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Assess Your Fitness Level �������������������������������������������������

Assess Your Fitness Level

There are many ways that you can assess your fitness, but the easiest and most affordable way to get the job is to go for a run� That’s right� Get those trainers, joggers, and sweats on, and hit the ground running – literally!


To start, try to aim for a brisk walk of about 20 minutes –30 minutes if you’re up for it� You’ll want to wear a smartwatch or download a heart rate tracker so that you can assess your average heart rate once the run is over� It’s important that you consult with your primary physician if you have any existing or prior injuries that might pose a danger to you while on your run� The last thing you want is to be miles from home when a health emergency strikes�

After your run, come back to the following table to assess your physical fitness� The following table highlights the ideal heart rate and completion time per age group:

Age Distance Covered in 20 Minutes

Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute)

25-34 1 - 1�5 miles 99-165 BPM 35-44 1 mile 92-155 BPM 45-54 0�8 – 1 mile 87-150 BPM 55-64 0�5 – 0�8 miles 82-140 BPM 65-74 0�5 miles 77-131 BPM

*NOTE: The table above does not substitute for sound medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional if you’re unsure of your physical fitness levels. These times are based on the higher averages of time per mile and will vary based on your current health at fitness level. Aim to walk comfortably. Don’t push yourself or use these as targets.*

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