Selwyn View

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Thursday March 22 2012

Prebbleton, Rolleston, Burnham, West Melton, Darfield, Arthurs Pass, Tai Tapu, Leeston, Southbridge, Lincoln & all of Selwyn

Community Big blasters coming south Diary To submit your notice

Revving it up: Motorsport fans are in for a treat when the V8 SuperTourers, seen here racing at Hampton Downs near Hamilton last month, hit the Powerbuilt Ruapuna Raceway this Easter weekend for the first South Island fixture in the series. Canterbury Car Club chief executive Lloyd Proctor said the event would probably be the biggest motor sport event in the South Island in the past 10 years at least. “It combines all the elements that petrol heads look for in motorsport,” he said. “You’ve got big, brand new, latest spec, 7-litre V8s with six speed sequential gear box, producing something like 550 plus horsepower, with the very best drivers in New Zealand, some good drivers from Aussie including Greg Murphy, and covering both young talented drivers and the more experienced seasoned race drivers.” See page 17 for more on the SuperTourers, including a great giveaway.

email: or post to Community Diary, P.O. Box 39176 Harewood, Christchurch 8545

Food production for debate Tom Doudney

THE future of food production in Canterbury will be put under the microscope in a public debate at Lincoln University next week. The Kim Hill Hot Debate on The Future of Food in Canterbury will take place as part of the lead up to this year’s Earth Hour event on March 31, when Broadcaster Kim Hill will be joined by a distinguished panel of experts. The panel will include Federated Farmers vice president William Rolleston, Plant & Food Research research leader Carolyn Lister, Landcare Research chief scientist David Whitehead, Lincoln University professor of Ecology Steve Wratten, Irrigation NZ chief executive John Donkers, and Foundation of Arable Research chief executive Nick Pyke. Professor Wratten said that with a “perfect storm” of challenges including climate change and population growth ahead, the way forward was through adopting the ‘agroecology’ approach pushed by the United Nations. This included measures such as biological methods to control pests without the use of pesticides. “We, as consumers, need to play some role


as well. For example, for the typical food item in our supermarkets, by the time its gets to our kitchen it may have made seven journeys and that’s [a lot of] energy.” The mixed farming practices that had dominated Canterbury agriculture before the current trend towards dairying had probably been more sustainable, he said. Dr Rolleston said it was not for him to decide what was the right or wrong pattern of land use. “Land use patterns reflect the market and if dairying is increasing, it means that there is an undersupply of dairy compared to demand, so farmers should be able to, and always will, respond to the market signals.” He said farmers would be looking to increase their productivity and profitability while reducing their environmental footprint and the way to achieve that was through advances in the field of science and technology. The debate will take place in Lincoln University’s Stewart 1 Lecture Theatre from 7pm. Refreshments will be provided and there is a $5 koha (donation) for the event.

Ecology in action: Steve Wratten with former PHD student Samantha Scarratt.

On the farm: Federated Farmers vice-president William Rolleston will be among panellists weighing in on an Earth Hour debate.

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The Community Noticeboard is for non profit groups or organisations. Items submitted must include a phone number and any associated costs and must not be more than 50 words. This is a free service from Mainland Press which reserves the right to edit submissions or to withhold items from publication if they do not fit the criteria, or due to space constraints.

312 Wilsons Road North, Waltham • Phone 366 0070 Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm • Sat 9am -12pm



ROLLESTON Outdoor Fitness: Wednesday 6-7pm Parekura Reserve, off Botticelli Mews. Join us for fun & challenging workout, circuit type session with aerobic & strength training. Work your own level of fitness, families to exercise & play together, join us to get healthy http://www.completeperformance. for more info & free pass. CHURCH Fair, Southbridge Saturday 24th March 9.30am to 11.30am, stalls of cakes, sweets, plants, produce, preloved, books & jewellery, morning tea & sausage sizzle. Vintage cars from residents in Selwyn with be on display. WESTWARDS Rudolf Boelee & Aerial Remnants, Jane McCulla, at Selwyn Gallery until Thursday 29th March. Exhibition features screensprings & photo collage by Rudolf Boelee & ceramics by Jane McCulla, Selwyn Gallery, 17 South Terrace, Darfield, open 10am till 4pm daily except Monday www. (03) 318-8702. GREENDALE School presents Classic Wheels, Sunday 25th March 10am to 4pm, Greendale Domain, Greendale Rd, Greendale. Vintage show, hot rod & muscle cars, motorcycles, caravans, trucks, vintage & farm machinery, stalls, car bootsales, displays, exhibitions, food, fun, entertainment, music, competitions, prizes, adults $5, school children $2, preschool free, vehicles $10, outdoor stalls $20, indoor stalls $25 (03) 318-7161 or 027-620-0882. EARTH Hour Skywatching, turn off your lights & come see the stars, gold coin donation, at RF Joyce Memorial Observatory, Bell’s Rd, West Melton. Map on their website, Friday March 30th & Saturday March 31st 7.30 - 9.30pm. KIM Hill hot debate, The Future of Food in Canterbury, will we need to change our farming practices, what do we need to do to produce food sustainably in the future? Thursday 29th March 7.30pm, doors open 7pm, Lincoln University, Stewart Building $5 Koha, refreshments & nibbles provided. EVERYTHING You wanted to know about Solar Photovoltaic & Wind systems, 3pm Saturday 31st March at 1528 Main South Road, Rolleston, John Veix (03) 347-8006 or


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