Michael Gorodetsky Titles and positions • PhD in Physics, Doctor of Science; • Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University; • Visiting professor, EPFL (Switzerland). Awards and prizes • Alexander von Humboldt fellowship; • President of Russia fellowship “Young Doctors of Sciences”; • Dynasty foundation fellowship for young doctors of sciences; • 10 years Russian Wikipedia prize “For essential contribution to the development of the project”; • Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (in LIGO collaboration); • Scopus Award Russia – 2016: ”For the Contribution to the Development of Science in the Field of Physics at National and International Levels”
Coherent Microoptics and Radiophotonics
The laboratory is the leading one working with optical high-Q crystalline microresonators and microresonator based Kerr frequency combs. We can manufacture microresonators with any desired geometry using an industrial diamond turning.
The group was founded in March 2014. The main directions of research are associated with whispering gallery mode optical microresonators — tiny transparent disks or spheroids that can catch light (having a giant quality factor up to 1012). We are investigating different classical nonlinear and quantum effects in these resonators and are looking for practical applications. The most promising part of our work is associated with optical frequency combs which can be used in compact devices for high-precision spectroscopy, as ultrastable microwave sources, and to generate femtosecond optical pulses. Another interest of the group is microresonators composed of electrooptic materials for radiophotonic applications and cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments.
We are doing optical experiments with microresonator based optical frequency combs in visible and near infrared regions and are working on ultrasensitive microresonator based radiophotonic receivers
Members Prof. Igor Bilenko, Prof. Farid Khalili, Dr. Valery Lobanov, Dr. Nikita Kondratiev, Dr. Andrey Voloshin Doctoral Assistants: Grigory Likhachev, Nikolay Pavlov, Yuri Demchenko, Artem Shitikov, Ramzil Galiev, Ruslan Terentiev
28.11.2016 Theory and experimental confirmation of harmonization of chaos into soliton in Kerr frequency combs is published in Optics Express 17.05.2016
Scientific Assistants: Artem Cherenkov, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Nikita Nesterov, Vladislav Pavlov, Victor Nazdrachev, Stepan Balybin, Sofya Agafonova, Daniil Shomnikov, Grigory Slinkov
April-October 2014 Planning and ordering of lab equipment 03.03.2014 The first group meeting
December 2014 First optical equipment from Thorlabs arrives at the lab.
October 2014 First optical materials for optical microresonators are bought for the lab (CaF₂, MgF₂, LiNbO₃, SiO₂), and first optical microresonators were fabricated November 2014 Prof. Tobias Kippenberg (EPFL, Switzerland) is our first guest scientist. Since 2015 we are working in even closer collaboration in terms of a joint Russian-Swiss grant.
March 2015 First laser from Newport arrives and first paper written RQC is published in Optics Express
1.01.2016 Our first Science paper
09–15.03.2015 Training in diamond turning in DAC ALM company (SantaBarbara, CA, USA — I.Bilenko, G.Likhachev, N.Pavlov)
26.09.2016 Our paper in Nature Physics about soliton switching is published online
21.11.2016 Our paper about midinfrared microresonators is published in Nature Communications
Optical high-Q microresonators in precision measurements • Theory of optical whisperinggallery microresonators; • Development of promising radiophotonic devices; • Coherent Kerr frequency combs; • Dissipative Kerr solitons; • Ultra-stable photonic microwave oscillators; • Quantum effects in microresonators. Laser gravitational-wave antennae (in LIGO Scientific Collaboration) • Quantum limitations of measurement; • Fundamental mechanisms of noises; • Perspective optical materials for next generation antennae.
September 2017 A leading theoretician in the field of quantum measurements Prof. Farid Khalili joins our group. We are opening a new quantum front!
01.02.2017 Our paper about dual frequency combs (promising for applications) is published in Optics Letters
Elseiver and Russian Foundation for Basic Research awarded the group leader as the most cited Russian Scientist of the year (Scopus Award Russia)
11.02.2016 LIGO announces the detection of gravitational waves. (Three members of the group are in the author list)
Research Topics
13.03.2017 Theoretical investigation of soliton Cherenkov radiation in microresonators is published in Physical Review A
20.04.2017 Paper about highcontrast frequency combs is published in Optica
October 2017 RSF grant with G. Goltsman and T. Kippenberg on entangled photons in microresonators is approved
Vladimir Belotelov Titles and positions • PhD in Physics, Doctor of Science; Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences • Associate Professor at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; • Principal investigator Russian Quantum Center; • Visiting professor, Edith Cowan University (Western Australia). Awards and prizes • Alexander von Humboldt fellowship; • Prize of the Moscow government for young scientists; • President of Russia fellowship “Young Doctors of Sciences”; • Best young scientist of Moscow State University; • Dynasty foundation fellowship for young scientists; • other awards.
Research Topics
Magnetoplasmonics and Nanophotonics
The laboratory is the world leading one working in the area of magnetoplasmonics. We are also among leaders in ultrafast magnetism of transparent magnetic dielectrics. Combination of our expertise in magnetism, magnetooptics, plasmonics and magnonics allows to conduct worldlevel fundamental and applied scientific research.
The group was founded in July 2013. The main directions of research include experimental and theoretical studies in magnetoplasmonics, active plasmonics, ultrafast optical control of spin and generation of magnons. The hottest and most promising parts of our work are (i) generation of magnons by fs-laser pulses, (ii) magnetoplasmonic structurers and nanoantennas for light control, and (iii) magneto-optics of heterostructures bases on 2D electronic materials, topological insulators and magnetic films. We are investigating different fundamental problems in these areas and are looking for practical applications for ultrasensitive magnetometry, biosensing, data processing based on magnons, control of light by magnetic field.
We investigate how to control photons by magnetic field and how to control magnons by photons. We generate spin waves by ultrashort laser pulses, modify laser beams by passing them through magnetic nanostructures and work on ultrasensitive magnetic field sensors and biosensors
Members Prof. Anatoly Zvezdin Dr. Andrey Kalish Dr. Daria Ignatyeva Dr. Alexander Chernov Dr. Pavel Kapralov Dr. Grirorii Knyazev Dr. Olga Borovkova PhD students: Mikhail Kozhaev Daria Sylgacheva Igor Savochkin Nikolai Gusev Alexei Kuzmichev
July 2013 Laboratory planning. First nine researchers are accepted
August 2013 The first group meeting
April 2014 Fs-laser is delivered and the pump-probe experimental set-up is completed
September 2013 Electromagnetic modeling and design
November 2013 First equipment is delivered and experimental set-up is being established
December 2013 Demonstration of novel magnetooptical effect (published in Nature Communications) May 2014 We managed to launch spin precession in ferrimagnets by laser pulses
May 2015 Member of our group, Nikolai Khokhlov defended PhD thesis
September 2015 Magnetoplasmonic biosensor is successfully demonstrated (published in Scientific Reports)
February 2015 Unique magnetic shielded room is installed
November 2015 We launched spin waves by fs-laser pulses in thin films for the first time in the world December 2014 Demonstration of the ultrahigh sensitivity of the magnetic sensor (100 fT/Hz1/2)
September 2014 We won large grant from RSF (75 MRub. per 3 years)
Ultrafast nonthermal optical control of spins in ferromagnets • Generation of spin waves by fs-laser pulses; • Generation of magnons in optical and magnetic confinements; • Inverse Faraday effect in magnetoplasmonic structures; • Nonthermal ultrafast magnetic data storage; • Influence of spin-orbit momenta of light on magnetization. Magnetoplasmonics • Smart magnetoplasmonic nanostructures for light control; • Nonreciprocity effects in plasmonic materials with broken time and space inversion symmetries; • Magnetoplasmonic quasicrystals; • Magneto-optics of photonic crystals with plasmonic cover; • Control of light and plasmons in magnetoelectric structures by electric field. Structures with giant spin-orbit interaction • Magnetooptics of nanolayered heterostructures of materials with giant spin-orbit interaction and ferromagnets; • Generation of the inverse Spin Hall effect by fs-laser pulses. Applied science • Ultrasensitive magnetometers based on microstructured magnetic oxide films; • Ultrasensitive magnetoplasmonic biosensors.
June 2017 Magnetoplasmonic magnetometer gave first data March 2017 The group leader was awarded with Prize of Moscow government June 2016 We demonstrated electricfield-driven magnetic domain wall as a microscale magnetooptical shutter (published in Scientific Reports)
March 2016 Excitation of tunable magnon cloud in transparent magnetic films with fs-laser pulses (published in PRX) December 2015 First room temperature detection of magneto cardiography signal of humans
October 2017 Tunability of optically generated spin waves is achieved (published in Scientific Reports) December 2016 The group leader was awarded with a title of Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences October 2016 Demonstration of the vector magneto-optical sensor (published in APL)
Alexey Kavokin Titles and positions • Professor at the University of Southampton (UK); • Director of Research, CNR-SPIN (Italy); • Head of the Spin Optics Lab (SOLAB) in St. Petersburg State University; • Scientific director of the Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (Italy). Awards and prizes • Prize of the Scientific Council of A.F. Ioffe Institute for the Best Scientific Work of the year (1996, 1998); • Chairholder of the Marie Curie Chair of Excellence in Polaritonics (Rome, 2006); • Winner of the “Megagrant” of the Russian Ministry of Science and Education (2011); • Established Career Fellowship by EPSRC (UK, 2012); • Honorary Doctorship at the Slavonian University (Erevan, Armenia, 2017); • Multiple honorary lectures.
Uniqueness The group is an international leader in the theory of exciton-light coupling in low-dimensional semiconductor structures. It is currently at the heart of a multinational research effort for the realisation of quantum simulators based on the lattices of exciton-polariton condensates and exciton-mediated high-Tc superconductivity.
Members Dr. Fabrice P. Laussy Dr. Alexandra Sheremet Dr. Nina Voronova Dr. Stella Kutrovskaya
Quantum Polaritonics
June 2015 We co-author with the Vučković group in Stanford their observation of our predicted detuned photon blockade [Phys. Rev. Lett. 114:233601, 2015]
Exciton-polariton Rabi oscillations • Rabi and Josephson oscillations of polaritons; • Permanent Rabi oscillations; • Inverted pendulum regime of the polariton Rabi oscillator; • Quantum statistics of polariton condensates and Rabi oscillators.
Polaritonics deals with quasi-particles that bind light and matter into new eigenmodes combining antagonist properties such as high coherence inherited from light, and strong interactions from their matter counterpart. Polaritons appear ideal for quantum information processing, where both of these features are highly sought. Polariton physics gave a new and applied dimension to fundamental concepts such as BoseEinstein condensates or superfluids, also bringing them on-chip and up to room temperature. It develops quickly for classical optical devices, with polariton transistors already demonstrated, and the research into polariton simulators is very active, including from our group. Founded in 2014, and since then the group collaborates with virtually all leading groups studying excitonpolaritons in Russia, EU, USA and Asia, and is highly solicited in international consortia dealing with the field of Polaritonics. The experimental component (since 2017) includes the fabrication and characterisation of novel nano-
May 2014 International conference on Problems of Strongly Correlated and Interacting Systems is organized by AK & RQC in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Research Topics
December 2015 The International Year of Light is celebrated at RQC with a talk “Two New Kinds of Light” that covers aspects of light from Куинджи’s paintings to British’s “Right to Light”, passing by quantum field theory
and meta-materials with tailored optical and transport properties. A total of 54 publications from the group is affiliated to RQC since 2014, including prestigious Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Light Science and Applications, 8 Physical Review Letters and the textbook “Microcavities” (Oxford University Press, 2017, 600 pages).
March 2017 A.V. Kavokin & F.P. Laussy are interviewed in the French’s leading Newspaper “Le Monde” in an article entitled “La révolution perpétuelle de la recherche russe” (the perpetual revolution of Russian research)
Polariton superfluidity and superconductivity • BKT theory with polaritons; • Exciton- and exciton-polaritoninduced superconductivity; • Generation of superfluid domains within polariton condensates. Polariton-photon entangling (in collaboration with CNR, D.Sanvitto, and P. Lagoudakis Lab at SKOLTECH) • Non-classical properties of polariton condensates; • Designing of scalable sources of N photons on demand; • Quantum simulators with polaritons. 2D and 1D physics • Exciton-light coupling in microca vities with embedded TMD layers; • One-dimensional carbon chains (carbynes).
September 2017 Federal targeted program award (30 M Rub) to the project on Polariton Quantum Simulators headed by A. Kavokin May 2017 Polariton BEC makes the cover of Phys. Rev. Lett. with a paper co-authored by RQC with the Sanvitto group
November 2017 Our group co-authors the report in Nature Materials of the out-of-equilibrium version of the 2016 Nobel-prize winning Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition
November 2017 The group has won a Megagrant for creation of the Hybrid Solar Cells Laboratory at MISIS with A. Di Carlo.
November 2015 Our paper on “Exciting Polaritons with Quantum Light” is highlited as an Editor’s Suggestion in Phys. Rev. Lett. [115:196402, 2015]
December 2016 We report the observation of the predicted coloured-Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect, with antibunching of bosons if discriminated in frequency [Scientific Reports 6:37980 2016]
July 2017 The PLMCN 18 conference in Würzburg organized by N. Voronova and A. Kavokin (in collaboration with Uni.Wü) attracts more than 300 participants, incl. 2 Nobel laureates
July 2017 F.P. Laussy wins the Best Reader Travel Award from the journal Light: Science & Applications, to present the group’s work on Full-Poincaré beams in time [Light: Sci. & App., 4:e350, 2015] in the Chinese capital of Optics: Changchun
Many-body theory
Georgy Shlyapnikov Titles and positions • Director of Research, LPTMS CNRS, Orsay (France); • Professor of the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands); • Co-editor of European Physics Letters. • • •
Awards and prizes Humboldt Prize (Germany, 1999); Kurchatov Prize (Russia, 2000); International Bose-Einstein Condensation Prize (2011); • ERC Research Award (2013).
Modern quantum technologies are strongly oriented towards the construction of devices for quantum computation and the creation of new quantum materials in the nanoscale. Successful developments in these directions require new ideas with theoretical support. With this purpose, the Many-body Theory group was created at RQC in August 2013 (Georgy Shlyapnikov, Professor and group leader, and Alex Fedorov, student). In September 2013 Vladimir Yudson joined the group, and a few months later Oleg Lychkovskiy (now at Skoltech) completed the group. In the autumn of 2017 Vladimir Gritsev joined the group.
We work on discovering novel many-body topological quantum states and analyzing protected quantum information processing with these states, as well as finding novel quantum fluids and disordered systems with non-conventional transport properties
Research Topics • Topological quantum states and quantum information processing. • Exotic quantum fluids and quantum transport. • Non-conventional disordered quantum systems.
Highlight In summer of 2014 we invited Prof. Boris Svistunov from the University of Massachusetts (one of the world leaders in Monte Carlo methods) to visit the RQC. He came having in his mind a rather negative opinion on the activities of RQC. However, after talking to theorists and visiting experimental labs, his opinion about the RQC became rather positive. This simply says that the RQC should be more active with inviting leading scientists.
Prof. Vladimir Yudson Prof. Vladimir Gritsev Dr. Alex Fedorov
Autumn 2017 Joint experimental/theoretical work on the first experimental realization of the controlledNOT (CNOT) quantum gate and entanglement for two individual atoms of different isotope was published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
August 2013 Group is created
April 2014 Georgy Shlyapnikov finishes his 14 lectures course at RQC on quantum gases
Summer 2014 Visits of Prof. Konstantin Kikoin (Israel) and Prof. Boris Svistunov (USA)
Summer 2015 Joint work of Zhen-Kai Lu, Yun Li, D. Petrov, and G. Shlyapnikov on stable supersolid states in two- dimensional Bose gases that demonstrate both crystalline structure and the phenomenon of superfluidity was published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Summer 2016 Joint work of A. Fedorov, S. Matveenko, V. Yudson, and G. Shlyapnikov on nonconventional superfluids of lattice fermions was published in Sci. Rep.
Autumn 2017 Vladimir Gritsev joined the group Summer 2017 Alex Fedorov defended a PhD Thesis on the topic of Dipolar Quantum Gases under supervision of Georgy Shlyapnikov
December 2014 Georgy Shlyapnikov publishes an article on an anomalous phenomenon of “freezing with heating” in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Summer 2015 Joint experimental/theoretical work on creating two-qubit quantum gates using atoms in different states was published in Nat. Commun.
Summer 2016 The joint work of G. Shlyapnikov with X. Deng, L. Santos, and B.L. Altsahuler on dipolar excitations propagating via dipole-induced exchange among immobile molecules randomly spaced in a 3D lattice was published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Aleksei Zheltikov Titles and positions • Professor, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; • Professor, Texas A&M University; • Lab head, Kurchatov Institute; • Megagrant PI, Kazan Technology University. Awards and prizes • I.V. Kurchatov Prize and Medal; • The Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics; • Shuvalov Prize for Research; • Russian Federation State Prize for Young Researcher.
Laboratory of Advanced Photonics
Unique facilities and instruments • Subterawatt source of femtosecond pulses in the midinfrared • Laser microscope for multimodal nonlinear-optical brain imaging. • Fiber-optic neurointerfaces for opto- and thermogenetics • Fiber-based quantum sensors and fiber probes for thermometry of single cells tool machine
The expertise that our group brings to the RQC lies in the area of ultrafast optical science. Central to our mission, as a group in a world leading center in quantum technologies, is to transform a tremendous and largely unreleased potential of ultrafast optics into powerful, yet compact tools — unique laser sources, fiber-optic neurointerfaces, novel fiber quantum sensors and sources of quantum states of light — which will push the frontiers of quantum technologies.
Achievements • A high-peak-power laser source of ultrashort pulses in the midinfrared (the world record for the peak power of femtosecond mid-IR pulses) • The first laser-filamentation experiments in air • The first air soliton experiments. • Reconnectable fiber-optic neurointerfaces for long-term chronic in vivo work • Fiber-optic quantum sensors for single-cell thermomentry • Laser framework for thermogenetics
As one of our significant achievements on our way toward this goal, a unique source of ultrashort pulses in the mid-infrared has been put in operation in our RQC laboratory, providing an unprecedentedly high peak power for sub100-femtosecond pulses in the mid-infrared. High-power soliton transients and laser filaments in air demonstrated in our recent studies using this source set a milestone in a thousandyear history of atmospheric optics, opening new horizons in optical signal transmission and remote sensing of the atmosphere. Compact solid-state sources of few-cycle and subcycle pulses in the midinfrared developed
October 2014 Microwave thermogenetic cell activation is demonstrated at the RQC@MSU lab
December 2013 The near-infrared beamline with a peak power of 150 gigawatt at a central wavelength of 1 micrometer is put into operation at the Advanced Photonics source at the RQC
May 2014 The integration of diamond quantum sensors with optical fibers is demonstrated
June 2014 Generation of 0.4-terawatt midinfrared pulses is demonstrated in the 4-m beamline, making the Advanced Photonics laser facility at the RQC the most peak-powerful source of femtosecond mid-infrared pulses in the world
August 2012 The RQC Advanced Photonics group is organized
February 2014 An innovative laser microscope for multimodal nonlinear-optical brain imaging is put into operation at the RQC@MSU lab April 2014 The mid-infrared beamline delivering sub-100-fs pulses at 4 m is completed at the Advanced Photonics source at the RQC
July 2014 Filamentation of midinfrared pulses in the atmosphere is demonstrated for the first time, enabling the generation of filaments with the highest energy and the highest peak power ever September 2014 Fiber-based thermometry of single cells is demonstrated using quantum sensors at the RQC@MSU lab
Dr. Andrei Fedotov Dr. Dmitry Sidorov-Biryukov Dr. Aleksandr Mitrofanov Dr. Ilya Fedotov Dr. Evgeny Serebryannikov Dr. Aleksandr Voronin Dr. Aleksandr Lanin Dr. Lyubov Amitonova Evgeny Stepanov Matvei Pochechuev Nikolai Petrov Mikhail Rozhko
Research Topics • Ultrafast optics in the mid-infrared. • Neurophotonics • Innovative fibers for quantum and ultrafast optics, fiber-format quantum sensors • Fiber-optic quantum biosensing with a qubit on a fiber
by our group help close existing gaps in our knowledge regarding the fundamental properties of materials, suggesting new strategies for material engineering for efficient generation of quantum states of light, solid-state quantum memories, and single-photon nonlinear optics. Our novel fiber-optic neurointerfaces and quantum thermometers enable a carefully controlled stimulation of single neurons and neural networks in the brain of freely behaving animal models, helping confront long-standing challenges and promising new breakthroughs in neuroscience. This chapter has just been opened, with its story unfolding…
March 2015 Thermogenetic neuromodulation with a single-cell resolution is demonstrated at the RQC@MSU lab November 2014 The Advanced Photonics group receives a recognition as a leader of the Ministry of Science and Education program aimed at the development of innovative fiber-optic neurointerfaces
January 2015 A Nature Communications paper reporting the generation of subcycle high-power pulses using a specifically designed hollow-core fiber is out
November 2017 An Optica paper reporting selfcompressing mid-IR solitons in air is out
June 2016 A Nature Communications paper reporting soliton pulse self-compression of mid-IR pulses many orders of magnitude above the selffocusing threshold is out August 2015 The first ever solidsource of subcycle pulses in the mid-IR is demonstrated
February 2015 Members of the Advanced Photonics group receive the Kurchatov Prize for the development of fiber-optic neurointerfaces
May 2017 A Nature Communications paper reporting the laser framework for thermogenetics and quantum thermometry of individual neurons is out
September 2016 A Nature paper reporting attosecond spectroscopy based on hollow-fiber subcycle field waveform synthesis
January 2016 Below-the-band-gap high-order harmonic generation is used as a method of electron band structure analysis
Alexey Akimov Titles and positions • PhD in Physics; • Member of the European Physics Society; • Senior researcher at the Lebedev Physics Institute (LPI RAS) specializes in the field of coherent and nonlinear optics; • Research Scientist (part time) at Harvard University.
Uniqueness Thulium (Tm) atom is a good candidate for quantum simulation due to high orbital momentum in the ground state allowing to investigate dipole-dipole interactions and to observe Feshbach resonances in a low magnetic field.
Members Vladislav V. Tsyganok Elena S. Kalganova Emil T. Davletov Vladimir A. Khlebnikov Ivan S. Cojocaru Ilia A. Luchnikov Daniil A. Pershin Vadim N Sorokin Denis Sukachev Alexander Korneev Javid Javadzade Anton I. Zeleneev
Quantum Simulators and Integrated Photonics The group was founded in 2013. The research directions are laser cooling and quantum simulations with thulium atoms; integrated solid state quantum circuits (including development of integrated detectors); integrated fiber systems of quantum logic with single atoms. The major field of our research is quantum simulation — the method of building a controllable quantum system to model a real hard to compute on a classical computer quantum system. Ultracold atomic ensemble localized in optical lattice is convenient platform for quantum simulations. A wide variety of simulation applications is promising: understanding of high-temperature superconductivity, the investigation of topological quantum matter; observation and control of quantum matter at the level of individual atoms; the exploration of fundamental phenomena in statistical physics. Thus, quantum simulation is a prospective approach to investigation of complex quantum systems.
Research Topics Laser cooling of Tm atoms • Laser cooling and trapping of Tm atoms; • Light assisted colisions of Tm atoms; • Atomic polarizability of Tm atoms • Ultracold atomic collisions; • Low field magnetic Feshbach resonances; • Bose-Einstein condensation of Tm atoms. Integrated solid-state quantum circuits (including the development of integrated detectors) • Superconducting detector for visible and near-infrared quantum emitters; • Single photon sources.
We are obtaining Bose-Einstain condensation of Tm by evaporative cooling of spin-polarized atoms in optical-dipole trap; investigate dipole-dipole interactions between ultracold atoms
December 2016 Low field Feshbach resonances detected
September 2014 First magnetooptical trap March 2013 Optical table was installed in the RQC lab at Skolkovo
April 2013 We started to work in the new RQC lab space
March 2015 Green laser locked to high finesse cavity
June 2017 Polarized cold cloud of thulium atoms was achieved
February 2016 First Optical dipole trap
October 2013 Denis Sukachev defended his PhD thesis
November 2013 Zeeman slower was built
June-August 2014 Margaret Pavlovich came and took over complete experiment
25 January 2017 Article publication: “Light-assisted collisions in ultracold Tm atoms”
2015 Green MOT achieved Light assisted collisions in Tm measured for the first time
March 2017 Full controlled ODT was realized
Yury Kurochkin Titles and positions • PhD in physics; • Quantum communication group leader at RQC.
Members Mr. Alexander Duplinsky Dr. Roman Ermakov Dr. Aleksey Fedorov Dr. Dmitry Kronberg Dr. Evgeniy Kiktenko Dr. Vladimir Kurochkin Dr. Yury Kurochkin Dr. Vadim Rodimin Dr. Anton Trushechkin And 19 engineering staff
Quantum Communication Group Uniqueness We are combining quantum cryptography theory, experiments and business applications in one place. Leading quantum cryptography project in Russia. First demonstration in Russia of quantum keys in realworld.
The group launch was in 2015. We have a very ambitious goal — to deliver a commercial quantum cryptography device within 2.5 years, which is faster than anyone else has managed! To achieve this goal, we work in experimental quantum optics, quantum information theory, electrical engineering and software programming. We study how to make better quantum cryptography protocols and optical schemes, so that our devices work faster and fit in a simple and small package. Quantum cryptography is a very young technology and basic research is still uncovering much that affects today’s applications. Our commercial product will be a high-end device for data protection in banks and other organisations where information security is paramount. Apart from hardware, we are also working on applications. A great example is the quantum-secure blockchain, where our quantum keys are used to enhance the security of existing technology.
Research Topics Experimental quantum cryptography • Development of a commercial quantum cryptography device; • New methods for quantum cryptography (optical schemes, encoding parameters). Quantum cryptography theory • New quantum cryptography protocols development and proofs; • Attacks on quantum cryptography protocols. Quantum key distribution networks • Development of a quantum network between banks; • Development of applications with the quantum key; • Quantum-secure blockchain..
We are connecting quantum optics theory and quantum information theory with everyday business needs for information security
February 2015 — October 2015 Set up and launch of the group
October 2015 Start of project supported by Gapzprombank and Ministry of Education and Science
May 2016 Demonstration of quantum communication between two offices of Gazprombank in Moscow on a real communication line
July 2016 Modular quantum key distribution system for research and development applications are presented
May 2017 Quantum key distribution network is demonstrated between
June 2017 First Quantum-Secured Blockchain was designed, built and tested by RQC scientists
December 2017 Launch of the commercial quantum key distribution system
Nikolay Kolachevsky Titles and positions • Director of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute (Moscow); • Professor at MIPT (Moscow); • Heard of the chair, professor at MEPhI (Mocsow); • Corresponding member of Russian academy of sciences. Awards and prizes • Humboldt fellow
Members Alexander Borisenko, MS Artem Golovisin, Ph.D. Nikita Zhadnov, MS Ilya Zalivako, Ph.D. Konastantin Kudeyarov, MS Ekaterina Kupriyanova, Ph.D. Ilya Semerikov, Ph.D. Dr. Denis Sych Dr. Ksenia Khabarova
Precision Quantum Measurements
Uniqueness The group has world’s leading position in studies of laser cooled Thulium atoms: for the first time we demonstrated laser cooling and trapping, laser excitation of the clock transition, determined the magic wavelengths. We develop ultrastable lasers with unprecedented phase stability and cover most challenging demands of optical clocks community in Russia.
May 2014 Signing agreement between RQC and P.N. Lebedev Institute for establishing of joint labs
Optical clocks • Optical lattice clock using magnetic dipole transition in Tm atoms; • Al+ optical ion clock; • Optical frequency links for time and frequency transfer; • Compact Yb+ ion clock for satellite applications. Ultrastable lasers • ULE-stabilized lasers with sub-Hz spectral linewidth; • Cryogenic silicon cavities for laser stabilization; • Crystalline high-reflective mirrors for low thermal noise cavities.
The field of Precision Quantum Measurements deals with quantum sensors and optical clocks for variety of fundamental and applied research. Laser cooling and quantum manipulations with atoms and ions have variety of implementations in time and frequency metrology, global navigation systems, inertial navigation, gravimetry and quantum simulations. It opens new opportunities for sensitive tests of fundamental theories — search for variation of fundamental constants, tests of the Standard model, Lorents invariance, CPT theorem — and determination of fundamental constants. Quantum manipulations with single ions in linear ion traps is one of the proved highways to high fidelity quantum computations.
Ions and atoms in quantum regime • Linear ion traps for elementary quantum gates; • Interactions of ultracold neutral atoms. Hydrogen spectroscopy (collaboration with MPQ) • High-precision spectroscopy of hydrogen atom, determination of the Rydberg constant and the proton charge radius (1S-2S, 2S-4P, 6P spectroscopy)
Founded in 2015, our group became the leading experimental group in Russia in the field of optical lattice clocks ion cooling and trapping. Besides fundamental studies, we develop frequency stabilized lasers with unprecedented frequency stability which are highly demanded for various precision measurements. In 2017 our group started development of transportable Yb+ ion clock which in short future should be implemented for space missions. A total of 22 publications from the group is affiliated to RQC since 2015, including Science, Optic Express, and numerous PRA publications.
October 2014 The group starts at P.N.Lebedev Institute
January 2015 Clock transition at 1140 nm in laser cooled cloud of Tm atoms is directly excited for the first time
Research Topics
February 2016 New result of precision spectroscopy of the 1S-3S transition in atomic hydrogen using chirped laser pulses is obtained in collaboration with MPQ
May 2015 Ion trap for Mg+ and Al+ ions is assembled. First ions were detected using and electron multiplier. Multi-particle losses are studied
Gravity of anti-matter (GBAR collaboration) • Study of gravitational states of ultracold anti-hydrogen.
March 2016 Novel fiber-based anti-reflector for precision onephoton spectroscopy is reported. The Doppler effect can be cancelled to 4 parts in 106
October 2015 Infrastructural renovation started. Aim: a cluster of three full-sized optical laboratories, recreation rooms and a workshop
August 2016 Calculations of Tm polarizabilities and atom-atom interactions show, that the proposed optical clock can be accurate to a few parts in 1018
May 2016 Cryogenic crystalline silicon cavity shows the finesse of 500000 at the critical temperature of 124 K
June 2017 Ginzburg Centennial Conference on Physics organized
September 2017 Good news from Tm lab: the magic wavelength is determined at 814 nm. The clock transition linewidth shrunk to 50 Hz — important breakthrough for Tm optical clock
February 2017 New regime of Tm MOT is studied — the interplay between Doppler and subDoppler cooling is directly observed and interpreted for the first time
November 2016 The laboratory cluster is in full operation mode. Thulium setup is reassembled and upgraded in the new laboratory
November 2017 The Ministry of Education grant (call 1.4) for development of on-board satellite Yb+ ion clock is won October 2017 New value for the Rydberg constant and the proton charge radius from atomic hydrogen spectroscopy are reported. The values are consistent with muonic hydrogen. Proton charge puzzle starts to be unshaded
Alexey Ustinov Titles and positions • PhD in Physics, Doctor of Science; • Professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; • Head of Laboratory for Superconducting Metamaterials, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow. Awards and prizes • Alexander von Humboldt fellowship (1989); • Stephanos Pnevmatikos International Award in Nonlinear Science (1998); • Winner of Russian mega-grant for new lab at MISIS (2011); • Award “Made in Russia” — the prestige Snob media prize in Russia (2015) together with O. Astafiev and V. Ryazanov; • Honorary Professor, MISiS, Russia (2016).
Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Members Prof. Valery Ryazanov Prof. Oleg Astafiev Prof. Eugeni Il’ichev Dr. Mikhail Fistul Dr. Ivan Khrapach Ph.D. students: Ilia Besedin Vladimir Mil’chakov Stas Gilmulin
Superconducting quantum circuits have made truly amazing progress in the past decade. The coherence times of superconducting qubits increased by nearly six orders of magnitude during the past 15 years — from few nanoseconds to milliseconds. Our research on superconducting quantum circuits aims at scalable architecture of quantum processors, quantum simulators, and quantum metamaterials.
Master students: Vasilisa Usova Daria Kalacheva Technical staff: Sergei Egorov Nikolay Stepakov
Due to massive parallelism built into quantum hardware, quantum information processing would allow unprecedented computing power and could make feasible the modelling of complex systems and phenomena. Small scale special purpose quantum simulators would allow for modelling specific complex systems, for example, to design new materials and simulate the electronic structure of various chemical compounds. Our research interests within superconducting quantum circuits span from new readout techniques and qubit designs to quantum metamaterials and quantum simulation.
Uniqueness RQC and MISIS are two labs in Russia which initiated experiments with superconducting qubits. In 2013, we performed first measurement of a qubit in Russia, and in 2015, jointly with MIPT, we fabricated our own qubits.
July 2012 Superconducting Quantum Circuits group formed at RQC
March 2013 First units of RQCowned technological equipment installed at RQC nanofabrication and cryogenic facility in Chernogolovka
July 2013 First measurement of a qubit in Russia in cooperation with NUST MISIS. The qubit itself was fabricated in Germany by our collaborators at IPHT Jena led by Prof. Evgeni Il’ichev
September 2014 Dr. Jean-Loup Smirr and Dr. Ivan Khrapach performed first microwave spectro scopy of a flux qubit in Chernogolovka
December 2013 — March 2014 Room renovation and preparation for installing the dilution fridge started in Chernogolovka
May-June 2014 Installation of PLASSYS evaporator and BlueFors dilution cryostat
In 2016, our RQC and MISiS labs joined efforts with our collaborators at MIPT, NTGU, and ISSP to form a Superconducting Qubit Consortium. The Consortium became the base for the Russian Superconducting Quantum Processor Project funded by the Russian Foundation for Advanced Research and targeted towards demonstration of multi-qubit circuits and simple quantum algorithms by 2019. The project is strengthened by the nano-fabrication facilities at Bauman Technical University in Moscow and the theory group at Research Institute of Automatics VNIIA of Rosatom.
November 2014 Nature Communications published our paper on the first implementation of a quantum metamaterial using superconducting qubits
May 2015 First superconducting qubits are fabricated in Russia within RQC-MIPT-MISIS cooperation
September 2015 O. Astafiev, V. Ryazanov, and A. Ustinov awarded the prestige media prize “Made in Russia”
June 2017 Our qubits made in Russia demonstrate single-qubit gates with fidelity > 99%. July 2016 Start of Russian Qubit Project, including teams from RQC, MISIS, MIPT, NTSU, and Bauman Technical University
Research Topics Superconducting qubits • Flux qubits; • Transmon qubits; • Hybrid π-junction qubits; • Original qubit designs (e.g., twin qubits); • Study of decoherence mechanisms. Quantum metamaterials • Array of qubits coupled to a resonator; • Qubit chain embedded in a transmission line; • Generation of non-classical microwaves; • Super- and sub-radiance. Quantum simulators • Quantum Dicke model; • Spin-boson model; • Spin chains. Scalable architectures • Frequency division multiplexing readout of multiple qubits via single measurement line; • FPGA-based qubit manipulation and readout; • Integration of qubit circuits with classical superconducting singleflux-quantum logic.
October 2017 Nature Communications published our paper on the quantum simulation of the Rabi model in ultra-strong coupling regime
December 2017 Nature Communications accepted for publication our paper on magnetic fieldinduced transparency of a quantum metamaterial
Alexey Rubtsov Titles and positions • PhD in Physics, Doctor of Science; • Professor at M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; • Russian Academy of Science Professor.
Research Topics Open driven bosonic systems beyond Markovian approximation • Bath fermionization approach; • Numerically exact QMC algorithm without exponential slow down; • Qubit ensembles in the external field; • QMC modeling of superconducting qubits. Correlated fermions on a lattice • Description of collective modes by diagram series on top of the dynamical mean field theory; • Low energy Lagrangians from the initial Hamiltonian and further construction of phase diagrams; • Topology for correlated systems; • Lattice simulations of continuous correlated matter (e.g. neutron matter). Dynamics of localized and 1D systems • Dynamical phase transition in Bose-Anderson model; • Modeling of spin-polarized tunneling current through a magnetic structure; • collective dynamics in 1D; • polaronic problem. Quantum information concepts in condensed matter theory
Uniqueness Results Our new sign-free QMC algorithm for driven bosonic system is a unique tool for numerically exact calculations of the dynamics at large time scale. We have pioneered in studying critical properties of the dynamical phase transition in an open system.
Correlated Quantum Systems group
The group studies correlated quantum systems ranging from ultracold atoms to neutron stars, as well as basic models such as Hubbard lattices, Anderson impurity and Kondo model, etc. Equilibrium properties, steady state and quenched dynamics are investigated. Special attention is paid to the description of decoherence effects in qubit structures and manipulating of their properties by an external driving. We are collaborating with researchers from a number of universities including Hamburg, Vienna, Berlin, Geneve, London, Nijmegen, Skoltech, and Harvard university.
Excellence A unique combination of analytical and numerical competences
4 articles published in 2015.
Problems studied in 2015: • Synchronization of qubit ensembles by engineered driving; • Quantum statistical ensemble formation in an open system; • Quenched dynamics of BoseAnderson model; • Master equation approach is developed for engineered spin devices.
Beginning of 2016 Alexey Rubtsov receives a title of Russian Academy of Sciences professor. Georg Rohringer takes a postdoc position in the group. Beginning of 2014 The group founded. Yulia Shchadilova and Pedro Ribeiro take the first postdoc positions. Alexey Shakirov joins the group as the first Ph.D. student.
4 articles published in 2014.
Ph.D. students Alexey Shakirov Grigory Astretsov Anton Markov Students Vera Vyborova Nikolay Klimkin Daniil Babukhin Anastasya Chertkova Maxim Velikanov
We are working out new understanding and methods allowing a quantitative description of complex interacting quantum systems, with a focus on collective effects in their dynamics
Summer 2015 Pedro Ribeiro receives a prestigious position for young scientists at Lisbon university Yulia Shchadilova receives a postdoc position at Harvard university.
Problems studied in 2014: • Mott insulator breakdown by the D.C. current; • Matastability in correlated clusters; • Multiferroic phenomena; • Polarons in BEC condensate.
Postdocs Evgeny Polyakov Georg Rohringer Ksenya Samburskaya
2017 A. Rubtsov and G. Rohringer participate in preparation of a paper to be published in Reviews of Modern Physics
Summer 2016 The group receives the RSF-DFG grant for Russian-German joint projects. Evgeny Polyakov takes a posdoc position in the group. Problems studied in 2016 • Self-consistent dual boson approach for collective excitations in correlated media; • Stochastic wavefunction description of Gaussian dynamics; • Critical behavior at the dynamical transition in Bose-Hubbard model; • Nonlocal correlations in FalikovKimball model; • Spin dynamics of Hubbard lattices. 11 articles published in 2016.
Problems studied in 2016 • Numerically exact QMC method for open bosonic systems; • Fluctuating local field approach for classical lattices; • High harmonic generation in correlated media; • Decoherence of magnetic qubit realizations; • Many-body synchronization in driven interacting ensembles; • Collective dynamics and phase separation in 1D. 13 articles published/submitted in 2017.
Alexander Lvovsky Titles and positions • Professor of Physics,University of Calgary (Canada); • Thousand-Talents Plan Adjunct Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu, China; • Deputy Editor, Optics Express. Awards and prizes • Fellow, Optical Society of America (2015); • International Quantum Communication Award (2010); • Alberta Ingenuity New Faculty Award (2006); • Personal commendation letter from the Prime Minister of Canada (2005); • Tier II Canada Research Chair (2005).
Research Topics
Quantum Optics In order to make quantum optics suitable for technological applications, we require a powerful quantum engineering toolbox that would allow us to synthesize, manipulate and characterize complex quantum states of the electromagnetic field. The past fifteen years brought us a long way forward towards this end, and there is even more work that remains to be done.
Members • Anatoly Masalov, Senior research scientist (from 2016) • Egor Tiunov, PhD Student (from 2016) • Demis Dychev, PhD Student (from 2015) • Alexander Ulanov, PhD Student (from 2014) • Valery Novikov, MS student (from 2016) • Arsen Kuzhamuratov, undergraduate and MS student (from 2016) • Hurram Pirov, undergraduate student (from 2017) • Yury Kurochkin, Postdoc, RQC Fellow, (2012-2014), now leading the QuRate spin-off • Aleksey Fedorov, Undergraduate Student, RQC Fellow, (2012-2013), now a research fellow at RQC • Ilya Fedorov, PhD Student, RQC Fellow, (2013-2016) • Anastasia Pushkina, MS Student, (2014-2016) • Oksana Borzenkova, MS Student (2015-2016)
We were among the first to combine the methods of discrete- and continuous-variable quantum optics and make them work in synergy within the same apparatus. Thanks to this approach, quantum technology has reached across the narrow boundaries of these two domains, gaining access
Our continuous-variable quantum optics lab is unique in Russia. In the world, there are only three or four labs doing research on a similar subject, in France, Italy and Japan
February 2015 “Quantum vampire” in Optica
July 2012 First student (Aleksei Fedorov) goes on an internship to the University of Calgary
to practically the entire optical Hilbert space. A new field has arisen known as hybrid quantum information processing with the capabilities exceeding the boundaries of each of these two domains taken separately.
June 2016 First MS graduates: Anastasia Pushkina and Oksana Borzenkova
April 2017 A Physical Review Letter “Quantum Teleportation Between Discrete and Continuous Encodings of an Optical Qubit” published
October 2012 Purchasing equipment for the lab begins
March 2013 First optical table
January 2013 Alex Lvovsky joins the lab full-time for a sabbatical leave
July 2013 Experiments begin
June 2016 Publication in Nature Communications: “Losstolerant state engineering”
October 2016 First PhD graduate: Ilya Fedorov
October 2015 Publication in Nature Photonics: “Undoing the effect of loss in quantum entanglement”
March 2017 Publication in Nature Photonics: “Breeding the optical Schroedinger’s cat state”
• Entanglement distillation for undoing the effect of losses in quantum communication, with the vision to combine it with quantumoptical memory (see below) and eventually develop a working quantum repeater. • Optical quantum process tomography, with the vision to develop a universal, simple method capable of complete characterization of any quantum device. • Answering the fundamental question whether quantum mechanics extends to macroscopic objects by constructing increasingly large superpositions of quantum optical states and studying their properties. • Developing methods of quantumenhanced sensing and metrology that are tolerant to optical losses. • Converting quantum information between discrete- and continuousvariable encodings.
High school outreach In addition to research, we set up classes on quantum mechanics for talented students of Moscow high schools. These weekly two-hour classes employed a tutorial system in which each student did the reading and solved homework problems at home, and then discussed them with the tutor in class. The program included the notions of Hilbert space, quantum states, operators, axioms of quantum physics, measurements, the Schrodinger equation, quantum paradoxes, nonlocality, Bell inequalities, quantum cryptography, teleportation, and computing. Ten our students graduated in 2013.