New Year, New Me: Ultimate Guide To Achieving Your Health Goals

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The Only Guide that will Help You Stick to Your New-Year Health Goals!
The Manna Team

Copyright © 2022

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and their hard work by doing this.

Published in the United States of America

First Printing Edition, 2022

NEW YEAR, NEW ME! iii Contents Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ v Who is this Guide For? �������������������������������������������������������� vi What Will You Learn? ���������������������������������������������������������� vi Part I: Practical Applications for Every Facet of Life Chapter 1: Laying the Foundation: Where to Start ������������� 3 Remember the Basics ��������������������������������������������������������� 3 Find Your Motivation ����������������������������������������������������������� 5 Find Your Support System �������������������������������������������������� 6 Chapter 2: Making it Concrete: Get it on Paper ������������������ 9 Set Realistic Goals 10 Be Specific �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Track Your Success 11 Play To Your Strengths ������������������������������������������������������ 12 Chapter 3: Getting Started: Take Action ��������������������������� 15 Build New Habits, Don’t Break Old Ones ����������������������� 15 Prioritize Goals ������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Be Consistent ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Celebrate Milestones �������������������������������������������������������� 17 New Year, New Me: The Only Guide that will Help You Stick to Your New-Year Goals!
NEW YEAR, NEW ME! iv Part II: Getting Into Specifics Chapter 4: Fitness ���������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Assess Your Fitness Level ������������������������������������������������� 22 Find the Fitness Routine You Love����������������������������������� 23 Start Low and Build Up Gradually 23 Know When To Rest����������������������������������������������������������� 24 Chapter 5: Diet ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Think Improvement, Not Perfection �������������������������������� 27 Focus on What You Should (Not Shouldn’t) Eat������������� 28 Plan Meals In Advance ������������������������������������������������������ 29 Pack Your Plate With Nutrient-Rich Foods ���������������������� 29 Make a Place for Balance�������������������������������������������������� 30 Chapter 6: Stress ������������������������������������������������������������������ 33 Rebalance Work and Home 34 Make Time To Unwind������������������������������������������������������� 35 Prioritize “Me Time” 36 Connect With Supportive People ������������������������������������ 36 Chapter 7: Sleep ������������������������������������������������������������������ 39 Stick To A Sleep Schedule ������������������������������������������������ 39 Create A Restful Space ����������������������������������������������������� 40 Establish A Soothing Pre-Sleep Routine ������������������������� 41 Include Physical Activity���������������������������������������������������� 41 Be Mindful of What You Eat & Drink Around Bedtime � 42 Avoid Blue Light ���������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Chapter 8: Beauty 45 Skin �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Hair 46 Nails������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 In Closing 49 Helpful Links �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51


You did it! You took the leap and decided to prioritize yourself� You decided that 2023 is going to be the year that you feel the best that you’ve ever felt� You’re ready for a whole new year and a whole new you� We are so excited for you!

We, at Manna, want to help you achieve your health and wellness goals� We’re here to support and guide you through every step of your health journey� Why do we care? Because we’re in the business of making people healthier and happier!

The new year is upon us – we blinked and 2022 flew by in what feels like a minute� With the prospect of 365 opportunities to make a difference in our lives, many of us wonder if this is the year that we’ll actually set any of those good intentions into motion�

We know, right: How can any of us stick to our goals when the world seems to be on a nonstop assault of issues to be worried about?

But here’s the thing, if you don’t take the time to sit down and think about what you want to achieve within the next 12 months, you’re going to be leaving a lot to chance�

“A goal without a plan is only a dream.”

Now is as good a time as any to prioritize your health and take some small but impactful steps towards improving your life! More importantly, getting back behind the wheel and taking full accountability of your life will give you the empowerment you need to carry out your goals�

So, what goals are we referring to?

Health and wellness!

As the saying goes, health is wealth – and we couldn’t agree more with that statement� Without your mental and physical health in check, no amount of money will make your life worthwhile You can’t enjoy a beach holiday or time with family and friends if you’re feeling sluggish or, worse, heading in and out of the ER�

Who is this Guide For?

This guide is for anyone who feels like they’ve been spinning their wheels and going nowhere fast� It’s for anyone who wants to feel energized and youthful again� So, if you’re ready to prioritize yourself and pursue your own health journey, keep reading to find out more�

What Will You Learn?

By reading this guide, you’ll be empowered to start your health and wellness journey� Not only that but you’ll also be given practical tools that you can use to improve your lifestyle to achieve long-term benefits

As we explore the key factors of foundational health, you’ll come to see that taking your health and wellness back into your own hands is easier than you might think� No


matter what time of year it is, you can use these strategies to get yourself back on track and keep yourself on course�

Finally, you’ll build a healthy and realistic relationship with each of the health factors in this guide� This will allow you to maintain rewarding habits in the long run!

Are you ready to take your life back?

We knew you would be! Let’s get started�



New Year, New Me: Ultimate Guide To Achieving Your Health Goals!

Part I

Practical Applications for Every Facet of Life

Laying the Foundation: Where to Start

Welcome to the very first step on the journey that leads to the rest of your life� Here is where you’ll get to explore how to make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Before you take that rejuvenating first step, it’s important that learn the basics and tap into your personal motivation After that, we can discuss the benefits of having a support system at this time�

It sounds like a lot, we know, but you’ll find that moving into this next chapter of your life is super simple! You’re so ready for this� If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be reading this guide right now� So, let’s kick things off by remembering the basics�

Remember the Basics

Let’s get down to business and back to basics� As children, most of us were taught to eat our fruits and vegetables, get a good night’s sleep, and much more� While we may have hated sticking to the boundaries that our parents or guardians set for our health, we understand the importance of them now� Nutritional eating, consistent sleeping schedules, and taking care of ourselves are now at the top of our personal care lists – and with good reason�


If you’re finally taking all of those things that you were taught as a child into consideration, that is a great starting point Kudos to you!

However, you might not be aware of the fact that when you sleep and what you do before bed are just as important as how much sleep you get� Similarly, what type of food you eat is just as important – if not, more so –than how much you eat� When you drink water and how hydrated you are is just as important as getting a superfood smoothie into your system every once in a while�

Long story short, it’s all about finding a balance that works for you on a personal level� That being said, we’ll be looking into:

• Fitness; • Diet; • Stress; • Sleep; • Beauty�

Your wellness journey will be ever-evolving, but these five aspects will always serve as your foundation for a lifetime of good health� Your motivation is going to play an important role in building and maintaining healthy habits, so finding what that means to you is always a good place to start�


Find Your Motivation

What is your “why”? What gets you up in the morning and has you feeling like you can take on any challenge that life throws at you?

Are you uncertain of the answer?

Don’t worry� You’re not alone� The truth is that many of us have lost that “get up and go” feeling� The past couple of years have been a whirlwind and many of us feel like we didn’t start the year off on a full tank of gas, to begin with�

If you’re not sure what your motivation is right away, don’t guilt trip yourself� All you need is a little help to connect the dots again and that’s what we’re here for�

To find your motivation, think back to a time when you felt like you had the most physical and mental energy� What did your days consist of at that time? What did you do more of back then that you’re not doing now? Beneath those activities lies what it is exactly that drives your heart and soul� Consider these your key motivators that come from within�

If you enjoyed spending time with friends, you’re most likely a social person in nature and could probably use an accountability buddy or workout crew to keep you motivated If you enjoyed playing outside with your kids, you might benefit from taking up jogging or cycling with your children� If you’ve been experiencing health issues, take the time to acknowledge that you are worthy of health� You are worth everything in this world to yourself� Prioritizing yourself with this in mind can serve as your motivation to


make the life changes required of you as you move down this path� After this, you’ll need a sturdy support system�

Find Your Support System

Human beings are social creatures, but we’ve done a pretty good job of convincing ourselves that asking for help or support is a sign of weakness� It ’s not! It is a sign of profound strength Imagine the mental resilience that it takes to say, “I’m not in a good place right now and I need a hand�” The wproblem is that, as we begin getting comfortable with the idea of asking a friend or family member for help, we don’t always know how to ask for support� People mean well and they really do want to help – well, most of them, anyway� They just don’t know how to go about assisting you in your time of emotional need�


As much as asking for help is important, finding the right people to ask is equally crucial� Your ideal support system should:

• Have time for you�

• Support your desire to become healthier�

• Hold you accountable when you fall off the wagon�

• Be your personal cheering squad when you achieve your milestones

• Inspire you to do better�

• Speak openly and honestly with you about their concerns�


The chances that you already have people like this in your life are high� If you can’t identify them, you might just be looking in the wrong places or toward the wrong people in your life�


Now that you have the basics covered and know what your journey might entail, we can move on to making it concrete�


Making it Concrete: Get it on Paper

Whew! That was a lot of information to take in� If you felt a little overwhelmed and had to take a break before moving on to this chapter, we don’t blame you� Remember, this is a supportive, judgment-free zone� We’re here for you!

You might have been told to get your goals down on paper before, but you likely weren’t given a valid reason why� We’re adults, for Pete’s sake� We all want to know why we have to do something before we do it and that is perfectly natural� So, here’s the reason why you’ll want to get your goals and strategies down on paper�

Think of your brain as being like a small supercomputer because that’s exactly what it is� The problem with supercomputers is that they take up a whole lot of energy to run� Moreover, your supercomputer doesn’t ever get a true shutdown period� Even when we’re asleep, our brains are still running in the background to keep us alive and maintain normal bodily functions�

Scientific mumbo-jumbo aside, your brain needs a break You’ll become irritable if you’re constantly having to remember what goal you’re supposed to be working toward or how you’re supposed to be achieving it� The more irritable you become, the less likely you are to stick to the plan� You trick yourself into thinking that you’re


annoyed with the goal and the plan when what you’re actually annoyed with is having to keep track of it all�

The next factor to consider is the fact that your supercomputer likes to have files running on autopilot� That is how habits are formed� The more information and activity that your brain can set to “autopilot”, the more space in your mind you’ll have to focus on day-to-day challenges� That is precisely why you need to get your goals on paper�

Now, let’s start by helping you draft them up�

Set Realistic Goals

We need to address the elephant in the room right away�

In fact, we need to kick it out of the room altogether� If your goals aren’t realistic, you are setting yourself up for failure�

Part of empowering you to be the best version of yourself requires us to drop in a bit of love� If you want to drop five pant sizes by next month, that’s just not going to happen


naturally� Trying to keep this as a goal is going to lead to dangerous and unhealthy behavior� It’s taken years for your body and your mind to get to where it is today You’re not going to undo all of that in a month or two�

Achieving your goals requires you to make them as realistic and attainable as possible� Why? Well, the answer is pretty simple� Achieving a goal is like a shot of adrenaline and endorphins all rolled up into one awesome package�

When you make your goals achievable and you actually achieve them, you give yourself the extra boost that you need to move on to your next set of goals

Simply put, it builds up momentum so that you can tackle bigger goals later on� So, instead of saying, “I want six-pack abs by spring,” start with, “I want to be able to stick to an hour of exercise a day�” Of course, this will depend on your level of physical fitness right now, but you get the concept behind it�

Be Specific

Other than being realistic, your goals should also be specific to you and your dreams If you’ve always wanted to be the type of person that gets to bed early and jumps out of bed with a spring in their step, you can definitely become that person� You just need to be aware that it might take time and drill down into the specifics of the goal� For instance:

• I want to get up at 4 AM so that I have time to meditate and prepare a healthy breakfast, or,

• I want to get to bed by 9 PM so that I don’t wake up feeling sluggish�


Don’t just say that you want to be an early riser with tons of energy� State the specifics of how you want to do this and why

Track Your Success

Repeat after us: Tracking� Tracking� Tracking! Tracking your success will serve as a pick-me-up when your internal motivation is dwindling Being able to look back on what you’ve accomplished to date will help you realize that you can overcome any moment of distress in your life� Take it one step further and consider using an app to track your progress, or create your own simple tracker such as the one that follows: Goal Start Date

How Do I Feel Right Now

Efforts to Achieve Goal

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Deadline


Add anything else that you think would be of importance to you so that you can take full accountability for your success when you finally reach the height of your success�

Play To Your Strengths

This is a big one and it can be summed up in a quote by none other than Deepak Chopra:

“If a child is poor in math but good at tennis, most people would hire a math tutor. I would rather hire a tennis coach.”

That is incredibly poignant and so true� Many of us want to fix our weaknesses when we should really be playing to our strengths� When your strengths are maxed out, it will be easier to work around your weaknesses� If you’re a strong swimmer and enjoy being in or on the water but hate the idea of being cooped up in a gym, why not take your workouts to the water (if you can)?

Always try to play to your strengths and everything else will fall into place� *

You’ve got the basics down and you’re working on making it concrete� Now you can take action�


Getting Started: Take Action

This is where things start to get fun� Having the tools and foundational knowledge needed to begin taking action is such an enthralling feeling� Give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far without losing the determination to make a positive change in your life� Now, let’s dust those boots off and start taking some positive and healthy steps towards your future!

Build New Habits, Don’t Break Old Ones

This follows closely along the lines of the Deepak Chopra quote that we looked at earlier� It ’s easier to build new habits than it is to break old ones� “But what about the old habits that are harmful to me?” That’s a valid question and we’ll get to the answer� For now, we’ll focus on why forming new habits is easier for the human mind Remember how we looked at the fact that your brain likes to put stuff on “autopilot”? Well, as it turns out, your brain is a stubborn ball of human tissue� It takes the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” stance on pretty much everything� Convincing it to drop old habits that have served to help you survive is going to be hard� Look, it’s not impossible,

Chapter 3

but when you focus on creating healthy habits, it becomes easier to do away with old ones if you really have to�

In this case, you begin filling your habit capacity or cup with all your new good habits to that cup’s maximum level� Like a cup, it will eventually begin to run over, helping you push out all of the older habits that you consider to be negative�

Prioritize Goals

Prioritizing your goals is just as crucial to your success because you don’t want to overwhelm yourself by trying to take on too much all at once� Start with just one small change at a time and build up momentum from there�

Use the tracker we provided in the previous chapter or something similar to break your big, overarching goals into smaller, easily-achievable milestones�

Ask yourself what is truly important to you – not your parents, friends, kids, partner, or spouse� What is your top priority right now? List those goals in order of importance and start working on them�

Be Consistent

Practice makes perfect� No three words have ever been truer� Consistency is key to making lifelong lifestyle changes� Don’t look over the fence� The grass always seems greener there Instead, focus on yourself and what is right in front of you� Compete with yourself and no one else, pushing yourself to be better with each bit of progress that you make�


When you offer your goals consistent focus and effort, you will find that sticking to your strategies will be far simpler� It’s easier to stick to your strategies through moments of distress than it is to try and pick up the pieces thereafter� Yes, sometimes we can all do with a break, but try not to let it happen too often� For example, if your workload has picked up drastically or you’ve moved to a new city, trying to maintain some semblance of your routine will be easier than trying to pick things up when life is “easier”� Why? Well, because life never truly gets easier� We get tougher! If you put your own life on hold in hopes of resetting yourself when you start to feel better, that time may never come� Resilience and grit will see you through�

Celebrate Milestones

On the other side of that very same coin is being able to release yourself from self-judgment and punishment� While sticking to your goals even in times of distress is important,


you’re human� You’re allowed to have moments when you bend or break under the pressures of modern-day life�

Not only should you be focusing on being kind to yourself, but you should also be celebrating your milestones� Every win, no matter how small it may seem, is worth celebrating� If you managed to wake up earlier than you normally would this week, smile and know that you’re on the right track� If you added a few fruits to your daily diet, give yourself a pat on the back� These small wins add up to big gains in the long run� More importantly, celebrating them will give you the motivation that you need to keep going�


When you’re ready to embrace this, you can begin getting into the specifics�


Part II Getting Into Specifics

Let’s talk ‘Physical Fitness’ for a minute� While many of us know that physical activity is important for our health and well-being, very few of us actually take this seriously� “I’ll start exercising next week,” is the general idea that floats around from time to time but never really sticks Before you know it, years have passed without ever getting your body moving and that can have incredibly negative effects on both the body and the mind�

With this in mind, let’s run through a few of the many benefits that physical activity has to offer:

• Helps maintain a healthy weight;

• Reduces the risk of long-term illness and disease;

• Improves brain function;

• Strengthens bones;

• Increases muscle tone and strength;

• Combats depression, insomnia, and fatigue�

Now, it’s important to recognize that we are all at different stages of our physical fitness, which is totally okay! But before we dive into building a routine, let’s take some time to assess your fitness level

Chapter 4

Assess Your Fitness Level

There are many ways that you can assess your fitness, but the easiest and most affordable way to get the job is to go for a run� That’s right� Get those trainers, joggers, and sweats on, and hit the ground running – literally!

To start, try to aim for a brisk walk of about 20 minutes –30 minutes if you’re up for it� You’ll want to wear a smartwatch or download a heart rate tracker so that you can assess your average heart rate once the run is over� It ’s important that you consult with your primary physician if you have any existing or prior injuries that might pose a danger to you while on your run� The last thing you want is to be miles from home when a health emergency strikes�

After your run, come back to the following table to assess your physical fitness� The following table highlights the ideal heart rate and completion time per age group:

Age Distance Covered in 20 Minutes

Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute)

25-34 1 - 1�5 miles 99-165 BPM 35-44 1 mile 92-155 BPM 45-54 0�8 – 1 mile 87-150 BPM 55-64 0�5 – 0�8 miles 82-140 BPM 65-74 0�5 miles 77-131 BPM

*NOTE: The table above does not substitute for sound medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional if you’re unsure of your physical fitness levels. These times are based on the higher averages of time per mile and will vary based on your current health at fitness level. Aim to walk comfortably. Don’t push yourself or use these as targets.*


If you’re unable to complete the mile, or mile and a half, at full steam, slow it down to a jog� You want to assess your current physical fitness levels, not injure yourself

Find the Fitness Routine You Love

When you understand your level of physical fitness, you can start pouring your time and energy into a routine that you love Maybe you’re not a runner at heart Maybe

you’re someone who loves hiking through new territory, swimming, kayaking, rock climbing, or playing interactive sports� Whatever you enjoy the most, do it! Try your best to get a fair amount of cardio every single week, incorporating a bit of strength training if you can�

Start Low and Build Up Gradually

Slow and steady wins the race� Have you ever heard that one before? How about the story of the tortoise and the rabbit? Whether you have or haven’t, the point of the story is that


anyone who focuses on steady and consistent efforts will always come out above anyone who goes full throttle too quickly� Start off with a low amount of physical activity each week

If you haven’t been active in over a year, try to incorporate just an hour of activity into your schedule at least twice a week� This will also allow you to find a rhythm and routine that works for you without overcommitting yourself to certain activities or classes straight out of the gate�

Know When To Rest

Finally, when it comes to physical fitness, you need to cut yourself some slack� Yes, we always recommend keeping a disciplined routine, but that doesn’t mean you should work yourself to the bone� Listen to your body and learn how to pick up on its signals again� Chances are, you and your body have been co-existing instead of working as one�

There is a time to push and a time to rest� Inflammation is a very real issue for people who attempt to work out too regularly and too quickly after a prolonged stay away from physical activity� It doesn’t just affect your muscles, but your joints too More importantly, you might already be suffering from internal inflammatory issues that will take time to work through� Be kind to your body and, remember, always listen to it�



We’ve come to the dreaded “D” word: DIET� It’s a word that everybody loves to throw around, but one that very few people actually understand� The truth behind this oftenmisunderstood word is that your diet refers to your daily nutritional intake We’re not talking about crazy crash diets or fad diets� We’re talking about having a properly balanced diet that is neither restrictive nor overindulgent�

Most fitness instructors will tell you that your health –both mental and physical – is 90% diet and 10% physical fitness� This isn’t to say that physical fitness isn’t important� It is! However, if you’re working out and you’re not eating right, you’re still going to feel sluggish, bloated, and worn out�

Why is your diet so important?

Well, the majority of our health – good or bad – stems from our gut� If your gut bacteria are out of whack, your whole body will be� You’ll be moody, mean, and tired all the time�

Think Improvement, Not Perfection

If there is one thing we can’t stand, especially when someone is just starting their health journey, it’s an “all-ornothing” diet� This only sets people up for failure because the changes are so drastic and so rapid that they are impossible to sustain�

Chapter 5

Instead, you should be focusing on improving one or two elements of daily dietary intake at a time� Once you’re comfortable with the change that you’ve made, you can work on another element or two� For instance, if you know that your diet is a wreck, start with something simple like cutting out sugary drinks� If you have the mental stamina to stick to this change and to only drink water, for example, you’ll find it far easier to move on to the next element of your diet that needs attention�

Don’t aim for instant perfection� Target gradual improvements instead

Focus on What You Should (Not Shouldn’t) Eat

This is another big one� If you’re having a hard time kicking sodas and other sugary drinks to the curb, focus more on how much water you’re drinking� Remember how we looked at filling your “cup” with all of the good stuff until it pushes all of the bad stuff out? Well, the same applies here�

If you’re lacking certain vitamins and minerals, focus on eating more of the fruits and vegetables that are


responsible for those nutrients� If you haven’t been getting enough iron and protein, but don’t eat meat, focus on eating more tofu, lentils, chickpeas, and other foods that are rich in iron and protein� Incorporating a high-quality multivitamin supplement into your daily routine is also a great way to address any nutrient deficiencies you may be experiencing from your diet�

Remember, we want positive reinforcement instead of negative restriction!

Plan Meals In Advance

It’s prep time! Planning meals in advance will take the weight off your mind when you’re feeling tired and run down� And, let’s face it, many of us feel that way a lot more often than not these days� When you leave things to chance, you make it easier to fall into the temptation of ordering in or eating out�

While fresh is always best, having your own prepped and frozen meals that provide you with no more than 7 days’ worth of options is the way to go� At the end of the day, it’s still way healthier than the frozen, fried, and overlyseasoned stuff that you’re getting at a restaurant or takeout joint�

Life is going to hand you lemons, so make sure you’re prepared for those moments! If you are short on time or simply just don’t have the energy, preparing and storing some home-cooked meals can help you maintain quality nutrition� The bonus? It will almost always be cheaper than takeout


Pack Your Plate With Nutrient-Rich Foods

Eat the rainbow! If your food looks colorless and flat, there probably aren’t that many nutrients on your plate� People often ask, “How do we know if we’re getting enough of what we need?” The honest answer is that you’re not always going to know�

Eating the rainbow, as they say, is one way to make sure that you’re getting the daily recommended amount of fruit and vegetables� If you add a fruit or vegetable to every meal and snack, you’ll find that hitting the 5-a-day rule is effortless�

Make a Place for Balance

Cheat on your diet, not on your spouse� If you haven’t seen that meme circulating on social media, trust us, it will circle its way around to you eventually� Cheat days are always a good idea because it allows you to indulge yourself� Having a treat once in a while is never a bad thing, especially when you’ve been so focused and disciplined� It’s like a little reward that you get to look forward to The great thing about cheat days is that they provide you with the motivation that you need to make it through the week�

Just try not to eat everything that you’ve been avoiding all week� Always keep in mind that it’s a treat, not an eating competition�



For the past couple of years, stress has been the name of the game� We’re all stressed� If you’re not stressed right now, you must be a monk� How could we not be stressed right now?

Whether we’d like to believe it or not, stress can actually be a good thing if it’s managed properly� Your stress response is a perfectly natural part of your human nature� It ’s what keeps you out of danger and alive� When it goes unchecked – and when you don’t have an outlet – it becomes dangerous�

Now, equally important is understanding the difference between acute stress and chronic stress� Acute stress is triggered when you see something scary or when you’re under pressure to meet a deadline� It comes on quickly, but it gradually eases off as the “threat” disappears� So, when that scary thing is no longer in view, or when the deadline is met, your stress levels reduce�

Chronic stress, on the other hand, lingers� Stress often becomes chronic when there are constant deadlines, constant fears, and continual pressure� One of two things happens in those cases: you explode or implode Exploding is easier to deal with because it’s like someone letting the steam out of a pressure cooker and you can visibly see that something is wrong� However, when you implode, you

Chapter 6

carry that stress response inside yourself over long periods of time� This can lead to insomnia, depression, chronic anxiety, heart illnesses, and even disorders of your central nervous system�

Finding a way to manage your stress is crucial to leading a healthy and happy life�

Rebalance Work and Home

First things first, you need to rebalance your work and home life� For those of you who work remotely, this can be a lot harder to accomplish� When work is home and home is work, when do you actually switch off? Is closing time still 5 PM? Can you answer just one more email after hours and another one after that?

So, these are our top tips for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and those of you who work from home:

• Create a routine similar to one that you would maintain if you worked outside of your home;

• Set clear boundaries with yourself for when you will and will not attend to work matters;

• Turn off all push notifications on your phone so that your work messages and emails aren’t interfering with your personal time;

• Make sure you get a good night’s sleep every evening;

• Carve out time once a week to focus on relaxation

If Saturdays and Sundays are your busiest days, make Mondays and Tuesdays your Saturdays and Sundays�


For those of you who work away from home, here are our top tips to rebalance work and home life:

• Get up a little earlier than normal and take time to plan your day;

• Do not answer work emails or even look at them before you’ve left the house;

• Have a nutritious breakfast and get some exercise –even if it’s just a quick lap around the block;

• Time-block your activities during your work day and set completion targets for yourself so that you’re not falling behind on projects;

• Listen to your favorite songs or motivational podcasts on your way home so that you can block out the stress of the day;

• When you get home, tell yourself, “If I can’t fix it right this second, it’s not worth worrying about until tomorrow�”

• Get a good night’s sleep and repeat�

Make Time To Unwind

Next up on our list of stress-reducing techniques is making time to unwind� All work and no play makes for a grumpy human� We all need time to just relax and do nothing but what we enjoy� If you enjoy watching comedy shows, don’t beat yourself up for sinking deep into your couch – or bed –and binging on a few hours of comedy skits If you enjoy spending time with people you care about, reach out to them in advance during the week and set up a time to do something fun together�


It doesn’t matter what “unwinding” looks like to you, just do it! While you’re in the middle of a relaxation routine, stressful thoughts might crop up Don’t resist them Resistance causes friction and friction causes tension� Acknowledge your thoughts� Allow them to move through you along with the emotions that they bring with them� Then, tell yourself, “It is what it is for now,” and move on with your day�

Prioritize “Me Time”

Hobbies are the food for the soul� Whether your hobbies are enjoyed by others or not, you should make time for the things that YOU enjoy doing� Make it a habit of doing things just for you because you are so worthy of your own time� Spoil yourself� Take yourself to the movies� Go explore a new hiking trail� Play an online video game�


There is something so blissfully romantic and rewarding about loving yourself and having little private moments that are just for you Get to know yourself a little better and give yourself the love – as well as the attention – that you deserve�

Connect With Supportive People

Last, but not least, have fun! Connect with supportive people and allow them to bring out the best in you� We’re not saying that you should go find yourself a bunch of agreeable yes-men (or women), but you should definitely seek out your tribe�

How do you know who is right for you?

You’ll know it in how you feel� You’ll know it by how much energy you are left with after interacting with them� Anyone who fills your cup more than they empty it is someone worth cherishing�



Sleep deprivation is a silent killer� You might feel like you can survive on just a few hours of sleep a day, and many new parents actually do, but it’s not something you should do long-term� We need our sleep� When we sleep, our muscles are restored, our memory is enhanced, and our anxieties are reduced� Not only that but getting a good, deep sleep can also help you lose weight and keep it off! Ultimately, none of our bodily functions can work at their best levels if we don’t get enough sleep� Sleep is also strongly linked to your gut health� The more sleep-deprived you are, the more imbalanced your gut is� As we already know, your gut health is responsible for almost everything in your body – from physical to mental health and even mood swings�

Stick To A Sleep Schedule

We’re going to get a little scientific on you now, so bear with us� When you don’t stick to a sleep schedule, you’re more likely to experience stress, fatigue, and physical illness� The reason why is pretty simple� We’re not made for this modern world� Our bodies have their own internal clocks and when you have a sleep schedule in place, you won’t ever need an alarm to wake you up

Chapter 7

You see, your body doesn’t know that it’s Saturday and that it’s the one day that you get to stay up late� If you stay up late just one day of the week and wake up late the next morning, your body is going to want to follow that cycle the next day and the day after that� We have what is known as a circadian rhythm and it’s basically just your internal, or biological, clock� To keep it running smoothly and to reduce your levels of fatigue, create a sleep schedule and stick to it every single day� Yes, there will be parties, celebrations, weddings, and more� By all means, party the night away if that’s what you want to do We’re not here to judge Just remember that your body is going to take at least a week to come back to its normal circadian rhythm after that�

Create A Restful Space

Once you’ve committed to a sleep schedule that works for you, focus on creating a restful space� While this might look different to different people, the general idea is to have a space that is:

Free from clutter;





Try to ensure that your bed sheets are changed frequently and that they are soft, clean, and fresh� You don’t have to have a ton of linens Even if you’ve only got three

• Tranquil�

sets to change out, you can still maintain a cleanliness routine that has you sleeping on fresh sheets each week�

Establish A Soothing Pre-Sleep Routine

Your pre-sleep routine is going to be a game-changer� You will become so committed to caring for yourself and so unbothered by external distractions that you will level up into the calm adult that you always dreamed of being

Again, different strokes for different folks, but consider getting into one or more of the following as part of your pre-sleep routine:

• Eat your last meal of the day before sunset as this is when your brain starts producing melatonin (the sleepy hormone) to send you to bed;

• Put on some soothing music and get in the shower or tub;


• Spend some quality time with your furry friend;

• Read a book or meditate�

Include Physical Activity

Be sure to include some light physical activity before bed� Not only will it help you relax, but it will also help you sleep more soundly through the night� Just don’t go overboard with your physical activity It’s always recommended that more strenuous exercises be completed in the morning before work, while calmer exercises should be completed about an hour before bed� This can include:

• Yoga;

• A short walk or jog;

• Slow-paced Pilates�

Be Mindful of What You Eat & Drink Around Bedtime

What you eat and drink before bedtime will impact your sleep� If you eat salty, greasy, or oily foods before bed, that could be a recipe for reflux� Nicotine and alcohol will keep you awake and will stimulate you instead of relaxing you� Sugary foods will increase your energy levels and heavy meals will have you waking up feeling like you haven’t slept at all�

Again, try to eat your last meal before or around sunset� This works hand-in-hand with your biological clock� Next, drink plenty of water, but stop about 20 minutes before bed� Drinking right before bed could send you to


the bathroom in the middle of the night and disturb your sleep� Other “no-no” foods include:

• Cheese (especially processed cheese);

• Chocolate;

• Processed snacks (if it’s in a bag, don’t eat it);

• Spicy food;

• Fruit that is high in natural sugars�

Avoid Blue Light

It’s the battle of the blue light and we’re here to tell you to put that phone down, turn off the TV, and power down all other backlit devices� Using a device that emits blue light tricks your brain into thinking that it’s morning� Your brain, in turn, stops the production of melatonin – which is required for deep sleep – and you’re left feeling physically tired but mentally alert�

Don’t do this to yourself� As a rule of thumb, always put your devices away at least an hour or two before you intend on actually sleeping� We know� We can practically hear you gasping all the way from here� We’re all so used to being tuned in and glued to a screen around the clock, but it’s messing with your health�

You own that device� It doesn’t own you!


Beauty is more than skin deep� Your physical appearance is a direct reflection of what’s going on beneath the surface � If you’ve got bags under your eyes, you’re probably not getting enough sleep� If your skin is oily and prone to breakouts, you’re probably not eating the right types of food � If your hair is thinning and falling, you probably have too much salt in your diet or you’re overly stressed � Now we can explore how each of your primary outer beauty elements reflects your health�


Look for the telltale signs on your skin� If your liver isn’t functioning properly, you might notice a yellow or orange glow to your skin, especially around your eyelids� This could be a sign that you’re suffering from chronic stress, eating food with high fat content, not sleeping well, or drinking too much alcohol�

If you have a chronic illness or are on certain medications, you might notice that your skin is drier than normal� Acne and breakouts may be a sign of issues with your hormonal system or a lack of vitamin D� You might also notice wrinkling in places that were visibly smooth just a

Chapter 8

few months ago� Advanced aging is closely linked to stress�

But be aware that your diet and lifestyle have a lot to do with where the cracks show up


Dry, damaged, brittle hair is a surefire sign that something is not quite right with your internal system� More often than not, it shows a lack of vitamin E, vitamin D, iron, and biotin

Eating fish, avocados, spinach, berries, nuts, and seeds on a regular basis is highly recommended if you notice that your hair has lost its shine�

Remember, beauty and health come from within� If you’re not having success with expensive hair treatments, shampoos, and conditioners, signs point to a change in your diet�



Brittle nails are often tied to poor thyroid function Your thyroid is a gland that is located around your trachea (ie� throat area) and is responsible for glowing skin, strong nails, and regulated weight� Issues with your thyroid can be caused by an undiagnosed autoimmune disease or iodine deficiency� To prevent iodine deficiency from creeping into your life, it’s important to eat leafy greens and seafood� You can also top your iodine levels up with a prescribed supplement

With a stressful life, it’s easy for these symptoms to appear gradually and go unnoticed until it’s too obvious not to notice� Don’t feel bad if that’s been the case with you� You’re here now and ready to make a change� That’s all that matters�


In Closing

We’re overjoyed that you decided to come on this journey with us� At Manna, we pride ourselves in helping others achieve the height of their health goals – both mental and physical�

Using foundational nutrition, we help people heal their underlying health issues and illnesses so that they can go on to lead whole, happy lives�

Everyone deserves good health� It is your birthright� Claim it today by taking advantage of the tips in this guide and by heading to our “Helpful Links” section to find more great products for your health journey

We’re here to help you achieve your health goals!

Thank you for reading�

NEW YEAR, NEW ME! 51 Helpful Links *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anti-Inflammatory Bundle Heart Health Bundle If you're ready to take the first step in your health journey, begin with a bundle! Find what targets your exact needs, and if you have any questions you can always reach out to our customer care team: email: phone: 877-576-2662 • Immune Support* • Inflammation Fighter* • Detoxifying and Free Radical Fighter* Immunity Bundle • Cardiovascular Support* • Immune System Boost* • Inflammation Fighter* • Fight Inflammation with Curcumin • Healthy Joints with Joint Relief* • Full-Body Detox*
NEW YEAR, NEW ME! 52 Helpful Links *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Stress Support Bundle • Circadian Rhythm Support* • Mental Clarity and Relaxing Mood* • Immune System Support* Best Sellers Bundle • Inflammation Fighter* • Immunity Booster* • Skin, Hair, and Nail Health* Starter Bundle • Full Spectrum Nutrition* • Immune Strength* • Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant* Skin & Beauty Bundle • Healthy Joint Support* • Glowing Skin, Strong Hair, and Nails* • Immune System, Bone and Muscle Strength*

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Articles inside


page 53

Stick To A Sleep Schedule ������������������������������������������������

page 47

Make Time To Unwind�������������������������������������������������������

page 43

Create A Restful Space �����������������������������������������������������

page 48

Make a Place for Balance��������������������������������������������������

pages 38-41

Focus on What You Should (Not Shouldn’t) Eat�������������

page 36

Rebalance Work and Home ���������������������������������������������

page 42

Think Improvement, Not Perfection ��������������������������������

page 35

Know When To Rest�����������������������������������������������������������

pages 32-34

Assess Your Fitness Level �������������������������������������������������

page 30

Play To Your Strengths ������������������������������������������������������

pages 20-22

Remember the Basics ���������������������������������������������������������

pages 11-12

Find Your Motivation �����������������������������������������������������������

page 13

Find Your Support System��������������������������������������������������

pages 14-17

Build New Habits, Don’t Break Old Ones�����������������������

page 23

Set Realistic Goals �������������������������������������������������������������

page 18

Celebrate Milestones��������������������������������������������������������

pages 25-29
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