Index Pictionary ....................................................................................................................... 2 Pictionary 1.............................................................................................................. 3-4 Pictionary 2.................................................................................................................. 5 Request Letters .......................................................................................................... 6-7 Division of Request Letters ....………. ………………………………………………..8 Examples ……………………...………………………………………………………9-11 Replies Letters .................................................................................................... 12-13 Division of Replies Letter .........................................................................................14 Examples ……………………………………………………………….……………15-17
Pictionary 1 Word
We find a solution applicable to the problem of the sales.
State of being concluded
Today we are going to make the closure of the office for the holiday.
Reduction from the regular price
Our company received a discount on the purchase of computers.
The legal documents must be sent to the fiscal's office, for the revision.
Move to action
Companies should to motivate their staff with awards, salary increase, etc.
When all employees work together have a greater potential in each project.
One who receives
My secretary is the recipient of my important documents.
Weather vane
A device for showing wind direction
Yesterday my mom bought a new weather vane for my house.
Pictionary 2 Word
A message.
The secretary forgot to send the dispatch.
To reveal or disclose.
My brother divulge my secrets.
To save from destruction.
The firefight salvaged my house from the fire.
Insight, understanding.
The bosses need savvy from each activity of the company.
Extra, more than necessary.
When the company moved to another place we eliminated the superfluous of documents of the employees.
By the economics problems of the company we don’t unsolicited new employees.
Request Letters The need for information or special favors, services, or products arises daily in almost every type of business. There are many reasons for writing a request letter: 1. To obtain information (such prices or technical data) 2. To receive printed matter (such as booklets, catalogs, price lists, and reports) 3. To receive sample products 4. To order merchandise 5. To engage services (including repair or maintenance services) 6. To make reservations (at hotels, restaurants, theaters) 7. To seek special favors (such as permission, assistance, or advice) If you want your reader to act promptly, your letter must encourage prompt action; therefore, all requests should:   
Be specific and brief. Be reasonable. Provide complete, accurate information.
Division of Request Letters
Request Letters Inquiries
Ask and obtain only information
Special for ordering merchandise or service.
EXAMPLES: Quotation about information , special favors, ask for catalogues, sample products.
EXAMPLES: Services, products by merchandise, reservations, etc.
Examples of Inquiries Letters: Example 1 Amcham Industries 1951 Benson Street Bronx, New York 10465
January 29, 2014
Max Distelsa, S. A. 4022 Ninth Avenue New York, New York 10055 ATTENTION: MISS LAURA SMITH Gentlemen and Ladies: Recently, I have decided to purchase three microwaves for the staff cafeteria. I would appreciate it if you could send me information about those which best fit our needs. Our cafeteria serves 150 employees daily. Four cafeteria staff members are responsible for cooking and heating three meals a day. Therefore, I would like to purchase an energy-saving device. This purchase will be done on February 12, consequently, I would like the quotation tent to include item with immediate to availability, with a price range between $200-250 and I would like to know if it is possible to purchase them in5 installment. Sincerely yours,
Ines MarroquĂn Manager Alejandra M.
Example 2 250 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02118 January 29, 2014
Pets & Us 149 Danbury Road Danbury, Connecticut 50202 Gentlemen and Ladies: Recently, I have decided to purchase a dog for my family. I would appreciate it if you could send me information about two breeds. The first a Husky and the second is a Golden Retriever. I want to know what type of care they need, how much activity they need per day and the space they need because my house is not really big. However, I want to know which of the two dogs is ideal for kids because, in my house I have little kids. I would like to know the price of each. I appreciate your help. Sincerely yours,
Alejandra MarroquĂn
Example of Orders Letters:
Fenway’s Toy Store 1704 North Broadway Richmond, Virginia 23261
February 1, 2014 Marco Toy Company, Inc. 223 Sunrise Highway Glen Cove, New York 11566 Dear Sir or Madam: We would like to order the following product: Amount 24 12 36
Item Baby Jenny Dolls Baby Jenny layette sets 18” Tootsie Wootsie teddy bears
Unit Price $10 15 7
Total Price $240 180 252 $672
Please send us these products on February 5th by air express. This order will be cancelled on account number 56690-90. We would appreciate it if your company could send us available Valentin’s Day displays for this merchandise to promote sales in our store. . Sincerely yours,
Karla Salvatierra Assistant Buyer Alejandra M.
Replies Letters Answering the mail is an important job at most companies. A request is similar to a reply. It should be specific and complete. A reply must be both helpful and sales oriented. On the other hand, a reply must be prompt. Nevertheless, a reply is often a good sales opportunity.
Division of Replies Letters Replies Letters Order Acknowledgments
The confirmation of an order helps to establish goodwill by reassuring the customer that the order has been received.
Delayed Delivery Is caused by the seller, not the buyer. It should express that you understand the customer's desappointment and regret the inconvenience.
Partial Shipment The customer must be informed that certain items have been back ordered. It should also make an attempt to "resell" the merchandise.
Example of Order Acknowledgment Letter: Kinbote Products, Inc. 200 Southeast Fourth Street Miami, Florida 33131
February 27, 2014
Mrs. Ellen Minsky Gold’s Specialty Shops 3636 West Grace Street Tampa, Florida 33607
Dear Mrs. Minsky: We received your letter dated on February 26, in which you ordered two dozen exercise suits (Style L-29) in the following assortment of sizes and colors:
Vanilla - 3 petite, 3 small, 4 medium, 2 large Chocolate – 2 petite, 4 small, 4 medium, 2 large
We will send them by air express on March 1. The total of the order is $840 with free shipping costs. This cost will be discounted from your Credomatic account 882GSS. Additionally, we include a new catalogue of our products and prices, if you need something let us know. We hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours,
Andrea Torres Shipping Department Jessie M. Enclosure
Example of Delayed Delivery Letter: Lawsen Linen Company P.O. Box 762 Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003
March 5, 2014
Mrs. Marianne Rollins 444 Ross Avenue Caldwell, New Jersey
Dear Mrs. Rollins: Requests for our set of Floral Mist queen-size sheets and pillowcases are temporarily out of production because of a factory strike. Now our company has some problems of production and we are trying to complete and send you order as soon as possible. While our company is solving this problem, we would appreciate your patience and understanding of our situation. You are going to receive a discount of the 5% in the total of the invoice. Sincerely yours,
InĂŠs Mena Sales Supervisor Alejandra M.
Example of Partial Shipment Letter: Laico Products 34 Green Street Miami, Florida 45382
March 6, 2014
Mr. John Smith 609 San Anselmo Avenue San Anselmo, California 94960 Dear Mr. Smith: Thank you for your recent order number 43-7. We are always especially delighted to serve an old friend. Your 37 Revlon lipsticks (Code 438-51) will be sent to your boutique by United Parcel and should arrive on March 12, 2014. Unfortunately, due to a transportation problem, the stock of 12 L’Oreal beauty sets (Code 332-1). Will arrive in two weeks, because our supplier shipping the products four days later. You will receive four extra products as a gift for the inconvenience this has caused you. Sincerely yours,
Karla MarroquĂn Sales Manager Alejandra M.