>>TABLE OF C 4 President’s Letter
5 Service Partners 6 Calendar 8 Crossword
KEY MOMENTS 10 Love at “Frost” Sight 12 Members of the Month! 13 Adopt an Angel
14 Flashing Forward to the 70’s 16 Induction Ceremony 18 Contact Information 22 Thirst Project
23 Editor’s Note
letter Helloooo guys!! I cant believe that this school year has flown by! November was fun & filled of fun service opportunities but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finally December which means that its the MOST wonderful time of the year :) So stay tuned for some holiday themed volunteer events & socials! This month we have a very important annual project starting called Adopt an Angel, where we provide gifts for local children, so be sure to bring in some gifts & help us wrap the gifts at our Christmas Social on Wednesday December 19th! I cant wait to see how active yâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;all are this month & make sure to keep pushing through as the semester comes to an end :) In Love and Service,
Patricia Rojas
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= PB&J Project 6
Opportunities Everyday: Mission Arlington 7am – 7pm @ 210 W South St. Arlington, TX Volunteers are asked to do a variety of thing such as packing, organizing and shelving donations.
Sundays: Allies in Youth Development 2 pm - 4 pm @ 1315 FM 1187 Suite 107 Mansfield, TX Sort out donations , create toiletry kits and help pack boxes that will be sent over to orphanages in Eastern European countries.
Wednesdays: Kiwanis’ Feed the Kids 4:30 PM @ 150 South 6th Ave. Mansfield, TX Help unpack and bag food to help feed students within Mansfield ISD who live in economically disadvantaged households.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• December 4 & 11 : Green Team 3 pm - 4 pm in Mrs. Cullen’s Room (E1) Volunteers will collect teacher’s recycling bins from around campus and take them to the recycling containers outside then return them back to their original classroom.
Every Wednesday In December : Adopt an Angel Members can bring gifts for the 11 year old girl and 7 year old boy we adopted this year!
Thanksgiving Crossword! 1 2 3
This crossword made me hungry, so you might wanna eat while solving this one! ACROSS:
3. An actual sauce you 1. A sauce thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not put on 5 really a sauce 4. Favorite dessert of Thanksgiving
2. Holiday celebrated every November
5. Mashed ________
3. A healthy Thanksgiving veggie
7. A yummy type of bread 8. Mac and ________
6. Main course of Thanksgiving dinner 9. The second best meat of Thanksgiving
LOVE AT “FROST” SIGHT Bushra Khaliq, Senior Class Representative
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! As the time flies, the year slowly prepares itself for the upcoming cold. The crisp autumn leaves turn red before the white blanket of snow comes along. While winter comes close, the holidays bring people closer together. Christmas is one of my favourite holidays, and the people I’m spending it with this year are going to make it even better! The Mansfield Summit Key Club has a ton of plans for the last month of the year. First of all, we’ve scouted for all the volunteering opportunities from as many sources we could possibly find. We’re helping at 10
events such as the holiday parades, Nursing Home Bingo Night, the annual Toys for Tots, elementary school gatherings, and so much more! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve also devoted some time, and a lot of scheduling as well, to make our own socials and service events. Our tradition, the Christmas Angel Event, is a project we hold every year to have our members and officers help recently adopted children have the best Christmas of all time by bringing them clothes and gifts! Last year we helped a mother give over 20 gifts to her recently adopted daughters that were under younger than the age of ten! This year, we have a boy thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eleven years old, and a girl that is seven years old. The Christmas Angel Wrapping warm my heart with happiness because of participating in it every year makes me see two pearly white smiles who had on of the best times of their lives. Standing with the rest of Mansfield Summit Key Club, who became more of a family to me than just other officers, shows me how wonderful the world can be.
Members of t he Mont h! Alejandra Machaen!
Kann Busto!
FLASHING FOWARD TO THE 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Reem Saeed, Service Coordinator
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of attending the Texas Oklahoma District Convention. It was an amazing experience that helped me grow as a Key Club officer and a person. At this convention, my peers and I attended multiple forums that portrayed to our officer position that help me understand what Key Club was actually about and what Key Clubs role was in society. These forums ranged from skills to help a new reporting secretary to yoga forums. These forums helped me connect with people who have the same interests as me and were going through the same process as I was going through as a newly elected officer. These events not only help me
connect with new people from around the Texas Oklahoma district but also helped me connect with my new officer board that I was going to be spending the rest of my year with. Although the forums benefited me a lot, this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s district convention I hope to see more organization between all the forums, to help the forums be less overlapped, if they were more spaced out I feel like the forums would have been more beneficial. I only say this because I noticed last year that I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to attend all of the forums that I wanted to attend because of the overlapped schedule of the forums. Overall, I enjoyed the vast complexity of the role DCON played in my life as a Key Club officer. DCON allowed me to be able to have a saying in who would be on our district board and have a role in the future Key Club society. I was privileged to see my friends achieve roles that made them sense something bigger than themselves. DCON open my eyes and showed me how much bigger Key Club is than me and our Key Club. Overall, my DCON experience was overwhelmingly amazing,
Induction At this years Induction Ceremony, new and old members were celebrated and given their own Key Club pin, certificate, and pamphlet!
n Ceremony! Afterwards members were free to mingle and enjoy our complimentary cookies!
President: Patricia Rojas president.shskc@gmail.com Secretary: Sharlene Garcia secretary.shskc@gmail.com
Webmaster: Lacey Thomas summitwebmaster.shskc@gmail.com
Service Coordinator: Reem Saeed servicecoordi.shskc@gmail.com
Freshman Class Rep: Nina Lien freshmanclassrep.shskc@gmail.com
Junior Class Rep: Chelsea Angwenyi juniorclassrep.shskc@gmail.com
Vice President: Gavin Wilson vp.shskc@gmail.com Treasurer: Amy Tran treasurer.shskc@gmail.com
Editor: Alyssa Brown editor.shskc@gmail.com Historian: Nasim Muhammad historian,shskc@gmail.com
Sophomore Class Rep: Bushra Shoaib sophomoreclassrep.shskc@gmail.com
Senior Class Rep: Bushra Khaliq seniorclassrep.shskc@gmail.com
District Governor: Addi Duerksen governor@tokeyclub.com District Treasurer: Addie Flores treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Convention Liaison: Nadia Rodriguez cl@tokeyclub.com International Trustee: Leslie Truong saulontiveros.keyclub@gmail.com
Division 39 South LTG: Brianna Dao ltg39s@tokeyclub.com
Faculty Advisor: Austin Reese austinreese@misdmail.org
District Secretary: Bunsri Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com District Editor: Kyra Burke editor@tokeyclub.com
Technology Producer: Aina Sebastian ainasebatian@gmail.com Regional Advisor: Gretchen S. Warner docgretchen@gmail.com
Kiwanis Advisor: Phil Stover jphilstover@gmail.com
Faculty Advisor: Dahlia Berwise dahliaberwise@mansfieldisd.org
Hello everyone! I hope your Thanksgiving break went amazing and you got the opportunity to stuff your face like I did ;) Anyways, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very excited for all the events coming up in December! Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m especially excited for the December newsletter so I can color it red and green! And although this first semester may be coming to an end, our volunteering events have certainly not. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m pleased to say that we will be contuning our Adopt an Angel program tradition once again this year. This year we have an 11 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. Seeing the smiles on the children's faces makes my entire year! In Love and Service,
Alyssa Brown