1 minute read
Think Improvement, Not Perfection ��������������������������������
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We’ve come to the dreaded “D” word: DIET� It’s a word that everybody loves to throw around, but one that very few people actually understand� The truth behind this oftenmisunderstood word is that your diet refers to your daily nutritional intake� We’re not talking about crazy crash diets or fad diets� We’re talking about having a properly balanced diet that is neither restrictive nor overindulgent�
Most fitness instructors will tell you that your health –both mental and physical – is 90% diet and 10% physical fitness� This isn’t to say that physical fitness isn’t important� It is! However, if you’re working out and you’re not eating right, you’re still going to feel sluggish, bloated, and worn out�
Why is your diet so important?
Well, the majority of our health – good or bad – stems from our gut� If your gut bacteria are out of whack, your whole body will be� You’ll be moody, mean, and tired all the time�
Think Improvement, Not Perfection
If there is one thing we can’t stand, especially when someone is just starting their health journey, it’s an “all-ornothing” diet� This only sets people up for failure because the changes are so drastic and so rapid that they are impossible to sustain�