[NYDKC Division 11] October Newsletter

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Table of

CONTENTS Lieutenant Governor's Greeting


Past Events


Future Events


Fall Rally


Governor's Project: Comfort Cases


Key Club Week


Service Spotlights


Paperwork Chart


Contact Info


Social Media


Lieutenant Governor's Greeting

Hey Pandas! Happy Fall! I hope you've all been well, and I was so happy to see you at our October Divisional at Fordham Prep. This past month has been great! I saw a lot of you were collecting money for Trick or Treat for UNICEF and continuing doing your awesome work at service events. I know it seems like far away, but get excited for LTC!! It will be in late March and the theme is Aloha to Service. Make sure to look out for the promo video and Awards Booklet. To the seniors, congrats on finishing early applications! I know you all will end up where you want, and good luck with regular decision too! To the club officers, please please please make sure to submit your paperwork! I want to make sure you can qualify for as many awards as you can when we go to LTC!! Yours in service, Mara Yella

Past Events October 6th: United by Blue Bronx River Park Cleanup October 7th: Health and Harvest Family Day October 8th: FABSCRAP October 9th: October Divisional October 10th: Slice out Hunger October 11th: NYC Meal Pack Day for 9/11 October 13th: NYC Lupus Walk October 14th: Breast Cancer Walk October 14th: Alzheimer's Walk October 20th: MMRF: Team for Cures 5k October 20th: NYSoM Monster Mash Brooklyn October 27th: Kiwanis One Day October 28th: Kiwanis Halloween Store Window Painting October 28th: Light the Night

Future Events November 3rd: Hot Cider Hustle November 3rd: Best Buddies Friendship Walk November 3rd: It's My Park: Mara Hernandez Dog Run November 3rd: Dia de Los Muertos Celebration November 4th: NYC Marathon November 5th - 9th: Key Club Week November 10th: NYSoM Hunger No More November 11th: BT5K November 11th: Calvary Hospital Birthday Party with Kiwanis November 17th: Fall Rally November 18th: Youth Farm November 18th: Good Deeds Giveaway November 24th: Turkey Trot November 24th: Baruch X Nest+m Ralph Breaks the Internet Movie Fundraiser

2017 Fall Rally

Fall Rally was a great way to meet new friends and learn leadership skills while under a professional setting. Workshops allowed me to learn bits of everything, ranging from the power of the members to advertising to how to survive stressful situations. Keynote speakers told unique stories that defines who they are, and how they come to be. It really makes me think about the life of an experienced adult, and the many things that can impact your journey. Finally, the k fair was a simple way to meet new people in a short amount of time. With bursts of icebreakers, I’ve met friends that i would’ve never met otherwise. - Aaron Wu Bronx Science

Come join us at the 2018 Fall Rally!

District Project:




$2,528 $6,000

Key Club Week Wear your favorite Key Club merch or Key Club colors!

Thank your advisors or officers and show how much they mean to you! Do a project to support a Key Club preferred charity: UNICEF, March of Dimes, or Children's Miracle Network

Spread happiness by doing a random act of kindness! Hold a door, share a snack, or help someone with homework -- there're  many possibilities! Send a message to a nearby branch of the K Family or join together for a service project! This could be a local Kiwanis Club, Builder's Club, Circle K, etc


10. 28. 18

Hundreds of lanterns--colored red, yellow, and white--glowed brightly in the night sky as participants showed their support for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Light the Night is an annual event for Key Clubs all across the city. Members gather in Corona Park by the hundreds. For most, it's their first Key Club event! We walk the length of the park with our lanterns held high, joining the rest of the city in a tribute for those fighting cancer. Light the Night is easily one of my favorite events. Scheduled perfectly at the beginning of the school year, it has the highest new member turnout amongst any Key Club event we have. Underclassmen enjoyed the excitement of the unfamiliar with their friends, upperclassmen reminisced with old pals about their last few years. More than anything, you can see the entire club come together. As a senior, I've seen my club grow since my freshman year. I've seen new faces come every year, but no matter what I'll always be able to see the same smile and enthusiasm for service. Whether it's your first year or your last, Light the Night is an experience you can't miss. -Megan Ngo Bronx Science


10. 14. 18

The CaringKind Alzheimer’s Walk was significant to me for a number of reasons: Firstly, its location in the upper west side was easy for me to get to and, secondly, Alzheimer’s has always been something of interest to me. I had heard of a few of my(now deceased) relatives who had been struggling from the disease and their struggles with coping. Though it has yet to hit me or anyone I’m close to(fingers crossed!), I’m still very eager to support those struggling & raise awareness for their bravery. Starting around 8:30 o’clock on a chilly morning, I along with another lone student, Kevin, directed people toward the walk @96th street. About an hour later, we headed over to the walk itself, assigned to cheer on people as they walked. It was very special to see a very diverse group of 500+ people gathering towards a common goal, something I feel speaks to us New Yorkers more than most others. On the main platform, there was a WABC journalist speaking of his own experience of having relatives with Alzheimer’s, and demonstrating his desire to help those in need. He ended his talk by asking who in the crowd was caring for someone with Alzheimer’s, which yielded many hands. After, he asked if anyone HAD Alzheimer’s, to which a very minute group had raised their hands. Applauses erupted for those brave people, and, with it, the walk began. Myself, along with other volunteers, cheered people on as they crossed the starting line. The smiles were almost contagious from those walking to the people rooting for them from the side. Indeed, our turnout was powerful not only in numbers, but also in the sheer optimism that we gave off. The walk itself lasted about an hour. As things winded down, there were a number of company(sponsor)tables to breakdown, along with plenty of trash to collect throughout. All in all, I felt proud of my work and support, and relieved at the many others striving for a better medical future for those in need. -Jack Lehman HSMSE



The first thing I checked when I woke up was the time. 7 A.M., on a weekend, (not bad, eh?). It’s technically for a school event, I told myself, so I convinced myself to drag myself out of bed, which I also dreaded. Today was my first event ever with Key Club. At 10 a.m. I was ready to go. Getting to the place itself was an adventure, but with the divine tools known as Google Maps and messenger, I made it there in time. About right on time. There I met Aroni, the project captain for the event. She was... wait. She’s going to be reading this. In that case, she was AMAZINGLY COOL AND FUNNY. Yep. When I told her it was my first event, she was even cooler and explained to me about the event and Key Club in general. By then, the event was starting. After a nice encouraging and bolstering speech, we were given two choices: to go the end of the river, where trash is easily found and a much safer experience... or the other route, where we have to climb down a muddy hill just to get there and pick up trash on the dirt floor. Naturally, everyone else picked the treacherous route. Me, not wanting to go alone, went with them. I did not regret that decision. Before we went down we had to pick up this grabber, because hand grabbing trash is just way too slow. I had to get a new one because a lady said so. Down the hill, trash was spotted everywhere, so everyone got to work. We were

given two bags, one for recycling, one for my social skills (sorry, trash). So off we started, just grabbing anything off the floor. You’d be surprised at what you find. There was actually a weird things contest, where people found the weirdest things. I remember finding an intact pot just there. That wasn’t my submission, though I forgot what I ended up submitting. It was probably... trash. (Mic drop, then hastily picking up the $100 mic). I remember there being a specific rule about needles and how to handle them. Basically, call someone to do it, because that needle could’ve been anywhere. Anyway, the good amount of the hours were just picking up trash and chilling. Near the end, the BxSci squad found a nice cove of new trash, so we spent more time picking it up. On the way there, however, was a duck. Whoa, right? They’re the ones that quack. When we saw him/her, it looked like it was scratching him/her’s neck, so we left it alone. Later, an adult came by, saw the duck, and told us it was dying. That turned the mood around quick. Some people were considering calling PETA, and others just tried to keep their distance, hoping to not disturb the bird more. We left, unsure of the duck’s fate. But hey, I got two hours though! (I sound heartless) The actual event breezed by, but the experience really stuck, especially the lesson about the trash and the effects on nature. And that, was my first event. - Jeffrey Zheng Bronx Science

Slice out Hunger

10. 10. 18

On Wednesday, October 10th, I went to the Slice Out Hunger: Pizza Party event. The organization behind the event, Slice Out Hunger, held it in order to raise money to fight hunger and provide food for the hungry. At first, I was doubtful about going because of the sheer amount of work I had to do that was due the next day. However, I decided to go anyway. The event was after school, so I took the train to Soho and walked to the Shrine Church of St Anthony and Paula, where it was being held. When I arrived, there was

already a long line of people wrapping around the block. Many cars lined the cobblestone street, with some volunteers already helping to unload stacks of cardboard boxes. The air was filled with the distinctive aroma of pizza and a slight hint of basil, rosemary, and red pepper. I went inside the church, signed into the volunteer station, picked up a shirt and went to go look for other volunteers. I joined Wesley, Waly and Daniel outside the church, where we waited for delivery cars and helped unpack the pizza from the cars to each of their respective booths stationed in the church. After the pizzas were unloaded, we stood at the guest entrance of the church and folded pizza boxes to hand out to the attendees of the Pizza Party. As guests started to pour in, we handed out box after box while chatting with each other as well as the occasional attendee. Everyone was really nice, and the volunteers also got to eat some pizza afterwards. Later that day, even though I had a mountain of homework to finish, I got home smiling. I miraculously finished my homework by 12 and slept, satisfied. I learned that helping others helped myself, too. -Akaneh Wang Bronx Science




SOCIAL MEDIA Group: [NYDKC] Division 11 Page: New York District Key Club Division 11 @nydkcdivision11


www.nydkc11.org nydkc11 -- we will relaunch this soon, so stay tuned!

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