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PROUDLY proudly CHRISTCHURCH Christchurch OWNED owned IDE INS E E S your
!!!!!!!!UIVSTEBZ!NBSDI!9!3123 THURSDAY JUNE 14 2012
•• Land Artistsale has questioned hopes for Cashmere studio •• Roller Derby challenge Community board decision ‘difficult’
Flower cones in Japan P3
Clever Going spellers country win quiz P8 P10
Snow thriller Polish Show fun on flautist in giveaway a sled concert P23 P9 P26
Back to basics Black is back!
Grow your own: New Zealand’s gardener of the year Jade Plenty of grunt: Temepara showcases has been almost herIt vegetable garden two years since Digging the Future at Christchurch the Ellerslie hosted the All Blacks. This International Flower weekend Show whichthey’re opened yesterday. The Ireland back to face Ashburton designer in their second test created her garden at AMI Stadium. with $100 totrained support The boys a family of four. at Linfield ParkFor on more on Ellerslie Tuesday in very cold see pages 2, 20 and windy Gilbert conditions. 21.andPhoto: Similar weather Wealleans conditions are forecast for Saturday night’s match. Honing their tackling techniques are Tony Woodcock and Sam Whitelock. Photo: Gina McKenzie Tania Butterfield
Let’s get the eastern arsonists COMMUNITY action could help solve a spate of eastern suburbs arson attacks, according to Fire Service Christchurch area commander Jon Graham. The series of arson attacks over the past three weekends razed the landmark 52-year-old Leander Building at Kerrs Reach in Avonside Drive and damaged Aranui High School, Avondale Primary and Aranui Kids First Kindergarten. The attacks stepped up a notch at the weekend with seven fires lit in the early hours of Saturday morning in Aldershot and Portsmouth streets and Ben Rarere Avenue in Aranui. Four of the fires were lit at properties and at
two of the properties people were asleep inside their houses at the time. The residents escaped uninjured but the escalation in the arson attacks had alarmed Mr Graham. “We’re very concerned that these attacks are creeping into properties while residents are asleep. “It’s gone too far and needs to be stopped.” Mr Graham hoped Wainoni and Avonside residents would be able to provide further information. “People are our eyes and ears and even a small detail such as seeing an unfamiliar person in their street could provide a breakthrough.
Councillors’ views on Hagley Park. See pages 5 & 6
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even in those areas with large sections of empty houses. “If someone calls the fire service we will aim to be there within six minutes so we are still very much a part of eastern Christchurch.” Mr Graham said the fire service was still carrying out an ongoing investigation into the arson attacks in conjunction with the police. “We are analysing the scenes of the fires and the results will contribute to the investigation.” If anyone has any information regarding the arson attacks or has noticed any suspicious activity in the Wainoni, Aranui or Avonside areas please contact the Christchurch central police on 363 7400.
“Something that seems insignificant be very important so I would encourage people in the area to report anything suspicious.” Overgrown vegetation and abandoned houses in the eastern suburbs provided fuel for arson attacks and Mr Graham said residents needed to monitor vegetation growth. “People need to be aware that even if they don’t live in their house anymore if they still own the property they are responsible for keeping vegetation under control. “If the property is owned by Cera then the council will take care of the vegetation.” Mr Graham said the fire service still had a very active presence in the eastern suburbs,
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HALKETT GROVE C a n t e r b u r y’s c l a s s i c q u a r t e r a c r e WEST
mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Street Talk
Gilbert Wealleans
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Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority CEO Roger Sutton has been named the top public service chief executive for New Zealand. Do you think his performance over the past 12 months warrants this recognition?”
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“Not yet. It is too early to judge his performance.”
“No, absolutely not at all. I can think of far better people who would be more suitable for the position.”
“Yes. I have been impressed with his performance so far. I think he is the right man for the job.”
“Definitely. For someone who did not get a handbook in a very difficult situation, he has done a marvellous job.”
(issue 78)
Retail restrictions disappoint developer Chris Tobin
Eastgate Pharmacy Eastgate Shopping Centre Phone (03) 389 8408
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DEVELOPERS of a large $145 million shopping centre in northern Christchurch are disappointed the retail area of their complex will now have to be cut in size. Calder Developments spokesman Ian Calderwood said it was the call by the Environment Court judge recently to restrict retail space within the 45,000 square metres proposed Styx Centre to 20,000sqm and they felt let down. The judge ruled that by restricting retail size in the suburbs it would assist the central city’s rebuild. “That’s hard to understand since we’re a long way from the CBD,” Mr Calderwood said. “The wide consensus is that greater development is required in the north and we
were identified as being key to that. “What was planned was not a mall but a pavilion with main street parking.” Calder Developments applied to build 35,000sqm of retail space and 10,000sqm of commercial space. The Environment Court has agreed to a 45,000sqm complex but 25,000sqm of it would have to be commercial space. Mr Calderwood said the company would continue with their plans. “We have now probably spent five years working through the issues; we’ve worked cooperatively with all the locals.” The proposed complex would be on nine hectares of land next to the Northwood Supa Centre.
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CHRISTCHURCH WEATHER Thursday rise 8:00am set 5:00pm
High 6
Overnight low 0
rise 2:39 am set 1 :30pm
For the latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit:
Friday rise 8:01 am set 5:00pm
High 8
Overnight low 2
rise 3:39 am set 1 :59 pm
Saturday rise 8:01 am set 5:00pm
High 9
Overnight low 3
rise 4:37 am set 2:32pm
Sunday rise 8:01 am set 5:00pm
High 9
Overnight low -3
rise 5:35am set 3:09 pm
High 11
rise 8:02am set 5:00pm
Overnight low 0
rise 6:30am set 3:53pm
Occasional showers, with snow down to 400 metres on Banks Peninsula. Fresh cold southwesterlies.
Occasional showers, with snow down to 400 metres on Banks Peninsula. Fresh cold southwesterlies.
A few showers, with snow flurries down to 400 metres on Banks Peninsula. Cold southwesterlies easing.
Mainly fine with frosts. Northeasterlies developing.
Fine. Light winds.
Lyttelton Tides H 1 2:1 8am L 6:31 am H 1 2:46pm L 7 :01 pm
Lyttelton Tides H 1 :08am L 7 :1 8am H 1 :36pm L 7 :51 pm
Lyttelton Tides H 1 :56am L 8:04am H 2:23pm L 8:39 pm
Lyttelton Tides H 2:41 am L 8:49 am H 3:08pm L 9 :24pm
Lyttelton Tides H 3:25am L 9 :34am H 3:51 pm L 1 0:08pm
mainland press
Russley Rd work delay frustrates residents Tom Doudney
AVONHEAD residents say their patience has been worn thin over the severe traffic congestion and the slow pace of road works on Russley Road. The road is being upgraded to four lanes as part of New Zealand Transport Agency’s (NZTA) project to create an 80km bypass between Belfast and Hornby. Work on Russley Rd began in December 2010 and since then contractors have spent 18 months completing 1.6 kilometres of road from Yaldhurst Rd to Pyne Gould Stream. Work on the next section, from Pyne Gould Stream to Avonhead Rd, is expected to begin soon. Russley Rd resident David Wilson, as well as Errol and Kathryn Smith who live nearby, told Mainland Press it was unacceptable that such severe traffic congestion had been allowed to continue for so long on a road used by 31,000 cars a day. As well as being a major inconvenience, with traffic being bumper to bumper for several hours in the mornings and afternoons, the issue was
also a safety concern. NZTA southern regional director Jim Harland said the project was on schedule for completion in mid-2013 and not taking an unusually long time for a project of its size and complexity. “We appreciate the road works from Yaldhurst Rd to Avonhead Rd are frustrating for residents and business in the area, but they are on Fed up: Errol Smith, left, and David Wilson say traffic congestion on Russley Rd is both hugely inconvenient and a safety concern. schedule,” he said. Work on the next section would be completed on one side of the road at a time, starting with the BOOK OF THE WEEK city side, to allow Russley Rd traffic to continue Floating Gold Christopher Kemp $29.99 using the other side of the road. Mr Harland reiterated NZTA’s previous Christopher Kemp travels from the shores of NZ, to statement that ongoing land negotiations with the Smithsonian and New Nedford Whaling museum; Christchurch International Airport had not held he meets amateurs, professional hunters, scientists, up the start of work on the next section. NZTA needed to acquire a five-metre strip elusive vendors who traffic ambergris, people who of land for the road widening but the airport’s won't confess to have found any, and strangers request for access to be provided to its Dakota de denying what they are looking for. A fascinating story Park business development had proved a sticking point. about the elusive by-product of the sperm whale. Negotiations have taken more than 18 months 113 Riccarton Rd. 379 2882 so far and are expected to be wrapped up soon.
Snow stops the mail getting through Tom Doudney
RAIN, hail or snow, the mail must get through – or so they say. Last week, however, postal services, both delivery and over the counter, ground to a halt as the region was blanketed in snow. Services shut down completely from Wednesday morning and although PostShops opened again on Thursday, staffing was minimal, leading to long queues in some places. NZ Post spokesperson John Tulloch said that several factors had influenced the shutdown of services on Wednesday, including police advice against non-essential travel, the cancellation of bus services impacting staff’s ability to travel, and the closure of schools affecting staff with children. Additionally, PostShops were not getting many customers. Mr Tulloch said all PostShops had opened at 10am on Thursday but staff numbers had been limited by availability under the circumstances. “That was a combination of public transport 1 4/12/2012 2:45:17 PM [being Beauty_Pricelist_Front_Final.pdf limited] and advice from police about when to travel. Schools were still closed, which
impacted on the number of staff who could make it to work.” Mail delivery did not take place on Wednesday or Thursday because of the conditions and the cancellation of flights into Christchurch International Airport meant that some mail did not even get into the city for processing. Mr Tulloch said the main reason for cancelling delivery had been the road conditions, which were “treacherous at best”. “We just didn’t put posties out on snow-laden or icy grounds, it’s incredibly dangerous and safety of our staff is paramount - it just wasn’t feasible.” Limited deliveries resumed on Friday with businesses and areas where it was safer to travel receiving priority. “We’re very, very conscious of customers and businesses as well,” Mr Tulloch said. “For commerce it is important to keep mail moving but if you initially can’t get vehicles and people on the ground to operate there’s not much you can do about that. As soon as we could, we have got back out there.”
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mainland press 4 Letters to the editor
Hagley Park I fully support Lee Germon’s vision for the Hagley Oval (Mainland Press, June 7) as an international test cricket ground. With raised banks, suitable pavilion, upgraded pitch, etc., along with a beautiful setting, it will be a wonderful place to play and watch cricket, rather than the usual concrete jungle. To those Luddites who object, why don’t they remove the ugly tar-sealed, netball courts which ruin the look of Hagley Park on the south-east corner and create a nightmare every weekend for traffic and car parking? Netball should be moved to Addington, which is not a green area. Good on Lee Germon, Bob Parker and those with vision. All others, including “the Lynch mob”, should move to Australia or the North Island. The Hagley Oval area has always been reserved for cricket and its improvement will encourage more use of our beautiful park. Ron Williams Northwood
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Save Hagley Park - will there be a protest march at all? I will be there, along with most of Christchurch. I can think of no better way to illustrate to our councillors how passionate the people of this fair city feel about Hagley Park. Bridget Dadds Mt Pleasant If there was a referendum for the general public, I am sure the majority would say “develop QEII!” as an international cricket venue. The oval was creating a distinctive cricket feel about it with its lovely picket fences, oldworld charm pavilion, all-round embankment, immaculately maintained pitch and billiard table outfield. With a little thought, some comfortable, modern, custom-designed containers could be strategically placed to house the commentators, scorers and TV broadcast positions. The infrastructure is virtually there now. What are our options? Rangiora: A marvellous ground that should be retained for local and provincial games. Lincoln: How about making this the home for local, provincial and international women’s cricket? Give them a real sense of belonging as a reward for the tremendous entertainment and results they churn out year after year. Hagley Park: Leave for local club cricket. Having played there for many years, it has the right ambience for fully enjoying your local club cricket. St Albans have been there for 108 years! The Hagley Park cricket area is ideally suited for spectators who often wander the perimeter looking at other games and perhaps snooze off with a book under the trees. Dear Christchurch City Council, be smart and pro-active and look beyond the dollar. Create yourselves a legacy before you get voted off the council and create new life in a dying eastern suburb. Better still, why not try giving the people what they want!
I am adding my five cents to the burgeoning vocal response regarding the possible development of Hagley Oval. Hagley Park is sacred. It is the soul of our city, more so than the Cathedral in my view. You can dress it up any way you like, but the fact remains as soon as you open the door to commercialisation (albeit whatever form), you are at the mercy of future onerous decisions. It is a slope too slippery to risk. Who’s to say that the city councillors in later years will be as robust and upstanding as the councillors of today? I would suggest that to future proof the park in the state it is now, let’s put a moratorium on it. No development, no arguments, no exceptions (Jim would do well to campaign on that). Lee Germon, please stop wasting our city councillors’ time and energy. Accept what the clear majority of Christchurch ratepayers have Frank N Overend expressed and focus on finding a different Kaiapoi venue.
The Americans Patrol Join the NZ Army Band and the US Marine Corps Band for an afternoon of stirring American music celebrating the 70th anniversary of the arrival of American forces in New Zealand during WWII.
We are opposed to any proposal to build a cricket oval or any other structure in Hagley Park. Ken and Cynthia Henderson Westmorland I hope those people spearheading opposition to using Hagley Park for any sports are successful. For goodness’ sake keep the council’s and sports bodies hands off the park. We walk around it regularly and it needs to stay just as it is. It is an amazing asset for the city. Adrienne Matthews, Northwood I am totally opposed to more buildings and the development of an embankment at Hagley Oval because of, one, the parking congestion at hospital corner and two, the removal of existing club facilities. What is wrong with developing the old salesyards property into an international cricket ground? Wayne Nolan Spreydon
Suicide support
in Immigration New Zealand). About the suicide rate in New Zealand, which I think is the result of severe depression in some individuals, the reason I can figure out about this issue partly depends on the geographic isolation of the country, but also on the individualistic society, relatively high social welfare systems, lack of life-threatening challenges in life and other reasons that I might have missed. My suggestion is there should be a mechanism to involve people under social welfare systems in some public activities in return for the money they get from the Government. This can both help to keep them motivated and also competitive, which can primarily reduce tendency towards depression. Such an activity should be based on the individual’s specialty, which can tremendously help the individual’s self-esteem and usefulness to him/herself and to the society. Therefore, there should be a bit more careful process to study the individuals when they apply for social benefit rather than just hand out ready money for them. This can keep the individual in society (involving with other people, having friends) and also empower them to get ready for the competitive job market. The best help in my view for a depressed person is to remind him/her that he/she still has so many skills to offer that other people, or our environment, desperately need.
I saw an article in your Thursday, June 7, 2012, issue about suicide victim families and I would like to comment. I am a foreign student here in New Zealand, so I might not be completely right in understanding the social issues of this country. Name withdrawn However, I am commenting as far as I can interpret the issues. First of all, I will comment about the issue of explaining the whole story again to the Lifeline counsellors when a person contacts the line. If you have a letter, email it to editor@ The solution in my idea is to have a digital Word limit: 250 words. archive of each case in a database where all the Please include your address and a daytime information can be accessed by a case code or telephone contact number. a name. Such a practice is already in place (e.g.
We want your letters
From the editor
Chris Tobin
Press the screen …… follow the instructions For the first time since before the February 22 earthquake of last year I went to a library. It was soon apparent something had changed: Fewer librarians, fewer books and then people standing waiting to interface with a machine. Book-issuing machines have now hit our libraries in greater numbers. Selfhelp at work. Press the screen, follow instructions, bar code up – zip, zap the books are issued, out pops the receipt and you’re on your way. All very slick, smooth, effective, no doubt economic … and horribly impersonal. Airports and supermarkets have started to do it, now libraries are on the way too – machines instead of people. Speaking of machines, the All Blacks were certainly machine-like in their crunching Ireland in Auckland last Saturday and should again prove too strong for the boys in green at AMI Stadium on Saturday. It’s great to have international rugby back in the city after the terrible events of last year and
after the World Cup matches were taken off us. Nearly two years have passed since we last had a test. With the foul weather we’ve had in recent days the Canterbury Rugby Union must now have a stronger case for getting a covered stadium for the city. Finally, we had a strong response to last week’s story on the lack of support for families left behind after a loved one takes their own life. People have offered support and encouragement to Lucy, the woman who lost her son two months ago. Hopefully a support group will grow from this. One woman’s email to us was particularly poignant. “I have dealt with two suicides in my life,” she wrote, “the most horrific being my partner of seven years shooting himself in the head in front of me. I agree there needs to be a group for the survivors. I had a look around and found nothing. It is still a day to day thing to get through and would be good to talk to others that know the feeling. Thank you.”
so the story begins
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mainland press
Hub opposed; test cricket still possible Chris Tobin MOST Christchurch city councillors seem opposed to developing a sports hub on Hagley Park but their support or otherwise of an international cricket venue in the park is more uncertain. Mainland Press asked the Christchurch City Council what their views were on the future use of Hagley Park: Whether they agreed/disagreed to a proposal by Canterbury Cricket to develop Hagley Oval into an international cricket venue with new floodlights, an embankment and new pavilion; also whether they agreed to the current upgrade of the existing wicket and finally if they supported a sports hub on the park. Here are their responses:
Mayor Bob Parker There are two parts. The upgrade of the ground was approved in 2009 and what is happening there now is part of that. The next part is Canterbury Cricket would like a good test venue. I think it would be wonderful to see a test there but it can’t be at the expense of people enjoying Hagley Park. There is a resource consent process to go through and there’s still information to come. I think it could work but it can’t if there are permanent significant changes and Canterbury Cricket is aware of that. I’ve got an open mind on it. As far as a sports hub at the park, I am not aware of any plans. Deputy Mayor Ngaire Button Development of the Oval doesn’t involve big structures and changes. Cricket has been played there for years – there’s just a replacement of the pavilion, which is likely to be the same height; I haven’t got a problem with the embankment but the floodlights could be a sticking point. I need to see the details but we need to have an international cricket oval in Christchurch, whether it’s Hagley Park or somewhere else, the decision still has to be made. A sports hub on Hagley Park is a ridiculous suggestion. I would like to put it on the old Addington salesyards.
Helen Broughton Totally opposed to developing the Oval into an international cricket venue. Only two councillors, Yani and I, voted against this in June 2010. I was surprised at the time there was not more opposition at the council table. This was the previous council. I was opposed then and am still resolutely opposed. Plans to upgrade the existing wicket have not been put in front of us. On enquiry I have been told this development fits within the City Plan. I have been advised there will be resource consent for the (international venue development) plan. Canterbury Cricket is responsible for lodging resource consents. Absolutely opposed to a sports hub at Hagley Park. Morally and legally wrong.
Peter Beck The council will be hearing more about and discussing Canterbury Cricket proposals at a workshop this week. Unless I am persuaded otherwise through this discussion, the only other improvement that I support is the regular repair and maintenance that is needed to ensure that the Oval provides what it has always done for the cricket community and the citizens of Christchurch. On the rare occasion that cricket might be hosting a match [e.g. 20/20], which would draw a really substantial crowd, then to my mind they could apply to the council for whatever is required to enable them to erect Yani Johanson temporary seats and fencing, etc. [in the same I voted against this way for instance that the Ellerslie Flower when it was originally Show uses the park for a temporary event]. I put into council’s would not support any suggestion that could long-term plan as mean that the Oval is closed off to the public. I felt concerned I support the idea of enhancing the wicket at the increasing itself to meet international standards. It is a commercialisation fantastic environment to enjoy a test match. I of Hagley Park for international test matches that would seldom do not support a sports hub in Hagley Park. be held in Christchurch and when so, lacking in attendance. I felt the money could be better Sally Buck The upgrades to spent on other things when there are other suitable venues in the city that would be fine. the cricket ground in I do not agree with Canterbury Cricket’s plans the annual plan have to upgrade the existing wicket at Hagley Oval. been in the long term As far as a possible sports hub on Hagley plan since 2009 and Park, currently, consulting as part of the draft involve upgrading the annual plan is being held so I will decide once turf and fixing some Anything I have heard all the submissions. However, damage. it appears that the Minister of Earthquake else such as pavilion Recovery will now make that call through and lighting, etc. will need a consent and have the central city development unit without any to go through an RMA process. Hagley Park is the historic venue for cricket as it has been public consultation.
Winter Fashion Bargains
played there since 1866. How about the golf course on Hagley Park? This takes up far more space than the cricket area and takes out a huge area of land which the public cannot use. Continued page 6.
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mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Continued from page 5 Jamie Gough I would be severely worried about any councillor who did not support the due reinvestment and maintenance of a prime community green space. I would struggle to support something which took away from the natural beauty and open-natured feel of Hagley Park. I don’t believe there is a desire for this to occur, though, and I’m unsure whether the extent of the misinformation circulating around about it is actually rather humorous or just quite sad. The upgrade of the existing wicket is timely and although it is not proposed, if anything such as obscene structures or miniature stadiums were to be mooted, which
would butcher the integrity of this important space, it would not only be strongly opposed by myself and fellow citizens but would also be required to go through a robust RMA (Resource Management Act) process. I would be highly vocal and strongly opposed to a sports hub on the park. Jimmy Chen I oppose Canterbury Cricket’s proposal. My concern is that it will be a commercial activity in a public park. They give the players high salaries and now they want a public park for their facility. I was not part of the council which approved upgrade work on the wicket. I don’t think this was the right decision. I’m absolutely against a sports hub on Hagley Park. Maybe they should do it at QEII.
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Glenn Livingstone I disagree with Canterbury Cricket’s proposal. In my view, the installation of lighting, a new pavilion and an embankment in time for the 2015 World Cup would be the thin end of the wedge in terms of intrusion. For instance, would not an electronic replay screen be required by the ICC? What other requirements will be called for by the ICC and expected as givens for the game at World Cup level? For the community, Hagley Park is a central touchstone and one which the people of Christchurch would like to remain, substantially, untouched. If upgrading the existing wicket at Hagley Oval effectively means local clubs losing their own wickets, I do not agree. I do not think a sporting hub should be established at Hagley Park, for the reasons of intrusion as outlined in my first point. Lee Germon confirmed that negotiations between New Zealand and Australia over hosting rights were not settled yet, in response to a question I asked during his annual plan submission. Claudia Reid Council agreed to support Canterbury Cricket’s proposal to ‘develop’ Hagley Oval for first-class and test cricket almost three years ago now, when it settled on its 2009-19 LTCCP. I supported the council position then. It required the support and agreement of the cricket clubs that already use the Oval, that they were prepared to make way if necessary; it was on the basis of minor and natural modification to the ground, and of course it went through a special consultative process with the wider Christchurch community. The Oval makes a beautiful intimate setting for cricket. The proposal before us now is to add lights
COUNCIL FACILITIES Central South City Library South City Mall, Central City
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QEII at Parklands Community Centre 46 Queenspark Drive
Shirley Library 36 Marshlands Road
South Library 66 Colombo Street, Beckenham
FLETCHERS HUBS Aranui Satellite 250 Pages Road
Beckenham 66 Colombo Street
Ferrymead 1091 Ferry Road
Lyttelton 41 Winchester Street
Mairehau 280 Westminster Street
Middleton 1st Floor, 116 Wrights Road
North New Brighton 245 Bower Avenue
Woolston 153 Ensors Road
Barry Corbett I haven’t seen the full plans and cannot really comment until I do. I would like to see Hagley Oval used more than it is currently. I agree to the upgrade of the existing wicket. I don’t think a sports hub should be established on Hagley Park. Aaron Keown These questions are premature as the current upgrade is drainage and irrigation and pitch. All the other plans are subject to an RMA process. I understand cricket has been played at this site since 1866 and to progress to hosting a handful of international matches seems to be a natural progression for the park. It would be sad to have nothing in Hagley Park except for open space surrounded by trees. Cricket amongst every other sport in the park creates a very healthy atmosphere. I think the image of a camera panning up from the Hagley Oval to reveal the jewel of the garden city is a very powerful ad for the city. Sue Wells and Tim Carter did not respond by print time.
Ticks all the boxes
Central Library 91 Peterborough Street, Central City
but no grandstands or other interventions, to enable Christchurch to host some of the 2015 Cricket World Cup matches and the popular T20 matches, too. It would be a tremendous boost for us all if Christchurch was in a position to host and accept these games in three years’ time. So long as there is a way for the amenity effects of these lights to be minimised, I would support that. The upgrading of the existing oval wicket is merely drainage improvement, there is nothing untoward involved. No, I don’t support a sporting hub at Hagley Park.
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mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
mainland press
Wintry blast comes early
CHRISTCHURCH shivered under a blanket of snow last week. The first fall of the year began early on Wednesday, continuing steadily until mid-evening. Roads became treacherous on Thursday as sub-zero overnight temperatures turned snow to ice. Mild, sunny conditions from midmorning began the thaw, enticing people outdoors for sightseeing and frosty fun. Seen around the city... Icy grip: The scene at Christchurch Airport last Thursday morning. Due to the conditions, Hagglunds (Antarctic transport vehicles) from the nearby Antarctic Centre were pressed into use for ferrying airport staff between the terminal and their cars during the early hours.
Intrepid snowboarder: Dexter Marsh put on an impromptu display in Victoria Park. Watching his airborne antics are Jared Crawford, Jonty Holmes and Jack Carpenter.
In a jubilant mood: Mozart, the cairn terrier, romps in the snow beside a snow statue of HM the Queen in Cashmere.
Too cold for comfort: A cheetah at Orana Wildlife Park shudders in the snow. Park chief executive Lynn Anderson said the snow storm resulted in significant, widespread damage, especially to the park’s dangerous carnivore fences. “We have major damage to the lion and tiger fences. The animals are completely secure within their buildings and will not be let into display exhibits until the damage is repaired. Other damage was caused by a large power spike which burnt out switchboards and circuit breakers in numerous locations around the zoo.” informatio
Wintry fun in Victoria Park playground: Brooke Keown, 6, from Hillmorton, negotiates the powdery slope on her sled.
No football today: Snow covers the playing fields at Barrington Park.
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Authorised by Ruth Dyson, 642 Ferry Road , Christchurch
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Snow castle: A clever construction stands in the Hagley Park netball courts.
Tr a st in Ba ar in s ts g ic Ju co ly u 20 rs 12 e
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about an hour to create, and I have an intense fascination with spiders. I figured everyone would make a snowman, so why not do something to defy convention? My first thought was to attempt something absurd like a xenomorph alien, but I decided a spider would be much easier; it’d be an oddity and it’s true to what I like. I kind of like thinking outside the box.”
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mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
More mobile library services for city CHRISTCHURCH residents will have more access to library services with two new mobile vans set to begin operating by October. The vans will help fill the gap left in library services after the earthquakes forced the closure of Bishopdale, Central, Linwood and Sumner libraries. The smaller vans will be able to service parts of the city that the existing mobile library bus has been unable to reach. Mayor Bob Parker said the vans funded by Rotary International would be a welcome addition to the library fleet. “This is another opportunity to reduce community isolation and increase participation, and we’re all very grateful to the sponsors for their generosity.”
Great NEW GAMES designed in New Zealand
Canterbury students’ keen eye for spelling The Rangi Ruru Girl’s School year 7 and 8 spelling quiz team showed Canterbury that their words were not to be messed with at the 2012 Otago Daily Times Extra! spelling quiz. The team, made up of Petra Law, Jocelyn Bradley and Ashleigh Goh, scored 100 percent during the quiz at Chisnallwood Intermediate last week. Heaton Intermediate 1 came second with 97 out of 100 words correct and Cathedral Grammar
1 and Chisnallwood Intermediate 4 came thirdequal with 96 words. Merrin Primary School’s team of Eric Song, Robert Pryor and Harry Sharpe took out the year 5 and 6 title after a play-off with Fendalton Primary 2 when they both scored 95 out of 100. Sumner 1 and Fendalton 1 tied with a score of 93. A total of 100 teams participated in the 10-round quiz.
Full score: Rangi Ruru students Petra Law, left, Jocelyn Bradley and Ashleigh Goh scored 100 percent at the Otago Daily Times Extra! spelling quiz. Photo: Supplied
Winners: Merrin Primary School students Eric Song, left, Robert Pryor and Harry Sharpe won the year 5 and 6 category at the spelling quiz. Photo: Supplied
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Resources for migrant communities A SERIES of resources aimed at helping people develop and maintain mental wellness has been translated into six languages for refugee and new migrant communities in Christchurch. The Mental Health Foundation’s five winning ways to wellbeing resources have been translated into Nepali, Chinese, Farsi, Somali, Amharic (from the Horn of Africa) and Arabic. They will be officially launched at the Christchurch Migrant Centre on June 22. The winning ways are: connect (building relationships means support is available when needed), be active (exercising makes you feel good), take notice (being present and noticing in the moment), keep learning (it gives you confidence and keeps the mind active) and give (even a small gesture is incredibly rewarding). Mental Health Foundation chief executive Judi Clements said refugee and migrant
communities were already vulnerable due to past experiences. “The earthquakes in the city in September 2010 and February 2011 challenged everyone’s resilience. The winning ways resources will help them flourish,” she said. The posters and postcards were first released in English by the Mental Health Foundation after the September earthquake. “I think, after the earthquakes, everyone needs to see these messages in their own language. That validates them as being part of the community to see something that is relevant to them and their needs,” Ms Clements said. A health sub-group of Christchurch’s Refugee and New Migrant Forum worked with the Mental Health Foundation to translate the resources, which will be distributed by Partnership Health Canterbury. People can also download them from the Mental Health Foundation’s website.
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mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Advertising Feature
Making your dream kitchen affordable H ave you thought about doing up your kitchen but can’t afford the hefty price tag? Your dream kitchen could be less expensive than you think with a facelift from Dream Doors. Adrian and Tammy Kay have recently opened the Christchurch branch of Dream Doors, a nationwide company that was started in the United Kingdom, and specialises in kitchen facelifts including door and drawer front replacements, cabinetry, handles, new bench surfaces and also a range of new kitchen appliances and lighting solutions. Dream Doors can replace door and drawer fronts and benchtops, as invariably the cabinetry is in perfect condition, giving you the look of a brand new kitchen at a fraction of the cost to put in a new kitchen. They have dozens of the latest door designs and hundreds of colours and designs to suit all tastes and styles. The great news about a facelift is that they can be completed in just a day so there’s minimal disruption to the homeowner, says Adrian. Dream Doors also offer a full range of benchtops, including Formica, acrylic, timber, stainless steel, engineered stone and some very affordable granite options for those on a budget. Adrian and Tammy can also help with complete kitchen rebuilds or new builds, bathroom joinery and bedroom cupboard doors, making them a great place to start
when you’re thinking about updating your home. Adrian and Tammy have found that homeowners who have had their houses fixed by EQC find that their kitchens now look drab and tired-looking so a facelift is the perfect affordable solution to bring it up-to-date. To help make your decisions easier, Dream Doors’ website (www.dreamdoors. has 3D virtual reality software where homeowners can design their own kitchen. Customers can select the style and colour of the cupboard door online so they can see what combinations work best. There is also an online ordering and quoting service for people living out of Christchurch. Adrian and Tammy are more than happy to chat with clients about what they would like and are dedicated to finding a kitchen solution to suit their needs and fit in with the rest of their home. “We are not here to sell you a kitchen, we are here to help you buy one.” Professional cabinet makers and joiners will ensure a professional finish and the majority of Dream Doors’ range is locally made in Christchurch. All doors and drawers are fitted with soft close fittings as standard and joinery comes with a 10-year guarantee. For more information about Dream Doors, visit or phone Adrian or Tammy on 03 338 1081 or email adrian@
Adrian and Tammy Kay owners of Dream Doo , rs. Gorgeous: Get this beautiful kitchen by calling Dream Doors at 03 338 1081.
Kitchen makeover: Before (left) and after (right) photos of a facelift by Dream Doors.
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mainland press
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Good to be back: Canterbury Club president Dr Brent Stanley, right, and his wife Jocelyn enjoy the reopening function. Photo: Supplied
Historic Canterbury Club reopens THE historic Canterbury Club has reopened after 15 months following the February 22, 2011, earthquake. The building on the corner of Cambridge Terrace and Worcester Street, built in 1872, has undergone a $4 million rebuild and restoration over the past 10 months to bring it back to its former glory and up to 100 percent of the earthquake building code. It had received quake strengthening in 2007, which was a major factor in it surviving the February quake. An official opening cocktail function was held last Friday, attended by Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee. Canterbury Club president Dr Brent Stanley
said it was now one of the standout buildings of historical significance in the area, which made its restoration and reopening even more special. The restoration was funded from insurance, a significant investment from the Club and a grant from the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund. The Canterbury Club was formed when Christchurch had a population of only 5347, as a place where men who were involved in the business of the city could meet. It now caters for men and women, primarily from the professional and business sectors, and includes a fitness centre, accommodation and restaurant.
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mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Christchurch film-maker makes waves in US
We have a 1-bedroom apartment and a 2-bedroom townhouse available for occupancy under ORA (occupancy right agreement). To view or enquire, please telephone our Nurse Manager on 03 326 6608. Cnr. Head & Dryden Streets, Sumner, Christchurch 8081 Fax 03 326 4905
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Reaching heights: Kyan Krumdieck, formerly of Ilam, is garnering praise with his award-winning films.
making competitions and made many films with his friends. He went on to study English, film and philosophy at Victoria University. His ambition is to be a writer and filmmaker.
Orienteering all go after snow
Ferrymead Grand Opening June 23rd 2012 • Get started now to secure your “No Joining Fee” Deal - Value $100
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FORMER Ilam resident Kyan Krumdieck is flying high in the US movie industry. Mr Krumdieck was an exchange student at University of California Berkeley last year and spent the summer as an intern at the Academy Award-winning Ocean Preservation Society in Boulder, Colorado. Drawing on that experience, he entered the Campus Movie Fest, for which university students were required to make a five-minute movie in a week. His movie Peep Show won the best picture award at Berkeley out of more than 80 movies and was selected as one of the top 30 in the US. The movie was then screened in the student section at this year’s Cannes festival. Another of Mr Krumdieck’s films won an honourable mention at the Eisner Awards in San Francisco and third place in the Ocean Avenue Film Festival in San Francisco. He is now working on a four-week documentary project with a film crew. The documentary, The Thin Line, is following the Great Divide mountain bike race from Banff in Canada down to Mexico. During his school years at Ilam Primary, Cobham Intermediate and Burnside High, Mr Krumdieck took part in 48-hour film-
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HUNDREDS of people brushed off the snow and went orienteering in Hagley Park last Sunday. The event was a fundraiser to help local juniors Ryan Batin and Selena Metherell get to the Junior World Orienteering Champs being held in Slovakia next month. Organisers were delighted with the turnout, which was about three times greater than expected. “It was fantastic to use council facilities so soon after the snow, and people just kept
arriving. “Many said they’d read about the event in the Mainland Press,” event supporter Michelle Metherell said. “Most were orienteering for the first time and were intrigued by the maze. We had kiddies in buggies, retired people, even folk just out for a walk came over and went out with a map to try out our courses.” Ryan and Selena had hoped to raise about $200 to $300 each. Instead they raised almost $1800 towards their trip.
Southern THURSDAYView June 14,29 2012
Cashmere, Stmartins, Hillsborough, Barrington, Sydenham, Cracroft, Westmorland, Halswell, Beckenham
Land sale questioned Samantha Early
RICCARTON Wigram Community Board chairperson Mike Mora is preparing to challenge the process that led to the Christchurch City Council agreeing to sell a large block of land in Hornby to a non-profit consortium. The consortium proposes building a housing complex for low to medium-income residents. Mr Mora said he was very disappointed at the council’s decision to sell the large site at Goulding Avenue to the consortium for $525,000, which was well below the land’s market value of $1,323,000. The consortium involves Aucklandbased charity the New Zealand Housing Foundation, which aims to deliver affordable home ownership for low-income households, Abbeyfield New Zealand, which develops flatting situations for independent socially isolated people, the Housing Plus Charitable Foundation, which is an extension of the Beckenham Community Housing Trust that currently provides housing in a supported environment, and the Salvation Army, which would provide rental housing to quakeaffected families. The sale is subject to several conditions including the consortium receiving funding from the Government and Canterbury Community Trust and building on the 42unit complex, of which nine houses would be affordable ownership homes, 11 units supported group housing, 11 units supported social housing and 10 social housing rental units, starting by June next year. Council staff had recommended the council build its own 35-unit social housing complex on the site. Mr Mora said the council needed to build its
own housing to replace its 380 earthquakedamaged units and address its 227-strong waiting list, of which 88 are considered urgent. He said the council’s social housing rents averaged at about half the market rates but the consortium’s development proposed rents of about 80 to 90 percent of market rates. “In my mind that’s not addressing the needs of the most vulnerable, it’s addressing the needs of people who are in a lot better position, I believe, to look elsewhere” He said some of the units in the proposed development could be on-sold. Preference: Riccarton Wigram Community Board chairman Mike Mora believes it should be the “Why should the ratepayer of Christchurch Christchurch City Council, not a non-profit consortium, building social housing units on this site in Hornby, Photo: Samantha Early heavily subsidise a section for someone who which is next to the council’s current Hornby Courts units. only lives there for six to eight months then can on-sell it to someone else? That’s not social housing in my mind.” Mr Mora said the council would have been able to build new units sooner and his next move was to challenge the process of how the proposal got to the council without going through the community board first. City councillor Glenn Livingstone said he was excited about the opportunity the council had been given to work with the consortium. “The proposed complex will include • Made on premises daily social housing units but it will also • Famous sausage rolls and pies offer more affordable home ownership • Toasted bagels and paninis to people who would not otherwise • Vivace Coffee be able to afford their own homes.” Mayor Bob Parker said it was a win-win situation for the council and residents. Abbeyfield chairperson Fenn Shaw said no comment would be made by the Specialist Bakery. Retail Premium Slices. A selection of Gluten free & gourmet food consortium until they had worked through the recommendations made on the proposal Phone 344 6044 66 – 68 Springs Rd | by the council.
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Come and visit this very beautiful craft shop, bursting with a huge product base for scrapbooking/card making and general craft supplies etc.
Southern View
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Roller derby giveaway SOUTHERN View has a double pass to the Garden City Turf War at Pioneer Stadium on Saturday June 16 from 6pm to give away to one lucky reader. To enter, email giveaway@mainlandpress. with Derby in the subject line, or text Derby to 4494 (texts cost 50 cents). To be eligible make sure you include your name, address and daytime contact phone number. Entries close at 3pm tomorrow and the winner will be notified by phone by 5pm. The winner can collect the double pass from the door at the event.
Turf war comes to Pioneer The Otautahi Roller Derby All Stars (in blue) and the Dead End Derby All Stars (in green) are getting ready to take each other on in the Garden City Turf War event, being held at Spreydon’s Pioneer Stadium this Saturday night. Photos: Supplied.
Peace of mind for the future, plus something for today!
Kiwi’s in general don’t want to talk about death! However, the benefits of pre-arranging your funeral can outweigh any feelings of unease. We at Canterbury Christian Funeral Services believe that by pre-planning, your family can have peace of mind regarding the practical issues and different wishes you may have around your funeral service. Canterbury Christian Funeral Services have compiled an obligation-free information pack, available on request, and will help you and your family prepare for the future. Simply complete the coupon below and send it in (or phone our office on 358 8807) to receive an obligation-free information pack. You may also like to visit our website
Everyone who requests our information pack will go in our monthly draw. Win a Luxury Weekend (two nights, up to four people) at the Waves Apartments, Kaikoura, $100 in fuel vouchers and a bottle of wine.
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CHRISTCHURCH’S two roller derby leagues are sending their best to face off against each other in public for the first time. The Dead End Derby All Star team will take on rival league Otautahi Roller Derby’s All Stars at Pioneer Stadium this Saturday night in an event they’re calling the Garden City Turf War. The event starts at 6pm with a ‘Graduation Bout’ featuring some of Christchurch’s newest ‘fresh-meat’ skaters and will be followed by the feature bout at 8pm to see which league will be champions for 2012. Amongst the teams are several skaters who represented New Zealand and placed eighth in the first Roller Derby World Cup, held in Toronto, Canada late last year. Roller derby is a fast-paced sport in which teams of five women on roller skates take each other on for two-minute ‘jams’ where points are scored by the ‘jammer’ who needs to get around the track as many times as possible. The ‘blockers’ from each team help their own jammer through the pack and try to stop the other jammer by using their bottoms, hips and shoulders. There is an element of theatricality as well, with the athletes assuming alter-egos and dressing up for the bouts. It’s one of the world’s fastest-growing female
sports and there are now more than 20 leagues in New Zealand As a non-profit organisation, Dead End Derby will donate a percentage of all ticket sales towards their chosen charities for 2012 - Camp Quality Christchurch, SAFE and Gap Filler. Tickets are available from $15 at Cosmic Corner The Palms or Re:Start City Mall or online at Cosmic Ticketing, with door sales available on the night if tickets do not sell out prior. More information can be found online at www.
Number One for Local Readership! MAINLAND PRESS LIMITED
Bay Harbour News
67% 49% 39% 23%
The Press
Christchurch Mail
The Star
Letterhead Header
Star Community
Letterhead Header Mainland Press liMiTed The data is taken from two surveys of residents in the distribution area of the Bay HarbourNews and conducted in Sumner, Redcliffs, Lyttelton, Mt Pleasant and Ferrymead. The surveys were conducted in July and August 2010, as part of a CPIT School of Business Graduate Student research project.. Interviewees were shown the mastheads of the five papers and were asked how frequently they read them. The readership chart shows these people answering ‘almost always’ and ‘quite often’
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Southern View
Promoting the Hub Hornby Mall stores
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Redevelopment plans are set to make The Hub the fourth largest shopping centre in Christchurch, this expansion will see Farmers increase in size from 1200sqm to 6000sqm across two levels. The upper level will be directly accessible from an expanded upper deck carpark. A brand new food court will also be built in the heart of the Mall to accommodate an expanded range of ready to eat food retailers, in a very contemporary environment. A new internal retail precinct will also be built following the line of Chalmers Street and joining the new Farmers with the existing northern entrance. This entrance will be heavily upgraded and enlarged to improve access and allow for more outdoor seating. To make space for this expansion the eastern end of Chalmers Street will be moved north by approximately a road width. “This will have the added benefit of
smoothing out the kink half way down Chalmers Street, which will improve visibility and pedestrian safety,” says Centre Manager Jason Marsden. “This expansion has been in the pipeline for some time now and the timing is perfect for the Western side of Christchurch which has seen amplification in growth following the earthquakes. “We have a waiting list of possible tenants but wish to ensure that we maximise the variety on offer at The Hub and pay special attention to increasing the range of women’s fashion available onsite.” The Hub Hornby is locally owned by a syndicate, Shopping Centre Investments Ltd, and is managed by Colliers International Property Management. Work is planned to commence this month, with the new Farmers expecting to be open for trade by Easter 2014, and the balance of the Centre completed by early 2015.
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Southern View
THURSDAY June 14 2012
mainland press
Thursday 14 June | 8.00 – 10.30am
Hagley Park Netball Centre, First Floor, 455 Hagley Ave Book at or 03 943 2238 SPEAKER 1: 8.15am – 8.45am 5 energy efficiency insights for successful businesses
SPEAKER 2: 8.45am – 9.15am Lower costs by managing your energy
Understand why and how you use energy to make improvements and savings, while helping the environment. Presented by Karen Chaney, Programme Manager Commercial in the EECA Business team.
Many businesses are adopting energy strategies – insights to maximize their energy dollar and using new technology to reduce spending. Hear from expert Kees Brinkman, Enercon Ltd veteran of 200 energy audits who has identified over $20 million in savings.
SPEAKER 3: 9.30am – 10.00am
SPEAKER 4: 10.00am – 10.30am
Making telework work
Employment issues for teleworkers and remote working
Modern work is changing and telework (working from home, telecommuting, web commuting or virtual office) is now a permanent part of Christchurch. Bevis England of Telework New Zealand shares the future.
As your work environment shakes and changes so do your issues. Peter van Keulen, Senior Associate at Cavell Leitch Law, will share insights from his experience with the new Christchurch employment environment.
Bookings essential through or 03 943 2238. Light breakfast at 8.00am.
mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
HOME&HEATING PBI Heat Pump Specialists
BI Heat Pumps evolved out of listening to their customers’ needs. PBI Heat Pumps was formed in 2008. A division of PBI Electrical, a leading South Islandwide Electrical Contracting company, PBI Heat Pumps has rapidly expanded and is now at the forefront of the Heating and Airconditioning industry. PBI Heat Pumps has been able to work with leading Heat Pump manufacturers and bring to the consumer leading edge technology at very competitive prices. PBI Heat Pumps provide one to one professional advice to its clients, from new house concepts to existing buildings in the commercial as well as domestic markets, offering solutions that not only meet clients’ needs but exceeds their expectations. As always, customer service and after-sales
service has been the company’s number one priority. All new units are backed with a fiveyear parts and labour warranty. No matter where you live, work or play in the South Island, you can be assured that PBI Heat Pumps can provide you with a professional service backed up by professional staff. With offices throughout the South Island, my staff can attend to your needs from start to finish. Phone us today on our free phone (0800 100 493) to talk to one of our professional and friendly staff. My aim is to ensure every one of my clients gets the best service possible and I put my personal guarantee on every heat pump we sell and install. Brendon Ivory South Island manager
Advertising Feature
Let Enviro Master take care of your home this winter
nviro Master Ltd are your air conditioning and heat pump specialists and have been servicing the Christchurch area for over 10 years now. Currently in Christchurch, there are a number of secondhand heat pumps being sold. Enviro Master would like to warn you that a number of these systems have not been removed professionally, resulting in high reinstallation costs and in some cases, they are not able to be reinstalled at all. A system can be removed and relocated to another Quality showcase: A view of heat pumps on display. location provided they are It is important to remember when removed professionally and sized and positioned correctly for the new selecting an installer that the manufacturer’s location. Failure to do this can result in poor warranty does not cover the installation and consumers could be responsible for performance and costly repairs. With winter now upon us, now is the best any repair or damage caused to the system time to have Enviro Master assess your due to poor installation. Enviro Master’s home or workplace and give you expert five-star installation guarantee ensures advice on your heating requirements. Enviro correct installation and a demonstration so Master supplies, installs and services all the customers have an understanding on how it leading brands including Panasonic, Fujitsu, will best meet their needs. Our installations Mitsubishi and Daikin. This means our team are covered for five or six years to coincide can show you which system and brand will with the manufacturer’s warranty. We currently have savings of up to $500 on best suit your needs in either your workplace selected models and also a great giveaway. or home. Enviro Master are qualified engineers For every Panasonic heat pump purchased, which enables us to service any brand of the customer will receive a free 24” Viera LED heat pump. We can check your heat pump TV complete with built-in digital Freeview. For a free in-home consultation, call Enviro to ensure that it is working as effectively and efficiently as possible, resulting in a healthy, Master on 366 0525 or visit our showroom hygienic heat pump, lower power bills and at 41A Shakespeare Rd, Waltham, Christchurch. greater comfort.
Approved installer, supplier and service agent
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mainland press
Advertising Feature
Keep warm and healthy A
cold home can not only make respiratory illnesses worse but can also cause problems, such as asthma, and aggravate diabetes and cardiac conditions. The ideal temperature within your home, particularly if you have elderly people or young children, is 21 degrees during the day and bedrooms should be 16 degrees at night. Check with your older relative if they are warm enough over winter and warm in bed at night. Dry wet clothes outside if there is sun as this will help prevent dampness. If you do need to dry clothes inside, place them in a spare room away from the living areas. Make sure nothing flammable is within a metre of a heater, especially when airing your clothes. It is also a good time to check your fire alarms to make sure they are working and they are installed correctly. Maintaining regular exercise and eating well are also important ways to keep well. During winter, have at least one hot meal per day. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and keep up the hot drinks. Keep active during winter. Aim for at least 30 minutes Buy a Fujitsu heat pump before 30th April, of physical activity a day. If it is cold outside, try walking and you could in athe Suzuki Swiftpart GLX* in a shopping mallbe ordriving exerciseaway during warmest of the day. Dress up warmly before going out – coat/jacket, shoes and socks, gloves, hat, cap or headscarf. Having a flu vaccination will help prevent you getting sick this winter. This year the flu vaccine is free until the end of July for under 18s, pregnant women, over 65s and for people who are more vulnerable because they have chronic illness, such as heart disease, diabetes and chronic chest conditions. It is important to see your doctor early if you or your children are sick. Don’t leave it until you/they are very ill.PRE-WINTER SALE After hours you can still call your doctor and the phone Just incl GST will be answered by a**registered nurse who can help you. ASTG22LVCB fully installed Alternatively, Christchurch has three after-hours clinics at Bealey Avenue, Church Corner and Moorhouse Avenue.
WIN SOME FUN Stay healthy: Control your room temperature.
Buy a Fujitsu heat pump before 30th April, and you could be driving away in a Suzuki Swift GLX*
Keeping warm: A warm home is key to keeping you and your family healthy during the cold season.
Just $2650 incl GST
New Zealand’s most compact 7kW heat pump. Very efficient, healthy air filters, super quiet, loaded with features!
*terms and conditions apply. **back to back installation.
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Fujitsu Agtv09l Floor console
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We’ve got the best prices on the full range of Fujitsu heat pumps The Christchurch Ace heat pump supplier! Mobile: 027 444 5180 Phone (After Hours): (03) 329 8817
Keeping warm: Winter’s the perfect time to bring out your famous hot drinks for the family to enjoy.
*terms and conditions apply. **back to back installation.
Weve got the best price on the full range of Fujitsu Heat pumps. The Christchurch Ace Heatpump We’ve gotsupplier the best prices on the full range of Fujitsu heat pumps The Christchurch Ace heat pump supplier! Mobile: 027 444 5180 Phone (After Hours): (03) 329 8817
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cAll For A Free no obligAtion Assessment And QuotAtion
limited stocks don’t miss out!
Phone 377 0034 or 0800 800 750 *Conditions Apply
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* Conditions apply: Installation is for a “Back to Back” 3 meter from indoor to outdoor unit. Price includes Electrical Code of Compliance. Power source must be within 3 meters of indoor unit and MCB to switchboard and wiring not included. Limited Stock
mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
arian college dr m & ago igh h nb S y o oa b tt y 2012 World e ea dragon boat rl i h championships,
hong Kong SHARIAN DRAGON BOAT CREW 8TH CLUB CREW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS HONG KONG JULY 4 TO 8 2012 The Sharian Dragon Boat crew was established in September 2011 when training partners Shirley Boys’ High School and Marian College created a Mixed Junior crew to prepare for the 2011 – 2012 racing season. Both schools have been coached and swept by the experienced Russell Stocks, Shirley BHS since the advent of Dragon Boating in Christchurch in the 1990s and Marian for the last four years. After a successful 2011 season where Shirley BHS won their 8th National Boys title since 2003, and Marian College were runners-up in the Girls division, a number of senior students left school in late 2011. Due to the on-going earthquakes in Christchurch initially both crews had difficulty in recruiting new members and so the decision was made to combine trainings and enter the Sharian crew in the Ice Breaker Regatta in December 2011. Finishing 3rd in the sprints and 2nd in the 1km event provided great heart to the crew and they then competed with similar results in the rest of the seasons regattas. In 2011 Shirley BHS had qualified to represent New Zealand at the World Dragon Boat Championships in Tampa, Florida, but the situation in Christchurch was not conducive to undertaking the training required or to raise the required
funds, in spite of approaches to a number of USA companies seeking sponsorship. This would have been Shirley’s 3rd campaign at a World Championship after earlier representing New Zealand at Sydney in 2007 and Prague in 2009. The crew was obviously disappointed to miss the opportunity to improve on our previous best placing of 5th in the Prague 200m. The senior students of both crews then decided to aim for the World Club Crew Championships in Hong Kong in 2012 and thus the Sharian crew was born. Performances over the 2011-2012 season, including Shirley BHS winning nationals again and both crews gaining success over 2km, give us confidence that we can be competitive with other Junior crews in Hong Kong. The Sharian crew will be the sole New Zealand representative amongst approximately 300 crews from over 25 countries at the 8th Club Crew World Championships, which will be raced in Victoria Harbour and will commemorate the 21st anniversary of the birth of modern Dragon Boating. The crew will also have the opportunity to compete in the 36th anniversary Hong Kong Invitational Races which will precede the World Championships. Dragon Boat racing in our region is run by the Aoraki Dragon Boat Association and the Sharian crew is indebted to the association for allowing us to use their boats and facilities for training. Early in the most recent season we were travelling to Lake Pegasus three times a week for training as well as competing at regattas
there or at Lake Hood in Ashburton. Since the Avon River re-opened, our training has intensified and we now spend four mornings a week before dawn clocking up kilometres on the Avon, sometimes in exceedingly frosty conditions. Aoraki have also allowed us to base a boat at Lyttelton where we are also getting valuable time at weekends on the harbour to prepare the crew for racing in Hong Kong. Aoraki have always been very proactive in attempting to grow the sport at school and Under 23 level and thus have supported this crew as it opens up possibilities for smaller schools to amalgamate and become involved in what many regard as an ultimate team sport. The Sharian crew is also indebted to other members of its “crew”, namely their parents and siblings who have helped with the running and organising of many fundraising activities that will ensure that the tour will be fully funded. I am sure many will welcome the sleep-ins once the team has departed! While in Hong Kong, the Sharian crew will race over 200metres, 500metres and 2 kilometres and we trust that they will be worthy representatives of New Zealand and Christchurch, and will be able to prove that in spite of all the terrible destruction that has occurred in our city, we have some young citizens prepared to work hard to achieve a dream and to bring honour and recognition to our province. John Fox Team Manager Phone: 375.7057 ext 256 Mobile: 027.417.2249 Email:
Uniforms Supplied by: P. 365 2146
John Fox manager
caleb te Kahu
anna Shanks
abigail roberts
Jenny bailey
nathan campbell
Contact Kerry P. 383 6001
54-56 Charles St P. 327 6026
P. 327 2357
217 Marine Parade P. 388 0898 P. 378 0900 P. 386 1308
russel Stocks coach
Jake holtslag
Jarred cleghorn
ashleigh barron
Josh barton
Samantha Jones P. 981 2268 P. 0508 789 257
0800 RAIL IT P. 0800 724 548
daniel atkinson-mcguire
Kim Sodusta
Savita goldsworthy
AMT MECHANICAL SERVICES LTD Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineers Design, Installation and Maintenance
Tower Junction P. 366 6113
53 Orbell St P. 381 1149
Avonhead Centre Withells Rd P. 358 9712
anne dick assistant manager
Katelin Sinclair
Zoe Kumbaroff
Contact Kerry P. 383 6001
8a Sheffield Cres P. 358 8154
261 Dyers Rd P. 384 4111
bronwyn bennie assistant manager
levi tamaiparea
braydon hammond
Jack giddens
EXCAVACTIVE CONTRACTING LTD P. 027 326 5669 P. 021 171 6607
Kyran Frunt
P. 383 6001 P. 385 8401
P. 021 895 122
Sarah lewis
Patrick Johnson
AMT Mechanical Services Ltd
PO Box 8225, Christchurch P. 385 8096
Phone: (03) 338 0145
Challenge Opawa 11 Opawa Rd P. 379 5549
Fax: (03) 338 0147
MacDonald Gray Driveway Specialists
Savannah music
P. 0274 787 637
407 Colombo St P. 366 8005 P. 338 8235
P. 383 8396
James Fairbairn- lloyd
mikayla hughes
Jess casey
Abbott Insurance Brokers 116 Moorhouse Ave P. 0800 081 443
66 Gasson St P. 0800 103 535 538 Marshlands Rd P. 386 3154
P. 381 1149
mainland press
Advertising Feature
Build your dream home overlooking the water - prime section slashed by $100,000
If you’ve always dreamed of owning a property overlooking the is a great time to make the move. Stunning homes and great building sites available - Talk to Joe.
12 Virginia Lane, Mt Pleasant - $250,000 Listing Number: FM3845
Contact: Joe Studholme 0274 484 222
a Phone 329 3328 • 422 Marine Drive, Charteris Bay Email: Licensed Agent REAA 2008
he vendors have offered a massive price reduction on this large section, allowing buyers the chance to secure an outstanding lower slopes site of 4275sqm for an exceptional price. Nestled in the sheltered microclimate of McCormacks Bay, the overall size and potential will truly impress you with its blend of cleared and forested land. The options for any future development include building your family’s dream home or cash-in on any potential subdivision
ner g i s e D n o s g n Massive Savi ss the store L a b e l s a c ro Ladies:
from $59.90
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Sunny, New condition, 2 bedroom, Ensuite, Modern Decor, Top Quality Fit Out, 2yr Horncastle Warranty, Single Garage, Small back yard with Vege Plot, Spacious Clubhouse with Sky TV, Great Neighbours, 100m walk to shops, post office, bus, church, 200m walk to Hotel, 300m walk to Woolston Club.
Call Roydon 027 2291780 for inspection
RRP $279.95 Fieldays Price: $209.95
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KNITWEAR from $24.90
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opportunities on offer (subject to CCC consent). This is a premium location, with Redcliffs village within easy walking distance and the thriving Ferrymead centre with its broad range of shops bars and restaurants just a short drive away. With the option of securing a further 1453sqm at a minimal additional cost, this could be the bargain of the year! If you’d like more information contact Chris Moores of Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead on 384 7950 or mobile 0275 884 440.
MEN’S SUIT JACKETS from $29.90
LADIES PORTLAND SLX HOODY 100% Wool with a Premium Soft Finish
RRP $259.95 Fieldays Price: $194.95
from $14.90
FACTORY SHOP FASHION CLOTHING OUTLET Offer Runs Until June 25th 2012, Not Valid in Conjunction with any other offer.
Garments featured are 2011 stock
mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Advertising Feature
Win a year’s subscription to new look Food Magazine
ood Magazine is proud to unveil its new look and to celebrate is offering readers the chance to win one of 10 year-long subscriptions and a limited edition goody bag valued at more than $60 each. Food Magazine combines innovative ideas and practical information on food, wine, travel, home and garden, health and beauty and more in a fresh-feel look. Each issue has more than 90 recipes which in most cases have no more than eight ingredients. All recipes can be prepared in 45 minutes or less and use everyday ingredients. For a delicious warming meal in the upcoming winter months try making a chicken mole, a Mexican stew, served with homemade tortillas. New contributors to Food Magazine
include MasterChef series one and two winners, Brett McGregor and Nadia Lim, and celebrated cook Sophie Gray. Editor Sarah Beresford says the new contributors bring a wealth of information to the magazine. “It’s great to have Brett and Nadia on board; they’re household names and New Zealanders can very much relate to their easy, friendly and informative cooking style. “We’re also very proud to welcome Sophie Gray to the team; she brings clever ideas for making the most of ingredients while sticking to a budget. And we are all looking for freshness and value in our food shopping.” Food Magazine retails for $7.90 and is available at all Countdown supermarkets and good magazine retailers nationwide. www.
Giveaway A one-year subscription to Food Magazine giveaway MAINLAND Press has a one-year subscription to Food Magazine and a limited edition goody bag valued at more than $60 each to give away to 10 lucky readers. To enter, email giveaway@ with Food in the
subject line, text food to 4494 (texts cost 50 cents) or write to Food Magazine Giveaway PO Box 39 176, Christchurch 8545. To be eligible make sure you include your name, address and daytime contact phone number. Entries close at 5pm on Thursday, June 21.
Mexican Chicken Mole Ingredients: ½ tablespoon oil 1 onion, peeled and chopped 2 large red chillies, seeds removed 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon cumin ½ teaspoon smoked paprika 1 tablespoon cocoa powder/baking cocoa 400g can condensed tomato soup ¼ cup water handful chopped coriander 2 boneless chicken breasts, thinly sliced Serves 6.
Heat the oil in a medium pan or frypan, add the onion and cook gently until it is soft. Very finely chop or blend the chilli and garlic and add the mixture to the pan. Stir in the cumin and smoked paprika and cook gently for 2 minutes. Add the cocoa powder or baking cocoa and mix together well. Stir in the soup, using the ¼ cup of water to rinse the remaining soup from inside the can. Add the chopped coriander. Simmer, stirring from time to time, for 10 minutes. Add the sliced chicken and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked. Serve with rice and vegetables, or wrapped in a tortilla.
Flour Tortillas Ingredients: 2½ cups plain flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons oil ¾ cup warm water (approx.) Makes 10 to 12.
Yummy homemade soup with roll Available daily for takeaway Small $5.50 Large $7.50
NEW proDUCT LINES Coconut macaroons • Lemon and Fresh Thyme Sourdough Loaf Unit B 10 Garlands Road Woolston Ph 381 1048
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Shop opEN from
Tuesday to friday 8.30am to 3.30pm Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl, add the oil and gradually add the warm water – use just enough to form dough. Knead the dough on a floured board for 5 minutes then set it aside to rest for 10 to 15 minutes – this makes it much easier to roll out. Divide the dough into 10 to 12 pieces and roll them out into circles, roughly 18cm across. Heat a frypan until it is very hot and cook the tortillas for 30 to 60 seconds until they bubble and start to go brown. Turn them over and repeat on the other side. When cooked,
wrap the tortillas in a clean, damp tea towel to keep them soft. To warm the tortillas, wrap them in foil and heat them in the oven, or place them on a plate, cover with cling film and microwave for 35 seconds.
Morgan’s Vineyard Cafe delightful
Voted by Cuisine Magazine 2011 as one of the top 150 restaurants in New Zealand
vineyard setting... with traditional and old favorite dishes
Thursday and Friday from 11am Weekends 10am to 3pm Treat yourself to breakfast, lunch, dinner or a great coffee! 70 Kendal Ave Burnside • Phone 358 8810
Thursday to Saturday from 6pm Functions by arrangement for private, family or corpo
355 Buchanans Road
(Cnr of Pound and Buchanans Rd)
mainland press
adVertising feature
With rachel Vogan
Dig it – plant winter veges and realty save more than just money
ightening the belt often comes hand in hand with winter. And it’s not only due to rising costs of heating, fuel and food. Waistlines can feel a little tight and snug too due to the warm and hearty foods many of us lean towards when the temperatures plummet. It’s the simple pleasures that provide so much joy during this time. A welcome day of sunshine feels like you have won the lottery and with only a little investment of time you will be able to reap the rewards of what you sow and plant over winter.
What to do now
Simply red – simply better for you Eat yourself healthy. Maximise the health benefits of eating and planting red fruits and vegetables. Many of these are valuable sources of illness preventing nutrients such as lycopene, which are said to reduce the risk of some cancers and cholesterol. Many can be planted and sown in winter. Radish, beetroot, radicchio, red lettuce, rhubarb and of course strawberries can all go in now.
Bed time
Garden beds will need a feed to replace the valuable nutrients summer crops have used up. Organic options are Tui Organic compost or sheep pellets; alternatively blend in Novatec fertiliser to ensure the soil has all the goodies crops need to get growing. Layers of leaves, straw and manure can be added too.
Speedy greens, salad and soup veges
spinach, cabbage, silver beet, coriander, parsley, kale, cavolo nero and rocket. All of these are happy planted either in the garden or in pots at the back door or on the deck.
Rachel Vogan The Happy Gardener
Root jobs
Plant garlic and shallots any time over the winter months. Traditionally, both these tasty members of the onion family are planted on the shortest day and harvested on the longest. As the soil temperature hardly varies in winter, it doesn’t make much difference to the crop when the cloves are planted during the coldest season.
Bug watch
You don’t even need to don garden gloves to give plants the once over for sneaky clumps of overwintering insects. Aphids are the easiest to spot in groups; huddled together, this makes them easy to spray and eradicate with eco pest. Slugs and snails are still about. Deal with these slimeballs by laying plenty of Quash slug bait to prevent them from harvesting your crops before you can. Alternatively, get the kids active in the weekends to collect as many as they can and feed the neighbourhood chickens! Don’t panic if you have put up the closed sign for the winter – the garden can look after itself. Simply cover your garden beds with Tui Mulch and Feed or pelletised pea straw and walk away until spring. From the comfort of your own indoors order your seed catalogues and seeds for spring sowing and sign up for free vege club newsletters at www.tuigarden.
Plant now: Cavolo nero is a hardy winter vege that copes with snow, frost and cold.
Now Open
Greens are good to grow. Sow or plant
adVertising feature
Invest in feeds: For winter veges, fresh is best!
Collect 3,00 Dyers Road Landscape Fly Buys Points FOUR & Garden Supplies cOmp
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Hong Kong return flight Delhi return flight
Add-on Accommodation
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Mumbai return flight
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*Departs Auckland
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1 of 5 prizes of return flight . . . PLUS . . . . . . . . . . . go . . . . . . in . . . . .the . . . . . . .draw . . . . . . . . . .to . . . . .WIN . . . . . from
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$5265 Shanghai $5599 Kuala Lumpur stopover $285 MelISSa SaNDra 0800 43 82 92 See us in store Like us TXT ‘join’Add-on to 4275 Accommodation for the love laNDreBe $389 Tower Ferrymead Singapore Junction tolaND Hong Kong $5615 Managing of travel Managing Bali $555 Kuala Lumpur stopover $285 Director Director Mumbai $5779 Singapore $389 Ph. 341 8965 e. Ph. 2700 e. 0800 43 82 92 See us in384 store Like us TXT ‘join’ to 4275 Delhi $5825 10,000 Fly Buys Bonus Points! Bali $555 *Departs Auckland
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return flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
Singapore return flight 10,000 Fly Buys Bonus Points!^ * Delhi return flight $5825 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
Travel partner to the NZ Olympic Committee
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*Departs Auckland
4 nights 4-star & breakfastSign . . . . . . . from up to receive our best deals *
4 nights 4-star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
return flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
*Terms & Conditions apply . AIRFARES: Based on flying Malaysia Airlines in Business Class from Auckland . For travel from Wellington or Christchurch, ask in store for the best available domestic airfare . Travel 11 Jun 2012-31 Mar 2013 . ADD-ON ACCOMMODATION: Airfares additional . Kuala Lumpur: Travel 1 Aug-14 Dec 2012, 4 Jan-31 Mar 2013 . Singapore: Travel 10 Jun 2012-31 Mar 2013 . Bali: Travel 16 Oct-23 Dec 2012, 7 Jan-11 Mar 2013 . GENERAL: Sales valid until 2 July 2012 unless out prior . All prices based on per person, in NZ Dollars & subject to availability . Accommodation prices based on twin share . Travel agent service fees not included . Prices are correct at the time of printing & are subject to change without notice . Prices are based on consecutive nights . Min & max stays may apply . Prices are based on payment by cash or EFTPOS only . Accommodation star rating based on United Travel ratings & is a guide only to the overall quality of the property . TXT S up: Sign up text costs 20 cents; free to receive text alerts . #Book a Malaysia Airlines Business Class airfare & collect 3,000 Fly Buys points: You must book a return Business Class ticket flying Malaysia Airlines to Asia & pay in full by 30 Jun 2012 to collect 3,000 Fly Buys points . Offer is per* ticket . Valid for new bookings only . One entry per Fly Buys Account only . ^10,000 FLY BUYS BONUS POINTS OFFER: To get an entry in the draw you must book & pay in full by 30 Jun 2012 & swipe you Buys card at a United Travel store . Valid for new bookings only . One entry per Fly Buys Account only . The random prize draw will be held on 1 July 2012 . The first 5 eligible entries drawn will win 10,000 Bonus Points each . The winners will be notified by phone . Your Fly Buys Account details, including phone number, must be complete & up to date . Fly Buys Membership terms & conditions apply & can be viewed at flybuys .co .nz . Further conditions apply; ask in store for full details . UT1 7 nights 4-star & breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
Travel partner to the NZ Olympic Committee
4 nights 4-star & breakfast . . . . . . . from
*Per person, twin share . Airfares additional .
return flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
Sign up to receive our best deals*
PLUS go in the draw to WIN 1 of 5 prizes of
4 nights 4-star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
return flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from
7 nights 4-star & breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from *Departs Auckland
*Terms & Conditions apply . AIRFARES: Based on flying Malaysia Airlines in Business Class from Auckland . For travel from Wellington or Christchurch, ask in store for the best available domestic airfare . Travel 11 Jun 2012-31 Mar 2013 . ADD-ON ACCOMMODATION: Airfares additional . Kuala Lumpur: Travel 1 Aug-14 Dec 2012, 4 Jan-31 Mar 2013 . Singapore: Travel 10 Jun 2012-31 Mar 2013 . Bali: Travel 16 Oct-23 Dec 2012, 7 Jan-11 Mar 2013 . GENERAL: Sales valid until 2 July 2012 unless sold *PerPrices person, twin share .by Airfares additional . out prior . All prices based on per person, in NZ Dollars & subject to availability . Accommodation prices based on twin share . Travel agent service fees not included . Prices are correct at the time of printing & are subject to change without notice . Prices are based on consecutive nights . Min & max stays may apply . are based on payment cash or EFTPOS only . Accommodation star rating based on United Travel ratings & is a guide only to the overall quality of the property . TXT Sign up: Sign up text costs 20 cents; free to receive text alerts . #Book a Malaysia Airlines Business Class airfare & collect 3,000 Fly Buys points: You must book a return Business Class ticket flying Malaysia Airlines to Asia & pay in full by 30 Jun 2012 to collect 3,000 Fly Buys points . Offer is per ticket . Valid for new bookings only . One entry per Fly Buys Account only . ^10,000 FLY BUYS BONUS POINTS OFFER: To get an entry in the draw you must book & pay in full by 30 Jun 2012 & swipe your Fly Buys card at a United Travel store . Valid for new bookings only . One entry per Fly Buys Account only . The random prize draw will be held on 1 July 2012 . The first 5 eligible entries drawn will win 10,000 Bonus Points each . The winners will be notified by phone . Your Fly Buys Account details, including phone number, must be complete & up to date . Fly Buys Membership terms & conditions apply & can be viewed at flybuys .co .nz . Further conditions apply; ask in store for full details . UT1038
mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012 Advertising Feature
You will love the new health superstore in Bush Inn Mall Experience the knowledge and friendliness of the team today
fter 30 years in the natural health business, Homestead Health owner Brett Heaney knows that it’s not just products but people that is important. The independently-owned Homestead Health stores are now in two convenient locations, at the Bush Inn Shopping Centre and the Hub Hornby Mall. “I take pride in supporting my staff to giving expert advice and providing friendly service,” says Brett.
Having recently moved to Bush Inn Mall from his earthquake-damaged health shop in New Brighton, Brett has been delighted with the customers’ response. “We are really excited to be in Bush Inn; the response from my customers has been positive,” says Brett. “We have now moved from our pop-up store into bigger and better premises beside Van Dam’s Café. Now that we are in our new store we have a much wider range of
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products to offer our customers for your onestop health shop.” Homestead Health proudly support New Zealand-made products, and has complemented their service with one of the largest ranges of health supplements, herbal remedies and natural skin care in Christchurch, making this a great one-stop-shop for all your health needs. With a large selection of everyday specials on popular products such as joint care, fish oils, vitamins and protein powders to name a few, you can be assured to save on items you buy regularly. So boost your health naturally. Come down and enjoy the unparalleled service at Homestead Health in the Bush Inn Mall, open seven days. Brett and the team look forward to seeing you soon. Phone: 348 7867.
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mainland press
Advertising Feature
Celebrating 60 years in Ilam Road
eaching 60 years in business is an exciting time for Ewart Douglas Pharmacy in Ilam Road. Ewart Douglas Pharmacy opened its doors in Ilam Road by the Fendalton shops on May 10, 1952. In those days it was surrounded by open paddocks on the fringes of Christchurch city, with tracks rather than roads. Pharmacist Blair Murray says that one of the shop’s first customers 60 years ago still lives locally and visits the pharmacy regularly. The pharmacy was opened by Ewart Douglas and has been serving the local community for over 59 years. It is the longest established pharmacy in the northwest part of Christchurch and caters for all your pharmacy needs whether it’s filling a prescription, stocking up on cold and flu remedies for winter, shopping for a perfume or buying that perfect gift. Initially a tiny shop and dispensary, the pharmacy doubled in size in 1967 and Ewart Douglas was joined by his nephew Alistair Douglas in running the pharmacy in 1972. After Ewart retired, Blair Murray went into
partnership with Alistair, who has now retired himself. The Ewart Douglas Pharmacy is about to have major renovations to the front part of the shop but the pharmacy will remain open. Blair says that although the alterations were not part of the plan for “celebrating” their 60th anniversary, it is necessary due to damage caused by the earthquakes on February 22. The team at Ewart Douglas Pharmacy will continue to operate with a portacom around the corner in Clyde Road, where staff will be able to safely access the dispensary and shop through the back door. The good news is that there is an amazing sale now to reduce some of the stock that will have to be moved to make room for the renovation to the front half of the building. So next time you’re near the Fendalton shops, visit Blair and the friendly team to have your prescription filled, get some advice about staving off winter illnesses, or buy that special gift for someone you love. Ewart Douglas Pharmacy is at 403 Ilam Road, with plenty of parking outside.
The Ewart Douglas pharmacy team (left to right) Shona Sims, Candy Murray, Blair Murray and Diana McHugh.
Ewart Douglas Pharmacy in the early days.
eWaRt DoUGLaS PHaRMaCY Renovation SaLe
Compassion How often do you make judging comments? How often do you criticise someone else? Why do we do this? It makes no sense unless you think that you are perfect and right and that everyone needs to be the same as you. Do you? If you are confident in your own being why would you have to criticise others anyway? Can’t you let them do things their own way?
It can feel uncomfortable to be with someone who is different because it makes us feel a bit out of control and maybe not good enough or right. There is a feeling of safety when others do the same as you. Have compassion for yourself and understand yourself and compassion for others will follow.
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mainland press
THURSDAY June 14 2012
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ANTIQUE GOLD JEWELLERY wanted, gold rings, chains, brooches, medals. Great price for gold pocket watches, ph 03 351-9139 GOLD SOVEREIGNS and other gold coins wanted. Also scrap gold, broken or damaged gold jewellery, alluvial gold, nuggets, etc, top price paid, ph 03 351-9139 OLD COINS & BANKNOTES wanted. Also old medals of any sort, military, sporting, agricultural, lodge, dance & band medals, etc, ph 03 351-9139
ART CLASSES and WORKSHOPS With Donna Steel Contemporary Artist. “Discover your Creative Self Grow in Confidence as you learn to “Create Your Own Unique Works of Art.” Ph 03 3599125 or 027 5070426 www.
CARAVAN & Motorhome Repairs & Refits. Coachbuilding. Valuations. All maintenance work; leaks, gas, electrics, plumbing. Onsite Repairs. Roof Vents, Awnings, Watertanks, Pumps - Accessories sold & installed @ Moonraider RV. Willing to help any way we can, Just Call 3842230.
CARAVAN RENTAL DO YOU need short/longterm accommodation whilst your house is being repaired? We have 4 and 5 berth UK caravans available which are fully self contained with toilet, shower, hot/cold water, insulation, double glazing, heater, hob, fridge. We can set these up on your property so you can still be near school, work, friends etc. or Call Rob on 960-1633
KENSINGTON COUTURE Best of British catwalk collections. Long sleeve dresses, gowns, officewear, coats, designer knitwear. Vintage dresses 50s, 60s, 70s. Size 4-10. Burnside 357 8989, 021 2371291 THE CLOTHING STUDIO -Designer Dressmaking by Sue Ashton. By appointment only. Please contact Sue on 03 313-8800, 021 109-2404 or email theclothingstudio@
ALL YOUR C O M P U T E R WORRIES SOLVED! *$30.00 off your first service with this coupon!* No problem too big or small from home PC’s to business networks. PC slow? An end to Viruses, Spyware, and Clogged Systems. Safe secure hassle-free computing. Lost files recovered. Microsoft Certified, MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years experience. Call Andrew Buxton this week on 3525203 or 027 4357596 for $30.00 off* Custom Computers Christchurch COMPUTER Trouble shooting & tuition, virus removal, system optimisation to improve speed, low rates, free fix it software ph David 03 366-3020 or 022 635-9414
A GARDEN PROFESSIONAL Needed? qualified horticulturalist, south to south east Christchurch, expert winter pruning & rose care, garden makeovers & regular maintenance, call Bryce 027 688-8196 or 03 332-3373
RIDE-ON Mowing - Tall Grass, Short Grass, Large Areas, Small Areas. Phone Mark 0800 4 TOPCUT / 0800 486-7288 lawnmowing hedge trimming rubbish removal gutter cleaning gardening pruning insurance cover
Phone 3775544 or 0800 454 6546 Franchises available. Enquire now for an information pack
A GARDEN TIDY UP? Pruning, Roses, Fruit trees, Lawns, Transplanting, G a r d e n i n g , consistently reliable general property upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10 yrs experience, One off tidy ups or ongoing service. Nick’s Property Maintenance. Keeping your garden beautiful. Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440 LAWNMOWING All areas, Lawns Mowed, Edges Trimmed, Clippings Removed. Free Quotes. Friendly Courteous Service. Ph Paul, Grandys Lawnmowing 027 4326953 or 03 352-0533 Anytime. No Job Too Small NTH/WEST Tidy-Ups and Landscapes: SPECIALISING in seasonal / annual tidy-ups. Ideas. Landscaping to easy care sections. ON CALL for YOU. est. 2004. Call Graeme 358-6090 or 027 3418596. RIDE ON MOWING, LAWNS & GARDEN MAINTENANCE Landscaping, Sprinkler Systems, Pruning, Clean Up Jobs, Handyman Jobs, Ride On mowing, Free quotes & appraisal for any job, call Philip 03 347-8818 or 022 3478818
RIDE-ON LAWN MOWING, residential & commercial, with or without catcher, fertilising, spraying, hedge trimming, quality service. For a FREE appraisal Ph 03 342-4228 or 027 22 11 217 Peter O’Carroll (owner & operator)
E Y E L A S H EXTENSIONS, Flare $35 per set, avail evenings after 7pm, Call 027 239-8972
HAIRDRESSER MOBILE mature, qualified, avail for perms, sets & cuts, in the comfort of your own home, ph 03 352-8208 HEALTHY Happy children, would you like your children to be well, look great, be happy & be able to perform their best at school, in sport & socially? ph 021 162-3980 MAKEUP ARTISTRY For that special occassion, competitive prices, contact Janna on 021 255-2662 or email janna-tew@ P E D I C U R E MANICURE in your own home, Trained nurse available for home visits. Reasonable Rates. Phone Tracey 3441653 or 027 380-2571
GOLD COAST Crazy offer just for you!! 7 Nights accommodation in a 3 bedroom spacious absolute beachfront apartment for $885 saving you over 50%, Smack in the middle of Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach... Swimming pool, spa, sauna, tennis court, games room and the main bonus beach at your doorstep ...Offer valid till the end of June www.thepenthouses. or email info@
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Kerry - Ph: 03 962 0744
LIONS CLUB BOOK SALE Proceeds to local community projects
Books Wanted GOLD COAST Crazy offer just for you!! 7 Nights accommodation in a 3 bedroom spacious absolute beachfront apartment for $885 saving you over 50%, Smack in the middle of Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach... Swimming pool, spa, sauna, tennis court, games room and the main bonus beach at your doorstep ...Offer valid till the end of June www.thepenthouses. or email info@
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Donated books Lions Club Book sale Kendal School Hall July 7th & 8th For further information, or to donate books please phone Anita 337 6224 or Graeme 329 9122 (evenings)
SPEED DATING, June 25: 28-42yrs, June 26: 54-67yrs. Call Jane 021 100 5771 www.
DEMOLITION With care and respect we will remove your dwelling. Our policy is to recycle as much as we can. We are a local company specialising in residential properties. We will endeavor to cater for your individual needs. Ph. Richard 021 02866981 for a free quote.
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3m3 + 6m3 loads Mandeville Firewood PH: 371 9384
M O B I L I T Y SCOOTERS - Sales and Service, New and Second Hand Scooters from $ 1200.00 Phone Gary, Freedom Scooters 03 3888-323 or 0800 002 884. 0800 002-884
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B R I C K L AY E R . George Lockyer. Over 30 years bricklaying experience. UK trained. Licensed Building Practitioner number BP105608. Fletchers Site Safe. Insurance work. EQC repairs. Heritage brickwork a speciality. No job too small. Governors Bay. Home 329-9344, Cell 027 684-4046, email karengeorge@xtra. BUILDER For all building work but specialist in bathroom renovations, 25 yrs experience, with service and integrity. Free Quotes. Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or 0274 367-067. BUILDER QUALIFIED available for additions, fences & all aspects of building, also concrete drives & patios, reliable & professional, painting also avail, free quotes, call Brent 027 241-7471 or 03 382-3096 CARPETLAYER 25 years experience. Free Measures and Quotes. Phone Peter 387-0078 or 0275 870-078 CARPETLAYING Carpet Layer available, Qualified tradesman, 35yrs experience. Workmanship guaranteed, Free Quotes, Local. Ph Peter 326-7711 or 027 240-6532 C H I M N E Y CLEANING Abel & Prestige Chimney Cleaning (2009) Ltd. Professional, Guaranteed Service. Free Phone 0800 661244
Paid and processed in one go * $10 charged straight to your phone account 20 word limit classified line ad in Mainland Press
ELECTRICIAN K.T.Electrics. Domestic, Commercial, 30 years experience, All work undertaken. Phone Kevin 027 204-7233 or 383-5407 ELECTRICIAN All electrical work, heat pumps, ovens, repairs, No call out or travel fees, payment by Eftpos, Credit Card, Ph Brent 0800 247-378 F U R N I T U R E Removals BOB Carriers Est. 1928 “the gentle movers”. For packing and removal services Canterbury and South Island wide. Phone 344-2900 F U R N I T U R E REMOVALS Large Trucks from $65 Hour + GST, Canterbury & South Island Wide. Professional Company, Professional Service. Canterbury Relocations Ltd. ph 03 359-9313 HOUSE COLD IN WINTER? Call Community Energy Action Charitable Trust’s free advice service for tips and help! 0800 388 588, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm or energyadvice@cea. LAWNMOWING CLEAN CUT GARDEN SERVICES: Independant Owner / operator. Lawns, Section Clear, Refuse Removal, Ride-on, commercial and private work, Free Quotes. Pensioner Rates. Ph Henry 328-8997 or 027 288-9973 OVENS, HOBS, REPAIRS, No call out or travel fees, pay by Eftpos or Credit Card, ph Brent 0800 247378
DRIVEWAYS Replace, repair or new. We are a local company with over 10 yrs exp. We also operate a digger for all other earthworks.
Ph. Richard 021 02866981 for a free quote.
THURSDAY JUNE 14 2012 P A I N T E R DECORATOR Over 30 years in trade, free quotes, no hidden costs, interior/exterior, ph Rick 021 232-5249 or ah 03 383-2288
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PAINTER Top quality work, free waterblasting, free quotes, specialize in older homes, all types of decorating, 20 yrs Ph 377 5544 or exp, 4 people on the 0800 454 6546 P L U M B E R / team ph Wayne 03 GASFITTER 385-4348 or 027 2743541 P L A S T E R E R : Mike Cairns Gas & Plumbing. Available PLASTERER - Gib Experienced in all for all gas installations Stopping, Small job aspects of interior and repairs. Solar and Central Heating. specialty. 28 years plastering. Ph Vaughan Any Plumbing experience. Ring 0800 387-369 0800 387- 388-3791 or 021 269- Requirements. Phone 021 132-8929 or 03 4707. 369 326-7949 PLASTERER SOLID For PLUMBER Certified PLUMBING: Both exterior & all your plumbing Plumber available for interior work, Scottish requirements. Local, Tradesman with over all types of plumbing friendly and reliable 30 years experience, work. Phone Doug staff. Est. 30yrs. Ph FREE Quotes, ph 347-2121 or 027 345- Mark Whitehead 379Donald 354-5153 or 0711, 027 230-4368 or 7241 021 023-26186 a/h 326-6792
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W I N D O W CLEANING: Average 3 bedroom single storey house, $40 outside only, $60 inside and out. Ph Allan 944-0979 or VIDEO CLEANING, 027 274-3504 Video heads cleaned in your own home $34, VCR, DVD & TV tuning or installation - PILATES Beginner $34 also Tape to DVD & Intermediate conversions, Grahams classes, Tuesday & Video Service ph 03 Wednesday nights. 338-1655 Fendalton Croquet WAT E R B L A S T I N G Club, Makora Street. Quality Job, Quick Phone Julie 351-2100 Service by skilled tradesman, Ph Richard WAT E R C O L O U R Severin at Jet-X 03 For beginners, 364-8738 Free quotes, Sandra Palmer at visit the drawing room WINDOW CLEANING cnr Manchester & Crystal Clear Window St Asaph St, Tues Cleaning. Want to mornings 10am improve your outlook? midday, ph Sandra Then call Greg Brown for details 03 351for a Free Quote 3842661 or 027 616-0331 9045 UPHOLSTERER Dining Chairs, Lounge suites, Caravan Squabs etc. recovered. Free Quotes. Phone Graeme 383-1448 03 383-1448
TOOLS Garden, garage, woodworking, m e c h a n i c a l , e n g i n e e r i n g , sawbenches, lathes, cash buyer, ph 3552045
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26 mainland press Show a tribute to Frankie Valli
DIRECT from Las Vegas, the Oh What A Night! – A Musical Tribute To Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons show will appear in Christchurch during September. Written by Independent Motown producer and creative consultant George Solomon (also in the show) and award-winning producer/ director Michael Chapman with choreography by Paul Holmquist, the show features all of the original hits including Frankie Valli’s biggest solo hit from the blockbuster movie Grease. Others include earlier hits such as Sherry, Rag Doll and Walk Like a Man, through to 1970s favourites Who Loves You and the more melodic love songs Can’t Take My Eyes Off You and My Eyes Adored You. The show will appear in Christchurch on Tuesday, September 4, at the Aurora Centre. Tickets went on sale at 9am today. For full event and ticketing information see or
RICCARTON (0508 446 987)
Buy tickets at
NORTHLANDS (0508 446 987)
ROCK OF AGES• (M) Thu-Wed 10:10, 12:45, 3:20, 6:00, 8:40PM
(3D) PROMETHEUS• (R16) Thu 10:00, 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 8:45PM Fri-Wed 12:45, 3:20, 6:00, 8:50PM (2D) MEN IN BLACK 3 (M) Thu 1:50PM, Fri 10:10, 1:50, 6:20PM SaT-Sun 10:10, 3:20, 6:20PM (3D) MEN IN BLACK 3 (M) Thu-SaT 4:00, 8:50PM Mon-Wed 10:10, 1:50, 6:20PM Sun 8:50PM, Mon 3:40, 9:10PM, Tue-Wed 4:00, 8:50PM (2D) THE AVENGERS (M) (3D) PROMETHEUS• (R16) Thu 10:20, 3:30, 8:50PM, Fri 10:20, 3:30, 8:40PM Thu-SaT 10:15, 1:00, 3:40, 6:15, 9:00PM SaT-Sun 10:40, 3:30, 8:40PM, Mon 10:20, 8:40PM Sun 1:00, 6:15, 9:00PM Tue 10:20, 3:30, 8:40PM, Wed 10:20, 8:40PM Mon-Tue 10:15, 1:00, 3:40, 6:15, 9:00PM (OC) DARK SHADOWS (M) Wed 10:15, 1:00, 3:40PM Mon 3:30PM, Wed 3:30PM BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (PG) (2D) MEN IN BLACK 3 (M) Thu 1:40, 6:30PM Thu 11:00, 6:15PM, Fri 11:00, 6:40PM Fri 10:40, 1:40, 6:30PM, SaT 11:20, 1:40, 6:30PM SaT-Sun 6:40PM, Mon-Wed 11:00, 6:40PM Sun 1:00, 6:30PM, Mon 10:40, 1:00PM MARGIN CALL (M) Tue 10:40, 1:40, 6:30PM, Wed 10:40, 1:30, 6:10PM (2D) THE AVENGERS (M) Thu-Mon 10:20, 3:15, 8:45PM Thu 3:10PM, Fri 3:50PM, Mon-Wed 3:45PM PROMETHEUS• (R16) Tue 10:20, 3:15, 9:15PM, Wed 10:20, 3:15, 8:50PM Thu 10:50, 1:30, 4:00, 6:40, 9:20PM DARK SHADOWS (M) Thu-Fri 1:20, 6:20PM Fri-Wed 10:50, 1:30, 4:00, 9:20PM SaT-Sun 6:20PM, Mon-Wed 1:20, 6:20PM ROCK OF AGES• (M) THE DICTATOR (R16) Thu-Fri 1:15, 9:20PM Thu 10:15, 1:00, 3:40, 6:30, 9:00PM SaT-Sun 9:20PM, Mon-Wed 1:15, 9:20PM Fri 10:15, 1:20, 3:40, 6:30, 8:30, 9:00PM PROMETHEUS• (R16) SaT-Tue 10:15, 1:00, 3:50, 6:30, 8:30, 9:00PM Thu-Fri 10:40, 1:10, 4:00, 6:40, 9:15PM Wed 1:00, 3:50, 6:30, 8:30, 9:00PM SaT-Sun 1:10, 4:00, 6:40, 9:15PM SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN (M) Mon-Tue 10:40, 1:10, 4:00, 6:40, 9:15PM Thu 12:50PM, Fri-Sun 6:10PM, Wed 10:40, 1:10, 3:45, 6:15, 9:15PM Mon-Wed 1:30, 6:10PM ROCK OF AGES• (M) Thu-Tue 10:30, 1:30, 4:15, 6:50PM WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING (M) Wed 1:40, 4:15, 6:50PM Thu 10:30, 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 9:10PM WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING (M) Fri 11:00, 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 9:10PM Thu-Mon 10:50, 3:45, 6:10, 8:30PM SaT-Sun 1:40, 4:10, 6:50, 9:10PM Tue 10:50, 3:45, 9:10PM Mon-Tue 11:10, 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 9:10PM Wed 10:50, 3:45, 6:10, 8:30PM Wed 10:30, 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 9:10PM
(2D) LORAX (G) SaT-Sun 11:10, 1:10PM (2D) PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (G)
(2D) LORAX (G) SaT 1:15PM, Sun 11:10, 1:15PM (2D) PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (G) SaT-Sun 11:00, 1:20PM
SaT-Sun 11:10, 1:10PM
DORA AND DIEGO ON THE BIG SCREEN (G) SaT-Sun 10:00aM all tickets $6.50
DORA AND DIEGO ON THE BIG SCREEN (G) ROCK OF AGES• (M) Wed 11:00aM all tickets $6.50 SaT-Sun 10:00aM
TV 2
TV 3
Cashmere to host Polish concert THE Polish Association will hold a Polish-influenced concert featuring flautist Adriana Lis and pianist Sarah Watkins in Cashmere tomorrow evening. Polish-born Lis is the principal flautist of the Auckland Chamber Orchestra while Watkins is a member of NZTrio. The programme will feature music by Debussy, Poulenc and Chopin, as well as some lesser known but equally beautiful works from Polish and New Zealand composers, including Michael Williams’ new piece When We Fell and Gao Ping’s Sonatine-Dialogue Between Wind and Snow for flute
5:30 Hope And Faith 6pm Neighbours Paul’s interest in Zoe grows as she wins over his family; Jade manages to reconcile with Sonya, but leaves Kyle on the outer. 6:30 Friends R 7:00 Shortland Street PGR 7:30 Police Ten 7 AO 8:00 Last-Chance Dogs 8:30 Once Upon A Time PGR 9:30 20/20 10:30 Fringe 11:35 Crash Course PGR
and piano. Both pieces come from Adrianna’s recently released debut CD Dialogue/Rozmowa. The recording is a cross-cultural offering which reflects the multiculturalism of the New Zealand society. The Polish Association also organised a Chopin bicentennial concert in 2010 and held a concert for the reconstruction of the Arts Centre last year. The concert begins at 7.30pm at St Augustine’s Anglican Church at 5 Cracroft Terrace. Tickets range from $15 to $25 and are available from Dash Tickets. Door sales are also available.
Talented flautist: Polish-born Auckland Chamber Orchestra principal flautist Adriana Lis will perform in a cross-cultural concert in Cashmere tomorrow evening.
Free pop rock concert hits Christchurch CHRISTCHURCH rockers Sleeping Dogs are joining forces with Wellington band Supermodel for a free concert next Friday. Sleeping Dogs is the creation of Thomas Reid, who describes himself as a “classically trained pianist and self-confessed Bowie addict”. The rock band has been busy recording new songs since last year’s earthquakes with the title track from their debut album Myth Reducer receiving airplay on radio and television. Pop-rock quartet Supermodel’s debut album To the Mountains entered the New Zealand charts at number four last year. The concert starts at 8pm at Dux Live and is an R18 event.
5:30 Home And Away 6pm 3 News 7:00 Campbell Live 7:30 F New Zealand’s Hottest Home Baker PGR In the finals, the top two contestants bake off for the title. 8:30 F The Finder AO Walter’s elder brother asks him to visit their dying father, whose last wish is for his son to use his gift to find the love of his life, their mother. 9:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover PGR Tabatha tries to retool a children’s salon in California, but Friday its owner admits she does not 12:05 Rizzoli And Isles AO even know if she wants to save 1:00 Police Ten 7 AO R 1:30 her salon. Infomercials 2:35 Flashpoint AO 10:30 Nightline Friday R 4:15 Emmerdale PGR R 5:05 11:00 Sports Tonight 11:15 12:15 Fatal Attractions AO R The Erin Simpson Show R 5:30 Golf Club 11:45 In Plain Sight 1:20 Te Karere R 2 Infomercials 6am Creflo Dollar AO 1:45 Impact With Mishal Husain 6:30 Hi-5 R 7:00 The Fairly 2:30 Business Report Odd Parents R 7:25 Back At The Friday 2:45 Sport Today Barnyard R 7:50 Transformers 12:40 Infomercials 5:00 Joyce 3:00 BBC World News Prime R 8:15 Dinosaur Train Meyer 5:30 Destiny Television 3:30 HARDtalk With Bishop Brian Tamaki 8:40 Pajanimals 4:00 The Hub With Nik Gowing 6am 3 News – Firstline 8:30 8:50 Timmy Time R 5:05 The Believer’s Voice Of Infomercials 9:00 Fishtronaut R Victory 10:35 The Talk PGR 9:25 Zip And Mac R 5:35 Te Karere R 2 11:30 Entertainment Tonight R 9:30 Infomercials 6am Breakfast Rawdon Christie, Noon 3 News 11:00 Neighbours R Petra Bagust and the Breakfast 12:30 Home And Away R 11:30 Shortland Street PGR R team present news, interviews, 1:00 Dr Phil PGR Noon Private Practice PGR R weather and information. 2:00 The Dr Oz Show PGR 1:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 9:00 Good Morning 3:00 The Real Housewives Of 2:00 Anderson Noon One News At Midday New York City PGR 3:00 The Koala Brothers R 12:30 Emmerdale PGR 4:00 Rachael Ray 3:10 Emu R 1:30 Come Dine With Me R 5:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 3:25 Mr Men R 2:05 Celebrity Masterchef R R 3:35 SpongeBob SquarePants R 3:35 Jamie’s 30-Minute Meals R 5:30 Home And Away 4:05 Jonas R 4:00 Te Karere 2 6pm 3 News 4:30 The Erin Simpson Show 4:30 One News 7:00 Campbell Live 5:00 America’s Funniest Home 7:30 Glee PGR 4:55 Ellen Videos R 6pm One News Rachel and Kurt finally get their 5:30 Hope And Faith 7:00 Close Up chance to audition for the New York 6pm Neighbours 7:30 Coronation Street PGR Academy of the Dramatic Arts. 6:30 Friends R John’s nightmare comes back to 8:30 The Graham Norton Show 7:00 Shortland Street PGR haunt him; Kevin and Molly have AO a heart to heart; Becky and Steve 7:30 The Big Bang Theory PGR R 9:30 7 Days AO 8:00 Two And A Half Men PGR R 10:05 Hounds AO leave their decision until the last 8:30 The Voice Australia minute. 10:35 Nightline 10:10 Distraction AO 8:30 The Queen’s Diamond 11:05 Sports Tonight 11:20 10:40 The Vampire Diaries Jubilee Concert AO R Pokerstar – The Big Game PGR 6pm One News 7:00 Close Up 7:30 Coronation Street Steve and Becky consider a deal with the devil; death comes calling for John; Ashley confesses his ruse to Claire. 8:30 M The Last Boy Scout AO 1991 Action. A former Secret Service agent and a former profootball star investigate a murder. Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans. 10:35 One News Tonight 11:05 Tagata Pasifika 11:40 Air Medics PGR R The Great North Air Ambulance crew faces bad weather, fading light, and wild terrain to reach patients in time.
THURSDAY June 14 2012
6pm That 70s Show R 6:30 Futurama R 7:00 The Simpsons PGR R 7:30 Family Guy PGR R 8:00 Futurama PGR R 8:30 Cleveland Show PGR 9:00 Bob’s Burgers PGR 9:30 South Park AO R 10:00 Cops AO 10:30 Breaking Bad AO When Walt is driven to distraction by a contaminant in the lab, he refuses to cook meth until they are able to get rid of it. 11:25 Entertainment Tonight 11:55 Infomercials Friday 6am Sesame Street R 6:55 Pingu R 7:00 CatDog R 7:30 The Angry Beavers 7:55 Aaahh!! Real Monsters R 8:20 Strawberry Shortcake R 8:45 Bananas In Pyjamas R 8:55 Thomas And Friends R 9:05 Bob The Builder R 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 The Wiggles Show R 9:40 Dorothy The Dinosaur R 9:50 Action Central R 10:00 Infomercials 2:00 Sesame Street R 2:55 Peppa Pig 3:00 Sticky TV 4:30 Four Live 6pm That 70s Show R 6:30 Futurama R 7:00 The Simpsons PGR R 7:30 Family Guy PGR R 8:00 Community PGR 8:30 M Street Fighter AO R 1994 Action. A commando and his team battle a hi-tech warlord who is holding hostages for ransom and conducting mutation experiments. 10:30 Alphas AO 11:20 Entertainment Tonight
CD giveaway
Epic rockers: Rock band Sleeping Dogs will perform a free concert at Dux Live next Friday night. From left: Tony Pantera, Thomas Reid, Infinite Lovechild and Rocky.
5:30 Prime News 6pm Deal Or No Deal R 6:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 7:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? UK 7:30 The Queen’s Palaces From inside Windsor Castle to the battlements, Fiona encounters royal treasures, from the musket ball that killed a hero to table decorations in gold and silver. 8:35 Upstairs Downstairs PGR 9:45 F Outnumbered PGR 10:20 Keeping Up Appearances PGR 11:00 The Late Show With David Letterman Friday Midnight Home Shopping 1:30 The Crowd Goes Wild R 2:00 Home Shopping 3:55 Football – UEFA Euro (Delayed) 6am Home Shopping 6:30 The Crowd Goes Wild R 7:00 Deal Or No Deal R 7:30 Home Shopping Noon Getaway R 1:00 The Crowd Goes Wild R 1:30 Harry’s Practice R 2:00 All Saints PGR R 3:05 Better Homes And Gardens 4:00 The Late Show With David Letterman R 5:00 Deal Or No Deal R 5:30 Prime News 6pm Deal Or No Deal R 6:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 7:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? UK 7:30 Junior Masterchef Australia R 8:30 Paul Merton In Europe AO 9:35 Man v Wild PGR 10:35 The Crowd Goes Wild R 11:05 The Late Show With David Letterman
5:30 CTV News 6pm DW World News 6:30 Euromaxx 7:00 Al Jazeera News 7:30 Arts21 8:00 Bahá’i On Air 8:30 One On One 9:00 Let’s Go Shopping 9:30 CTV News 10:00 Canterbury Life 11:00 Jack Benny 11:30 European Journal Friday Midnight Al Jazeera Witness 1:00 Al Jazeera News 2:00 Al Jazeera News 2:30 Al Jazeera Special Report 3:00 Al Jazeera News 4:00 Al Jazeera News 4:30 Al Jazeera Special Report 5:00 Al Jazeera News 5:30 Al Jazeera Inside Story 6am Al Jazeera News 7:00 Al Jazeera News 7:30 Green Stories 8:00 Euromaxx 8:30 Let’s Go Shopping 9:00 In Focus 10:00 Wellbeing A – Z 10:30 Euromaxx 11:00 Al Jazeera News Noon Let’s Go Shopping 12:30 Al Jazeera Inside Story 1:00 DW World News 1:30 Arts21 2:00 Bahá’i On Air 2:30 One On One 3:00 Euromaxx 3:30 DW World News 4:00 The Body, Research And The Professor 4:30 Advocates Of Change 5:00 Let’s Go Shopping 5:30 CTV News 6pm DW World News 6:30 Euromaxx 7:00 Al Jazeera News 7:30 Rob’s Country 8:30 Studio Jams 9:00 Let’s Go Shopping 9:30 CTV News 10:00 Outdoors With Geoff 10:30 Green Stories 11:00 Al Jazeera News
5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Autaia R 6:30 Haa 2 7:00 Ako 7:30 Te Kaea R 2 8:00 Boil Up 8:30 Code 9:30 Hunting Aotearoa AO 10:00 Te Po Mekemeke 10:30 Ministry Of League 11:00 Te Kaea R 2 11:30 Closedown Friday 3:00 Toku Reo R 2 3:30 Cyberchase R 2 4:00 F Miharo 2 4:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu R 5:00 Toi Whakaari R 2 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Autaia R 6:30 Haa 2 7:00 Ako 7:30 Te Kaea R 2 8:00 Nga Manu Korero 2010 R 8:30 Homai Te Pakipaki 10:00 Ministry Of League 10:30 Songs From The Inside PGR R 11:00 Te Kaea R 2
Ratings: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. R Repeat.
MAINLAND Press has four copies of Sleeping Dogs debut album Myth Reducer to give away to four lucky readers. To enter, email giveaway@mainlandpress. with Sleeping in the subject line, text Sleeping to 4494 (texts cost 50 cents) or write to Sleeping Dogs CD Giveaway PO Box 39 176, Christchurch 8545. To be eligible make sure you include your name, address and daytime contact phone number. Entries close at 5pm on Thursday, June 21.
Glee 7:30pm Friday on TV3 | Compiled by
5:30 Sky Sport – What’s On 6pm Cycling – Tour Of Flanders The race is held in Belgium, starting in Brugge and finishing in Oudenaarde, and covers a distance of 256.9km. 7:00 Grassroots Rugby 8:00 Total Rugby 8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild (Replay) 9:00 Inside The PGA Tour 9:30 Red Bull Chronicles 10:00 Rugby League – State Of Origin (Replay) Game Two – New South Wales v Queensland. From ANZ Stadium in Sydney. Friday Midnight Multisport – The Crazyman 12:30 The Golf Club 1:00 Rugby League – NRL (Replay) Storm v Wests Tigers. 3:00 Rugby – International (Highlights) First Test – New Zealand v Ireland. 5:00 Golf – Champions Tour (Highlights) Regions Tradition Tournament. 6am The Golf Club 6:30 Inside The PGA Tour 7:00 Golf – US Open (Highlights) US Open – 1962. 8:00 L Golf – US Open US Open Championship – Round One. 2:00 Rugby League – State Of Origin (Replay) Game Two – New South Wales v Queensland. 4:00 Cycling – Tour Of Flanders 5:00 Inside The PGA Tour 5:30 Golf – US Open (Highlights) US Open Championship – Round One. 6:30 RugbyCentre 7:30 Rugby – International (Replay) First Test – New Zealand v Ireland. From Eden Park in Auckland. 9:30 L Rugby League – NRL Cowboys v Broncos. From Dairy Farmers Stadium in Townsville, Queensland.
mainland press
From the sideline with Pete Smith
It was a black and white weekend I have lived in Christchurch all my life and I can’t recall such heavy snowfall in early June as the one we had last weekend. It started on Wednesday and even on Saturday there was still a heap of the white stuff frozen on most of the city’s sports grounds. Sporting bodies had no option but to cancel the sport they had planned for the day. When the city council pulled the use of their grounds then it was really all over. I went to Rugby Park on Friday where the CTV match was scheduled to be played the next day and at least two metres of snow was still lying around. I know for a fact the Canterbury Rugby Union hates cancelling any rugby but seniors
is always a must play situation. Last Saturday, they had to very reluctantly pull the entire round of Hawkins Cup Metro Rugby. What really amazed me was the number of mates who said to me, “What are we going to do now?” Just shows how important Saturday sport still is to the average bloke who follows their team week in week out. The consolation prize for sports fans was the prospect of watching the 2012 All Blacks start their international season. Steve Hansen and his selection/coaching panel had come up with a very interesting mix of old and new and there was a lot of nervousness around just how this team would perform. Traditionally, the All Blacks tend to
be slow starters to their early season campaigns but not this squad. Ireland deserved respect and I for one believed the Irish would throw the kitchen sink at the ABs for at least the first 40 minutes. This just didn’t happen and I didn’t blame the Irish. Quite frankly they were never allowed to flex their muscles as the All Blacks came out determined to show the New Zealand public that they were not suffering a World Cup hangover. They wanted to put their stamp on the 2012 season right from the get go. The new boys showed that when they were given a chance to wear the Black Jersey, you would have one hell of a fight to get it back off them!
No one shirked their duty and to be fair they looked to me as though they were a team that had played together regularly. The potential the young guys showed should mean that All Black fans could well be in for a bumper season and deserve our support. I’m sure Coach Hansen and Ritchie would have told the team that last year is gone and this is the start of an era of All Black rugby to be primed and ready to go out in 2015 and defend last year’s crown that everyone worked so hard to achieve for our nation. We here in Christchurch are privileged to have international rugby back in the city and I for one am really going to enjoy the entire experience!
Latham faces stern test in West Indies Tom Doudney PROMISING Canterbury batsman Tom Latham expects playing for the Black Caps against West Indies to be a big step up from his debut series against Zimbabwe earlier this year. Latham has been selected in the Black Caps ODI and T20 squads for the tour of West Indies which begins later this month. The young batsman was impressive against Zimbabwe in February, scoring 79 runs in three ODIs at an average of 39.5. This included an innings of 48 from 28 balls. Latham acknowledged that the West Indies bowling attack would be a sterner test of his abilities. “They’re going to be a couple of steps ahead of Zimbabwe and they’ve been playing some good cricket. I’ve got a set of goals in mind. Obviously the pace is going to increase and their spinners are going to play a part so I’ve got to work out a game plan which is going to work well for me.”
However, he was pleased with how his fledgling international cricket career had progressed so far. “I think as a starting point it went alright. I know it’s only Zimbabwe but still to go out there and get the runs, I thought I handled Next level: Canterbury the situation that I came batsman Tom Latham is into pretty well.” set to play for the Black More senior Black Caps against the West Caps players had helped Indies. him make a smooth transition to the top level. “The guys have been good. They’re all very welcoming and try to help you out as much as possible, which is obviously nice for a young fellow that’s coming in.”
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THURSDAY June 14 2012
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• Millions spent on pylons • Wainoni warms up for winter
INSIDE your local
Clever spellers win quiz P10
Snow fun on a sled P9
Polish flautist in concert P26
Black is back! Plenty of grunt: It has been almost two years since Christchurch hosted the All Blacks. This weekend they’re back to face Ireland in their second test at AMI Stadium. The boys trained at Linfield Park on Tuesday in very cold and windy conditions. Similar weather conditions are forecast for Saturday night’s match. Honing their tackling techniques are Tony Woodcock and Sam Whitelock. Photo: Tania Butterfield
Councillors’ views on Hagley Park. See pages 5 & 6 HALKETT GROVE
uarter Fina lly,Doruera mQ. acre 70% SOLD Stage 2 NOW SeLLiNg
IS O HALK PE ET THISN TO TT GROV wEE HE PU E Halkett Grove, Ch KEN BLI ris tch urc D! c h’s quarter acre dre am
ready for building is now have begun alrea and many out and see this dy. Come development for superb new where you could yourself, a fraction of the be living for A stunning new usual cost. life awaits your inspe style ction today. Visit the Gainsbo rou gh Info Centre Wed - Su n 12-4pm. Co
ntact Bruce Ha on 0800 667 84 rvey 9
Cnr Weedons Ross and ton. West Coast Rd, West M el z .n co e. ov gr w w w. h a lke tt HALKETT GROVE C a n t e r b u r y’s c l a s s i c q u a r t e r a c r e WEST
Burwood blacks out for All Blacks
Community Diary To submit your notice Email to or post to Community Diary, P.O. Box 39176 Harewood, Christchurch 8545
Go the ABs: Room 5 at Burwood School, along with their teacher Olivia Falkner, get into the spirit of Black Out Day held at the school last Friday to support the All Blacks. All 272 pupils and staff dressed in black and vied for prizes awarded for the best individual outfit and best class decoration.
Millions allotted for Kaiapoi pylons Gina McKenzie
THE developers of a 51-hectare West Kaiapoi subdivision with 1115 sections are spending millions undergrounding pylons and power lines that run through their development. Silverstream Estates, which incorporates the Kaiapoi substation, is located between Giles, Island and Butchers roads and also to the east of Island Road. Developer Fred Rahme said while four large pylons and power lines running through the
Caltex Dyers Road
Milk $2 *
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subdivision would be undergrounded, the Kaiapoi substation on Island Road would remain onsite. “It’s costing millions to do this but at the end of the day I wouldn’t want to live with large pylons so that’s why we’re undergrounding them. “The area surrounding the substation won’t be used for housing but will be a retail area with shops and a café.” The underground power lines will be connected
deAls LPG refills $25 (9kg)
Bread $1 Limit 4
to two single poles at the top north eastern corner of the subdivision which will carry the lines across Island Road. Stage one of the four-stage development, which is set to open at the end of the month, has been fast-tracked due to an agreement between the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera), the Waimakariri District Council, Environment Canterbury and the developers. Mr Rahme said this was due to the high demand for land by red-zoned residents wanting to remain in the Kaiapoi area. “We’ve got two or three generations of some families buying houses here who want to be close to Kaiapoi and being able to stay in their hometown makes them feel more comfortable about moving.” Stage two of the development should be ready by the end of the year with stage three due for completion in early 2013. Mr Rahme added that the flood-prone lowlying section of land in the northern corner of the subdivision bordered by Island and Mill roads would not be used for housing but would contain a number of lakes. “The whole area of land has been built up to offer flood protection and there will be a 2.8-kilometre river walking track running
HAVE fun and keep fit. Learn to dance with the Kaiapoi RnR Club. Lessons starting July 5, 6.45pm at Ouruhia Hall, Belfast. $20 for four weekly sessions. For more information phone Robin 329-8052 or Tina 342-3110. JOIN Belfast Toastmasters and gain the benefits of better communication and speaking skills. Learn in a friendly & constructive environment. For further information visit or ph Fay 327-6076. EDIBLE Gardens Network Group, friendly group of local gardeners with focus on organic gardening & growing your own food, meets about once month in different people’s gardens. Experts as well as complete novices welcome, more info either email Clare or ph her on 420-8850. MUSIC Group for pre schoolers with Natural Magic, funky songs for children & their parents, puppetry & stories, every Wednesday during term time, 11.15am at the Pierside Cafe, for more info email nbproject@xtra. or call 388-9920. GOLDEN Oldies Movie Group, come & join this friendly group to watch wonderful old movie, every Monday 1pm at the New Brighton Museum, 8 Hardy St, gold coin donation incl cuppa beforehand. For more info email or call 388-9920. WAINONI Avonside Community Services Trust, at Wainoni Methodist Church, 878 Avonside Drive, Tuesday, art 10am to 12pm, crafts 10am to Wednesday Sit & Be fit, 10-30 to 11-30am, cooking demo 10-30 alternative weeks, healthy living lectures 11-45 to 12-45 pm alternative weeks. $2 per session. Thursdays walking group 10am to 12pm, movies 1pm to 3.30pm, followed by afternoon tea, indoor games, scrabble, followed by afternoon tea, Lunches, 12pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, no booking necessary. For more information contact WACST Co-ordinator Betty Chapman, wainoni. or 389-2285. AVON Tramping Club, friendly group of people of all ages & fitness levels, we enjoy tramping in natural areas on Wednesdays, Sundays & weekend trips plus social events, annual membership $30, share of transport costs, everyone welcome, more information, ph Alice 382-3988 or Francis 359-6207 or hppt://avontrampingclub.webs. com/ The Community Noticeboard is for non profit groups or organisations. Items submitted must include a phone number and any associated costs and must not be more than 50 words. This is a free service from Mainland Press which reserves the right to edit submissions or to withhold items from publication if they do not fit the criteria, or due to space constraints.
through the subdivision.” Land in the subdivision was classified as TC1 and TC2 and Mr Rahme said that each individual section would receive an individual geotechnical report. “Usually there is just an overall report for each area of the land but to reassure people we decided to do it on a section by section basis.”
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THURSDAY june 14 2012
Gym fun for Aranui students
Ready to jump: Aranui Primary School students Tametou Tuhou, 9, Theo Palmer, 9, and Maria Petelo, 8, prepare to do a star jump at the Christchurch School of Gymnastics (CSG) on Monday. The school, along with Wainoni and Central New Brighton primary schools, is receiving four free gymnastics sessions thanks to a $5000 grant CSG received from the Fonterra Rebuilding Communities Programme.
Wainoni warms up for winter
Keeping cosy: Val Gylstra, Aileen Prebble and Bessie Coffey of the Wainoni Avonside Community Services Trust (WACST) community centre were well-prepared for last week’s sudden cold snap with donated blankets and lamps. The community centre received 15 peggy square blankets knitted by Shirley Phillips and the Methodist Women’s Fellowship and 150 battery-operated remote-controlled
lamps from Christchurch Rotary. Another volunteer donated 24 hot water bottles with knitted covers. WACST coordinator Betty Chapman described the donation as ‘humbling’. “It’s wonderful that even 20 months later a lot of folk are still thinking of the elderly living over in the east especially with the cold winter weather we’ve been having.”
Annual event celebrates trainees’ achievements CHRISTCHURCH trade apprentices, who are playing an integral role in the city’s rebuild, had their achievements recognised at a special ceremony at the Aurora Centre, Burnside, on Monday. Around 100 apprentices and industry trainees attended the annual event, which was first held in 2004. They have all completed
apprenticeships and gained New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) certification in trades in the last year. Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said the event was an opportunity to celebrate the success of people who were critical to the rebuild of the city. It recognised the achievements of people in trades such as building, plumbing and
horticulture, as well as other industries like hairdressing and caregivers, Mr Parker said. “All these jobs are essential to our workforce and economy.” The Christchurch City Council hosted the ceremony in association with the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and various Industry Training Organisations.
Canterbury mayors Mr Parker, David Ayers, Waimakariri, and Kelvin Coe, Selwyn, attended the ceremony, along with family members of graduates, employers and representatives from Industry Training Organisations (ITOs). Duncan Gibb, alliance manager from Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) was the guest speaker.
Number One for Local Readership! MAINLAND PRESS LIMITED
Bay Harbour News
67% 49% 39% 23%
The Press
Christchurch Mail
The Star
Letterhead Header
Star Community
Letterhead Header Mainland Press liMiTed The data is taken from two surveys of residents in the distribution area of the Bay HarbourNews and conducted in Sumner, Redcliffs, Lyttelton, Mt Pleasant and Ferrymead. The surveys were conducted in July and August 2010, as part of a CPIT School of Business Graduate Student research project.. Interviewees were shown the mastheads of the five papers and were asked how frequently they read them. The readership chart shows these people answering ‘almost always’ and ‘quite often’
THURSDAY june 14 2012
Kaiapoi school leads carton race Gina McKenzie
Cartons galore: Year 7 and 8 students at Kaiapoi Borough School with teacher Dan George display some of the 1851 toothpaste cartons they have collected to lead the nationwide Colgate Carton Race. From left: Courtney Campbell, 11; Dan George; George Jacobs-Lawson, 12; Rochelle Wood, 11; Makarini Rupene, 12; Sam McCartin, 12, and Natalie Gamble 11.
You know you live in Christchurch when... ...your tyres are excited about our new Saturday opening hours.
8.30am – 2.30pm
ADOPTING a creative approach has paid off for Kaiapoi Borough School, which now leads a nationwide toothpaste carton collecting competition with 1851 boxes. The school will win $12,500 worth of sports equipment if they can stay at the top of the Colgate Carton Race leader board until the contest closes later this month. Along with leading the carton race, the school was also named as a finalist in the creative section of the contest, which is judged according to the most creative use of cartons. Teacher Daniel George said the competition, which was started off by a pupil in his year 7 and 8 class, had snowballed into a schoolwide event with cartons sent in from as far afield as America. “It has given us something positive to focus on since we were hit hard by the earthquakes. “We’ve connected with schools in North Carolina, New York and Florida who are sending boxes of empty cartons to our school.” Mr George said his class had learned important new skills through the contest such as creating advertising campaigns and
networking. “We’ve been frantically throwing about ideas about how to get wider support so we can win this competition. “Children have been collecting cartons from friends and family and we’ve set up drop boxes at supermarkets.” School principal Ash Maindonald said the competition had provided a huge boost for the school. “The creativity and energy levels shown by the pupils has been amazing. It’s very exciting for us.” Mr George said the school had until June 29 to reach their goal of 10,000 cartons and they were hoping that Canterbury would get behind them. “The bulk of the competition is from North Island schools so it would be wonderful for a local school to take top place but we know we need a lot of local support for this to be possible. “The kids have been so resilient through the events of the last year and a half so this would be a great way to put some smiles on faces.” People can drop off their empty Colgate cartons at Kaiapoi Borough School in Hilton Street, Kaiapoi.
Marshland snow challenge
Firestone Shirley
ROOM 5 children at Marshland School were challenged to write sentences about snow without using the words ‘snow’, ‘snowed’ or ‘snowing’ last week. Principal Jacquie Pascoe said two of the best compositions were from Emily Reeves and Taig Maclean.
5 Shirley Road, Christchurch. Phone 386 0091.
“On a cold night when I was sleeping, something white fell from the dark blue sparkling sky. It was like I was in the North Pole.” – Emily “One day, ice cubes fell down from the sky that looked like crystals. They made a white carpet.” – Taig.
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THURSDAY june 14 2012
proudly Christchurch owned IDE INS E SE your
• New shopping complex • Burglars target Wairakei Rd shops
Clever spellers win quiz P10
Snow fun on a sled P9
Polish flautist in concert P26
Black is back! Plenty of grunt: It has been almost two years since Christchurch hosted the All Blacks. This weekend they’re back to face Ireland in their second test at AMI Stadium. The boys trained at Linfield Park on Tuesday in very cold and windy conditions. Similar weather conditions are forecast for Saturday night’s match. Honing their tackling techniques are Tony Woodcock and Sam Whitelock. Photo: Tania Butterfield
Councillors’ views on Hagley Park. See pages 5 & 6 HALKETT GROVE
uarter Fina lly,Doruera mQ. acre 70% SOLD Stage 2 NOW SeLLiNg
IS O HALK PE ET THISN TO TT GROV wEE HE PU E Halkett Grove, Ch KEN BLI ris tch urc D! c h’s quarter acre dre am
ready for building is now have begun alrea and many out and see this dy. Come development for superb new where you could yourself, a fraction of the be living for A stunning new usual cost. life awaits your inspe style ction today. Visit the Gainsbo rou gh Info Centre Wed - Su n 12-4pm. Co
ntact Bruce Ha on 0800 667 84 rvey 9
Cnr Weedons Ross and ton. West Coast Rd, West M el z .n co e. ov gr w w w. h a lke tt HALKETT GROVE C a n t e r b u r y’s c l a s s i c q u a r t e r a c r e WEST
THURSDAYNW June 16, 2012
news & local events from merivale, fendalton, riccarton, papanui, avonhead, bishopdale & northwood
Community Diary To submit your notice Email to or Post to Community Diary, P.O. Box 39176 Harewood, Christchurch 8545
Christine de Felice
A NEW complex being built on Papanui Road, Merivale, is bringing a fresh look to the shopping centre. It is replacing a strip of retail premises destroyed in the February 2011 earthquake. Joanna Beadle, daughter of Judith Hadfield who owned five of the units, said the new building made the shops look more consistent and would improve the whole look of the area. Merivale was becoming an attractive option and was one of the places people were now gravitating to, she said. Mrs Hadfield is in a joint venture with Merivale resident Brian Smith to develop the complex, which runs along Papanui Road opposite Merivale Mall. Mrs Beadle is managing the building project on behalf of her mother, who is elderly.
Architectural design firm Weirwalker designed the building. It is described as a “modern, contemporary design”. “The new shops are bigger than we anticipated. We had five shops, but there are now three. The shops also have an upstairs area for storage and a staff area,” Mrs Beadle said. The reason for the change in size was council regulations requiring disabled toilets to be installed, which made the single unit retail space too small, Mrs Beadle said. The businesses taking up leases in the complex are Alabasters Pharmacy, which was previously trading in Merivale, a shoe store, fashion retailer Dfusion, formerly in Victoria Street, and Flight Centre, which
has also been in Merivale previously. This unit is owned by Mr Smith. “There are no food businesses. There was not much interest from the food sector,” Mrs Beadle said. The fashion store opened several weeks ago and the other businesses were expected to open within the next few weeks. Once the businesses were up and running, Mrs Hadfield would take over the management of the complex, she said. The adjoining building on the corner of Mansfield Avenue and Papanui Road is in three titles, two owned by Bennett Cycles Ltd and the other by DL & IJ Manning. The hairdressing business Kudos, which was on the site prior to the earthquake, will be leasing space in the building.
Open 7 Days
The Community Noticeboard is for non profit groups or organisations. Items submitted must include a phone number and any associated costs and must not be more than 50 words. This is a free service from Mainland Press which reserves the right to edit submissions or to withhold items from publication if they do not fit the criteria, or due to space constraints.
New complex brings fresh look to Merivale
New look: The complex on Papanui Road will be fully occupied within a few weeks. Inset: Work in progress on the building being constructed on the corner of Mansfield Avenue and Papanui Road.
THE widow and widowers social group is open to men and women aged from mid-50s to late 60s. They meet monthly and arrange programmes for outings over the month. Outings include dinners, walks, movies and trips out of town. For more information please phone Claire 354-3976 or Carole 981 4125. YALDHURST Ladies Probus Club, is looking to welcome new members at their meetings in Upper Riccarton on the third Tuesday in each month, variety of interesting speakers & arranged outings are held with friendly club. Inquiries to Glenis 342-5350 or Jan 342-9202. HAGLEY Ladies Probus Club welcomes new members to join our club. We meet at Crockfords Bridge Club rooms, 218 Riccarton Road on first Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm & third Tuesday is our outings day, very interesting speakers & enjoyable outings are had by all, good off-street parking available, plse contact Waverley 342-8226 or Joan 352-1338. PAPANUI RSA market every Sat 8am-1pm, off Harewood Rd, signs out, plants, veges, clothes, bric a brac, books, fishing gear, food stalls etc. Under new management, new stall holders welcome, phone Craig 022 609-1497. CITIZENS Advice volunteers are on duty from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm to assist you with any problems that you may have. This help is as close as the phone – 0800 367 222. It is free, impartial and confidential. You are most welcome to give them a call. NEW Citizens Advice Branch open in the Polytechnic Students Association building opposite Countdown in Madras Street, this is currently operating from 9am to 2pm, Monday to Friday with free legal advice avail on Thursday from 1pm-2pm, phone assistance is avail from 9am to 5pm by calling 0800 367-222. QE2 Masters Swimming Club, is re-establishing ourselves at the Graham Condon Pool on Monday & Wednesday nights, swimmers of all abilities are welcome for fitness & friendship. If you are interested we would love to hear from you. Phone Sam 366-1789. PLAY indoor bowls this winter at Avonhead School’s new hall, learners welcome, Monday evenings, 7.15pm. Friendly people, warm, well-lit top-class facilities, Avonhead Indoor Bowls Club. Phone Graham 358-8385 for more details. RICCARTON Mens Probus Club welcomes new members. We meet 10am to 12 noon second Tuesday each month, Lodge Hall, Upper Riccarton. Listen to speakers on a variety of subjects & join in many outings. $20 gets you a year of fun & fellowship with a diverse & interesting group. Call David Chapple 358-4830.
THIS WEEKS SPECIAL queen slat bed and mattress WOW!
Christchurch Furniture Outlet Store Bishopdale Mall opposite the Library PHONE: (03) 359 0633 OPEN HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-5PM SAT 9AM-3PM SUN 10AM-3PM
THURSDAY June 14 2012
Simply Everything & convienent
A fantastic location, ample parking and local business support Saks n Such At Saks n Such, they stock high quality luggage from leading brands, such as Delsey, Pierre Cardin, Gino Borrelli, Riccardo and Carlton. You will find all the latest styles in luggage, updated security features and excellent warranties. Pop in to the store at 10 Main North Road.
SALON 464 Visit the trendy boutique salon, and know you are in good hands with Sharon and her team of certified hairdressers and colour technicians. Situated in an easy location with ample parking, SALON 464 will have you looking fabulous in no time.
Bennetts Shoe Service An established business, with only the best craftsman, since 1930, Bennetts Shoe Service will take care of all your shoe, bag, and luggage repairs. They also sell a variety of wallets, luggage and footwear products.
W in
Cnr Bellvue Ave
P t
e orn
7 22
ll Be
Butchery & Delicatessen 29-31 Main North Rd Ph: 352-9047
House of Chantilly
P: 354 4011
Unit 5/21 Main North Rd Ph: 354-5590 Professional Dressmakers
Bag & Luggage Superstore 10 Main North Rd Ph: 377 4463
Mee Mees Thai Restaurant 464C Papanui Rd Ph: 352-4200
464A Papanui Rd Ph: 331-8160
Harmans Lawyers
22 Harewood Rd Ph: 352-6416
485 Papanui Rd Ph: 379-7835
Art Box Gallery
16 Harewood Rd Ph: 354-3507
461 Papanui Rd Ph: 352-4035
17B Main North Rd Ph: 354-6818
1/16 Loftus St Ph: 352-8940
6 Main North Rd Ph: 352-7594
Bennetts Shoe Repair Service Footwear & Bag Repairs 482 Papanui Rd Ph: 354-4011
Papanui Pharmacy
National Hearing Care
481 Papanui Rd Ph: 354-2020
478 Papanui Rd Ph: 352-8381
8 Main North Rd Ph: 354-8526
Janet Crook Grace & Lace Fabric & Bridal Accountants 21A Main North Rd Ph: 352-1076
The China Kitchen
Subway Papanui
Super Liquor Papanui
Beyonce Hair Extensions
BP 2 GO Papanui
Artworks Picture Framing
Lane Neave Lawyers 12 Main North Road P. 352 3923
Petticoat Lane Costume Hire
F 30
Saks n Such
16 Loftus Street, Papanui, Chch Tel: 03 352 8940
482 Papanui Road, Christchurch
466C Papanui Rd Ph: 354-5300
k ran
19 16
Level 1/12 Main North Road P. 354 9645
The Rose Café
Capon Madden Charated Accountants
n 28 Wy 14 2 26 11 21 27 3 4 e v 5 25 eA
Rare Fare
Footwear - handbags briefcases - suitcases golf bags. Shoe colour change
Repairs to all:
Bag & Luggage Superstore
10 Main North Rd Papanui
Ph. 03 352 8329
Bennetts Shoe Service
1/485 Papanui Rd
P: 377 4463
30 29 9
Could you be the lucky shopper at Papanui Village. Just pick up a copy of the Mainland Press on April 26, May 10, 24, 31 and June 14, 28 and it could be you!
Luggage Backpacks Wallets Sports Bags Handbags Satchels Travel Goods Business Bags
Av 13 e 17
Open Box at Art Box – you are welcome to visit their Open Day at 16 Loftus Street on Saturday (16th June)
8 1
from 11am to 5pm, to view their new artworks, cards and prints and enjoy live music by jazz duo Le Frésh. Leave your e-mail details and be in the draw for one of several original artworks.
Art Box Gallery
• • • • • • •
No rth
Business Association
Ma in
21 Main North Rd Ph: 354-0087
Frendz On Papanui 3/485 Papanui Rd Ph: 352-8341
Art Metro
Fabric Vision
Salon 464
Art School & Cafe
39 Main North Rd Ph: 354-8361
485 Papanui Rd Ph: 352-8329
465 Papanui Rd Ph: 354-4438 School Ph: 354 2068 Café
Rose & Thistle Tavern
Westenra Jewellers
Savoir Dog Grooming
24A Main North Rd Ph: 352-7011
464 Papanui Rd Ph: 354-0450
466B Papanui Rd Ph: 352-9268
Bernina Sewing Centre
466 Papanui Rd Ph: 352-0401 (Parking off Wyndham St)
Poppies 472 Papanui Rd Ph: 352-6444
THURSDAY june 14 2012
Break-in attempts at Wairakei Rd food businesses
The cycling scene
with Paul Odlinpaul@christchurchcyclecoach-
Sitting down with Anton Cooper I caught up with rising star and New Zealand’s most promising mountain biking export, Anton Cooper, to find out a bit more about him. I’ve witnessed a level of maturity in you beyond your years. Do you attribute this maturity to any role models in your life or has it come naturally? AC: My parents have always had an influence and this has helped me pick up good sponsors along the way. Also my manager (Martin Whitely) has really developed the professional side of things in me. Mountain biking experienced a boom in the 90s but recently has been overshadowed by road cycling in New Zealand. Where do you see its future? AC: I noticed at the national champs a couple of years ago nothing too much happening in terms of numbers but definitely in the last year we’ve seen a huge growth, especially with a few riders getting results overseas.
Christine de Felice
This is encouraging youngsters to get out there and do it and they’ve realised that you can make a living out of it. Who’s your biggest inspiration? AC: I didn’t really grow up looking up to anyone but if I had to pick one it’d have to be Julien Absalon (French Olympic mountain bike champion) who has dominated for a long time. What is your main goal for this year? AC: Win the under-19 world championships in Austria in early September. What is your favourite track in the Christchurch area? AC: The ‘Flying Nun’. Finally, what advice do you have for girls and boys wanting to be the best in their sport? AC: The main thing is hard work does pay off. If you want to put in the time and effort you will get the reward for it some stage along the track.
Hockey pitch preparation on track Ground work: Snowy conditions didn’t deter the contractors from getting on with the job at Nunweek Park last week. The work is being done in preparation for the installation of a third artificial pitch for Hockey Canterbury, which will be put down in the spring. The park will become a temporary main base for Christchurch’s hockey players following significant earthquake damage to their former home at Porritt Park.
TWO food businesses in Wairakei Road have been the target of would-be burglars in recent weeks. At 4.20am on May 6, someone cut through the padlock at the gate at the rear of Aorangi Bakery’s premises. The person was then recorded on the security camera attempting to cut through the padlock on the store’s chiller. That was unsuccessful, so the person drove off, business owner Serey Chum said. The incident has prompted Mr Chum to install an alarm. On June 3, at 12.08am, another vehicle drove into the backyard of the bakery. The driver got out, shook the gate, then left hurriedly when he saw the alarm box, Mr Chum said. “He then walked round to the front of the shop, stopped for a few minutes then drove off. He came back a short time later and smashed the glass of the sushi shop. The alarm went off and he ran away.” There were two people involved in the second break-in attempt, a man and a girl, Mr Chum said. He thought the same people were involved in both the May and June incidents, but he couldn’t be sure. He reported the second incident at his shop to the police. The owner of Sushi Revolution also reported the incident. Mr Chum, who opened his Wairakei Road bakery in July 2011 after his Bower Avenue business was lost in the February 22 earthquake, said people were hanging around the (Wairakei Road) area at night. Stephen Hill of the Christchurch Police said inquiries on the two incidents were continuing but there was “nothing firm at this stage”. The police had not seen any significant spike of such incidents in the area recently, Mr Hill said.
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Number One for Local Readership! MAINLAND PRESS LIMITED
Bay Harbour News
67% 49% 39% 23%
The Press
Christchurch Mail
The Star
Letterhead Header
Star Community
Letterhead Header Mainland Press liMiTed The data is taken from two surveys of residents in the distribution area of the Bay HarbourNews and conducted in Sumner, Redcliffs, Lyttelton, Mt Pleasant and Ferrymead. The surveys were conducted in July and August 2010, as part of a CPIT School of Business Graduate Student research project.. Interviewees were shown the mastheads of the five papers and were asked how frequently they read them. The readership chart shows these people answering ‘almost always’ and ‘quite often’
THURSDAY June 14 2012
. . . a e r a r u o y We know e ’ re To p s i n it! e sa y w
Wise choice!
...Pe o p l
11 Clyde Road RICCARTON - Price on application EvERYONE LOvES cLYDE
This treasured and nostalgic home has been in the same family since being constructed in the 1940’s. The home is functional as is but courtesy of EGC, it will be receiving a birthday at some stage. There is potential to redevelop on the 761m² of land with either a contemporary new home or 3-4 over 60’s units. RV: $411,000. COME & MAKE YOUR OWN MIND UP! Be prompt to view. Call Mark Green @ 027 777 8887 By Appointment or call for Open Home Times
34c Picton Ave RIccARTON - Neg over $280,000 PEARLER ON PIcTON!!
Make time to view this GREAT little PERFORMER today. Low maintenance, easy care unit in a very popular location. Generously proportioned kitchen, dining & lounge areas. Two good sized bedrooms. Outdoor area with scope to add your own personality & flair. Single standalone garaging. RV: $244,000. LOCALITY, SIZE AND VALUE - ALWAYS A WINNING RECIPE! Be prompt to view. Call Mark Green @ 027 777 8887 By Appointment or call for Open Home Times
First home buyers, Retirees, Professional Investors. In a very short supply and will turn out to be a really smart buy. Look! 3 bedrooms. Big kitchen/dining that flows to family size lounge. Sun gallery/entrance offers extra sunny space. Situated for superb sun and indoor/outdoor living will be a real treat here. There is room for caravan & boat. Cotswold School zone with Bishopdale & Northlands only 8 minutes away. Be prompt to view. Call Gavin Topp @ 027 431 7470 Open Home Saturday 1:00 – 1:45pm
Telephone: 03 359 5595 Any time!