Key Chain | Mansfield Summit HS Key Club | June 2018 | Volume 2 | Issue 3

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>>TABLE OF C 4 President’s Letter

5 Service Partners 6 Alex’s Lemonade Stand 8 Calendar

KEY MOMENTS 10 Habitat For Humanity

12 Socials and Their Benefits 14 Water Balloon Fight 16 My Key Club Journey So Far 18 Our First DCM 20 Contact Information

24 Thirst Project 25 Editor’s Note



letter Helloo Key Clubbers!! I can't believe that we are already done with the first quarter of this Key Club term! No matter how cheesy this may sound, time really does fly when you’re having fun & this past month of June has been just that!! Our club kicked off the month by having a Service & a movie social, in addition to that our club also hosted a water balloon fight which was a huge & soaking success! We also attended Key Club socials hosted by our friends at both Mansfield and Lake Ridge that were so fun as well! I’m proud to say that the socials of the month of June have truly brought all of the Key Clubbers across our division closer together, and I can’t wait for the others to come!! Despite our Key Club Calendar being full of socials, our Key Clubbers have managed to consistently volunteer throughout the summer as well! I can't thank you guys enough for staying active, even with this unbearable heat!! Overall June was an unforgettable month and I can’t wait to see what the rest of summer has in store for us & I hope to see all of your cute faces soon :)

In Love & Service


Patricia Rojas

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Alex’s Lemonade Stand


Division 39 South DCM

Volunteering Opportunities Everyday: Mission Arlington 7am – 7pm @ 210 W South St. Arlington, TX Volunteers are asked to do a variety of thing such as packing, organizing and shelving donations.

Tuesdays: Allies in Youth Development 9 am - 11 pm @ 1315 FM 1187 Suite 107 Mansfield, TX Sort out donations , create toiletry kits and help pack boxes that will be sent over to orphanages in Eastern European countries.

Wednesdays: Kiwanis’ Feed the Kids 10 am & 6 pm @ 150 South 6th Ave. Mansfield, TX Help unpack and bag food to help feed students within Mansfield ISD who live in economically disadvantaged households.


July 2nd-4th: Light Up Arlington Celebration Dates & Times vary so check the remind for more information! Assist in the building of the K-Family float to be displayed in the Parade, Walk in the Parade, Advertise the K-Family to the attendees of the event

July 12th : Nursing Home Bingo Night 7 pm to 9 pm @ 1402 E Broad St. Mansfield, TX Assist and build relationships with the residents of the Mansfield Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center as they play bingo.


Our members teamed up with the Mansfield Kiwanis and other local groups to help build a house with Ha for Humanity. They helped with the planting of sev flowers and trees, along with the placement of gra throughout the property.


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SOCIALS & THEIR BENEFITS Bushra Shoaib, Sophomore Class Rep One of the best things about the current generation of Key Clubbers is that they have very simple and easy ways of spreading news throughout communities with the help of modern technology. Our socials in particular are promoted through various social media accounts, electronic flyers, and posters. These techniques are the best ways to quickly and effectively spread news of socials to all


Key Club members as everything is easily accessible and can be simply edited if the need arises. Other than the fact that they are easily promoted, these socials positively benefit our club in many different ways. Firstly, many Key Clubbers from clubs in different areas can come together and connect with each other through the fun activities during these socials. This helps build great teamwork and social skills between members of the many Key Clubs attending and helps everyone feel more at ease around the people they are/will be working with. Secondly, socials help promote Key Club as

they invite different people, some of which who may not be in Key Club yet, to take part in the many festivities we may have planned. This also helps future Key Club members get a sense of what the club is all about and makes them feel more at ease around the club and its members. Some people think that Key Club is just about volunteering, but in reality it’s way more than that. Our socials help them see that Key Club is also about having fun as well as volunteering. It may also help students who are unfamiliar with Key Club become familiar with what it is/what its about and gives them a positive and fun way to experience the club for the first time, especially if they are contemplating on joining the club some day. Lastly, socials are a great way for a clubs board members to enhance their planning, along with their teamwork, skills as they have to come up with social ideas together and promote it accordingly to members, friends, and others in the community. This is especially good for new board members who are planning/making a social for the first time and helps them be more ready for one in the future. In all, socials are a great way for Key Clubbers to have a fun time while

also spending time with their friends/members in the club and it’s simply and easily promoted through social media and other various technology.



Our club where we we could to bond a Key Clu proceed



planned a Water Balloon Fight Social/Fundraiser e invited all of the clubs within our Division so that all enjoy a fun and soaking afternoon for all of us and cool off. Our afternoon started off in typical ub fashion with some icebreakers and we then ded to throw over 1,000 balloons at eachother.


MY KEY CLUB JOURNEY SO FAR Bushra Khaliq, Senior Class Rep “I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.” This pledge is ingrained into my memory from reciting it every Wednesday freshman year of high school up to now with Kiwanis meeting every Friday. Key Club has affected my everyday life positively through service and emotionally through satisfaction. I spend at least five hours a week volunteering at places such as Rush Creek Food Pantry, Feed the Kids, and making trays of food at my local mosque. It gives me a sense of joy and positivity knowing that I am making a change and helping others. Although Key Club affects me every day through community


service, it also has led me to make more connections and meet many people that I never thought I would meet. When I first joined Key Club I didn’t think much about it, but once I went through a semester I got interested in taking an officer position. I applied for Freshman Class Representative and although I didn’t

get the position, I remained an active member of Key Club. The second semester of my sophomore year I got the position of Service Coordinator. I

am now the Senior Class Representative and the effects that Key Club has had on my life are great. Thanks to Key Club I now have other officers I can call my best friends and many people I constantly keep in touch with. Socials, board meetings, Kiwanis meetings, general meetings, fundraisers, and service projects have brought me up to the person I am. I spent the last month volunteering for four hours every day for an entire thirty days serving food at my local mosque and the

experience was great. Nothing can measure up to the feeling of helping others. It is very true that time flies and I am just now realizing it. I went from being a Key Club member for the first time as a freshman to now realizing as an officer and senior it is my last year of Key Club and high school; and that I will cherish and make the best of it. I have had great memories and am very excited to see how this upcoming school year will be for Key Club. Over all the first month of summer was a blast we had a water balloon social on June 22nd and it was both fun and successful. We got to see the Key Club members meet and have fun. I have had an awesome high school experience and summer because of Key Club and I cannot wait to see what is in store for the future.


On June 23 first ever Div catch up Division a


3rd, Division 39 South LTG, Brianna Dao hosted our visional Council Meeting! It was such a nice way to p with everything going on in both our District and and as always we had icebreakers that made our afternoon even more enjoyable!


President: Patricia Rojas Secretary: Sharlene Garcia

Webmaster: Lacey Thomas

Service Coordinator: Reem Saaed

Freshman Class Rep: To Be Determined

Junior Class Rep: Chelsea Angwenyi


Vice President: Gavin Wilson Treasurer: Amy Tran

Editor: Alyssa Brown Historian: Nasim Muhammad historian,

Sophomore Class Rep: Bushra Shoaib

Senior Class Rep: Bushra Khaliq


District Governor: Addi Duerksen District Treasurer: Addie Flores

Convention Liason: Nadia Rodriguez

International Trustee: Saul Ontiveros

Division 39 South LTG: Brianna Dao

Faculty Advisor: Austin Reese


District Secretary: Bunsri Patel District Editor: Kyra Burke

Technology Producer: Aina Sebatian Regional Advisor: Gretchen S. Warner

Kiwanis Advisor: Phil Stover

Faculty Advisor: Dahlia Berwise



Wow! I can’t believe I’m already on my third newsletter! It’s honestly been a blast, being able to make my newsletters. I think my favorite part is looking at it when it’s published because it looks so official. I’m happy to here, and I hope that one day I can take this a step further, maybe even Getting a national position one day. That would be insane.

Even if I don’t, I know that I will continue to make the best quality newsletters that I can make.

In Love and Service,

Alyssa Brown


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