on 7 i g e R • S 9 ivison 3 D • b u l C it Key m m u S d l e Mansfi
n i a h C Ke y
2018 y r a u r b e F ue 11 • s s I • 1 e Volum
•table of
contents• 4 President's Letter 5 DCON 6 2018-19 Officers! 7 D39S LTG Elect 8 Calendar 10 Key Club Projects 11 District Goals
Key Moments 12
Sweetheart Dance
How DCON Helped Me..
16 STEM Night 18 Contact Info 22 Thirst Project 23 Editor's Note
President's l e t t e r
Dear Mansfield Summit Key Club members,
If you haven’t heard, our Key Club now has our new officers for the following term! I am very excited for all the greatness and achievements that they will bring to not only the club, but also to our school. Also, congratulations to one of my amazing friend, Brianna Dao, for being elected as Division 39 South’s upcoming Lieutenant Governor within the Texas-Oklahoma District! Bri has dedicated all of her high school years being a part of Key Club and as a hardworking member/officer. From the time she was a Class Representative to Vice President, I have seen her grow as a leader and an individual so surely, Division 39 South will be in good hands. Of course, shout out to our current Lieutenant Governor Ethan Arredondo for providing such a strong support for our club and helping us this year. February has ended and although it was the month of love, I encourage you to show your love every day! There is at least one month left of the current officers’ term until DCON. Let’s continue to serve our homes, school, and community to our fullest. I hope you have a blessed day and happily SPRING into the new month. x
Yours in Service,
Alice Nguyen
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the 2018 District Convention zooming in, with all of the Key Clubbers out to save the world! DCON will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas, Texas from
Thursday, April 12th to Sunday the 15th. The festivities begin Thursday evening and last until Sunday morning, so attendees will stay overnight and room with several other Key Clubbers! If you are interested in attending DCON and want to know more information about the price and other formalities, please feel free to contact any of Summit's Key Club officers.
Key Club Officers President: Patricia Rojas
Secretary Sharlene Garcia
Vice President: Gavin Wilson
Service Coordinator Reem Saeed
Senior Class Rep Sophia Pham
Webmaster: Lacey Thomas
Treasurer: Amy Tran
Historian: Bushra Shoaib
Junior Class Rep Chelsea Angwenyi
Sophomore Class Rep Alyssa Brown
Meet your LTG Elect
Brianna Dao! Hello everyone! My name is Brianna Dao, but most people know me as Bri so feel free to call me whatever you please! I’m extremely stoked to announce that I will be serving as your Lieutenant Governor for Division 39 South this following year! I am so excited for opportunity to guide and be your enthusiastic motivator for each and every single one of the clubs within our division. Just so you’ll know a little bit about me, I’m an upcoming senior at Mansfield Summit High School who is notorious for corny pickup lines, puns, loving the word “plethora” a little bit too much, and being extremely energetic. I’ve been in Key Club ever since my freshman year and have loved every single second of it, whether it was getting to know the people surrounding me or giving back to others. Hopefully throughout my term, I’ll be able to spread my loving about Key Club to you and that you’ll be able to do the same to others! With that being said, I’m thrilled to be able to meet everyone and to be here for your guidance in the near future. I hope you all look forward to the great accomplishments we will make as a division this year! In Love & Service,
Brianna Dao
March 2018 S M T W T F S 1
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Key Club Meetings are Wednesdays in the Lecture Hall (Room J6) AM Meetings start at 7:05 PM Meetings start at 3:05
Volunteering OPPORTUNITIES Everyday: Mission Arlington 7 am - 7 pm @ 210 W South St. Arlington, TX
Wednesdays: Kiwanis' Feed the Kids 4:30 pm @ 140 South 6th Ave. Mansfield, TX
Sundays: Allies in Youth Development 2-4 pm @ 1315 FM 1187 Suite 107, Mansfield,TX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
March 2nd: DP Morris Spring Fling Dance 6 pm - 9 pm @ Legacy High School
March 3rd-9th: Summit HS Frog Week All week long featuring many ways to earn hours!
March 8th: Nursing Home Bingo Night 7 pm - 8 pm @ 1402 E Broad St. Mansfield, TX
March 16th & 17th: Pickle Parade Times Vary @ Historic Downtown Mansfield, TX
March 23rd & 24th: Math Pentathlon Friday(3 pm) Saturday(7 am) @ Timberview HS
March 19th-26th FFAPL Library Book Sale Times Vary @ 1400 Dugan St. Arlington, TX
Key Club
UNICEF works in 190 countries & territories to the protect the
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March of Dimes
OUR DISTRICT GOALS: Mansfield Summit Key Club is a part of the Texas-Oklahoma District and each year our district selects a District Project and a a Governors Project for all the Key Clubbers across Texas and Oklahoma to participate in:
Here are the projects for this year:
This year our District Governor, Sabrina Palma decided to focus on helping individuals with disabilities. Because there are so many disabilities here are just some general rules for helping the disabled : - Always treat those who have disabilities as equals. - Always ask before you help. - Do not stare.
- Respect and understand confidentiality - Never assume someone does or does not have a disability.
This year's District Project focuses on helping the homeless, and there are several things that you guys as Key Clubbers can do locally to help out! I recommend volunteering at places such as the Arlington Life Center or Mission Arlington, because they focus on helping the homeless community and that would be a great way for you guys to help out with this year's District Project.
Sweetheart Dance @ Na
Nancy Neal Elementary School held their annual Sweetheart Dance where they invite the families of all their students for a very special night! That evening SHS Key Clubbers helped out the PTA decorate the dance floor and cafeteria with heart themed decorations, served the large variety of food and they also took care of the desert table (which we sadly have no pics of because the kids devoured the sweets)
ancy Neal Elementary
Helped me see the bigger picture
Reflect on a DCON memory! Be sure to express why you remember it and why it’s meaningful to you.
By: Alice Nguyen, President In 2017, the annual Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club Convention was held towards the end of April in downtown Dallas. Being it the first time for me to experience DCON, I was quite overwhelmed by everything – the number of people, seminars, the different events, and the food. Out of all the things that I was given the opportunity to witness, on the third night of DCON, it was the moment I remember well. That was the most memorable to me not only because I got to see the awards, but also because it provided an impactful insight of what Key Club means to other people and as an organization. The third night of the convention was the very beginning of building my determination. Seeing other Key
Clubbers working hard and constantly serving the people within and outside their community from all over TexasOklahoma had provided me the inspiration to do the same. Whether or not a club had earned a trophy or recognition for their hard work or reached Top 25, they’re smiles said it all. Everyone I saw was smiling with confidence and pride from all the service they’ve done. Seeing people share their Key Club experiences that night gave me confidence and I absolutely knew then that I was capable of being a leader of leaders. When I was bestowed the role of presidency, I was definitely afraid to take on the position because I didn’t know what to expect since it would be my first time. Given the chance to attend the convention, I was able to learn a lot more about Key Club and my
role as president. I was definitely afraid to take on the position because I didn’t know what to expect since it would be my first time. Given the chance to attend the convention, I was able to learn a lot more about Key Club and my role of presidency. In other words, seeing other leaders within the Texas-Oklahoma District walking up on the stage gave me the thought that I, too, am capable of being a leader. Throughout the night, I did a lot of observation between the interactions of clubs. Although there were many things happening each minute, I have concluded that everyone there has a kind, servant heart. Everyone was kind, respectful, and joyous. As stated before, the attendees were emitting rays of confidence and pride; so bright, each of them could be a star or a sun! They were proud, and I can tell. Seeing their happiness made me driven to work as hard and make a change for not only my surrounding area, but also for myself as a person. Overall, the third night of the event was definitely noteworthy and unforgettable. Despite all the trophies, medals, and bling, I had learned a lot about the different services each club partook in and what I could do to improve my home club. I had set goals for myself that night and definitely blessed to have received the opportunity to go last year.
Annette Perry Elementary School hosted their annual STEM Night, where each grade level had a different activity set up for the kids to participate in. Summit Key Club decided to help out the little kiddos in the Pre-K hall, where they assisted the students in making an "elephant toothpaste
Annette Elemen
n i g
e Perry ntary h t
Oficer Contact President: Alice Nguyen president.shskc@gmail.com Secretary: Anna Tran secretary.shskc@gmail.com Webmaster: Arantza Zamudio summitwebmaster.shskc@gmail.com Service Coordinator: Bushra Khaliq servicecoordi.shskc@gmail.com Freshman Class Rep: Alyssa Brown freshmanclassrep.shskc@gmail.com Junior Class Rep: Sophia Pham juniorclassrep.shskc@gmail.com
t Information Vice President: Brianna Dao vp.shskc@gmail.com Treasurer: Sarah Banafe treasurer.shskc@gmail.com Editor: Patricia Rojas editor.shskc@gmail.com Historian: Michael Tang historian.shskc@gmail.com Sophomore Class Rep: Farria Shoaib sophomoreclassrep.shskc@gmail.com Senior Class Rep: Phillipe Tran seniorclassrep.shskc@gmail.com
More Contact District Governor: Sabrina Palma governor@tokeyclub.com District Treasurer: Foster Hills treasurer@tokeyclub.com Convention Liaison: Dajah Brooks cl@tokeyclub.com International Trustee: Saul Ontiveros sailontiveros.keyclub@gmail.com Divison 39 South LTG: Ethan Arredondo ethanarredondo.kc@gmail.com Mansfield Summit Key Club Website: https://keyclubsummit.wixsite.com/2017-2018
For Remind Updates text "1718shskc" to 81010
t Information District Secretary: Shelby Morton secretary@tokeyclub.com District Editor: Stephanie Tran editor@tokeyclub.com Tech Producer: William Chao williamchao@yahoo.com Region 7 Advisor: Gretchen R. Steininger docgretchen@comcast.com Kiwanis Advisor: Phil Stover jphilstover@gmail.com Follow our Twitter @KeyClubSummit Follow our Instagram @KeyClubSummit
editor's Note HELLO MY FELLOW KEY CLUBBERS!! I have some pretty big news... i'm is gonna be your Key Club President for the 2018-2019 term!!! And I couldn't be happier about being able to lead such an amazing group of people :'))) I'm particularly excited about all the newly elected officers finally becoming a bigger part of Key Club. I've come to love each and every one of them with all my heart and I can't wait for you guys to do the same. With that being said, elections for the editor position are going to take place later this week, so next newsletter i'll be able to announce the new editor! I hope you all enjoy your spring break and are as pumped as I am for DCON!!!! x
In Love and Service,
Patricia Rojas
Thanks for reading Mansfield Summit Key Club | February 2018