Queens Jewish Link, November 14, 2013

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Candle-lighting/Shabbos ends Friday, November 15: 4:19/5:20 Friday, November 22: 4:14/5:16

Special Coverage Of Dirshu Shabbos Kinnus Olam HaTorah See 66-70

Vol. II No. 23 (#46)

November 14, 2013 - 11 Kislev 5774

75th Anniversary Of Kristallnacht Marked At Community-Wide Remembrance In Forest Hills At Congregation Machane Chodosh, Hanne Liebmann Delivers Firsthand Account Of Nazi Terror

Jew In The Pew: Beyond The Numbers Leading Jewish Academic Jonathan Sarna Interprets What The Recent Pew Survey On US Jews Really Means


Famed Author And Spiritual Guide Rav Shalom Arush Makes Rare Visit To Queens In Speech To Hundreds In Kew Gardens Hills: Utilize Personal Prayer And Gratitude

by Jeff Klapper Slip slidin’ away, Slip slidin’ away, You know the nearer your destination The more you’re slip slidin’ away; Believe we’re gliding down the highway When in fact we’re slip slidin’ away.


his 1977 hit by Paul Simon, a Jewish boy from Kew Gardens Hills who made up half of the duo known to the world as Simon and Garfunkel, could be the theme song of the recently released Pew Research Center’s study on American Jewish life, entitled “A Portrait of Jewish Americans,” which claims to CONTINUED ON P. 48

Members of the younger generation light memorial candles at Cong. Machane Chodosh to honor Holocaust victims as the community marked the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht

Tofutti: How Sweet It Is

Typical of his joyous persona, Rav Shalom Arush, left, shares a laugh with the crowd. Rabbi Lazer Brody, right, translated his speech from Hebrew to English SEE P. 55

Penning Political

A Tale Of Two Cities, A Tale Of Two Communities

by Jared Feldschreiber

by Gerald Harris

“To lose your material things is nothing. It really doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. But if you lose your family, if you see your mother taken away, this is tragic.” - Hanne Liebmann

ike most CEOs, David Mintz thinks about his business day and night and goes to great lengths to make sure everything runs on schedule. But unlike most CEOs, Mintz wears a kipah at work, and there is a big mezuzah on the doorpost of his office. And when a guest is introduced, instead of

he results are in. Bill de Blasio has won a landslide victory in the race for New York City Mayor. I will leave it to others




n Sunday, November 10, Congregation Machane Chodosh in Forest Hills marked the 75-year anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, featuring a keynote speech by Hanne Liebmann, an 89-year old German-born Holocaust survivor. Liebmann’s discussion served as living testimony to one of the worst atrociCONTINUED ON P. 58


by Manny Behar


Shabbos Inbox

:-) Not :-( by Eytan Kobre All sadness is forbidden, except for sadness about sadness.


ate one night, while learning alone by candlelight, R’ Shlomo of Dvort sensed that someone was seated beside him. R’ Shlomo immediately extinguished the candle and went CONTINUED ON P. 16


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