BAY HARBOUR News The Bay Harbour’s best read newspaper
Deb Beesley Your local hills and Bayside specialist. You’ll be sold! P: 03 384 7950 M: 027 280 8837 E:
Community Diary
Market day at Redcliffs
To submit your notice email: or post to Community Diary, P.O. Box 39176 Harewood, Christchurch 8545
Fresh bread: Debbie Hau sells a freshly baked loaf to Errol Campbell at the Redcliffs farmers market. More photos page 10.
Camps & computers mark long career Christine de Felice
AS John Thawley, retiring principal of Lyttelton Main School, looks back over his 40 years of teaching, he says that among the many children he’s “had the privilege of teaching, there are always some who spring to mind”. “There are individual children with some unique feature about them you remember – their personality or just the way they are. And appearances don’t show everything,” Mr Thawley says. “I’ve also had the privilege of working
with some fantastic principals, teachers and administration staff.” Mr Thawley has taught at seven schools, starting with Opawa School in 1972. His main focus has been in two areas – outdoor education and IT. “I am an outdoor education-type person. That and introducing computers into schools have been what I’ve enjoyed – ICT has been one of my work and personal strengths. “At my second school, Chisnallwood Intermediate, the principal Jack Taylor
showed me how outdoor education could be tied into the curriculum.” Mr Thawley taught sailing and other outdoor skills and helped set up the Jack Taylor Camp at Takamatua. “Learning to handle uncomfortable and difficult situations helps children across all areas of their education. It also gives them resilience in life - a lot of town kids don’t have that.” He also enjoyed teaching mathematics and written English. Continued on page 3
ART In the Park, arts workshop at Orton Bradley Park, November 26-27, weaving, carving, printmaking, earth paint, mosaic, wire bead jewellery, drawing & painting & more, enrolments essential, for details or call Trent 021 172-8373 MUSIC Picnic, blues, boogie & ballads, 12pm onwards, Sunday November 27at Orton Bradley Park, featuring talented Christchurch musicians John Sanchez-Lloyd & Phil Doublet, tickets range in price from $1 to $30 & include park entry, more information at or call Trent on 021 172-8373 DIAMOND Harbour playcentre, 40th Anniversary community fair, Sunday November 27, 10am to 2pm in the Diamond Harbour Domain, bouncy castle, pony rides, food stall, games, book stall, fire engine display & lots more, cash only, to book car boot stall for $10, call Sam 329-3229 EXHIBITION of paintings will be held by Diamond Harbour Painting group, guest artists Aue Currie, Jennifer Neutze & Adrienne Pavelka & invited local artists, exhibition. Saturday November 26 10am to 4-30pm & Sunday 27 1pm - 4-30pm at Diamond Harbour Community Church Hall beside the fire station, Donations & commissions will go to Cholmondeley. GARDENAffair Christmas shopping and refreshments in an idyllic garden setting. Friday December 2 11am6pm, 38 Heberdeen Avenue, Sumner. $10 entry includes garden viewing and tea/coffee or bubbly and sandwich or cake. Clothing, homewares, jewellery, accessories and more. Proceeds to Youth to Everest. SUMNER-REDCLIFFS community carols Thursday December 8 at Scarborough Park. Barbeque from 6pm with massed singing with the Sumner Silver Band and Sumner School Choir from 6.45pm. LYTTELTON Lions Club senior citizen’s Christmas party, Saturday December 3, 2pm-4pm at Trinity Hall in the Lyttelton Recreation Centre. A fun afternoon with musical entertainment, quizzes, sport prizes & delicious afternoon tea. For more info or transport plse ring Dave 379-6675 or Mary 328-8523. For more see the classifieds section The Community Noticeboard is for non profit groups or organisations. Items submitted must include a phone number and any associated costs and must not be more than 50 words. This is a free service from Mainland Press which reserves the right to edit submissions or to withhold items from publication if they do not fit the criteria, or due to space constraints.
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