- Sports Events & Training
- Cultural Full Spectrum
- Annual Congresses
- Awards Dinners
- Sports Events & Training
- Cultural Full Spectrum
- Annual Congresses
- Awards Dinners
Outline: This document provides a comprehensive overview of the service support offered by Major Events International (MEI) to assist Destinations in securing various event hosting rights. MEI will reduce the complexities and workload associated with bidding for, and engaging with, priority Rights Holders. Our expertise and resources help to qualify opportunities by seeking clarity on requirements and hosting obligations, offering negotiation support which benefits from MEI’s closer personal relationships with Rights Holders, and where possible, seeking to eliminate the need to bid.
Outcomes: A priority objective of our support is reducing the Destination staff time commitment to pursue these opportunities, allowing for continued focus on daily responsibilities. Key Account Management by MEI staff delivers confidence that planning and next step delivery is actioned and more regular communication with decision makers is in place. This ensures progress at pace under full destination management control via regular reviews. Where there is determination to win, aligned with the priorities of the Rights Holder, the risks of failure are significantly reduced and greater focus achieved. This is time and resource efficient. Once an event has been secured, a further phase of maximising the opportunity and liaison with the Rights Holder can continue supported by MEI staff working in relevant time-zones.
Hosting opportunities with timelines ranging from events scheduled in the next 12 months to those planned 5+ years in advance. Many of these opportunities include the possibility of securing multi-year agreements for:
Single or multi-sport events at the World Championship or regional level, training camps, and grassroots development programs are available, with some offering additional city activation opportunities.
Festivals, outdoor shows, and in-venue specialist events are becoming increasingly international in scope, attracting global audiences and participants. These events offer unique opportunities for destinations to showcase their cultural, natural, and infrastructural assets on an international stage.
Enhance complex and high-profile hosting opportunities for Sports and Cultural Rights Holders by improving city activation, securing guaranteed media coverage, and driving substantial economic impact.
Host a Major Events Summit aligned to your future event hosting strategy. Attract target Rights Holders and elevate your international market profile.
Other benefits include attracting international companies and support to local event delivery companies.
Introduction: For destinations seeking a comprehensive and long-term support approach from MEI, this is an overview of the Destination Event Attraction offer. This includes attendance at the annual summit and delivers a more effective ROI through the continuity support approach due to the strong relationships with key decision makers for future events.
This also avoids three key challenges:
1. A lack of detailed preparation before the Summit and follow up.
2. Annual pursuit of budget sign off for summit attendance.
3. A stop/start engagement approach pre and post Summit.
Comprehensive Campaign Development & Execution: MEI works closely with your destination to develop a tailored campaign that targets key markets and decision-makers. This includes crafting a multi-year event attraction strategy, building relationships with influential stakeholders, and driving consistent engagement.
Enhanced Market Profile: Throughout the campaign, your destination will benefit from continuous exposure across multiple platforms and industry events. MEI will ensure that your brand is consistently visible, whether through digital channels, industry reports, or speaking opportunities at international events.
Ongoing Engagement with Key Decision-Makers: The campaign includes regular, high-level interactions with event organisers, rights holders, and key stakeholders. Through direct engagement, we will ensure your destination is positioned as a leading candidate for hosting major events, helping to secure long-term opportunities.
Flexible Budget & Tiered Options: MEI offers flexible budget tiers based on your specific goals and resource allocation. These tiers can be customised to align with your needs, providing a clear and scalable financial structure that supports ongoing engagement and market presence.
It is imperative that Destinations leverage the opportunities from engaging with target clients and maximising market profile via MEI Summits. Summit attendance is included in Enhanced Event Attraction Support:
Pre-Arranged Meetings: MEI will organise targeted oneon-one meetings with key decision-makers, event organisers, and industry professionals. These meetings are designed to either result in signed agreements, seek final clarification leading to a hosting decision or to explore new opportunities.
Market Profile Opportunities: Destinations can showcase their unique offerings to a global audience. Through presentations, digital content, and networking interactions, you can strengthen your brand’s presence in the international events market.
Networking Events: Beyond formal meetings, the Summits feature numerous informal networking opportunities. These include receptions, roundtable discussions, and social events where you can build relationships with key industry players in a more relaxed setting, fostering potential collaborations.
Other Benefits: Each Destination client can discuss how best to tailor their Summit support package to meet their needs. Options include:
• Sponsorship status
• Branded dinner table with selected guests
• Interviews and outputs with media partners
Preparation and post Summit follow up Including:
• Detailed workshop to verify meeting requirements
• MEI preparation to progress dialogue prior to the Summit
• Facilitated meetings during the Summit
• Marketing and communication plan
• Post Summit analysis and next steps planning
Objectives: This integrated Campaign approach ensures that your destination is always considered for relevant event hosting opportunities. This depends on the resilience of your planning and quality of engagement working to leverage MEI trusted relationships. Rights holders also seek efficient engagement and greater certainty to mitigate the time overheads involved in opportunity pursuit.
Sustained Connectivity: Consistent, managed engagement with Rights Holders through pre-planned one-to-one meetings and calls are central to this support offer for the duration of the agreement. The Summits are a key moment in the campaign and relationships are matured at this intensive contact moment in the year-long approach.
Enhanced Market Profile: Complement your existing marketing capabilities by leveraging MEI’s additional channels. Alignment of marketing messages, finding all innovative international profile opportunities are delivered at no additional cost unless via bespoke projects using some MEI partner.
Opportunity Notification: Ongoing updates on new opportunities and explaining the context and background ensures your destination can be proactive and well informed enhancing the time available for evaluation and preparation to act on key hosting opportunities. Some opportunities will not be in the public domain but are known to MEI.
Liaison Support: Direct support in setting up meetings and calls with rights holders throughout the duration of the support agreement is a core MEI service. The Summit is a key landmark in the Campaign but just part of continuous engagement through MEI’s close relationships.
This includes all the benefits outlined in the Core package. Post the initial workshop, MEI engages with Rights Holders whose events have been identified as a priority acting as a liaison bridge to support communication. Support is focused on pre-Summit planning, meetings during the Summit, and appropriate follow up following a debrief. New opportunities are reported for the Destination to analyse as part of the monthly reviews.
Cost: £2,450 per month or a reduced single payment of £26,000 per annum. Two payments aligned with different financial years is also possible.
This includes all the benefits of Premium level but is a more comprehensive and detailed service. It includes support to negotiation not just communication, drafting or reviews of any Rights Holder response information needs, and advice on how to analyse each opportunity including ROI. Beyond the monthly reviews there is no limitations on frequency of contact. Also included:
Hosted Visits to Meet Rights Holders: A bespoke programme of meetings with rights holders at their headquarters can be arranged beyond the Summit, typically over an additional 2.5 days. This can include initial or follow-up discussions to strengthen relationships and explore event hosting opportunities.
Familiarisation Visits: We support your planning and invitation to attract key prospective Rights Holders to view Destination facilities, better understand your wider activation potential, and meet key officials and potentially national governing bodies. Central to this approach is strengthening relationships and win probabilities.
Event Market Hosted Visits: MEI can arrange for your team to visit an event of potential interest to help inform your decision-making process or mobilisation planning. This also strengthens relationships with Rights Holders who will respect your investment in visiting them.
Cost: £3,750 per month or a reduced single payment of £38,500 per annum. Two payments aligned with different financial years is also possible.
For destinations seeking more support additional bespoke projects can be explored including:
• Increased interaction with Rights Holders via more frequent Headquarter visits.
• Detailed reviews or input to bid-related submissions.
• Enhanced marketing options for greater exposure in targeted markets via MEI partners.
• Expert Event hosting Workshops. Support to local companies to grow an Event Sector and building capacity.
• Inward investment market visits from international companies.
• City Activation input and Local Organising Committee support.
Access to Additional or New Market Expertise and Independent Advice:
• Build close personal working relationships with all key Rights Holders to support good communication, speed of decision making, and enhance the probability of success.
• Reviews or development of hosting aspirations and timescales with a verified Campaign plan.
• Access to deeper analysis of the value of each hosting opportunity and decision support input.
• Regular reviews of progress and verifying new opportunities have been seen and are clear.
• Benefit from personalised, ongoing support as your Key Account Manager leading the development and execution of a tailored campaign plan.
Budget Benefits:
• Stronger Return on Investment than just attending a Summit, with more consistent annual support being delivered.
• Two-tiered package options depending on support needs.
• Single Budget Submission with Summit delegate tickets, including meeting support, included.
• Discounted single payment and split-year funding to deliver maximum benefits and flexibility.
• Savings in potential headcount with MEI providing additional support.
Enhanced Market Profile:
• Review all existing material related to event attraction.
• Augment existing PR and Marketing via MEI and partner channels.
• Notify all speaking or other client profile engagement opportunities.
• One feature per year as a sponsor of the Event Hosting Portfolio sent to all Rights Holders.
Way Forward:
A meeting or call to establish your hosting aspirations and timescales would be welcome. We need to understand how best to support you to secure your prioritised event hosting aspirations which would also include advice on what not to pursue. Sector expertise and established relationships with Rights Holders are available for you to leverage. Easing your workload and providing confidence that a systematic Campaign plan is being pursued, even at your busiest times of the year, are key objectives.
Please get in touch if securing events in the most optimised way possible would be of interest.