BAY HARBOUR News The Bay Harbour’s best read newspaper
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Wednesday MAY 23 2012
Community Diary To submit your notice
email: or post to Community Diary, P.O. Box 39176 Harewood, Christchurch 8545
Thank you: Bay Harbour News staff and members of the Bay Harbour community celebrate the newspaper’s win in the New Zealand Community Newspaper Association awards. Editor Chris Tobin holds the winning trophy. Others from left are Gilbert Wealleans, Rebecca O’Carroll, Rebecca Sandys, Courtenay Stickels, Tom Doudney, Linda Rutland, Christine Wilson, Samantha Early, Fletcher Stanton, Christine de Felice, Marnie Kent, with Amelia Sykes (daughter) and Rob Davison. Photo: George Adams
BAY Harbour News was a big winner in the 53rd annual New Zealand Community Newspapers Association’s (NZCNA) awards at the weekend. The newspaper picked up the 2012 Maurice Kitching Award for community involvement for all members of the NZCNA. The newspaper first won the community involvement prize for circulations between 7500 and 20,000 and then took the overall prize. Mainland Press managing director Pier Smulders said he was delighted that his team had been recognised for their efforts in re-launching Bay Harbour News. “It was a decision we made right after the June 23 earthquake that further devastated the Bay Harbour area and we wanted to do what we could to help the community get back to some kind of normality. “We also reduced our advertising rates by around 50 percent for local businesses. This award also recognises all the schools and
community groups and sports clubs that are contributing to the paper and we are grateful for their support.” Bay Harbour News editor Chris Tobin said on February 22 last year the newspaper was just about to be sent to the printer at 12.51pm when the earthquake struck. “As a result of that, this issue of the paper was not distributed and for four months Bay Harbour News was absorbed into our citywide newspaper, Mainland Press. “However, in July Bay Harbour News was revived as a stand-alone fortnightly and the paper was changed to have more input from community groups. “We saw bringing back the paper as playing an important part in getting the Bay Harbour area back on its feet.” Comments from members of the community over the win.Linda Rutland (Mt Pleasant Memorial Community Centre and Residents’ Association): “I think it has done a fantastic job. I really like the fact that you approached
us all to get our stories out there.” Marnie Kent (Sumner Residents’ Association): “You always have good and interesting stories and you make a great effort to distribute the papers to all of the homes and make them available down at the shops in the village.” Christine Wilson (Lyttelton Community House facilitator): “I think you are doing a wonderful job.” Tim Carter (Christchurch city councillor): “I think you are doing a great job. The Bay Harbour News did a great job informing the community during such a tumultuous and dynamic time being connected to the community and involved with the stories that needed to be told.” Yani Johanson (Christchurch city councillor): “From my experience in the local community, the Bay Harbour News has been a fantastic source of information and inspiration.” Fletcher Stanton (Redcliffs Information Hub coordinator): “Fantastic.”
SUMNER Courtiers will be taking more than 20 Sumner & Redcliffs people to The Court theatre on June 4, but there are still vacant seats on the coach. Organisers expect to prove that Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is great fun. Information from Ed Daniel 326 3055 or Brian Priestley 326 6280 SUMNER Rockers of Ages Choir for elders runs on Wednesdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The choir provides an opportunity to sing world and contemporary music in a fun, supportive environment. No auditions, all welcome, venue Sumner Union Church, cnr Hardwicke & Nayland Street. For more information phone 374 6873. SUMNER Mah Jong, we play every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm, at 57 Dryden St, Sumner, plse contact Jenny 326-6644 or 027 326-9904 MOUNT Pleasant Farmers Market, Mount Pleasant Community Centre, every Saturday 10am to 1pm, bringing local food to our community, fresh fruit, veg, meat, fish, baked products, eggs, tomatoes, coffee & so much more, inquiries Tom Davies 027 600-7779. FERRYMEAD Sumner men’s Probus Club, meet 10am on the 4th Thursday of each month, venue Redcliffs Bowling Club, James St, Redcliffs, visitors are warmly welcomed to come along, mix with members & listen to our excellent guest speakers, plse ring Ross Gillespie 03 384-4823 or Allan Hughey 03 384-0099 MT Pleasant Art Group invites people with an interest in art drawing to join them at the Mt Pleasant Yacht Club on Tuesdays from 9.30am to 11.30am. For further info call Libby Christie, 326-5455. REDCLIFFS Community Farmers Market, every Wednesday 1pm to 4pm in The Spur carpark, fresh fruit, veg plants, fresh fish, free range eggs, home baking, smoked salmon, egyptian breads & baking, Volcano Olives, honey, chocolate, pies, live music & more, Inquiries contact Tom 027-600-7779 or Fletcher 0800 234-565. The Community Noticeboard is for non profit groups or organisations. Items submitted must include a phone number and any associated costs and must not be more than 50 words. This is a free service from Mainland Press which reserves the right to edit submissions or to withhold items from publication if they do not fit the criteria, or due to space constraints.
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