1 minute read

Play To Your Strengths ������������������������������������������������������

Don’t just say that you want to be an early riser with tons of energy� State the specifics of how you want to do this and why�

Track Your Success


Repeat after us: Tracking� Tracking� Tracking! Tracking your success will serve as a pick-me-up when your internal motivation is dwindling� Being able to look back on what you’ve accomplished to date will help you realize that you can overcome any moment of distress in your life� Take it one step further and consider using an app to track your progress, or create your own simple tracker such as the one that follows:

Goal Start Date How Do I Feel Right Now Efforts to Achieve Goal Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Deadline

Add anything else that you think would be of importance to you so that you can take full accountability for your success when you finally reach the height of your success�

Play To Your Strengths

This is a big one and it can be summed up in a quote by none other than Deepak Chopra:

“If a child is poor in math but good at tennis, most people would hire a math tutor. I would rather hire a tennis coach.”

That is incredibly poignant and so true� Many of us want to fix our weaknesses when we should really be playing to our strengths� When your strengths are maxed out, it will be easier to work around your weaknesses� If you’re a strong swimmer and enjoy being in or on the water but hate the idea of being cooped up in a gym, why not take your workouts to the water (if you can)?

Always try to play to your strengths and everything else will fall into place�

You’ve got the basics down and you’re working on making it concrete� Now you can take action�

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