Headteachers Welcome
Dear Year 6 pupil and family,
We are delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to Shrewsbury Academy. We are confident that you will have an enjoyable evening and truly feel part of the exciting journey we are on.
Our vision is “Achievement through caring” and at Shrewsbury Academy we will strive to be the school of choice for our local community. One in which both community and school work together to create one team to drive standards. We will enable young people to be successful, creative and active lifelong learners who will participate in a journey to success. Our school will become the school of choice for our local residents, which inspires students to realise their potential, instilling confidence and a sense of pride in their local community.
This welcome booklet has been developed to give information about routine procedures, the subjects studied and the work of our departments. Further information about the school can be found on our website at www.shrewsburyacademy.co.uk.
We are keen to do everything possible to help your child feel settled and happy at Shrewsbury Academy. If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to meeting you tonight and to welcome your family to Shrewsbury Academy.
Yours sincerely, Julie Johnson
At Shrewsbury Academy we are extremely proud of our extensive links with the surrounding primary schools. Each year we offer a rich and extensive programme of activities that allow primary school students to extend their learning and familiarise themselves with life at SA.
Socially and educationally, the change from Year 6 to 7 can seem daunting; we make every effort to ensure this transition is as smooth and easy as possible. Each year we are proud of the positive feedback we receive from parents and students. programme for Class of
March: places Shrewsbury
Miss Julie Johnson: Head Teacher
I am Head of School at Shrewsbury Academy. I am responsible for everything that happens on a day to day basis in our school. My office is located at the top of the stairs by reception and my PA Sarah Compton is next door
Mr Jim Taylor – Deputy Headteacher – Quality of Education and Performance
I am the Deputy Headteacher here at Shrewsbury Academy. I support the Head of School with the day to day running of Shrewsbury Academy and oversee the quality and creation of our curriculum. I also teach Science. Any concerns or queries I can be found in my office on the main corridor
Mrs Angela Grant Assistant Head Teaching & Learning, CLA
I am an Assistant Head here at Shrewsbury Academy. I oversee Teaching and Learning and am responsible for LAC students. Any concerns or queries I can be found in my office on the main corridor
Mrs Michelle Marston: Assistant Head – Inclusion, SEND, Alternative Provision & PSHE
Hi, I'm Mrs Marston, Assistant Headteacher overseeing Inclusion, PSHE and Alternative Provision. I work very closely with our SEND department and ensure that all students have the support they need in school to flourish. All students should have access to a curriculum that meets their needs and educates them about important PSHE issues, to ensure they become good citizens and to keep themselves safe.
Ms Roxanne Hayes: Assistant Head – Raising Standards Leader and Pupil Premium
I am responsible for Raising Standards here at Shrewsbury Academy I work with Directors of Faculty and Progress and Aspirations leaders to ensure that all students achieve their full potential. I am also a Maths teacher to all ages and ability levels. My classroom and my office are in the MFL block.
Mr Nick Parkin Operations Manager
I am Operations Manager at Shrewsbury Academy. I am responsible for all aspects of the school which do not fall under education. These include finance, catering, cleaning, reception, site team, IT, health & safety and first aid. If you require any assistance, my office is located on the top of the stairs by reception
Mr Tony Bishop Director of Behaviour and Attitudes
My role in school is to work with other staff in SLT to develop strategies and processes to reduce the instances of negative behaviour To build relationships with those pupils who face behaviour and social challenges that can lead to disruption, disrespect, defiance, and other more significant behaviour issues I am responsible for all aspects of the behaviour system which is in place to guide staff when dealing with classroom management
Key Personnel - Directors of Progress
Mr Dan Mee Year 6/7
Specialism: Music
Miss Rebecca Evans Year 8/9
Specialism: Geography
Mr Carl Rogers Year 10/11
Specialism: PE
Mrs Laura Richmond
I am the Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) at Shrewsbury Academy I oversee the SEND support provision for our young people who may have additional needs. I also teach Design and Technology. My office is located upstairs within the Nurture Hub above the Humanities department on the main corridor.
Mrs Bridget Quinlan
I am an Access Leader at Shrewsbury Academy, and I am a member of the SEND team. My specialism is Key Stage 4 English and Maths intervention, specifically GCSE preparation and technique
When I'm not supporting in lessons, you can find me in the KS4 SEND support room This is located upstairs within the Nurture Hub, which is located above the Humanities department on the main corridor.
Miss Sophie Downes
I am an access leader at Shrewsbury Academy, and I am part of the SEND team. I support students in the KS4 room. My specialism is supporting students on a one to one basis and in small groups. As well as supporting students with their learning, I am also there to support students' mental health and well being.
When I'm am not supporting students in lessons you'll find me in the KS4 room, this is located upstairs within the nurture hub, which is located above the humanities department on the main corridor.
Mrs Sarah Mazan
I am an Access Leader at Shrewsbury Academy, and I am a member of the SEND team. My specialism is supporting Key stage 3 SEND students with their learning, including one to one teaching, small group intervention and screening
When I’m not supporting in lessons, you can find me in the KS3 SEND support room which is on the main corridor by reception
Mrs Sharon Platt
I am an Access Leader at Shrewsbury Academy, and I am a member of the SEND team. My specialism is supporting Key stage 3 SEND students with their learning, including one to one teaching, small group intervention and screening.
When I’m not supporting in lessons, you can find me in the KS3 SEND support room which is on the main corridor by reception.
❑ Pastoral team deliver intervention programmes to help with any barriers which may impact on any child’s learning and progress
❑ Pupils who have support from external agencies meet regularly in the intervention rooms in the Raise area by appointment only
❑ The Raise Room also offers students a quieter environment where they can spend their breaks and lunchtimes. There are a variety of games that can be used, books to read and an outdoor space for when the sun is shining!
Mrs Lucy Howells: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
My role is to oversee the safeguarding team at Shrewsbury Academy. I am a Designated Safeguarding Lead and I support the families of our most vulnerable students I am responsible for delivering Safeguarding updates to all staff via the weekly bulletin. I organise the relevant training for staff, keeping them up to date with mandatory training’ I can be found in my office in RAISE
Mrs Rachel Powell: Pastoral/ Safeguarding
Hi, I am Mrs Powell and I am part of the Pastoral Team. I work in the Raise Room and help students who are referred here for lessons I am available for you to come and speak to if you need any support.
Mrs Sally Boucher Pastoral
I am part of the Pastoral Team at Shrewsbury Academy I can be found in the Raise Room I support the pupils at Shrewsbury Academy that have any worries or concerns on both a 1:1 level and in small groups. I help to make sure that pupils are happy and feel supported when they are in school.
Miss Lucy Perks
I am a member of the Pastoral Team and I work with children that might need extra support around their emotional and social needs. I can meet with children 1:1 but also can work with children in groups. Another role I have around school is that I am in charge of the First aid where I support children who have medical needs and provide them support plans to help them whilst at school.
Every student that attends Shrewsbury Academy has the right to all the educational opportunities it offers. Some children may face barriers to learning. Should these barriers occur extra support and guidance maybe required to help overcome these barriers, enabling the student to achieve and make progress.
The Pastoral team will liaise with parents / carers whenever possible in relation to any issues relating to their child throughout their child's educational career.
The team will be happy to discuss any queries relating to your child's progress, behaviour and indeed any concerns.
How we will support your child:
• Works alongside teachers and agencies to help remove any barriers that maybe stopping a child from learning and achieving in school.
• Set simple targets for the child to work towards in order to help remove barriers and improve
• Develop and maintain a 1 1 supportive and positive relationship with each student.
• Maintain regular contact with each supported Student.
• Maintain regular contact with families/carers to encourage positive involvement in each students learning
• Make effective use of the range of support that is available for children from outside agencies.
• Help young people raise self-esteem and confidence
Miss Julie Johnson
We strive to engender an infectious, lifelong, enthusiasm for learning to create a community with ambition, a sense of self-worth, belief and personal growth. We seek to create young people who can be confident and successful in an ever changing world.
We want to engage students and staff by offering a range of opportunities and experiences that lead to the highest standards of achievement and mastery of key skills.
We expect our students and staff to:
• Appreciate the value and power of knowledge.
• Develop qualities of independence, adaptability and creativity.
• Approach situations with positivity and a solution based mindset.
• Be inspired to learn and to continue learning.
• Understand and demonstrate emotional intelligence and collaborate effectively.
• Be respectful, determined, dedicated and disciplined in the drive to achieve excellence.
• Be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally aware.
We love what we do.
Our subject specialists have carefully structured the curriculum to take students on a journey through Year 7 to Year 11, preparing them for further education or employment and to become valuable and positive members of a global community, Shrewsbury Academy works closely with our feeder schools and cultivates a relationship where the knowledge that students bring from their primary learning is used to garner developed interest in learning at a secondary level. We foster a collaborative approach so that knowledge and understanding is built upon to enable their working memory to grow.
Students study a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all groups of learners, allowing them to feel challenged and to excel. We believe that students should access a full range of academic, creative and expressive subjects, which is evidenced in the models below.
Each subject has a clear rationale for its curriculum plan, and a coherent and detailed sequence of work, with integrated assessment points, building towards the final examinations. Our suite of subjects for study at GCSE is broad, with a strong academic core in the EBacc subjects. The overview of our entire curriculum mapping is available on our website https://www.shrewsburyacademy.co.uk/information/curriculum/ showing each subject’s journey at Shrewsbury Academy:
8:30 8:45
Registration 8:45 – 9:00
Period 1 9:00 10:00
Period 2 10:00 11:00
Break 11:00 11:20
Period 3 11:20 12:20
Period 4 12:20 13:20
Lunch 13:20 13:50
DEAR 13:50 – 14:10
Period 5 14:10 15:10
The Proposal
The Department for Education have appointed Tilbury Douglas to design and build the works. The proposed development includes several elements which, once approved will be implemented in phases. All of the proposed works are to be included as part of one planning application in order to provide clarity on how the school and the Trust wish the site to be developed, and the improvements which are planned to enhance the educational facilities at Shrewsbury Academy.
The application will include the following key elements:
•Construction of a new two storey STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) teaching block in the centre of the campus The new building will also include a dedicated library and learning resource centre (LLRC) which the school does not currently benefit from;
•Refurbishment of the former infant school to provide general teaching accommodation, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) space and ancillary facilities;
•Targeted remodelling and refurbishment of areas within the existing secondary school;
•Improved access throughout the school through the provision of ramped and lift access;
•Removal of two modular classroom buildings that are located on existing areas of hardstanding which will be made available as play space. In addition, the demolition of the existing nursery and IT/RE accommodation.
The proposed works are to meet the needs of the pupils at the school allowing for the increase in pupil numbers currently being experienced. It is proposed that student numbers will be increased gradually from currently 800 to 1,200 by 2024. The planned increase in numbers at the site is comparable to the loss of students and staff associated with the former infant school
The main element of the proposed improvement works is the construction of the new STEM building The STEM block will deliver modern teaching and learning facilities for pupils and staff alike in a high quality environment It is expected that the new facility will promote better pupil outcomes and ultimately, improve results for pupils in Key Stages 3 and 4.
Estimated timelines
July 2022 Planning permission submitted October 2022 Planning permission granted (expected) November 2022 Commence initial stage 1 of project
Easter 2023 The old Sundorne school should be ready to go live and for decant Summer 2023 STEM block finished November 2023 Project complete
School Uniform
Plain white shirt with collar and buttons
Plain black school trousers or pleated skirt
Black (plain black leather or leather look)
Only one plain stud in each ear is permitted. No rings or bracelets are allowed.
Extreme hair styles including tram lines or unnatural colorus are not permitted hair length should be a minimum of a number 2 in length.
Make up Nail polish and make up is not permitted. Visible facial or body piercing including tongue piercings may not be worn unless as an aspect of a clearly identified religious faith.
Shrewsbury Academy Grey Sweater* Standard School Tie (grey and blue)*❑ Just as we expect high standards from our teaching staff, we also expect them of our students Our goal is to make them ready for the outside world and being prepared and organised is key to this.
❑ Students who are late (arriving after the main body of the class) should be marked as such on Arbor and a sanction issued for the time late. Our students respond well to structure and routine.
❑ Students who do not complete the required amount of work within a lesson should complete this within a detention It is ok to not understand but we expect them to try Also, students who continually push themselves and contribute positively to lessons should be rewarded. Building a culture in a classroom takes consistency and time
❑ Staff should encourage students to tidy up after themselves and treat our classrooms with respect
❑ Students need to have their planners in their hands at all times as they move around the site STUDENTS
At Shrewsbury Academy you will be rewarded a Grade 1 for:
Excellent achievement
Commitment to your studies
Excellent participation
Working hard in lessons
Excellent attitude to learning
Excellent punctuality
Rewards System
At the end of the academic year we will award:
GOLD Draw: 4 x £50 voucher SILVER Draw: 10 x £20 voucher
BRONZE DRAW: 20 x £10 vouchers
The road to success…….
100 Lesson Grade 1’s = PAL Award
When you achieve 100 lesson grade 1’s you will be rewarded with a certificate signed by your PAL/Head of Year which will be given in assembly
150 Lesson Grade 1’s = SLT Award
When you achieve 150 lesson grade 1’s you will be rewarded with a certificate signed by a member of SLT and be entered in to the Bronze draw at the end of term.
You will also receive an early lunch pass for that week
200 Lesson Grade 1’s = Head of School Award
When you achieve 200 lesson grade 1’s you will be rewarded with a certificate signed by Miss Johnson and will be invited to attend a celebratory breakfast.
You will also be entered in to the Silver draw at the end of term
50 Lesson Grade 1’s = Form Tutor Award
When you achieve 25 lesson grade 1’s you will be rewarded with a certificate signed by your form tutor
250 Lesson Grade 1’s = Governor award
When you achieve 250 lesson grade 1’s you will be rewarded with a letter of commendation and a certificate signed by our Chair of Governors Mr Ryan Jervis alongside a celebratory day at the end of term.
You will also be entered in to the Gold draw at the end of the year.
Add @shr.mmat.co.uk to all recipients
Senior Leadership Team
Julie Johnson (JJ)
Sarah Compton (SCO)
Head of School Julie.Johnson
PA to Head
Jim Taylor (JTA) Deputy Head
Angela Warrillier Grant (AGR) Assistant Head
Roxanne Hayes (RHA)
Michelle Marston (MMA)
Nick Parkin (NPA)
Laura Richmond (LRI)
Tony Bishop (TBI)
Directors of Progress
Dan Mee (DME)
Rebecca Evans (REV)
Carl Rogers (CRO)
Directors of Faculty
Assistant Head Roxanne.Hayes
Assistant Head Michelle.Marston
Operations Manager
SENDCo Laura.Richmond
Director of Behaviour & Attitudes Tony.Bishop
Head of Year 6/7 Daniel.Mee
Head of Year 8/9 Rebecca.Evans
Head of Year 10/11 Carl.Rogers
Claire Jackson (CJA) English Claire.Jackson
Ross Smith (RSM) Maths Ross.Smith
Adam Richards (ARI) Science Adam.Richards
Jo Jones (JJO) Humanities
Lucy Frederick (LFR)
Kris Dobson (KDO)
Maria Requejo (MRE)
Expressive Arts
Physical Education
Modern Foreign Languages Maria.Requejo
Jan Etches Everest (JEE) Technology
Luke Poganis (LPO)
IT Manager Luke.Poganis
Deputy Directors of Faculty
Martin Layton (MLA)
Vicky Moss (VMO) Science Victoria.Moss
Alex Miller (LMI)
Expressive Arts Alex.Miller
Nicky Higgins (NHI) Technology Nicola.Higgins
Cover and Attendance
Hayley Davis (HDA)
Amanda Luckett (ALU)
Safeguarding and Pastoral
Lucy Howells (LHO)
Rachel Powell (RPO)
Sally Boucher (SBO)
Lucy Perks (LPE)
Data and Exams
Mo James (MJA)
Julie Hemstock (JHE)
Access Leaders
Bridget Quinlan (BQU)
Sophie Downes (SDO)
Sarah Mazan (SMA)
Sharon Platt (SPL)
Site Team
Ben Edwards
Cover and Reception Hayley.Davis
Attendance officer Amanda.Luckett
Safeguarding Liaison Manager
Pastoral and Medical Lucy.Perks
Data Manager Maureen.James
Exams Officer Julie.Hemstock
KS4 Access Leader Bridget.Quinlan
KS4 Access Leader Sophie.Downes
KS3 Access Leader Sarah.Mazan
KS3 Access Leader
Site Manager Ben.Edwards
Inclusion and Extra Curricular
• Safe space for our LGBTQ+ community.
• Meet once a month in the dance studio.
• Safe space to get information, ask questions, meet other member of the school
• community, just be an ally, everybody is welcome!
• Run by Miss Frederick and Miss Powell.