Malvern View Lent 2013

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M ALVERN VIEW Issue 15 | Lent 2013

Cricket tour to South Africa 2012

From the Headmaster


The range of activities here at Malvern, and the involvement of our pupils in them, continues to astonish me: this of the school as well as our engagement excellence in many activities, but also gives an insight into the richness of the lives of ordinary pupils at the school. It speaks of tradition and innovation, of uniformity and diversity.

Antony Clark Headmaster

Culturama 2013 Culturama is a biennial celebration of cultural diversity, an opportunity for our pupils to demonstrate their cultural connections. The evening is one of vibrant colour and wonderful foods, all of which demonstrate valued traditions from Europe and throughout the world. It was a night of cultural celebration from Singapore to the US, from Liechtenstein to Ghana, and a chance to taste some wonderful home-made pasta from Italy and a Braii from South Africa as well as the more unusual Finnish delicacy, Reindeer. Adrian Grundy, Economics and Head of the Sixth Form


Snow-Skype Worcestershire and Herefordshire were covered in snow in January and a subsequent of our teachers living in outlying areas with who teaches English, had the perfect via Skype, where she discussed with her Sixth Form classes the poetry of Keats and Nobel Laureate, Wislawa Szymborska. With the help of some clever initiatives and modern technology life in a boarding school carries on as normal, regardless of the weather. Out of class there was some serious fun to be had. Though the weekend programme of sports had to be cancelled, in its place a series of snow-related activities was quickly planned. Justin Major adjusted the Outdoor Pursuits programme to include sledging on Saturday afternoon and there was more than a bit of snowballing going on about the place. Boots and warm clothes were the order of the day and, yes, Ugg boots were allowed!

Oxford University offers 2013 We congratulate the following pupils who have gained offers of places at Oxford University for the forthcoming academic year:

a place to read Classics at Corpus Christi. Kyle Tebo has also gained a place on the prestigious Huntsman Program, to read International Studies and

Emily Gray (No.6), Experimental Psychology, St Edmund Hall Sharon Lam (EH), Experimental Psychology, Pembroke Rajan Tanti (No.5) Engineering, College to be assigned Kyle Tebo (No.5) Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Trinity

well deserved offer. We expect other US universities, including the Ivy League, to inform applicants of offers at the beginning of April.

In addition, Felicity Blackburn (OM) has a place to read History at Somerville College and James Wootton (OM),

Adrian Grundy, Head of Sixth Form and Andrew Hutchinson, Head of University Admissions


Shortlisted for Scottish photography award Sue Dudley, who works in the Registry, has a talent for photography. She has been shortlisted in three categories in the Nature Photography Awards in the Scottish Seabird Centre’s seventh annual Nature Photography Awards, in which there were 437 entries across six adult categories, and 54 juniors taking part. The competition received the highest number of entries ever this year. Sue said, “Photography is very important to me and when I saw details of the Nature Photography Awards I felt I had to enter. To have my work recognised is

Sue Dudley and her dog Pippin.


My Trip to Japan “Last October I had the opportunity not only to visit Japan but writes Upper Sixth pupil, Kyle Tebo (No.5). “During my stay I had the pleasure of living with two different families: the Yamanato family and the Suzuki family. I’d just like to take a moment to thank both of them for putting up with me! pupils to one teacher and the style of instruction is usually interactive: teachers encourage dialogue between the students and themselves. When I went to lessons in Musashi, I couldn’t help but notice that class sizes were much larger. Teachers conducted their lessons accordingly. Since there were so many students the staff didn’t have time to spend with each one of them; lessons were, in effect, more like lectures with students occupied in scribbling down notes. After school and on the weekends, I experienced Japan. For the most part my trip was spent exploring Tokyo, but inexhaustible amazement. What really blew me away was the dynamism. All big cities give out a feeling of vibrant activity but in Tokyo that feeling is more like one of ceaseless motion. Stand still and your head spins. Every other city that I’ve been to has one

by means of the famous bullet train – rather different from the uncaring lethargy of England’s comparatively sluggish train system. Avoiding the bustle of the city we kept to the outskirts where ancient temples told of an older, more traditional Japan. The contrast between the hectic cityscape and the serenity we found here was inescapable. I greatly enjoyed my time in Japan and entertain hopes of returning for a second, lengthier visit. Certainly my memories of Tokyo and of Musashi will ever draw me

town.’ In London that place is Westminster, in New York it’s Manhattan. In Tokyo there just isn’t any one place like that. Instead there are a multitude of city centers, each one as busy and as wild as a Manhattan. I should have expected that the world’s most populated city would be unlike any other but I was truly mesmerised by it. with a number of the Musashi students to visit the myriad shrines and temples there. Later while my friends at Musashi were sitting their mid-terms, I went with the other exchange students to Kyoto

Left to right: Takuya, Ryutaro, Tatsuya, and me.

Staff Profile: Gwyn Sloan Gwyn Sloan was born in Tanzania and then lived in The Gambia and Kenya. She has spent most of her working life as a nurse in hospice/palliative care nursing and as a Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist for breast cancer. During this time she was very care conferences in those countries. Having cared for her disabled mother at home for some years Gwyn retired from nursing and has since worked at Malvern College as a Tour Guide and Assistant times! What little spare time she has she spends with her son and daughter and her four precious grandchildren. LIKES Kenya and mooching around the charity shops! DISLIKES: Bad manners, aggressive drivers and fast food! FAVOURITE MUSIC


Desert Island discs No.5 parent Peter Harwood interviewed the Headmaster’s wife, Dr Brigitte Clark about the music she had chosen and the book that would accompany her if she were to be stranded on a desert island. This established formula, which perfect choice for the gathering of parents at the in November. Dr Clark, for her musical choices,

You’ by John Rutter. Her book, in addition to The Bible and the Complete works of Shakespeare (which are allowed), was an anthology of poetry and her one luxury – an endless supply of Clarins face cream. Tom Newman, Housemaster No.5, Chemistry

Confirmation Service took place in College Chapel. Eighteen candidates – pupils ranging from FY to U6 and a member of staff – were The candidates had been following a preparation course over the last two terms, culminating in a retreat day at Gloucester Cathedral. In his address, based on the day’s Gospel account

glory that can sustain us in the more mundane or challenging times of our spiritual journeys. The choir sang the John Goss

Gryphon Room. Fr Andrew Law


Iceland 2013

country was a wonderfully relaxing dip in the geothermal waters of the Blue

we made our way south in search of volcanoes, waterfalls and icecaps, but power station that provides Reykjavik with its electricity and hot water. Fascinatingly, as we discovered, Iceland has no cold weather related problems on its roads; excess hot water is piped beneath the city’s road network to keep the highways passable. Now there is an idea... With the volcanoes of Hekla, Katla and Eyjafjallajökull in our sights, our guide Anna kept us topped up with

wonderful facts and legends about Iceland. It was, of course, the active volcano Eyjafjallajökull that caused so

Skogfoss and Seljalandsfoss were the highlights of this day of discovery. At the gorge at Fjadrargljufur on

one third of Iceland’s population. We saw the amazing lagoon of Jokulsarlon where huge icebergs, calved from the Breidamerkurjokull glacier, were beached on black sand creating a fabulous landscape. And just when we thought it couldn’t get much better, we spotted a pod of Humpbacked whales.

circle of which Geysir, Gulfoss and Thingvellir are a part. At Thingvellir, where the Earth’s tectonic plates meet, we were able to stand with one foot in Europe and the other in North America – not for long however as these plates are pulling apart at the rate of 2cm per year. Finally we did some all-important, last minute shopping in Reykjavik before setting off on a last journey to explore the mud pools and sulphurous hot springs at the Reykjanes Peninsula. Iceland is a land of astonishing geological features and we had been lucky to see so much of it in our short six-day trip. Giles Hopkirk, Geography

House Drama Competition 2013 The eagerly anticipated House Drama Competition took place on the weekend before Half term in the Rogers Theatre. Theatrical fare chosen, prepared, rehearsed and presented by the pupil directors in each House, included two mini versions of Shakespeare plays Ado About Nothing’), extracts from two

(No.6), two Television scripts (No.2’s extracts from an Ayckbourn play

Producers’). The adjudication panel was faced

Entertainment, Ellerslie House, Best Technical accomplishment – Ellerslie House, Best Actress – Hebe VosperBrown, Best Actor – Dominic Walker, Best Directors – No.3’s Leah Butt and Kathryn Withnall. Keith Packham, Director of Drama


England Number 7 joins No.7 for lunch The boys at No.7 were delighted that up-and-coming England Rugby player, Matt Kvesic, joined them for lunch this week when he was visiting Malvern College. Matt plays for Worcester Warriors in the Number 7 spot and is also in the 32-man England Six Nations squad. Nick Tisdale, Master i/c of Rugby at Malvern and tutor in No.7 is also a Worcester Warriors Academy Coach. He brought Matt over to Malvern College to meet some of the boys and at some stage in the near future Matt will be back to do some coaching at Malvern. Before he left, Matt was happy to sign a No.7 Rugby shirt, which will be framed and displayed in the corridor of the House. We are grateful to Matt for taking the time to chat to our enthusiastic rugby players. We wish him well in his promising career in the professional game. Dan Eglin, Housemaster



Hart General Knowledge Quiz The 2013 Final – Ellerslie House v No.4 Malvern calendar, takes place just before Christmas, before the Houses have their festive suppers. The results from that

Anne Sharp, Housemistress of No.4, writes: “So there we were, in the Science block, in the stately surroundings of the Lewis Room with Hannah Baynham as our team captain and Camilla King, Helen Cussans and Meg Millward forming the team. Ellerslie House did well but No.4 came through to win support from their Houses and No.4 is thrilled to have


Costa Rica to experience the many aspects of this small and beautiful country, enjoying encounters with sloths, snakes, spiders, caimans and many other creatures. “Our journey began at the capital, San José, after which we Hall. “The group then travelled out to the Caribbean coast, close to the border with Panama, to sample the joys of ziplining on wires through the rain-forest. The central volcanic region afforded us the opportunity of viewing the forest from network of suspension bridges. We made a very entertaining visit to an enormous pineapple plantation, which we all enjoyed – especially north, close to the border with Nicaragua, to the delightful Monteverde Cloud Forest, where we experienced another wonderful wildlife habitat. On our two river trips we saw iguanas, basilisks, otters and form. We also enjoyed horse riding and visiting the steaming

Professor Nicholas Crafts lectures at Malvern Early in February, Professor Nicholas Crafts, Director of the gave a thought-provoking lecture on the UK economy Professor Crafts compared the most recent recession with

as issues on credit availability and the money multiplier. The current recession has proved to be the most intractable of the three historic examples. Professor Crafts suggested that the combination of a substantial boost to construction employment and a sizeable decline in real housing costs (allowing younger people onto the housing ladder) would provide a meaningful boost to UK economic growth. The lecture was attended by a large audience and was very well received. Gerald Roseman (No.2, Lower Sixth)

Inaugural UN Security Council Council at the beginning of February. Twenty countries attended to discuss the situation in the Middle East and reached the conclusion that Palestine and Israel should be separated and that every country in the world should They recommended that further meetings were necessary. All the delegates were well prepared, and those who spoke gave excellent speeches, showing well planned arguments that were well thought through. At one point it seemed as though Syria had hijacked a US nuclear submarine and was about to use it to attack Israel, but the delegates managed to keep their cool (apart from Syria, who walked out!). When it was revealed that the hijack was actually just a glitch in a computer system, they returned and a sensible resolution was agreed. Dr Harris would like to thank everyone who attended including Mr Hutsby, Mrs Angus and Mr Downs for helping run this great event. Dr Math Harris, Classics, IB CAS Co-ordinator

CCF Winter Mountaineering trip to Scotland to the Scottish Highlands to the Cairngorm National Park to acquire some skills in Winter Mountaineering. In six demanding but enjoyable days we tackled an introduction to hiking in extreme weather conditions (winter navigation, use of an ice axe, harness and crampons, and avalanche awareness). Everyone had a chance to climb the sixth highest were able to see some spectacular views and some of the more advanced cadets were able to scale the UK’s second though unseasonal weather that made the overnight bothy expedition particularly bearable, even enjoyable! Perhaps the highlight of the week was the last day of activities when we

built an igloo and practised our ice axe arrests on some fairly steep and exhilarating slopes. Congratulations to all those involved and thanks to returning cadets Rupert Harris (SH), Harry Rees (No.5), Simon

encouraging the newcomers – Jasper Ross (No.2), Deema

Calderwood (SH) all of whom did extremely well, increasing

Lindsey Goodrum, CCF Malvern College

Air Squadron Trophy Competition In January our RAF cadets competed in the Air Squadron Trophy Competition at Blandford in Dorset. Malvern was fourth overall and excelled in the Leadership event in which

(SH), Francis Tocher (No.5), Joseph Zivny (SH), Anson Chan

leadership over the last month has been tremendous, collected the Leadership trophy awarded to the Malvern team. Iain Wilson, Mathematics, i/c CCF/RAF Section at Malvern

Dickinson (No.4), Cezar Rugasira (SH), Anna Yaudzemis (No.6) and Robert Porter (SH) was required to compete

Rupert wins flying scholarship sections in schools across the country to join the Air Cadet Pilot Scheme.

Also nominated for the Duke of Westminster Award – for the best CVQO BTEC cadet of the year, Rupert was placed in the top ten CCF entries. He was praised by the judges and by the CVQO chief executive for his achievements. Iain Wilson, Mathematics, i/c CCF/RAF Section at Malvern

National Prep Schools Cross Country Championships recent wet conditions made for a really good competition in perfect cross country conditions. Four races across the College campus and the Wells Common yielded the following year those who took part.

Flooding and the Community in the community. Flooding of the River Severn has had wide ranging consequences for the region, particularly at Upton-upon-Severn, and it was here that we took a group of IB Lower Sixth pupils to study the effects on the 5,642 inhabitants of the town.

63 houses which were at risk, and have enabled the regeneration of the

This was a great case study to have on our doorstep and one from which our pupils have been able to draw a great deal of practical knowledge.

Hot Rocks In November our Sixth Form geographers were invited to an Environmental lecture day in Cheltenham. Presentations were made by a number of eminent speakers: Jonathan Porritt CBE, former President of Friends of the Earth and co-chair of the Green Party (now Government Advisor on Sustainability Issues), and Sue Warn MBE, Senior Chief Examiner for AQA amongst others. The highlight of the day, however, was the lecture delivered by Dr Iain Stewart of Plymouth University, sometimes referred to as the Brian Cox’, who spoke on an aspect of

Nichola Cage, Acting Head of Geography Rocks- selling Geotechnology to a wary public’ will greatly assist our pupils in addressing examination questions on Tectonic Hazards and Energy. Nothing is more inspirational than to sit at the feet of those who are at the of the latest research. For those of our pupils who intend to read Geography at university next year this was an exciting taste of things to come. Nichola Cage, Acting Head of Geography

To Buckingham Palace, to see the Queen Rebecca Raby-Smith (No.4), representing a team of Malvern College fundraising Sixth Formers, had the honour of delivering a card and a gift from the Malvern community

for the Wings of Hope charity to be used for children less says Rebecca. “We really are very lucky to live in such a

Malvern residents, was the work of the Malvern College team which set up a charitable project to raise funds for, and awareness of, the children’s charity Wings of Hope. With the help of local designer Carly Tinkler and sponsorship from Aldine Print, of Barnard’s Green, they created a card of iconic local images which was signed by a large number of Malvern residents at the Waitrose supermarket in the town centre. Rhys Humm, a former pupil of Malvern College, now Director of the Holywell Malvern Spring Water Company, donated a jeroboam of spring water as a gift and both card and gift were delivered to the palace in a Morgan motorcar The charity team members were amazed by the support they received not only from their sponsors but also from the people of Malvern. “I do hope that Her Majesty enjoys our gift

Left to right: Rebecca Raby-Smith, Rebecca Connell, Holly Makin, Amy Cooke and Jessica Coulman

Music for Christmas The Chamber Choir accompanied by the Brass Group enjoyed a festive Saturday afternoon performing in the Malvern town centre at the switching-on of the town’s Christmas lights. Iain Sloan, Director of Music

Unplugged & Plugged Concert Just ten days into the Lent term we staged the fourth in this series of popular alternative concerts. Playing to a full house of pupils, staff, the Headmaster and parents, eleven acts performed songs ranging from a haunting solo performance of Guns N’ Roses number. The evening

in the Deep’. The breadth of musical talent on display was impressive and clearly demonstrated the natural enthusiasm that the pupils have for music making at Malvern College. Rhian Grundy, Music,

Art A photograph showing the exuberance, as well as the talent, of this year’s excellent large group of Upper Sixth artists. The skills learnt through Life Class and numerous particularly connected to this year group. They are real characters with minds of their own and extremely well-motivated. Tim Newsholme, Director of Art

National Youth Orchestra Congratulations to Robert Porter (SH) who recently undertook a successful audition to be part of the prestigious National Youth Choir of Great Britain. Robert is an enthusiastic singer and a member of both the Chapel and Chamber Choirs, as well as a keen actor in Musical Theatre. Iain Sloan, Director of Music

Armonico choir At the end of the Autumn term, Lower Sixth pupil Aaron King was given a wonderful opportunity to sing with the renowned choir Armonico in their performance of Handel’s Messiah in the Malvern Theatres. He subsequently joined the choir again for their Christmas programme at the same venue. Iain Sloan, Director of Music

The Sound of Music One of the most popular stage and movie musicals of all time, The Sound of Music was this year’s Senior Play presentation by the Malvern performers and a backstage, make up and technical crew numbering school’s Rogers Theatre in November. Director of Music, Iain Sloan and Director of Drama, Keith Packham masterminded this year’s play with considerable aplomb and virtuosity, creating a memorable Autumn term production. Kathryn Withnall (No.3), as Maria, delighted the audience with her charm, delivering a wonderfully clear vocal interpretation of the part of Natasha Bishop, Nancy John, Phoebe Abbott and Kath Clark (all from No.4) and Mother Abbess (Amelia Wall, No.3) were stunning in their parts and Amelia’s physical poise, vocal talents and, at times, comedic timing, all gave a human face to this role of religious authority. The von Trapp children – Liesl (Hebe Vosper-Brown No.3), Friedrich (Sebastian Hubbard SH), Kurt (Alex Best SH), Louisa (Chloe Underwood No.4), Brigitta (Martha Docherty No.4), Marta (Flora Cripwell No.4), Gretl (Tanya James No.4) impressed all with their singing, dancing and acting skills. Rupert Harris (SH) as Max, provided a large amount of comic relief and the audience loved his comic delivery. Aaron King (SH) as the

throughout. the theatre we, the audience, felt that we had been part of something very special. Slick scene changes (under the watchful eye of Drama Assistant Rosalind Lawton), Gwyn Sloan’s simply stunning costumes, Steve Doidge’s superb set and lighting, and Sue Close’s exquisitely acting and a fantastic orchestra, making this a truly memorable evening of Theatre. The Malvern Hills were indeed alive with the Sound of Music!


Cricket tour to South Africa 2012 Malvern College arrived in Cape Town just before Christmas

Who am I kidding? I really wanted to win both! I was quietly when Malvern won the toss. We elected to bat but at the

Hermanus. There was little doubt that our squad would meet with some very serious opposition on this tour and that they would have to produce their best cricket.

Malvern gained a comfortable win for the loss of no wicket with Tom Köhler-Cadmore (capt., No.5) and Freddie Martin Bergvliet the next day we won the toss and decided to have a bat. Alex Milton (No.5) grafted well to secure his hundred and was well supported by Freddie Wynn (No.7) bringing spinners did the damage. Zen Malik (No.5) took three wickets Freddie Wynn took a superb diving one-handed catch that was certainly in contention for the catch of the tour. The next two games, against Bishop’s and Wynberg, were beat one of these teams then I would be extremely pleased.

match with a wicket in hand, in spite of the fact superbly. The boys felt that they could have had a victory here so they were even more determined when we turned out against Wynberg... Losing our captain, Tom caused some consternation but Freddie Martin, who batted absolutely fantastically, scored a top century, and with 237 on the board we felt we may have a chance of victory. The new opening bowling partnership of Köhler-Cadmore and Liam Smith began encouragingly with a couple of early wickets. Then the spin quartet put on the


bowled Wynberg out for 227 with Zen Malik taking a superb catch in the deep to seal a truly great victory. On Saturday we went up to the top of Table Mountain and felt on top of the world. On Sunday we had our last club side. Cricket is a great leveller, and we lost, failing to do ourselves justice. But there had been, in this match, an absolutely outstanding display of batting from Zen Malik. To watch this talented young batsman play against 22/25 year-olds with such something and it gave us all a great lift – this was a performance that bodes well for the future of Malvern cricket. On then to Hermanus for a four games – winning two and losing two. The highlights were: the reprisal exacted against

out-bowled the opposition and, against United CC, when we needed 6 to win and with only one wicket left, Freddie Remarkable! We felt that we had really made the most of our time in this wonderful country and had learned a great deal about our cricket but on a day off from the game, we all learned a bit more about ourselves. At Fishhoek we visited the Homes for Kids in South Africa (HOKISA) establishment, a charity that offers a home and stability to boys and girls orphaned by HIV. Malvern College, through successive tours to South Africa has an established link with the charity and we were welcomed with tremendous enthusiasm. Our lads found it a truly humbling experience to spend time in the company of the staff, and these children who are pleased with so little. The visit had a tremendous impact on our team that will live on in our memories. My thanks go to Mr Brett and to all the boys for being such good company and for doing Malvern proud. Mark Hardinges, Master i/c Cricket, Economics


Silver medal for Fencing prospect Roshan Goodger (EH) has notched up another achievement in the world of Fencing, this time at the British Youth Championship, West Midland Regional and scooped the Silver Medal. She will represent Malvern College at the

Cricket – Elite training programme Worcestershire County Cricket Club is supporting the College in its elite training for cricketers at the Malvern College Cricket Centre. Three times each week throughout the winter, Steve Rhodes (Director of Cricket), Damian D’Oliveria (Academy Director) and Mat Mason (Bowling Coach) work alongside our own Head Coach Noel Brett, to provide specialist batting, bowling and wicket keeping clinics for the best cricketers. The sessions present an amazing opportunity for the boys to demonstrate their talents and improve their skills under the direction of top coaches in the professional game. This elite coaching course is a development within the existing partnership the school has established with Worcestershire CCC. Mark Hardinges, Master i/c Cricket, Economics

Strength and Conditioning at Malvern At the beginning of this term Malvern launched a new Strength and Conditioning programme that aims to give those most talented in sport the chance to improve upon their performances at the highest level. Strength and Conditioning has now become a major part of elite-level sports training and, at Malvern, our elite sports development programmes now at county level. Professionals from Worcestershire County Cricket Club and from Worcestershire Warriors RFC, as well as from England Hockey and Welsh Hockey run several of the early morning training sessions for our Malvern pupils. The programme, supervised by Ryan Watkins, a BWA Weightlifting Coach, includes sessions on speed and agility, plyometric and resistance training. All before breakfast! Ryan Watkins, i/c Strength and Conditioning, PE


Talented Hockey player selected for the England side the England national side. Georgina Bathurst (No.4) will year in which an unprecedented number of Malvern girls were chosen to participate in the England Hockey Single System. We wish Georgina success and are delighted with this ground for the production of top-class Hockey players. Erin Preece, i/c Girls’ Hockey

Girls Football U18 side reach the top of the league (4-2) put Malvern in second place in the ISFA Midlands League, just behind Welbeck. Against Repton, Malvern quickly established control of the game with a great strike from Heather Macdonald (No.3). Captain Gabi BellairsLombard (EH) scored directly from a corner shortly before

faced sterner opposition in the shape of Uppingham but they scorcher from Amy Venn and a powerfully hit second from pulsating second half, in which the Malvern defence soaked up a number of threatening Uppingham attacks, saw Michelle

the halfway line. Repton then closed the gap after a good counter-attack before Michelle Asamoah (No.6) made it 4-2 Joe Gauci, Deputy Head: Academic, i/c Girls’ Football


French pre-match run-out at Malvern College On 22nd February, in advance of the match versus England Six Nations was a win for the England side with 23 points training session at the Malvern College ground at Court Road. Accompanied by Fabien Pelous, the most capped French lock Saturday 23rd was a big day for France versus England in

Nick Tisdale, Master i/c Rugby

Rugby: two Malvern boys selected for the county

the bench. This match was critical to their progress and both boys put in a very good performance. Nick Tisdale reports, “This was a very good win for the Warriors

distributed the ball well throughout the game and scored a lovely try, beating three Gloucester defenders. He also made the conversion. Jules half time and made an instant impact on the game, putting in many bone crunching tackles and making good ground with ball in hand. The next game for these boys is against Leicester Tigers (away) and this will be followed by a tournament against Bristol, Bath, Exeter and Coventry against Northampton, Newcastle, Leeds, Sale and Leicester. These tournaments give the


Pritchard Rackets Trophy Rackets is the second fastest game in the world. The singles competition at Malvern to decide who is the best player, is the Pritchard Racket and it is gladiatorial, it is bear-pit, it is psychological, never failing to test even the very best sportsman to his limit. beautiful trophy on the circuit, was between Tom KöhlerCadmore (No.5) and Seb Schönholz (No.2), captain of Cricket versus captain of Tennis, Chapel Prefect against a member of the School Council – however you put it, this was a clash of the titans.

placement and speed around the court keeping his opponent

With a great deal to do, the captain of Cricket had to come

mark) and seemed to mean business. Somehow, and to his

absorbing passage of play. This was now a powerfully psychological game and not one for the faint-hearted. Eight-

into the game. At 7-7 the match was perfectly poised. It was

in it to separate them. The gallery was so tense that hardly a breath seemed to be taken. Three changes of hand saw no

An hour and a quarter had elapsed and we were only at two games to one.Game four, and in no time, the score, on

from Tom at high speed, were barely returnable and took again... Tom served and slid the ball with plenty of cut into

rosy for Tom – but Seb had other ideas. A spell of wonderful Köhler-Cadmore to resounding applause! This had been a as if his life depended upon it. He increased his grip on the sport at its very best. game. but gradually Seb inched ahead to 7-5 in what was a totally

Tom Newman, Master i/c Rackets, Housemaster No.5, Chemistry

Warriors squad train at Malvern College The whole of the Worcester Warriors playing squad trained at Malvern College this term on a designated mid-season assessment day. Richard Hill, Head Coach said, “We are proud of our close relationship with Malvern College and thank them for allowing us to use their fantastic indoor facilities On the day players worked in groups to set their targets for the season with Richard Hill, Club Coach, Nigel Redman

and basketball in sessions led by the College staff. Not many school players get to spend time with their sporting heroes and it was an exciting day for the school’s best rugby prospects, who were invited to meet the Warriors squad in an informal setting for lunch. “It was great that so many young hopeful players were also able to meet the Warriors, and we look forward to The partnership between Worcester Warriors and Malvern

College is strong, and eight of the College players are talented enough to play in the Elite Player Development Group (EPDG). Sport remains a key part of the education offered at Malvern direction of Rugby Union. Our thanks go to the Warriors squad for their professionalism and their approachability. Nick Tisdale, Master i/c Rugby at Malvern College

Equestrian successes Kirsty Imm (No.4) is a young dressage rider with great promise. She and her horse, Languard 4, have represented Great Britain at international competitions on three occasions in the last two years in the United Kingdom and in Europe. A great deal of work goes into the preparation and training and Kirsty, supported by her mum, has her sights set on the Winter National Dressage Championships at Hartpury in Gloucestershire, in April. Good luck Kirsty! Malvern has show jumpers too. Lydia Thomas (No.4) trains her four ponies each week. She works each one in turn,

These are just three of our very dedicated riders at Malvern, all of whom have courage, strength and tenacity and are determined in their sport. We wish them continued success.

high as one of her ponies is tall! The pace is fast, the ponies eager and Lydia rides boldly. Lydia is supported in her riding by her family. Rebecca Raby-Smith (No.4) is a promising event rider. She started this sport on a lovely thoroughbred called Folly with whom she worked hard to establish the vital relationship between horse and rider that is required to win competitions at every level. She is hoping to take part in British Eventing next summer.

Future Activities 2013 OPEN DAYS Monday 6th May



22nd July – 2nd August Young Malvern

Residential Rugby Camp (seniors) Residential Rugby Camp (juniors)

with Worcester Warriors For further information please visit

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