Looking further
WITH AN OFFSHORE TERMINAL IN THE NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE NETHERLANDS, BOW TERMINAL IS EXCELLENTLY POSITIONED FOR EXISTING AND FUTURE OFFSHORE WINDFARMS. THIS YIELDS ample opportunities for the storage, handling, and shipment of turbine components. Apart from this, it can also offer storage and maintenance space for the operators’ offshore wind O&M. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF BOW TERMINAL, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.
4 8 | O S I 2 0 2 0 | Vo l u m e 1 3 | Issue 5
BOW.indd 48
BOW’s new terminal in Eemshaven (Groningen Seaports) is almost ready now and will soon be fully operational.
o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
01-10-20 17:58