[NYDKC Division 11] August Newsletter

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Table of Contents Lieutenant Governor's Greeting


Divisional Board


District Charities and Goals


Past Events


Future Events


Governor's Bulletin


Endorsed Projects


Youth Opportunities Fund


Service Spotlights


August Divisional


Fall Rally


My Key Club Experience


Paperwork Chart


Contact Info


Social Media


Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Pandas! I hope you enjoyed your summers! It has been very eventful, between service events and fundraisers, and I hope you still were all able to relax and have fun. I was so happy to see so many of you at our August Divisional, too! I’m sure September will be very eventful, and sadly, school is starting soon. However, that also means that Key Club will be back in full swing!! I look forward to seeing you all more often during the school year :) I suggest you help out at your school’s club fair, and try to recruit as many new members as possible! We always love to see new faces and they will be a welcome addition to our division. I know you will be busy with new schoolwork, and the seniors will be busy with college applications (including me), but please still try to find time to go to service events. We, the division board, will find at least one service event a month for you all, and you can always utilize the divisional calendar to find other service events. Speaking of that, we have an event coming up on the 4th, where you can deliver food to the elderly. Make sure to sign up! Just a reminder to club officers, please make sure to always submit your MRFs, and to always submit your FRFs as soon as you hold a fundraiser! I wish you all the best of luck for this school year! To all those who are now in college, I am sure you will be awesome there as well, and please come back to visit! Yours in service, Mara Yella


Kimberly Nee Executive Assistant

Dara Gaidamak Secretary

Hugh Jay Yu Webmaster

Joyce Lam Social Media Head

Ivy Tong Bulletin Editor


District Project

Comfort Cases

One Tree Planted


Service Hour Goal

Fundraising Goal

130,000 $155,000

Past Events August 4th: Summer Streets August 11th: 8th Annual K-Family Picnic August 11th and 12th: Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival August 17th: August Divisional August 18th: Summer Streets August 19th: #Hashtag Lunchbag August 21st: HSMSE and LaGuardia's Volleyball Tournament August 25th: NYSOM Back to School Bonanza August 29th: Bronx Science and Stuyvesant's End of Summer Celebration

Future Events September 1st: Ninja Panda Giraffe BBQ September 2nd: NYC Duathlon September 4th: Carter Burden Network Meal Delivery September 8th: Xavier Mission Soup Kitchen September 9th: Sakura Park Festival September 9th: Calvary Hospital Birthday Party September 15th: Color Run September 15th: Flushing BID Street Festival September 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd: PhotoVille September 16th: Alzheimer's Walk -- Queens September 23rd: Walk to End Alzheimers -Brooklyn September 29th: Be the Match Walk + Run September 30th: Step Out Walk

governor's bulletin

endorsed projects As a district, we support multiple charities, including Comfort Cases and One Tree Planted, our Governor's and District Project, respectively. In addition to those, we have some endorsed projects, which includes Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation, Kamp Kiwanis, and...

The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, or KPTC for short, helps fund treatment and provides support for children at the North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, Long Island. So far, as a district we have raised $680 for this charity!

Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund, or YOF for short, helps clubs fund service projects. If you have an idea for a service project, but don't have enough money to start it, please consider applying to the YOF!! All applications can be found on the YOF website (see below) and are due on October 15th. Some more information can be found in the graphic on the side, made by our past International Trustee Alisa Nguyen, or by visiting: www.keyclub.org/youth-opportunities-fund/

Service Spotlights

Bxsci X Stuy Pool and Bowling Fundraiser

8. 29. 18

The Stuy x Bronx Sci End of Summer Celebration, was held on Wednesday, August 29th. I arrived at the Flushing Library at 10:10 for the meetup which was led by Winnie Huang. We left the library at 10:30 and began walking to Prince Billiards for pool. When we got there, we signed in and started playing pool. I played with George Zhou and lost 5 times, on purpose of course. I impressed myself though, by sending the cue ball into a pocket 7 times in a row. After playing pool, everyone gathered around the first two tables to witness the pool tournament. The pool tournament lasted for at least 15 minutes. After pool we walked for 10 minutes as a group to Whitestone Lanes for the second half of the fundraiser, bowling. Once we got to the bowling alley, we gathered in groups and got our bowling shoes. I did a lot better at bowling than pool, I still lost the first game though. I was in the middle of my second game when we took a group photo. Which probably gave me good luck, because I managed by some miracle to get four strikes and win. Overall the fundraiser was really fun. I rarely play pool or bowling and it was great to try it. I also just came back after a long trip to malaysia, and it was nice to be able to catch up with my friends. - Jackson Ngo Stuyvesant

8th Annual

K-Family Picnic

8. 11. 18

So not being able to attend the K-Family Picnic this year really sucks. I had the distinct pleasure of being on the committee that created the K-Family Picnic. I'm on the Alumni and Kiwanis Family Relations Committee which deals with building relations between the other branches. So, we would be in meeting on Skype and Google Hangouts and we would discuss topics like food, activities, location, etc. Then, we were assigned positions and I was assigned with posting in the City Facebook Groups. Personally I enjoy posting in the groups because I've made so many friends in Key Club. I also had to go out and get sponsorships from the Kiwanis clubs. I loved doing this because I get to talk to Kiwanians and I get to interact with them. I've got to go to meetings and talk about and it is so cool. -Anthony Annunziado CCNY

8. 26. 18

Our story takes place on the dawn of Sunday, August 26th, when 2 awfully tardy freshmen squids awoke with great difficulty at approximately 5:00 AM. Determined to make it to the volunteering event on time that day (as that was a rare occurrence for both of them), the two woke up and completed their morning rituals to prepare to leave their respective houses. Brushing their teeth, changing their clothes, eating breakfast (if what each of them ate could be called breakfast), etc. etc. Fast forward, and the 2 close friends agreed to meet up before arriving at the event location. But as fate would have it, one of the two (which will remain unnamed) arrived late - which shocked neither of them causing the pair to arrive at the event site a tentacle late. They proceeded to meet up at the event site (Pier 62 of the Manhattan piers) with the other volunteers, who had all gathered there to help out at the Donut Dash: a fantastic event hosted by ASH (Ambassadors for Sustained Health). In summary, ASH is a non-profit organization that hosts events/fundraisers and uses 100% of the raised profits to promote healthy habits and help maintain healthy lifestyles in Kenya. Those participating in the Dash, as well as the volunteers helping at the event, all came together to support this wonderful cause and, in all honesty, it was amazing since so many people took time out of their lives to help others on the other side of the planet that they’ve never even met before. WITH THAT SAID, BACK TO THE EVENT! Where we last left off, the 2 squids arrived at the pier, found the others (after some momentary confusion and difficulty), and checked in with the project captain of the event, Key Club’s amazinggg treasurer, Freya Zhu. After the event coordinators greeted and addressed the group, jobs were delegated and different roles were given to different people.

BUT HERE’S A 482% NECESSARY INTERLUDE: If one were to have a birds eye view on the two squids, one would find him or herself captivated by what one of the squids was holding. And if one were to zoom in on what one of the squids pulled out of the bag she held, one would come to the conclusion that it was not one, but TWO (I repeat, TwOOooOOOOoOOooOoOoOOOOooOo) motivational posters that the 2 squids had desperately made the day before. Although the posters were optional, the squids felt a strong, compelling desire to create them. Festooned with puns and decoration, and with no regard to bias whatsoever, the posters were a huge success and did a great job in supporting and cheering on the participants. In addition to providing moral support for the runners, volunteers also helped set up, handed out refreshments and nutritious snacks, acted as course marshals and helped direct wandering runners, and helped clean up after the race. The main leads of this tale, our 2 squids, were assigned the role of standing at the entrance to direct prospective runners to the registration table further down the path. They were given a large donut inflatable to attract the attention of Donut Dash participants, which they had also used half the time to perform neverbefore-done tricks (some of which were hula hooping, tossing the donut, and balancing it on their heads). After registration closed at 9:00, they continued to act as cheerleaders for the runners, course marshals that made sure everyone was going in the right path, and congratulate-ers (gave a final burst of applause and congratulations to the runners after the race). To celebrate the conclusion of the Donut Dash, the runners, as well as the volunteers, were invited to have refreshments and donuts at the registration table (hence the name Donut Dash). Pictures were taken, drinks were deserted, and the people were quaking. THE END. - Susan Zheng and Leo Lin Stuyvesant

-I woke up that day at around 4:30; while the actual event started at 9, volunteers showed up at around 6:45. It was still somewhat dark when we came, but we were all still happy to be there. From setting up tables to unloading cars to handing out shirts, there was always a lot to do. The 5K went from Pier 62 to 84 and back. I was assigned with someone else to stay behind and pick up trash from the runners. Thankfully they didn't leave that much behind, but we still picked up trash that others left. Other volunteers were stationed at different parts of the course to cheer the people and guide them. After all that work, we - organizers, volunteers, and runners alike enjoyed some donuts. Everyone was really happy to be there and I know for sure that I'd want to come again next year! - Angelo Lontok HSMSE Key Club

Summer Streets

8. 4. 28

Summer Streets was a very enjoyable experience for me, especially after going to this event my freshman year. It’s basically this event that happens for three Saturdays in August every year, where New York City opens up seven miles of streets in Manhattan for people to bike, jog, or simply walk around. It was a really early event, and we had to be there at around 6 in the morning, so seeing a lot of our volunteers simply being there gave me motivation. By the time we arrived there, most of the streets had been closed and there were already some people jogging through. Every mile or so, there is a rest stop where there are a bunch of fun-filled activities for people of all ages, and Bronx Science Key Club was stationed near Astor Place. When we arrived at the volunteer tent, the coordinators made us sign in, and then, they gave us these really nice Nike bags, which had a bunch of stuff in it, such as a bike map, sunglasses, etc, similar to last year. One thing that was different from last year, however, was that the weather wasn’t really too great. For all three Saturdays, it was pouring rain. Luckily, they also gave us ponchos, so that was pretty nice. Once everyone was checked in, we were then assigned to different stations where we had to control and direct traffic along the streets. One of us would be blowing a whistle and the other would be holding up a sign that told people when to stop and when to go. We were put into groups of two, and we were separated at every few blocks where there was traffic. I happened to be stationed at 14th Street, so it was pretty busy, since it was right next to Union Square. We managed the traffic around that intersection for about five hours, switching every half an hour to hold up the sign. There were points where the rain was pouring so much, huge puddles of water were forming at the edge of the sidewalk, but we managed to grind through the terrible weather. I personally had a great time, because I was able to interact with so many people that were outside as well, including police officers, bikers, runners, and other volunteers. It honestly just felt good to be part of such a big event that allowed people to go out and be active, regardless of the weather. Even though standing around holding up a sign for a couple of hours in the rain may sound boring, it was an unforgettable experience that allowed me serve my community. - Wesley Mui Bronx Science

HSMSE X Laguardia's Volleyball Fundraiser 8. 21. 18

HSMSE and LaGuardia Key Club partnered up again this year to host a fun and exciting summer fundraiser. Last year we held a scavenger hunt and this year we hosted a volleyball tournament followed by a picnic in the park! It was great to see everyone's faces and watch the volleyball match. We had 4 amazing teams who played with all their might but "6 piece nuggets" was the team who won! It was such an intense game in the sand and sun. We had a pretty chill picnic with a delicious pizza. The stress planning was all worth it because everyone was having a great time! Thank you to everyone who attended! Together, we raised $101 for HSMSE and LaGuardia Key Club! - Kiln Chen HSMSE


Our August Divisional was held on August 17th, at the Katten Muchin Rosenman Lawfirm. We had a great turnout, and it was great seeing all of you! At the divisional, we went over our past and future events, and I gave some updates from the district, including announcing our new International Trustee, Alice Geng, and the opening of the Youth Opportunities Fund. A nice addition to the divisional, was that Bronx Science sold bubble tea! We also had some Circle K-ers attend, who sold stickers and pringles. As always, if you would like more detail, you can read the minutes from the divisional on our website or by clicking the link from one of my weekly emails!

FALL RALLY Our annual Fall Rally is coming soon! We hold this event every fall, and it is a one day conference where you all can learn more about Key Club. We have workshops that can teach you about your position in Key Club if you're an officer, teach you more about Key Club, and some that are just fun and creative! What's more is that Fall Rally won't just be our division, but it will have Divisions 8-13! This comprises all of New York City, Westchester, and the Hudson Valley. I highly recommend you attend, as it will be a great learning experience, and a great way to meet more Key Clubbers in our area. The Lieutenant Governors of Divisions 8-13 and I are currently in the process of planning, so we will have more information for you as time progresses. Don't worry, we will make sure to update you all as we have more information solidified. For now, just know that Fall Rally will most likely be in late November. To all club officers, it is expected that you will attend!! The workshops will certainly help you learn more about your position, and may even give you ideas for what else to do during the service year. Also, please encourage your new members to attend as well! This is a great way to introduce them to the Key Club family!


Rachel Lin Bronx Science

In the beginning, I was instantly drawn to key club only because many of my friends were here. As I continued to show up to various events is when I realized how big and diverse key club is. I met so many new friends who I hope I'm going to continue to be close to for years to come. So many people come together from all over to help make the community a tad better. My favorite part of key club is definitely the inter-divisional events where there are even more people who feel the same joy in helping out. Whether it's a fundraiser where the money goes to charity or a 3 mile walk that we all come together to take part in.




SOCIAL MEDIA Group: [NYDKC] Division 11 Page: New York District Key Club Division 11 @nydkcdivision11


www.nydkc11.org nydkc11 -- we will relaunch this soon, so stay tuned!

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