessary skills or capabilities to overcome the same. Challenges can be anything which can prevent you from reaching your goal. You must be able to expect the unexpected too, and also be prepared to take up alternative measures to confront them. Life is filled with challenges, but those who succeed are the ones who are prepared to take on them, however tough they may look. 4. Accept Failure No one ever succeeded without failing in their efforts to reach their goals. However, if you are disgruntled and frustrated with your failures and stop your efforts to pursue a goal, you might as well understand that it is the end of your journey. Every failure is an opportunity for you to grow stronger and develop the strength to conquer it. Be prepared for rejection, for refusal, for sudden withdrawal of support, resistance, even for an accident that could prevent you from reaching your goal. And always have an alternative plan to pick up from where you failed. 5. Believe in Yourself Let not the fear of rejection or setback weaken your resolve or your determination to reach your target. Believe that you can do it and your mind will allow you to garner the necessary strength to

overcome any difficulty in your path. Your skills, your determination and your confidence are the only strengths that will take you across any challenges. If you were rejected because you failed in a test or in an interview, ensure you are prepared better for the next one. But do not stop pursuing your goal. 6. Focus Only on One Thing Do not allow any distractions to interfere with your journey to your goal. There may be several such distractions such as family obligations, professional constraints, financial matters, etc., which can prevent you or slow you down from going further. But keep them in their place and pursue your goal with a singlemindedness of purpose. Once you have your complete focus on your goal, you become blind to the entire world around and you will discover a seemingly stronger determination building within you with which you can easily achieve your goal. 7. Do Not be Complacent with Short Successes If you wish to become famous and successful, you must understand your goal first. Let us say you had achieved one of your lesser goals. But once you reached it, what next? Small successes while can be satisfying, will only give you temporary happiness. You must develop a degree of ambition that can make you truly famous. Reaching a small goal is appreciable, but your next target should be a higher one. If you always wanted to be a manager in your company and after some time became one, while enjoying your success, your next target should be to become the General Manager or the Vice President of the company. If you allow self-satisfaction or complacency to set in since you achieved a small goal, you will cease to become famous. So, develop a sense of ambition and determination, and work relentlessly to achieve it 8. Show your Gratitude Once you accomplish your goal, be grateful to everyone who helped you in the path and show your gratitude to them. Develop

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

a sense of giving, even if you have not yet reached your goal. When you start giving out, things will automatically fall in place, easing your way to fame. Givers are the most loved and respected people, and being famous becomes easy once you start showing gratitude and start helping others. Develop this trait as one of the most important traits in your journey to become famous; it will go a long way in helping you reach where you wish to be. Some of the most successful people in the world today are great givers. Whether it is the Melinda Gates Foundation or the Ratan Tata Trust or Azim Premji Foundation, the people behind them are all great givers and philanthropists and part of their success is owed to their generosity through these charitable organisations that they give through. 9. Do Not Allow Fame to Overpower you Being famous has its own dangers of putting your entire self to risk, and you might yourself be responsible for that. Once you attain your farthest objective, you must never allow the success to get to your head. Francis Bacon said, ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ This only implies what happens to most famous people. They fail to understand that being famous is standing on a slippery rock and if they do not act in accordance to the position they reached, it is quite easy to lose it. The loss of Presidentship to Donald Trump primarily happened due to his inability to understand the limitations of his power, which led him to act irresponsibly in many matters of the state, finally making him lose his power. How to continue to be Famous As agreed, fame is a fragile thing to hold on for long; but there are still many ways for one to remain famous for a long time. If someone has attained fame for a certain major accomplishment he had, there are two ways to maintain that position. One is to continue adding to the accomplishments which should each surpass the previous one, making you more famous with each newer accomplishment.

However, you must be careful in not overdoing it and losing your hard-earned reputation with a mistake, since such a thing can make you lose your fame and lower your renown once again. The other way to remain famous for your original achievement is to keep attempting any other that could surpass even previous expectations. That way your renown remains unflickered for your original achievement. What higher prize can one obtain beyond a Nobel Prize? Well, you never know! Madhu’s relentless pursuit for success enabled her to become the best version of herself in the years that followed her travails. She invested heavily in herself, spending millions and considerable time in her own education, and career, earning more and more qualifications, certifications, skills, and knowledge, as she went from country to country to attend world-class conventions, workshops and meet globally renowned intellectuals, business leaders, speakers, and gurus. As days progressed in her educational career, she worked relentlessly and as the years passed, she became renowned as one of the most qualified women of the nation. She endeavoured to pursue her passion with a fierceness that is both exceptional and exemplary and progressed to achieve nine academic qualifications that included two Doctoral qualifications and a series of post graduations. And it is not just academics; she went forth and obtained an enviable set of certifications and recognitions from across continents. And her achievements obtained her considerable name and fame. Several globally renowned organisations from across the world continuously requisitioned her services to help their employees through her online and offline workshops and enlightening sessions. To date, Madhu has received over a hundred nationally and internationally acclaimed awards, including a World Record from Lead India Foundation, Primetime Global Excellence Education

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

Award, TIME Cyber Media International Education Awards for Most Innovative Trainer & Coach, SWI International Award, Indian HR Convention HDM Award, Catalysts International Award, and scores of other awards for her massive accomplishments. She soon achieved considerable fame and continues to cross more and more milestones with her relentless pursuits. She became a Peak Performance International Trainer & Coach for Life, Wealth, & Business, Clinical Psychologist, and an Educationist with her strong experience in Teaching, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Healing and Counselling. This humongous experience and a vision to create a positive change in people led her into instituting her entrepreneurial venture La Winspire International Training & Solutions LLP. La Winspire soon became a hub of various training programmes especially on various aspects of Life Coaching. Some of the signature programmes of La Winspire are 'Mission to Billions, Art of Parenting, Men and Women Magic, Peak Performance Life Coaching, Women Excellence, Advanced Law of Attraction, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Soft Skills, Life Skills, College to Corporate, Awakening the Warrior Within You,' and such other life changing sessions. The institute also began conducting workshops on Emotional Mastery, Business Mastery, Wealth Abundance, Parenting, and such other topics of importance. Counselling and coaching services are a key component of La Winspire. Institutions such as YSR NITHM, CBIT, Kennedy Global School, Oakridge International School, St. Mary’s College, Yousufguda, and several such others continuously sought her services. Several key programmes also are customised at the institute such as Health and Wellness, Work-Life Balance, Leadership, Negotiation Skills, Communication, Positive Attitude, Goal Setting, Time Management and Personal Effectiveness, Stress and Anxiety Management, Art of Relationships, Life is Beautiful,

Power Talks, Memory Improvement, Decoding Facial Expressions, Etiquettes, and many such personality development programmes. All the programmes are delivered through scientific tools and techniques, with in-depth assessments and interpretations, to make a marked difference in people’s lives. Madhu's obsession with the quality of these programmes ensured that their structure, presentation, and delivery were optimum and achieved the desired outcomes. She was quite diligent in picking up the best trainers in the training circuitry of the region and was able to easily make a mark in the arena. The sessions were made available on a one-to-one basis with individuals, employee teams for corporates, residents of elite housing communities, government officials and many others. Companies such as Google, GE, Microsoft, HSBC, Innominds, Infosys, Dr. Reddy’s, One Plus, Synchrony Financial, Wipro, and International Banking institutions and hordes of other corporates soon reached out to her to have her coach their personnel. NRI’s would queue up for her online sessions from the US, UK, Australia, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Singapore Philippines, Nepal, Oman, and such other countries. During the Covid-19 scenario, which gripped the entire world in its vice and the whole globe declaring a lockdown, Madhu visualised an opportunity to offer online training programmes. She restructured most of her flagship programmes and began to deliver them online. Within no time scores of companies across the world queued unto her and sought her services, giving her yet another feather in her cap. While the work from home concept caught on to the entire corporate world, it proved to be an immense opportunity for her to scale her sessions to a massive level reaching up to even over three thousand people at a given time online. She also gained acclaim at how she was able to empower people to fight the pandemic, through her insightful sessions. In her 24 years of professional experience, she had also touched thousands of lives of victims of natural disasters such as

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes, not just by her empowering sessions, but also through material help, as a noble philanthropist to the needy. She gained universal recognition from each and every company and individual who attended her programmes and her fame has been on an overdrive since.

How to Achieve Fame Using Law of Attraction While you prepare yourself for your journey to fame, the Law of Attraction can itself be a great ally in your success story. Believing in yourself is the primary step, eliminating all limitations from your mind in pursuit of your objective, imagining that you are already famous, taking action, risks and confronting challenges, having the necessary visualizations, studying the lives of other famous people, being grateful and asking the universe to manifest your dreams, and affirming them on a regular basis, will all help you realise your objective of becoming famous and being there for an appreciably reasonable period of time. Consistency is the key to success. When you know what you want and have already made the plans to obtain it, the determination itself will give you the strength to beat every hurdle and cross every obstacle to take you to the portals of success. Once you are successful, your name and fame are the natural resultants. Your willingness to go the extra mile and the tenacity and the resilience with which you pursue the path of success will inevitably be the determinants of the volume of your success.

Investing in yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, educationally, and financially, will allow you to become the best version of yourself. When you are the best version of yourself, you will be a powerful magnet to others, to inspire them more and grow more nationally and globally

– Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

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