[NYDKC Division11] Winter Newsletter

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TABLE OF CONTENTS LTG's Greeting........................3 Divisional Board......................4 District Updates......................5 Winter Divisionals....................6 Past Events.............................8 Future Events.........................10 Service Spotlights...................11 Featured Divisional Spotlight..18 LTC.......................................20 Paperwork+Contact Info........22 Social Media.........................23

LTG'S Greeting Hi Pandas, I hope you’ve had a great winter! This had the holidays, some school breaks, and a new semester! Anyways, I just hope you’ve all been well during these past months. We are nearing the end of our service year (2 more months!), and while I am sad to go, I am so excited to celebrate a great year with you at LTC!! Make sure to be ready to cheer constantly during the general sessions. Also, make sure to apply for awards!! You all do such amazing service throughout the year, and I want to make sure you’re rewarded for it. Even if you’re not going to LTC, you can still apply!! Anyways, I still have one or two more newsletters until it is goodbye, so have a great February! Make sure to come to the February Divisional! Yours in service, Mara

Divisional Board

Mara Yella Lieutenant Governor Kimberly Nee Executive Assistant

Daria Gaidamak Secretary

Joyce Lam Social Media Head

Dan Dayot Webmaster Vincent Dayot Bulletin Editor

District Updates Governor's Project Amount raised: $4166.75

Comfort Cases

Comfort Cases helps children in the foster care system who struggle with having few belongings. These children would otherwise have to carry their things in a trash bag, so this organization provides them dignity and comfort with a good bag to call their own.

One Tree Planted Around a third of the Earth's land area is forested, but that is dwindling by the day. One Tree Planted is a Vermontbased non-profit dedicated to reforestation across the globe from

District Project Amount raised: $2715.76

the Americas to Asia.

Service Goal Hour

Fundraising Goal



November Divisional November 6, 2018

This divisional was held at Hunter College High School. While it was a very rainy day, Division 11 braved the weather to attend! We got started a little late, but we did do some Happy Dollars while we waited. The money from that went to benefit The Salvation Army.

December Divisional December 17, 2018

This divisional was held at Baruch College Campus High School. We discussed past and future events, and highlighted the importance of club attendance at LTC. Additionally, Baruch Key Club sold refreshments and HSMSE Key Club sold holiday candy grams!


January Divisional January 31, 2019

It seems like our divisionals always end up on days with terrible weather! This time, it was way below freezing, but that does't stop our Pandas! We had a great turnout for our LTG election divisional at Bronx Science. All four candidates were amazing and incredibly qualified, but in the end, Kiln Chen from HSMSE Key Club was elected to become Division 11's next Lieutenant Governor! Congratulations Kiln! Additionally, Bronx Science Key Club gave out some complimentary cookies, and our divisional windbreakers were finally paid for and ordered!


Maria Hernandez Dog Run - 11/3 Hot Cider Hustle - 11/3 Best Buddies Friendship Walk - 11/3 Alzheimer’s Walk - 11/4 Queens Botanical Garden - 11/4 NYC Marathon - 11/4 Key Club Week - 11/5-9 Fashion for Action - 11/7 Food Serving at Manhattan Church of Christ - 11/17 Church of Good Deeds - 11/17 Fall Rally - 11/17 Good Deeds Giveaway - 11/18 Youth Farm - 11/18 Thanksgiving Bowery Mission - 11/23 Turkey Trot - 11/24 Baruch & Nest+m Movie Fundraiser - 11/24 It’s My Park at Corlears Park - 11/25 NYCRuns Brooklyn 5k - 11/25 Meals on Wheels - December Saturdays Arts for All Barnes and Nobles - 12/1 Christmas in the Garden - 12/2 Chanukah Home Visit - 12/2 Macy’s Cards - 12/5 Riverside Community Garden - 12/8 St. Nicholas Astor Home Project - 12/8 It’s My Park Leif Erikson Park - 12/9 Big Apple Half Marathon - 12/9


Fort Greene Park Conservancy - 12/2 Holiday Mania - 12/15 Serve Hot Meals to the Homeless - 12/15 Downtown Math Divisional - 12/15 Seeds in the Middle Gift Wrapping - 12/16 Santapaws Pet Photos - 12/16 I’RAISE Toy and Coat Drive - 12/22 Gowanus Flea Market - 12/22 Carter Burden Network - 12/23 BedStuy Campaign Against Hunger - 12/24 Carden Burden Network - 12/23,27,28 Celebrate Kwanzaa - 12/26-30 Ice Skating Fundraiser - 12/26 Mulchfest - 1/12 Meet Me in Malawi - 1/13 Scholars II Beautification - 1/19 Women's March - 1/19 MLK Canvass to Reduce Hunger - 1/19 Books Through Bars - 1/20 Package Seeds at Brower Park - 1/20 HIP2BEHEALTHY Market - 1/21 Brooklyn Japanese Festival - 1/21 FABSCRAP - 1/23 Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen - 1/24 Global Game Jam - 1/25-27 Xavier Mission Soup Kitchen - 1/27 It's My Park at Leif Erikson Park - 1/27 BounceU Fundraiser - 1/27

FUTURE EVENTS Bit Awards - 2/1 Winter Play - 2/2 Nest+m QHSLS PooL Fundraiser - 2/3 DOROT Winter Packaging - 2/3 Firecracker Festival - 2/5 Pantry Packing Night - 2/5 Cupid's Chase - 2/9 February Divisional - 2/12 Williamsburg Tree Care - 2/13 Serve Hot Meals at NYCP - 2/12, 21 Firecracker Festival - 2/16 Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen - 2/16 Lunar New Year Parade - 2/17 It's My Park Skyline Playground - 2/17 Dance NYC - 2/22,23 Get Out the Vote Phone Bank - 2/23 Feeding the Homeless - 2/24 Pantry Packing Night - 2/26

The Best Buddies Walk seeks to raise awareness and money to help those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Riverside Park

11/3/ 2018

I woke up late for the event and realized that I might have left Fahad alone to go to the event. I dashed out of the house and was lucky enough to get a ride from my parents. Although I was slightly late, I still checked in around the same time that Francis Lewis Red Cross did. Bronx Science Key Club stood at the entrance of the park directing people that were supposed to go to the walk inside the park. We also helped set up a few chairs for the VIP section. Before the walk started, we went out to a point along the path to act as marshals. We stood around directing people where to go and cheered people on, giving them high-fives and taking pictures with a few people. Although the sky didn’t look too nice, we were lucky enough to just have strong wind. After the event, we were provided with food and snacks, which was really nice of the hosts. Although I went to the event with lots of doubt, I came out really happy because of all the Key Clubbers I saw. Anthony Lim, Bronx Science Key Club

Baruch + NEST+M Key Club Ralph Breaks the Internet Fundraiser November 24, 2018

All proceeds from this fundraiser went to the Thirst Project, an organization whose mission is to introduce safe drinking water to underdeveloped parts of the world!

The past Ralph Breaks the Internet movie fundraiser between Baruch & Nest+m Key Club had a great turnout thanks to the support of everyone! It is the first outside fundraiser that BCCHS Key Club and we're super thankful for Nest's support during the process, and we've learn so much more about how to start our own outside fundraiser. We have almost 100 signups and 80% of the people actually attended the event and we're super happy! On the date of the event, we actually have to buy extra tickets several times, because there were more show up than what we've predicted there to be. The planning process took around a month, however, things are only to be intensified during the last two weeks. During that time, we have to figure out the payment, google form, advocacy, and communication with the divisions. The most surprising thing on the date of the event was the great amount of support from Nest+m alumni, where a lot of the parents are brining their kids to the theater, and supporting this great cause. In total, we've raised around $350 in profit for the thirst project !!! Also, I would want to give a special shootout to some of the Queens fellows that traveled all the way here to support our fundraiser! It was super duper fun and we look forward into our future fundraisers! Thanks again to Nest+m and those of you guys who attended the fundraiser! -Lance Zhang, Baruch College Campus High School

Holiday Mania

At this service event, our volunteers helped out in entertaining children of all backgrounds with games and other activities!

December 15, 2018 Right before break started, I wanted to get into the Christmas spirit and attend this event. Upon arriving, I saw fellow Key Clubbers dressed up as reindeers, Santa Claus, and elves. Small kids were happily doing activities at different tables scattered across the school's gym. At first, I went to wrap gifts. These gifts were given to kids who had collected 5 stickers from doing activities. There were bats, boxes of dolls, etc. After wrapping presents, I went around to look at the activities and there were crossword puzzles, Christmas tree making, cookie and cupcake stands, cookie sled-making, and a bunch of other fun activities. This was a very fun event and it made me de-stress from school and get into the Christmas spirit. I enjoyed helping to run this event and allow kids to enjoy their childhood, especially because I never attended such things as a child. There's nothing else I would prefer to do a week before Christmas. - Penny Wang, Stuyvesant

Holiday Mania was a very fun and interesting event in general. My favorite part about the event was spending time with the kids and watching their creativeness flow. After volunteering at Holiday Mania, I was left with a sense of accomplishment and pride. I felt like a good person to be able to give children an opportunity to have fun. I am looking forward to volunteering in more events and being able to help others in my community. - Ahona Rana, Bronx Science

Senior Home Christmas Carol December 22, 2018

On December 22, 2018, members of Key Club and other high schoolers around the area volunteered at a senior center/hospital in Woodside. From 9 am till afternoon, we sang Christmas carols throughout all 8 floors of the building. We prioritized the patients in rooms since those were the seniors who couldn’t leave their bed and were in most critical conditions. We gleefully sang through the gloomy, quiet hallways and individually stopped by each room to sing if we saw any patients. Many smiled, some clapped, and many even sang along the familiar melodies with us. And those who couldn’t move, silently and peacefully listened. I teared up multiple times when some of the seniors started crying while listening to our carol. Their pained faces communicated their heartaches and I began to recall how I wasn’t there for my grandfather who passed. We marched throughout the whole building bring the holiday spirit and youthful energy with us. Since the holiday season is when seniors who don't have a family feel most lonely and homesick, it was wonderful being able to bring joy and hope to them. - Kunga Chime, NEST+m Key Club

In the spirit of Martin Luther King Day and the Weekend of Service , we repainted the walls of Scholars Academy II Elementary in East Harlem to build a better environment for learning.

East Harlem Scholars Academy II Beautification January 20, 2019

On January 20th, nine members of our club went to East Harlem to help paint the walls of the rooms of the East Harlem Scholars Academy. Before we started painting, we had breakfast provided to us and we learned about the history of the neighborhood and what it meant for us volunteers to contribute our time to help the students and staff. The painting process definitely took the much needed help and time because one would think that painting walls and doing touch ups wouldn’t be so difficult of a task. The whole process took seven hours approximately but the staff were friendly enough to provide us pizza and salad for lunch as well as breaks in between. This has been the first time I’ve ever painted walls for such a long period of time other than painting the ones of my home but it did go faster than I expected, mostly because everyone was really focused in completing their job. The work was a little bit physically straining but I felt more than happy and accomplished that I was able to spend my time helping the community and doing so with my friends. Valerie Wong, Millennium Key Club

HIP2BHEALTHY Market January 21, 2019

An event that encouraged healthy eating.

During the event, volunteers helped out with tasks like preparing meals for families from the neighborhood. But this event was bigger than just juicing oranges or slicing fruits. It took place on Martin Luther King Jr. day, and served as a reminder that, although we have come a long way, racial discrimination is still present not just against one ethnic group. It reminded the volunteers and the families, that in order to combat this problem, we, as humans have to stick together for each other. The meals prepared by the volunteers were all healthy and contained no added sugar. These tasty but healthy meals and Volunteers facilitating the physical activities encouraged young children to continue this healthy lifestyle. - Tahoor Arif, HSMSE Sophomore

[NYDKC] Division Nine

Special Bonus Feature!!

Meals for the Homeless 12/5, 12/29, 1/12

The soup kitchen was an enlightening experience. Living in New York City we constantly see people who are less fortunate than us, whether it is on a city street corner or on the train. How many times has someone stopped to give them food or start a small conversation with them? The soup kitchen was the chance for us to make a difference for homeless people. Our day started at 10:00 on a nice Saturday morning. We went to the fourth floor to help set up for lunch while the people we would be serving watched a movie downstairs. Along with other volunteers we set up tables and chairs. Then we were assigned to go downstairs and serve snacks to those watching the movie. We served coffee, iced tea, eggnog, and cookies and while serving them we had a chance to make small talk. It was amazing to see everyone come together and be so happy especially so close to the holiday. The thankfulness in their eyes and hope made me feel good about sacrificing my day to give my time to the people. I am appreciative and feel blessed for what I have, yet today made me realize just how lucky I am to have my family, friends, and health. After awhile of serving snacks we went upstairs and it was like walking into winter wonderland. The whole room was decorated with drawings made by the other volunteers, young and old. We contributed with our own drawings as we laughed and shared stories. As lunch rolled around we prepared ourselves to serve the large crowd. The food smelled so delicious as everyone dug into their meals. We then helped clean dishes while others served dessert which was pears. Overall, our day was very successful and fun. We were able to help people that were less fortunate and see their faces light up with happiness and contentment. It was a great day and I can’t wait to do it again! - Meghan Stern, Midwood High School 2020

L . T . C .

Leadership Training Conference

- Attend informational workshops that will enhance your skills as a club officer! - Interact with Key Clubbers from all over New York State! - Win Awards - Do fun activities (like screaming your lungs out) at Play Fair! - Party at the Governor's Ball! "LTC gave me the wonderful opportunity to connect with so many dedicated Key Clubbers" Kiln Chen, HSMSE

"At LTC, my favorite memory is partying with upstate and Long Island kids even as the first night is closing out" - Aaron Wu, BxSci From narwhal dance parties to the award ceremonies, being with so many key clubbers from when we wake up to when we sleep was an experience I will never forget. Freya Zhu, Stuyvesant

Leadership Training Conference

At the Desmond Hotel in Albany from March 29th to 31s At LTC, you and your club have the chance to win awards to top off an amazing year of dedicated service! These include: - Outstanding Board Member - Outstanding Member - Distinguished Key Clubber - And many more! To look at all the awards you wish to win and how to qualify for them, refer to the awards booklet: http://ltc.nydkc.org/static/201 82019%20Awards%20Bookle t%20FINAL%20020219.pdf

, 2019

Remember, the priority deadline is February 22, and the final chance to register is March 1st! For members, it is $298 to go, chaperones $330 for a double room, $649 for a single. All payments are due by March 15! To register, make sure to visit https://www.regonline.com/b uilder/site/Default.aspx? EventID=2539703 !!! Also, check out the promo video: https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=ObDPONU6ha8

Say Aloha to service, because this year, LTC is Hawaiian themed! Remember to bring your Hawaiian shirts, but also to have fun!

Paperwork & Contact Info

Check Out Our Social Media! Group: [NYDKC] Division 11 Page: New York District Key Club Division 11

Insta: @nydkcdivision11 Snap: @nydkcdivision11 Website: nydkc11.org

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