Bay Harbour News June 20 2012

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BAY HARBOUR ad space News Community Brrr brave effort Diary Deb Beesley

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Wednesday june 20 2012

To submit your notice

email: or post to Community Diary, P.O. Box 39176 Harewood, Christchurch 8545

Twelve hardy people, including one woman, braved extremely chilly conditions on Sunday for the annual mid-winter swim organised by Naval Point Yacht Club. Club secretary Ken Camp said he was surprised at the turnout, considering it had been a very frosty morning. Participants warmed up afterwards with a tot of rum supped by a cosy fire. Photo: Supplied

Supermarket’s future site uncertain Christine de Felice

AFTER waiting 16 months to see a supermarket reopened on London Street, Lyttelton residents will now have another wait to find out what business or businesses will operate on the site. Foodstuffs, which was planning to reopen a Four Square on the site, will now not be doing so, general manager property & retail development, Roger Davidson, told Bay Harbour News. “We will have no further involvement in London St, but we are endeavouring to secure another site in Lyttelton, and we are still very much committed to Lyttelton,” Mr Davidson said. Leasing of the London St site was taken over by the commercial arm of real estate firm Harcourts. Submissions to lease the site closed on Friday. “Any offers we receive will be presented

to the landlord for consideration,” agent Phil Holt said. There were no criteria for the type of business that could lease the space, Mr Holt said. One suggestion for the premises, which was put forward in last week’s Lyttelton Review, the newsletter from Lyttelton Project, was to have a number of individual operators sharing the space. This could be along the lines of an indoor market, Brian Rick of the recently formed Harbour Co-op said. There had been some response to the idea from local businesses, including people in food retail and hospitality, he said. “We would like to see it being quite a flexible space, which could also be used for functions and events. There is also an area at the back that could be used as office space.” The submitters were asking for six weeks in which they could pull it all together, Mr Rick said.

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The Community Noticeboard is for non profit groups or organisations. Items submitted must include a phone number and any associated costs and must not be more than 50 words. This is a free service from Mainland Press which reserves the right to edit submissions or to withhold items from publication if they do not fit the criteria, or due to space constraints.

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Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board chair, Paula Smith, said the board had been quite concerned about the site remaining empty. “We have been dismayed at the slow redevelopment of the supermarket site. That’s quite a big section of London St that could be a blank space for the foreseeable future so any activity, whether temporary or permanent would all help the recovery of Lyttelton,” Ms Smith said. However, one board member, Andrew Turner, who is also chairperson of the Lyttelton Business Association, said he was sounding a note of caution about the idea of a group of operators taking up the space. “I would be cautious about a community group getting involved in such a large-scale operation. I would also be concerned about the history of failures of previous businesses on that site,” he said.

REDCLIFFS Plunket Playgroup every Monday in term time 9.30am - 11.30am St Andrews Church, 148 Main Road, Redcliffs, everyone welcome $2 donation per family, contact Victoria on 03 3766090 or just come along REDCLIFFS Community Hub open 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday, just past Main Road/Beachville Road corner. Free supermarket shuttle leaves 10am every week day. Information available on rental accommodation, local groups and services. Phone 0800 234 565. SUMNER Mah Jong, we play every Tuesday from 1pm to 4pm, at 57 Dryden St, Sumner, contact Jenny 326-6644 or 027 326-9904. SUMNER Tea & Talk group Mondays 10.30am11.30am in the old Sumner School hall on Wiggins Street. Everyone welcome to attend. Volunteers needed to help, phone Eddie Hayes 376-4020 or 027 7811 348. MoUNT Pleasant School Art Exhibition 23 June, an opportunity to purchase original works from talented local artists. DIAMoND Harbour painting group is holding an exhibition on Saturday, June 30, 10am-4.30pm. and Sunday July 1, 1pm- 4.30pm at the Diamond Harbour Community Church Hall. CHILDREN’S Groups at St Andrews Church, 148 Main Road, Redcliffs, every Sunday in term time during our 11am service: creche 0-2yrs, Jellybeans 3-4 years, songs, bible stories, crafts, lots of fun, Kids Club 5-10 years, songs, games, exciting bible stories, prizes, puppets, Mr Squirt & more. For more information phone 326-6251. MoUNT Pleasant Farmers Market, Mount Pleasant Community Centre, every Saturday 10am to 1pm, bringing local food to our community, fresh fruit, veg, meat, fish, baked products, eggs, tomatoes, coffee & so much more, enquiries Tom Davies 027 600-7779

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Page 2

Wednesday June 20, 2012

Concessions for heavy vehicles in the tunnel through the tunnel at any time. Certain classes of dangerous goods can be transported through the tunnel between 7pm and 6.30am. Vehicles with the classes of dangerous goods that can be carted through the tunnel must be checked by a tunnel control officer before entering the tunnel. Drivers are asked to wait in the appropriate lay-by until a tunnel control officer gives them approval to proceed into the tunnel.

DUE to the earthquake-related closure of Evans Pass, which was the main route between Christchurch and Lyttelton for over-dimension heavy vehicles, the NZ Transport Agency is currently allowing some previously prohibited goods to be transported through the Lyttelton Tunnel under specific conditions. This includes the transportation of liquid goods with a flash point of 23 degrees Celsius or less. Explosives are not allowed to be transported

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Generous donation: Accepting the cheque from Peter Sladen are, from left, Patrick McSoriley, Reuben Cotter, Fletcher Dick, Eva Stone, Milly Collins and Quinn Michael – the school’s year eight students.

Donation will help fund trip to Wellington A GROUP of year eight pupils from Our Lady Star of the Sea School are taking a trip to Wellington for a ‘capital city experience’ – a break from living in the earthquake-affected suburb of Sumner. To help them on their way, Peter Sladen, president of the Lions Club of Ferrymead, presented them with a cheque from the Lions Clubs District 202E Earthquake Relief Fund.

The school’s principal, Margaret Coleman, said the pupils would benefit enormously from the visit, which will include guided lessons at Te Papa and a tour of Parliament, organised by local MP Ruth Dyson. The pupils have also been fundraising by selling chocolate, running a Spellathon and organising sausage sizzles on consecutive Fridays.

Residents group gets $60,000 grant alk traight, kstraight, straight, straight, feel feel feel great feel great great great Scholl Orthaheel’s unique patented design repositions the foot to help provide comfort & support.

Christine de Felice

THE Sumner Residents Association’s application for funding through CanCern has been successful, with the group being granted a total of $60,000, spokesperson Marnie Kent ique patented design repositions the said. The funding was sought for the employment WITH WITHOUT WITH provide Scholl Scholl Scholl comfort & support. Orthaheel Orthaheel Orthaheel of a part-time community advisor and a Orthotics Orthotics Orthotics community hub. BACK BACK PAIN BACK PAIN BACK PAIN HEEL PAIN HEEL PAIN HEEL PAINHEEL KNEE PAIN PAIN KNEE PAIN KNEE PAIN KNEE PAIN ACHING ACHING LEGS ACHING LEGS ACHING LEGS “Out of theLEGS $60,000, $30,000 will be used to pay a community advisor for 20 hours a week, $25,000 for a community hub and $5000 to Orthaheel’s heel’s oll Scholl Orthaheel’s unique Orthaheel’s unique patented unique patented unique patented design patented design repositions design repositions design repositions the repositions the the the cover set-up costs,” Ms Kent said. healthcare professional. The advisor’s activities will include acting t to foot help foot to provide help to foot help provide tocomfort provide helpcomfort provide &comfort support. &comfort support. & support. & support. To find out more, visit: as an advocate for the community, sourcing information and writing submissions.








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“We want to be more supportive of community groups and more focused on bringing the community and support groups together.” The new community hub needed to be a relocatable building, Ms Kent said. “We are looking for contributions from people in the community. They could be builders willing to offer their time and expertise, or people able to provide materials. “We need the community to rally together to create the community hub. We need to come together to make this happen. As they say, ‘Don’t wait for things to happen, make them happen’.”

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Wednesday June 20, 2012

Lyttelton outreach worker takes changes in her stride Tania Butterfield

THE past few years have been a lesson Stickels says. The next day, she watched the plane she was in expecting the unexpected for Lyttelton Community House outreach worker Courtenay supposed to be on fly off without her. “When I saw my plane leave and all my plans Stickels. She has voiced radio commercials in [disintegrate] into nothing, I just thought ‘What Australia, travelled the world, worked in the hell am I doing here?’ I spent 10 months Aboriginal communities in Western Australian there trying to work out why I was called to be there.” and followed her heart to Lyttelton. Miss Stickels worked as a While so much change could youth worker, entertaining be unsettling for some, Miss Aboriginal children. Stickels has taken it in her Seven weeks after going to stride and believes what will Alice Springs, she met her be, will be. current partner through her “I just go where the wind flatmates. blows really,” she says. When asked if it was love at After graduating with a first sight, she replies: “It was degree in Communications and really, really like at first sight Cultural Studies, Miss Stickels and love within 24 hours.” travelled overseas for a couple She eventually moved to of years. Lyttelton to be with him. “While I was there I found Now, she believes her main out about this [Aboriginal] purpose is to help people get ceremony and I had this feeling through the stresses of the past I had to go to this ceremony. I year and move forward with had a vision but I didn’t how to life in Lyttelton. make sense of it.” “I never thought I would end On returning to Australia Courtenay Stickels. up being a youth worker with Miss Stickels and her mother attended the five-day aboriginal ceremony in 300 desert children but life took me there. I never thought I would be living in Lyttelton Alice Springs. The ceremony was a powerful experience to and living through an earthquake but life just be part of, but white women were not allowed brought me here. Life’s not linear, I just go where it takes me.” to sing. As part of the Lyttelton Community House, “That night they had an open mic night at the backpackers and they asked if I wanted to sing. Miss Stickels now spends her time visiting with I just had this feeling I had to sing while on this elderly residents and helping with the shopping land so I got up and said ‘I don’t care if you bus. “I just hope I can help ease the stresses in don’t listen, I just have to do this’. “After that, this guy who looked like he whichever way I can in my role. I’m just an was from some sort of biker gang, like Hell’s extra pair of hands and an extra heart out there. Angels, came up to me and said ‘You’re not If I can do that well and make a difference in going anywhere. You need to be here’,” Miss some way, then that’s a job well done.”

Tsunami sirens being installed WORK is underway installing the tsunami warning system along Christchurch’s coastal area. Last week contractors began to install the 22 sirens from Waimairi Beach to Sumner, which Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said would be operational from July 1. “Contractors will spend the next three weeks installing the sirens and silently testing the system. “Residents will get to hear the sirens for the first time on Sunday, July 22 at 11am when the sirens will be tested for one to two minutes. Mark this date in your diary now and let your neighbours know to avoid any confusion,” Mr Parker said. It was important that residents were able to identify the sound the sirens make to know when they needed to evacuate the coastal area, he said. “If during the testing the sirens are reactivated for more than 10 minutes, it will no longer be a test. Residents are advised they will need to evacuate the area.”

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The day of the testing was also a good time for all residents along coastal Christchurch to make sure they have an evacuation plan in place for themselves and their family, as selfevacuation may be necessary in the event of a tsunami. Businesses along coastal Christchurch also needed to have an evacuation plan and ensure staff knew where the closest evacuation route was to their workplace, Mr Parker said. Further testing of the sirens will happen twice a year on the Sundays when Daylight Saving begins and ends. “There is a risk of tsunami inundation in Christchurch but that risk is considered low and has not changed as a result of the recent earthquakes,” Mr Parker said. The sirens will not be used in the event of a local tsunami; however, they may be used in a regional tsunami, depending on when the tsunami is expected to reach land. The sirens are for when a distance tsunami is heading towards our shores and there would be sufficient notice to activate the sirens, Mr Parker said.


Heathcote Valley

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Page 3

Lyttelton Tunnel

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Page 4


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Celia Lashlie speaking tonight

Home the way we see it

CELIA Lashlie’s speaking event, which was to have been held on June 6, was postponed due to the snow. It has been rescheduled for tonight at the Top Club in Lyttelton, starting at 7pm. There will also be an art auction, including a work by local artist Bill Hammond. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Lyttelton Picture Framing. Proceeds will go to the Lyttelton Youth Centre.

Rare visitor: A seal takes some time out on the beach by Shag Rock.

BUYING OR SELLING IN THE HARBOUR If you’ve always dreamed of owning a property overlooking the is a great time to make the move. Stunning homes and great building sites available - Talk to Joe.

The photo selected for publication is from Rosemary Mock, of Tauranga, who was in Christchurch visiting family earlier this month.

For our readers who enjoy taking photographs, the Bay Harbour News is giving you the chance to get your photograph published and put forward for selection to win a prize – this time a food voucher from Winnie

Bagoes of Ferrymead. Your photo could be of a local scene, a family snap, anything that captures the heart and spirit of the Bay Harbour area. Please include a caption for the photo, your

name, where you live in the area, and email the photo to as a high resolution JPEG file attachment (at least 1MB). Happy snapping!


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THE Spirit of Adventure Trust is holding a special event tomorrow for past voyagers and volunteers as a lead-up to its 40th birthday celebrations next year. Anyone who has been on a Spirit of Adventure youth development voyage, or has been involved in the trust in any way over the years, is invited to attend. “We just want to say thanks for the support and talk about our plans to bring the ship to visit Lyttelton next year,” Spirit of Adventure Trust community and school liaison Kylie Sisley said. “It’s a great chance for past trainees or volunteers to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about their experiences on board the ship or just find out about our big plans for 2013.” The informal get-together is being held from 6pm to 8pm tomorrow at the Mount Pleasant Yacht Club.

Community effort: James Chamberlain, Barrie Woods, Sam McKenzie and Jos de Kort join forces to install a new noticeboard in Heathcote. Photo: Callum Templeton

New noticeboards installed in Heathcote Sara Templeton

LOCALS walking around Heathcote recently will have noticed some new information hotspots. After last year’s earthquakes wreaked havoc in Christchurch, the community needed information. With no power in many areas, informal boards popped up on lampposts and fences, and flyer drops provided essential information. As part of the community’s recovery strategy, the Heathcote Village Project, under the umbrella of the Heathcote Valley Community Association, has organised five new community noticeboards for the valley. With funding from a grant and using salvaged and re-purposed materials, Keith Jenkin made the boards. Window Treatments provided the glass. The first two noticeboards went up the

weekend before last. A team from the Village Project installed one board outside St Mary’s church hall on Martindales Road and the other is on Bridlepath Road at Heathcote Valley School. The exact sites for the other three are yet to be confirmed, but they will be going up in the next couple of weeks. The noticeboards are to be used for local information – upcoming events and meetings, as well as other information useful for residents. Contact details for those wanting to put up information will be placed on the noticeboards, along with guidelines for the notices. Email lists have also been set up for information dissemination. Anyone wanting to get regular emails should email and ask to join the email group.


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Page 5

Lyttelton lights up The annual Festival of Lights again drew the crowds on to the streets of Lyttelton this year. Friday night’s masked parade wove through the village, as the aroma of food and mulled wine suffused the street party. A clear evening ensured the fireworks spectacular was easily visible, after which the bands, belly dancers and partying continued.

Belly dancers performing on stage.

Balancing act: Nic Todd. Spectacular phoenix.

A mask from the parade.

Music: Lindon Puffin entertains the crowds.

An afternoon of musical entertainment with Janice Gray, Tom Rainey and Bob Heinz.

James Michaelson.

Wednesday 27 June, 1.30 – 3.30pm Woolston Club, Hargood street

Book your tickets now for this free event as numbers are limited

Round and round: Walking on water in a giant bubble.


Tickets available from Woolston Club, for bookings ph 389 7039



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Page 6


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Proud to support the Ihutai Trust and The Charlesworth Wetland Reserve

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Spadework: Steve Bush, manager of Trees for Canterbury, at a previous planting at Eastside Bush, with two mountain bikers lending a hand.

Our Mobile Bakery Truck will be delivering Fine Traditional Freshly Baked Breads, Croissants, Danish Pastries, Strudels, Bagels to...

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A chance to enhance hillside environment

ANYONE who appreciates the beauty of the landscape around the city is invited to take WedNesdays: LyTTeLTON 10am - 5pm part in a public tree planting this weekend at Eastside Bush on the Port Hills. ThuRsdays: suMNeR 10am - 5pm The event is being organised by Trees FRidays: RedCLiFFs 10am - 5pm for Canterbury in conjunction with the saTuRdays: suMNeR 9.30am - 2pm Christchurch City Council’s Port Hills Ranger Service. The planting will take place from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday. For more information about their services, phone Peter on 379 9447 or 022 032 2634 Tuesday: suMNeR 10am - 5pm

To get there, drive into Victoria Park Road, off Hackthorne Rd by the Sign of the Takahe. Drive 1km into the park, past main car park and follow the road around the back of the hill to the car park at the rear of the Visitor Centre. From there it is a five to 10-minute walk to the planting site – follow the signs. A barbecue will be provided afterwards.

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Wednesday June 20, 2012

Page 7

School notice board

Packed programme makes term fly by Diana Feary Principal

seeing the support for our school and the THIS term seems to have flown by! From our visit to Ferrymead, swimming community. Thank you to our amazing team of lessons at Aquagym, Ultranet night for parents and staff who organised and set up our parents, morning tea for parents discussing our refreshment stand on the night Last Wednesday, I attended a powhiri at reading programmes and processes (the focus for the next morning tea will be numeracy) Rapaki Marae along with the principals from cross-country, to most recently The Festival of Lyttelton Main and Governors Bay School at the invitation of Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke (Rapaki) Lights. Some of our students competed in the Runanga. I was humbled by our welcome and very appreciative of the Canterbury Primary support from my family, staff Schools Cross-Country last Lyttelton West School and especially Freya and Wednesday. Jack (year 8 students). I look We had students place high enough to take part in the next level of forward to our future interactions with Rapaki competitions. Well done to Stella Reid and Marae. It is always interesting being an adult learner. Max McLachlan who will compete at the end It reminds us of how hard learning can be and of the month. The Festival of Lights was a great night and that it can be fun, too. I think it makes us more the children had fun showcasing their masks. empathetic with our children when we put I really enjoyed being part of this event and ourselves in such situations. Currently, some

Students excel at cross-country and spelling SUMNER School sent a large contingent of runners to the Southeast Zone cross-country races held recently at Ferrymead Park. Of the 48 runners who competed, 18 qualified for the Canterbury Primary Schools’ CrossCountry Championships, which were held last Wednesday at Halswell Quarry. Of these 18, the following Sumner results were particularly notable: 9 yr girls - Beth first, Gabrielle second; 9 yr boys - Jack R first, Jack F second; 10 yr boys - Finn T second; and 12 yr boys Thomas first. Two students who competed at Halswell Quarry, Jack R, who placed 2nd, and Jack F, who placed 6th, have been selected for the Primary Sports Canterbury cross-country

team. They will compete against runners from Nelson, Marlborough and Wellington in September at an event held in Wellington. Well done to Jack and Jack and thank you to Mr Cole and Chris Rowe for coordinating these events. Sumner school entered four teams in the recent Otago Daily Times School Spelling Competition. The years 5-6 teams did particularly well with Sumner 1 (Alberta, Toby and Finn B) achieving third and Sumner 2 (Finn T, Fergus and Reuben) achieving fifth out of 30 teams. The years 7-8 teams, Sumner 1 (Marisol, Callum and Jack) and Sumner 2 (Lawson, Mila and Josh), competed against 70 teams and put forth an excellent effort in the competition.

Cross-country competitors: Max McLachlan and Stella Reid will compete in the next round of competition.

of our staff (including me) are participating in the weekly Te Reo classes. I know we are finding it both challenging and rewarding, and the efforts to get this initiative off the ground by Keri Whaitiri are much appreciated. I have also been challenged to ‘blog’ and my efforts can be found on the school website. At the moment, the blogs are short, current and about school happenings. I am enjoying being able to blog from my phone. The trick is to remember to!

We are looking forward to exciting times with Lyttelton West School celebrating 125 years on Sunday, October 21, 2012. This will be a celebration of the past, present and future of Lyttelton West School. Pre-registration forms are available from our website www.

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Page 8


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Community groups / residents’ groups

Temporary community Founding trustee awarded centre opens its doors for her services Martin Maguire

AFTER months of struggling with funding, obtaining essential services and dealing with the retrieval of the contents of the old community centre, Mt Pleasant Residents’ Association was excited to finally open the doors of its temporary community centre on Tuesday, June 12. The committee’s vision for the centre is that it will be a well-used space with organised activities and events, but also have time allocated for residents to simply drop in, flop on the sofa and chat about what’s going on for them, or arrange to meet others there for coffee. Since Linda has started the coordination role, she has been amazed at the people she has met from the community, who have tremendous skills and talents. “I am looking forward to drawing on those talents and skills to make this a really enlivened community, where we can work creatively on our own solutions to the problems or issues we face and develop a strong community identity,” she said. The building may not be flash but with the creative skills of our new maintenance man, Les, a pig’s ear is quickly becoming a silk purse. Regardless of looks, the association is very grateful to Rotary and Westpac for

Bright colour scheme: Committee member Rosemary Dahl painting the new Mt Pleasant temporary centre.

providing the means for Mt Pleasant residents to have a community space once again. The centre will initially be staffed three part days per week by co-ordinator Linda Rutland but we hope that before too long, with the aid of volunteers, we can move to staffing this five days per week. The centre is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11am to 3pm. For all inquiries email or phone Linda 384-2160.

Now Open

Best Motorbuys Everything Motoring

IT’S always pleasing to see the work of someone who doesn’t seek the spotlight being recognised and commended for the value they add to their community. One of these people is Tanya Jenkins, who is an active member and founding trustee of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust. Tanya has been awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for her services to conservation. From 1992 to 2002 she was an active committee member, and education officer, for the Friends of the Estuary (an organisation that advocated for the protection and improvement of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary). She developed a primary schools resource for students, and from 1994 to 2001 approximately 20,000 students visited the estuary. From 2002, Friends of the Estuary and other groups combined into a single entity – the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust. Tanya was a key founding member and chaired the trust’s education and publicity working party. She initiated and organised the first Farewell to the Godwits ceremonies for Christchurch. This event has been running for 11 years and attracts nearly 1000 people each year. The event has instilled a deep sense of community pride and interest in this remarkable species. In 2008, she founded the Charlesworth Reserve volunteer maintenance group. This is an active team of volunteers who meet every Sunday afternoon to plant, weed and mulch trees and shrubs in the Charlesworth Wetland Reserve on the edge of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. She is a leader in creating respect and pride in the natural environmental of Canterbury – especially through her work in education and her innovative promotion of the environmental values of the Canterbury coast and the Avon Heathcote Ihutai/Estuary. Through her contagious enthusiasm and

Passionate conservationist: Tanya Jenkins displays a photograph of godwits. Thanks to her efforts, the community has developed a strong interest in the species.

commitment to environmental awareness and action, Tanya has managed to get other people excited and active in restoring and protecting the natural and physical environment. The Ihutai Trust is a volunteerbased organisation. We are immensely proud that one of our founding members and foremost volunteers has been recognised for her commitment, not only to the environment but also to our community. Martin Maguire is the chairperson of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust.

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Wednesday June 20, 2012

Page 9

Community groups / residents’ groups

Opportunity for vendors to join the market Tom Davies

DUE to the seasonal nature of the market and fresh produce, Mount Pleasant Farmers Market has a few vacancies for vendors of fresh and home-cooked produce. The recent weather has had an effect on picking and getting vegetables out of the ground, but root vegetables such as parsnips and potatoes are in plentiful supply, as are sprouts, pumpkins and a full variety of potatoes. Growers, such as Cam of Grown, are working flat out at every dry and sometimes not so dry opportunity to ensure fresh food is available every week. Hot coffee, hot soup, pies, curries and koshari are always available to keep the shoppers warm as they complete their weekly shop. Roast pumpkin with chopped rosemary is a great winter warmer at the moment, as is pumpkin soup. Broccoli and blue cheese soup from Volcano goes down well. Recently, musician Eddie Simon was moved to tears as he played at the market. He was astounded at the generosity of both the public and the traders who all gave him produce for his brilliant performance. The Sweetheart Bakery goes wild The pie selection includes: wild game pies such as hare and caramelised onion, venison, port and cranberry, wild goat and merlot, wild pork, cider and Dijon as well as traditional and contemporary products. These include traditional Cornish pasties and beef and ale, lamb and rosemary and chicken and white wine pies. All pies are made slowly without any short cuts. Meat is hand-cut to size, seared in pans and braised slowly in small batches with stock and herbs till tender. Nothing can be rushed and attention to detail at every step is essential to create the authentic end product. With flaky light puff pastry and a rich filling, you can enjoy the pies without guilt, as they are made using ingredients you would find in your own pantry, without additives and preservatives. The meat itself is also virtually fat-free, making it a healthier choice. An interesting recipe to try,

from Jock Innes:

Glenda watched the community centre come down with a tear in her eye as she Venison cassoulet looked back on the building that was This uses a tougher cut of meat so such an important part of her life. cook slowly to keep it moist. “I am confident that the Mt Pleasant Ingredients: community will come together and build 1kg venison cubed (shoulder or a new and even better centre around the other tough cut) 2 onions sliced 1 celery stalk chopped 3 cloves garlic 3 stalks fresh thyme/rosemary 1 tbs brown sugar 1 cup red wine 1 tsp malt vinegar 1 tbs tomato paste Salt and cracked pepper Roll venison in seasoned flour and brown in a hot pan. Place meat in a casserole dish; add garlic, onions, celery and herbs. Cover with wine, vinegar, sugar and tomato paste. Cover the dish and place in oven (180 degrees Celsius) for three hours. When meat is tender, taste sauce and add salt to achieve desired flavour. Serve with herbed roasted potatoes. Grower of the week Kevin and Glenda Hay produce spray-free cherry tomatoes in Opawa. The tomatoes are grown from seed every year in their own glasshouses and no sprays are used. They also sell free-range Annie’s eggs, from Ashburton. The chickens roam free in huge paddocks and produce some of the best eggs around. Kevin and Glenda can be termed true locals. They were among the original traders at the very first Mt Pleasant Farmers Market and haven’t missed a market yet. Glenda was born in Mt Pleasant and her parents helped fundraise and build the recently demolished community centre. She went to kindergarten and later Girl Guides at the Mt Pleasant community centre. She lived on the hill and went to the old Mt Pleasant School on Old School Reserve. She met Kevin, from Heathcote, at Linwood College and when they married their wedding reception was held at the community centre. They regularly went to dances and functions there.

farmers market,” she said. Best buys: Pumpkin, lettuce and spinach, wild game pies. Musicians June 23 - Dave, The Band with No

Name. Original and classic rock June 30 - Henare, Maori soul singer All inquiries, Tom Davies 027 600 7779.

Independent Roof Coatings Christchurch can be found at the top of Google™, and on top of more roofs. “I’ve had 10 jobs all up right now. This time last year I was begging door to door just to keep work going”, says Anton from Independent Roof Coatings. Five weeks in, thanks to Yellow® Search Engine Marketing, Google AdWords™ has helped Independent Roof Coatings not only be found a whole lot easier, but also get in front of more prospective clients and bring in heaps more jobs. Plus they’re getting their family business in Christchurch noticed even more with the website, video and Facebook page we setup for them. It doesn’t matter what you do, we’ll find the best digital solution and tailor it to your business. We can set your business up with a website, offer you Google AdWords so you can be found easier online, a Facebook page where you can keep in touch with customers, and a video so you can showcase what you’re all about. So the sooner you visit, the sooner your business can start seeing the results too. Plus if you visit today, you could win a tailored digital solution worth up to $14,000*. * Terms and conditions apply

From the Lions’ Den MaryJamieson

I HOPE everyone managed to cope with the latest bombardment from Mother Nature (i.e. the snow) on June 6. It postponed Celia Lashlie’s talk at the Top Club in Lyttelton but she has been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 20, so we can look forward to that. I have seen several pieces of artwork that have been donated for auction on the night. They are amazing and the generosity of the artists is wonderful. The weather was very kind for the Lyttelton Festival of Lights Street Party. Lyttelton Lions ran a bacon and

egg sandwich stall and were kept busy during the evening. The street party just gets bigger and better every year and we extend our congratulations to the organisers. This month marks the end of the year for office bearers in our club. Our new president for 2012/2013 will be David Evans, who can be contacted on 379-6675. Our club still has funds available for earthquake relief so if you know of anyone in the Bay Harbour area needing some form of help please contact us on 328-8523.

See what we can do for you


Page 10


Wednesday June 20, 2012


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Page 11

Lyttelton Festival of Lights The annual Festival of Lights went off with a bang at Lyttelton with locals and visitors out in force enjoying the fun, despite the chilly temperatures. Some of those seen being lit up in Lyttelton were...

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Page 12


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Our emergency services Coppers’ Corner MANY years ago when Sir Robert Peel, the modern forefather of policing, started a professional police force in London, there was considerable debate about the value of the police at the time and whether communities needed a paid police force. Clearly, Sir Robert was a man with vision as today when you look at policing world-wide most developed countries have adopted some or all of his principles - it’s at this stage I can see you are reading this and thinking where is this going - well my point is that having vision and getting the community on side is one of the keys to modern-day policing, but it is not only the police who have responsibility for this as our communities must take an interest as well. This can be in many ways, through the reporting of crime when it happens, to be more safety conscious when going away, to the simplicity of not leaving valuables in parked cars. Other areas members of the community can assist in is by belonging to crime watches. In Canterbury, we have a very strong group of crime watches who work with police; they are unpaid community members who act as the eyes and ears of both the community and local police. In Lyttelton, our local crime watch is manned by volunteers, and you may have seen the car out and about in Lyttelton and the bays. However, for the watch to be more effective we need more members; if you are a resident

of Lyttelton or the bays and you can give a little time each week, contact the chairman of the City and Sumner Crime Watch and he will be more than happy to talk to you about the Lyttelton team and what is expected. You can contact Alan on 384 5688. Prior to writing this article, I spent the previous hour walking around London Street. It was the annual light festival, and it was great to see all the stalls and people gathering for a great night. This festival seems to be getting bigger and bigger and is fantastic for Lyttelton and the bays. Events like this bring communities together, so very well done to the organisers. Finally, winter is here with a vengeance. Remember, if you are driving, make sure your windows are not fogged up. When the mornings are freezing start the car a little earlier and put the demisters on. When driving, watch your following distances; it’s far better to get where you are going safely than have a crash due to not taking a few extra minutes as it’s sure to wreck your day and that of the person you crash into.

Discover Stunning

Peter Dawson

WE need donations now so we can be there for your communities. It’s that simple. That is the message St John hopes to get out there this year. This week, it is the St John Annual Appeal and our people are out across New Zealand raising awareness of the work we do and raising funds for our services. Every day, St John ambulances respond to over 1000 calls for help across the country. That’s almost twice as many calls as we were answering 20 years ago. Even places like Lyttelton and Banks Peninsula are not immune from the growing demands. So, the support of our communities is valuable to us as without it we could not provide the level of service we do. While St John receives funding from contracts with the Ministry of Health, the Accident Compensation Corporation and district health boards, this only partially covers the direct operating costs for our ambulance service. The remaining shortfall and the cost to run

our community programmes is made up from fundraising, revenue from our commercial activities, as well as income from emergency ambulance part charges. Our challenge is that the demand is growing and the cost to provide these essential services is rising. Sometimes people forget St John is a charity and that we rely on donations to provide many of our services. For example, St John has just started a new St John Youth Division in Lyttelton (we will be profiling this in a later column). Our youth programme provides leadership and first aid skills to young people. This fantastic programme is funded by donations. Look out for St John collectors at the Lyttelton Farmers Market this Saturday. We appreciate your support, and your community will, too. Peter Dawson is chair of the St John Banks Peninsula area committee.


Plumbing & gas ltd

Gary Manch Sergeant Lyttelton

Smoke alarms prompt quick response Daryl Sayer A RECENT fire in Sumner highlighted the need for all households to prepare for the unexpected. Around midnight, the house’s occupants were woken by the smoke alarms in their house to find the house smoke-filled and a fire in the kitchen. They were able to quickly evacuate the house and call the fire brigade, who promptly attended and extinguished the fire, saving the family dog in the process. Fortunately in this case the smoke alarms were effective. However, in 80 per cent of fires the Fire Service attends, they are either not installed, or aren’t working. The Fire Service recommends that hardwired

St John needs donations

smoke alarms be installed. If not, the photoelectric battery operated ones are the preferred type. At a minimum, there should be one installed on each level, in the hallway nearest the bedrooms. These should be supplemented with one in each bedroom and living area as resources permit. Recent calls for Sumner Volunteer Fire Brigade: May 13 – investigate power lines arcing; May 16 – kitchen fire; May 17 – commercial alarm activation; May 25 – forestry fire; May 25 – residential alarm activation; May 26 – bonfire; June 6 – pump out flooded basement.

For all your emergency plumbing and gasfitting needs Please give us a call. Back Row: Mark, Aaron, Jacob, Mark, Sam Front Row: Liz, Matt, Sandra, Ant & Paul

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Wednesday June 20, 2012



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Page 13

Page 14


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Stronger Christchurch

Programme funded by

Infrastructure Rebuild Team

SCIRT: Creating resilient infrastructure that gives people security and confidence in the future of Christchurch.

Safety comes first As the rebuild of our piping infrastructure expands, more of us will be affected by road works as most of our essential services are under our streets. Although we cannot avoid some disruption, we can minimise stress by allowing extra time for journeys and knowing where the traffic pinch points will be. Safety is the number one reason for temporarily closing a road – for the community and for people working on the site. Secondly, road closures help ensure that work is completed as fast and efficiently as possible. If we need to close streets to through traffic or ask residents to park cars outside a work site, SCIRT aims to let you know as early as possible. Keep an eye on your letterbox for works notices and sign up for SCIRT’s e-newsletter (see right).

Marking out the road surface before cutting a trench, St Albans

SCIRT thanks everyone who has made changes to minimise hassles while work crews are in their streets.

Keeping in touch The people of Christchurch are at the heart of SCIRT’s rebuild programme. We provide a range of different ways for you to stay informed: Online: Log on to Sign up to our regular e-newsletter Follow us on Twitter @SCIRT_info In your community: If you are visiting one of the Christchurch City Council libraries/service centres, look out for our distinctive SCIRT display boards. They contain fact sheets about the work SCIRT is doing. Translated fact sheets are available in Chinese, Korean and Samoan at these places: • Rewi Alley Cultural and Education Centre • Aranui Community Trust • Christchurch Migrants Centre

Rutland Street gets a new manhole.


Letterbox: Keep an eye on your letterbox for upcoming works in your street.

On many SCIRT work sites, de-watering or pumping out groundwater is needed to lower the level of water in the trench. Combined with trench shields, this protects the workers. A dry trench is essential for pipe placement and allows work to proceed efficiently. Each site discharges groundwater into a settling tank to ensure water quality complies with the resource consent conditions.

Newspapers: Watch out for our regular updates in Christchurch newspapers.

Checking the level of a new pipe in a sheet-piled trench, Woodgrove Avenue, North New Brighton.


For a full list of works

You can also email us at or phone the Call Centre on 941 8999


Keyes Road, nearby streets to Woodgrove Avenue, New Brighton


Bromley to Linwood to Woolston , past eastgate Shopping Centre


New wastewater pipe, pipes to property boundaries. New fresh water pipe Keyes Road.


New wastewater pipe, three or more work sites at same time.


Detours, reduced lanes, electronic message boards, slower speeds and reduced lanes Buckleys Road, outside Eastgate, July to September. Cycle lane Buckleys Road, changes to Metro routes and stop-go signs.


Detours, one lane traffic Keyes Road, Metro bus changed route.


April to September, 2012


SCIRT contractor: Fulton hogan 0800 277 3434


March to first quarter 2013


Antigua Street, from Moorhouse Avenue to Brougham Street, Burke Street, Addington


SCIRT contractor: downer 0800 400 310


Merivale streets, Aikmans Road south to hagley park


New wastewater, fresh water, stormwater pipes, roading repairs.


New wastewater pipe, pipes to property boundaries, several sites at same time.


Stop/go manual signs , 30kph, residents-only access Burke Street (Selwyn to Montreal Streets), parts of Ruskin Street and Fairfield Avenue affected, Metro bus stops relocated.


Detours, road closures, restricted access to driveways.


May, 2012 to May, 2013.


Mid May to late October, 2012.


SCIRT contractor: City Care 0800 632 889


Rutland Street, Browns Road, Mcdougall Avenue, St Albans


New wastewater mains and manholes.


Streets closed to traffic varying times, detours, restricted access to driveways.


April to July, 2012


SCIRT contractor: Macdow Fletcher 0508 718 719 for roadworks and a map guide to congested roads



SCIRT contractor: downer 0800 400 310


Shirley streets, North parade to Barbadoes Street


New wastewater pipe, pipes to property boundaries, several sites at same time.


Detours, road closures, restricted access to driveways, Metro bus stop changes, working with arborist around Dudley Street trees.


May 2012 to March, 2013.


SCIRT contractor: Fletcher Construction 0800 444 919

to see SCIRT projects across the city


Wednesday June 20, 2012

Page 15

Advertising Feature

A safe home environment for kids E very day in New Zealand, an average of 22 children are admitted to the hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents. For young children (birth to 4 years old), most of these injuries happen at home. Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences: fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters; poisoning due to ingestion of adult medication; children swallowing button batteries; and kids crushed by heavy appliances. Does this make the home a dangerous place? And what can you do to prevent these injuries? “Young children are injured more at home because they spend more time there. This is why keeping a safe home environment where children can grow and learn is important,” said Safekids New Zealand Director Ann Weaver. One strategy Safekids suggests is to take a small child’s point of view. “Children see their home from a very different perspective, and what’s safe for

adults may not be for small children,” Ann asks. “Get down on your elbows and knees. What do you see? Can they see a toy on an unsecured bookcase? Are there lighters, matches or button batteries lying around? And are there medicines or household chemicals they can reach?”

Below are some important tips to keep kids safe in and around the home this winter: Secure heavy furniture and appliances. If kids see colourful objects, food, drinks or toys on top of ovens, TVs, book shelves and dishwashers, they may try to climb them. Remove the object and secure furniture correctly using a safety device. Store matches and lighters in a safe place. Letting kids play with lighters and matches is like leaving them with a loaded gun. Keep lighters and matches out of sight and reach. Teach kids to bring you any matches and lighters they find. Make sure your smoke alarms are working.

Button battery dangers. It takes as little as two hours to cause severe burns once a coin-sized lithium battery has been swallowed by a child. SEARCH your home for gadgets that may contain coin lithium batteries (e.g. TV remotes, singing cards, toys). SECURE coin lithium batterycontrolled devices and keep them out of sight and reach of children. Keep loose batteries locked away.

there is no fire risk!).

Remember the SAFE rule against poisoning. STORE all medicines and chemicals out of children’s sight and reach; ASK your pharmacist for safety caps on medicines; FOLLOW the dose instructions from your doctor or pharmacist; and ENSURE you follow safety instructions on medicines, chemicals and cleaners.

Warm up safely: It’s a good idea to have For more information on keeping your your heating devices (e.g. heaters, electric child safe at home, visit the Safekids NZ blankets) checked before using them again safety topics page at: this winter season. Teach kids the “keep a index.php/page/Safety_Topics. metre from the heater” rule; if the child is very young, use a safety guard. And watch out for kids when consuming hot liquids (hot water burns like fire!). Know the fire-risk labels for children’s nightwear. Red means the garment is a high fire risk and more suitable for summer wear; orange is a warning to choose close-fitting options; white means the garment is a lower fire risk (but lower fire risk does NOT mean

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Page 16

Wednesday June 20, 2012

Art house movies on show in Woolston THE Tannery in Woolston has added another facet to its business operation by introducing regular art house movie screenings. “There aren’t many art house movie theatres around at the moment so we figured we could take the opportunity to offer something else for our customers by setting this up,” Zak Cassels said. Mr Cassels runs the Tannery bar and brewery with his father, Alasdair Cassels. The movies are being shown on a large outdoor screen and customers will be


Productive time for Ferrymead Bays Neil Murphy

offered hotties and blankets to keep warm while they are watching them, Mr Cassels said. The movies will be shown on Tuesday and Wednesday nights starting at 8pm. Each movie will run for two weeks. Screenings started last night with Starbuck, a French Canadian comedy about a very generous sperm donor. The next movie to be shown, starting on July 3, is Beautiful Machine, a documentary about New Zealand music group Shihad.

Ferrymead Bays senior 1st team Despite not playing the previous weekend due to the snow, Ferrymead Bays 1st team has still had a productive couple of weeks. A Mainland Premier League top-of-the-table clash saw them beat Coastal Spirit 2-0 in front of a large crowd at Barnett Park, thanks to second-half goals from Russell Kamo and Wiremu Piercey. Bays then travelled to Garrick Park, where Cashmere Tech provided stern opposition and New gear: The junior club received 150 new highled 1-0 at the break, but a strong second-half quality training bibs from SBS Bank Ferrymead performance enabled Bays to dominate the rest of and Coverstaff. the game. Piercey netted from a corner to level at 1-1, and a Kamo header that narrowly missed could have given Bays the victory. In between these games, Bays had a 5-1 victory KEEN to find out more about weeds and how come down and get involved in Weedbusters over Hornby United at ASB Park in the first round and to learn a bit more about what they can do of the English Cup; three goals in the opening to get rid of them? Canterbury Weedbusters is holding an to help out in the community,” Ms Livingstone eight minutes killed off the challenge and skipper Chris Murphy netted twice. information and education sharing day at Little said. Ferrymead Bays 1st team picked up three points The 2012 Regional Weedbuster Award River on Sunday week. from Saturday’s Mainland Premier League game The day will include presentations from winners will also be celebrated on the day. Weedbusters is a weeds awareness and against Halswell. community groups, giving the public First-half goals from Ciaran Aherne and Russell Strong performance: Ferrymead Bays pulled an opportunity to learn about a range of education programme that aims to protect New Kamo saw Bays well on top before further goals back a 1-0 deficit to level the score at 1-1 in their information, Environment Canterbury’s Zealand’s environment from the increasing by Wiremu Piercey and captain Chris Murphy had game against Cashmere Tech. Weedbuster co-ordinator Gemma Livingstone weed problem. The Weedbusters programme celebrates the Bays 4-0 up on the hour. A few changes late in the said. “There will be short 10-minute presentations efforts of community groups, individuals and game allowed Halswell to score a couple of late kick-off. from a number of community groups and organisations, and aims to spread the message consolation goals. The 4-2 final score looks closer From the juniors First rounds in all the competitive grades in specialists who will talk about things ranging that everyone has responsibility for stopping than the game was as Bays continued their eightmatch unbeaten run. Mainland Junior Football have been played. The from pine control to restoration projects to the spread of weeds. Ferrymead Bays Reserve side also enjoyed a 13th As have done enough to remain in Div 1 and The event is being held on Sunday, July 1, community projects happening around the the 13th Bs have improved with every game and from 10am to 3pm at the Little River rugby win over Halswell Reserves by 2 goals to nil. region. Bays are playing FC2011 in the quarter-finals of are secure in Div 3. “It is a great opportunity for everyone to clubrooms, Main Road, Little River. The Englishfor Cup on Saturday. In 12th grade, the Raiders have secured of Parliament Port Hi Senior reserves promotion to Div 2, while the 12th Bs have The senior reserves also enjoyed a 2-0 victory consolidated in Div 4. The 12th grade girls’ team, or advice and informatio over Coastal Spirit reserves, and then in an the Shakers, remains in Div 2 and is looking tact my elector ate offic impressive display on the following Saturday they forward to a competitive second half of the Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member of Member of Member of Member of Member of Member of Member of Member of Member of Parliament of of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament of Parliament Parliament 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Information day on weeds


DYSON Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth Ruth DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON DYSON P: P: P: P: P: P: 376 P: P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 4512 P: 376 |4512 P: 376 4512 |P: 376 4512 |P: 376 4512 |P: 376 4512 |P: F: 376 4512 |P: 376 F: 4512 |P: 376 F: 4512 |P: 376 F: 4512 |376 F: 4512 |376 F: 4512 |376 F: 4512 |376 F: 4512 |376 F: 4512 |376 F: 4512 |F: 376 4512 |F: 376 4512 |F: 376 4512 |F: 376 4512 |F: 376 4512 |F: 376 4512 |F: 376 4514 4512 |F: 376 4512 |4514 F: 376 4512 |4514 F: 376 4512 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 |4514 F: 376 4514 F: 376 4514 F: 376 4514 F: 376 4514 F: 376 4514 376 4514 376 4514 376 4514 376 4514 376 4514 376 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E: E:

He sells, she sells by the sea...

Authorised by Ruth Dyson, 642 Ferry Road , Christchurch


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Wednesday June 20, 2012


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Wednesday June 20, 2012


Aaron's Surf Report

Winter swells worth the battle WINTER has hit with a bang over the past few weeks, but the great swells have been worth battling the cold for, with plenty of easterly and southerly swells and good offshore winds. Queen’s Birthday weekend was one to remember with a great nor’east swell from a cyclone-type system off Gisborne, while at the same time a big southerly ground swell from the Southern Ocean pushed up the country. Sumner was as good as it gets for a couple of days and Kaikoura was going off for the annual Whale Watch Kaikoura Cold Water Surf Classic. The big wave break Papatowai came to life in the Catlins with reports of 20foot waves (40-foot faces) and clean offshore winds. Despite all the snow, the water is still just hanging onto double digits, sitting at 11 degrees Celsius. This won’t last for long. The Whale Watch Kaikoura Cold Water Surf Classic has scored the best waves for at least the past 10 years of competition. Competitors scored the trifecta over Queen’s Birthday (that’s when you surf all three premier breaks in Kaikoura & Kahutara, Meatworks and Mangamanu). Kahutara was a solid five foot on day one; the big freight train right handers definitely favoured the Kaikoura surfers. The second day was again held at the ‘K’ and the free surfing at Mangamanu that day was phenomenal, with

some good barrelling sections and point to bay rides. Finals day was held at large Meatworks until a southerly buster ripped through and a move to nice three foot Mangamanu was made. Our local surfers performed well in an event dominated by Kaikoura’s best. Unlucky second: Ambrose McNeill competing at the Whale Watch Kaikoura Cold Water Surf Classic. Ambrose McNeill (Sumner) was second in the longboarding and unlucky not to win. Alethea Lock (Sumner) won the open women’s. Max Marshall (Sumner) put in another great result to place second in the cadets. Harrison Whiteside (Redcliffs) was a dual finalist, placing third in both juniors and cadets. Niwa Ututaonga (Sumner) was fourth in the cadets. Neill Robb (Sumner) couldn’t quite make it a hat trick of SI circuit wins but placed second in the Grand Masters. New Brighton’s Hayden Brain won the open men’s, ‘combo’ing’ the rest of the field and also winning the seniors along the way. The Canterbury Scholastic Surf Champs were held at the end of May. The school-age surfers took on three to five-foot storm surf at Taylors Mistake to compete for selection into the Canterbury Scholastic Surf Team. Local surfers to make the training squad include Max Marshall, Harrison Whiteside, Niwa Ututaonga, Luke O’Neill, Seb Johnson, Jack Blackman and Ruby and Rebekah Shingleton. Wintry conditions: Snow was no barrier for about a dozen surfers at Scarborough.


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Wednesday June 20, 2012


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WednesdaY 21 maY 2012

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SUMNER COMMUNITY ADVISOR The Sumner Residents Association and Community Group is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced individual to operate as our Community Advisor. This is a newly created role with an initial term of 20 hours per week for one year that has been funded by the Tindall Foundation to support the Sumner Community in its recovery process. Key aspects of the role include community & stakeholder engagement, research on important issues, information gathering, database management, provision of an advice and assistance service for community groups and volunteers. Experience and qualifications relevant to the community sector are essential.

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Page 20


Wednesday June 20, 2012

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